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Wings Over Scotland

Good News Day

Posted on June 08, 2016 by

It was revealed yesterday that NHS Scotland now has the highest staffing levels in its history, a positive story justly celebrated in today’s Times:


It’s in there if you read closely, honest.

Here’s the Scottish Daily Mail’s take:


And the Herald’s:


And the Daily Record’s:


But we believe we have a winner:


The SNP: Just In Case You Still Weren’t Sure If They Were Bad.

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I just laugh now, and wait.

Betty Boop

I get it! There is only one “journalist” for all of MSM.
That explains them all printing the same stories!! SNP sooooo baaaaaaaad !!!

Donald MacKenzie

Ah, but, y’see. If the NHS needs that many staff it must mean that there are too many people becoming ill. And that must the SNP’s fault.

Because, y’see, it looks like your suggesting that the SNP government may have done something positive …. and we can’t be having that now, can we?


And the media can take a flying….(fill in appropriately)… to itself.

Hypocritical, backstabbing, disingenuous, misleading, mealy moothed and that’s on a good day.

Those ‘people’ have spent months telling folks how understaffed and in need of aid the health service is and when the facts and figures don’t match their narrative? They simply alter the narrative to suit the next assault.

They utterly, utterly deserve their ignominious decline.

Hugh Barclay

Record numbers employed, mortality rates well down, best A&E performance in the whole of the UK.

Sarwar and his ilk can in true Begbie style………pause……..Fuck Off!

mike cassidy

The Scottish Conservative’s ‘headline’ yesterday.

link to

Surely no connection!

Robert Louis

What an utter joke the newspapers sent to Scotland (but controlled in England) have become. They cannot go out of business soon enough.


Well if you can’t fill gaps with permanent staff, what alternative is there?

It’s either get locums / agency staff in or cancel appointments etc.

The press can’t have it both ways.


Latest score result just in….. Unionist Media 5, Pro Indy Media 1.


Well bugger me.
The nasty nasty SNP have found the funding to staff the NHS despite ongoing pressure on the block grant.
They should admit John Swinney to the magic circle.
Instead they criticise success.

Robert Graham

Well i guess it was this or the recent demands for a confirmed opening date for the the new Forth crossing , This bridge opposed by all the usual suspects and even actively threatened with cancellation by our dear Labour party , disparaged by the Greens , now being given a platform by the BBC for their new best friends the Tories , oh f/k i give up .it’s like trying to swim through shit .


The simple response to all this is, good things cost money.

Training Day

The Colonial Media.. an integrity-free bubble where wide-eyed, eager stooges devoid of brains, principle or morality queue up to have the most risible propaganda attached to their names, in the expectation that one day they’ll graduate to be the guest on Scotland 2016 where they can spout the same propaganda by reflex in front of the dozen or so lobotomised goldfish who still lend any credence to this keech.

What a career.


Aye the SNP are soooo baaad, their vote share keeps climbing, as they are that useless…. my arse.

The BUMs just don’t get it, do they?


Neo fascist hacks, in a region that they’re losing control with every election.

This one actually thinks he’s a liberal, sorry, a liberal sort:D

euan mccolm ?@euanmccolm 13h13 hours ago
anyway, farage did fine for his side and the things that annoyed your liberal sorts like me will have delighted others.

gerry parker

As more and more people come to realise that the press are lying about almost everything to do with the Scottish Government, I am looking forward to next year when we clean the last of the Red Tories out of the local councils.
Then we can really start on the people who run the MSM.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Good News Day It was revealed yesterday that NHS Scotland now has the highest staffing levels in its […]

Jack Collatin

What must it be like to live in the La La Land of unionism and the Scottish Media?
To live so out on a limb that you have lost complete touch with reality, while kidding yourself on that the lies that you print and broadcast, which you personally know to be risible untruths, must be adhered to for the cause of the Union and the Holy London Empire.
The Establishment mustn’t fail, at all costs.
Trouble is that the longer you live in propaganda land, the more likely it is that you will slip from reality into the Unionist fantasy permanently. There are signs of this creeping madness in the offerings of some of the Usual Suspects; you know who you are, just to be clear, hang on a minute, the SNP are Badder than Bad, they’re worse.
Scottish Hacks:-Traitors to truth, democracy, equality and social justice.
But hey, it’s a living.

Steven Matheson

You have to love how they get comments from everyone, apart from any SNP politicians… No bias here, move along…

Dr Jim

They should put in Cartoony pictures and make the words appear in bubbles over the Yoons heads

Maybe introduce a Yoon investigative superhero “Churnalist”

Bigger banner headlines “Yoonman” saves Scotland from SNP secret menace

C’mon Moodie this is your area or Chris Cairns
Alcoman Cochrane or Torryman the Beard or Jackie Bird in a super outfit, Oh God! I was nearly sick at the thought of that there, scratch the Bird thing


…pub chain manager angry that pubs now busier and he has to take on more staff to handle the growing demand. He is also outraged at having his weekly purchase costs rise due to increased sales

A local taxi company has also also been left devastated by rising fuel costs associated with the transport of people demanding their service.

The local chip shop owner is in shock due to rising product costs incurred to meet the demand of those people leaving the pubs at night visiting his busines.

…Scottish journalism at it’s best.

G H Graham

The London based British media clearly hates the current Scottish government.

And since over 50% of the electorate voted for them, for a third consecutive time by the way, it seems reasonable to conclude that the British media also hates more than half the electorate.

I cannot think of another country in which its people willfully choose to fund news media which considers its readers disobedient, disloyal & subversive.

Is it …

a). Jockholm Syndrome?
b). The Scottish Cringe?
c). Industrial scale brainwashing?
d). All of the above?

Malcolm Osborne

Meanwhile in England: link to

[…] coverage of this story about NHS agency staff is unusually muted and almost balanced. As Wings Over Scotland points out, the rest of the media has been more characteristically eager to put the usual #SNPBAD spin on […]


Meanwhile, in England, ruled by the Tories, soaring costs are the fault of the NHS Trusts and “rip-off staffing agencies”. Different narrative altogether with no SNP to blame.

“English providers spent an estimated £3.7 billion on locum doctors, nurses and other staff in 2015-16.

NHS Improvement, the body which regulates trusts and foundation trusts, yesterday demanded hospital bosses get a grip of their staffing costs, while Jeremy Hunt said agencies had been able to charge “extortionate rates” for too long.”

link to

Phil Robertson

If higher staff levels in the NHS is a “positive” story, you will no doubt share the disappointment of many about the lowest post-devolution numbers in public sector employment recorded in 2015.

The many is, of course, those who have lost their jobs. The fall is most marked in local government where the loss is partly due to increased us of privitisation.


Meanwhile in the UK

June 7, 2016 6:51 pm
Royal Navy warships cannot take the heat, MPs told

The Type 45 is vulnerable ‘whenever we try to do too much with them at once’, says one naval officer
The engines powering the Royal Navy’s cutting-edge fleet of Type 45 destroyers are unable to operate continuously in the warm waters of the Gulf, MPs were told on Tuesday.”

That’s the FT. Each ship costs a thousand million quid and they break down in warm water, making them sitting ducks

They bought a fleet of six and they’re costing so much to repair, its taken all the money for the next gen of battle ships

“Former First Sea Lord Alan West warned that any delay on the Type 26 programme could threaten the UK’s defensive capability, and lead to a serious erosion of shipbuilding skills, which would prove far more costly to rebuild. The government had already weakened the Royal Navy’s capabilities by cutting the number of frigates that would be ordered from 13 to eight in last year’s strategic defence and security review, he said.”

There’s always Trident to nuke the shit out of anyone and everything. Rule toryboy Britannia.

Jack Collatin

Clootie @ 11.07: Ace, My boy.


@ Malcolm Osborne – that “Beezy Marsh” Daily Mail article seems to have been written in 2002. There is a line in it about “since Labour came to power”. The text is identical to this text written in 2002.

link to

Strangely, it doesn’t have a date on it. Perhaps it doesn’t matter which year it is trotted out. Standard boiler plate!
Here’s the archived link
link to


No No No.

Click 3 times and wish … for Britannia, for the Queen, for the cesspit of Westminster.

Donald Anderson

Wot we need is more Jackie Bailies weaponising the NHS. Nuke ’em all.


Had to take a relative to one of the Glasgow Hospitals last month.

We were told in the appointment info that it would take around 4 hours to be seen as they were busy with multiple clinics running.

We were seen within 2 hours by the nurses and the Consultant and a 2nd consultant even took the time to make sure the Junior Doctor had the correct info.

Bloody SNP and their increased efficiency!

Dave McEwan Hill

Phil Robertson at 11.22

“higher staff levels in the NHS” IS a positive story.

Surely you meant “the increased cost of austerity” in your second part.

You see all the trials and tribulations you love to point out are a product of a Scottish economy trapped in a bust and hugely indebted UK economy.
And only the very stupid don’t see that very clearly.

Tony Jensen

Most agency nurses are already working as full-time nurses. My sister-in-law does three 12 or 14 hour shifts over three straight days. After a days rest, she will often do another agency shift because she is saving up for her wedding later this year. This is just a non-story.


Westminster cuts £4Billion a year from NHS. £20Billion cuts.

Scotland spends £12Billion a year on NHS – £23Million is a fraction of that.

Bob Mack

If ever you needed confirmation that the Scottish government was doing an extraordinarily good job in the face of adversity,all you need to do is look at the media. They try to cast dubiety on everything which appears to give credit to the SNP.

It is a stupid plan ,fostered by idiots who believe it will at some point prove successful. The only fly in their ointment is that everybody and their auntie knows if the papers criticise,then the converse is true.


Pro rata it is a lot less than the rest of the UK.

More pro rata gets spent in Scotland on health care.

Rest of the UK £100Billion? £3.7Billion on agency staff.

Dan Huil

Boycott britnat media.

Mik Johnstone

what ! ! ! thurs nae need for a’ they nurses and medical types to be in Scotland ! ! ! we Scottish only need a cupful o Irn Bru a wee tunnocks teacake (before they became unionist) and a swift kick in the what d’ya ma call it and sent on oor way, best staffing levels ever with the help of agency staff ! ! ! you bloody lot have niver had it so good… In my day we were shovelled off to the side of the road and left fur the scaffie cart (saved a damned fortune on medicinal bills and the likes) to come and shuffle us off to the tip for disposal … they took me 3 times before they realised i was sleeping rather heavily . . . sack all the nurses and quacks . . . Irn Bru an Teacakes is the Only way tae go ! ! ! ya saft numpties. . . The SNP is the Baddest of the badderer ! ! !


Boycott britnat media

In their scotland region, they tell us we’re shite. In the UK, they pretend there is no actual place called Scotland.

Examples include…

Alastair Campbell ?@campbellclaret 14h14 hours ago
Great Britain not Little England. Vote REMAIN

Joe Coutts

‘Forth Road Bridge will not be finished on time’ BBC report. Is there nothing they will not try to drag the Scottish Government down? Bad weather, a fatality caused delay.

Do these journalists have minds of their own? Oh surprise, the question was asked by Murdo Fraser. Do they not see themselves?

‘Disgusted’ from Aberdeen.


Of course it’s not just the dead tree media who are guilty.
Today Radio Shortbread reported that the new Forth bridge will not be open in December as hoped, but they missed out ten wee words from Keith Brown’s statement – “which is six months ahead of the contractual completion date”. It’s on their Scotland Live website but you have to look carefully to find it and as we know most folk don’t look much beyond the headline.

Auld Rock

Hi Mactart, would the fill-in be something like Cameronesque actions on a pigs head???

As for the new Forth crossing, I’d like to see these moaners doing one week on the bridge during the coldest, wettest and windiest part of winter – they would not last an HOUR let alone a week.

Auld Rock

Phil Robertson

“You see all the trials and tribulations you love to point out are a product of a Scottish economy trapped in a bust and hugely indebted UK economy.”

The increase in NHS funding in Scotland, around £2B in the current Parliament, is likely to be funded by the extra money coming from Westminster as a result of higher spending on the NHS by the UK government.

On the other hand, local government finance is controlled by the Scottish Government. It still seems to prefer cutting tax on air travel to maintaining social work budgets.

As you say, “And only the very stupid don’t see that very clearly.”

Connor McEwen

Love Clootie’s comment.
To others on the council elections, need the vote out or Ruthie’s followers will sneak in the back door again.
Seen the odd Pensioner just roll their eyes on the headlines.


And I still won’t pay for this drivel. If they’re trying to tempt me back they’re way of track.

Also advertisers beware, if I’m made aware you advertise in any of these rags, I’ll think twice before I give you my money as well.

Dr Jim

Today Brent Crude is $52 per barrel, is that news? if it is it’s nowhere to be seen or reported, for months and months on a daily basis “Oil price collapse” “Tumbling oil prices” “Case for Independence Dead” was the news

Now, what we hear is “Due to collapsed oil revenues” “Low Tax Receipts” “Dwindling Oil Reserves” Unemployment doom doom doom but no mention of the more than doubling since the collapse
And it will rise because the Saudis have succeeded in doing what they wanted and are turning the taps down

So Oil prices are predicted to rise to around $70 or more by the end of this year what are they going to say then
It’s worth more but it’s crap oil?

And all based on the crazy misconception that Scotland somehow received all the oil revenues in the first place instead of the Yookay Guv who spent the lot and crossed their incompetent fingers with their eyes shut praying “Please please make it alright God”

Where’s the headlines of “Scotland Betrayed over Independence promise to Shipyards” or “Smith Commission was a lie to the Scottish people”
How about “Most powerful devolved parliament in the world isn’t allowed to let a family live in Scotland who were invited to come” or “UK Government says Nicola Sturgeon rated the most influential woman in the known Universe by everybody else has only got the power over road signs because we don’t like her”

It’s all making my pal Murphy the spy very irritated and he’s got 11.400 pals he tells me, plus he wears a lot of camouflage clothing


Betty Boop says:

“There is only one “journalist” for all of MSM.
That explains them all printing the same stories!!”

Perhaps Spanner is a front for the YoonJournoMaister? 🙂


Off topic

This deserves a wider audience

Laughing at Scots as slaves.

I know she is a Tory, but can you imagine what kind of loathing is instilled, to enable you to talk like this?

I seriously dont mind, don’t care and don’t comment on a lot of the anti Scots stuff, but why do my taxes pay for this shit?

link to

Les Wilson

Basically, the Unionist parties and the Unionist press have declared war against the SNP, their supporters, AND Scottish democracy.
Their big propaganda push on now,for the Council elections by telling all the lies they can muster to deny the SNP being elected.

It is high time for the SNP, and indeed everyone who values democracy, to get this stuff ended.
Maybe international monitors (who have no love for Westminster) should now be brought in to report and advise on this onslaught.
By doing, build a legal case against the offenders.

Alex Beveridge

I don’t believe we should ever think that the propaganda the various M.S.M oulets produce doesn’t have any effect on the electorate. So while more and more of us completely disregard what they say, and come this website to get the truth, many people do not.
Their objective is to keep us under the heel of their paymasters, the Westminster establishment, and in this respect the false flag stories will continue unabated.
Although I do wonder what effect this, and other stories, have on the people actually employed in the various trades and professions. Their efforts to do their best are continually being traduced by the media, and opposition politicions, on an almost daily basis. So how do they feel about their treatment?


See Scottish Parliament TV for debates on all of today’s “blows for Strugeon” from around 2 o’clock. Health Ministers are in the Hotseat says the BBC, then the Queensferry Crossing delay at 14:40, and the Named Person Act 15:10.
link to

Saves having to rely on the lying press for information.


Amazing how they can always turn a positive into a negative don’t you think? Always rummaging around at the bottom of the barrel looking for some ‘dirt’ to spread. And strange that these politicians and journalists want to live in Scotland at all: Want to bring their children up here. Surely they must have grave concerns for their health and wellbeing and would prefer to live, say, in England? Their NHS being privatised up to the hilt, no free home care, doctors strikes, thousands of nurses and midwives demonstrating against plans to scrap their maintenance grants and patients having to be treated in tents in Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital grounds due to the hospital being unable to cope. Loads more NHS England ‘negatives’ … too many to list on here.

The Scottish Daily Mail complain that the bill for NHS agency staff in Scotland now stands at £23m. Figures show that Barts Health NHS Trust in London (alone) spent £81?million on agency staff in 2014-15.

King’s College Hospital foundation trust and Royal Free London NHS trust each spent more than £60?million. One wonders how much their bill comes to overall taking into account the number of NHS trusts in England?

link to

link to

Shi**y wee Scotland deemed to have the best A&E performance in the world as per the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.

”The UK has the best A&E performance in the world. Scotland has the best A&E performance among the UK nations.”

No mention of that in the Herald, Mail, Daily Liar or Scotsman etc. No mention of Scotland being at the forefront of International medical research, that a recent survey showed that 94% of 5,000 cancer patients rated their care seven out of 10 or higher and that death rates from heart disease and strokes have both fallen by a third since 2007 (since we got shot of Labour) when the SNP first took the reigns of government.

”According to new independent health statistics published yesterday, death rates from heart disease and strokes have both fallen by a third since 2007 when the SNP first took the reigns of government.

Since then, mortality rates for coronary heart disease have dropped by 36 per cent and death rates from strokes have fallen 33 per cent over the same period.

Incidence rates for coronary heart disease have also fallen by 25 per cent since 2006-07 while incidence of cerebrovascular disease (CVD), of which stroke is one of the most common types, has fallen by 13 per cent over the same period..”

All I can say is keep up the ‘good work’ Scottish meeja. Overkill aint working.

link to


Wow the yoons have gone batshit mental about the SNHS again,its the best its ever been but no that is not good enough and its all the SNP to blame shame on them.

If you yoon eejits hadnt pissed away our wealth on PFI rubbish it would be a lot better fuck you we will be taking our indy and saving our health service from your back door attempts to privitize it you despicable shower of bastards.


Danger !!

Buyer Beware !!

Thinking for yourself may cause a sudden outbreak of Independance.


The Scottish media would make an “SNP Bad” story out of “Jesus Christ returns to earth, raises the dead and takes the whole world’s population up into heaven”.

mr thms

Talking of NHS SCotland, the mainstream media seem to have have given up reporting on its A&E performance..

Is it because..

link to

“During the month of April 2016, 95.1% of patients were seen and subsequently admitted, transferred or discharged within four hours from Scotland’s A&E departments.

This is 2.3 percentage points higher than April 2015 and the best performance during the month of April since 2011. It is also two percentage points higher than March 2016.”

Jim Morris

Scottish NHS have 67000 nurses on contract. 276 is just under one third of 1%.


@ Petra
What you fail to understand Petra is that, in Scotland, costs to the NHS are the fault of the SNP. But in England, same costs are the fault of the NHS Trusts and greedy agencies. NOT the fault of the Tories. Try to keep that in mind.

This will be specially important when the Tories in Scotland, now known as the Ruth Davidson Party, attack the SNP for, well for everything really. Ruth will be rolling out her heavy cannon, Liz Smith, this afternoon to demolish the Named Person legislation, she thinks. Battle commences at 15:10 says the BBC.

Dan Huil

SNP should pass a law saying nobody in Scotland will be proscecuted for not paying the bbC tax.



Wee Ginger Dug:

”In Britain if you steal a few pounds you go to jail. If you tell a few lies to get extra social security, you go to jail. But steal an entire bank, exploit the labour of thousands so that they are forced to rely on benefits while you enrich yourself, and you’re lauded as a wealth creator and you get a seat in the House of Lords. That’s how the United Kingdom works. That’s why we need to get out of it. I want to live in a land where all of us have an equal right to dignity and equal access to it. Indyref2 can’t come soon enough.”

link to


Chunky Mark: ‘Wow!!! Covert Tory Operation subvert Democracy election fraud.’

link to


@ Capella says at 12:49 pm …. ”What you fail to understand Petra is that, in Scotland, costs to the NHS are the fault of the SNP. But in England, same costs are the fault of the NHS Trusts and greedy agencies. NOT the fault of the Tories. Try to keep that in mind.”

Ha, ha, ha! I stand corrected Capella. Thanks for that.

Dave McEwan Hill

Phil Robertson at 12.22

Indeed. Scottish NHS spending matches UK NHS spending. That’s the deal. And Scotland now has the highest ever level of staffing in the Scottish NHS.

Care to give us a run down on the NHS in England?


A bit harsh to have a picture of Anas with “Botched” on it. He doesn’t look that bad.

As for spend on agency staff… the NHS has used agency staff for decades to cover holidays, gaps and sick leave. If overall numbers are up so too will spend on agency staff go up.

1) What is £23m in relation to the overall staff budget?
2) Are agency staff qualified?

If the answer is 1) is “very small” and 2) Yes then it does look like a rather contrived SNPbad

Sharny Dubs

It seems obvious to me that due to the lack on any real opposition in the SP the MSM have appointed themselves as the unofficial opposition… It’s a dirty job … but…


@ Auld Rock

You’d not be far off the mark. 🙂


Tomorrows newspapers

…Oil rises to $52/bbl which will will result in a rising cost at the pumps as fuel prices soar.
The SNP show a total disregard for the impact on families by welcoming the rising price of Brent crude as good for the industry
Regardless of what the Evil SNP spokesperson said, what he actually meant was that they side with Oil companies as they profit on the misery of our readers.
This Uturn by the SNP from their previous position in 1974 when they demanded lower fuel prices as the wonderful Westminster Government tried to shield Scotland from the awful truth that they faced the burden of having their own Oil – which is a very, very bad thing because the price can go up and down if you don’t have an Oil fund to stabilise revenue….and nobody would want one of those when you can just pool & share as you go.


When I qualified, many moons ago, there were no jobs to be had in NHS. Like dozens of my student friends I joined an agency as the only way to practice and keep up my newly learned skills.

I actually became a regular agency nurse and loved the diversity. During the few years I met countless nurses who had regular jobs in various hospitals and took shifts to pay for weddings, cars, holidays and even horses!

It’s an essential part of NHS which could not function without some form of bank and agency nursing!


@ Capella at 12:49pm …. ”Ruth will be rolling out her heavy cannon, Liz Smith, this afternoon to demolish the Named Person legislation, she thinks. Battle commences at 15:10 says the BBC.”

I’m reposting this (if Stu allows) because I feel absolutely scunnered with what’s going on in Scotland. Ruth Davidson has stated that ”victims of crime are best served by secure and sound convictions.” I say that before you get to the ‘conviction stage’ the crime actually has to be reported. How is that going to come to pass when she wants to ‘gag’ children from speaking out / reporting abuse at all?

”Liam Fee: Is this a sign that every time a child dies in Scotland Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP are going to be held accountable due to their proposal to implement the named person policy (key part of the Children and Young People (Scotland) 2014 Act)?

Sad to say the reality is that no matter what measures are put in place some children will always slip through the net for one reason or another. Introducing the ‘named person’ policy was and is (if it isn’t blocked) a means of reducing such numbers and if it saves at least one life and / or alleviates the misery of hundreds of abused children amongst thousands it would be deemed to be worth it …. especially by the child / young person in question.

This latest disgusting debacle involving Ruth Davidson trying to score points against the SNP, and in the process impacting on Nicola’s attempts to prevent abuse / protect the vulnerable, is par for the course with the Unionists. History repeating itself.

Not so long ago, February / March 2015, a report was released under the FOIA stating that a massive rise in child sex offences had been reported over the previous 4 years …. the figure had almost doubled (latest figures from the NSPCC reveal that 9000 children are at risk of abuse and neglect in Scotland) and highlighted that more than 350 children were being raped every year in Scotland. Outlining only ‘known’ cases of course …. no doubt the tip of the ice-berg.

The Unionists made a meal of it, as they do, and vociferously demanded that the SNP produce an urgent plan to deal with the situation (the Unionists of course had NO plan).

Now when I read this it really made my blood boil as the SNP, in particular Kenny McAskill, had been involved in trying to have the the Corroboration Law (Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill) abolished; that is corroborative evidence from two separate sources for a criminal conviction to succeed, such as an eye witness and DNA sample. A Law that’s stymied perpetrators from being charged and locked up and the victims (especially children) receiving protection and justice in Scotland.

And just to point out, Scotland is said to be the only country in the civilised world (other than the Netherlands) that utilises the centuries old rule that has been blamed for very low conviction rates in child abuse, rape and domestic violence cases, where it is more likely to be one persons word against anothers. It follows of course that this Law is not used in rUK (which is significant for us).

Lord Carloway had been appointed to review the system and recommended that it should be abolished with safeguards put in place, such as increasing the majority of jurors who need to agree on a guilty verdict from 8 to 10. Consultations were carried out and overall this issue was debated for THREE whole years.

Lord Carloway, maintained that the CL ”does not guard against miscarriages and is a barrier to obtaining justice for the victims of crimes committed in private or where no one else was there. The requirement for corroboration has failed Scotland. It was formulated in a different age before matters such as DNA and CCTV. Times have changed”.

The Carloway Review sampled 141 sexual abuse cases and concluded that 67% would have been successfully prosecuted without corroboration. In real terms this related to approximately 94 individuals receiving justice and a number of sex offenders being convicted.

Following the review Kenny McAskill was totally castigated, hounded by Rennie in particular, and then this was reported in the Telegraph (26/02/2014). ‘’The SNP’s controversial plan to abolish a historic safeguard in Scotland’s justice system was resting on a knife edge last night after Holyrood’s opposition parties agreed a secret strategy to block it. The Daily Telegraph can disclose that Labour, the Tories and the Liberal Democrats will today make a joint effort to save the centuries-old rule of corroboration from being scrapped.”

Ruth Davidson stated that ”Our position on this issue has been consistent from the beginning, that the case has not been made for the abolition of corroboration….. Victims of crime are best served by secure and sound convictions, yet Kenny MacAskill’s plan risks miscarriages of justice.” (

Willie Rennie stated that ”the way Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill has handled attempts to abolish the centuries old legal safeguard is “crackers’’ (The Courier 17 Jan 2014).

McAskill stated ”We expected that from the Tory Party: it is the Conservative and Unionist Party. We did not expect that from those who have had a lifetime of experience. We know that Labour members take their cue from Cameron and Osborne. I said that there seemed to be a parody in terms of Labour’s position with regard to Labour’s position on corroboration. Let us be clear it is only an excuse for Labour, which is selling out on its principles. We accept that that is the norm for the Conservative Party, but for years the Labour Party, especially under Johann Lamont, prided itself on tackling domestic abuse and addressing issues to do with sexual offences. Labour has sold its soul and is in danger of selling out the victims of crime. I commend the motion in my name.”

Well the Unionists ‘secret strategy’ worked, THEY didn’t commend it, rather opposed it, and as a result the outdated Law wasn’t abolished. Another despicable example of the Unionists in Scotland point scoring to the detriment of thousands of Scottish children suffering abuse behind closed doors.

Thanks to people like Davidson, Rennie and Lamont (at that time) Scotland continues to be an abusers haven in comparison to England (rUK and most of the civilised world) and it’s no wonder the figures are rising. Children being abused at home say by a relative have no voice and in many cases wont ever have if the Unionists continue to obstruct the delivery of the named person policy.

In other words, taking into account the combination of the ‘blocking’ of the Corroboration Law and named person policy, many children will continue to suffer in silence and if they do happen to find the strength to report abuse to a named person their cases may not be deemed acceptable, to be heard, by the Judiciary here in Scotland because in many cases it’s only their word against another / s backed up by physical signs of abuse and /or DNA and that’s not admissable (legal). On the other hand, on a more positive note, although the perpetrator may get away Scot free (and may go on to abuse others) the horrendous plight of such a child / young person is usually alleviated by being dealt with in a practical way.

To my mind the Unionists are absolutely destroying our Country in more insidious ways than one. More than anything they just don’t care and this is / has been demonstrated over and over and over again. They don’t care for Scotland, the Scots but more than anything our children …. our future …. and the corrupt media that supports their actions for political reasons, and hide the hideous facts, should be hanging their heads in shame.

Roll on Independence Day. It can’t come soon enough imo.”


Are we being graced by this Phil Robertson? 🙂 🙂

link to


Ye know how there have been many protest gatherings down at Pacific Quay for rightful reasons (and more to come no doubt..)

In light of the above and ever-ongoing negative newspaper stories, maybe we should be holding positive rallies outside our hospitals to show our collective support.

With banners, rapturous applause and giving a big cheers to ALL hospital staff as they come and go about their business (agency or not, you ALL make the difference, so thank you.)

Gaun yerselfs you excellent people repairers.

Visiting times are from 7 to 8pm 🙂

Tinto Chiel

So, Rev, have I got this right? The SNHS is employing more nurses than ever to look after the sick and in April over 95% of patients were ATDed within the four-hour period. On top of this, heart and stroke rated have been cut by about a third since the SNP came to power at Holyrood and A&E performance is the best in the world.

And, just to be clear (he brewered), the Queensferry Crossing won’t open on Friday, but if it had, it would have been completed six months early.

“That SNP’s goat a lot tae anser fur, bytheway, soanithus,” as Johann will probably say quite soon.

Welcome to the twilight zone.


Rancid The Graun’s detail on HS2 is very extensive. One word missing from it all is England. Its all Britain and British but HS2 has nothing whatsoever to do with their scotland region, except that they take Scottish money for it all.

link to

eg. labour Lord says

“Above all, we had to concentrate on how soon the railway would run out of space.” Forecasts from Network Rail were that the main railway running up the centre of Britain, from London to Birmingham and Manchester, would reach capacity in 2024. Adonis says:

“The moral I drew was that the first phase of HS2 to Birmingham made sense.” After that, he felt it did not. In this, he disagreed strongly with other advocates of HS2.”

The centre of England he actually means but can’t actually say.

Its the long read, if you can find the word England…well you wont.

ronnie anderson

New play being written for the Edinburgh Fringe

Murdo Fraser in the Bridge of Sighs + full supporting cast Libs / Lab ect ect,soz forgot tae mention Wee Ruthie as the Wild Wind. Noo who would you,s blame fur the delay ?.

fek it SNP Baad onnyhows.

Phil Robertson

Dave McEwan Hill says:
Indeed. Scottish NHS spending matches UK NHS spending. That’s the deal. And Scotland now has the highest ever level of staffing in the Scottish NHS.
Care to give us a run down on the NHS in England?

Staff numbers are 2.1% UP in England (Feb 2015 to Feb.2016).

But my point was that, if staff levels being up in Scotland is a positive story, what is the take on the staffing numbers elsewhere in the public sector, especially in local government?

No one seems to be prepared to discuss that.


Staff numbers are 2.1% UP in England (Feb 2015 to Feb.2016).

But my point was that, if staff levels being up in Scotland is a positive story, what is the take on the staffing numbers elsewhere in the public sector, especially in local government?

No one seems to be prepared to discuss that.

No one is stopping you Phil.

Iain More

The Yoon vision for the NHS, DONT PAY THE STAFF!


They put the SIN, in disingenuous.


I think that you misunderstand.

The Tories are angry that there are any NHS Nurses.
They want to sell the NHS to their buddies, on the cheap,
and only use Private Nurses, well that is if you have enough money to pay for the health services in Town.

Labour are just Sick.
Do you remember their recent headline, 3,000 operations cancelled in Scotland. It appears that this represents less that 1.5% of operations while it was 5% when Labour were in power here in Scotland, before the cuts and with fewer people to look after.

We could drop our A & E times from 93% being attended to within 4 hours to that of the Labour controlled NHS in Wales who manage 78%.

You know what Wastmonster parties, just F*** off.


What did The National have to say about this?

Brian McHugh

Check out the Agency staff costs in the Councils… complete moratorium on taking on staff, so full time members of staff are becoming (in some cases are already) in the minority.

Labour councils don’t count agency staff costs though, so can claim that they have slashed operating costs.

Everyone knows the sick game.

Pure BS.


I have always dismissed conspiracy and corruption theories about the press, tending to the oft-quoted view:

“You cannot hope to bribe or twist (thank God) the British journalist. But, seeing what the man will do unbribed, there’s no occasion to.”

But I am seriously beginning to wonder. Is there some kind of co-ordination(money/reward?) in how these SNP=bad stories are so relentlessly and almost identically churned out?

Or is it, to quote Jesse from Breaking Bad, just: “That all you got?”


Quick! Tell Pullitzer Prize-winning Eleanor Bradford of the BBC so she can carry out a searing analysis of this disgrace on behalf of the British Government.


Fred buys two copies of the National, the extra one is for Rock which goes to deserving recipients. 🙂


“Hospitals hit by shortage of nurses and midwives” hmmm! Wonder whose fault that is?? .i mean how else can you privatise the nhs. Has the penny dropped yet nawbags?.

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