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Wings Over Scotland

Mapping the recovery

Posted on December 12, 2013 by

Oh, there it is.


Click here for the fascinating full data. And when you hear Labour talk of “pooling and sharing resources” after a No vote, remember where it is that the pool’s located. Because they’ll probably be closing the one near your house.

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You look at Scotland and wonder how did Mundell get elected?
The other thing is Yes could do itself a favour by promising specific civil service jobs in Selkirk, Montrose and the like; afterall there are 200 Whitehall bodies that the Scottish Office aka A Carmichaelmoore thinks, knows even, will have to be replicated in an iScotland to be as efficient as our Westminster governors


This is clearly nat propoganda
We all know Scotland is nowhere near as big as it’s shown in the so-called “regular view”

David Smith

The bit of red in Cumbria is explained by Sellafield being pretty much the only centre of skilled employment in the area.

Craig P

Interesting to see hotspots in Derby and the Lake District coast. Rolls Royce and Sellafield? Never though engineers earned that much these days, maybe they do…


I guess this is why Sellafield wages anomaly.
link to

Murray McCallum

“This is clearly nat propoganda”
Indeed – massive volcano destroys SE UK. That’ll need a huge amount of regional capital spend to sort out.


The recovery such as it is, is being generated by private debt encouraged in part at least by Osborne’s attempts to stimulate the housing market. House price increases of 17% in the London S/E area were already beginning to look dangerously like a bubble so he has pulled the mortgage support pot. It is therefore little surprise to see where the hot spots of “recovery” have occured. Whether the recovery sustainable if house prices fall back is another question. 
They say history repeats itself…it has to because no one listens.  

David Smith

It’s the only card they have in a busted flush.


Now at last I see this ‘black (red) hole’ the ‘dependents’ keep banging on about. 

Ghengis D'Midgies
Henry Hooper

Strange that Aberdeen is light blue..i would have thought that would have been redder than a red. have difficulty trusting these figures to be honest


I see STV trying it on by only showing the left hand map on their website and FB page


Henry Hooper – Aberdeen is actually that orangey colour, Aberdeenshire is light blue 🙂


Can’t wait for it to reach Scotland,in about 40 years if we stay as we are.How many jobs would borders,institutions,government departments ect bring.More than we have now I bet.


London “pools” the wealth and “shares” the poverty.

Bertie K

Maybe Aberdeen is in blue/orange because most of the revenue made there goes south?
Just a thought.


Talking of borders… Can I have a big gun please and guard the border entry?
Can I also hang a few bodies from the fence to show we mean business like gamekeepers did (do?) with crows, etc.?
What’s that – “We need furriners to come to Scotland to spend cash”.
I wasn’t talking about not letting them in – I was talking about not letting them out!

Les Wilson

Oh well, that will be why their veg is cheaper!

The map shows just how everything is pouring into London, money no object down there big infrastructure projects, bent Financial Institutions,/ Banks etc ,which of course we help pay for.

London is a resources hoover it takes all it needs and we get ( as parts of England do ) the overflow only. 

Begs the question that if Scotland votes YES the English outside of London are going to start rebelling against the London praia state. I see big changes in England coming after they see how Scots are governing Scotland.


I think most of us knew that London and the South East, is where wages are at their highest, everywhere else outside of those areas, are considered provincial in the eyes of Westminster.
With regards to the rUK I don’t think this will ever change, Scotland however has the chance, to change its financial status regarding its workforce, independence can and will draw wealth towards Scotland and its masses, an YES vote is imperative.


ahh sybies

Bertie K

Cool android 😉

Bill Fraser

@ handclapping
I think you will find that there is a large farming community in Dumfries and Galloway who support the Tory Party. perhaps it is worth pointing out to them that the CAP convergence money which was given to the UK specifically for Scotland’s farmers is being withheld by the Treasury to be allocated across the whole of the UK despite their being all party consensus in Scotland that it is for Scotland’s farmers only.

Jamie Arriere

OT  There’s an opinion poll rep in my house just now interviewing my brother about the Referendum debate and media bias. Going to try and get me included but everyone note


Who is conducting the poll? Face to Face…..expensive!

Jamie Arriere

Will either catch him on the way out or ask my brother – will inform you later


*whisper, whisper* in which part of the country is that opinion poll being conducted?


jamie arriere
check his pockets on the way out
a christmas list is doing the rounds
jola needs a brain
davidson a man 
carmichaelmoore a hug 
Mcdougle a doctor
wee rennie a life


O/T  Catalonia sets date for Referendum – November 2014
link to


O/T I do apologise.
I was just reading about Danish Prime Minister Helle Thoring-Schmidt, and was intrigued, to notice that she’s married to Stephen Kinnock, son of former Labour leader Neil Kinnock.
As Denmark is on a par with Scotland in many things ie population resources etc, it was interesting to read that parents in Copenhagen, can expect to pay between £200 and £300 pounds per month for child care full time.
The equivalent figure for Scottish parents would be closer to £1000, for parents living in Edinburgh or Glasgow, with regards to Danish women, figures show that almost three-quarter have made their way back into employment, compared with less than two thirds of British women achieving this goal.
Add in other Danish policies such as free healthcare, and free personal care for the elderly, and you can see that the SNP’s  dream of attaining and keeping free public services is very much alive and  working in Denmark.
The Danish Prime Minister is a big fan of the tv show Borgen as is Nicola Sturgeon, however on the downside, Margaret, (Who’s Denis Healy) is also a fan of Borgen, I wonder why?.


can anybody tell me how to change my name and that wee box thingy

Robert Kerr

O/T Rev. Forgive my trespass.
Been out driving. Noticed a large number of billboards from Scottish Government re the White Paper. “The future of Scotland is in your hands” (literally, shows people reading it)
It has begun. “Group up together chief”   “Aye Captain”

The Rough Bounds

@Frances. 4.01pm
Catalonia to have its referendum in November 2014.
Can you imagine how we are going to feel if Scotland votes No to independence and Catalonia votes Yes?
I won’t be able to look at a European in the face again if that happens.


Henry Hooper says:
“Strange that Aberdeen is light blue..i would have thought that would have been redder than a red.”

Henry, in spite of the oil industry Aberdeen actually has some quite high levels of poverty. Torry, Mastrick and Northfield for example has areas where child poverty is around 40%.


Wow, what a graphic. The map on the right shows this red vortex that sucks everything out from the outlying areas!
PS. My dad spent Tuesday night in hospital but is now home and perfectly fine. Thanks for everyone’s concern and sympathy here. 🙂


Where are these NO types hiding, in the SLAB social clubs, the Tory business clubs, BBC PQ bunker or the MSM offices. We have been bombarded with lies, deceit and tripe from the unionist BT federation for many months now and not a scintilla of truth in any of it. No positive case, or even a hint of one for staying in the sordid UK.  Lets just get out now! They are insulting our intelligence.  HMG and BT’s only offering to Scotland and it’s people is fear, and these stories will become more terrifying as time goes on. Nice people; who would want them for friends? Yes yes yes!

Alan Mackintosh

Article in the independent about the inequality in the UK,
“Britain is now the most unequal country in the Western world, an authoritative new United Nations report reveals. The gap between rich and poor is as great as in Nigeria.”
link to
UK-OK …?


I’m getting someone a homophobic stereotyping avoidance manual for xmas. 🙁

Jamie Arriere

The pollsters are IPSOS MORI and the poll was investigating media bias in the BBC! (I’m just outside Perth by the way)
Unfortunately he could only interview one per household so he couldn’t do me as well, however here is a gist of the questions. I was listening from the other room so I didn’t hear everything
He began with general questions about news and which media you use to go about collecting it.
He then asked about coverage of particular news items – the first one was the Scottish drugs arrest girl in Peru, and then the Independence debate and asked what he thought of the coverage. THEY DO NOT SOLICIT FOR BIAS UNLESS YOU BRING IT UP. The drugs story was just a ploy to mask the fact that the survey was about bias. My brother, being a Yes, didn’t fall for it, pointed out they were reasonably impartial on that case, but when it came to the Indy debate pointed out the widespread bias in all the mainstream media, and particularly the BBC which claims to be objective.
Once the bias is identified, he ran through all the media outlets for:
1] perception of bias 1-10
2] the degree to which they explain the issues 1-10
3] whether there is enough coverage of the Referendum 1-10.
The media surveyed included the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, BBC Scotland, BBC Radio Scotland, Five Live, Real Radio and all the main UK & Scottish newspapers. I think they limit you to the media you specify you use at the start, but there were later questions which asked for perceptions of all the other options.
The guy was OK, he was just doing his job and in fact said that he’s a friend of Nigel Don, an SNP MSP from the Northeast (who I knew as well)
Let’s wait and see when (or should I say if) this poll gets reported.

Archie [not Erchie]

@ gedboy – Changing your wee box thingy 🙂 Go to this link and follow the walkthrough which I posted in August.
link to
Your chosen new name in your WP account should appear on here. Any problems get back to me.


I see Catalonia have called for a referendum vote in November 2014. They have set two questions;
“Do you want Catalonia to be a state?”
“Do you want that state to be independent?”
If the answer to both is YES, then the Catalonian government will declare UDI.


Aye not everyone in Aberdeen is eating fillet steaks and drinking champagne.  We also have to put up with the worst council in Scotland, yes even worse than Glasgow or Stirling.
As well as piss poor infrastructure, oil capital of Europe indeed.


listening but didnt hear anything
what was he doing drawing pretty pictures


thanks big fella i forgot you already done that before
i may be sometime so carry on without me
and no pointing behind my back 

Jamie Arriere

More on the Ipsos Mori poll, as well as the drugs story and the Indy Ref, they also asked about coverage of the UK membership of the EU coverage, which is also pretty lamentable.
And they of course asked the Referendum Question at the end. One for Yes for sure.


Old Rajoy will not be overjoyed
Good enough for him.

GP Walrus

The image looks like the growth of a nasty tumour on Britain’s bottom with all the corresponding distress to the rest of the patient.

Jamie Arriere

I heard most of the questions but none or few of the answers (my brother has an impressive beard which he talks quietly through).

Archie [not Erchie]

@ gedboy – RIP. Are you needin an ‘epidural’ to do this? I will not tell anyone you are trying to change your box, so nobody will know or laugh at your selection if you ever come back. There are no critics on this website…yeah yeah. 🙂


@GP Walrus
It’s all that £1.4 Trillion debt as well that will rupture at somepoint, We can escape with a small bit of debt next year which will be treatable.


Lol at the first word in an ‘unbiased’ report in the Catalan Indy guardian link from Frances.SEPERATISTS. Attempts to control language may have worked in the 1940s,but too many of the public have read Orwell for that to work these days.

Les Wilson

GP Walrus
Hey, that is a pretty good analyse !  


GP Walrus
How very apt.


getting ready to go out 
will try and get it done later shes moaning the face of me
any problems will give you a shout 
cheers archie

Alan Mackintosh

Oops, sorry about that, I checked the date at the top of the page, didnt notice the date lower down…
Must try harder…

Robert Kerr

Just watch FMQ and was pleasantly surprised by the presiding officers ending regarding the time used up by the “party leaders” with their questions to the detriment of the back-benchers.
Why does it take an english teacher so long to ask a question?

Helena Brown

Reply to Robert Kerr, She seems to come from that particular type of Teacher, you know the kind who leaves the profession, become Leader of the Party and hopefully get to the House of Lords, therefore making the Teaching Profession safe for the Children.


I am worried about Catalonia. Rajoy has said ‘the referendum will not take place’. I would not be surprised if the Spanish govt  flooded the place with troops and police in November, and possibly declared a state of emergency (ie martial law).
I doubt that Scotland’s vote will make much difference, to be frank. And I don’t think the EU has the balls (or the will) to do anything other than bleat. So I think we maybe need to look ahead to a boycott of all things Spanish….especially holidays. It may not come to this. But if you keep up with the Catalonian guys on Twitter, the outpouring of bile against them makes BT’s efforts look like a slap on the wrist with a damp kipper….
International brigades anyone? (I’m far too old, luckily)

Hope I don’t upset anyone with this comment but that second picture looks like something you’d speak to an oncologist about. London is a tumour that is killing the rest of the UK.


@ kininvie above.
Catalonia is in a worse place becuse the written Spanish constitution says Spain’s territory is indivisible. The UK doesn’t have a written constitution so the SG and UKG could reach the Edinburgh Agreement. Having no written constitution can sometimes be pragmatic and a good thing.
I think the written Finnish constitution also states that our borders are inviolable and our area indivisble. The only areas that I can envisage wanting independence from Finland are Åland (a group of islands between Finland and Sweden) and Lapland (northern 1/3 of Finland). It’d be no skin off my nose.
Catalans have this Christmas tradition of caganers in their nativity displays. It’s quite an honour to have a caganer made. Marga B over at NNS gave the link. Alex Salmond has his caganer! (They also have an Independentista Escocès). The only other Brit politician to make the caganer hall of fame is Gordon Brown. :-0

Queen Elizabeth II also made it. David Cameron is nowhere to be seen. 😀
link to


Ghillie says
“London “pools” the wealth and “shares” the poverty.”
Now if ever there was a billboard slogan.

Jamie Arriere

Interesting site about the caganers – though I have to ask is it a Catalan tradition to bare your backside at Christmas? It’s hilarious – even the Queen’s dropping her skirt!!
What a cheeky crowd they are

Jamie Arriere

My God, looked again at those caganers – they obviously think the Nativity scene took place in an outside toilet! Very bizarre.

Ian Brotherhood

Some enterprising Scot should produce a limited edition of Better Together ‘caganers’ whose faces and arses are interchangeable.


@ Jamie Arriere
To be immortalised as a caganer is a great honour in Catalonia!
It all started hundreds of years ago when every village had their own nativity scene with Mary and Joseph and shepherds and angels and whatnot. But then the Catalans wanted to have just an ordinary guy, doing an ordinary thing (shitting). So every nativity scene would have a caganer (shitter) somewhere in the background.
It grew from there, and it’s now a tradition of taking the high and mighty down a peg (even Queen Lizzy does the poo-poos!) but you really have to be somebody to get your own caganer. Alex Salmond is somebody in Catalonia. I hear he was delighted when he heard about it.
David Cameron is of course so uncharismatic, and a friend of Rajoy, that Catalans won’t make a caganer of him.


Ghillie says“London “pools” the wealth and “shares” the poverty.”Now if ever there was a billboard slogan.  
Or, “London pools the wealth and shares out the poverty”. 


The one on the right looks like a big shark with its mouth wide open coming right at you. Quite appropriate.

Ian Brotherhood

If the City of London was highlighted in yellow it would look like an enormous pus-packed plook ready for bursting.


nice to hear ipsos hopefully being honest and near Perth as well. St madoes raised here and I can remember being told by my grandfather on my very 1st election outing “vote SNP or you’ll not be living under my roof any more” I think I surprised him by saying “its ok grandad I’m not voting for anyone else as I don’t trust anyone else”


I came across this piece in the Guardian this morning.
link to

i wonder if we can’t write the better together plan for them. We have detail from the commons taxation committee, Gideon’s statement, IDS statement Scotland bill and other bits of information already in the public domain. Defence for instance would be particularly interesting and as foreign policy plans are usually opaque, it might help to crystallise these too.  I’m just impatient to hear the position from the pro unionist side and vacuums need to be filled don’t they? I would be happy to contribute but not too sure where to start.


archie not(erchie)
been up all night trying to get this to work
hows about it  if it works  HI 5
if not see you soon

bald eagle

yes yes yes it works
hugs all round back up to a HI 5
might go to bed now


Shaun Richards has some interesting views on UK housing and in particular the developed bubble (developing further) 
link to


Total revenues raised in tb UK £600Billion Total spent in the UK £700Billion. (£100Billion more is borrowed and spent in tb rest of the UK).

Total revenues raised in Scotland £60Billion – total spent by Scotland £50Billion Scotland loses £10Billion to the UK Exchequer.

£4Billion in loan repayment (on monies it doesn’t borrow or spend)
£1.5Billion on Trident
£1.5Billion could be saved on Healthcare/social costs by a tax on ‘loss leading’ cheap alcohol
£2Billion+ a year loss of Oil tax revenues – because of increased 11% tax by Osbourne
£1Billion loss on CAP payment/administration etc.

= £10Billion. Scotland would be better off Independent and in surplus.

There is no austerity in London S/E, 4% unemployment, no cuts to public spending, banks subsidised with no regulation, a protected bubble.

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