Scotland’s Valentine
Posted on
February 16, 2014 by
Chris Cairns
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Brilliant. LOL.
A picture says more than a thousand words…a cartoon does even better.
Chris …you’re being too kind here.
I don’t remember Georgie boy smiling once at us when he tol …errr …threatened us with the non-sharing of our beloved currency.
Good morning all
Still having problems with the site
In the proud tradition of satirical cartoons you stand as one of the best Chris, alongside Greg Moody your biting satire is a powerful weapon in the yes campaigns armoury, more power to you.
Go on Hamish, bite his erse.
Well, George wanted to shift the polls and he did it.
Yougov England & Wales, 14 Feb.
If Scotland votes to become an independent country, it would then need to negotiate independence arrangements with the rest of the United Kingdom before becoming independent in 2016. If Scotland did become independent, would you support or oppose an independent Scotland continuing to use the pound as their currency?
23% support
58% oppose
We bit of a contrast to that panelbase in December which had 71% NET support for Scotland using the £ huh.
I wonder what he’s done to Y/N polls in Scotland…
Great cartoon, another masterpiece may I say.
O/T a bit.
This is the alleged person who is meant to have made the comment that “A Yes vote will not mean Yes”.
It is Baroness Jay of Paddington Chairman of the UK Constitutional Committee.
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Wasn’t it meant to be a coalition source, not Labour?
This is a statement from Baroness Jay’s Committee:-
The House of Lords Constitution Committee has today launched a new inquiry into the possible constitutional implications for the rest of the UK in the event of a “yes” vote in the Scottish independence referendum.
The Committee is inviting written evidence to be received by 28 February.
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Morning all – although we’re still having probs with site it has not stopped us getting our voice out there and exposing the lies.
Tin cans and string at the ready
To mix metaphors, water off a duck’s back to Hamish.
Off topic: Jose Barroso telling Scotland via Andrew mart that EU citizens residing in Scotland will have to reapply as a new state, basically he gave no leeway although Marr could have asked him how we would fail to still be EU citizens whilst we queued up to er, rejoin.
Terrific stuff, Chris.
Talking about merchandising opportunities lost. When is a soft toy maker going to work with Chris on producing Hamish?
He is so tactile and cuddly. Hamish that is, although Chris may well be as well.
Barroso encouraged by Andrew Marr says independent Scotland almost impossible to join EU.
Typical BBC, lost the currency argument now try this one.
As Rocky Balboa once said. Wub-oo.
Another nice addition Chris.
Cameron, Osborne and Balls and their poodle Darling have made a monumental mistake in this referendum campaign by trying to insult the intelligence of the people of Scotland and for that they will be punished at the ballot box by Scots at every opportunity from now on including the referendum which is now even more certain of being YES. Due to their folly these politicians and their political parties are now finished as a political force in Scotland.
Mr. Barroso, What do you suggest will happen to all the ex pat Scots who live and work in continental Europe?
The question they never ask Barosso is how does the EU cancel Scotland’s membership? What happens the day after Independence Day?
Presumably there would need to be transitional arrangements to disengage. These could take a considerable time to achieve while simultaneously Scotland withdraws its net contribution to the EU finances and negotiates a new relationship with the EU.
My guess is that the last thing the EU states want to do is get bogged down in re opening the budget so they will simply say to Scotland and rUK. You know the UK share of EU budget and institutions. Split your share between you.
Funny! We vote to end this political union because it makes sense and we vote to keep this monetary union because it makes sense. And England says no way to both and stop bullying us or as the great Peter Hitchens says from the open sewer that is the Daily Mail
“One ray of hope in the UK’s demise
You might think (and I do) that the Tories secretly want Scotland to secede, cynically imagining that – by removing Scots MPs from Westminster – they will save themselves from otherwise certain defeat in the Election of May 2015.
I wonder if this plan will work? I hope not. I think the shock of actual Scottish independence will be huge when it comes. And I think the government that loses Scotland will not be readily forgiven.
People will be amazed at how quickly our world standing will sink. The departure of Scotland will alert the whole planet to how much we have in fact declined in the past 50 years.
You would be amazed how many people abroad still think we are the well-educated, well-governed, economically successful civilisation we were five decades ago. A border at Berwick, and the compulsory redesign of our national flag and our Royal Standard, will make them look again, and see what we have now become.
I think this will lead to some pretty radical changes in England. One of them might be that English people will at last grasp the true extent of the Tory Party’s treachery and incompetence. That would be one good outcome.”
Even funnier.
For those of us at pains to find out what the EU actually means – I am a great fan of the ‘Frankly’ blog link to – in which I regularly take refuge.
An Independence advocate and a blog which consistently gives a measured view from the EU perspective. Scroll down four blogs to 1st Feb “Article 48” where the case for Scotland’s EU inclusion and the suspect words of Mr Barosso are dealt with.
I wish I could find the article that described the alleged worst excesses of the EU being the fault of the Westminster’s cack-handed attempt to implement rather than the actual EU regulations themselves.
Perhaps Stuart might consider the inclusion of ‘Frankly’ on his politics list? Apologies for not being slick on the citing technique.
Sunday Times reports that Ian Newton, a former Labour election agent for the Better Together leader Alistair Darling during the 1980s, says the intervention has led him to join the Yes campaign in what Salmond claims is a common response.
Also that Better Together admit that Osborne’s intervention will increase support for the pro Scotland Yes group.
And that Alex Ferguson faces a loss of one million pounds after a tax dodge that has backfired after being challenged by HMRC.
Which clause will Scotland use to join the EU 48 or 49? Oh and while we are at it what cause will be used to eject Scotland and all its EU citizens from the EU? Not hard all they have to do is ask.
OT. Anyone else smell a rat with Barrusos comments on the Marr show? The following Politics Show covering this as their main topic.
Just watched Barroso come out wae that.
I am very mildly pro E.U , but that man allowing himself to get involved knowing full well how it will be used against Scotland makes me sick.
Do you want to be on the telly? Do you want a regular top up of your annual income?
If so simply contact the BBC with a story regarding Scotland being too stupid, poor or wee to have independence OR alternatively an article highlighting some organisation it cannot join post independence.
Any story submitted does not have to be original or your own work.
If you encounter any difficulty presenting your version don’t be concerned as we have trained personnel to guide and lead you through your presentation to the correct finding (we know what you intended to say). Do not be alarmed if these assistants are introduced as interviewers as this is a legacy title from many years ago.
@Seasick Dave:
Brilliant! Another coffee soaked keyboard, but well worth it! LOL!
Readers! I haven’t a clue what this “posting random words” thing is all about, but take it to Quarantine.
O/T In the Sunday times a report that labour’s Ian Newton a former election agent of Alistiair Darling has said Osborne’s intervention has led him to join the YES campaign.
That should raise an eyebrow or two.
Having failed with their currency stunt we know that Cameron has put Barosso up to this and has no doubt lined up the interview with the BBC.
I think all Yessers should write to Mr Barosso and request chapter and verse on his line; how can we be expelled as members and under which legal provision?
What Barroso said isn’t particularly surprising. Whatever mechanism we use, one way or another it will have to be approved by every EU state. All major decisions have to be unanimous. So the question isn’t so much about the legal mechanism, it’s about the political acceptance of other states. The ECJ isn’t going to intervene as there’s nothing to go on in the Treaty Framework to cover this situation.
On that count you can’t second guess what governments will do. You could argue it’s in their interest to accept a smooth transition, you can mention fishing rights, but it’s an open debate and can be swayed by entirely irrational arguments at the domestic level. I know RevStu will no doubt have a lengthy post up by the end of the day in which he argues that none of this makes any difference, it’s all scaremongering, and when push comes to shove everything will fall into place perfectly, but in the real world it’s a genuine issue and it’s at least part of the discussion.
“but in the real world it’s a genuine issue and it’s at least part of the discussion.”
If you accept that tedious scaremongering is part of the discussion, yes.
An mibbee a wee pickl’t ingin on the side…
It’s a contender for the great Scottish bake aff!
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Subsumation ay the nayshun
Too much detail here I know but I just did a rather big poo and I cant quite work out if it looks more like Osbornes speech or Mr Barosso’s contribution from this morning…
ps anyone who suggests that I should have taken a picture is just wrong, so wrong on so many levels…
@Linda’s back
Having failed with their currency stunt we know that Cameron has put Barosso up to this and has no doubt lined up the interview with the BBC.
Exactly, the Osborne announcement backfired dramatically so now they’re trying something else. Another co-ordinated attack by BT and the BBC. This is an absolutely disgraceful intervention by Borroso, he had the cheek to say afterwards that he didn’t want to interfere.
Correction, ‘Any story submitted does not have to be original or your own work’, or true.
The Marr, Barroso, and then The Neil comments were an other BBC setup, nothing else and plain to see. All said in a “o’ it’s bad for Independence”, which was of course their whole purpose.
Barroso is a weasel, I am not interfering, BUT!We know what Marr and Neil are.
The best way out of ALL this shite, is to Accept UK when it says no Pound, and say well we tried to help.
Use a currency board, which experts say is best, seamless and easy to do, with no disruption to the money in peoples pockets. Stuff the EU membership, apply to EFTA as Norway has done. During all this accept no part of UK debt, as they have now rejected our offer to help
Och, it’s just gunnae be a repeat o aw the ither repeats fae now on in.
Be as weel g’wa n paper the lobby til votin day.
BBC politics show has just said Salmond “was forced to adopt a calm and measured response” over the currency debate. But no mention of Kirsty Wark’s venom.
Beans on toast.
Regarding Barroso
Can we get a clip of him stating that Scotland needs to apply as I will post that on Facebook and put it to my Portuguese in laws that they should expect to run out of fish and have all their fisherman out of a job
That I expect will go down rather well
Mr. Barroso’s has said he does not want to intervene in the democratic vote taking place in Scotland.
In order to prove this he has intervened with what appeared to be a personal opinion on Scotland being forced out of the EU and highly unlikely it would ever get back in!
Is there no separation of the legislature and judiciary in the EU?
Why do they need so many admin people in the EU when one man can make such statements about the lives of 5.3 million people?
Well this is fun.
Darling gets the last word on Politics Show but he refuses to debate with a SNP or YES representative.
Brillo has a big petted lip after John Swinney put him in his place and explained the facts to him which apparently blew the vim out of his assertion that barosso was denying Scotland continued membership of the EU.
The EBC is in overdrive trying to push their and Westminster propaganda against poor wee SCOTLAND. Any mouthpiece any lies and shit will do just so long as it is anti Scottish, preferably with a few treacherous money grabbing PROUD PSUDO MIDDLE CLASS SCOTS trying to stick the knife in.
heedtracker says:
So your idea then is just to bend over and keep being abused. Rather than secure our own way.You keep your ideas and your negatives.
I will remain positive and undoubtedly happy to vote YES and make our own way. Threats no longer work here.
I see the BBC playing up Barroso’s comments big time
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Readers! I haven’t a clue what this “posting random words” thing is all about, but take it to Quarantine.
It seems posting something – anything – is needed to see new comments. Refreshing doesn’t work a lot of the time.
I’m certainly having that problem (chrome on win7).
“It seems posting something – anything – is needed to see new comments. Refreshing doesn’t work a lot of the time.”
Fine. Then I’ll delete them when I see them, their purpose presumably having been achieved.
Normal refreshing WON’T work, because the site is cached – it always has been, for a few minutes. Only Ctrl-F5 has a chance, and even that’s not guaranteed. It seems the recent temporary security measures may have confused some browsers’ own caches. We’re still working on it, and there should be a longer-term solution within a few days.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many Project Fear twitterers out to play on a Sunday morning. As usual, very few who aren’t on the Better together payroll.
Even the official @UK_Together account tweeting on a Sunday? Have they received a kick up the backside from Taylor et al? I can imagine the bollocking: “I got better value for money from Arkan!”
One could almost get the impression they were fire-fighting after their ‘advice’ was ignored and two Tory eejits (Osborne & Balls) made a cack-handed intervention in the debate:
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I suppose it’s a measure of how low the Empire has come down in the world. In 1919 they sent tanks, in 2014 an Old Etonian who scuttled away in a Taxi.
Coming back to my post about the currency poll on Yougov and how it shows an apparent sudden reversal of support for an iScotland using £…
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Taking it at face value, to me it says ‘rUK electorate rallying behind UK government stance’. This would be expected in such a situation.
Of course the same should apply in Scotland. Scots electorate rally behind Scottish government, which is of course promoting a Yes…
Nice one Chris . I was just thinking that your cartoons are probably seen by more people than if they were published in the MSM!
Tomato soup
The guilty person today is Andrew Marr. He willingly allowed Barroso to spout questionable nonsense without asking him the obvious questions. Hew could have asked
“When did Scotland become a new country?”
“Surely Scotland and England will be both in the same position after Scottish independence?”
“But surely Scotland remains a part of UK until negotiations are completed and therefore remains in the EU?”
” Scotland has been in the EU for forty years. By what mechanism is it thrown out?”
” Which countries exactly do you believe will try to throw Scotand out?”
” What position do you personally occupy in the EU?”
” Do you want Spanish boats kept out of Scottish fishing waters, Mr Barroso?”
Let’s get our enemies sorted out. They are not London politicians or foreign visitors. We don’t expect them to support Scottish positions or priorities.
Our enemies are Scottish politicians and Scottish members of the media working for their London Tory friends against us.
As I have said before our position on this issue should be widened out to accommodate
“In the EU like Denmark or out the EU like Norway we are comfortably confident that Scotland is more than able to look after itself.”
Excellent news. Can we safely say the horses are too smart to be scared?
I know the BBC are notorious for the amount of repeats she now shows but this is getting ridiculous.
We have saw the Barroso EU story repeated, more times than the ‘Only Fools and Horses Christmas special’ from 1987 FFS!!!
Excellent news. Can we safely say the horses are too smart to be scared?
If Scottish humans as a group behave largely the same as all other human groups do in the face of a perceived common threat, then aye.
Also, our shy Yesers are likely to be much less bashful now. I mean if the other side ain’t being polite…
Barosso’ s next big important announcement:
O F***
Please no a broadcast a in Spain please! Please!
Nae need fur that pal and it does us no favours using that kind of language.
@ Dave McEwan Hill
Marr and his ilk are predictable if anything. We should expect no less.
What i don`t understand is Barroso`s position allowing himself to be used in this way.
What does he gain?
What has he got against Scotland`s independance or is it a case of more scared of upsetting westminster , many of whose denizens hate him anyway???
Most other officials/politicians refuse to get drawn.
A fellow Yes campaigner posed the question that as we Scots having been EU members for some 40 years being destined to be no longer members following a vote for independence would be a denial of our human rights. Would a nation, currently in compliance with EU membership criteria, voting for independence be a transgression of EU rules?
So consider the prospect of several million Scots individually submitting a human rights complaint to the EU? That would sure clog up proceedings, and may just concentrate the minds of Señor Barroso’s colleagues of administration prospects drear, as he tries so sincerely and clumsily, to be helpful to the NO campaign.
Re Barroso.
A pre-planned set-up concocted by the British Government and the BBC so transparent in its lack of subtlety that it would make the Three Stooges blush.
With apologies to Moe, Curly and Larry.
I suspect we’ll be forced to go to the back of the queue of those being forced into joining the Euro and Schengen.
Or maybe that’s ‘forced to the back of the queue of those being forced to the back of the queue’?
Och I don’t know. Something like that anyway.
@velofella – that’s a great idea.
Is there a form to fill in for that?
Also what does Barrossa get out of it – well I imagine he has to plan for a ‘job’ after his EU jstint and no doubt has been promised one by our WM chums.
Picking up from the previous thread about the armed forces getting a vote and Broon’s letter – does anyone have any more info on that?
Barroso has just repeated what the said a couple of months ago and it is no more accurate now than it was then.
Barroso holds no formal position in the EU and is in no position to articulate any EU opinion or even to speculate what it might be.
We have to identify exactly who our real enemies are.
These are the media and in particular the BBC and those Scottish politicians and journalists and commentators who are working for the UK against Scotland.
We cannot expect unbiased or even equitable treatment from the representatives who will seek advantage for their own administrations. That’s politics.
The guilty person this morning was the expatriate Scot Andrew Marr who allowed Barroso to spout nonsense which Marr knows to be unsubstantiated assertion, as hundreds of us shouted at the screen
“Why don’t you ask him
“When did Scotland become a new country?”
” Scotland has been in the EU for forty years. What mechanism is there to throw it out?”
” Won’t Scotland and England both be in exactly the same position of having to negotiate the terms of their changed memberships after Scottish independence?”
” Which countries do you know which will want to throw Scotland out?”
“What actual position do you hold in the EU that allows to you to talk for it?”
” Do you want Spanish boats removed from Scottish fishing waters?”
” Do you think the Scottish people don’t know that you have a problem with Catalonia and that you are the representative of a government determined to refuse the Catalonians their democratic rights as enshrined in the UN Charter?”
and a lot more.
With all these cock-ups, one after another it seems, turning into a deluge of lies, spin, misinformation, distortion, BBC-itis and everything else but the kitchen sink being tossed at us the voters – we Scots, living and working in Scotland only mind – one could be led to thinking that the establishment is getting a tad panicky!
Now the hooha caused by dumpling Osbourn’s – …’as chancellor I would not approve of currency union…’ meaning absolutely zilch and now with the BBC’s inspired Barrosso feeble re-statement about the EU, etc., all it’s doing is actually poisoning the well of goodwill that nobody can now drink from.
In my opinion – Alex should tell them to keep their UK pound union and their UK acquired debt, we want nothing more to do with them, they’ve dishonored the Edinburgh Agreement at the first opportunity and cannot be trusted on anything.
And Baroness Jay is the daughter of James Callaghan. We remember what his government did about the ’79 referendum don’t we?
Barroso’s term of office ends in September and he will have no part in any future discussions/ideas/influence beyond that date.
@Training Day says:
Couldn’t agree more, now they have Darling Alistair on running of at the mouth kidding on he stays in Edinburgh and knows what the Scots think. He really looks haunted, which is a common trait in these better together heed bummers. EBC has crossed the rubicon, and there is no way back.
I think Andrew Neil is having second thoughts about kicking YES side to hard, don’t know why.
Theirs two regions in Spain that want independance from Spain,Catalania and Baske regions dont know how to spell them right,but they are the best two producing areas of Spain so yet again its all about the monies.
Well, let’s go with the flow shall we?
Meanwhile, Chris Cairns continues to lift my spirits with every new cartoon. After the revolution, when The Scotsman is controlled by better people, I hope to see his work published on newsprint on a daily basis.
Baroness Jay.
Would that be James Callaghan’s daughter?
Damn JGedd, beat me to it.
Baroness Jay? Her comments can be summarised this way:
“I’m an unelected legislator-for-life. I owe my position of wealth, privilege and idle luxury to nothing more than being the daughter of an undistinguished Prime Minister.”
“Yet I still believe that I can over-rule the democratic will of the Scots nation.”
I think that I’m a tolerant and peaceful man but this makes me very angry. Very angry indeed.
Nice Chris.
Always like to start the week with a smile.
ref. Baroness Jay,it must be her genes that causes her to think in such a manner. Her Dad, jolly Uncle Jim Callaghan did hide the extent of North Sea hydrocarbon resources from us. But then so did the mild natured,pipe smoking Tony Benn as Industry Wallah.All for the greater good of…themselves.
Two phrases,I picked up from the locals during my Middle East and Far East work experiences come to mind;
On my word as an Englishman; and, trust me, I’m an Englishman.
And the one recently quoted here: better to have the English as an enemy as they will try to buy you. As a friend they will try to sell you.
Is Baroness Jay’s comments in retaliation for the SNP’s part in her father’s downfall in 1979?
Well done Chris, another brilliant cartoon. I hope you get these published after September.
To keep with the flow, todays random word is: pineapple
@Papadocx says:
Barosso’ s next big important announcement:
And please nobody from Scotland book a Spanish holiday this year.
Unless it’s to Catalonia or the Basque Country.
Just sayin’ …
No Portuguese holidays either this year.
ITV running the Barrosso Lie again.
Calgacus MacAndrews – Still will be visiting the inlaws in Portugal but will be pressing home the point that they are being miss-lead by London and Barrosso is making an arse of himself, which will probably find sympathy as they also think he is an arse anyway
Derek Bateman has added a blog
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