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Wings Over Scotland

Let’s have another caption competition

Posted on November 08, 2013 by


Knock yourselves out, folks. But keep it clean, okay? We had a big dinner.

274 to “Let’s have another caption competition”

  1. Are you Denis Healey?

  2. Oldnat says:

    You’ve a bogie hinging fae yer nose.

  3. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Both, in think bubbles: “This is going to look really bad.”
    Aye. For once, they’re both right.

  4. Silverytay says:

    Oh Ed your Grey hairs are showing , you will have to start using Grecian 2000.
    Or in the spirit of keeping it clean.
    Honey take me for a spin.

  5. willie fae Irvine says:

    Just say the word handsome and I’ll trim your nose hair.

  6. Swello says:

    Is that the one o’clock gun in your pocket or are you pleased to see me?

  7. PatMcC says:

    ‘Why won’t you look at me darling?’
    ‘i’ve heard I’ll turn to stone’

  8. creigs17707repeal says:

    “Excuse me, young man. Can you tell me where Edinburgh Castle is?”

  9. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘Fly me to Dunoon…’

  10. Another Union Dividend says:


  11. Kirriereoch says:

    “Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you”


  12. Jiggsbro says:

    It’s true, you can see right through him.

  13. J. R. Tomlin says:

    I suppose “Bend over and I’ll kiss you where it counts” isn’t clean enough. LOL

    ETA: Now my tummy has the collywobbles.

  14. Linda's back says:

    Did I not see you at the Cavandish’s Grab A Granny Night like all the other sadoos

  15. Richard Lucas says:

    Where are we, Ed?

  16. Seasick Dave says:

    Him: Can you feel the love?
    Her: Naw.

  17. The Rough Bounds says:

    Haw Mr. Milliband, ye’ve got a spider in yer ear…eh hing on a minute…aw naw, it’s no. It’s jist that yir ear hairs need trimmin’. Gonnae let me dae it? Ah’ve got ma lady garden clippers in ma purse.

  18. Iain says:

    Ed Milfiband

  19. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘Please understand Dave, sorry, Ed, I want to do it as well, but I need to know you’re finished with Johann.’

  20. Yesitis says:

    Ed let`s bulldoze this castle pish and make oor very own Mount Rushmore in the middle o` Edinburra. Me, you, the Dougallmeister and oor Johann. Oh, I can jist see oor granite pusses staring doon noo!
    Dae it! Dae it!

  21. Stuart Carroll says:

    Oh no – a foreigner!

  22. dodecostanza says:

    I’m on the top of the world, Ma….gs

  23. beachthistle says:

    Nah, Ed, I haven’t been to the Castle for ages. Not my kind of place, lots o’ fureigners milling about…

  24. TJenny says:

    Careless Whispers.

  25. dodecostanza says:

    And where is this stairheid of which you speak?

  26. heraldnomore says:

    Is that Mons Meg in your pocket, etc

  27. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘Where the fuck are those helicopters when you really need one?’

  28. Weedeochandorris says:

    Is that you Brad?  Nah, should’ve went ti Specsavers.

  29. David McCormack says:

    Ur you wan a they furriners?
    Ah dont like furriners.

  30. pmcrek says:

    “So you’ll photoshop Ed in later?”

  31. The Rough Bounds says:

    ”Oh Jings! Ah’m gettin’ moist jist lookin’ at him.”

  32. David says:

    Who are you?

  33. madmags says:

    ‘Let’s join together as one nation, ed’

  34. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘I can see Charles Kennedy in the pub from here.’

  35. Papadocx says:

    We could get it on expenses Magrit honey!

  36. beachthistle says:

    Is that the one o’clock gun or are you just sad to see through me?

  37. Andy-B says:

    Oh!  Ed I’d love to see your Edinburgh rock.

  38. The Rough Bounds says:

    Mons Meg…or should that be Meg’s Mons.

  39. Steve McKay says:

    It’s about time someone DunEdin 
    Labour is deadinburgh
    or just
    F***in EDinburgh

  40. Ananurhing says:

    Don’t leave me here Ed. You promised to treat me like a Lady, and buy me an ermine coat.

  41. Jeannie says:

    Maigrit wondered how it was she could she Edinburgh Castle straight through Ed’s ears.

  42. Alba4Eva says:

    The wig looks good on you… but I still prefer you Au Naturale…
    link to

  43. Luigi says:

    “If anyone spoils my moment with Ed, there will be one hell of a rammy”

  44. Ian Brotherhood says:

    ‘Ye wantin’ a wee nookie-badge son, eh? eh?’

  45. kendomacaroonbar says:

    “I’m afraid it’s bigger than both of us Mairgret”…  “let’s not fight it Ed, you know you wan’t to..dontchew…dontchew wish your girlfriend was HOT like me.. dontchew…dontchew ?”
    “You took that too far Mairgret”       “sorry Ed…”   “grope hug then ?”

  46. The Ballad of Freda  Ed and Barry  Maggy

  47. The Rough Bounds says:

    ”I didn’t say ‘ermine coat’. I said, is that your coat or mine?”

  48. ronald alexander mcdonald says:

    I’ve put a spell on Unite!

  49. “Halloween was last week.  Why’s she still got that mask on?”

  50. Strike out not working grrr

  51. Iain says:

    ‘So Ed, yer da wiz a furriner, a Marxist and hated England? Ah still luv ye.’

  52. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    Mags sez :
    ‘Ah’ve got some in mah handbag’
    Ed thinks :
    ‘I’d be better off in that Sauna over there’

  53. Ananurhing says:

    Don’t leave me here Ed. I’ve done things for you I never thought I would ever do. No other man will look at me now. I feel so cheap.

  54. Haggis McBagpipe says:

    I do prefer a faceful of ‘Ed to a faceful of Balls

  55. G. Campbell says:

    Miliband’s referendum carrot: Margaret Curran to be imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle if Scots vote No

  56. Mosstrooper says:

    (Who the f**k is this woman)

  57. Ally says:

    I was right! There really is NOTHING between his ears!

  58. HighlandMart says:

    Are you a foreigner?

  59. ShredderIsAlive says:

    Ed: One day Margaret, this will all be ours…

    Margaret: To privatise.

  60. Albert Herring says:

    Ur yoo lookin at ma burd?

  61. Mosstrooper says:

    Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!

  62. Peter Mirtitsch says:

    Ed…you look a bit foreign. Are you foreign? I’m not foreign, and neither is my family…even the ones not from the UK…

  63. G. Campbell says:

    Miliband: Edinburgh Castle to be dismantled and rebuilt in Portsmouth if Scots vote Yes.

  64. Colin Dunn says:

    At last! The positive case for the Union. It’s hidden in your left ear.

  65. Jeannie says:

    Maigrit:  Sniff…..sniff……sniff…..aye, definitely, I smell….. shite.

  66. Ghengis D'Midgies says:

    Will you do the expenses Ed? I’m Scottish you know. Gonnie gies a look in ma purse again? I liked lookin in ma purse. Do you like lookin in your purse Ed?

  67. ShredderIsAlive says:

    Margaret: Oh Ed. Forget Scotland. Take me now and let’s form our own Union.

    Ed: I’m not sure Unite would approve.

  68. Dcanmore says:

    “ah this is what North Britain looks like… so, when is the next train back to London?”

  69. Jamie Arriere says:

    Ed : Why isn’t there a tram to chuck yourself under when you need one?

  70. Lobeydosser says:

    Is that gel you’ve used. I’ve went for windswept.

  71. beachthistle says:

    No that’s not an old volcano it’s on top of, Ed. That big lump of lava-looking rock was built by hardworking Scottish Labour voters. It was actually one of the first things paid for by UK Barnett formula money.
    Wow, strange I haven’t heard that before Margaret.
    No, well, I’m not surprised. People up here are afraid to talk, tell the truth about it. Especially shy, bashful business owners and entrepreneurs. They telt me they feel intimidated. Silenced.

  72. Jamie Arriere says:

    The One O’Clock gun misses its targets yet again…

  73. Richard Lucas says:

    Near, Far, Whereever you are……

  74. Bunter says:

    Ed, being with you, alone, in this romantic, foreign city, is making my pants wet. Let’s live dangerously, I know this wee B&B in Falkirk, the BBC will never find us and I know a few tricks your brother showed me Fnarr Fnarr.

  75. JnrTick says:

    Yiv furgoat yur poappy

  76. Ellie says:

    Edinburgh – See it before the volcano errupts (which will happen if you vote for independence!)

  77. Tom Hogg says:

    Frankly my dear, I don’t GIVE a damn.

  78. Dcanmore says:

    okay Margaret, one more time… this is small, that is f a r  a w a y

  79. X_Sticks says:

    Is that your hand?

  80. Sideshowmanny says:

    as we say in scotland Ed, there’s mony a guid tune played on an auld fiddle
    ok mags, but remember, what happens in Edinburgh stays in Edinburgh 

  81. kendomacaroonbar says:

    Don’t look now Ed darling, but I fair fear that there is an SDF Tank behind you !

  82. Jamie Arriere says:

    Oh Ed, do you think I look windswept and interesting?
    Windswept, certainly…

  83. ShredderIsAlive says:

    Ed: I know what you’re thinking, but it’s only her country I want to screw.

  84. Lobeydosser says:

    A’ve dug masel a hole tae ston in. 

  85. Wallace Bruce says:

    It’s no that I’m worried Ed but gonnae gie us wan o’ they English seats?

  86. call me dave says:

    Ed: To photographer
    “Did you get both old ruins in”?

  87. twenty14 says:

    how long do I have to wear this brassneck

  88. soorploom says:

    ….you’ll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent.

  89. G. Campbell says:

    “Amazing! You can barely see Cameron pulling Ed’s strings.”

  90. kendomacaroonbar says:

    Mags “Naw Ed, whitever Salmond telt ye, “Fannybaws” isnae a Scottish term of endearment”
    Ed ” Youre cramping my style a dahling and fech off and get me a coffee will you ?”

  91. Theunicorn says:

    Ooh Ed,
    you promished me if I gave you Portsmouth you’d gie me a yard in Scotland

  92. Ian Brotherhood says:

    The unelectable meets the unfuckable.

  93. Jamie Arriere says:

    Ed : Do you want to see the Tattoo?
    Maigrit : Thought you’d never ask….is it a big red rose on your arse?

  94. twenty14 says:

     ” I will give you titles and Lands in Springburn “

  95. Another Union Dividend says:

    ED how come you only claimed £403 for Energy bills on a Salary of £140,000 a year when Ian Murray got £747 for a pittance of £66,000 a year like me. 

  96. rgweir. says:

    I will give 5 minutes to get your hand off my erse.

  97. kendomacaroonbar says:

    “but, but, but Ed; *I* think we’re better togither ?”
    Ed… to quote the chinese philosopher ….”Dae Wan”

  98. Inbhir Anainn says:

    No Ed please no I dinna want Johann’s job.

  99. Ian Brotherhood says:

    I fear I have transgressed, but am unable, by, eh, 8 mins and 40-something seconds, to edit….oh, dear…quelle dommage..

  100. Ananurhing says:

    Mags, ” Hoooooeeee college boy! You got a purty mouth.”

  101. Mad Jock McMad says:

    Och, Ma ain wee Braveheart …

  102. Marcia says:

    Keep it clean?
    Margaret, have you got on Canal No 5? It stinks! Or have you got halitosis?

  103. Joshua says:

    “Touch my body
    Put me on the floor
    Wrestle me around
    Play with me some more”

  104. Jingly Jangly says:

    Mags (Gromit)
    Have you cleaned off the cheese Wallace?

  105. You know, Ed, you’re pretty handsome…for a foreigner!

  106. X_Sticks says:

    There’ll be a tram along any minute, Ed, honest!

  107. shamer says:

    One day darling, this could be all yours

  108. Hazel Lewry says:

    Aye Ed, ah’d luv tae dress up as Gromit …. ye wa-ant me tae bring the cheese?

  109. G. Campbell says:

    “He doesnae look like David. Are you sure this is David?”

  110. Albert Herring says:

    C’mon Ed, Ah’ve gone aa Embra wi the nae knickers thing n’at. Kin a huv ma fur coat noo?

  111. Jamie Arriere says:

    Ed: Do you want to see the Tattoo?
    M: What is it?
    Ed: My daughter’s name
    M: Oh..Rona! How lovely, that’s a Scoattish… my goad!  So how’s Rhododenderona gettin oan at school?

  112. rabb says:

    Magrit: “Right you ya big Tory bastirt, get yer jaiket, you’ve pulled!!”

  113. Are you a unionist member, Eddy boy?

  114. Clarinda says:

    “Och Ed – that’s jist like Better Together …. castles in yer hair”.

  115. Barney Thomson says:

    Hiv yiz ony idea when yon one o’clock gun gaes aff?
    No idea, Maggie. Can I call you Maggie?

  116. crantara says:

    Whit dae ye meen it wis a good idea tae build the castle next tae the railway station ya bawbag!?

  117. Tris says:

    The Tories said no one in their right mind would want to stand outside Edinburgh Castle and get their photographs taken by tourists.

  118. Midgehunter says:

    “I’m here in Cardiff for a photo-shoot and this blond bitch is f**king everything up ….. “

  119. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Ed. You’re supposed to keep your arse out of sight when you’re getting a photo taken

  120. Kirriereoch says:

    “I´ve always misunderestimated you, unlike some people.”
    “Hmm, you´ve just taken the mouth right out of my words…”

  121. Jamie Arriere says:

    Ed: Shall we go to Arthur’s Seat?
    M : Stuff Arthur, I’ve enough problems haudin oan tae ma own seat. Rememmer Ah’m the only person who can lose a seat in the East End of Glesca tae a Mason!!

  122. G. Campbell says:

    “Salt and sauce? You Scots have had it too good for too long.”

  123. kendomacaroonbar says:

    Listen up Oik, do you know what photobombing means ?
    Mags.. ” not until I met you ya silver tounged charmer….c’moangetcherkaaksaff pronto !

  124. G. Campbell says:

    “Oh, Ed. I must say, I’ve had a grand day out in Edinburgh with you today.”

  125. G. Campbell says:

    “Hey, photo guy. Ed put on the wrong trousers this morning, so stay above the crotch, okay?”

  126. msean says:

    ruined a great view of Edinburgh Castle there

  127. G. Campbell says:

    A close shave. I like that in a man.”

  128. G. Campbell says:

    “But the big question I’d put to Scots voters is this: what will you use for toast in an independent Scotland? Think carefully about it because it really could be a matter of loaf and death.”

  129. velofello says:

    Oooh Ed, Johann will be beelin. 

  130. kendomacaroonbar says:

    Mags… I heard you’re a bit of an Aardman ?

  131. Murray McCallum says:

    Aye Ed, yon there’s where they kept them prisoners; Colditz.
    Oh dear Margrit, you should button up your jacket.

  132. GrutsForTea says:

    Ed: So where are Labour in Scotland right now?
    Mags: North Britain.

  133. Thepnr says:

    Please Ed please. Jist one mer time. Promise I’ll no tell anyone.

  134. Keef says:

    Mags. ” Oh my God, wid ye look at that! So it’s true what they say. Yir heed really does button up at the back”
    Ed. “Mention it to anyone and your ermine pension is off the table”

  135. velofello says:

    I fall to pieces, each time I hear your name
    I fall to pieces,when will you make me a Dame
    You know that I do what you want me to
    You know that you just have to call
    I fall to pieces, when will I be the Shettleston Dame 
    Apologies to Patsy Cline

  136. handclapping says:

    I think I’ve pulled. Look, the dark haired one giggling, over there. Ow!
    Keep your friends close and …

  137. scotty says:

    “here mate,ur you no that wee plasticene man wae the clever wee dug thats oan the telly every christmas”

  138. Adam Davidson says:

    Aw right doll, looking for business.

  139. Richard Lucas says:

    Good plan.  Neither of us can be arsed to go to Scotland, so we’ve had ourselves PhotoShopped onto a photie of Embra Castle.

  140. Alex Taylor says:

    Since the Lies Lies Lies thread is kinda dead, I thought I’d post this here.
    Owner of a couple of cafes where we supply daily newspapers. Today I cancelled the Daily Record for both. I contacted them and let them know (and why) their circulation has decreased by over 600 annually.
    Every little helps.

  141. creigs17707repeal says:

    Mags–where are the grouse and the deer?

  142. Ghengis D'Midgies says:

    Hey Mister! Are you that David Cameron?

  143. Linda's back says:

    No wonder the Scotsman’s circulation has plummeted any many good journalists are losing their jobs
    link to

  144. rabb says:

    “Hey up Grommet, where’s the cheese?”

  145. Jamie Arriere says:

    Aw, ah love that big nose o’ yours – let me stick you in the tracks and push ye up tae Haymarket!

  146. Keef says:

    @ Alex Taylor. I salute your commitment Alex. What papers do you still offer?
    Ever thought of providing a few ipads to your customers (chained up if need be) and have WoS as the default webpage?

  147. Morag says:

    ‘Why won’t you look at me darling?’
    ‘I’ve heard I’ll turn to stone’
    Wins thread.

  148. Jamie Arriere says:

    M: Do you want to go up the Mound?

  149. Tinyzeitgeist says:

    “Frankly my dear… I don’t give a damn!”

  150. G. Campbell says:

    “A cracking barnett you’ve got there, Ed. If I had my way, I’d lop it off and distribute each strand according to a needs based formula, though Swinney is definitely staying bald.

  151. Patrick Roden says:

    “Ah want that one”

  152. Alex Taylor says:

    @ Keef
    You’ve spotted my dilemma right away, We need to offer papers, AND THEY’RE ALL  SHITE.’
    Good idea with chained iPads. Let me think this through.

  153. jorge peterman says:

    Maggie to Ed: “Ah’ll swap ye a castle for a joab!”

  154. CameronB says:

    JoLo: Ed, Ed… Ed, if you go, where shall I go? What shall I do?
    Ed: Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.

  155. Ghengis D'Midgies says:

    Mags: You can’t see yourself for what you really are! .. You are a powerful,
    sexy, dynamic, colossus of a man. In other words, perfect.
    Ed: .. I am, aren’t I?
    Mags: And don’t let anyone, anyone! Ever take that away from you.

    (With apologies to the writers of American sitcom Frasier :))

  156. Don’t you think we might appear to be too far to the right?

  157. Bunter says:

    You were amazing last night, but it’s  a pity that Johann couldn’t be with us as she has run out of the morning after pill.

  158. TJenny says:

    Alex Taylor – Nice one! And as they say ‘every little helps’, indeed 🙂

  159. Doug Daniel says:

    I am out on the piss. I am extr drunk. However, I have managed to identify 3 Yes voters, all of whom I thought were nailed-on Yesses.
    Do it folks. Go out there and speak to people. They WANT to be convinced. 

  160. Arbroath 1320 says:

    Mags: oh Ed, you are so tall and dark and strong and brave and amazingly handsome!. Will you be my Valentine, sorry I mean First Foot for the New Year?

  161. Thepnr says:

    Ed lets face it we’re fecked, Salmond has screwed us so what it there to lose?

  162. kendomacaroonbar says:

    “As far as you are concerned Margaret, I’m actually batting for the other side, so will you STOP blowing in my earhole !”

  163. mogabee says:

    Magrit’s bubble: OOh ahh hot he’s tall lovely hair so smart so handsome standing so close to me………etc etc!
    Ed’s bubble: BLANK……….

  164. rabb says:

    Doug Daniel says:
    I am out on the piss. I am extr drunk. However, I have managed to identify 3 Yes voters, all of whom I thought were nailed-on Yesses.
    Do it folks. Go out there and speak to people. They WANT to be convinced.
    Impressive Doug. Extra drunk and you can still make a coherent post! I’d be slabbering like a poachers dog by now!!
    I’ll assume those Yes voters were thought to be nailed on no’s?
    Remarkable post all the same from someone pished! Kudos 🙂

  165. Craiging_619 says:

    But when I’m way up here
    It’s crystal clear
    That now I’m in a whole new world with you.

  166. Thepnr says:

    Naw that was no good. Rev 2
    Ed, darling we’re fucked. It’s the boroo for you and me. Give it to me one more time.

  167. Marker Post says:

    “How’s aboot it, Ed? You and me. The Dream Team. Eh? Eh?”
    “In yir dreams, Mags”

  168. David Halliday says:

    People yak-it-ti-yak a streak
    and waste your time of day,
    but Mister Ed will never speak,
    unless he has something to say

  169. Daughter of Evil Reindeer says:

    This is a scene from the Labywood Studios classic Scotmid and Gromit
    Ed – It’s great how they built the castle so close to the railway station…
    Mags – Look just walk past and take a leaflet!

  170. The Man in the Jar says:

    Ed- Looks like 30,000 to me.
    Mags – Naw! 8,000 tops, here have a shot o ma better thegether specks! 

  171. creigs17707repeal says:

    I’m glad I’m out of there for the day. Those panda suits are hard work.

  172. DanTDog says:

    Hate tae say this but, ah kin see right through ye but…dinnae worry but…ah’ll no let on…xx

  173. Sey Yes says:

    Where have all the good men gone
    And where are all the gods?
    Where’s the street-wise Hercules
    To fight the rising odds?
    Isn’t there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
    Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need
    Och, you’ll have to do ye wee shite..

  174. joe kane says:

    A lost Mags Curran asks stranger for direction to her constituency office.

    Reference –
    Labour Blunder Numero XXX 
    Indygal in Europe!
    18 July 2008
    link to

  175. kininvie says:

    Livi folks: Why not explore the suburbs?  Yes stall in Polbeth, outside Scotmid. 11am-1pm tomorrow (Sat). You know you want to….

  176. CameronB says:

    Mags! (blushes)

  177. Alba4Eva says:

    Ed, have you heard of the Hootsmon?
    link to

    Love the last line; “The editor of the Scotsman, Ian Stewart, was unavailable for comment.”
    …where have we heard that before? Irony or what. LOL

  178. McNic says:

    ” Zat a pluke in yer ear?”

  179. Jan Moran says:

    Chilly round the ramparts Big Man?

  180. duncan says:

    You smell so lovely Mr Khan !

    link to

  181. G H Graham says:

    Margaret Curran … “Fur fuck’s sake Ed, ah telt ye tae cover up that love bite oan yer neck.”
    Ed Miliband … “Calm down dear. Our spin doctors have already sent out a press release explaining how I got attacked by a Rottweiler.
    Margaret Curran … “Oh, Ed. Yer a cheeky wee prick !”

  182. Gordon Callaghan says:

    Ed, You’re no the king of the castle. Yer a dirty useless wee rascal.

  183. Conan_the_Librarian says:

    Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.

  184. Seanair says:

    Oh you’ve been speaking to Standard Life Ed? Ah thought they had moved to England after we got devolution.

  185. john king says:

    I know this is wrong Edward but it it feels so right
    can we? could we? should we?
    Oh for gods sake Margaret stop 
    and tell them more lies

  186. Davy says:

    Oh thats a bonny job they’ve made of your nose Ed, fan are they going to finsh the rest of your face ?

  187. john king says:

    wittering 🙁

  188. Juteman says:

    Background theme tunes.
    “Love is in the air.”
    “The laughing gnome.”
    “i’m nobodys child.”
    “Tiptoe through the tulips.”

  189. Alba4Eva says:

    Well worth a listen folks…
    link to

  190. Albalha says:

    Take 1314. Action
    “There are 20 million women in this island and I get to be chained to you”
    No matter how hard he tried to learn his lines Ed failed to land a role in the 39 Steps remake.

  191. david says:

    yes master

  192. Craig P says:

    “Tom Cruise? The only thing you’ve got in common wi Tom Cruise son is staunning on a box to get yer photie taken.”
    “Ed! Sort her oot! Johann stole my fuchsia jaiket!”

  193. Albalha says:

    D Bateman on it if you haven’t read it
    link to

  194. Juteman says:

    Ooh Maigrit, one could hang a Burberry duffle coat on those.

  195. Martin Nelson says:

    MC: Ed, you big stud, you wouldn’t lie to us like Tony and Gordon did, would you? (eyes flutter)
    Ed: (through gritted teeth) errrr…. of course not, now smile for the nice camera

  196. Brian Mark says:

    Ed, how do I claim Job Seekers Allowance?

  197. Graeme R says:

    Ed – “It is always nice to be back here visiting Glasgow”

  198. schrodingers cat says:

    She promised to follow him to the ends of the earth
    He promised to arrange it

  199. Seasick Dave says:

    Ed: Who is Bobby?

  200. gordoz says:

    “Nose job Mags … I said nose job”.

    “Show Shorry Edd”

    “Put your teeth back in woman for gods sake”.

  201. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Dithering shites.

  202. thomas says:

    Before the photoshoot , mags and ed were doing a crossword.
    Mags says “whats a four letter word for a female ending in u.n.t?”
    As he looks at the camera , ed whispers “aunt”
    Mags looks up at him and says ” got any tippex?”

  203. Dramfineday says:

    Her master’s voice.

  204. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Wittering shites

  205. PRJ says:

    Oh! Ed you look so photoshopped (false).

  206. gordoz says:


  207. HandandShrimp says:

    Don’t look right Ed there is one of those separatist flags on that building.

  208. gordoz says:

    Oh and another, oops and another …

  209. gordoz says:

    MC : Ohh Ed, ‘lets get it ooaann’, we could make wondurful we socialist babies n at.

    EM : Socialists ? .. I never signed up for that !

    MC : Ed,  Ed,  Come back !! Ya  wee snobby …

  210. balgayboy says:

    E’hm gagging fir it!

  211. gordoz says:

    Nice wee snippet here
    link to

  212. Smudger says:

    Ed to stair heed ram my “what do us two and edinburgh castle have in common?”
    “if the bloody scots vote yes we’ll be history too :)”

  213. HandandShrimp says:

    Ed “Is this Falkirk”
    Mags “I don’t think so, I can’t remember where Falkirk is though”
    Ed “Good, let’s say everything is under control, claim our expenses and get the hell out of here”
    Mags “I love it when you are masterful”

  214. Adam Davidson says:

    Mags:”Ah luv it when your wedding ring tickles me THERE”
    Ed: “Ring nothin’, that’s ma watch.”
    (Sorry but I only know rude.)

  215. ronnie anderson says:

    Whit bit of that photo will have historical longevity 

  216. Adam Davidson says:

    It’s old, it’s crumbling, it’s been part of all sorts of death and destruction. The castle has too.

  217. Adam Davidson says:

    Mags: “Mr Milliband, my lord and master, what am I allowed to say next?”
    Ed: “Just don’t mention that f’n Scottish town, they’ll get bored and forget about it.” 

  218. Adam Davidson says:

    Ed: Right then …. what’s your name… oh yes, right then Margaret, we need to make a positive contribution to Scotland or The Labour Party is finished”
    Mags: “We could chuck ourselves over the balcony”
    (Loud cheering in background)

  219. Adam Davidson says:

    Mags: “Once these fools vote No, we’ll give the castle to the Chinese to turn into a nuclear power station” 
    Ed: “Is that Windsor Castle? No? Shit. Where am I?”

  220. Adam Davidson says:

    I’ll stop now. Crossed too many lines.

  221. Luigi says:

    “My, Gomit, this is a grand day out!”
    (but I think you are wearing the wrong trousers!)

  222. Thomas Dunlop says:

    “Is that really a zipper on the back of his heid?”

  223. Grant says:

    The bachelor party. The whole night. It’s… Things got out of control and, uh… we lost.

  224. Xaracen says:

    Quo vadis, Domine?

  225. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    Mags : Its gonna take a lot of wood to heat our new house Ed !
    Ed : Its ok Mags, plenty of useless wood at Holyrood demolition site.

  226. alexicon says:

    Mags: Gis a title so I can sit in the house of Lords and soak the taxpayers forever ya pr*ck.
    Looks like the Herald has taken up the mantle of the BBC with the anti Scottish Government’s Health angle.
    No truthful criticising comments allowed.
    link to

  227. beachthistle says:

    M: Ed, pulease say it, just the once. I’d really like to hear you say it again. Its so inspiring,  always perks me up, and reminds me of why I’m doing all these things I’m doing. What I’m lying through my teeth on the telly for.
    E: No, you know I can’t say it here.
    M: Oh Ed, You could whisper it, so nobody else will hear. Just for me. Pulease..
    E: Oh ok: One Nation

  228. alexicon says:

    Mags: All this could be yours Ed, if you will only say you’ll be mine.

  229. Bannock Hussler says:

    – Russell says we should no vote
    – You’re a trivial nation

  230. southernscot says:

    Can a huv ma ermine noo. honest they wull vote naw.
    Does it come whi matching knickers.

  231. Luigi says:

    “Am no takin ma eyes aff this wan – he’s a backstabber!”

  232. John grant says:

    Ed they swines over at wings over Scotland will be making an arse o us the morra but a don’t care a luv ye a reely reely dae 

  233. john king says:

    here’s something to rip the BBC a  new one with 
    this is the complaint  raised  with the BBC 10 minutes ago
    In spite of my and I have no doubt others complaining of James Martin falsely claiming the Yorkshire was voted the third best place in the world to visit as stated on last weeks Saturday morning kitchen, I was really quite angry to hear that same falsehood stated again this morning,
     now it would seem from his demeanor he knows it to be false but insists on repeating it in a facile and childish attempt to bait Scottish people (see how many complaints we can get) Might I remind Mr Martin he has a good and loyal fan base (my own wife included) in Scotland who see his feeble attempts at drawing out  the Scots as mean and spiteful and quite beneath him, this complaint has gone from one of being a desire for the BBC to correct an error to a complaint about a deliberate falsehood the complaint reference number I copied and pasted straight from your response to me dated 02/11/13 CAS-2391419-3V4S14 was rejected as incorrect 
    I would seem to me Mr Martin has a desire to see his name on every independence websites in Scotland please assure him I am happy to oblige.

  234. scottish_skier says:

    Magrit knew she had taken a huge gamble breaking into Madame Tussauds, but it was worth it just for this one photo. 

  235. Mark Harper says:

    “They cannot resist the power of the dark side my master!”

  236. john king says:

    just sent an email to lonely Planet to let them know how Mr Martin is misquoting them, they might just like to know
    wouldn’t it be a shame if this ended up airing our dirty linen in the worlds media 😉

  237. wee jamie says:

    ” Aye , yer no bad lookin fur a furriner big man, want tae get in aboot ma proud Scottishness ?”

  238. Luigi says:

    “Goodness me Ed, yer heid’s bigger than Edinbarra Castle!”

  239. Robert McDonald says:

    “Wiz this no the meetin place fur te get ane o they guid Wings badges?”

  240. Robert McDonald says:

    Cue the Titanic theme…

  241. scottish_skier says:

    Cue the Titanic theme…
    “You’re here, there’s nothing I fear,
    And I know that my heart will go on

    We’ll stay forever this way

    You are safe in my heart

    And my heart will go on and on”

  242. david says:

    what a cringin sycophantic fighter of the working class she is.

  243. Rod Mac says:

    Ho Ed you can do to me whit Westminster has been doing to Scotland for eons, and no KY needed either

  244. Mosstrooper says:

    Ed, I am your mother!

  245. Arabs for Independence says:

    One swallow doesn’t make….
    you my girlfriend

  246. Frances says:

    Does my bung look big in this?

  247. GrutsForTea says:

    Grangemouth? Govan? Never heard of them. I’m here to see the Pandas!

  248. Shaun Milne says:

    Ed     – ‘My dear, doesn’t Stirling Castle look marvelous this time of year?’
    Mags – ‘Eh, aye…..sure. Did you no used tae have a dug or something?’

  249. Colin mccartney says:

    I wonder if he knows who I am, and what I do?

  250. Alba4Eva says:

    From a voice up in the Castle; “You dinny frighten us, English pig-dog! Go ‘n bile yer bottom, son ae a silly person!  Ah blow mah nose at ye, so-called Ed Milli-theeng, you and aw yer silly English K-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-niggits! 
    [makes taunting gestures at them]
    …I dinny wanna talk tae ye nae mare, ya empty-heeded animal food trough wiper!  Ah fart in yer general direction! Yer mother was a hamster… is that her beside ye? …’n yer father smelt ae elderberries!

  251. Jimbo says:

    Mags: “That’s a right cold wind blowing through my hair.”
    Ed: “Try wearing knickers.”
    I’ll get my coat.

  252. david says:

    Q- How do you know when stairheed has an orgasm?
    A- She drops her chips

  253. Shaun Milne says:

    Movie Guy Voice – ‘In the Summer of 2014 the world is in chaos. Separatist rebels are rising in the outter provinces hell-bent on destroying the greatest Union the world has ever known. Led by the obnoxious Dictator Eck, these scum will stop at nothing to seize doesn’t belong to them. Only one man ( and his dog) stands in their way and he’ll sacrifice every shred of decency, party policy   his very life to protect his expenses, pension, easy-lifestyle of doing fucking nothing people.’
    ‘Braveheart 2 Highlander Rising: The Real Wallace’ – 2014 Starring Ed Milliband, Mags Curran, Johann Lamont, [Someone Rennie], Dictator Eck and some extras. ( A Taylor Film Production).
    It’s the ultimate battle of (righteous) Plasticine versus (bastard’n separatist) Cholesterol‘ – Call Kaye
    Really puts those jock bastards in their place‘ – The Telegraph
    Try sponging off us now! Tartan wearing Haggis munchers!’ –  Daily Mail
    Dictator Eck! FAT! PEOPLE OF SCOTLAND. CHINESE STEEL! OBSESSION! OBSESSION!‘ – Johann Lamont of Scottish Labour
    This film will be played in every primary school in Scotland for generations as a shining example of the true face of Scottish Separation. 5 Stars.‘ – BBC Scotlandshire
    [Filmed entirely on location in Somerset]

  254. mmars_attacks says:

    So why do they call you “stairheid” Mags?
    Ram me Ed an’ ye’ll find oot!

  255. Ananurhing says:


  256. This film will be played in every primary school in Scotland for generations as a shining example of the true face of Scottish Separation. 5 Stars.‘ – BBC Scotlandshire
    I don’t think it’s right to just make up quotes and attribute them to other people…

  257. Kenny Campbell says:

    For s foreigner i understand you quite well

  258. Dramfineday says:

    Staring at the Edinburgh cringe

  259. Jamie Arriere says:

    Wallace and Gromit, played now by Bill Nighy, pose for photographers and film fans at the Edinburgh Film Festival ahead of the premiere of their latest release “Where’s the Fucking Wensleydale?”

  260. Juteman says:

    Maigrit. “Yir faither wiz a furriner, and we are leaning against a Pole!
    FFS, Johann, take the batteries oot!”

  261. Fairliered says:

    Do you think anybody woud notice if we moved the castle to Portsmouth?

  262. Shaun Milne says:

    @BBC Scotlandshire
    Many apologies for attempting to do your job for you.
    I’ll follow your example and retract the quote in about 6 months with a very small and well hidden editorial apology sometime in 2015. Seem fair? 

  263. gedboy says:

    ed- fucksake hawkeye thought you said this is easterhouse?
    mags  it is this is the outdoor centre 
    ed outdoor centre hello no houses
    mags here try my specks on
    ed  specks heat re-entery shields morelike

  264. Kev says:

    Awwh Eddd, sweep me aff ma feet n kerry me back tae that huge hoose of yours…

  265. Kevin Lynch says:

    “Milliband says he loves the taste of well aged Haggis”.
    Sorry :p

  266. ” Right hen, let me do the talking, you just stand there and look good, ah what was I thinking, you can put lipstick on a pig…..”

  267. Richard McHarg says:

    Gottle o’ geer!

  268. Les Wilson says:

    “OH Rhett, please tell me how your hair does not go in the wind like mind does ? “

  269. Spansco says:

    Teeth in or teeth oot Ed? You decide love.

  270. braco says:

    It’s a longshot Margaret……………but it just might work!

  271. braco says:

    Oh… Heathcliff !

  272. proudscot says:

    Ah’ve jist fun’oot wherr Wee Johann hides when she’s asked tae comment oan anythin’ – therr she is up yer hooter!

  273. lumilumi says:

    @ Jamie Arriere, 8.11.2013 at 11.30pm
    Ed: Shall we go to Arthur’s Seat?
    M : Stuff Arthur, I’ve enough problems haudin oan tae ma own seat. Rememmer Ah’m the only person who can lose a seat in the East End of Glesca tae a Mason!!
    To my mind, this was the best one. I was visiting my parents when I read this and major coffee-keyboard moment! 😀
    My dad wanted to know what was so funny and I tried to explain:
    “Well, that’s Ed, the Labour leader in Westminster, and that’s Edinburgh Castle and Arthur’s Seat is this big hill in the heart of Edinburgh…” By the time I’d explained that a seat also means a place in Parliament and who and what Mags Curran is and John Mason is and what’s the significance of the name Mason and… Well, let’s just say that the joke doesn’t translate into Finnish 😀  It’s got so many levels and requires so much local knowledge. Afterwards I was not a bit proud that I’d got it right away.
    Thanks, everyone else, too, for a fair few laughs and giggles on this dreich day! 😀

  274. David Boddie says:

    “So what brings you to Edinburgh, Mr Portillo?”


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