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Wings Over Scotland

Unionist of the day

Posted on December 10, 2012 by

Just one plucked from a fine crop of halfwits on Tory MP and former minister John Redwood’s blog. A warm welcome, readers, for Mr Bert Young. (We’ve tidied up some of his formatting for him a bit – no spaces before punctuation marks, Professor – but the comment is otherwise presented unedited and in its entirety.)

“A part solution to the SNP’s position is to bring the N Sea oil ashore in England! Extending the pipe work and off-loading the ships South of the Border is a simple matter and would bring home the message to the SNP that Scotland simply cannot afford to be “independent”. The N Sea Oil is owned by International organisations and not by Scotland; its source is in British and International waters. The SNP ‘s case is completely demolished unless they explain how they are going to pay off Scotland’s rightful share of the National Debt and maintain the sort of life style they have been able to enjoy under the UK umbrella. I cannot believe that any rational thinking Scot would want to support Scotland withdrawing from the UK.”

Better together!

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Not a professor of international law, I assume?

Angus McLellan

I think you’ll be right Anne, but never forget that Britannia Waives the Rules.


Would be funnier if the British State had not already implemented part 1 of this cunning plan! link to


explain how they are going to pay off Scotland’s rightful share of the National Debt

“Share” being the operative word. RUK would still be responsible for all the REST of it (90%) but, without the oil revenue to subsidise it! 

David Smith

Let’s see them try it!
I’m truly sick of the arrogance of these people.

Training Day

I wonder who the ‘couple of learned Scots’ who told Redwood that Scottish nationalism is defined by a dislike of the English in general were?  Obviously it’s idle to speculate.
On a completely unrelated note, I wonder what Ming Campbell and Malcolm Rifkind are up to these days? 🙂

The contributors to Redwood’s blog seem to think we won’t have the guts to vote Yes.  I trust they will be spectacularly wrong. 


well if we keep seeing guff like this TD then the reality of them seeing an Independent Scotland is getting better and better every day. He wasn’t a Daily Mail reader by any chance? 😀


Mmmm Oil from the Norwegian sector of the North Sea has been piped ashore in England since the 70’s. When do we break the bad news to them? Sorry – all that oil wealth, not yours I’m afraid.


International Law now geography, is there nothing their ignorance doesn’t extend to?  I would make a quip about his parents  asking for the money back they spent on his education but it’s too easy. 🙂


This Bert Young guy’s got a great sense of humour. Errr, I presume he has. As for:

I cannot believe that any rational thinking Scot would want to support Scotland withdrawing from the UK

We don’t. We want to withdraw the UK from Scotland.

Dave McEwan Hill

We’d be well advised to start a “half-wit of the day” and a “half-wit of the week” competition leading up to a “half -wit of the month” award.

We can do this without insulting our own half-wits who may believe some of this stuff. Actually I have been railing about the half-wit factor in Scottish politics for some time but have been advised that such is non PC and not helpful. I am not convinced 


Thank you for the link to Spock’s blog. Great entertainment. It almost make Lord Foulks sound rational.


@AnneDon says:
“Not a professor of international law, I assume?”

Nor a professor of petroleum engineering…
Extending the pipe work and off-loading the ships South of the Border…The N Sea Oil is owned by International organisations and not by Scotland

Nor of geology/geography……….
its [oil] source is in British and International waters.

Nor of socio-economics…
“maintain the sort of life style they have been able to enjoy under the UK umbrella”

And it would seem not of psychology either…
I cannot believe that any rational thinking Scot would want to support Scotland withdrawing from the UK

General all-round half-wit by the looks of it. Needs to get out more, maybe read some books.

Pa Broon

Just an example of the default proprietry felt by a lot of old-school English boys. I’ve had many a discussion and they just can’t accept the notion of Scotland as a seperate country with distinctive politics and culture outwith and away from the bossom of the British Empire.

Nor can they accept the notion (from our point of view) of being governed by people who do not represent us, except (from their point of view,) ironically when the West Lothian Question rears its ugly head. Its fine for English MP’s of the dominant party for whom we did not vote – to vote on issues that affect Scotland, yet when Scottish MP’s vote on English issues (even although they’re English-only issues) they become quite exercised.

A fine example of being made to taste what you’re shoveling.


Rev. Stuart Campbell
He’s as much a Devolution expert as the Trump is an “expert on tourism”.


I cannot believe that any rational thinking Scot would want to support Scotland withdrawing from the UK.”

Incidentally, this is of course the primary problem for the pro-union campaign. They really just honestly don’t get it, the whole independence thing. You wonder why Lamont dumps left wing values and talks about a ‘something for nothing culture’, why Labour and the libs will stand shoulder to shoulder with the Tories, why they will put Scotland down at every turn… This seems nuts and sure to backfire? Well not if you really believe the above, and they do; they simply can’t get their heads around it. It’s a big part of the reason Scotland will leave the union in due course.


Sorry. Wrong thread.


I can guarantee that within a couple of generations we will be fighting each other after independence. It’s in our nature and we will not be able to avoid it. What a future to bestow on our children, on both sides of the border. Perhaps, that’s why Salmon has none.


The reason Alex Salmond has no children is that Mrs. Salmond was already over 40 when they married, and they didn’t get lucky with an “afterthought”.

Oh, and unlike some other politicians of note, he has never shown any signs of infidelity or a desire to trade in Moira for a newer model.

But don’t let that stop your conspiracy theorising.


Hello_War… what guarantee are you actually offering, and how will our descendants collect when it turns out you’re speaking pish?

Dal Riata

Looks like we’ve got another wee troll in our midst @Hello-War! Ach well, it’ll probably result in one of the three:

1) He/She gets bored being ignored or repudiated with every cretinous post he/she makes and eventually pisses off. Or:
2) He/ She gets ever more screechingly ridiculous, self-implodes, then pisses off. Or:
3) He/She becomes ever more abusive, offensive, etc. and gets barred!


We’ll see!

Barney Thomson

I notice that Hello_War wants his children to do the fighting for him.

Typical Unionist. 


I note the Irony of the article they chose to post in.


I doubt that if John Redwood had a opinion about a plate of spaghetti no-one outside of the Surrey Tory Party or the BBC, would GaF, ignore the fucker or point out what the unionists are capable of saying 😉



James Morton

The nonsense Redwood spouts is pure undiluted thatcherism. The man is an belligerent imbecile to boot. Mixed together it creates a noxious type of brainfart that could strip paint of the walls.
You clearly see here the simple fact that when it comes to Scotland, this Tory has swallowed his own parties bullshit as to why it is unpopular in Scotland. Therefore, the irony of his position is oblivious to him and anyone who agrees with him.
Pipe Scotlands oil into England. Here the cretinous fool is oblivious to the fact he openly calling for theft of Scotland resources but has not the wit to see it. He is also oblivious to the fact that the oil is in fact in private hands. Ho is going to pay for this oil to shipped south? who will pay for the facilities to built to handle it? The conservatives? Not likely.
Any rational scot facing this sort of open threat would I think in the end think the Union has had its day.
Ask for a positive message, they give you a history lesson with a rosey hued tint. Otherwise its one invented bogeyman after another. I question any Union that requires threats to keep it together.

Chas Milne

Just shows you that they are a worried bunch to come up with such clap-trap – maybe they’ll suggest the same for OUR whisky and water?


Hello-war is the same deluded infant who has a “Black Feather” facebook page with links and likes to some of the worst elements like EDL and SDL etc.
Totally devoid of any form of intellect!

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