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Wings Over Scotland

How far we’ve sunk, how far

Posted on May 19, 2012 by

Is this actually worse than bags of peanuts with "WARNING: MAY CONTAIN NUTS" on them and the like? In some senses, I think, it might be.

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0 to “How far we’ve sunk, how far”

  1. Bobby

    Now this is funny.

  2. Gabe McGrath

    What kind of crap are you eating there Stu?
    Wow, better send Jamie Oliver around to your place to film a new Tv series. 😉

  3. Baggypants

    MAY CONTAIN: Celery
    Made me think of Art Frahm.

  4. Archie

    You know it is a bad sign when the ingredients for a CHICKEN burger list CHICKEN so low down the list and buried in a sea of…something. Although it's probably fairly innocuous stuff. I know some of these things sound bad but can turn out to be normal or natural additives and things used for generations.
    "Let product stand for 1 minute" – BUT IS THAT THE SAME AS THE 60 SECONDS ABOVE? OH GOD.

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