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Wings Over Scotland

Portrait of the future

Posted on September 19, 2012 by

31 years ago, when Alan Grant wrote "Strontium Dog: Portrait Of A Mutant" for 2000AD, the notion that the father of a "mutant" child might become Prime Minister and oversee a programme of astonishing, vindictive persecution of the disabled by tormenting them with "work capability" tests and forcing them out of their homes (supported by "scrounger"-hating newspapers published on thin electronic tablets) was a crazy, dystopian sci-fi fantasy for kids.

Today, David Cameron presides over a government set implacably on slashing £30bn from the welfare budget (to pay for tax cuts for millionaires, obviously) by cutting housing and disability benefits for the profoundly handicapped and the terminally-ill, ingeniously saving more money by driving many of them to suicide as a result of measures even the Daily Mail is forced to decry as inhuman.

Enjoy watching "Dredd" this weekend, viewers. Keep telling yourself it's only a movie.

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Here's a wee thing for those with Maths skills
If DLA fraud is 0.5% (DWP figures) & DLA cuts are 20%
Where is the fairness?

League Against Internet Mentalists

Indeed Erchie. The same DLA benefit that Cameron himself claimed for his deceased child – presumably as his child is no longer alive, he sees no reason for anyone would need that benefit, displaying his supreme lack of empathy.


If half of the people now complaining bothered to vote at the last election these bastards wouldn't have got in.

Marc Forrester

Hey, enough of us voted to give the Lib Dems (rip) the power to decide the government and share power.  Seemed like a victory for about five minutes.


On the plus side, Dredd is pretty good

League Against Internet Mentalists

I ordered cinema tickets for Dredd earlier in the week, and then I go and leave my glasses on the bus. Bah, no Dredd for me until I can get a bloody opticians appointment…

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