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Wings Over Scotland

The world is an amazing place

Posted on March 15, 2011 by

We all remember this, right?

(Click the pic to watch on YouTube. We can’t have it embedded here because the repellent corporate nightsoil at Sony Music Entertainment have laid a copyright block on it and there STILL isn’t a remotely decent video plugin for WordPress. This is the original TV version, incidentally.)

It’s fantastic, of course. But on this occasion it’s not the truly awesome thing.

THIS is the truly awesome thing:

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0 to “The world is an amazing place”

  1. Matt Smith

    Hang on. So…Mike Reid did a cover version of perhaps the most joyously nonsensical song in the world ever, but modified the nonsense words into actual English, but compiled the English words into sentences that were still, in themselves, nonsensical? And it's Mike Reid who did this?
    You were right, this is outstandingly brilliant. And people think I Am The Walrus is avant-garde? Pah!

  2. RevStu

    That is an entirely accurate summary of the situation, yes.


  3. mingster

    Give it tough to the man it's causing your brain to girls.
    You've gone done and made us jaywalk.
    Poke something,

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