The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Kiss this love goodbye

Posted on June 15, 2014 by

For our 2,500th post we wanted to say something positive about the media for a change, and the opportunity has presented itself, albeit in a sad way. BBC Radio Scotland’s Sunday morning show “Headlines” is the only political programme – radio or telly – that we made a point of never missing, and today is its last episode.

Canned by the state broadcaster for reasons as yet unexplained, it’s going to leave a big hole in our weekends. Presenter Ken Macdonald’s warm, relaxed, funny and always even-handed style never failed to bring out the best in guests from everywhere on the political and cultural spectrum, and it was a show that always sounded like everyone on it was not only having a good time but making the listener part of it too.

We’re fighting hard to beat back our cynicism about the reasons for it going, and our dismay that it’s to be replaced from next week by a new programme hosted by just what absolutely nobody was crying out for – more bloody politicians. So we’ll cut that line of thinking short and just say thanks to everyone on the show for making us smile every Sunday no matter what, and always making the independence debate feel a little bit less nasty, even if only for an hour at a time.

This one’s for you, Ken.

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On the plus side, I can stay in bed a wee bit longer. Thanks Ken.

We Are All Bourgeois Now

Oh god, The High Fidelity (and Ross McFarlane) – takes me back! 😉


Well done on 2500th post Stuart the fight goes on


2,500.Now thats an impressive figure as well as a huge amount of verifiable proof. Thanks.


For all of BBC failings this was a little gem of a show. They seem intent on destroying any semblance of continuity in a Scottish political broadcasting. Can you imagine them decommissioning, Question Time, Sunday politics and Andrew Neills a contract all in the same quarter and at a time of the biggest political story in the history of our country.

Smacks of cultural engineering and political vandalism for the sake of short term tactical advantage.

Only three months until we can start to restructure national news output that reflects our own voice in our own country without the guiding hand of Westminster and their Machivalean posturing.

Sad day but maybe necessary change in order to achieve desired autonomy. Might even be symbolic of the uncoupling that will be more of a feature in the near future.

Seismic change will not seem so dramatic when it is preceded by this chipping away of routine that they persist in auctioning. Maybe a good thing in the long run!


Kudos; from a Campbell to a MacDonald…

that’s progress…arf arf arf 🙂


Thank you Wings. You have informed me.


late one tonight Rev? I’m just going to bed (decided I can’t last another world cup game) and did a last refresh of Wings!

Goodnight all. I look forward to reading my Sunday Herald later today!


@kendomacaroonbar, 1:56 am.

huh, ???

Have I missed Marcia this evening with the Sunday Herald front page?


Ach, just look on it as symbolic of the union coming to an end.

There’ll be loads more institutions going when we have our independence, some we even have some love for.

We are doing the right thing though, and we’ll love our own institutions as well.


Tonight, for the first time in my life I did something different.

I went out for a night of traditional Scottish drinking with my mates. What made it different was the pocket full of aye right cards I was carrying. Those who have met me at wings nights will probably know that (when not in to 1 1/2 bottles of Red Wine I Talk the game, but have been absent when it comes to hitting the street.

Tonight I decided to swallow my fear and have a go at getting the message out. First couple of times I handed a card to a stranger it felt awkward. An hour later, no problem – general response was ‘whits this’ – my response -‘information that might just change your life – i’m not telling you how to vote, i’m giving you the info to make a reasoned decision’. And the best thing – ‘nae point mate, i’m already YES,’ was the majority response. Of about 50 people i got one ‘f**k off’, I also got a ‘f**k off – oh its a Yes thing, I’m on your side, sorry’ response.

Yesterday I was scared to talk to strangers, today and for the rest of my life, no problem.


@ rab_the_doubter, 2:41am

Was that the business card size aye rights? If so, where did you get them? I have somehow managed to go through a couple of hundred of them and really need some more now.


I got them at the CH. Surprisingly, I thought I had enough with me – how wrong I was. There is nothing more dangerous than the truth – dare to be dangerous.

Norma Ballingall

You will just have to listen to Scotland’s Talk In instead. Alex Salmond is answering questions today(Sunday) at 11am. Radio TayAM and Radio Clyde 2


“it’s to be replaced from next week by a new programme hosted by just what absolutely nobody was crying out for – more bloody politicians.”

One more reason to vote for indy.


More bile from the BBC. Vile use of public monies

Be selective. Only encounter what is absolutely necessary. NO viewers, NO listeners, NO programmes. Heads will roll.

What a shame England lost their 1st match. All that fanfare. All of them folk dressed up in comical red and White fancy dress. Nae comical Bravehearts? Red and White OKUK. Blue and White Naw.


Ken Macdonald will be back. Look at Bateman. There is a better way, away from the BBC.

Heads will roll. Don’t get angry get even. Vote YES

Seasick Dave

Come on Ken, one door closes and hundreds open!

You can have a role to play in the next three months so lets be having you!


Well that was an interesting video to watch over my flakes!

Time tae tak the dug oot. Late fitba an’ early rising dogs don’t go together.

Kyle Mackay

Congratulations on your 2,500th post Rev 🙂 You’re rate and quality of output is just unbelievable!

Rab_the_doubter, great effort man. It’s inspirational to see how many folk are really pushing themselves way past their comfort zone in order to achieve independence.

A year ago my brother was too shy to wear a Yes badge, now when he goes out drinking he wears one on each layer of clothing and takes about a dozen extra badges and loads of Aye right leaflets to hand out.

We’re going to win this because we’re giving it everything we’ve got!

john king

Its a privilege to be able to comment on your site Stu and I am forever grateful for your unstinting efforts to make our beautiful wee country all it can be,
I think I have something in my eye (again) 🙂

john king

I meant. 😉


Great wee video of Maryhill Rd.


Only BBC show I ever listened to. Must have gone too far off message I guess. Never mind, we’ll get him back in 2016.


Congratulations on 2500th post. This site has been a revelation for the Independence movement. I let people know about it since I discovered it last year. It’s the first site and only site I’ve ever made comments on.

Keep it up. We and Scotland are indebted to you.

dennis mclaughlin

,it’s been a long week for you & Wings,but you have weathered the strorm well.
here’s to the next 1000 posts :).

turnbul drier

Wow..! 2500 posts. You’ve done a bucket load of writing and I reading.

We would be a lot less informed with out you Rev. Keep up the excellent work. I’m off to get my Sunday herald 🙂


Funny, doesn’t seem that long ago that I was thinking that approaching 1,000 posts was an exciting event.

Kudos to rab_the_doubter – expressing that all we want is for people to think about and talk about independence, as the Aye Right leaflets say, is exactly what this is about. Frankly they are one of the most useful things to give out to people (that and balloons, car-stickers and badges – and by the way Gregg Moodie’s got some interesting ones…).

Oh, and hello Kyle! [waves] 🙂

Tony Little

Is it just me? But I can not see “Headlines” on the online schedule. (I’m outwith Scotland) At 09.00 I get “Crossfire”. Was the last show, last week?


According to the BBC Scotland schedule ‘Crossfire’ starts this morning


Congratulations Stuart, a remarkable achievement. I don’t post often but avidly follow your articles which are so obviously extremely effective, given recent smear attempts 🙂

sorry to go OT, here though but I’ve been trying to contact Mark Piggot re the 10,000 flags but he hasn’t replied to emails or indiegogo message, Does anyone know what is happening with the yES saltires, or how to contact Mark?

Gerry M

I noticed that in the online schedule when I looked last week. Just BBC incompetence. @macdonke has confirmed he *is* on, intimating that he is not allowed to say it is the last show.


Sunday Herald front page, but NOT the BBC, reports that latest Panelbase poll shows NO at 52% to 48% YES, the gap narrowed to just four points.

Plus another Labour former Union boss has come out for YES.

But still buy the Sunday Herald…

Alan Mackintosh

I’m preety sure that last weeks Headlines was the Final one. Today sees the start of the Kezia Dugdale show…

Tick tock BBC Scotland…

Alan Mackintosh

Then again, having just looked at Ken MacDonalds twitter, he says he’s not allowed to say whether this is the last ever edition of Headlines…

Seriously WTF

Tune in at 9 o clock…

Seasick Dave

Memo to Agent Dugdale:

Don’t mention the Westminster debt, the west coast oil or Iraq.


And if it’s not bad enough having a radio show that’s hosted by politicians….it’s hosted by a particular politician I wouldn’t give the time of day to – Kezia Dugdale.

You’d think Scottish journalists would be crying out for independence in order to let journalism grow and thrive instead of the stifled effort it’s become.

C’mon Scottish journalists – break free of your prison. Support Yes!


Congratulations Rev on your 2500 post , looking forward to the next 2500 posts .


Congratulations on reaching another landmark Rev.

The MSM are trying to draw you into a fight they know they will never win. But what they are also trying to do is to divert your attention away from what you excel at and that is exposing their lies.

Keep the fight with the Scotsman and others as a side issue and not your main target. (which is their aim).

We should all stay focused on our desire for Independence.

We can see the winning line approaching, don’t let your eyes be drawn away from it by gutter press.


Sorry o/t,

Rab the Doubter @ 2.41am

I get Aye right! flyers 1000 at a time and hand them out round Glasgow city centre (another 500 going out later today).

About 50% don’t accept one but that’ll be because they get people trying to hand them leaflets about this or that all the time, the rest just say thanks, take one and move on. Now and then someone will stop to ask a question about something or other, only a very few – and I mean only one or two – hand them back to me when they realise what it’s about.

My point is that new visitors are coming on to this site all the time and they’re looking for answers to questions about health, education, pensions etc etc, not to read about Lally, the Scotsman etc.

I know all these things have been covered here before but it could do no harm to revisit them periodically. Someone might not be interested in pensions for example but when the facts, as a pose to the scaremongering by the MSM, are revealed to them they begin to connect the dots and see that the entire picture concerning a whole range of issues is very different to the way that the msm tries to portray it.

I think that in particular when the truth about oil reserves and the lies about subsidy junkyism becomes clear to people that’s what swings it to YES for many.

Focusing on issues that people are concerned about and need answers to, and not falling into the distraction trap, is what will win it.



John Reid will be a guest on the BBC Andrew Marr show from 9am this morning.

The show also has a recorded interview with Tony Blair.


I saw the Bliar interview – apparently everything is someone elses fault and not his…. not ever…


Bliar is a liar and a hypocrite. He should be in jail. Where’s the Chicott verdict, being suppressed by Westminster, months late.

Leveson has not implemented because Westminster wants to keep control of MSM. Leveson recommendations would have given the public slight redress, against the out of control, power of the MSM.


Sorry O/T


I’ll be at the YesMobile today at Markies in Aberdeen. I’ll take a pile of Aye Right leaflets with me, so if you can make it by and pick them up that would be great.

Bugger (the Panda)

The East Park Home has changed.

Jim Thomson

I never thought that I’d think that a “closed shop” approach to journalistic employment would be a good thing. But, I’m coming round to thinking that needs to be the case at the BBC.

Why are POLITICIANS taking over JOURNALIST’s jobs?

They are using OUR licence fees to pay POLITICIANS (who are really badly paid and recompensed, by the way). We already pay them through our taxes and if they now want to also be paid to do their job via the broadcast media that should be illegal.

Do they not have CONSTITUENTS to serve? How can they concentrate fully on that elected position if they are spending their time gassing on TV and radio.

Jeez, I feel my hypertension kicking in.

I must get a mug of tea before I explode (and that wouldn’t be an enamoring sight!). And, who is that bloody idiotic woman on Ken’s LAST programme?


Do you know, I never thought I’d say this, but I’ll actually miss Katy Grant broadcasting on Headlines…I’m quite sure that single-handedly she’s turned many undecideds into Yes voters. I don’t think this will come as welcome news to her, though.

Bugger (the Panda)

As for the BBC, the lunatics have now taken over the Asylum.

We need a Yes vote and the BBC abolished in Scotland.

Jim Thomson

Oh, and Rev, What a guy! You’re a true star and I expect you’re a true gent too. Thanks for achieving your current milestone of postings, whilst remaining sane against all the odds 🙂


@ticktock I agree. People arriving at this later stage, who haven’t been on Wings for the past 6months or so, probably would benefit from a rehash of the nitty gritty stuff to catch up. More and more people are engaging and being led here. Some of those people are starting at the begining and are political babies. I know I was and everything I’ve learned has been on here, thanks Rev, and through reading the incredibly knowledgable comments from wingers.

It’s amazing the number of people who still don’t know our NHS is entirely separate from the English NHS and even more who don’t know why we get free prescriptions and free university when they don’t in England. These are ordinary, everyday, educated people who are now just beginning to wake up. They have been brought up with the diet of Westminster subsidising us and ‘giving’ us these things and how we should be humble and grateful for small mercies. I think thats where the real Scottish cringe started – we’re scroungers – and that’s been hammered in for a hundred years, all lies.

Grouse Beater

Last week the Malcolm Tucker of the No Justice Campaign orchestrated a nasty attack on people who us the internet to discuss, debate and express opinion on the Referendum.

He used the Internet to do it.

It is another attack on a democratic process.

While he and his kind, the power elite, command the press and media the rest of us do our best using the internet to represent our views feeling, unlike Rowling, we will never be heard. Well…

At long last the sods are taking notice of what we say.

That is a good thing no matter how they try to spin it.

ronnie anderson

@ rab_the_doupter, Well done Robert the 1st steps the hardest

you’ll meet a lot of people you’ve never met before, mind

tack yourself onto a Yes group in your area, theres only one

way for you to go now Onward an Upward.


John Reid reminding us on the Andrew Marr show that the Union (England) saved Scotland from financial disaster, going as far back to the Darien Project and as recently as bailing out our Royal Bank of Scotland.

Was it not the Royal Bank of Scotland’s London base that ended up needing the bail out.

The man is a disgrace. Thank god he has nothing to do with the YES campaign.

“No Thanks”, as Better Together put it. You lot are welcome to him.

If Better Together think that bringing in these “Big Hitters” is going to win over No votes, then they have seriously misjudged the true feelings of the Scottish electorate.

Bill McLean

I’d like to add my appreciation of Ken Macdonald and his
“Headlines” show, and my disgust at BBC Scotland for their foul behaviour! Of course the real “maestro” in all the news gathering, analysis and dissemination is our own Rev.
How are we ever going to appropriately thank this man for his work on our, and Scotland’s behalf?


Is it just me or is Ken MacDonald suffering from a serious case of demob fever… he’s on fire this morn

dennis mclaughlin

just been subjected to more Andrew Marr”interviewing” Dr.Death Reid himself…fawning disnae describe this excuse for journalism.

Bliar came on and started blaming everyone ‘cept him and his dug for Iraq’s spiral of despair and I had to use the big AFF button before projectile vomiting was induced.

what on earth has happened to decent and normal journalism?,this country is resembling the old GDR at it’s zenith.


Did I hear Reid saying Bank of Scotland’s ‘toxic debt’ of £35bn was larger Scotland’s GDP ?


dennis mclaughlin

o/t Rev,could we have a ‘reply’ button @ the end of each post p!z?.


Congratulations Rev!

Justin Kenrick

absolutely gutted to lose Ken, he is such a delight to listen to. Just hearing the last moments now. You’ll be back Ken, come September. Looking forward to it!!!


Loved Kens sign off on Headlines.

“I never forget you pay my wages”

Brilliant GIRFUY to the beeb bosses.

john king

post dissapeared into the ether

take two,
so Marr ask Sajid Javid (culture secrectary) if th UK has any plans to return to Iraq?
Response “there are no plans for British planes over Baghdad,
this is from the culture secretary, not the PM, not Hammond, the culture sec,
Plausible deniability anyone?

How long does anyone give Darling before he pulls the loyalty card out,
Scotland being painted as craven cowards for deserting its friends and allies in time of war?

ronnie anderson

Rev well done 2500th,an you will easly triple that before

Scottish Independance is secured.

Shall I send you 10 Thimbles,a bit like steel toecaped Rigger

Boots, but fur Fingers.Mair power tae You.


john king

I remember,last year,quite a few of us saying they wouldn’t be surprised if the establishment didn’t engineer a conflict in order to wave the flag and put the ref on hold.


Dave thinks kids in the UK should learn the Magna Carta to be more ‘British’. Erm, ok, but maybe we should also include e.g. the Declaration of Arbroath as very early example of popular sovereignty?

link to

ronnie anderson

@goldenair,tain the words rite oota ma mooth,another presenter for Radio Free Scotland.


Morning Ronnie Anderson

I was out with the YES stalls yesterday and today I am a trainee canvasser, chapping on doors, spreading the word.

Ronnie, BBC Scotland and the MSM think that the more bullshit they come out with, the more we will swing us to a NO vote.

That could not be further from the truth, because the more the media run down my country and the YES campaign, the more determined I become to prove them wrong.

Instead of giving 110% effort I will be giving it 150% from now on in. Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Get involved if you can folks, and also put on show your badges, wristbands, flags, car stickers, window poster, make YES feel as if it was meant to be the norm.

Hope you are well Ronnie, have a nice day.


2500th post. A great achievement! Scotland will forever be indebted.

Marr. John Reid, No thanks!


What’s going on?

Posting and they’re disappearing,another DDoS?


And thanks Wings guys at last week’s Yes in the Park for the stickers, one of which is now adorning my wheelie bin for the whole world to see.

john king

Front page of the Sunday Mail


No mention of the trolls who attacked the Wiers but I’m sure they will correct this grave omission presently.


Hmmm..something strange going on Stu.

I try to reply to John King re Iraq and they go AWOL.

Write something innocuous and it pops up.


“And thanks Wings guys at last week’s Yes in the Park for the stickers, one of which is now adorning my wheelie bin for the whole world to see”.

YES, Loud and Proud.


Congratulations on your 2500th post… Keep the positive momentum going folks . Positivity must conquer ! Happy Fathwrs Day to all Dad’s out there ! 🙂

bookie from hell


pontius pilate

wiping his hands clean

Findlay Farquaharson

o/t slightly. if the iraqi freedom fighters win back their country, it will mean iraq will control their oil wealth again. america will find an excuse to go back in and control the oil again followed by a loyal lapdog uk.

ronnie anderson

@caz_m well done Pal I’ll see you on the 29th Pacific Quay

demonstration, another two letters this week, one by hand,

ah shut the door in his face,he wrote that I wasent in( the

photo of him says otherwise )the other one must be in reply

to the letters I handed in ( there is no TV licence

registered for my address ( no triple shite sherlock )

You take care see you soon.



Aye, and what’s even better about it is the fact that I’ve stuck it directly underneath the name of my local authority which is run jointly by Labour and Tories, although the SNP won a majority. It now reads as if they’re supporting Yes.

john king

Findlay Farquaharson says
” if the iraqi freedom fighters win back their country,”

I dont think by any measure I.S.I.S. The islamic State in Iraq and Levant could be described as freedom fighters,
they are so toxic even Al Qaiada don’t want to know them,
these are seriously bad people Findlay.


The unstated truth is that it is the UK establishment which is the cause for the Union to be breaking up. People would not be backing Yes in the numbers they are currently, if their values were being represented. Doubters can see No is not a safe option.


I am not and never have been much of a fan of polls, and as such i will not get overly excited about this one, in as much as the previous “no have massive lead” stuff never really concerned me either.

It matters not about polls, as i have been convinced for a fair while we have been in front anyway.

That aside, loving this quote about the latest poll…IRONY ALERT !!!

A spokesperson for the pro-Union coalition Better Together said: “It’s impossible to comment on a poll that’s not been shared with us.”


ronnie anderson

@ Jeanie, I gave us great pleasure to meet many like minded

people & some dont knows, we will be out & about somewhere



Britain and the Magna Carta. Unsurprisingly, Cameron will have a poor understanding of British history. In the Barons versus King John dispute, King Alexander II was involved but only in regard to his lands in England. The final document, as I understand it, intentionally omitted mention of the King of Scots because that would have recognised him as indeed, King of Scots. And, of course the English monarchy, as always, had their grubby eyes on Scotland.

The Magna Carta is a can of worms Cameron might consider steering clear of, as Scottish sovereignty again becomes an issue for debate.

john king

Jeannie says
“And thanks Wings guys at last week’s Yes in the Park for the stickers, one of which is now adorning my wheelie bin for the whole world to see.”

I wouldn’t if I were you Jeannie, put the stickers in you window but not on your bin, some clown will set it on fire,
that’s been done several times where I live (not I hasten to add because of YES stickers though)


That’s an interesting picture on Ken MacDonald’s twitter page, is it not? Think the quotes from 1984?


Rev Stu well done on reaching 2500 posts. That is no mean feat, the next 400 or so will be the most important articles you’ve ever written.

I really believe you and the commentators on this site are making a real difference. Wings is our MSM. Two of my nieces yesterday changed their facebook profile. Both now have a giant YES on top of their picture.

The message is getting out to people and a large part of that is down to you. Thanks for everything.

ronnie anderson

@ galamcennalath, that has allways been the case with the

Rulers writeing history from their perspective.

G H Graham

The closure of this program is the result of a strategy by the BBC to dismantle any platform for political balance or even Unionist dissent.

This is no accident or coincidence. It is the work of an organisation that operates to its own rules, within its own framework, supported by the decriminalisation of watching TV without a license.

It disregards complaints because there is no recourse. It is not answerable to the people but to a board populated by members of the British Establishment elite.

It;s not interested in balanced, fair & even inwardly critical analysis. It works to perpetuate a myth; that Great Britain is a mighty global force for good & that it enjoys & promotes & protects a fair, equal & just society.

Of course the evidence & reality are quite different. This program then is another sign of the response of this disturbing organisation as it feels the resentment & threat of sovereign Scottish independence.

Financially, removal of Scottish license fees will be measurable but hardly significant. The BBC earns over 5 billion in total receipts every year.

The threat instead is a political one because it dismantles the idea of a complete, whole & sincere British State, the state that the BBC has chosen to champion, ring fence & protect. By acting to protect the British State, it works to protect itself.

By picking apart the symbol of Great Britain, we who live in Scotland & who are voting for independence are thrusting a wooden stake right into the heart, soul & mind of the British State & the BBC at the same time.

Hooorah !


As on at 11.00am Scotland’s Talk In.

link to

ronnie anderson

@ G H Graham, the demise of BBC Scotland cant come soon

enough,& we get a share of the assets & another + point

a big dent in BBC so called Impartiality in anything they

report on in the World.

john j

Croissant and coffee on Sunday morning will not be the same.

Derek M

Dont fret Ken im sure there will be a new show for you in an independent Scotland your listeners will demand it ,i for one will not be tuning in to listen to a new labour politician with a political party agenda talking biased rot about my country so goodbye BBC radio Scotland you have just lost another listener.
Congratulations Rev Stu 2500 posts an incredible feat of journalism you make us all proud keep up the fantastic work.

Jim Marshall

G H Graham 10.49

” supported by the decriminalisation of watching TV without a license”

Agree with every thing in your post but surely you mean criminalisation.

There are moves in Westminster to decriminalise non payment simply because the jails in England are full up.

Helena Brown

Ronnie, a wee while ago I pointed out to one of my friends in California about how biased the BBC was and she has passed that on to friends who used the BBC for their views on the world. Only a little thing but hopefully will make a wee dent in their listeners.


Andrew Neil on the politics show will be asking if the Independence campaign has become too nasty.

See what I mean about Better Together and the BBC trying to divert the debate away from any talk of policies.

They are doing this for one simple reason, they don’t have any policies to talk about.

Keep your eyes looking straight ahead, fully focused on that winning line. Don’t fall into their trap.

Helena Brown

@John King, around here the blue bin was the target, they used to set fire to them in the Calais Muir wood and inhale. No need for a YES badge unless it enhanced the effect.

Dr JM Mackintosh

Ken Macdonald should go and work for Derek Bateman.

Here are his new radio broadcasts…

link to

link to

Really Good – great to hear Derek again.


@ticktock and @Weedeochandorris

Yes the truth about oil revenues and subsidy junkies are the two things that really rile me.

I have worked in the oil and gas industry for 33 years, vast majority spent overseas, including 6 years in Norway and look how rich they are 2 or 3rd in the world, on a consistently yearly basis.

Don’t forget our whisky revenues worth 4Bn pounds last year alone.

When I bring up Independence where I work, currently in Tunisia, my English colleagues always point out how the UK subsidies Scotland.

We knew differently and we also need to get this message across to our people as well.


@G H Graham

Good post. I enjoy the posts you write and I know from what you have said previously (your experinces ref whistleblowing on a company) how difficult it is to out the truth.

We are all in this together and the truth will prevail.

The Arab spring prevailed due to the internet and the social media available, as we have.


Final show was quite the most enjoyable yet.

Segio Casci was ‘on fire’ and finally we had someone who could surgically deal with – ‘drown out’ the very tiresome Unionist stalwart Katie Grant; (she was on the show an awful lot).

Sergio got in ‘digs’ on just about everyhing (well done)

If thats the last we hear from ‘Katie’ then it will be no bad thing losing the ‘Headlines’ show; sadly.


This ISIS thing going on in Iraq ….. they are portrayed as beyond the pale – excluded by even AQ….

Soooo who’s funding them? Who’s supplying the arms?

Someone clearly is…

My money is on Saudi Arabia, this is ultimately why the US will not intervene but only sit back to ensure the Shia controlled South of Iraq is defended to ensure Iran stays out.


O/T :

Dear God are there really no other professional / academic pollsters in Scotland ??????

Why do the media always consult Prof Curtice; this is way too important for us only to hear his opinion.


Why isn’t she being asked about britnat insults? Looks like bias again.

G H Graham

Thanks for the correction “criminalisation” instead of “decriminalisation”.

I was also thinking of Colorado’s decision this year to make the smoking of the big, green weed, legal when writing this morning.

Flower of Scotland

Thanks Ken for all the good weekly debates. We will miss you!

0/t Andrew Neil on the politics show with Blair Jenkins and Jackie Baillie………..The Cybernats are dreadful! Worse than anything on NO side! NEILS venom when talking about Alex Salmond is unbelievable! Phew it’s stressful listening to him and Baillie!

Robert Kerr

Totally O/T

Went to Tesco for the Sunday Herald. Lad in front of me was fishing for one under a pile of other papers. I said. “They always cover them” He said “I know”

A total stranger. The yessers are well hidden.

This is not the first time the SH has been submerged out of view in that store. Not worth complaining about but may comment at the YesClydesdale open meeting scheduled for Friday.


The BBC don’t seem to realise that the more they rile the Scots, the more determined we become to fight for our Independence.

Absolute and utter bullshit bias by Andrew Neil regarding nasty cybernats.

We will have the power on 18th September to rid ourselves of scum like him by voting YES.


Cobra meeting @ No 10 this morning? lol

Dave McEwan Hill

O/T Alan Taylor in the SH. “The NO-bodies”. I like it

O/T 2. I don’t think Better Together have thought things through with “No Thanks” as a slogan
Trident – No Thanks
Bedroom Tax – No Thanks
Food banks – No Thanks
Anybody able to design posters? I’ll put them up in the Dunoon YES shop.


OK, how do I get my hands on a load these AYE RIGHT thingies?


Please don’t be taken in with the decriminalisation argument.

If TV tax non payment becomes a civil matter, then the burden of proof is much lower than for a criminal case.

There will be loads more innocent people dragged in front of the courts being hit with fines.

gerry parker

@ Dave.
Wee Ginger Dug has designed some terrific badges here

link to

I’m going to get a tea shirt made up with a couple of them (large) put on for the PQ Protest on the 29th.

bookie from hell

Andrew Neil forgot to mention his twitter tweet

nationalist scum


What an excellent topic for the 2500 post of WOS. So sad that Ken MacDonald’s excellent programme is being scrapped during the most important debate we have ever had. To replace him with a serving Labour politician is outrageous. Why on earth is he not allowed to say when, or if, he will be back on air? The BBC is becoming more like Radio Uganda during the Idi Amin regime.
But I look forward to listening to Derek Bateman’s radio podcasts as compensation (although to have had both would be better).

Robert Kerr


He is not allowed to say.

Could be he will be back after 19th Sept.



Congratulations Rev.And thanks. @dennis mclaughlin and the GDR. I have a number of friends and colleagues, who enjoy my vidoes and articles from BBC,which they put on big TV in their local pubs, and laugh their heads off, the common comment is “Are you sure you don’t live in Comecon Communist country SEmus?”.also ot if we can change the name from Scottish Executive to Scottish Government,why can we not change the name from NHS(Scotland) to just a clearer and informative SHS?

Fiona MacLeod

Re rab_the_doubter’s posts way way up the page…good on you, sir, stepping out of your comfort zone & finding it not nearly as scary as you thought. kudos.

Schrodinger's Cat

does anyone have a link to the aye right leaflets or the wings business cards

i will be leafleting my area today and over the next few days
i’ll just print out a few hundred and add them to the existing leaflets


Could it be that just the fact people like us enjoyed his wit, the show could be seen by the heid yins as “third column” ?

Duncan McCallum

Andrew neil. Once again showing his strong bias against the YES campaign. Not once did he urge m/s Baillie to condemn the the cyber britnats for the vicious comments aimed at the Weirs !

Blair paterson

Please tell me why my blog was not printe

Blair paterson

Sorry should have read please tell me why my blog was not printed

Paula Rose

@ Schrodinger’s Cat, go to the post entitled ‘Alerting the others’ on the sixth of June dear.

Blair paterson

Just to say goodbye to you all i posted a legitimate comment and for reasons unknown to me it has not been printed so what’s the point of posting I wish you all the best vote yes

Dr JM Mackintosh

Sometimes my comments do not get printed either. Probably just as well they don’t.
I get quite angry sometimes with all the bias hurled against us.
Keep posting…

Votadini Jeannie

2,500 excellent posts – thank you Rev.

I agree with the others who suggest revisiting some of the basic points of the independence argument for new readers. Perhaps in the form of factsheets per subject, e.g. health, education, poverty, economy etc. Just a wee sggestion…


Blair, quite a few people have had posts go missing today. Sometimes this site comes under a DDOS attack. Or it may have too many logging on after all the great publicity from the MSM. Keep posting.

Derek M

@ Blair it got lost in the world of cyberspace mate sometimes it happens to me as well im not sure if its browser related as it works again after i clear my browser history.


Headlines was the last news and current affairs show I regularly listened to. I liked it when Derek used to host it and I thought Ken picked up the baton really well.

I am very disappointed that it has been dropped. Following Scotland 2014’s epic fail I have no confidence that whatever comes in its place will not be a serious downgrade

Free Scotland

I’m an alert listener. Recognised the backing track immediately as being from a track by Andrae Crouch, an Afro-American gospel singer from the Seventies, and truly one of my favourites.

link to

gordon murray

Took half the morning to reach the end of the comments rev. Looks like its up to you now to keep up the good fight? Any chance we might get to reply to the comments?

The Establishment can have no idea of the tsnumami of free expression they have unleashed by censoring the mainline media. The law of unintended consequences; by attempting to control the flow of information they have inadvertently opened the floodgates!


Yip, couldn’t agree more Rev, Ken MacDonald’s quirky style brightened Sunday morning up, and his “Public Service” jingo, stuck in your mind long after you wanted it to.

So long Ken you’ll be sorely missed, I never thought I’d say that about a BBC Radio presenter. I can’t say I’m looking forward to “Crossfire”, as I’m not particularly keen on Kezia Dugdale.


AYE RIGHT leaflets can be obtained in Glasgow from Iain Allan 07877 931739


With rsheadlines gone I will be giving Radio Scotland a miss on Sunday mornings. An excuse to hit the snooze button one more time or go out and do some leafletting for Yes. Listen to Kezia Dugdale no thanks.


Derek Bateman instituted a review of the various Scottish political blogs and this policy was continued by Ken MacDonald.An early marker for the balance of the new regime will be survival of the blog review.

Allan Allanson-Oddy

Thank you Ken for hours of enoyable listening.


I thought there were rules that meant Dianne Abbot couldn’t be on This Week,

link to

Surely the BBC can’t actually be seriously suggesting Holyrood MSPs aren’t real politicians and subject to the same regulations?

Ken MacColl

Congratulations on your 2500 blogs and your service to Scottish voters in redressing the dreadful Scottish media imbalance.
Is it not typical of BBC Scotland that they should cancel, and refuse to explain why, the most balanced weekly political commentary in Headlines while importing out of touch and, doubtless, highly paid, presenters from Doonsooth. Hope we are not deprived for long the presence of the good humoured Ken MacDonald. Feel sure that Pacific Quay needs a real clear out starting at the top. As big Ken commented only today it is the listener that pays the wages.


The BBC is the British State protector and is the glue holding the nations together and our referendum is the nail remover to weaken its molecular structure.


Totally o/t: the Saturday Herald had a photo of the Selkirk Common Riding’s ‘Casting of the Colours’.

The point of the photo and article was re. the first woman becoming a standard bearer in the ceremony.

The tradition commemorates the sole survivor from the town, one Fletcher who brought the flag back from the Flodden defeat of 1513.

My surprise at this story was not a male chauvinist revulsion at Ms. Fiona Deacon’s elevation to this proud role, on the contrary I found it refreshing.

However, when I spied the photo of the aforesaid woman waving this proud but sad memento of Scotland’s biggest defeat and loss of life on the Mainland of Britain, I nearly grued…for said flag was the old Butcher’s apron..the Union flag!

Now could some Selkirk lad or lass enlighten me as to whether this totally inappropriate and indeed insulting rag of imperialism has always been waved unwittingly at the proud burghers of Selkirk, or is this a new and worrying development in this important tradition?

It goes without saying that the Union Jack did not exist in 1513 and more to the point..the 79 men who did not return to the Border town in the aftermath of the battle …were slain by the English.

Is this yet another grotesque stunt by BT supporters in the area? If not somebody should give the organising committee a history lesson.

Paula Rose

@ Lochside – this from wikipedia, it’s a captured flag…

The Selkirk Common Riding is a celebration of the history and traditions of the Royal and Ancient Burgh. Held on the second Friday after the first Monday in June, the ceremony is one of the oldest in the area, with 300-400 riders, Selkirk boasts one of the largest cavalcades of horses and riders in Europe.

Selkirk still owns common land to the north and south of the town, but only the northern boundary of Linglie is ridden on the day. Selkirk Common Riding remembers how, after the disastrous Battle of Flodden Field, from the eighty men that left the town, only one – Fletcher – returned bearing a captured English flag.

Legend has it that he cast the flag about his head to indicate that all the other men of Selkirk had been cut down. At the climax of the day the Royal Burgh Standard Bearer and Crafts and Associations Standard Bearers cast their colours in Selkirk’s Ancient Market Place.

Mike Heinemeier

Just a thought for a badge or sticker. Don’t be led by the No’s

Calum Craig

Anyone else noticed the picture on Ken Macdonald’s Twitter profile- 1984’s Ministry of Truth!!


@Paula Rose: thanks for the info. thought I’d seen this portrayed before on tv, but the ‘Fletcher’ was casting a medieval banner about his head. Would have thought that even more appropriate than even a flag of St. George.

Paula Rose

Maybe the local BT group thought it would be a good idea – without realising the historical significance 😉

Matt Dodgson

To all my friends whom I have soldiered with good bye

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