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Wings Over Scotland

It’s about democracy, stupid

Posted on June 08, 2014 by

“Great Britain” began with the Union of the Crowns in 1603, when James the VI of Scotland ascended to the Throne of England and Ireland, but the “United Kingdom” didn’t come into existence until the Act of Union in 1707, which effectively dissolved the Scottish Parliament. The “British Empire” began with the Union with Scotland and, if those in support of a Yes vote have their way, it will end with Scottish independence.


But what’s any of that got to do with Barack Obama?

I can ask that because I’m an American. If a native Scot tries to do so they’re likely be dismissed as backward and chippy “Bravehearts”. But ever since that morning in 1707 when Scots awoke to the news that their Parliament had been dissolved by a handful of lords and rioted in the streets, through the joys of the battle of Culloden, the Highland Clearances, and so on all the way to the brutality of Thatcherism in the 1980s it’s been clear who benefits most from this political construct.

Much has been written about how the upcoming independence referendum represents a divorce between Scotland and England. But if we’re making relationship analogies, let’s just say that historically the British government is a power-hungry polygamist and Scotland is just the latest in a long line of unwilling wives to leave.

This is how we’re so sure that the many of the threats that emanate from Westminster are indeed bluffs. We’ve rung up all of Britain’s exes: the USA, India, Ireland (and the entirety of the Commonwealth), and we can see that whilst the UK government can be an abusive partner and often behaves dreadfully during a break-up, once the deed is done they become much more cordial with their their former flames, because it’s in their best interests. Heck, they even send the Royalty around periodically for grand visits just to be friendly.

Another fact is clear too – whilst all nations have their ups and downs, absolutely none of the countries that have broken up with Westminster have ever come crawling back.

It’s very hard to communicate to people in the United States the level of centralisation of government within the UK. When most who hear why, as a “New Scot” from the States, I support a Yes Vote, they often look at me in puzzlement and say, “Well, that’s like supporting North Dakota leaving the USA”.

Not quite. Scotland is a nation of just over 5 million people, a similar size to Ireland, Denmark, New Zealand and Norway, and we balance our budget on pocket-money grudgingly returned to us from our own taxes by Westminster. We don’t control the revenues from our oil & gas industry, our whisky, water, fishing, farming or tourism.

The smallest of towns in anywhere USA has far more tax-raising power AND spending control than the entirety of Scotland. Most towns, counties or states can set sales tax (VAT), property tax, alcohol sales and even borrow to invest in their infrastructure. We have minimal representation in Westminster and far less in the European Parliament in Brussels than we would if we were independent.

The entire strategy of the No campaign has been to overwhelm people with doubts about whether Scotland could manage these tasks that are second-nature to small US towns, leaving the average voter to believe that they need a degree in international law to cast a vote. I listen to a lot of BBC World Service radio in the wee small hours, and night after night I hear these brave journalists travel to the farthest-flung corners of the globe to interview, analyse and report on an impressive array of topics.

However, when it comes to reporting on most issues in Scotland, it seems that we’re a no-go area. Rather, the majority of the media prefer to rely on some London-based hairdresser or a celebrity who maybe had a Scottish granny or went on occasional holidays to Skye for all first-hand knowledge of the situation. We are not known or much cared about in what’s supposedly our own country, even three centuries on. It’s time to face the reality, and start seeing other people.

The referendum is an amazing opportunity for the people who choose to call Scotland home to partake in a political process in which their votes will actually matter.

Together we could craft a constitution to reflect the needs and values of our community, and make sure that each person within Scotland can actually share in the bounty of her many resources. Priorities such as our NHS, free tuition, affordable childcare and a welfare system that doesn’t harass and demonise the sick, disabled and elderly can be protected in a way that we simply can’t do now.

There will be bumps in the road, the outside world will still exist and influence us – but we can finally speak with our own voice and at least have a chance of being heard.

I believe in real representative democracy. I believe in accountability. I believe that the status quo is not as good as it gets, and I believe a better Scotland is possible. Where my ancestors had to fight with rifles and cannon to free themselves from London rule, I’m voting Yes to begin that process of making that better future happen. My President should be able to understand that, and get out of the way.

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  1. 08 06 14 03:07

    It’s about democracy, stupid | Scottish Independence News

  2. 12 06 14 13:36

    Scotland's Independence: It's about democracy, stupid

144 to “It’s about democracy, stupid”

  1. mogatrons says:


    Possibly the most concise, accessible summary of reasoning to vote YES I’ve read to date.

    Thank you Jean Muir!

  2. Fiona says:

    Very well said.

  3. Lockie says:

    Jean, fantastic piece, I can’t wait to hear in a Scottish accent ” Government of the people for the people by the people”…..I have a dream x

    Thank you Jean

  4. lumilumi says:

    Thank you, Jean, for this eloquent piece.

    Why is it that we from other independent countries seem to see better what is staring Scotland in the face than Scots themselves?

    Oh, OK, we haven’t been brainwashed by the BBC and the British MSM…

  5. jim arnott says:

    O, wad some Power the giftie gie us. To see oursels as others see us.

  6. jim arnott says:

    Predictive text is a pain in the are. Apologies to the Bard, it should have read:

    To see oursels as ithers see us.

  7. jim arnott says:

    See, its at it again – that should have been arse.

  8. donald anderson says:

    “Found this online

    Britain was the name made popular by the Romans when they came to the British islands.

    England used to be known as Engla land, meaning the land of the Angles, people from continental Germany, who began to invade Britain in the late 5th century, along with the Saxons and Jutes.

    Great Britain
    The term Great Britain was first used during the reign of King James I of England (James VI of Scotland) in 1603, to refer to the separate kingdoms of England and Scotland. on the same landmass, that were ruled over by the same monarch. Despite having the same monarch, both kingdoms kept their own parliaments.

    United Kingdom (The uniting of kingdoms)
    The ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’ was formed in 1707 by the Act of Union that created a single kingdom with a single Parliament. (Scotland has always retained its own legal system)

    A hundred years later the Act of Union of 1801 joined Ireland to ‘Great Britain’ and the name “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” was first used. (Since 1921 only Northern Ireland has been part of the United Kingdom and so the name changed).”

    For those of us old enough to remember being forced to stand for the Jelly Bean song and Butcher’s Apron here are some more facts. First the St Gorge Cross was superimposed on the Saltire as the so called “Union” flag. It was not a Union but a takeover. It was flown on the Jackstaff, aft end of the English, sorry British, Naval ships, hence the Union Jackass. The Irish “Union” of 1801 was based on the successful capture of the Scots in 1707. The red Saltire was invented to be sliced and butchered into the existing Union flag. There was no St Patrick Cross. There is an Anglo Irish family with a red Saltire crest. Fitz is Norman for bastard son. Some Scots and English families also share red Saltire armorial bearings. St Paddy died in his bed as the Bishop of Armagh. He was taken by Irish pirates called Scotti (raiders)by the Romans from his native Kilpatrick (Kil, or Cel: Church of Patrick) where there is a St Patrick well and a St Patrick Masonic Lodge. Probably the greatest Scottish preacher to go to Ireland till James Connolly. St George was never a Saint or crucified. He was hung by the Greek King over a dodgy bacon contract to the Greek army. St Andrew deemed himself too humble to be crucified on the cross of his lord and preferred a crooked cross to afford him more comfort, which the Picts believed they saw in the Sky before battering the Angles and chasing them out of the Lothians. Hence the white Saltire on the azure background.

    Wales was brutally conquered with no pretence of a “Union”. Edward the Furst borrowed ten times the national income from Jewish merchants, then scapegoated them to avoid repayment. He made them wear yellow patches and deported them to the continents, confiscating their properties (sound familiar. Whaur’s yer “Nazis” noo? He burned 400 Jews seeking sanctuary in church in York and had his ship’s commanders drown them in sandbanks pretending to let them exercise. “It’s alright, you are just going to the showers”. Jews were not allowed to own land in Europe at that time, forcing them into commerce and Christians were “forbidden” usury,. Aye right. There was no history of State oppression of Jews in Scotland, though some golf clubs were known to be at it. Can anyone supply info on the Gorbals Jewish Pipe Band? The Scottish Jews, like most incomers have truly integrated into Scottish society.

    We have an English, Irish and Asian Scots for Yes. Only the North Brits cling to bigotry, ignorance and the Labour Party for existence and misogyny. By ra way, I know what they did in Sodom, but what did they do in Gomorrah? Sounds like an Irish place name or song.

    So, for those forced to stand for the Butcher’s Apron there was only one true cross, the cross of St Andrew. Jasus, the joke’s on the True Brits, Pom Fritz, who have stood for these myths ever since.

  9. donald anderson says:

    Sorry to hear that the Welsh are soon to be a minority in their own country. It is easy to sell a broom cupboard in Knightsbridge and then set oneself up as Lord of the Manor amongst, allegedly, sheep loving peasants.

    Edward the Murderer and “Pneumatic Hammer of the Scots” promised the Welsh a Prince who spoke no English. He held his newborn son, Ted the Second, above the parapets of his Welsh castle and proclaimed him Prince of Wails, who of course technically spoke no language. It is NOT advisable to use Britspeak to refer to our Welsh cousins’ English sheep pen as a “Principality”

  10. James Dow A voice from the diaspora says:

    The butchers apron with modification, mine.

    From a Jack to a Jill
    Jack is feeling quite ill his background is lost
    It’s now time for Jill to cope with the cost
    Two red crosses on a field of white
    The Saltire’s gone home, restoring what’s right
    A fitting end to a devious pact
    Scotland now cleansed by this final act

    Here’s hoping anyway

  11. Mealer says:

    Jean Muir.

  12. Grouse Beater says:

    Myth Corrected

    The Scottish Parliament was never “dissolved.”

    Suggesting something is dissolved gives a false impression of non-existence.

    It continued for many months with it’s administrative work after the Treaty was signed, later moth-balled because nobles soon discovered they were debating the same issues and Bills as their London counterparts. It can be claimed we stopped using our parliament to avoid embarrassing politicians at Westminster.

    Think about the practicalities: you sign an agreement to co-produce a project with another business company and immediately lock down your office and all in it. Everybody goes home. What nonsense.

    Nothing in the Treaty demanded the closing of the Scottish Parliament. The English demanded and got the promise that decisions made in Scotland had no bearing upon those made in London.

    It one regard it was almost impossible for English politicians to monitor what Scots were discussing for the simple reason Scots did not use English as their normal language. But in time, all business was removed to London.

    That is why Winnie Ewing opened the First Session of our Parliament with the memorable words:

    “The Scottish Parliament that was adjourned on March 25th, 1707, is hereby reconvened.”

  13. Ken500 says:

    No taxation without representation, a free and balanced Press.

    Democracy is lacking in Britain.

    A Head of State in a NEW £2Million coach, when the vulnerable are starving. It’s disgraceful.

  14. caz-m says:

    This reply is more relevant on this post, since we are talking here of Union Jacks.

    After having dried out from manning our YES campaign stand yesterday, I will be calling in to my local Morrisons to see what all this Union Jack waving shit is all about.

    I will also be asking management if they are active members of the Better Together campaign, since recent reports suggest that they are handing out Better Together leaflets at Morrison stores throughout Scotland.

    Once I have made my complaint to Morrisons management, I will turn around and make my exit, empty handed, never to return.

    When I see a Union Jack, all I see now is a St Georges cross jumping out at me. Thank god you hardly see a Union Jack flying in Scotland now.

    PS, I was in the ASDA store in Govan last night and they have saltire related products all over the store.

    They also made up a special World Cup stand with all the participating nations on show, and guess what, someone forgot to add the England team to the display. Shame.

    Well done ASDA Govan.

  15. Brian Powell says:

    This is certain: Devolution, the opportunity to become an independent and sovereign nation, even the belated and weak attempts by the Cons and Labour to ‘give’ more devo-small, didn’t happen because of a No vote, but because of a Yes vote, and Yes vote thinking.

  16. TheItalianJob says:

    @ Jean Muir

    Good concise post. Thnaks.

    @Brian Powell.

    I like that.

  17. Jim Marshall says:

    Jean Muir

    Excellent piece of objectivity at this point in the history of our wee bit hill and glen. Hope your writing is taken up by the likes of the Washington Post and the New York Times.

    Donald Anderson 6.02

    Very interesting and entertaining post from you Donald. Keep it up.

  18. Simon Chadwick says:

    “By ra way, I know what they did in Sodom, but what did they do in Gomorrah?”
    Gomorrah was for the Ladies.

  19. TheItalianJob says:

    @Donald Anderson at 6.02

    Good history lesson there.

    @Grouse Beater at 7.42

    Good correction.

    Keep up the good work.

  20. Big Jock says:

    This is also a cultural movement.Scotland is a nation and we were an ancient nation long before the US was even dreamt of.Obama comes from a new nation so doesn’t understand the context of the debate.This is about Scotland not the UK ,US or even Europe.Its what our people want that matters.Has Obama any clue about how many governments Scotland has been dictated to from London that its people never voted for.He probably sees the UK through London Eyes.Royal family,Olympics,Thatcher,Cricket,Wimbledon…That is not our nation!He isn,t quite understanding that we are not California or Texas.We are actually a nation and England is no more a nation than we are.The level of ignorance is pretty endemic in the States about Europe and the world.

  21. caz-m says:


    Alex Salmond is a guest on the Andrew Marr show after 9am this morning.

    I do hope the Scottish Government press office have sorted out this two second time delay in the sound equipment. It seems to crop up every time the interview Alex Salmond.

    Alex Salmond is also a guest on Sky News Murnaghan Show, after 10am this morning.

  22. Ian Kirkwood says:

    Thank you Jean, I enjoyed reading your piece. Common sense does not always prevail and it baffles me how so many in Scotland do not see things as clearly as you do. I am watching and listening to the debate from Sweden so also have a different vantage point. For me it is all about grasping the opportunity to go for radical change. That the unionists can believe there is any alternative for Scotland to be able to live up to its true potential is unbelievably misguided. Then again most of those them are out with Scotland with no concern about how things actually turn out.

  23. Sanz says:

    Excellent piece, Jean . Thank you.

  24. cadgers says:

    Thank you Jean Muir, I enjoyed that. We CAN win and we WILL win. I don’t say if any more.

  25. Dougie says:

    Great letter
    Wee correction for Donald above
    Regarding the creation of the Union Jack. ST Patricks cross was not a made up flag its been the lennox flag as flown at Bannockburn and features on flag of west Dunbartonshire Dumbarton being the capital of the Britain’s for it from here the isles got its name.

  26. john king says:

    the wife phoned Perth Morrison’s today to ask if she could hand out better togethers leaflets to be told “we’re neutral in the campaign,the wife said then why were Morrisons styaff involved in handing them out in Stirling then?

    It was obvious by how quickly the person responded that she was ready for the question and had a quick answer, the wife promised her an online campaign to boycott the shop is already under way, and the staff would be well advised to avoid any support for any future propaganda campaign, since Aldi and Lidll are ready and waiting to take there place and they wont be missed.

    Dear god Im married to Che Guevara.
    gaun yersel hen. 🙂

  27. Grant Cruickshank says:

    But why shouldn’t Barraco Barner have his say? He is Britain’s president after all…?

  28. heedtracker says:

    They’ll have cut a deal. Tell the Scots vote no Prez, just a quick word will be great, BBC, press will do the rest. UK buys Apache longbow attack helicopters, the Princes love them, they cost mega bucks and Boeing makes them for gazillion bucks a chopper.

    Have a nice day raging hypocrite America.

  29. MajorBloodnok says:

    @Jean Muir

    Thanks very much for this. Uplifting and positive. I was on the YES stall at the Meadows Festival in Edinburgh all day yesterday and there were at least two Scots Americans there, one of whom was Melissa, outed as a ‘nasty cybernat’ by the Daily Mail a few months ago along with the Rev and Beachthistle. She was mystified as to why (but we know why, don’t we readers?).

    Continung sort of O/T it was an utterly amazing day with a huge interest and buzz arond the stall all day (until the rains came anyway). Hundreds of YES badges and Aye Right leaflets and stickers were handed out plus 200 YES balloons gone by lunchtime.

    People are really taking a huge interest now and there were a hell of a lot of people wearing Yes badges.

    Also, thanks especially to those that came to speak to me looking for the ‘Major’. I appreciated that – and thanks to (I’m sorry I’ve forgotten your name) who gave me an ‘Alert Reader’ badge, to add to one of Kendomacaroonbar’s ‘specials’ I was sporting to much admiration. I need bigger lapels.

    And kudos also to CameronB for being there for most of the day – leafletting and persuading and (ahem) winding up the sad and neglected folk at the Better Together stall not far away (placed next to the Labour Party stall, curious).

    Seeing all those engaged and positive people wearing badges and walking about the Meadows makes you realise that the polls and the MSM really are not capturing the mood and direction of Scots, wherever they come from.


    I think Jean Muir knows fine well what the legal status of the Scottish parliament was post 1707, hence the deliberate modifier “effectively dissolved”.)

  30. Albalha says:

    And of course working together, at times, isn’t a problem, here an inspired fundraiser, United and Dundee fans raising cash for billboards for start of football season, they’re not asking for much.

    link to

  31. thomas says:

    Thanks Jean , great article.

    o/t just watched marr`s show and admiral lard west spouting about the scots separating being the biggest threat british security.

    Christ almighty what is it with these pompous muppets?

    Mr Salmond on the other hand accomplished and confident as usual when marr intervied him.

  32. Robert Peffers says:

    Allow me to correct some small misconceptions in the above posts. First, “Great” is a commonly used geographic term and simply means, “larger”. As in, “Great Cumbrae”, the larger of the two islands in the Firth of Clyde. In fact there are thousands of British Place names that begin, “Great”, or, “Greater”.

    The Scottish Parliament was officially, “Prorogued”, and, “Prorogue”, is a verb meaning – a Parliamentary Procedure to discontinue the meetings of a legislative body without dissolving it. It was in fact proclaimed by town cryers around the streets of the capital city.

    The Parliament of England was officially dissolved by an act of The Kingdom of England Parliamenty at Westminster. Thus the present parliament at Westminster began life, on 1 May 1707, was formed according to, ‘Article III’, of, “The Treaty of Union”, that reads, “That the united kingdom of Great Britain be represented by one and the same parliament to be stiled The Parliament of Great Britain”.

    Westminster thus legally,ENDS as the parliament of the, “United Kingdom”, on the first day of Scottish independence as there will then no longer be a, “United Kingdom”. and there is no legally elected Parliament of England.

    Another fact is that the English Kingdom’s, “Glorious Revolution”, of 1688 saw the overthrow of the monarch, (who wore both crowns), as the King of England but that could not affect the status of the Scottish Monarchy as Scotland was then still an independent Kingdom and had not overthrown the Scottish monarchy.

    What, “The Glorious Revolution”, did do was make the three country Kingdom of England legally, “A Constitutional Monarchy”. Thus began the Jacobite, Uprising that the English have claimed as a Jacobite Revolution ever since.

    However, as you cannot rebel against a monarchy that is not your own, Scotland’s monarchy remained on the throne. Even then the English based media was spinning the truth like a bairn’s peerie, (Child’s top).

    The Jacobite uprisings ran from 1688, right through the period of the Treaty and Acts of Union, until the military slaugher of the, (mainly), Scottish army at Culloden in 1745.

    The Jacobite Uprising of 1745 was a civil war fought in Great Britain. This was the second and final uprising in support for the House of Stuart. King James VII of Scotland (James II of England) had been removed long ago. Thus The House of Stuart, a Catholic faction was no longer in control of the Monarchy and the whole matter was, and still is, a sectarian battle for control of the whole of the so called, “United Kingdom”.

    Ever read the second, ‘Article of Union’? It reads : –

    Article II. THAT the Succession of the Monarchy to the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and of the Dominions thereto belonging, after Her Most Sacred Majesty, and in Default of Issue of Her Majesty, be, remain, and continue to the Most Excellent Princess Sophia, Electoress and Dutchess Dowager of Hanover, and the Heirs of her Body being Protestants, upon whom the Crown of England is settled by an Act of Parliament made in England in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King William the Third, Intituled, An Act for the further Limitation of the Crown, and better securing the Rights and Liberties of the Subject: And that all Papists, and Persons marrying Papists, shall be excluded from, and forever incapable to inherit, possess, or enjoy the Imperial Crown of Great Britain, and the Dominions thereunto belonging, or any Part thereof, and in every such Case the Crown and Government shall from time to time descend to, and be enjoyed by such Person being a Protestant, as should have inherited and enjoyed the same in case such Papist or Person marrying a Papist, was naturally Dead according to the Provision for the Descent of the Crown of England, made by another Act of Parliament in England in the first Year of the Reign of their late Majesties King William and Queen Mary entituled An Act declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject, and settling the Succession of the Crown.

    Note the bit at the start, “upon whom the Crown of England is settled by an Act of Parliament made in England in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King William the Third”, , and you may just get the real overall picture.

  33. Bobby King says:

    Great article. Scotland leaving would be more like Texas leaving the USA than Dakota.

    Only thing I’d quibble with is the idea Scotland’s consistently fought against London rule. Scotland made a lot of money out of the empire and industrial revolution. The independence movement was a fringe phenomenon until the 1990s.

  34. Grant Cruickshank says:

    I honestly worry that some people – even some of the fine, educated people commenting on this terrific website – don’t ‘get’, don’t fully grok the war we’re engaged in now.

    We live in a slave society. Oh, the cage is gilded. We’ve been granted the illusion of Free Choice and many shiny toys around us to act as soporifics but make no mistake; the Establishment that runs this and other Western societies (The Establishment is an entity of international scope, hence the puppet president dancing to their tune) but the prospect of a Free, financially-powerful and properly Democratic nation emerging out of one of their long-held bulwarks – shattering the power of that bulwark in the process – is completely untenable to these people. This is why we’re seeing the BBC abandon all pretence of impartiality and public representation, why Scotland is now subject to one of the most intense propaganda blitzes since WWII. Why people within the system who raise dissenting voices are being cleared out of harm’s way. The prospect of a truly free nation emerging on planet earth from within the heart of the slave complex is one that cannot be allowed, lest the concepts spread to others and the economic slavery machines, of which we are all made a part, crumble to rust.

    THIS is why voting yes is *vitally* important. We have no hope of ever being a free people unless we stand as one and say “YES!” one more time than they can say “NO!”. WE are the long-awaited hope for the re-emergence of TRUE Democratic representation in the UK.

    we can see the machine stripped bare. We now understand how it work, which levers they pull to trick and manipulate us. We must not let them take victory away from us.

  35. caz-m says:

    @John King

    Well done your wife.

    I will be calling in later on to Morrisons, I don’t like phone calls, prefer face to face. But I will also be telling them I wont be back.

  36. thomas says:

    @ dougie What? Britain got its name from dunbartonshire?

    Wee joke fur ye dougie.

    Midget walks into a library and says to the librarian

    “any books on midget discrimination?”

    Librarian says “aye top shelf”

    Britain is the roman bastardisation of the celtic “prydein”

    Great britain is the name used to distinguish this island from little britian in north west france , called little britain or brittany because of the amount of celts that fled there following the saxon invasions circa 5th century onwards.

    Nothing to do with dunbartonshire.

  37. Bunter says:

    Andrew Marr suggests to Lagarde, jokingly, did she fancy the job of Queen of England.

    What a sad and cringing excuse of a Scot.

  38. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Jean, thanks for your article, triply welcome as does come from a member of the fairer sex and an adopted Scot.
    I was a little puzzled by your statement that the Scottish parliament had been dissolved in 1707.

    I was always, somehow, was in the belief that it was actually prorogued, that is to say, discontinued without being dissolved.

    Googling away took me to Winnie Ewing’s remarks as the Presiding Officer opening the first Parliamentary Session in Holyrood.

    Sure enough, her words were

    “The Scottish Parliament, adjourned on the 25th day of March in the year 1707, is hereby reconvened”.

    Most MPs and many representing Scottish constituencies, notably our lone Tory David Mundell, believe that Scotland was dissolved and absorbed by England.

    Winnie Ewing, as a lawyer sought to make that point The Scottish Parliament was there, sleeping for 300 years; it just wasn’t in session.

    Thanks again Jean

  39. dennis mclaughlin says:

    Grant Cruickshank you are Spartacus & I claim my fiver :).

  40. Wingman2020 says:

    This made me feel better

    link to

    Cameron, IDS or Osborne… Hung by the neck

  41. Wingman2020 says:

    @grant cruickshank(?)

    Your vision is acute and articulate, but probably too advanced for this stage of the revolution.
    There will be a massive paradigm global paradigm shift built on ‘the power of the people and online knowledge’

    Look at what’s happening around the globe. People are stirring (take Brazil) but only when wealth is rubbed in their noses, while the struggle in shanty towns.

    In the meantime, in the UK, the Queen can have a new £2million coach in times of austerity and cut back… We hardly blink an eyelid, we are so used to it… And so far, our shanty towns are not immediately obvious.

    Revolutions are cyclical through history. The globe is on fire. And only people like you and those with moderate ausberger syndrome actually see what’s going to happen.

    Write a book. I will buy the first copy.

  42. Luigi says:

    I just wonder what President Obama thinks of all this excitement and spin emanating from the BT camp on the back of his awkward but measured, ambiguous statement. Did he realize that his words would be seized upon so enthusiastically and ridiculously by the unionists?

    Even the “NOPE” poster that is now being flashed everywhere seems to have originated directly from, wait for it…….

    The Republican Tea Party.

  43. galamcennalath says:

    @Bobby King

    ” The independence movement was a fringe phenomenon until the 1990s.”

    … That is certainly what the Unionists want us to think. However, the National Convention of 1949 got two million signatures. One problem has been we get a Unionist version of history.

    @Jean Muir

    Great article.

  44. Wingman2020 says:


    A midget gem.

  45. Wingman2020 says:

    Any YES events on in Edinburgh today?

  46. JLT says:

    Well said, Jean.

    I have said this quite a few times too. This is what the Establishment truly, truly fear; that when Scotland becomes independent, then the ‘British Empire’ truly comes to an end. It is over! Gone! Done with! The End!

    And this is what frightens them, because then the rump of the UK (and let’s be frank about this …in other words, England) will have the same status level as that of Finland, Denmark, Portugal, Greece. They will no longer be at the big boys table (the US, Russia, China).

    Other countries are rising fast, and could make demands that they be allowed on the UN Security Council. This includes Brazil and India. It is even possible that they could make demands that the likes of France and Britain be removed as both are no longer punching their weight in the world. Seriously …what could Britain do if Argentina invaded the Falklands once more? What could France do if Algeria exploded into civil war?

  47. galamcennalath says:

    National Covenant of 1949

    (iPad spell checking!)

  48. DaveDee says:

    O/T Disgraceful Front page story in Scottish Sunday Express.

    “UK Split to Set Back Cure for Cancer”

    link to


  49. Marcia says:


    Easy to look up the Yes Scotland site – 2 things today

    link to

  50. Wingman2020 says:


    Thanks. I was being lazy due to the size of my screen.

  51. JLT says:

    And the Establishment know this. It haunts them. For to be removed from the UN Security Council changes everything. The top 5 Arms Dealers in the world are the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council (US, Russia, Britain, France and China). If Britain breaks up, others may point out that ‘England’ does not deserve its place there now. At that point, how do the likes of BAE Systems sell their military hardware to other nations when they are not sitting at the Big Boy’s table.

  52. Wingman2020 says:


    That’s it. NOPE or HOPE

  53. JLT says:

    Real problems posting this morning. Having to do it bits and bobs. Annoying!

  54. Bugger (the Panda) says:


    BAE is essentially a US corporation. They are plugged in to the Pentagon as though they are American.

  55. Flower of Scotland says:

    Who needs newspapers when we have Wings! Fantastic comments today and lots of educational reading for anyone visiting? Thanks folks.

    Thanks for a great article Jean Muir.

  56. Bittie Glakit says:

    @ Grant
    I also think we are seeing the might of the Westminster propaganda machine turned against the Scots. It is absolutely despicable.

  57. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Jean Muir,great article Jean can you submitt that for printing in the Washington Post/New York Times ect, spread it far & wide.

  58. aldo_macb says:

    Obama says No whilst his own country fought so hard for their independence from Britain. It’s just like telling other countries not to have nuclear weapons whilst what’s that I see at Georgia & Faslane? Oh yes, it’s hipocracy.

  59. Jim Mitchell says:

    This is way of topic, but I wont be the only one to mention it. from the Sunday Herald

    Scottish Labour deputy leader ‘pushed out of pro-Union job by Lamont’

    Seems they now appreciate his true worth and he’s been promoted to be in charge of their battlebus, I wonder if that means he drives it?

  60. caz-m says:

    John Reid, ex Labour Party minister, will get another feather duster beating up on the Sunday Politics show after 11am this morning.

    If you were an undecided voter, is John Reid the man that will convince you to vote NO.

    If you are too young to know who he is or what his past record in politics is, then he won’t make any difference to you.

    If you are an older undecided voter, then surely the last person you would want to tell you to stay in this rotten Union is John Reid.

  61. Bunter says:

    Story up about a Times interview with Andy Murray apparently saying he wasn’t pleased with Salmonds flag waving last year ans. was unsure who he would play for after independence. He said Salmond seemed nice when they met.

    He stated ” People forget that I have played for GB since I was 11″.

    I sense that he has been fed a line and he has tried to be very careful what he says, in the run up to Wimbers.

    The media would like to set him up for an attack by cybernats, they would love that.

  62. Jean Muir says:


    I think Jean Muir knows fine well what the legal status of the Scottish parliament was post 1707, hence the deliberate modifier “effectively dissolved”.)

    Thank you @grousebeater I do, hence the qualifier”effectively”(rather like Obama’s “from the outside”, no?). Whilst I appreciate the varying complexity of the statue of the Scottish Parliament from 1707 to the present, my aim way to paint with a broader brush to communicate issues to a wider audience. Apologies for any technical inaccuracies! Cheers, Jean

  63. Alfresco Dent says:

    @ Jean Muir – Brilliant!

    @ Grant Cruickshank – It’s always helpful to stand back and see the bigger picture. Excellent!

  64. HandandShrimp says:


    I agree. Murray’s heart lies with Scotland and the saltire. This is not in doubt. He is still a hate figure for trolls in the English press. We should leave him be and let him play his sport. If it is a Yes vote I doubt he will be upset.

  65. ronnie anderson says:

    @ caz_m, sos ah missed you at Strathy Park yesterday,but will

    catch up on the 29th Pacific Quay,ave a few mair letters tae


  66. G H Graham says:

    I am a Scot born in Glasgow but have US citizenship & have lived in many States for many years.

    Jean is right, the States have far more autonomy than Scotland does. Some like Tennessee are confined by their own law to balance their annual budget. Of course the State, Counties & Cities have their own local admin and can also borrow money for infrastructure usually through municipal bonds.

    The Federal Gov collects Fed Income taxes & of course this covers the national stuff like pensions, healthcare & defense. The States though are responsible for much of their own tax collection & public spending.

    Taxes include sales tax, property tax, vehicle license tax. There are plenty of other tax raising mechanisms too such as hotel occupancy taxes, gun permit fees, emissions permit fees, business registration fees etc. It can be a long list of means to raise money.

    But ALL OF IT, is spent in the State where it was collected. They don’t send any of it to the Feds & ask for some of it back. Federal income tax & Corporation Tax is collected by the Feds themselves every year by individuals & companies filing a tax return.

    By comparison, Scotland collects Community Tax & er, that’s it. As far as I am aware, almost all other money generated in Scotland is sent to London & then divided up. Of course a lot of it comes back.

    But the amount collected & the amount sent back is almost entirely outwith the control of the people of Scotland. It’s like passing your monthly pay cheque to your neighbour & asking for some it back while your neighbour buys him/herself a nice car. You’re still driving a 10yr old banger by the way.

    Anyone who prefers this status quo rather than have what the US States have if independence is too uncertain for them, must be on medication or mentally ill.

  67. caz-m says:

    @Jim Mitchell
    Scottish Labour deputy leader ‘pushed out of pro-Union job by Lamont’

    Got to be a new low in Sarwar’s life, Johann Lamont telling you that you are no good.

    I didn’t think you could get any lower than Lamont.

  68. Kevin Judge says:

    Absolutely superbly written and i agree its one of the most concise descriptions i have heard to date

  69. jon esquierdo says:

    DaveDee . I knew after the mass coverage of the new treatment for skin cancer being highlighted that it was only a matter of time until it was used in the referendum debate . I ask how low can they get?

  70. Papadox says:

    People who are voting NO in the referendum to spite Alexsalminn are extremely selfish, immature, short sighted and just plain feert. They do not understand the first thing about democracy and politics, they are poor lost souls who deserve more pity than rath.

    They are like the slave on the plantation who votes to stay enslaved rather than lead their own life in the manner god gave them, they are spitting the the face of gods plan for them.

  71. Rebecca Cuzen says:

    As a newcomer to the sight Iam amazed at the intelligent comments from most people. I shop at Morrissons on a Sunday and buy my weekly groceries their but I have to look for items with the Saltire on it or my son gives me a lecture. Now I have been told about the Union Jack being displayed Iwill be complaining when Igo there.

  72. thomas says:

    @ Bobby King

    I would disagree with you bobby about your quibble on scots fighting against London rule. Many individuals in Scotland did indeed make money out of the opportunity of the empire , but at what cost to our country and people as a whole?

    You seem to forget that the first 120 years of the union were full of armed uprising and rebellion against London rule. In true unionist historical style the insurrections between 1708 and 1745 were passed off as mere jacobite manifestations , the point being ignored the stuarts would have had no support in Scotland had not the dissolution of the union been one of their prime policies.

    In 1796 , citoyen mengaud reported back to the French government that the scots were much disposed to revolution and this feeling had existed since the union began.

    There was another armed insurrection crushed in 1848 , and forty years later another self government bill for Scotland was voted down by the majority English parliament in Westminster. Some fringe movement.

    Exactly what the britnats want us to think , that the union was all happy until that nasty wee alik salmon came along and rocked the boat , instead of the true picture that the vote in September is the culmination of 300 years of agitation by our people against this hated , unwanted union.

  73. John H. says:

    I’ve just heard William Hague on Sky News being asked about the referendum.He droned on in his usual manner about it being a decision for the Scottish people, all the time wearing a smirk on his face.

    I believe that we are winning this, and anecdotes such as the major’s above greatly encourage me.When I see the likes of Hague looking so smug when discussing our referendum though,I do wonder what they’ll try next.Is it bluff, or do they really feel confident of winning?

    If all else fails, do they have a plan for rigging the vote?Sorry if I sound a bit downbeat, but I’m sure that they will rig the vote if they can.

  74. hamish says:

    The Kingdom of Great Britain resulted from the union of the kingdoms of England (comprising modern-day England and Wales) and Scotland in 1707. Subsequently, in 1801, the Kingdom of Great Britain united with the neighbouring Kingdom of Ireland forming the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. When five-sixths of Ireland seceded from the United Kingdom in 1922, the state was renamed the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “The Kingdom of Great Britain resulted from the union of the kingdoms of England (comprising modern-day England and Wales) and Scotland in 1707”

      No. The kingdoms were united a hundred years before that, by the Union Of The Crowns.

  75. caz-m says:

    Moring Ronnie Anderson

    I couldn’t make your wee get together yesterday. I was manning a YES stand of my own and got absolutely droont’.

    But is was a great day and the rain didn’t dampen anyone’s enthusiasm. I hope you all had an equally great day Ronnie.

    Was mad Jackie there as your “Minder”.

    Will see you and rest on the 29th June.

  76. Davy says:

    Thanks Jean, a really good article.

  77. heedtracker says:

    First President Obama and now Andy Murray’s against Scottish democracy from next year. How many more of my own personal heroes will turn out to be against Scotland running Scotland. Oh well its certainly taken the edge off watching one more “proud Scot but” in action.

  78. Gary says:

    Thank you, I had no idea that towns, counties and states within USA had so much financial autonomy. All we hear is about Obama and from London we are made to feel that we somehow get extra privileges and they ‘prop us up’ because we are a financial lost cause. Nice to hear from someone who has a different perspective..

  79. Abaron Nomore says:

    From The Rev’s Twitter: “What the media tells us today: vote Yes and scientists will stop caring about cancer and the USA will leave the North Atlantic undefended.”

    While we are all aware that the MSM is engaged on a war footing against us, the average punter only sees them as biased but still absorbs some of what they say. Now it seems we are gradually forcing them to show their true nature and more and more people are sitting up and saying wtf???

  80. Barney Thomson says:

    Luigi/Wingman –

    How stupid are Better Together? How can they possible bring out that flyer and get their media voice Taylor to show it to the world when most of the world knows it is based on this? –

    link to

  81. msean says:

    Great points about tax raising in the USA by small towns,they have “more powers” (lol) than Scotland has,or will have after a no vote.

  82. K1 says:

    Excellent article Jean, thank you. @Grant…Exactly. @Wingman, I would say that what Grant alludes to is not ‘too advanced for this stage of the revolution’, and and for the very reason that your next statement points out: ‘There will be a massive paradigm global paradigm shift built on ‘the power of the people and online knowledge’.

    This is the paradigm shift in action, not as a cause but as an effect…it’s unstoppable, we will win. The exemplar is our aim…’peaceful warriors’ our expression.

  83. ronnie anderson says:

    ‘ caz_ m yes we had a great day, haveing to opologize to

    Airdrie & Shotts Yes group for the loss of their Gezebo awe

    doon tae the SNPs gezebo trying to Fly away ( nae Wings ye see).

    Running repairs with gerrys hairy string/cable tys/ tick tape

    we run our of badges/hamish posters/snaw baws, but people

    had a great time & laugh with us,& we had a few conversions

    & gave food for though to dont knows.

  84. James123 says:

    Apparently Andy Murray quoted as saying he didn’t like when AS waved the Scottish flag at Wimbledon. This is the same Andy Murray who went to 10 Downing St the day after his victory for a photo opportunity with David Cameron, the leader of a Tory government we in Scotland didn’t vote for imposing policies on us we don’t want. Well done Andy.

  85. Fay Kennedy says:

    Great article and commentary. The latest Royal coach was built by an Australian company as a gift to the present monarch. The cultural cringe in Oz under Abbott is appalling. I am so proud of all these feisty folk in Scotland taking on the status quo and can’t get enough of these great indie sites. By the way the brilliant Lewis Grassic Gibbon wrote Spartacus. His Scots Quare is one of the finest works of literature and in the same league as some of the Russian greats. In fact I would say his heroine Chris Guthrie is one of the finest portraits of womanhood and leaves poor Anna Karanina in the shadows.

  86. TheItalianJob says:


    Yes I meet many like this:

    – never heard of the McCrone report
    – don’t know about the Barnett formula and it’s future implications for Scotland post No vote
    – Support Labour but don’t know what their devo nano proposals for a No vote are
    – Scotland’s oil will run out then what? FFS

    ete, etc

    My worry is all these types I meet are going to vote No, even though they are not fully aware of all the facts and issues that they are going to vote for. They don’t even want to spend some value time to look up a few facts and get the arguments for a postive Independent country. This is totally unacceptable and selfish, of them, in what is the most monumental decision that has been ever handed to the people of Scotland in it’s ENTIRE history.

    In my opinion it’s better the less informed don’t vote, as it just does not do the likes of the people on this site any justice.

  87. farrochie says:

    “the Act of Union in 1707”

    More correctly the Acts of Union, namely Union with Scotland Act 1706 and Union with England Act 1707, passed by the parliaments of England and Scotland.

    The “Union and the Law” is a short article by Prof Walker, and is a good short read on the subject: link to

  88. msean says:

    Why left leaning politicians EVER thought being a lord ever helped poverty in Scotland I’ll never understand.

    Breaking news- another lord says “vote no” lol.

  89. Bunter says:

    Brewer doing a job on Reid. credit where due.

  90. msean says:

    Social justice from this lot gies a break 🙂

  91. Edward says:

    re Andy Murray
    The Mail on Sunday is quoting an article in the Sunday Times Magazine
    So for a start we have the makings of an unbalanced article.

    To be honest, Andy Murray has mad it plain that he will not take ANY position regarding the debate on the referendum and that should be the base line when any article appears in publications such as the Mail or the Times.

    Scotland is a lot bigger and more important that bias London newspaper gossip

  92. yerkitbreeks says:

    @ Papadox Absolutely – many of the Scottish apologists remind me of Stephen ( played by Samuel Jackson ) in Django Unchained. He turned on his own.

  93. Dorothy Devine says:

    Well done Ronnie and all those manning and attending – that weather was just appalling.

    Sorry I can’t attend anything right now but I am thinking of you all and your superb efforts for our country.

    Also thank you to Jean for this article – most excellent.

  94. Edward says:

    Even MORE accurate 🙂

    The union that is the Kingdom of Great Britain was actually created by international treaty, being the Treaty of Union 1706. This is something that’s overlooked by many (usually encouraged by unionists wanting to glaze over history)

    The Treaty of Union then lead to the two Acts of Union, which you mentioned. These Acts of union were a ratification of the Treaty.

    As stated, the English Parliament passed theirs first in 1706, then the Scottish parliament ratified the treaty in 1707 with the Scottish Act of Union.

    The media (aided and encouraged by unionists or just ignorance) like to just refer to ‘the’ Act of Union in 1707 as the main document that created the union between the two Kingdom’s. Where as in fact it was three documents, the Treaty in 1706, followed by the two Acts

  95. farrochie says:

    Edward says:
    8 June, 2014 at 11:56 am

    Even MORE accurate

    Agreed Edward, and as Prof Walker says, even if the Acts were to be repealed, the Articles would still be a Treaty in international law, until dissolved by the parties to the treaty.

  96. jon esquierdo says:

    Bunter says. I agree but he never asked the vested interests
    that Reid has in Scotland being part of the U.K.

  97. TheItalianJob says:

    I would leave the Andy Murray quotes in the Times where they should be in the dustbin.

    AM has to play his cards close to his chest after what he said about supporting England in his early days.

    I would still support him as we know Scotland is very nuch in his heart. That it took a Scotsman to win Wimbledon, for a Brit, after 75 odd years speaks volumes for him and Scotland.

  98. SquareHaggis says:


    Our sight removed now cathode ray
    Minds re-pro-grammed-not-to-say
    We have been told the strong survive
    Too wee, too poor too well contrived?
    It’s something else when looked at close
    But implemented coast-to-coast

    The basis of our very being
    Took our eyes and stopped us seeing…

    We’re virtually kept in the dark
    And when the lids’ off, that’s a lark
    Robbed blind and panic’d we are sheep
    To trample on our lives is cheap
    The panic’s happening all along
    Why can’t we see what’s going on?

    The basis of our very being
    Took our eyes and stopped us seeing…

    Meet at sundown, show-down time
    Scrap-heap mountian, face the climb
    And from it’s summit, if you make it
    Put your eyes back in and face it
    Everything gone by, laid bare
    Open up those eyes and stare

    Find the basis of our being
    Put our eyes back in, Start Seeing…

  99. Boris Polandsivikov says:

    Very impressed by the display of history and vocabulary skills here. As a complete outsider, I can only assume that the majority of the claims made contain truth.

    However, at the risk of sounding cold, isn’t the whole referendum debate about giving a group of hard working honest people the opportunity to choose the best path for their future? If I were a resident of Scotland, I’d be very interested in its past, but before I voted, I’d want the most reliable indications possible about future consequences in both offered scenarios. So, to the NO side, please stop looking as if you might be scaremongering, and to the YES side, please stop worrying that anyone who is trying to clarify future consequences is trying to scaremonger. The people of Scotland will make a wiser choice if they consider the future in some depth.

    Scotland will decide alone whether to separate from the UK or not. After that, any subsequent steps that have an effect on other players will automatically bring those others into the decision making process, whether it be economic, financial, military, political or whatever. The point here is that after the referendum, Scotland won’t be able to call the shots. Rightly or wrongly, the international community will hold the power on issues that affect them.

    Irrespective of the outcome, Scotland can continue to have a fantastic reputation across the globe. It is not just the whisky, oil, mountains and salmon that have created such a positive image, but the creativity, culture, work ethic, kindness, justice and openness all demonstrate the lasting values of Scotland and Scottish people. Best of luck to all voters. Think carefully. Chose wisely. Have a great future.

  100. handclapping says:

    Now there’s interesting. Tried to post the below. Nothing came up. Refreshed page. Still nothing. Having cunningly made a copy after all others wailing over their lost posts, reposted and was met by automated You’ve already said that! Try again … and again … once more … do I give up?

    @ Bobby King

    It is only if you look at the political sphere that you can say that the independence movement was a fringe phenomenon until the 1990s.

    The independence movement started with the confluence of the 1781 loss of the American trade, which was big in Scotland and had been the biggest benefit of the Union to them, thanks to Westminster and the rise of the romantic where everybody’s ideas were equally valid. Hence Burns then Scott, but subsequently the apparent disappearance of particularly Scottish sentiment was due to the hope pinned on voter reform of Westminster.

    By the 1880s people were starting to realise they had been conned by Westminster again and there have been popular movements ever since trying to shore up the Scottish identity against the tyrany of the majority.

  101. Clootie says:

    Just like to add my “well done Jean” to a long list.

  102. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    I see some eejits rising to the Andy Murray bait.
    Stop right now

  103. Grouse Beater says:

    If Murray was pro-Union neither he nor his mother would be investing vast amounts of energy and money in establishing an Academy of Tennis sited on the outskirts of Edinburgh – land now identified – nor have bought and renovated an hotel in Dunblane.

    It is clear both hold their homeland in high respect and wish it to prosper, moreover they intend to return to their roots when the time calls. If it was otherwise we’d be reading all about their London-based enterprises.

    The British press’s incessant attacks on Scotland’s heroes to reduce their stature is desreputable

  104. Truth says:

    Great to meet Ronnie and Gerry yesterday at Strathclyde Park.

    Brilliant effort in horrible conditions.

    The square sausage and bacon roll hit the spot, even if I did put red sauce on it, eh Ronnie?

    Thanks to you and all who attended.

  105. Grouse Beater says:

    Jean Muir said, Apologies for any technical inaccuracies!

    A “technical” innacuracy? – it’s a glaring inaccuracy. England’s parliament was the one dissolved. It had to be to re-establish itself as a multi-nation parliament. Then again, many in support of Scotland’s right to regain its sovereignty make the same error. What they do without realising it is, give the impression Scotland was and is the perpetual weak neighbour ready to sign anything.

  106. Grouse Beater says:

    I see the site is refusing to post all avatars again …

  107. Auld Rock says:

    Point of correction, the Act of Union 1707 not only dissolved the Scottish Parliament it ALSO DISSOLVED THE THEN WESTMINSTER PARLIAMENT and replaced it with the new Parliament post the Act of Union. So when Scotland votes for Independence this means that the existing UK Parliament ceases to exist, so who is really the successor state in EU terms, rUK, Scotland or BOTH?

    Auld Rock

  108. Grouse Beater says:

    Auld Rock said: “not only dissolved>”

    If read down from the top you’ll see a few informed posters know better, AD. Scotland continued with a residue of parliamentary duties because we retained some levels of governance. As I say (in previous post) debate here among Scotland’s parliamentarians on UK issues gradually faded away as nobles set their ambitions solidly on a “United Kingdoms” outlook, and that in turn meant devoting time to ingratiating themselves with their London counterparts.

    It was ever thus.

  109. Lochside says:

    Well done Jean. Great article, concise and to the point in the fine American tradition. We need more ‘new’ Scots like you,speaking out during the next hundred days.

  110. Andy-B says:

    Thanks Jean, very enjoyable read, with regards to the Act of Union of 1707, Daniel Defoe, a spy for the union and publisher of the chief unionist propaganda rag of the day, the Review, which was on updated three times a week, springs to mind.

  111. James123 says:

    @Dave McEwan Hill
    I see some eejits rising to the Andy Murray bait.@
    Stop right now

    Do you include Stuart Campbell amongst those eejits?

    link to

  112. TJenny says:

    James123 – but in that twitter thread you link to, Stuey states that Murray can be on whatever side he likes, so I don’t get your point.

  113. James123 says:


    The point is that some on here are under the dilussion that Murray isn’t pro-Union when he clearly is. Calling people eejits for pointing that out is laughable. The Rev states that he can choose whatever side he wants but that he has clearly chosen which side that is.

  114. CameronB Brodie says:

    Folks, ask yourself one question please. Am I Andy Murry? If the answer is negative, pstfu about what Andy should do or say. He is a sportsman who is being exploited for political purpose. End of story. Please lay off him and just let him get on with winning.

  115. Helena Brown says:

    Great read Jean and I would congratulate you on bringing a fresh point of view to the proceedings. Yes most people do not know about the amount of freedom the States have in the US, but then there are some people here who make no attempt at finding out about their own country. The problems is there is no transparency here which is quite deliberate.

  116. James123 says:

    @CameronB Brodie
    He is a sportsman who is being exploited for political purpose. End of story.

    I’m really sick of the poor wee exploited Andy bs, the guy’s 27 years old he’s not a teenager. The interviewer at the Times didn’t twist his arm up his back to say he didn’t like AS waving a saltire, he could easily have said he wasn’t bothered.

    AM said he was staying out of the debate and wouldn’t comment, but he has now. Sportsmen and women are not beyond critisism, we are allowed to have an opinion on what they say. Personally I think his comments are an insult to every fan with a Scottish flag who turned up at Centre Court or Murray Mound to support him, turns out he would have preferred if he they were all waving Union flags.

  117. Viking Girl says:

    This is a great article, and as I have so often seen elsewhere, the case for independence in made better by someone who has really experienced independence and rights that go with it, like freedom of speech. Well done.
    It was a forced marriage, and that is illegal today. On the day the Act was signed, the bells of a church in Edinburgh played ‘Why am I so sad on this my wedding day?’ There was no celebration in Scotland, but there was in Dublin and London. The Hanoverians finally got their hands on their northern border and no more would the threat of an invasion from France be keeping them awake at night. It took them 100 years to undermine the Scottish economy to the extent that the boys in the parliament finally caved in. We need to put that right.

  118. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry for being grumpy. 😉

  119. James123 says:

    @CameronB Brodie

    No probs, I’ll still support him at Wimbledon, the swine 🙂

  120. Ladd Bethune says:

    Also note:
    Obama added: “Ultimately these are decisions to be made by folks there.”

  121. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    When Andy Murray won at Wimbledon he walked over to the table with the trophy and the union flag which had conveniently been placed there for him to wrap round his shoulders as expected.
    He picked up the trophy and left the union flag.

    At which point has he said he supports the union (or independence)?

    He may well have felt that Alex Salmond’s waving of the Saltire was provocative (which absolutely was its intention)and a distraction from a great sporting triumph.

    Knickers in a twist here giving oxygen to an issue of no importance

  122. gordoz says:

    On subject of sportsmen – Dont trust any of them.

    Money talks louder than national pride in terms of sport nowadays and definately where Scotland’s concerned.

    Best to keep them out of it, they always tend to let us down in the long run anyway.

    This fight is for the people – lets leave it that way.

  123. James123 says:

    @Dave McEwan Hill

    Fine, I disagree with what you say on this matter and you disagree with me, no probs. Let’s move on and cmon Andy at Wimbledon 🙂

  124. hamish says:

    For the Americans, ask them about the 50 NW counties of Virginia seceding in 1863 to form West Virginia !!

  125. Albert Herring says:

    If, in 1707, the Scottish Parliament was prorogued (but subsequently re-convened) and the English Parliament was dissolved, when the UK Parliament is dissolved with the end of the UK after a Yes vote, who will the Scottish Government negotiate with?

  126. TJenny says:

    Albert Herring – EU/UN mediators? Oh, how I wish. 🙂

  127. Rock says:

    John H.,

    “If all else fails, do they have a plan for rigging the vote?Sorry if I sound a bit downbeat, but I’m sure that they will rig the vote if they can.”

    I am 100% sure they have a plan in place for rigging the vote.

    The only hope we have is a massive Yes vote which they won’t be able to rig below 50% + 1.

  128. George Bowie says:

    Please pass this on to the Whitehouse for President Obama’s attention. A great read.

  129. arranc says:

    it worries me about vote rigging too

  130. Macart says:

    Great post Jean and couldn’t agree more.

  131. Re- “Vote Rigging by BT”

    Anyone who volunteers for a “Postal Vote” is asking to be disenfranchised.
    If you are unable to get to a polling station – use a proxy vote via someone you can trust.
    After the revelations versus New Labour on postal voting, we can be sure the socialists in Scotland will deploy every trick to ensure they rule Scotland – what`s new.

    The cctv cameras in my local polling station were switched-off in the recent EU Elections.
    How many of you asked the Registrar – if the cameras were operating?
    Did you even look.

    Modern micro-camera technology is astounding and can be used for vote- rigging.

    Over many, many elections I have noticed that the Labour Party in Scotland always manages to produce a late surge at polling stations and although I have zero evidence – the late surge manages (?) a victory.

    When they already KNOW the numbers they need to win – the phone lines and texts are burning to force their sheep to the polling station.

    Every badge is counted via “clickers”. Cameras are operating. Pamphlets are counted.

    “Hanging Chads” won Florida for George Dubya when tens of thousands of black voters in Florida were disenfranchised via sordid and sneaky vote-rigging.

    Signally, Obama failed to mention any of this last week. His party lost to Gee Dubya.

    If you have any doubts – write to the Electoral Commission – BEFORE SEPTEMBER.

  132. P.S.

    BT is already “Rigging the Polls” and they will have no compunction about “Rigging the Referendum”, probably via means we have not yet considered.

    Thanks to Rev. Stuart Campbell`s foresight, Wings over Scotland will be allowed to have invigilators present at every polling station across Scotland.


    Perhaps the Rev Stu can illuminate on the Complaints Procedure plus vote rigging after his discussions with the Electoral Commission.

    Can we call the police if any irregularities are evident on the day of the referendum – because “On the day” – is too late.
    Before Sept. seek the advice of your local SNP (MP or MSP)

    We cannot Fail this time. We must not be horn-swoggled or flim-flammed as we were in 1979.

    Scotland`s future is in our hands – don`t drop the ball.

  133. Are we watching the Parliament Channel. (at 14:30)

    Birmingham lay at the heart of “Vote Rigging” and unsurprisingly, New Labour owns 5 of the 6 MP seats in Birmingham.

    The other seat is held by a LibDem.
    `Nuff said.

    Glasgow is also owned by New Labour or Auld Labour or whatever disguise they are now wearing.

    Glasgow East is a disgrace – no matter where you live.

    Can we really believe that Tories and LibDem`s were unaware of the Muslim problem in Birmingham Education?
    Solely in Birmingham.

    No inquiry in Bradford West – where Geo. Galloway won a By-Election in 2012 by over 10,000 votes. On bigotry.

    Or more importantly, that the 5 x local New Labour MP`s in Birmingham were unaware of the problems involved in local schools where MP`s held surgeries on a monthly basis?

    Ukip is running the show for the tories – again.

    Incidentally and by the way, BamCam`s “Boundary change legislation” virtually ensures – One Tory MP in Birmingham.

  134. David MacDonald says:

    “…we can see that whilst the UK government can be an abusive partner and often behaves dreadfully during a break-up, once the deed is done they become much more cordial with their their former flames, because it’s in their best interests”

    Sorry to say that this very naive. British Empire will not leave us alone until it gets what it wants. Probably via a banking system that can take a cut from whatever we earn.

    -“keep a friend close and an enemy closer”

    see following for list of maneuvers of British Empire and its financial interests in American Civil War. (you will need an hour or two).

    link to

    The American Revolution has been under attack from the British since the day it started. Just look presently how the city of london and wall st manipulated the LIBOR rate to bring down once great cities of American production such as Detroit.

    A YES vote is only the first step. What happens next has to be thought about now.

    On that note i though that the:

    campaign regarding what happens after a YES vote is a good step forward.

  135. Will Napier says:

    After recent comments from president Obama about Scotland’s staying within the union, I thought I’d share this link (American war section) to remind folk how Baltimore reacted when my great great great great great grandfather tried to have a similar conversation with them. They even wrote a wee well known anthem about it…

    link to

  136. Mark Forrester says:

    This logic, if followed, surely leads to representative democracy in ever decreasing circles.

    Shetland may want independence from Scotland (along with its oil and fish resources), so might the Tory agricultural lowlands. I assume the author would be equally happy to allow this.

    I’m afraid the “democratic deficit” argument just doesn’t stack up. Nobody gets the government in Westminster they vote for every time. When the tories get in that means SE England has the government they voted for but Northern England and Scotland do not, when Labour get in the reverse is true.

  137. Brian says:

    So pleased that you have the right to vote.

    As a British citizen (and tax payer) born and bred in Scotland for 47 years, but now working abroad, I have no such right. Although any 16 year old something from any other country can provided they have an address in my land.

    Perhaps as someone coming from the land of the free etc, you might have had something more to say about the fight for such rights.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “So pleased that you have the right to vote.

      As a British citizen (and tax payer) born and bred in Scotland for 47 years, but now working abroad, I have no such right. Although any 16 year old something from any other country can provided they have an address in my land.

      Perhaps as someone coming from the land of the free etc, you might have had something more to say about the fight for such rights.”

      If you don’t live in a country, you have no right to impose a government on the people who do. Them’s the breaks.

  138. Brotyboy says:

    @Will Napier

    That’s some fucking pedigree you’ve got there. If you were a dug you’d be appearing at Crufts every year.

  139. Gaz McG says:

    That is a very well exercised argument about joining the world as an independent nation.

    Next month it’s 238yrs since the Americans broke from British rule. They seem to have managed to get along during that time. It’s also getting on for 100yrs since Rep. Of Ireland went “her own way” – again that country is managing to get along in the world even given the difficulties it has faced along the way.

    In three months it’s Scotland’s turn to join that world stage. If I could vote it would be a resounding YES. As an ex-pat I must watch from the sidelines.

    Thanks for reading.

  140. The Mantis says:

    I’m a bit worried after reading this. I applied for a postal vote as I’ll be out of the country on the 18th. I’ve had a reply saying my ballot paper will arrive nearer the time but perhaps I have time to give a proxy to my wife?
    Ironically it was an SNP mailshot where I got the application form in the first place….

  141. Lex Gibson says:

    IF it is so beneficial to Scots that we remain as part of the U.K. then why are the Westminster politicians so keen to keep us as part of the Union. Our ancestors fought at great human cost to achieve independence in 1314 only for Infiltrating English appointed Barons to give it all back again 393 Years later. I have been swayed by my Children and Grandchildren to vote……YES……A Non Vote is a No vote so please use your vote.

  142. Mike Renwick says:

    This is a fine considered piece with which I can agree entirely. Well done Jean Muir!


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