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Wings Over Scotland

The Curran Prophecy

Posted on June 06, 2013 by

ANDREW NEIL, 5-6-2013: Would you keep child benefit for better-off taxpayers?

MARGARET CURRAN: Well, what we are saying, and Ed will make his own speech tomorrow, and I don’t have foresight of that… What we are saying is when you get into government, and when we come in in 2015, we won’t be able to do all that we wanted to do… Will child benefit for the wealthiest people be our top priority? I’m not sure about that.

ED MILIBAND, 6-6-2013: When it comes to the decisions of the next Labour government it won’t be our biggest priority to overturn the decisions this government has made on taking child benefit away from families earning over £50,000 a year.

We must admit, for someone who hasn’t seen the speech it’s a heck of a guess. Does anyone want to ask Ms Curran if she’s got a score forecast for Croatia vs Scotland?

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Perhaps the cohesion of the thought and relatively unscathed syntax is more of a clue than the substance of the comment.


Of course she wont have seen the whole speech. It was written by a series of commissions debating each idea and then sewn together at the last moment. Sort of like designing a horse in committee. And what a jockey! Definitely worth the odds.


After a Yes vote next year maybe Mystic Magrit could be employed to predict the numbers in an independent Scotland’s Lotto. 


2-1 to Scotland is my prediction. Croatia were better off together. Why did they break up a union of almost a century, and their team of 1990 was great.

G. Campbell

“Does anyone want to ask Ms Curran if she’s got a score forecast for Croatia vs Scotland?”

Foreigners 3 – 0 North Brits *

* my forecast, actually, but done in a Mags stylee


Just dont ask her about Denis Healey ????????????

Jim Mitchell

Davy says:, Ah but then Davy it’s fore-site that seems to be her strong suit, not hind-site! but then Labour don’t like looking back as they might be reminded of what they were actually founded for!


There’s a scarier possibility Rev … Ed Miliband is getting his ideas from Mags.


 ‘Sort of like designing a horse in committee.’
Aye. People like Curran, Lamont, Miliband, Darling etc were designed by committee – whatever individuality or creativity they once possessed has been sandblasted away by decades of being instructed what to think and say, how to talk, walk, dress, respond to every possible question etc etc.
They don’t ‘believe’ anything more than a barrelled dog ‘believes’ it’s improving its lot by barking at anyone who may rattle the protruding stick.


Good one @crisiscult
Having being overexercised in the media, our St Maggie was sent to Donside this evening, tweeting pics of the sky in Aberdeen. 
God bless this gift to the Vote Yes campaign.

Red squirrel

Speech must have been written by Dada engine – randomly generated and meaningless. Actually that would probably be an improvement.


The BritNats are the dirtiest bunch of liars and self-serving cheats I’ve ever seen and they are utter rubbish at lying to boot.
Why don’t our fellow Scots see it?


Why don’t our fellow Scots see it?
They do. They’ve just given up on politicians in general and don’t imagine that they’d be any better in independent Scotland. Or they simply have a tribal allegiance and trust that Labour knows best what’s needed, without really bothering themselves with details. The biggest obstacle to a Yes vote is not the farcical scaremongering of BT, it’s the carefully crafted apathy and cynicism of the electorate.

Bobby Mckail

I think the most important fact of today is that all of Scotland now knows that Labour are just Tory’s in red. It was always going to happen that they had to out Tory the Tories on welfare, it was just a matter of the timing. Though I think Johann Lamont was seriously deluding herself if she thought she’d get away with kicking her cuts commission into the long grass until after the referendum, that was overly pessimistic.
Now Johann will not be able to get away with “We want to have an honest debate” anymore. She has already stated that welfare should not be devolved, but 70%+ want welfare transferred to Holyrood.
This kind of thing is going to feature more and more over the coming months and the obfuscation tactics used will start to crumble all around Labour and their Tory Better Together bedfellows!


Who is Tychy?
Does s/he have extra powers?
Some kind of SuperTroll?
(Whoever ye are? ye write well – nice cadence…pal.)

Adrian B

Who is Tychy?
I think it is Tobias Smollett, he called the rev a brown shirt and wrote this on the heavy nudge thread :
“If you don’t like people disagreeing with your narrow censorious arbitrary counter-productive philosophy regarding songs sung at the football, don’t post such blatantly anti-freedom of speech articles.”
Hmmmm – the article went straight over someones head and he saw it as something it wasn’t. He wasn’t the only one that made that mistake as you may remember. He can write well, his comments were always well written.


Why don’t our fellow Scots see it?
Because they’re watching the BBC?

Adrian B

Its all kicking off again in Glasgow Labour :
link to
“George Redmond’s been sacked for disloyalty. When he got the SPT job he was told it would require him to be supportive of the leader. Instead, he’s been briefing against him, trying to undermine him. Even the dogs in the street knew he was wanting a challenge to Gordon.”

john king

Jiggsbro says:
7 June, 2013 at 12:36 am

“Why don’t our fellow Scots see it?”
Could not agree more, the no campaigns only weapon is to create such confusion and apathy in the electorate as to put them off the referendum all together, however, if there were to be a low turnout (god forbid) I think we all know who would win don’t we?
I’m not sure they’ve thought that game plan through enough, but as the man says
don’t interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake  

john king

Unless you live on a beach, or are independently wealthy, there’s no ideal place to be unemployed. Compounding wounded egos and self-confidence, unemployment benefits represent a fraction of a worker’s previous salary and leave those without jobs short on bills, mortgage payments and living expenses.
But in some countries that fraction is bigger than others.
Laid-off Danes who have worked 52 weeks over the previous three years are eligible to receive 90% of their average earnings for up to four years

Unemployed job seekers in Norway and Finland are almost as well off. In Norway the unemployed receive 87.6% of their previous salaries for 500 days and in Finland they receive 85.1% of their previous salaries for one year.
And in Sweden, Israel, Japan and Germany, the unemployed can claim benefits worth between 66% and 90% of their last salaries.

When we delve into the OECD’s Social Expenditure database we can see that the UK is ranked significantly below many other European nations in terms of the money it spends on welfare, including France, Germany and Italy.
Britain, something for nothing eh?


…which is why I am frequently gobsmacked by the hard of thinking who claim various Johnny Foreigners are going to uproot their entire families and flit to Blighty with the sole purpose of living the life of Riley off our “generous benefits system”! Let’s face it, if you were going to go to all the trouble of moving somewhere to live off welfare wouldn’t you choose somewhere where the pay scale made it worth your while?


It isnt the power of Prophecy…Maggie has clearly taken a wee sly peek into the Directive Letter that true Labour KingPin Johann told her to pass on to wee General Ed in London

gerry parker

Strange thing the media, especially the BBC.
This blog yesterday had a lot of comments, none of them very kind to Whitehall.  Today they are all gone…..
link to


Political wing of the British terrorist paramilitary group the Ulster Volunteer Force is to join the pro-union campaign.

link to

Ulster unionists in Scots poll protest

THE political party affiliated with loyalist paramilitary group the Ulster Volunteer Force is to visit Scotland as part of its opposition to the independence referendum.

UVF, UKIP, BNP, EDL, Orange Order…

john king

Unelected TORY PEER  lord Strathclyde describes a democratically elected government policy of independence “poison”
“Thursday’s Scottish Daily Mail reported: “The battle against the ‘poison’ of Scottish nationalism reached London yesterday with the launch of a new campaign aimed at convincing English-based Scots to join the fight to save the UK. At yesterday’s launch, Lord Strathclyde branded First Minister’s independence dream as ‘poison’ …” 
humbug anyone? 
this from a man for whom noone has ever put an x in a box to elect him, thinks the stated will of a substantial (and growing) proportion of the Scottish electorate
is poison, 
just who the hell does he think he is? and what future for his ilk in an independent Scotland?

Robert Kerr

Read this and weep !
link to
Then back to the Good Fight !

les calthorps

LORD STRATHCLYDE—-just following in the footsteps of his grandfather who was a proper b——d, he, the grandfather, could not raise the funds to buy out one of his tenants so he commenced a course of intimidation and harassment on the said tenant, resulting, when he was exposed, in his having to resign as Under Secretary of State For Scotland. His Westminster friends kept his nose in the trough by shortly thereafter appointing him chairman of a large Scottish quango. 

les calthorps

I should have mentioned that the exposure of Lord Strathclyde took place in the Court of Session in Edinburgh making his subsequent appointment a blatant kick in the teeth to all Scots, we of course have suffered many such slights from our lords and masters since that time.

Ron Maclean

I wonder what he had to do to become Peer of the Year twice.

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