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Wings Over Scotland

The only explanation

Posted on January 07, 2017 by
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[…] Source: Wings Over Scotland The only explanation […]

The Isolator

Lol…just lol.Absolute genius.

Sharney Dubs

Nice one!! I chuckled!!

Bugger (Le Panda)

Great start to the day, what a chuckle.



Marie Clark

HA HA, that’s a belter Chris. Well done.


Why would Russia Hack Dippy Dug’s e-mails when she is totally devoid of solutions or answers and merely repeats
SNP Bad, SNP Bad, SNP Bad.

On a global scale Slab and the Fib Dems are the least likely
parties who would have anything of interest in their e-mails
or even their party political broadcasts.

Grouse Beater

Ha ha ha! The Russians did it. I enjoyed that one, Chris.

An excuse we can all use for anything, from bumping into somebody’s car to dropping jam on the carpet. Maybe Dugdale is a Russian plant to ensure SNP success.

During the Cold War bad spells of weather were blamed on Russians testing bombs, but no simmering hot summer was ever the fault of commie USSR.

Your weekend reading:
Two movie subjects for the price of one.

A Scottish composer: link to
Scorsese’s ‘Silence’ reviewed: link to


There wouldn’t be much to read, just the front pages of the Record, and Jackie’s scripts.


Oh no. That walloper over at Bella will be citing this as more proof of Russian hacking.


Deluded is what deluded does


Putin “Who ? Pass it onto our friends in the 77th”

Dorothy Devine

Ha! Ha! Perfect and just as feasible as the Obama outrage.

David Smith

Hahahahaha! Belter, Chris. @tartanfever, you nailed that one too, bro.He had one of his ‘episodes’ with me on Twitter the other week too. All, I got was an incoherent string of ‘OMG’ and similar when I I pushed him on a couple of points.
I think I’m blocked now! ?


Question is,how will they blame it on Nicola?

David Smith

@mealer; Humza It’s resign! ???


Funny. Mind you, try explaining “red tory” to Vlad.

So Vlad, they’re called the red tories, because they act like they own the greater English region of Scotland, they bullshit everyone they’re socialist peaceniks, but, once they get in, the rich get even richer, Scotland’s near bankrupted and there’s more war than ever before.

Also, BBC and Harry Potter vote Kez.


Ha ha. I’m sure Kez is high up on Putin’s list of priorities.

Dan Huil

Putin puttin’ it aboot.


Cracker Chris.

And Vladimir Vladimirivic replied in his finest St Petes accent;

‘Did she.Aye!’


Funny cartoon Chris.

I prefer to listen to the jungle drums , news is Kezia following in Darling’s footsteps,she’s planning on making a speech to ‘save the union’ at the tory party conf. Also plotting to make deals for the council elections in May. Best look out for lots of independents standing.

Sure Putin has all the details lol

Dr Jim

I’m old enough to remember when the Labour party both North and South visited Russia quite regularly
But they could get away with it easier in those days, no social media to tell anybody what was happening

Funny how things have changed now it’s sod the workers and God save the Empire and not a flat cap in sight
Although to be fair they’re still communicating by pigeon

Speaking of communication does anyone remember when they used to say, England and America two countries separated by a common language, I’ve noticed quite a lot lately they seem to understand each other very well now

It’s just us Scottish english speakers they have difficulty with, are we evolving? and others are, well, not


Brilliant as always Chris. Fairly brought a smile to my face first thing this morning.
Just one thing….. Do you really think that the Russians even know (or care) who the Branch Manager of the North British SLab office even is?


😀 Brilliant.



BBC allowing comments but an army of Britnats pressing the up and down arrows to swamp any answer from ” non Unionist”. Pity we could not see the source of these people as OO. In Norten Ireland would be the major source.

Liz Rannoch

Ha ha superb as usual Chris.

But can anybody let Kez know that the email about Labour folk re-starting ‘Labour for Indy’ is real!


Ha Ha Ha Brilliant.

Of course the Ruskies hacked KD’s emails. She is the biggest threat to Putin’s aspiration for global domination, the cunning one who is planning to save the UK and the free world. 🙂

ronnie anderson

Kezia must be Sick-le that the electorate keep Hammering socialist labour ha ha ( she doesn’t even know the meaning of the word ).


Putin was the only one who did not illegally interfere in the Scottish Independence Ref.

Cameron, Clegg and Milliband did. Yesterday’s men.

@ Nana’s links. The Hedge Funds who backed Brexit are losing £Billions.

The US surveillance complain about hacking.


Famous15 says:

… army of Britnats pressing the up and down arrows to swamp any answer from ” non Unionist”. Pity we could not see the source of these people

As heedtracker pointed out to me last night, they are probably angry Leavers from all across the UK who are fearful of anyone or anything which might derail, or even just moderate, their beloved Brexit.

That probably makes most of them EngNats who believe Scotland is part of their Greater England Empire and how dare we colonials challenge their superiority and entitlement.

Can we all just not be allowed to go our separate ways amicably? Sigh.


Brilliant Chrie 🙂

….Kez won’t get it!

ronnie anderson

Diz yees think Kezia;s ah fan of Lonny Donigan ( Putin on the Agony ) for younger readers lok up Wiki ha ha.


Had the radio on this morning briefly and heard Blair Jenkins talking about Indyref2 and them Mags came on and said “I am a little bit confused”…no change there I thought and turned the radio off.


Ken500 says:

7 January, 2017 at 10:23 am

Putin was the only one who did not illegally interfere in the Scottish Independence Ref.

And he was the only one who did not illegally bomb Syria either. Not joking.

Ian McCubbin

Love it even better than SNPbad now Russia bad again.


More SNP Baaaad on Shortbread anent the failed Health Service. There must be a whole division of civil servants answering Slab & Tory questions!

Dr Jim

Kerrching! And another millionaire top Tory donor businessman withdraws his financial support from Theresa May over Brexit, citing the need for a soft Brexit or Britains doomed I tell ye doomed, he says
And what are the Tory party without their donors? Lib Dems

Previous donation 1.2 million squidollions,



ronnie anderson: re Lonnie Donegan,

Does yer unionBum lose it’s flavour on the red post overnight.

Chris looking as good this year as last years did 🙂 Peace Always


galamcennalath says:
7 January, 2017 at 10:25 am
Famous15 says:

I think its much more visceral than that though, misogyny, Brit nationalism, post colonial thuggery, sneaky creepy media liars…

eg. its the fabulous liars o the Graun, again. Keeping in mind this is the voice of progressive liberal teamGBists out there.

link to

“Her repositioning also raises the question of what type of Brexit deal will satisfy Sturgeon and separately, Scotland’s voters, many of whom could reluctantly accept a far more powerful Scottish parliament within the UK.”



Right to reign over us happy and Labour.

link to

“We keep hearing about a “progressive alliance”. Well, bring it. Let’s see your offering. What are you bringing to the table other than attacks and bile? Oh, and by the way, the SNP are not progressive, so there’s that.”

This is just two right to reign over you UKOK snapshots from yesterday, or the day before yesterday, pending time zones.

Nearly went for snapshits there too:D

ronnie anderson

@ Smallaxe Nice one. Chris’s cartoons generate lots of puns.
Stay well Mr & Mrs Smallaxe.



Thank You, for your kind regards, Peace Always to you and Yours.


If Putin had hacked her e mails ,he might have been decent enough to put some sense into them prior to passing them on.

Great cartoon Chris.

Robert Peffers

@Dan Huil says: 7 January, 2017 at 9:39 am:

“Putin puttin’ it aboot”.

As my old English Dominie might have said, Dan.

Perhaps you are puttin’ Putin where you should be puttin’put.

I’ll get my coat!

ronnie anderson

@ Bob Mack fur feking sake the mans runnin ah country + involved in fight in Syria , he’s nae time tae dey ah re write on Kezia’s communications & wid he want tae Naw .


Get yer coat?

I thought you said goat!


Obviously, Nicola Sturgeon phoned up Vladimir Putin and asked him to hack into Kezia’s emails as a special favour to help break up the UK, which is a secret Moscow plot run by all the Reds under the Beds in Bute House.
(forgetting temporarily that Russia is nowadays a capitalist gangster infested oligarchy just like “the West” which offshores it’s stolen billions in London).

Glad to see Chris has a hotline to Moscow Central. MI6, I mean the KGB, will be releasing the emails shortly, serialised by Wikileaks. They all begin “Hi Hillary” or later “Hi Donald” and a few “Hi Theresas”. No “Hi Jeremys” though.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Chris great as ever.

2017 looking ripe for material for you already.

Robert Peffers

@Dr Jim says: 7 January, 2017 at 9:53 am:

“I’m old enough to remember when the Labour party both North and South visited Russia quite regularly”

I’m even older than that, Dr Jim.

” … But they could get away with it easier in those days, no social media to tell anybody what was happening”

Well! Not exactly. Dr Jim. There was always, “Speaker’s Corner”, in front of the Art Gallery at, “The fit o the Mound”, on Sundays. Far better news coverage there than Radio Shortie or the Daily Wrecker or, in Edinburgh, either the Dispatch or News.

Mind you the Scotsman was a World renowned, first class, broadsheet in those days and actually trustworthy.

” … Funny how things have changed now it’s sod the workers and God save the Empire”.

It always was so, Dr Jim, but the Westminster Establishment were much better at hiding it back then.

” … and not a flat cap in sight”.

True, but mibbies a Bowler hat or two.

” … Although to be fair they’re still communicating by pigeon”.

Would yon be, “Pigeon Post”, or perhaps in, “Pigeon English”, Dr Jim?

“Speaking of communication does anyone remember when they used to say, England and America two countries separated by a common language, I’ve noticed quite a lot lately they seem to understand each other very well now
It’s just us Scottish english speakers they have difficulty with, are we evolving? and others are, well, not.”

Nah! They have always well understood our Lowlands Scots very well indeed, Dr Jim. Next time you encounter such a claimant try this little ploy.

Bend down and pretend to pick something up, (being careful not to bend down while facing away from them, though).

Then, in your very best Scottish accent, say, “Oh look what I’ve found! Is this your £50 note I just found on the ground”?

Mind, though, to be ultra careful not to lose any fingers when they try to grab the imaginary £50 note from your hand.


@Ronnie Anderson,

Putin input put in to perspective. Perhaps if Putin had input, then what was put in the e mails was input that had a Putin perspective.

Must stop drinking coffee in the morning!!.


Haha, that’s a burn! Brilliant, Chris, you have Vlads face pretty good, because he isn’t so easy, not given to the amount of gurning as Trump.

Talking of red Tories, won’t be long now until we have chicken coup2, no sign of Corbyn for weeks, even Owen Jones tweeted it might be an idea for the Leader to be seen in public.

TV full of NHS ‘humanitarian crisis’, as characterised by Red Cross. However, Gavin Essler jumped to the gov’t defence, by opening an interview with one of those dreaded experts with –

“C’mon now, Syria is a humanitarian crisis, not our NHS’

So, stick that in yer pipe, southerners, you need to wait until it’s as bad as Syria. As you were, sitting outside a closed A & E.

David Smith

Aye, Valerie. Those nice White Helmet guys will be along to help soon… ?


A cracker Chris,
Sergi, Vat eees Kez-i-a Doog-dal?
I never herd of herr, is she tractor seller? send herr signed topless photo of me on horse.
Teek Tock.


I don’t get this one….I haven’t watched the news or read the papers and therefore I am out of the loop, I am just tired with all the crap that is going on in the world and the constant attacks on the SG on a daily basis that I’ve simply switched off.

If someone could be kind enough to archive whatever article it is all about as I also refuse to click on the MSN website to generate income for them.

Many thanks in advance

Robert Peffers

@Fred says: 7 January, 2017 at 11:01 am:

“More SNP Baaaad on Shortbread anent the failed Health Service. There must be a whole division of civil servants answering Slab & Tory questions!”

Aye! Fred. And then I went on line for, “The news where they are”, and what did I find?

‘Humanitarian Crisis, in NHS Hospitals’, is claimed by the British Red Cross”.

“Former EU Ambassador, Sir Ivan Rogers has resigned from the Civil Servicejust days after quitting as the UK’s Embassador to the EU. Sir Ivan quit both organisations, claiming, ‘The Westminster Government had, ‘muddled Thinking’. about Brexit”.

“Brexit Threat by Mayor Tory Party Donar. Sir Andrew Cook has given £1.2 Million to the Tory Party but now claims that the party’s Brexit hope to end single market access is, ‘Chronic and
dangerous’, and that at least one of his factories is, ‘almost entirely dependent’ upon the single market.”

“Lord Heseltine has been fined £5,000 for careless driving by knocking a cyclist off his bike while he, (Heseltine), was driving a Jaguar car’.”

“MPs urge swift review on Social Care in England before 2020”

“‘The UK will be unable to buy privileged access to the single market after it leaves the EU’, says Jonathan Faull, the top EU official who worked in Brussels, who retired last week.”

Now, there seems to be none of those dire news items featured by BBC Scotland. Do we really needs ask why?


Robert, you your back if bending down etc.

That reminds me of the quote..

‘..There’s a big difference between kneeling down and bending over..’

Efficiently used as Andy Murray’s defence, perhaps?

Robert Peffers

@ronnie anderson says: 7 January, 2017 at 11:13 am:

” … Chris’s cartoons generate lots of puns.”

The thing about Chris’s cartoons, Ronnie, is that the they do not just exhibit Chris’s outstanding artwork but also his true genius. A genius that stems from an acute perception of the Scottish political scene and awareness of what these Scottish political events really mean in practice.


@David Smith

Only if there are a number of cameras about. These guys don’t waste their time if there isn’t, hence their Netflix debut.


Re the NHS ENGLAND story..

I feel sorry for their elderly folk.

Note, not a whisper of
(Scotland’s successful)
Integrated Social Care,
or more accurately,
THE LACK OF IT in England,
thus far in the media ‘reports’
or the recent ‘politics’.

Share responsibility and budgets
with existing (local authority)
service providers.

SIMPLE, so long as a ‘share’ doesn’t
go into private pockets. If times are
hard, why should people make profit
from old people’s basic needs.

The (self inflicted) problem
in England, is that TOO MANY
council services and health

The commercial contracts and
‘partnerships’ DONT ALLOW CHANGE.

So now, in England, everyone’s
hands are tied, restrained by
their job descriptions.

Logic is bypassed on the road to ruin.

Robert Peffers

@louis.b.argyll says: 7 January, 2017 at 1:21 pm:

“‘..There’s a big difference between kneeling down and bending over..’
Efficiently used as Andy Murray’s defence, perhaps?”

I did first wonder if that little aside of mine would be picked up by other commenters.

Then I decided most had as good a sense of Scottish humour as I have. I had worked far too long among Englanders who were never quite sure of when I was having them on or not.

This, sense of humour thing, is just another trait not generally shared between the two British Kingdoms. Furthermore, we Scots are adept at laughing at ourselves. Most Englanders tend to think it humorous to laugh and belittle others but get very insulted and upset if others laugh at them.

Chick McGregor

Ha ha!

Emails? Putin would need a live ticker-tape to keep up with Kezia’s changes of mind.

Meanwhile our other Volte Farce exponent extraordinaire, Ruth Davidson, is dismayed to hear her chanmces of appearing on Strictly have all but been scuppered by the choice of Len’s replacement.

link to

Andy smith

Nicola-nikolai, it all becomes clear now !!


Re; Craig@1.06pm

Same here Craig, just guessing and reading between the lines, which is not too hard when it comes to Dugdale. I agree with you, sick of all the crap in the world casued by the nastiest of (so called) humans, and the SNP bad from those who supposedly have Scotland’s interests at heart, when in fact the opposite is true.

Some of the comments today are brill though! Very witty, keeps me laughing, cos if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry, as the old saying goes!



I’m hearing there is an ‘online flashmob’ against fracking tomorrow, Sunday 8th January 8PM under the hashtag ‘BanFracking 2017’. Reckon the ‘social reach’ could be 3 million supporters. If it’s hashtag’s it’s twitter obvs, so all ye twittery fowk please join this flashmob tomorrow at 8pm and let others know about it. I can find nothing about it with a quick google, but ma ‘source’ is usually very up on these things 🙂


@ K1

From today’s National:

…Professor Peter Strachan, from Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, one of Scotland’s highest-profile academics, prepared to launch a social media thunderclap – an online “flash” mob – against fracking. It’s happening at 8pm tomorrow under the hashtag #BanFracking 2017 and Strachan said the social reach so far was nearing three million supporters.

I’m not sure that adds much to what you posted, except to show that it has been publicized and to name the instigator.


Good stuff crazycat, hadn’t read it! . 😉

Chris Cairns

I would just like to state for the record that @Robert Peffers is not one of my aliases.


Just an excuse, Chris.
Rab P has many talents, maybees he can scrawl too.
Make jokes about “lang spoons” and I will believe you.

Luigi says: at 10:45 am

“And he was the only one who did not illegally bomb Syria either. Not joking.”

And now he’s legally thrashed those heroic AQ rebels, & put NATO esp Turkey in their place, the jobs a good ‘un.
Time to re-position. That carrier battle-group aren’t hanging about.
The ‘Admiral_Kuznetsov incident’ trips too nicely off the tongue, like words that were meant to go together, but id rather never hear!

Stu Mac

@Robert Peffers says:
7 January, 2017 at 1:59 pm

Wow. I really am reminded of the famous line, “Oh wad some power the giftie gie us, to see oursels as ithers see us”

You’ve just people as having a humour that does down other nations – by doing down another nation.

Stu Mac

“you’ve just done down people”. No edit feature.


Why does everybody pick on Kez? (Rhetorical question)

That’s got a nasty twist to it Chris, qui s’excuse s’accuse if you’ll pardon my french. But sock it to her anyway!

Anybody else note how, like Obama aging under the pressure of being POTUS, Ruth and Kez’s faces are showing signs of becoming the harridans they are?


Brilliant cartoon, Chris. One of your best. Reminds me we are now in the year of the 100th anniversary of The Russian Revolution. Does the Yes movement have anything to learn from the triumphs, disasters and politics of that period? Yes, absolutely. I am really hoping that some of the contributors to the Yes2 Conference next week-end are able to understand the significance of the historical context and appreciate the similarities and differences. Just sorry I can’t be there myself.

Iain More

Stop it my ribs hurt enough already!

David Patrick



David Patrick says:
20 January, 2017 at 3:05 am

Smallaxe says: Passed, well done!
peace Always

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