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Wings Over Scotland

I wanna be like you-ooh-ooh

Posted on June 12, 2013 by

With apologies to both The Jungle Book and Animal Farm.


But seriously – how DOES one tell Tories and Labour apart nowadays? Policies?


51 to “I wanna be like you-ooh-ooh”

  1. DougtheDug says:

    The Tories fear the rich getting poor and Labour fear the poor getting rich.

  2. The Rough Bounds says:

    ‘I wanna be like you..hoo..hoo.’
    Next line:
    ‘What I desire, is Scotland oil, to make my dreams come true.’

  3. Vronsky says:

    William Hague is fondling Dougie Alexander and the product of their love has just struck the guy sitting at the end right in the eye. No respect at all for the Scripture Union badge in his lapel.  What is the world coming to? 

  4. Simon says:

    Labour have right wing neo-con policies because they really believe they are in people’s best interests. The Tories have right wing neo-con policies because they know they are in the best interests of them and their rich associates.

  5. pa_broon74 says:

    They look like they’re adjusting their ties, but they’re actually checking their brass fucking necks.

  6. Adrian B says:

    Ever since Michael Foot, Labour have been coveting the political ground owned by the Tories. Just as when we got the Poll Tax Labour councils were against it, but were the first to send out Warrant sale letters. Labour have always been two faced. The Tories on the other hand will be upfront.
    Bunch of chancers the lot of them.

  7. The Man in the Jar says:

    All together now!
    Trust in me, just in me
    Shut your eyes and trust in me
    You can sleep safe and sound
    Knowing I am around

    Slip into silent slumber
    Sail on a silver mist
    Slowly and surely your senses
    Will cease to resist

    Trust in me, just in me
    Shut your eyes and trust in me

  8. handclapping says:

    To parody another Blair – the animals looked from left to right … -.

  9. Robert Bryce says:

    DC: “Something isn’t right Ed”

    EM: “What ever could it be Dave?”

    DC: “I can’t get my head round Labour sitting to the right of us Tories Ed that’s what!”

  10. Jiggsbro says:

    Interesting body language: mirror-image postural mirroring, which usually indicates social affinity, i.e. shared ideals and causes. Who knew?

  11. Vronsky says:

    I regret that this might be on topic, but who knows.  Newsnet Scotland has reported the resignation of Tom Harris and append this curious and cautionary message:

    [Can people please refrain from posting messages implying other reasons for the resignation unless they have specific proof or can reference specific proof.

    Messages that are constructive, informative and/or add to the article in some way would be welcome.]
    That rather implies that there’s some extremely juicy, unconstructive,  uninformative and hugely unwelcome material around.  Well?  (Opens popcorn).

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Messages that are constructive, informative and/or add to the article in some way would be welcome”

      Are ANY messages welcome on NNS these days? The average story seems to have 4 comments.

  12. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    The message is beginning to get through. I sense a real change happening slowly and I am sure there are informed people in the Labour Party who feel it as well. 
    As I have said before when those who see the bandwagon getting ready to leave start  thinking seriously about whether to clamber onto it we will know we are winning.
    I now have politically unaligned people saying to me  “Do you think we can do it next year?” The “we” is a significant use of words. I suspect a sizeable proportion of those presently being counted against us in polls only require confidence that we will achieve independence clearly next September to come onside.
    The default position may be changing.Independence is starting to look safer and more sensible

  13. Jiggsbro says:

    Newsnet Scotland has reported the resignation of Tom Harris and append this curious and cautionary message:
    He’s only resigned from the front bench, not from parliament, of course. And I suspect the message was more cautionary than curious. It would be very easy for speculation to become defamation and he’s the sort of person that would delight in trying to shut down a nationalist news site.

  14. Adrian B says:

    @ Vronsky,
    My sentiments exactly, why go now, he could announce his resignation and go at the summer recess. All seems a bit Glasgow Labour to me.

  15. Vronsky says:

    I don’t know anything about Tom Harris, couldn’t put a face to the name.  However it seems that Newsnet Scotland has seen something nasty in the woodshed, and doesn’t want to talk about it. Poor Tom.

  16. Bill C says:

    @Dave McEwan Hill says:   

    “The message is beginning to get through. I sense a real change happening slowly and I am sure there are informed people in the Labour Party who feel it as well.”
    I have been thinking the same for a while. I attended a YES Q&A meeting tonight in Aboyne.  Blair Jenkins was the speaker. Blair was excellent and dealt with the few naysayers in the audience in a very polite, professional manner, while at the same time destroying their argument. However, what really struck me was the lack of naysayers.  Remember this is Aboyne, ‘Royal Deeside’, we are talking about.  If ‘Royal Deeside’ votes YES, Scotland votes YES! 
    P.S. I am a republican who lives on Deeside and I am no longer an endangered species!  

  17. Adrian B says:

    I have been trying to get on the Newsnet site for almost half an hour, nothing page will not load and nor errors. Odd.

  18. Ken Johnston says:

    NNS is fine with me.

  19. Adrian B says:

    @ Ken, its loading better now but very slowly compared to other sites and isn’t behaving as it normally does?

  20. Doug Daniel says:

    Glad to hear the Blair Jenkins Q&A went well – I had intended to go but ended up having to stay at home instead. I hope he does one in Aberdeen soon – I suspect it was a bit too close to the Donside by-election to do it just now.
    Jiggsbro – I was going to say the exact same thing about the mirrored body language. It’s quite extraordinary actually. 
    Labour and Tory: two cheeks of the same arse with the Lib Dems as the anus. All three squeezing together tightly to try and stop the shit getting out (that’ll be UKIP.)

  21. Chic McGregor says:

    Cameron’s tie is still slightly bluer than Ed’s.  OTOH Dougie Alexander’s is the bluest of the lot.

  22. Barontorc says:

    Re., Tom Harris’ resignation from the Shadow Labour Front Bench. Looking at his record of posts held over quite a number of years and under different party leaders, it looks like he was well regarded as a safe pair of hands, but to resign in mid-stream for family reasons seems also to suggest some lack of ease and if the NNS editor feels the need to clamp down on wild speculation, it could point to something that’s disturbing the water.
    No doubt TH will soon clarify matters through his fairly prolific website and put everyone’s mind at rest. Labour certainly need more agro landing on their doorstep like a hole in the head.

  23. Aye, that Dolly the Sheep has a helluva lot to answer for.

  24. iain taylor (not that one) says:

    Milliband & Alexander are wearing blue ties. Remember when Labour politicos always wore a red tie?

  25. how DOES one tell Tories and Labour apart nowadays? Policies?
    The Tories stab you in the front, Labour stabs you in the back?

  26. GP Walrus says:

    Is that the same song sheet Ed and Dave are sitting with?

  27. Another London Dividend says:

    Nigel  Falange has been invited by the BBC to appear on Question Time TV from Edinburgh this evening in order to ensure that the No campaign outnumbers the Yes panelists yet again.

    Typical BBC disregard for balance on Scottish political coverage.

    Outrageous that party which doesnt even have one local councillor in Scotland is given preference over the Greens / independents who have as many MSPs as the Lib Dems in Scotland. 

  28. Linda's Back says:

    Another London Dividend says:
    Typical BBC disregard for balance on Scottish political coverage.
    A spokesperson for the BBC said that the 4 to 1 pro union bias is in line with the recent (dubious) poll of 14 year olds and the programme audience of 16 and 17 year olds will reflect this balance.

  29. Training Day says:

    On Question time, who’s looking forward to watching self-loathing serfs Davidson, Sarwar and Galloway join forces with Europhobe Britnat Farage (and the impartial chairman) against poor old Angus Robertson as the latter desperately tries to guard against the possibility that someone, anyone, anywhere is frightened by scary old self-determination?

    Me neither….

  30. Linda's Back says:

    Prior to this you can watch Rory Bremner compare Alex Salmond to North Korean dictator in his “satirical” take on independence.

  31. G. Campbell says:

    BBC Question Farage

    05 Feb 2009 – Dunstable
    28 May 2009 – London
    08 Oct 2009 – Hull
    25 Feb 2010 – Cardiff
    15 Apr 2010 – London
    22 July 2010 – Hartlepool
    25 Nov 2010 – Maidstone
    17 Feb 2011 – Barking
    27 Oct 2011 – Winchester
    23 Feb 2012 – Tunbridge Wells (Farage free; UKIP’s Paul Nuttall stands in.)
    26 Apr 2012 – Romford
    25 Oct 2012 – Slough (Farage free; UKIP’s Paul Nuttall stands in.)
    15 Nov 2012 – Corby
    17 Jan 2013 – Lincoln
    28 Feb 2013- Eastleigh (Farage free; UKIP’s Neil Hamilton stands in.)
    07 Mar 2013 – Dover (Farage free; UKIP’s Diane James stands in.)
    25 Apr 2013 – Worcester
    30 May 2013 – London (Farage free; UKIP’s Diane James stands in.)
    13 Jun 2013 – Edinburgh

    link to

    In related Question Farage news, I was a bit surprised to see George Galloway’s name on the Edinburgh guest list tonight, as it’s only four months since he was last on the Dimbelfest. Why invite him back so soon. Was his Scottish Mail on Sunday article really that good? BBC QT editor Nicolai Gentchev ( link to ) must have thought so. Let’s have a look at what George wrote a couple of weeks ago:

    “Scotland is not open for business if your face – or your flag – doesn’t fit”

    “It is said Farage feeds popular prejudice against foreigners – so do all the mainstream parties, including, if the English are to be so described, the SNP.”

    “Cybernats bestride the internet in an increasingly poisonous parade of flag-waving and militancy”

    “IN that they are the mirror image of the Faragists who think getting all red-faced, going down to the Channel ports and shouting boo at Johnny Foreigner can somehow solve our problems, which are not the fault of the English, immigrants, gays or Europeans.”

    “I have had to block hundreds of Scots on Twitter, who deny my right to speak on Scotland’s future… All on the grounds that I now live in England.”

    Hmm. It almost looks as if the Question Farage team had to go out and find someone who would back up Farage’s view that the SNP are a bunch of anti-English would-be ethnic cleansers.

  32. Silver19 says:

    O/T: I see Scottish labour Donside campaign is starting via their pals at the BBC thanks to Eleanor Bradford again link to I think will we will see a BBC Labour campaign until next Thursday. Funny how BBC labour never investigated the years of PFI waste thanks to Scottish labour.

  33. Dee says:

    BBC Scotland really having a go today at anything related to independence.. It must be because we carried the unemployment figures into positive ground yesterday, the cheek of those nationalists, we have to slap them down quickly.. So we will be battered tonight on QT, and all news updates leading up to it, they have already started this morning with a story related to elderly having to pay for nursing care.. That hatchet face bastard Adams just happens to be running a phone in on the matter.. Funny how thy can arrange a phone in about the NHS at such short notice when they want to.  And the prime suspect at digging this story up was a miss E Bradford, and no doubt will be followed up at FMQs by a miss Bailley. 

  34. CameronB says:

    Not that it matters, but was I not correct last night when I suggested 5 to 1 in favour of the union on QT? Four unionist panelists and Dimbelby. Or am I still missing a joke? Sorry, too dim to have checked TV listings.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Not that it matters, but was I not correct last night when I suggested 5 to 1 in favour of the union on QT? Four unionist panelists and Dimbelby. Or am I still missing a joke? Sorry, too dim to have checked TV listings.”

      When I checked the QT Twitter feed it said it had a “complete” list of panellists and didn’t mention Farage, but it does rather seem as if he’s on there after all. In which case it does indeed look like four Unionists and one decidedly biased host against one pro-indy and a neutral.

      • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

        The last official word from the QT Twitter is still this:

        link to

        I can find no official suggestion anywhere that Farage is going to be on. Pete Wishart has tweeted about a “change” to include him, but that would seem to imply one of the others being booted.

  35. Dee says:

    Adams absolutely slaughtering the Scottish Government over this health care story.  Were these elderly care rules not in place under the last Labour government in Scotland???

  36. HandandShrimp says:

    I like the notion George blocking hundreds of people on Twitter because they would deny him his right to speak.
    No George it was your Twitter no one could stop you speaking you blocked them because you want to deny them the right to criticise what you said
    Your Twitter your choice but there is a wee difference.
    The picture above is just plain disturbing. Why the fark did he choose a blue tie if he knew he would be sitting beside Cameron?

  37. CameronB says:

    The picture above could be the ‘Westminster Party’ cabinet members.

  38. HandandShrimp says:

    There is an issue regarding care at home vs care facilities. The former is free and is the preferred option. This has been an issue for years and yes it does pre-date the SNP administration. However, it does look as if individual cases have a strong argument for mis-application of the rules and it would be wise for the Scottish Government to review the NHS decisions. What is is missing from the England/Scotland comparison are the numbers receiving care and the total number of cases where there is contention.   

  39. Tattie-boggle says:

    FMQ’s Anyone link to Classic BBC has learned line

  40. HandandShrimp says:

    Highly likely, I would imagine Johanne will actually pull an old person out her Tesco bag during the proceedings. However, as it has already broken I expect that aides are pulling together the statistics to arm the FM with what has been done and what has been secured. Johanne wouldn’t give free care to old people if they had assets anyway…that would be something for nothing.

  41. Dee says:

    Handandshrimp, totally agree with you, but the BBC Scotland are giving the impression that the SNP Government started all this in 2007. A one sided, bias view that has no balance to it.  As someone mentioned earlier, we also have this by election coming up so any anti SNP story is a good story. 

  42. CameronB says:


  43. TheTaxiDriver says:

    Vronsky says:
    12 June, 2013 at 10:25 pm

    “William Hague is fondling Dougie Alexander and the product of their love has just struck the guy sitting at the end right in the eye. No respect at all for the Scripture Union badge in his lapel.  What is the world coming to?” 
    Never though he had it in him?

  44. James Morton says:

    Ed: I’m a bigger Tory than you

    DC: No you’re not

    Ed Yes I am!

    DC: NO…You’re not

    Ed: Yes I am, Yes I am, YES I AM!

    How to the tell the difference? You can’t – Blair’s strategy of moving labour to the right probably made sense at the time. He knew he could drag the left with him, as there really was no alternative. But the problem with trying to triangulate votes in such a way, is that you ultimately become the thing you once stood against. Stare into the abyss and have it stare in to you as Nietzche sort of once said.

    Now the ultimate irony is that they go to the voter pretty much sounding like the other guy. One of the reasons we had a hung parliament, is in my opinion, down to that unacknowledged identity crisis. I still remember Will Self on QT saying right before the leader debates that “They agree on so many things, that you would struggle to fit a playing card between them, they are that close together”

    Wind the clock back to 2007: Scots realised that there actually was an alternative to labour in Holyrood and voted in the SNP. Despite every attempt to undermine the SNP administration, it won again in 2011. Going by past events Lab/lib/cons are not really doing anything to capture the imaginations of Scots voters.

    In England it appears to be UKIP that is profiting from this dilemma. What is odd is that the MSM seems hellbent on trying to convince Scots that UKIP is a serious contender here. Well…perhaps not that odd. If you are trying to enforce an illusion of conformity in politics, to stress how England & Scotland are really one and the same, then this is how you would do it. The issue for them is that UKIP is just another flavour of Tory, and since Tory is four letter word up here, and they regarded as shit on the heel of Scotlands shoe…Enter Darling and co with one panic bomb after another.

  45. Luigi says:

    DC: “I am Nigel Farage’s best friend”
    EM: “No you are not, I am his best friend!”
    DC: “He likes my party more than yours”
    EM: “Wait until he reads our manifesto, he is going to love us”

  46. Desimond says:

    So basically, Tom Harris, champion of “Labour – party for the worker”, isnt working!

  47. HandandShrimp says:

    I think I read somewhere that tonight QT will be comprise of an audience of 17 and 18 year olds in Edinburgh. No idea how they selected the audience.
    Why the hell Farage gets to go on again when his party are an irrelevance to Scottish politics beats me. The SNP have been in power for 6 years, the only majority Government in the UK and rarely get a look in. The feting of Farage is just plain odd. That said I rarely watch QT – it has lost its way and Dimbleby is a shocker when it comes to Scottish politics so I just can’t be arsed watching it any more.

  48. Barontorc says:

    Looking at G Campbell’s comment at 8.50 it’s a clear signal the UK Establishment is stirring the political pot trying to force UKIP into the system. Here we have a party being given mammoth BBC airtime over the past 4 years, while they are still MP-less in Parliament and only have a presence in the HOL and NI Assembly through characters who’ve either been kicked out of their former parties or are HOL carpet-baggers who see greener grass possibilities.
    From Feb 09 to the present, UKIP have been foisted into the public awareness by the BBC on 19 occasions, 14 with Farage. They have a membership of around 28k, which by my reckoning is a miniscule 0.043% of the UK population.
    Now it seems the recent choreographed media publicity visit by Farage to Edinburgh was just another move on the grand scheme monoply board.
    By God, we better vote YES!


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