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Wings Over Scotland

Quoted for reference

Posted on June 19, 2013 by
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matos 21

And so say all of us


You have the referendum poster and quote right there.


We’ll have a mountain to climb after independence, and I don’t know if it’s a climbable mountain.  Nobody has ever climbed it before, it’s an unconquered summit: could we achieve a community governed by its members? 


I’ve actually just finished watching the programme and was struck by Alex’s statement my immediate thought being; Aye, but the mistakes will be OUR MISTAKES and not visited on us by a right wing government in westminster.

matos 21

I disagree with you sorry Many have climbed the mountain in fact there is a well worn path to the top We will have more safety harnesses than most and those at the back will be willing to give the decrepits  like myself a wee push should we need it 

Dorothy Devine

There are plenty of countries who have “climbed the mountain” and none appear to wish to re -entangle themselves with  Westminster and the Empire!
We are not uniquely incapable.


We can correct/ improve on our mistakes, but we are helpless under the mistakes of others, especially others who have deliberately lied, cheated and deceived us.


That does basically sum it up, doesn’t it? 🙂


‘…could we achieve a community governed by its members?’ 
That’s a known unknown.
A known known is that our prospects will be greatly improved if the Tories, their Lib-Dem/New-Lab clones and their string-pullers in the City of London/Wall Street keep their fucking faces out of it.


“We’ll have a mountain to climb after independence, and I don’t know if it’s a climbable mountain”
No mountain is not climable. Some are very tough but those who climb them so so because it’s well worth the effort. Most things worth having are.

Auld Reekie

Absolutely true, of course, and neither he nor anyone else has pretended otherwise. But watch out for the negative Unionist spin: ‘Salmond finally acknowledges the problems an independent Scotland would face.’

Peter Mirtitsch

I have to say I liked the program. I forget who it was who said that with the FM, you might dislike him personally, and disagree with his politics, but it has to be said that he is a damn good politician. This sentiment is echoed across the political spectrum.

That said, it is not hard to see where this impression comes from. His words, although carefully chosen, make total sense. Independence WILL be difficult in some ways. It WILL cause upset and upheaval, and mistakes WILL be made, BUT, (and this is such a big but that even Sir Mix A Lot likes it), as others have pointed out, it will be OUR mistakes and OUR solutions. <Starts thumping chest with a tear in his eye>

Will it cost money? No doubt, but even David Cameron, Alistair Darling and assorted others in the know agree that it is affordable, and they are against the whole idea. Even if it cost a few hundred pounds per person, many feel it is well worth it. (I do)

Will we have a “better” society, with more opportunities? Dunno. NOBODY does, but the entire idea ENABLES us to FIND OUT. Is THAT in itself not the START of such a better society?

Will it make our families foreigners? For many, yes. Is that a problem for you? Given around 206 states in the world, I am a foreigner in 205 of them, by dint of birth. If you want to go into ethnicity, I am a foreigner in EVERY country on the planet, AND all of my family are foreigners to me too, even though I have family in a LOT of countries. It makes them neither closer or further away from me, other than physical distance. If I want to see my Mum, I still have to jump in the car and drag myself through three counties if I go to work first. I feel as close to every one of them as I have ever been. My oldest niece finds it weirdly amusing when she gets “foreign” money from her Scottish uncle in her (admittedly occasional) birthday or Christmas card. She still gets it spent.

It might seem naive, but surely we will have more chance of having an open and inclusive society where our government are more concerned about the people in Scotland than the parties’ fortunes in Westminster? They can surely have the chance to become more in tune with the needs and wants of the Scots themselves?

Let’s be honest here; what is the worst that could happen, given our human and natural resources? We could end up skint, and in a recession. Well, I don’t see much difference to what we have now, except the guys responsible will be just up the road, within erse kicking distance…

The Rough Bounds

The Scots will climb that mountain with no bother at all, for it isn’t a mountain; it’s an illusion. Its just a molehill and we merely have to take a step.
What may make it more difficult will be the actions of the despicable North Britons who will be constantly tugging at our coat tails and trying to trip us up.


“Salmond admits to mistakes that haven’t yet been made”

There’s the print headline for ya!


The most honest statement I’ve seen in years.
seoc says:
19 June, 2013 at 8:43 pm

We can correct/ improve on our mistakes, but we are helpless under the mistakes of others, especially others who have deliberately lied, cheated and deceived us. 


@Peter Mirtitsch-
Hear hear – especially your final para.


I`ll take Scotland making it`s own mistakes over this lot time and time again. If Scots vote No…
link to


I don’t see it as a mountain but a journey with many different paths we can take along the way. Will we always choose the right path? – probably not but we’ll only know that with hindsight. What we know at present is that we only get a limited choice of the paths to take. However, we are approaching a major intersection and although we are currently on the road to hell we have the first choice coming soon. This is the road that gives us every future path to choose from and I for one am ready for a new journey with better prospects.
The thing is the trip never ends, because what we seek in life is not a destination but a journey of discovery in the pursuit of happiness, peace and equality.


Methinks some of you have misunderstood Vronsky’s post: consider the last sentence. 🙂


Independence offers us the opportunity to set up our own systems, not follow in Westminsters footsteps but make the rules to suit the needs of our small nation, its people and resources.
Although I’m not an SNP member, I am please that we have people like Alex Salmond and John Swinney as part of the negotiating team with rUK when the time comes – and oh to be a fly on the wall when it does! 


The latest scare story is about the Post Office in an independent Scotland, so that and the military, ship building, currency, financial sector, passports, exports, tourism and feck knows what else are all doomed if we vote yes. Seriously the no campaign is really getting on my t***s now!
As for Farage claiming the protest against him are anti English, I disagree it is more like anti knobend!! Sorry but I am really sick of the negativity toward Scotland and the yes campaign.

Tony Little

Good god, I went to that link.  It beggars belief that people think like this, but I suppose given who they are, it’s not surprising.  A bit of projection going on there. I think.


Do you think this fine Scottish lad ever thought he could not climb his own personal mountain? We dream then we do!!


Wtf? What happened to all the trillion of oil? Does that vaporize intae the fucking abyss? Get real… We are stinking rich! And I will fight for it!

Doug Daniel

This was my favourite line of the whole series.

Lurker in the Wings

Another one bites the dust: letter from Chief Exec. Scotwest Credit Union in the Herald   
     We were surprised to read the comments of Danny Alexander, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, regarding the future of credit unions in Scotland (“Independence threat to Scots credit unions”, The Herald, June 10).


Like those throughout the world, Scottish credit unions are member-owned, ethical providers of financial services and our common core co-operative values mean that there is already a significant sharing of knowledge and pooling of resources on a local, national and international level.
That, plus the fact that credit unions currently enjoy significant cross-party support in both the Scottish and UK parliaments, means that we are confident that Scottish credit unions will continue to flourish regardless of the outcome of the independence debate.
We are disappointed at suggestions to the contrary.”
Kenny MacLeod,      
link to


There will be those who read those words and still think Alex Salmond is an untrustworthy, empire building, wannabe dictator out entirely for his own selfish ends.
I’m no SNP fan boy so I probably won’t agree with all SNP policies in lead up to and after the referendum but I absolutely, completely and fully concur with his sentiments in the statement above.
For what its worth, I have little or no respect for politicians with the marked exception of Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon (even when I think their policies suck balls big time.)


@Doug Daniel-
It’s why they hate him so much, right?
He has the knack of being able to look at an interviewer, or into a camera, and explain what he thinks clearly, succinctly, without any waffle or Obamaesque rhetoric. Sturgeon’s the same.
It’s ‘nae-shitery’, and it’s a very appealing feature. (It’s what’s appealing about Farage, but he’s trying to reach a different audience – one which will never get any foothold in Scotland.) 
Salmond also has the patience of a saint – to be able to go into the SP every week and listen to Lamont, Davidson, Rennie etc without just letting-rip? To be able to laugh away Paxman’s disgraceful slurs?
There’s no doubt about it – Salmond is a quality dude in the right place at the right time, and everyone in the ‘Yes’ campaign knows it.
Everyone in the ‘No’ campaign knows it too – that’s why they’re getting dirtier by the day.

Rikki Duncan

If all the Scottish inventors had listened to the doubters, the people who said you can’t do it, it wont work, we would have no T.V. no lights, no roads, no raincoats etc etc etc. He who dares, one day, one vote, one choice, make it ”YES” then we start to build a new Scotland, don’t say, ”what can Scotland do for me, but what can I do for Scotland”

Doug Daniel

Ian Brotherhood – indeed, and I would suggest that “nae shitery” is something you can only get from conviction politicians who know that they have truth and moral decency on their side.
Hence why Lamont, Davidson and Rennie all speak “total shitery”.


@Doug Daniel-
Kin right. They’d all get medals for it. (Maybe not ‘for Scotland’, but you know what I mean.)
A small, but important point – do you feel that ‘nae shitery’ should be two words, or one? Difficult to use as a verb, but works well as a noun…hmmmm….

Doug Daniel

Well, this is why German is a superior language to English, since they would think nothing of just shoving it into one word, naeshitery.


@Doug Daniel-
‘Naeshitery’ it is then, and forever shall be.


I know well that not everyone here approves of or likes the SNP. But, for all its faults, it’s a naeshite party – it’s not just the leader.


Nae Shite Party
Will resonate with some…


O/T A bit pist-off at Danny Alexander having the cheek to wear the kilt at Mansion House dinner tonight considering the kicking he regularly dishes out to Scotland.


who pays for the Mansion House dinner? They fair tightened their belts there in these austere times!


The most heartening part of the broadcast for me was right at the beginning when the voice of Madame Ecosse says “the Scottish parliament is hereby reconvened” I think the complete sentence was – “The Scottish Parliament, adjourned on 25th day of March in the year 1707, The Scottish parliament is hereby reconvened”
To me that was the beginning of something tangible, something positive, that defined the awakening of the Scotland and her people.
My dearest wish is that the people of Scotland embrace this beginning of a positive change and begin to recognise, nay, celebrate all the positives that have materialised from that momentous day to this present day. The more reflection of what has been achieved in such a short time will serve to fortify those in Scotland who may still not be convinced of the massive benefits that await them on the other side of a Yes vote.
Since that day Scotland has moved forward in education: welfare, employment and has made huge strides in expressing her unique character for justice and equality for all. To think this has all been achieved despite being hamstrung by the Westminster parliament is simply astounding.
Imagine the day when the Scottish parliament and her peoples divest themselves of all interference from a ‘foreign’ government!

Lurker in the Wings

Ach, Annie, cut the puddin’ a bit o’ slack. After all he has to do something to make an impression on the Galacticos of the establishment.
   Oops, used a furrin word there , I’m off to phone Senga the swipe to book myself in for some “due diligence”. 😉

Chic McGregor

Alex Salmond is a human being, a very decent human being who genuinely is doing what he believes to be right.  As such he is not immune to the grotesque amount of abuse he has been subjected to in recent years by a U-pack in full slobbering bray backed by their yelping media and the full machinations of a desperate Brit Establishment.  This much can be seen in the stress changes in his face.  He seems to have aged 15 years in the past 5.   However, unlike any other politician I can think of could, he has stood up to it.  Why has he put himself through it?  Because he must, because it is the right thing to do.
That is all.

Robert Bryce

@Doug Daniel
Before any ‘total shitery’ is uttered we first must engage and debate this ‘total shitery’ in an open and transparent manner with those engaged in the debate.

There needs to be a grown up discussion around this to ensure those engaged can reach agreement of the scope of the ‘total shitery’.

What we can say is that only where a consensus is reached amongst those engaged in said debate we can then move on to build a ‘total shitery’ framework within the scope of the agreement.
If your OK with this I’ll pop your SLAB membership card in the post 🙂


I’ve heard so much shite coming from SLAB recently that I think the above is actually making sense now??????

No more Lamont / Sarwar for me!!


I’ve even resorted to using multiple question marks now as seems to be the fashion among New Labour’s henchmen 🙁


We can’t engage the people who are engaged in the debate in a debate until we’ve engaged in a debate to determine who the people who are engaged in the debate are. We need the results of a focus group focused on the debate and those who are engaged in the debate before we focus on the group who can engage with us to focus on the debate focused on engaging those who are engaged in the debate. We need to listen to the people who are engaged in the debate, because then we’ll know how to engage them in debate and what their focus is in the debate, so that we can focus on giving the debate some much needed focus.
Probably best just to set up a committee.


The best thing about the programme was the way in which the support for independence was articulated by intelligent successful Scots looking forward to a better more just Scotland. It was better than just evenly balanced time wise because the case for was laid out well and the case against looked locked in the Jurassic.
To be honest I have no idea what Donald Findlay was on. He still seemed to be bewildered over 97 never mind looking forward to dealing with 2014.

Robert Bryce

You make a fantastic point and impecably presented to boot. How could I have forgotton the debate on who is to be engaged??????
I can be a right fucking idiot sometimes!!!!!!
I’ll get my coat 🙁


How could I have forgotton the debate on who is to be engaged??????
A schoolboy error. Fortunately, there is a gifted teacher and orator, with experience in finding the energy in a debate and debating what to do with it, to light the way. Learn from her and you will go far. But remember: deciding to learn from her is a clear decision, which proves you do not have what it takes to learn from her.

Chic McGregor

I get the ‘debate’ thing, have pointed it out before myself.  It is a useful word for Us.
In the rev’s QFT 18, I note (using ctrl_F) that Lamont used the word ‘debate’ no less than 19 times in that short interview which greatly, in usage density terms, outweighs Gordon Brown’s usage of ‘Britain’ in that infamous speech of his.
Obviously, it can be used to avoid answering questions by implying that the issue is not yet settled.
However, because Lamont in the above interview, and on many other occasions, had flogged that word to the point where the audience was primed and waiting for the next usage of it, it lost effectiveness.
So some apparatchik must have had a word in her shell-like because she has since stated that she does not like the word ‘debate’ (even implying that it was favoured by her opponents – in the hypocritical way that is second nature to SLAB).
No biggie, just a heads up that we need to watch out for what the new question avoidance word/phrase is going to be.

john king

“I’m in no doubt that Scotland will vote No, and I believe they should vote No.”
lets give this one a wee knock ? donk, nope its got a sound like a rusty old tin can
Will everything be, you know, flowing with whisky and oil and will everything be perfect? No, it won’t all be perfect [and I] daresay we’ll make a few mistakes along the way. But that combination of these natural resources and the human talent and ingenuity of our people should give people confidence that they and their families will be better off.”
lets give this one wee knock ? chingggggggggg
aahh the sound of finest Edinburgh crystal
who’s vision of Scotland’s future would you wish to follow?

john king

must be early morning , got a little tear in my eye ,cant seem focus on this statement, maybe I’ll just copy and read it later

VronskyI disagree with you sorry Many have climbed the mountain in fact there is a well worn path to the top We will have more safety harnesses than most and those at the back will be willing to give the decrepits  like myself a wee push should we need it 

  must be getting old, every time I try to read this I start to well up 

john king

matos 21 says:
theres your poster

john king

Jiggsbro says:
20 June, 2013 at 12:51 am

We can’t engage the people who are engaged in the debate in a debate until we’ve engaged in a debate to determine who the people who are engaged in the debate are. We need the results of a focus group focused on the debate and those who are engaged in the debate before we focus on the group who can engage with us to focus on the debate focused on engaging those who are engaged in the debate. We need to listen to the people who are engaged in the debate, because then we’ll know how to engage them in debate and what their focus is in the debate, so that we can focus on giving the debate some much needed focus. Probably best just to set up a committee.”
aaaarrrrrgggggg  that actually scans, my eyes my eyes


john king

hand and shrimp says

“To be honest I have no idea what Donald Findlay was on. He still seemed to be bewildered over 97 never mind looking forward to dealing with 2014.”
the look of chagrin on that mans face is a pleasure 
 that will remain with me for the rest of my life,

but in moments of self doubt I wonder? these peo
ple are lawyers and such, they’re very intelligent people , what do they know that we ordinary mortals are not privy to? maybe they’re right?
then I think of Ian (not so) Smart then I feel better


Oh yes.
This post is bookmarked and consider it posted elsewhere.

Craig P

John King – lawyers are smart, but not in a social justice kind of way. They know who runs the show and they want to be part of that and that is the top and the bottom of it. Not every lawyer is a cheerleader for the British Establishment though, take Ian Hamilton for example, and I know a couple more (who, for the sake of their careers, wouldn’t voice their political opinions at work however).
I almost feel sorry for the unionist opposition leaders in Holyrood. They have to be constantly worrying and trying to second guess what their bosses in London think. So when they make mistakes, they aren’t even, as Alex says in the quote in the article, their own mistakes. They are screwing up on someone else’s behalf. 

matos 21

John King  Maybe you will like this
              Our Referendum
As  summer turns tae autumn, an the nichts are drawing in
Wan chance ye’ll hae tae richt the wrangs,  that Scottish haunds hae din
For thaim nae longer wi’ us, when the days wir dark and drear
They kept the caunle burning bricht, so oor wey wid be clear
Oan Scotias sile by Scottish haunds  these wrangs must noo be richted
As ye climb upon the shooders o’ thae giants o’ Scottish men
When ye gang tae pit yer cross doon as ye staun an’ haud yer pen
Think o the’ pygmies we noo  bear, thae couldnae lick the bits
O’ thae men o’ steel fae Clydeside or thaim fae  Ayrshire pits
Oan Scotias sile by Scottish haunds these wrangs must noo be richted
Tae leave oor land a better place this is the debt we owe
An’ rid us o’ the cannydaes an’  thaim that jist say no
Nae man wha luvs his country could ever staun and say
Lets haun the poo’er tae ithers for that’s a better way
Oan Scotias sile by Scottish haunds these wrangs must noo be richted
The thocht o’ weiring ermine and a title tae their name
Must really be enticing that they’d gie awa their hame
So noo ye hiv been haunded oan, the caunle that wis lichted
Oan Scotias sile by oor Scottish haunds mak a’ these wrangs  be richted        

john king

matos 21 says:
20 June, 2013 at 8:07 am

John King  Maybe you will like this
that deserves to be published 

Doug Daniel

I feel it’s a bit unkind to make fun of Labour’s fondness for debates. They can’t help it. They are, after all, a bunch of mass debaters.
(Ho ho ho.)


Ye cannae see it mato, but I’m smiling. Where’s a ‘like’ tab when you need one?

john king

this should be seen by as many people as possible if anything can help to heal the Scottish cringe its works of art like this,
I would dearly love to post this on every site with your permission or perhaps it’s your intention to do that yourself anyway,
I sincerely hope so, it’s people like you who give us lesser mortals the strength to keep on going:)
more power to your pen 

matos 21

John King & Macart
Thanks Glad it cheered you up 
Please feel free to use it as you wish Like the bus there will be another along soon when the spirit moves me 

Robert Bryce

Doug Daniel says: I feel it’s a bit unkind to make fun of Labour’s fondness for debates. They can’t help it. They are, after all, a bunch of mass debaters.

 (Ho ho ho.)
Ahhh…….I see what you just done there! 🙂


Perfect.  Gaun yersell Alex.

Murray McCallum

“Decide who you believe”.
Surely this simple statement highlights the longer term fundamental weakness in the “No” campaign’s endless negative scaremongering.  In the short term they feel they get cheap “wins” but it will come back to bite them and they will find it very difficult to switch the positive button on (if they have one).


I am so looking forward to independence, to be part of something that defines the way my own country will grow and develop is just awesome. And I will not be doing this just for myself, I will be doing it for my son, his friends and all their kids in the generations to come.
We are going to be able to create a legacy for Scotland that will be remembered for as long as our country exist’s, and when in the future our country celebrates their “independence day” and together raises a glass to toast an independent Scotland, it will be us they will be toasting, the people who voted and worked for independence and against all the odds succeeded.
To help Scotland gain its independence is to me just like “landing on the moon”, it is something that will never be forgotten and honestly who would not want to be part of that. 
Hail Alba. 

john king

“wheres the like post when you need one?”



They are, after all, a bunch of mass debaters.
That could explain the political blindness currently afflicting the Labour Party.


Our emphasis, of course. Decide who you believe.
Disclaimer – The most.

Bill McLean

Back from holiday one week and read in the Herald that more women and youngsters are inclined to vote YES. This morning’s Express however says support  for independence is still hovering around the 30% mark – I know it’s the Express and about as trustworthy and impartial as the BBC but i’m not happy. What has happened to the bounce we were expecting, indeed, hopeful of.

Robert Bryce

@Bill McLean
It hovers around the 30% mark because it suits the MSM for it to hover around the 30% mark.

I know it’s not scientific but I can officialy reveal that I no longer know anyone who is voting no come Sep next year. Those who were a no are now a yes with one still undecided but leaning to a yes.
I’m sure the private polls are leaning to Yes hence the mass hysteria from the unionist parties.
I’m confident we will bag it on the day. Maybe not a landslide but we’ll get over the line first.


Bill – don’t read the Express, it’s a wate of time. The 30% will be the default setting for the unionist press right up until the referendum regardless of what the polls say.
O/T – if you visit the BBC homepage just now there’s an interesting headline:
‘Royal baby’s gender to be a surprise’ 
Err – How much of a surprise can it be ?  Maybe they mean the kid might be a Scottish nationalist supporter.

Robert Kerr

The quote is…
“I don’t care if I do go blind”
Hail Alba

Robert Bryce

john king says:
20 June, 2013 at 5:40 am

hand and shrimp says
“To be honest I have no idea what Donald Findlay was on. He still seemed to be bewildered over 97 never mind looking forward to dealing with 2014.”
the look of chagrin on that mans face is a pleasure 
 that will remain with me for the rest of my life,
but in moments of self doubt I wonder? these peo
ple are lawyers and such, they’re very intelligent people , what do they know that we ordinary mortals are not privy to? maybe they’re right?
then I think of Ian (not so) Smart then I feel better
To be honest, I don’t think intelligence comes into it with the ubiquitous Donald Findlay QC.

The man comes accross to me as a religious bigot (Anyone remember his rendition of the sash at a Rangers FC party some time ago?). His loyalty to Westminster & the crown is most likely founded on bigotry not intelligence.
For legal reasons the above is my personal belief and not necessarily that of this website and / or it’s editorial team (Although in all probability it likely is.).


How many genders do alien space lizards have?


Donald Findlay is an anachronism. Something I think he is quite proud of so I think I am on pretty safe ground on the libel front 🙂
Donald would have been happier living in the Edwardian period where Empire, Union and social order were clearly defined. These days are gone and they will never return, it is to our advantage that so many advocates of the Union harp on about flag and Empire. Living in the past will not put a new frock on the bairn.  

Turnbull Drier

Luigi says:

They are, after all, a bunch of mass debaters.
That could explain the political blindness currently afflicting the Labour Party.
Drumm Tish 🙂


HandandShrimp says:
20 June, 2013 at 9:52 am

Living in the past will not put a new frock on the bairn.  
Well, The Bairn has been wearing the same frock since 1936! 😉


Doug Daniel says: They are, after all, a bunch of mass debaters.

Good grief, I never saw that one coming.
(I’ll get me coat.  And a hanky).

Bill McLean

Robert Bryce and Tartanfever – thanks for your comments. I know it’s probably what the unionist papers write but I had still hoped to see some sort of bounce from the Bedroom Tax etc. My wife and I went to the YES meeting last month in Dunfermline and it was almost  a packed house of about 170. Also very uplifting and positive. A wide range of ages and about 40% women. I buy the Express for my wife who is from Birmingham and the Scottish Daily Express carries mostly English news. My wife is however a committed supporter of Scottish Independence – she reads out the goodies???? from the Express for me.


Matos 21 – absolutely brilliant, loved it.
Sad to say but Scots was kicked out of me as a child (at school and at home), guess my parents had a good doze of the Scottish cringe, I’m not blaming them at all, but in turn I grew up with a fair doze myself. However, times have changed and I now find myself celebrating the language and enjoy all regional accents etc,.

I now have a good healthy doze of the ‘British’ cringe, if their is such a thing!


I hear Daphne went into politics.

matos 21

Thank you glad you liked it
I agree with you regarding the school that was the norm I hope it has changed but have no idea about that I suffered another humiliation being left handed and having to sit on my hand so that I could not use it The only good thing that came from that being a stubborn wee tyke I am now ambidextrous I think my brain must be the wrong way round as I can write backwards and have always known the alphabet from z to a as easily as a to z Strange person that I am


I had to think for a bit on 1936 and the Bairn 🙂 
Meanwhile I see on the Guardian Severin has been told to concentrate on Farage. Two articles in as many days and not a mention of the by election background and the other candidates. I am baffled as to why a party with so few elected representatives and virtually no support in Scotland at all is getting so much air time. If the SNP were getting this coverage Foulkes’ head would have exploded by now.


I keep coming across elderly ladies who are staunch Yes but slightly despairing of ever getting through to their husbands.  This isn’t exactly the demographic spread the polls are telling us about.


hand and shrimp says
“To be honest I have no idea what Donald Findlay was on.”

Donald Findlay, the guy who has 2 birthdays no less. He doesnt acknowledge his actual birthday as its on St Patricks Day. Side by side with Michael Kelly sums up exactly why Better Together are yesterdays men


@ Morag: Our Yes group are mostly female, and reticent they most surely are not. 
@ Handandshrimp:  ref. Foulkes,  a vacuum won’t explode, implode more likely. The Big Bang in a vacuum? I’m skeptical, more plausibly it was a chemistry lab experiment!


HandandShrimp says:
20 June, 2013 at 11:10 am
I had to think for a bit on 1936 and the Bairn
I had hoped that the capitalisation of Bairn and my username would have point folk in the right direction. 🙂


Like many i have listened to the scare stories since the seventies, must admit they are starting to wear me down. I cannot believe the amount of people who still believe the nonsense that gets spouted from the MSM. My first grandchild will be born this September come his/her first birthday I sincerely hope we will be celebrating our independence from this corrupt Westminster Government.

Murray McCallum

I noted a disparaging remark made by a unionist, in terms of World standing, against Finland in the 3rd episode of “Road to Referendum”. 
The fact is Finland can show anyone what a bit of national solidarity, maximising limited resources, a good bit or organisation/planning and heaps of common sense can achieve.  I attach an example of good quality state education (Finland has next to zero private education).  Also note reference to positive impact of a more equal society.
link to

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    • Hatey McHateface on The thickness of blood: “I’ve been following Scottish, UK, European and world news for 25 years, TURABDIN. I have all the flavour of Islam…Feb 16, 11:29
    • Hatey McHateface on For Mridul And Sandy: “Absolute standout post from gregor. One of Scottish Indy’s self-identifying finest, questioning why anybody would ever be willing to step…Feb 16, 11:15
    • TURABDIN on The thickness of blood: “To get the flavour of Islam read the Qur’an and look at the early years of its history. All there,…Feb 16, 11:13
    • Hatey McHateface on The thickness of blood: “Well, well. Marie, a self-identifying woman, defending the religion of peace, on the basis that they know what a woman…Feb 16, 10:54
    • Hatey McHateface on The thickness of blood: “Thanks TURABDIN. But you’re not Geri, and as it’s barely a couple of days since Geri was on here proclaiming…Feb 16, 10:42
    • gregor on The thickness of blood: “Posting test.Feb 16, 10:41
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “USAID News (16/02/25): Did democratic opposition in R***ia die with Alexei Navalny? 16, 10:36
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “USAID News (16/02/25): Did democratic opposition in R***ia die with Alexei Navalny? #YouLotFeb 16, 10:35
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “Babel (15/02/25): Zelensky: U***inians “absolutely do not want” elections due to threat from R***ia: “…ready to talk about elections, but…Feb 16, 10:34
    • diabloandco on The thickness of blood: “Well spotted Ian! I would love to come if it is easy by public transport.Feb 16, 10:12
    • Mia on The thickness of blood: “Difficulty posting comments: need to constantly refresh or click on “post comment” multiple times.Feb 16, 09:41
    • Mia on The thickness of blood: “The last comments on the list at the right of the page are not visible BTLFeb 16, 09:36
    • Mia on The thickness of blood: “There is a disconnect between the comments on the right hand side of the page and the main BTL.Feb 16, 09:35
    • Mia on The thickness of blood: “Now the virus downloads even when you click on the title of the article.Feb 16, 09:31
    • Mia on The thickness of blood: “@ Flying Iron of Doom Yes, I keep getting that silly thing to download every time I click the link…Feb 16, 08:53
    • The Flying Iron of Doom on The thickness of blood: “Is anyone else still finding it impossible to view comments because of that bloody virus which keeps attempting to download…Feb 16, 06:15
    • Debatable Lands on The thickness of blood: “Let’s look at this from another angle with less cock waving/hiding. A minority of men behave in aggressive and sexually…Feb 16, 06:01
    • yoon scum on The thickness of blood: “no answer to either question very telling but probably wise under the hate speech laws bought in by the SNP…Feb 16, 05:13
    • yoon scum on The thickness of blood: “I thought one of the big hopes for indy was to massively ramp up immigration to a free ScotlandFeb 16, 05:09
    • WhatRot on The thickness of blood: “Nobody is ‘legitimately going through reassignment surgery’. Nobody.Feb 16, 04:30
    • WhatRot on The thickness of blood: “No you don’t. There’s no such thing. It’s literal nonsense.Feb 16, 04:25
    • twathater on The thickness of blood: “The ONLY good thing to come out of Edinburgh is the road to GlasgowFeb 16, 04:05
    • twathater on The thickness of blood: “There’s nothing wrong with Paisley , and once we get rid of the pish snp crawlers and elect a I4I…Feb 16, 04:03
    • twathater on The thickness of blood: “TBQH I don’t know why anyone is giving that PRICK yoon scum any explanation, he/she/it is only here to annoy…Feb 16, 03:52
    • twathater on The thickness of blood: “Julie Hull has clearly illuminated and broken down the hurried and unconscionable desperation of these female Aunt Lydias in their…Feb 16, 03:43
    • Ian Brotherhood on The thickness of blood: “As a general rule I suppose you could be right but it’s not between Glasgow and Edinburgh.Feb 15, 22:34
    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “I don’t think Paisley is a good idea.Feb 15, 22:29
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “New York Post (14/02/25): DOGE says it recovered $1.9 billion in taxpayer funds ‘misplaced’ by Biden admin: “The massive trove…Feb 15, 22:22
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “Rapid Response 47 @RapidResponse47: “Presidents Obama and Biden clearly love the work @DOGE is doing” Elon Musk @elonmusk: “Literally exactly…Feb 15, 22:16
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump: “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.”: UK Foreign Office: British nationals…Feb 15, 22:07
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