Some fine-tuning required
[Tristan: this is my first draft. Give it a once-over, there’s a chap. DC.]
People of England, Wales and Northern Ireland!
Scotland! Stop pulling that face. This is about you, but it’s not for you. Daddy’s speaking to the other children now. Don’t interrupt. Why? Because it’s rude. Look, I don’t care if that IS what Evan Davis does on the Today programme. Evan is a big boy, so he knows when he needs to step in to stop you embarrassing yourself.
Sorry, everyone, I’m afraid Scotland is a bit tired and crabby this morning. Must have had a little too much Irn Bru last night. [Pause here for laughter.] Anyway, we have lots to talk about, so let’s ignore their high-pitched whining and get on.
Look around you at this magnificent Olympic Park. Isn’t it a splendid example of what we can achieve as a united British people? It doesn’t matter where on these islands you were born, or whether you can afford the outrageous train fares to get here. You still had the honour of paying through your taxes for these splendid facilities, which the people of London and its burgeoning tourist industry will enjoy for decades to come.
That’s why the warmth of our gratitude, which is a thousand times more valuable than money, will always be radiating outwards from the M25 to wherever it is you people live. But as well as gratitude, there’s glory, with the memory of our Team GB competitors kicking the arse of the world, really sticking it to those bastards in the G20 who said we were just a titchy offshore island with delusions of grandeur.
But it’s not simply about the winning; it’s about the red, white and blue. Blue is in my blood, so can you imagine how it would feel to have that drained out of our flag? The French would never let me hear the end of it, Obama’s flunkies would simply put the phone down instead of putting me on hold, and Vladimir would taunt me about the flag going pink in the wash.
Think of our connections with each other. The UK is an intricate trap- er, tapestry. Look at me: I have West Highland Cameron ancestors, but I’m also the 5th cousin of the Queen. The name Cameron may mean “crooked nose”, but my forebears had good enough spin doctors to fix that. They coined the family motto “Let Us Unite”, a useful rallying cry in 1707 when the overwhelming mandate of the privileged brought Scotland into England’s embrace.
We can’t unpick institutions and infrastructure that have grown up together. Can you imagine how Scottish supermarkets would suffer if lorries had to queue for hours at border posts we’d erected for no discernible reason? What about the chaos if Scotland had a different legal system? Or a different tax regime? I don’t know how the Europeans manage, not that that will matter a jot after 2017.
Our prosperity, which from personal experience I can tell you is very real, even though invisible in your own daily lives, depends on sticking together. We have a long term economic plan for Britain to be innovating, creating and shovelling the proceeds down our banker pals’ throats until the sun goes nova. Without access to Scottish resources, George and I could find ourselves getting boiled in oil – the irony! – at the next Bilderberg conference.
Our armed forces? Finest in the world, though Philip Hammond is working on that. Our shipyards? Thanks for taking one for the team there, Portsmouth. But it’s not just about national vanity, although obviously that’s mostly it.
We’re also the soft-power super-power, a crucible of creativity that produced Emeli Sande, whose CDs the people of Kazakhstan would chuck on a massive bonfire if they discovered she was Scottish and not North British. And what about Sherlock, whom Conan Doyle would have been too poor and stupid to create if the country had just stopped at Hadrian’s Wall? [Is that where the border really is, Tristan? Can someone check before the speech?]
Then there’s the BBC, whose reputation for fairness and impartiality goes without saying. More and more frequently, as it happens. But Aung San Suu Kyi was a fan, so that’s the moral high ground secured against annoying questions. [Tristan, can we leave out the part about her bopping along to the DLT Show?]
This is a country where, if we see someone who’s sick, or has lost their job, we don’t just walk on by. We kick them in the nuts, get them evicted from their home and say it’s all their fault. Let’s keep speaking out for these values together, filling the gaps with “la la la” if we must, to shut out any dissenting voices pointing out the immense moral vacuum at their heart.
We are the pride and hope for the world. Think of the British ships, named after different parts of the UK, sailing to the Falklands to protect the then-popular principle of self-determination. Think of how, in 1964, Nelson Mandela, even though he was at that time a terrorist, delivered a moving speech in court about his respect for British institutions such as Parliament.
Can you imagine? Unlike the Jocks, he had no place to air his grievances! Whereas we gave the SNP at least 10 minutes yesterday to make themselves heard above the heckling, and some unelected peers as long as they liked recently to explain why the very idea of independence was pants.
My favourite book when I was growing up was Our Island Story, which may be sub-titled A Child’s History of England, but also contains several compelling paragraphs about the provinces. I want to give it to my three children so that they, too, can pee their pants with laughter about the gigantic con we’re… I’m sorry, I’ll read that again. Britain is our family home, which we built brick by brick through brave buccaneering belligerent blustering brash brawny brilliance. I couldn’t bear to see it torn apart, and to prevent that I’ll fight with everything I have, except my debating skills.
So let the message ring out, from Manchester to Motherwell [Tristan, is that where we shut down those steelworks?], from Pembrokeshire to Perth [shooting and fishing country, we’re on firm ground there], from Belfast to [crap, can’t think of anything! Will they notice if I just say Brigadoon? Oh, wait a minute, there’s an earl of…of…where is it?] BUTE, from us to the people of Scotland: we want you to stay! Please please please! Don’t go breaking our hearts!
Alternatively, let us have all the oil, then you can bugger off.
Par excellence.
Well I was feeling good about it all when I went down to the local pub in Fife . Full of NO,s . We are too wee , don’t make anything , oils running out and AGREED with Cameron , I tried to tell them everything , appeal to them , but they were all no! we couldn’t manage on our own . However I did get some of them to look at Wings ,Newsnet and Bella and they promised to read them .
How do you turn that kind of opinion round , I feel really dispirited . That’s FIFERS for you !
last sentence had a strange ring of truth about it.Funny that.
Our prosperity which from a personal experience I can tell you is very real,even though its invisible in your daily lives. What a brilliantly satirical but deeply perceptive truth.
Excellent piece Willie, David Cameron doesn’t give ATOS about Scots or Scotland.
laughed out loud.Remember the oil is a burden.
Excellent! I must stop laughing today or as they say there will be tears before bedtime! @Flower of Scotland what can I say I was born in Calderbank even they question the monkey now.
Flower of Scotland.
I hear the same thing daily, I try to get them to see through the BS from the MSM news, then leave them with links to Wing’s and the other sites you mentioned, I have had a few successes.
O/T,I was at the GLO Centre in Motherwell tonight and it was packed, there must have been over 400 people attended and the vast majority were Yes, Frank Roy car crash basically, Blair Jenkings mentioned Wings and others and got a large applause so looks like plenty of wingers were there, Onwards and Upwards people
@Flower of Scotland
When I go to my local pub everybody is a Yes.
Good to hear about the support for Yes. Blair is very good,no shouting or insulting. Just states the facts in a nice manner.
@Flower of Scotland, don’t give up. Why not print off a couple of pages from Wings and take them with you next time. Might have more impact on them than just taking the word of some bloke in the pub (you). There’s more chance they’ll pop in here for a look if you show them something.
There’s a terrifying article in the reference section called The No Future, under the heading 40 reasons to vote Yes. That alone should be enough to get them thinking.
With thanks to Mr G. Galloway
Your Excellency, Mr Prime Minister: I reject you, in the name of the many thousands of people in Scotland who stood against the tide and opposed the cuts and austerity aimed against Scotland and who continue to oppose the future of Scots by undemocratic means, which is to strangle the life out of the great people of Scotland.
I reject you, too, in the name of the English people, amongst whom I’ve just spent two weeks in the the home of my extended family. I can honestly tell you that there was not a single person to whom I told I was coming to England and hoping to meet with them who did not wish me to convey their heartfelt, fraternal greetings and support of Independence.
And this was true, especially in the local pubs around Coventry and Birmingham city centres and on the streets of the towns and villages in the decimated lands.
I thought the Prime Minister would appreciate knowing that even today, three years after the SNP victory, I still met families who were calling their newborn sons Tam; and that two weeks ago, when I was trapped inside Mansion House, which is the Capatalist headquarters in the City of London, with 5,000 bankers outside demonstrating, pledging to tear down the Scottish flag from the flagpole, the hundreds of Tong [youths] inside the compound were chanting that they wish to be with a chib in London to avenge the eyes of the Tong.
And the Youth Club in Easterhouse, which is the one of the most resistant of all the schemes in Scotland, asked me to ask the First Minister’s permission if they could enrol him as an honorary member of their club and to present him with this flag from Easterhouse.
I wish to say, sir, that I believe that we are turning the tide in the UK, that the scale of the humanitarian disaster which has been imposed upon the Scottish people is now becoming more and more widely known and accepted.
Almost all Scots and members of parliament opposed the war, but this does not include the invisible section of the Conservative Party who will never move in that direction, and Sir Edward Heath is failing as an advocate inside the Conservative Party.
It is my belief that we must convey the very clear picture that 1979 has to be the year of the ending of the democracy against Scotland. Otherwise, famine and all the awful consequences, including acts of despair by Tories, will be the result; and this is the message we must convey to civilized opinion in Europe.
Sir, I advise you of our courage, our strength, our indefatigability, and I want you to know that we are against you, hatta al-nasr, hatta al-nasr, hatta al-Quds [until victory, until victory, until Jerusalem].
@Flower of Scotland The “Aye Right” leaflet (downloadable for your own printing) is very good for this sort of encounter.
A lot of Yes supporters in the Brown Bull pub in Lochwinnoch.
I recommend a visit. They make excellent meals too. And the staff are friendly.
O/T Newsnicht in Glasgow Pub looking for some love for the Brits, and they are surprised that we sound like two different countries, but they managed to find a naysayer who thought we were tptstw
The treaty of the unioins is between two countries. when WE DECIDE by a majority WE decide have had enough, we walk aWay. being an hourable nation we will honour our part in debts ect. otherwise we walk away empty handed. that is what is bothering england. wesminister call them what you will). that is the facts of life. they can walk away when they want. do it now we are scrongers we are too fucking stupid to look after oursevlves. englshman go and sit high some where and watch. how progressive how forward looking we can be, minus westminster. Not even in your pathetic sope. Owards and upward scotland
Dave, I am a Cameron.
I have visited my ancestors grave at Culloden.
You are a ("Quizmaster" - Ed).
The less said about Fife the better.
fairliered My Granny was a Joyce from Mayo, how dare you accuse Cameron of being related to me!!!
Oh sorry, I was nearly as confused as George Robertson
Thoroughly enjoyed that. Thanks William.
@Thepnr –
It’s like he’s in the room.
Here’s a George Galloway moustache…
…but please don’t ask me how I made it. It’s a secret.
Rev, you need to bring back the edit function so we can stop making an arse of our self. I meant to say in previous post “How dare you accuse me of being related to Cameron”
It’s been a good few days.
More to come…? He didn’t sound like a man confident of victory. I think they know something and are fully aware it’s about to break!
Watched the BBC news trailer for their new “information” to answer all those questions – looked like a unionist gathering and sounded like the negative fear campaign is stepping up another gear.
Hilarious. And go Calderbank nats from a now Mid Calder nat
@jingly jangly –
One of my grannies was a Murphy (nee Rodgers) from Mayo. Therefore, we are probably related.
‘May the road rise to meet you…’ etc.
I went out after work… had a good night, except for a Polish freind not unddrstanding and being obviously brainwashed by the likes of the BBC and MSM. Not his fault I must say… just general ignorance. But taxi driver on way home gave me an ‘End London Rule’ sticker. Thankyou to that man. Gives me hope.
Hey my missus is a Murphy, We might be related
clootie: more to come?
News from Strasbourg perhaps, on how an iScotland would be fast-tracked into the EU?
I had a pal who was a Murphy. I don’t think we’re related at all.
That was a wonderfully judged piece of political satire.
We must talk…
Good article on ‘currency union agreement’ after YES.
link to
I’m frae Fife, still looking for the missing electoral register fae Glenrothes.
Its funny that David Cameron tried playing his Scottish roots card, stating he was proud of being a Cameron, quoting the current (or new) clan motto ‘Aonaibh Ri Chéile (Let Us Unite). What David Cameron doesn’t appear to be aware of is that the Clan Cameron fought against the English and were supporting Robert the Bruce at Bannockburn
They later were jacobites fighting King George and the London Government and ended up loosing lands following the defeat at Culloden
@Ian Brotherhood and @ jingly jangly, there’s a theme for a party starting here; my partner’s granny was also from Mayo. The old photos will be out next.
Anyway, it is so dreadfully heartening to be on the receiving end of DC’s lovebomb, genuine, heartfelt, nothing sinister,money-grabbing or feart about it, just good old Imperial truth British-style, warms the very cockles.
O/T Don’t know if this has been flagged in earlier posts, that many these days its hard to keep up. Anyway is this the same John Mcclaren who has previously told us ad nauseum that we are twtpts!!!
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Ian Brotherhood, Belmullet, visited once about a dozen pubs in a village of about 1000, braw….
Edward, wasn’t it Cameron swords that were found engraved “For Charlie and No Union”?
Morag, I would like one of those swords. My non interwebby thingy name is Charlie!
So in conclusion, I want you all to link arms, Barrowman style, no checking who’s wearing boxers and join me in an uplifting, unifying and above Scottish loving rendition of and 1 2 3
“Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves, England never never will be slaves” Vote Tory!
“Land of hope and glory……”
Well a lot of people have probably worked out by my name that I am a Cameron.
Fuck you Dave! Even our lairds didn’t bow to Westminster rule. You sully a proud Scottish name.
Can’t do that, Heedtracker. For the Last Night of the Proms, we were firmly drilled and rehearsed that it was “Britannia, rule the waves!” (Also, “Britons never never never will be slaves!”)
Not that it mattered when the Prommers were singing. There were more of them than there were of us. And one “s” sound goes a long way.
The Hadrians wall idea is embarrassing, I mean who the heck is gonna get on a train if they can afford it, or a bus if they cant and stand in the middle of nowhere in such huge numbers? Where will they all stay? tThe road to Hadrians wall is hilly, bumpy and hazardous, will the car parks be free? The train goes nowhere near…I would love to be a fly on the wall…ha ha! Sorry that just came to me.
A guy I work with was laughing at that this afternoon. So they’re all going to go and stand on the wall and wave to the Northumbrians? Er why?
@Morag and others.
I dont know if the Cameron swords were engraved differently but most Jacobite swords and dirks that I have seen were inscribed “Prosperity for Scotland and No Union” which seems very apt.
I have also had the privilege of handling (very gently) what is left of a sword that belonged to Rob Roy McGregor
I like the McGregor clan motto “Despite Them”
And it is supposed to be torchlit. Mid July gets dark around half ten, eleven-ish. Aye good luck with that one!
TMITJ, I may be misremembering, don’t quote me.
@jingly jangly –
FFS, now it is officially weird. How many folk can be generated from such a tiny place?
My Mum’s folk were from somewhere nearby, coastal, but much smaller. Can’t remember the name, but it was really just a clutch of cottages. Belmullet was their ‘Glasgow’.
Hi Morag, thanks and you’re right it is Britons! I’ve never heard it sung other than England never never will be etc plus I’ve never heard it sung by the Scots.
I`m a bit of an anorak / Jacobite. Spent too much time with our mutual friend M.C.
When Britain fiiiiirst at England’s command,
HT, I was in the choir for the Last Night of the Proms every year for about 10 years. They made us sing it right. Rehearsals and everything.
Rule, Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves!
Britons never never never will be slaves!
Absolute waste of time when everybody else in the Albert Hall is singing “rules” and “shall”.
Somewhere, there is a video of me not singing it, and giving a cameraman an absolutely filthy look, the last time I did that concert. I think I got more jaded every year. At first it was all nice and friendly and bring-your-own-flag, but the whole thing got very jingoistic when Proms in the Park started, and I joined the SNP, half way through my tenure.
A bit weird when as Branch Secretary we were scheduling committee meetings discussing Conference agenda round my rehearsals for the Last Night of the Proms!
When Britain first, at Heavn’s command….
The words are all on Wikipedia, I just checked. It’s about King Alfred, but it was written after the 1707 union and the word “England” doesn’t appear in it at all.
@ call me dave.
Nice article that one, but did you noticed the line below the head?
Boris Johnson
Lib Dems
Mehdi’s Morning Memo
The Huffy got it clear which side of the toast has the jam/
PS Who the…is Mehdi?
Well, what a day. It strikes me that there was a shifting in the political tectonic plates today.
Cameron has demonstrated to many that the Better Together campaign is devoid of any cogent arguments for the union. His speech was shallow and lacking in any substance. There was desperation in his cry for the people of the UK to love-bomb us to stay in the union. He didn’t even have the courage to come up to Scotland to deliver his brit-rant. He hasn’t got the bottle to debate with Salmond face to face. The man is a typical bully, a coward at heart.
Salmond had an excellent day. He came across as confident and in full control. He blew every snippety English interviewer out of the water. No wonder Cameron hasn’t the courage for a face-to-face debate.
I am optimistic that we are winning and that we will win with a significant majority. It may even turn in to a tsunami for Yes on the day. That doesn’t mean we should be complacent. We all need to get out and do our bit right up to the line.
Lastly, when it comes to commitment and effort I would like to say a HUGE thanks to the (very) Rev. Stuart Campbell for his indefatigability (and it’s not often you can use that word in its truest sense!). Total respect Stu
Couldnt resist ‘contacting’ rhat twat after the horribleness of that speech. So here it is. I pay his wages, I demand an answer.
Dear PM
If you are not prepared to debate like a civilised human then I invite you to 1of 2 options:
1. Square Go – meaning have the balls to actually front up to Eck (dont fancy your chances after that piss poor olympic stadium nuremburg rally recreation)
2. Fuck off out of it. It’s none of your business.
I await your (not expected as you are a disingenuous lying twat) response.
A believer in democracy and the power of honest debate
sorry for the bad language i was tipsy. had a good night.
realisticly, when the negotiaions start,give us a fair deal or we walk away.then there will be love bombs you cant even imagine. that will be the truth.they are totally @@@@@@@ without us
be reasonable and we will have our country back with honour
Last August I went to a summer school for Early Music in Durham. One of the things we had to do in the solo singing class was sing “a song by Henry Purcell”. The only thing I could think of was Fairest Isle, so I learned it but I hated it. The copy of the music I had was my mother’s, and I noticed she had taken a pen and scribbled out the actual title everywhere it appeared in the book – it was entitled “Ode to Britain”. Did I mention that my Mum was a big indie supporter from way back?
There’s just something about the way the Elizabethan composer appropriates the entire island that’s annoying. In the end I chucked it and quickly learned How Blest are Shepherds instead. That has the advantage of being quite risque as well.
With respect to the cost of infrastructure built for the 2012 Olympics my recollection is Scotland got stiffed on the Barrnet consequentials to the tune of 130 million quid, is that correct?
So Cameron gives a speech about how we are loved in a stadium, a large chunk of which was paid for by Scottish tax payers who receive no benefit from it. Really rubbing our nose in it.
This wasn’t a speech, it was a two-finger salute to the sweaty socks. The subliminal messaging is: Eat yer fried Mars Bars, STFU, and get the frak out.
Brilliantly done Wullie.
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@Flower of Scotland
Refer them to Business for Scotland and their economic reports that are never mentioned on or MSM.
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OR link to
The unionists don’t want to resolve currency uncertainty but
Scotsman keeps on about it. link to
Vincent McDee
Hi Vincent: Don’t know but try this.
link to
Wake up, Britain – before it’s too late!
Don’t others get a feeling it’s all a sci-fi B movie?
Another turgid editorial in the Guardian exhorts us to wake up before Scotland gets the edge. Bloody disgraceful paper. Congratulates itself for supporting Snowdon and his revelations but cannot get its neo-liberal head around genuine, clean democracy for Scotland.
EU and currency union announcements imminent….no wonder he is shitting it
Really, we’ve already had the currency announcement. Twice. The “England will guarantee the debt” thing was the first time, and Mark Carney’s speech was the second time.
Can it be that “what I tell you three times is true”?
@ Morag that’s really interesting. You certainly taught me something:-)
They’re spinning it like crazy, but it’s done and dusted. That’s why Ladbrokes came out with that 100/1 on bet. Which in itself has all the hallmarks of a political statement, and I’m still trying to get my head round why they would do that.
And does anyone seriously imagine the EU advice is going to be anything other than fast-track negotiations from September 2014 to ensure a seamless transition to full membership in our own right by March 2016? I mean, seriously?
I quite like the way this is going. I mean, Scottish Skier is quite, quite mad, but maybe only north-north-west.
Cochrane in the Telegraph fumbling to get a coherent article together to support Dave and as usual opts to abuse Salmond instead.
I imagine him as angry and hopping about on one foot after stubbing his toe on the White Paper. What an amateur!
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chalks says at 12:37 am;
“EU and currency union announcements imminent….no wonder he is shitting it”
Perhaps that is why he is looking so haunted in the above pic. Can already see the ghost of Great Britain, and his political career? I’d like to think so.
Cameron’s speech?..word association…sad..desperate…crass.
Please, if anyone can tell me what’s happening with the group photo about 3.55 – would be very grateful.
Looks like Ali D has jumped, gutted and filleted the shark in the Guardian.
Sad man on a tantrum.
You may be on a winner there with the EU opinion. If (and it’s a big if) opinion of the Whitehall lawyers is Scotland will be able to sign up asap to EU then excrement hits fan.
Of course Carney may have been on the phone and said the jig is up on refusing common currency 1/100 on at bookies.
Better retreat and call off Darling and McDougall.
Both would be excellent ‘best of both worlds’
Ian Brotherhood
My neighbours thank you.
Why such a big If? I mean, what else are they going to say? Anything else would be idiocy on stilts. This is the same union than nodded East Germany in without breaking step.
The McGregor Clan Motto is
‘S Rioghal Mo Dhream
Which means ‘Royal is my race’ (more literally ‘It is Royal my blood’)
‘Despite them’ was Rob Roy’s motto which he had put on his grave.
FWIW I prefer the latter
Can’t resist. Another one for Better Together / Project Fear, just to send them off to bed.
BERNIE MOORE – Heartbreak
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P.S. Sorry for the rude bits.
Balcony looked like Thatcher and Mayor (possibly London)
Flags England / Union Jacks. Reagan feeding Thatcher (puppet of America) So looked up wiki and here is some stuff.
Thatcher tapes reference. Some nasty stories at that time.
All water under the bridge now.
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Ok small ‘IF’ and I have referred to E Germany sneaking in under the wire on other threads.
Anyhoo! something has happened this week and I don’t know what.
Cameron’s speech just prompted me to fire off another donation to Yes Scotland.
I remember last year the SNP claimed their membership numbers increased substantially after another Cameron speech. I’m hoping there’s another wee upsurge in donations to Yes and/or SNP following what Salmond cleverly called the Mount Olympics speech.
Oops! A straw in the wind maybe. Perhaps the market has spoken and it’s all about to come to a head.
Currency uncertainty must be settled ‘before’ the vote.
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Darling in the Guardian, getting a bit rattled again
“The leader of the no campaign also accuses the SNP of being quite ruthless about exploiting the bureaucracy of the Scottish government to advance the Yes cause. He cites a Visit Scotland TV advert, officially aimed at promoting tourism to the country yet shown heavily inside Scotland. It ends with the slogan, “You too can say yes – I was there.”
What, does he want to put a patent on the word “Yes”?
He adds, “It’s unhealthy that they’re able to control so much of Scottish life and they’re getting away with it basically”.
Er… they’re the democratically elected Scottish government.
And no hint of irony at the lies and propaganda dished out by the BBC on a daily basis.
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The No Campaign must be in a bit of a dilemma at the moment. Darling: Should he stay or should he go? Cameron: Should we ask him just to shut up?
From call me dave’s link;
“Bank of England chief Mark Carney warned last week in a speech in Edinburgh that Scotland would have to cede “some sovereignty” over tax and spend in a monetary union.”
What sovereignty do we have know, whilst in the Union? Cuts both ways doesn’t it? Or does Scott MacNab think iScotland’s settlement will not include representation within the BoE?
It’s our ball if we don’t, IMO.
Taking you in to the wee small hours with kool vibrations and subliminal messages. See if you can spot them before the grown-ups do, children.
No not the naughty bit.
The Piltdown Men – Night Surfin’
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Nick Robinson, still not over his white paper debacle, and not the sharpest tool in the box denies Sir Chris Hoy took part in the 2012 Olympics at about 1.34
Sorry here is the link of Robbo’s shame.
link to 1.34
Yes,you may have to cede SOME sovereignty, but it would be ours to cede. Thing is,it will be a negotiation and the thing about having sovereignty that the media commentaries seem to miss, is that you are in some control, and retain the ability to take it back without the say so of another country.
It will be Scotlands’ choice to cede/not to cede/take back sovereignty.It will be our choice this time.
Yes, that’s right – Aung San Suu Kyi would never have survived those decades of house arrest if she hadn’t had that highlight of her week – listening to the ‘Reel Blend’ with Robbie Shepherd, waiting to find out what her name meant in Doric
Fresh blow to Salmond says Gardham in The Herald. trumpeting THE most authoritave report on the economics of independence. What does that make the fiscal commission and white paper then?
Let’s spin another kool disc to shake away the cobwebs, especially for all those stating the morning shift at Project Fear HQ.
The Phantom 5 – Graveyard
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Morgus & the Daringers – Morgus Creep
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Just because Better Together like to look backwards instead of forwards. This should really get the heart pumping.
The Dave Clark Five – No Stopping
link to
And the Western Press pisses on the Winter Olimpic,s, why
because a Snowflake did,nt transform into a Olimpic ring,
its all Putin,s fault, That White Eliphant in London,you
know the place where Cameron gave his sermon to the Scot,s
is Cameron,s Sochi,What,s the total cost,s Lord COE,how much profit has it made,what private company own,s what ,how much did they pay the Taxpayer.
@CameronB,6.07,One for Big Davy, All the Piece,s, Bit,s &
piece,s,dey ye want the second verse,
I’m not sure if I know that one Ronnie.
@Ronnie Anderson.
You mean the London Olympics where Cameron had to bus in the troops to fill the empty seats.
Good job in the Chicago newspaper btw.
Noticed the Herald is going with in an all out attack on Independence today, getting right behind Cameron.
Gardham was at pains to explain the NIESR is the most “authoritative” body.
Most of my comments on there, especially Gardham’s articles, are not allowed and if they are, they’re allowed several hours after my posting.
Make no mistake this rag is the enemy of Independence and it’s showing its biased more and more by the day, or should I say by the drop in support for no?
@Cameron B you,ve kicked ma day of,Amen Corner, Long John Baldy, it can only get better.
@Alexicon ,Did that G4S ever pay that £54million back,for
breach of contract.
I hope there,s plenty Yes paper,s, being handed out at
Murryfield today,give the English supporter,s something
to take back homeward to think on,is it to much to hope
for a Scottish WIN.
@ Alexicon
It made me sad to bin my online subscription to The Herald, but hey, I am not in the business of purchasing rotten mince.
Gardham will be the death of a once proud and authoritative paper.
Apparently these guys are a firm favorite with the PM.
The Satelliters – Lost In Time
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Flower of Scotland
Organise a wee night or a lunch down the pub, even if just a handful show up, and get folk to watch a video of someone like Robin McAlpine talking about Commonweal. You’ll find one on youtube.
Get them to talk about it afterwards before they go home.
Once a handful of people begin to think, they talk with others and curiosity spreads.
Ian Brotherhood
Yup, the Joyces were south of Belmullet, on the coast.
Went to find them one time, but that rural and couldn’t not find the actual house. We were driving about on a motorbike and got hailed by a local, are you looking for the Joyces he asked, we said yes, and he says come in, Ill tell you all about them, turns out that there was folk over from New York looking for another branch of Joyces and the jungle telegraph had crossed wires..
Ive got an address somewhere but even with that we could not find the house..
The Herald can stay on the newsstand unsold. I only read it for the Ian Bell comment anyway.
It appears Boothman of Pacific quay has come up with a strategy to avoid accusations of bias.
A couple of weeks ago, GMS on saturday morning did carry an interview with the author of the UWS bias report.
This morning Bill and Isabel did a report on the FT story.
Both items were out of date by about a week. Due respect to the presenters it is not their fault that they head a GMS with a greatly reduced early saturday audience.
However, Boothman may claim that the items were covered even if his latest hero Gary Robertson chose to ignore them.
That last sentence…I’ve always thought that once the oil was gone they’d initiate their own referendum for English Indy and say the reason is to get away from us scrounging jocks
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Hey!, I’m a Fifer. We’re not all that bad. There is a hotbed of Yes support out there.
I do however agree with a few things said, but, many of it’s citizens, particularly from the close knit mining communities of which I come from are deeply rooted in the Labour camp and it will take a heck of a lot to change their minds, especially the older ones.