On thee our hopes we fix
Posted on
April 23, 2016 by
Chris Cairns
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Says it all really! Nice one Chris.
Nail, rammed home.
That’s me, my weekend can get started now, thanks Chris!

Do as say, not as I do.
Resistence is futile.
Does the Queen get a vote? If not,why not? Can we bring it up with the ECHR?
Sewell sets his feminine side loose ?
As we say in these parts…barrie Chris,just barrie.
Have a fabby weekend everyone.
Why was a kid in a robe meeting strangers? Get the social services.
The Royal Tories sanctioning the vulnerable, purring and want brexit. Impartial never. They have survived by being more liberal but for how long. The elite cover up under the Official Secrets Act.
More jobs to go on the Clyde? Osbourne just spent £1/2Billion of Scottish taxpayer’s money on Trident. Why do people in Scotland keep on voting Unionist but when things go wrong they howl for the SNP Gov to do something.
I think people don’t often realise that hypocrisy isn’t a bug of the British establishment; it’s a feature.
Adoring subjects sit in mute awe of their leader.
Betty looked fabulous in her new headscarf worn in the manner of Ena Sharples. Far from making a fashion statement, Betty, ever practical, was making sure her hair would not be disturbed by the president’s chopper. The whole idea of the guest landing his helicopter on the lawn is very American. We tend no to do that in the UK…..
So good, Chris!
The UK doesn’t do leadership personality cults or nationalism. Self delusion and denial!
O/t i see the ebc are telling us that there will be ‘events all over’ the ‘uk’ to celebrate the 400th anniversary of shakespeare. Anyone know of any ‘events’ taking place in scotland?.
Plenty of choppers flighting at Balmoral. Go carts, quad bikes. It’s a wonder Obama didn’t parachute into Downing Street. The cavalcade got stuck.
Cameron takes an Airforce jet (£10000 an hour) and an Army helicopter to come up to Scotland. When he dares. To ruin the Oil sector. Osbourne sneaks in and out of Aberdeen. Cameron now has his £10Million private plane. Sam has a £57K stylist. Is that essential. Obama and Michelle outsize the Royals. Look really uncomfortable. It’s a great partnership. Johnston is the party pooper. A barrel of fun.
To the point as usual, Chris.
Well done!!
A beezer Chris
To the manor born
Mick Diamond@8.57.
You mentioned Shakey Bill.
Have a look at Punk Macbeth by Edna McSweetlove
All this carry on is happening two weeks before a Holyrood Election. Purdah. Not much respect.
All this Royal stuff, intended to make us all feel cosy and secure in out UK-OK-ness?
Ask Clyde shipyard workers about that now!
A sad situation, but I find it astonishing that there are cries of “we were lied to” now. Why do some people find that a surprise?
The objective was to save the Union, not Scottish jobs. Anything BetterTogether said was driven by ‘end justifying the means’.
More Britnat propaganda by BBC bended knee this morning.
The Queen, Brexit, Shakespeare events ( wasnt he an English fellow who lived in England pre Union?), but not a peep about Scots Shipyards.
Nothing to see here…move along folks….
This should be their ‘Let them eat cake’ moment
link to facebook.com
Every year more people get that “lightbulb” moment and realise the monarchy is overpaid and overbearing!
British Nationalists are sooo aggressive too
@Richardinho says: 23 April, 2016 at 8:26 am:
“I think people don’t often realise that hypocrisy isn’t a bug of the British establishment; it’s a feature.”
Perhaps, Richardinho, it may be because they do not realise that, “Establishment”, has historically been in charge of, mainly, south Britain since at least the arrival of the Romans before the birth of Christ. Nor do many realise just exactly what comprises, “The Establishment”.
link to theguardian.com
But remember all the union jackery is patriotism. It’s that Scottish party getting involved with nasty nationalism..
BBC led blackouts on Lab and their PFI schools scandal, ongoing blackouts on reneged Clyde RN ship building for your NO, hard core mas royals grovelling. So they do earn the toryboy world keep.
In other barking mad toryboy world news-
Did you know that the new Hinkley nuke power station in Somerset, will be far and away the most expensive human structure ever built. Hope a royal can open it too. Hinkley Point costed at £24.5 billion.
Correction, Hinkley is NOT the most expensive human structure ever built. Its the International Space Station. Back on earth, second most expensive human structure ever is a new earth quake proof bridge next to the Golden Gate.
We’re shackled to maniacs.
I was checking the front pages to see if any of the newspapers had the shipbuilding story on the front page and noticed that two newspaper had stories about council fraud on their front pages.
The Press & Journal
‘City Official quite after fraud probe.
Online version:
link to archive.is
Shock report reveals Aberdeen civil servant resigned after fraud investigation
The Herald have
Labour veteran in contracts probe says: ‘I am not corrupt’
Online version
link to archive.is
‘I am not corrupt’: Former North Lanarkshire Council leader insists he’s innocent in probe into multi-million-pound deals
The story about shipbuilding is on page 12 of The Herald.
There is an online version of the story but it is well hidden I doubt if many people saw it.
‘Unions warn of 800 job losses as fears rise over frigate orders’
link to archive.is
The Scotsman did a better job than The Herald with the shipbuilding story although it’s on page 8 with the Queen/Obama & Ruth & Her Bull being more important.
I wonder if the Bull is called John?
link to archive.is
The Courier have a ‘Ruth & Her Bull’ on their front page.
link to scotsman.com
I thought I would have a look at the comments on The Scotsman’s shipbuilding article. There seems to be a lot of censorship going on. (Check newest first}
A long list of comments under review!
Right on the money, Chris.
Spot on!
O/t anyhow, general consensus down here on the sunny south coast, on my travels, is for a brexit. As for which i and family will be voting for as well. Snp =2=eu. Bring on indy 2.
@heedtracker (10.33) –
‘…shackled to maniacs.’
Reminds me of this great scene from ‘The Thing’ –
link to youtube.com
The miserable faithful, rich and poor alike, cheer the Queen, while the British PR machine gets switched up to 11 to remind us WHO IS THE GREATEST PLAYRIGHT IN THE WORLD.
And on another planet…
Odd how old essays and topics are picked up and made popular while your back is turned: link to wp.me
I dunno if the Brit is a guy or a wummin Chris if a wummin she has to be batshit Jill. But you know the queen brings in 20 million mate and if she didnae we’d all be living on ten pound giros..