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Wings Over Scotland

Get ready for a shock

Posted on June 02, 2016 by

The claim:


Hold onto your hats, now.

The reality:


Yeah, we’re stunned too.

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Tomkins has been repeating this lie ad nauseam – and the press letting them get away with it, quel surprise.

Just fucking disgusted with the Tories lying about this and using a dead kid for political leverage.

Walter Scott

Fat Boab is just another compulsive liar. Why can’t we have decent, honest opposition politicians?

Dave McEwan Hill

It begins to look like Ruthie will prove to be a huge liability
(or benefit, depending on what side your on).

She’ll be getting geared up for the OO marching season. Might be riding a big white horse right enough.

Bugger (the Panda)

I am not, it is all just part or their party tricks book.

A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World While the Truth Is Putting On Its Shoes.

Attributed to whosoever

Walter Scott

Fife council could ask her for a public apology. Davidson is a nasty piece of work.

Bugger (the Panda)

Fat Boab + Ruthie?


Bob Mack

She is unworthy of office and oxygen. Devious cold hearted git.


This merely underscores the point that when exploiting the death of a child for narrow political gain, it’s best to strike while the body is warm.

Jim Thomson

@BtP I suspect young Mr Cairns has that in his sights now ?


Davidson really is quite grotesque, lying about a poor, murdered wee babba in order to score political points against the SNP. What a mean, unpleasant woman, ugh.

Tinto Chiel

A shock that Ruth Davidson told a lie?

Time for one of your “(Insert Yoon Politician Name) Is A Liar” features.

Oh, sorry, this is it!

Carry on!

Good luck tomorrow, Tank-Straddler, at FMQs. Sleep well.


Ruth Davidson = Lying Tory Scum!

Bob Sinclair

Stunned? Not really.
Same old same old from the sleaze ridden Tories.


Named person will not help Scotland’s vulnerable children. It’s not because ‘SNP bad’. Many folk opposed are SNP and Yes voters. It’s because the legislation is wrong.


Davidson is the most disgusting and dishonest politician in Scotland in my view.


Stu, I’m almost certain that’s not the original tweet, have impression original was not nuanced by pilot


What day is it? Thursday? Is that a “SNP scheme will lead to Naziesque intrusion into the lives of blameless parents who won’t be allowed to bring their kids up their own way due to the nanny state keeping an eye on them and interfering” day? Or is it a “It’s all the SNPs fault a child is dead because they didn’t roll the scheme out fast enough, or someone wasn’t intrusive enough” day.

The opposition and media in Scotland make me feel physically sick. I’d like to add ‘at times’ but it’s gone beyond even that. It’s a never-ending, daily grind of utter shite and nonsense.

Same also with ‘SNP are left-wing Stalinists’ on a Wednesday, Friday and Sunday; totally right wing every other day. And ‘they’re too anti-fracking’ if a month has 30 days; not anti-fracking enough it it’s 31.

Herr Eulen

‘did not have a named person in terms of the legislation parliament’s put in place.

So, um, yes, they did have a named person and they had that named person as part of the trial Fife Council had put in place. That trial means the named person didn’t have the same power and role as they would under the act, in the same way the policeman in the 50s did not have the same powers and role they have now — but a policeman then was still a policeman, as a named person in 2014 was still a named person.

Trying to claim there wasn’t a named person does not address the attack that the Conservatives and others are trying to make — that the act poses a danger to children. A claim that is crass and prejudges the result of a public inquiry, assumes full understanding of facts that haven’t been released to them or the public, and a claim that needs to be addressed properly, rather than pseudo-semantically.

Donald MacKenzie

Perhaps Ms Davidson would like to answer the question – From where did you get the information that told you there was a Named Person in place for this child?


Thanks once AGAIN Stu for exposing these liars. I hope this is winging it’s way around the Internet …. World.

Leader of a political party in Scotland. Utter disgrace.

She (Tomkins et al) should now release a statement to the effect that she made a mistake (aye right) and apologise.

And, eh, the meeja in Scotland should have this on their front pages tomorrow. C’mon the Daily Recordddddd! She’s a Tory.


If a named person (in terms of the legislation parliament has put in place) would have made a difference in this sad case, then perhaps the law could become known as Liam’s Law. Too late for this poor wee lad, but it could make a difference to others, in his name.


If anyone saw Scotland 2016, the Ruth Party justice spokesman
said that Ruth was just responding to a BBC prompt. No politician went down the BBC’s preferred route of getting involved in a spat over Named Person while the tragedy is so fresh in everyone’s minds. All credit to them. The media had been touting this agenda all day!


When will Davidson apologise? Along with apologises for Tory poilicies which sanction and starve vulnerable people. She is an apology of a woman. Along with the cartel of 2nd rate Tory rejects in Holyrood. Cheats and liars. Trident/illegal wars, tax evasion banking fraud costing Scotland over £10Billion+ a year which could be better spent on vulnerable people and essential services. The Tories are a corrupt mess.

Thatcher illegally and secretly took the equivalent of £Billions out of Scotland and shut down every manufacturing facility. Cameron/Osbourne have destroyed the Oil & Gas sector. Taxing it at 60/80% when prices had fallen 75%. It is still 40%.The Tories, no enterprise and high taxes. More Oil & Gas has to be imported putting up the balance of payment deficit and the debt.

Helicopters falling from the sky. 4 in five years. Robert Goodwill the UK Transport Minister refused to have an Inquiry although the UK Transport Committee recommended one. UK Health & Safety Laws are being broken, and kept covered up by the CAA (headed by a pilot) and the Westminster administration. The helicopter owners sold up two years later for £250Million. The Scottish Sherriff court discovered there was no paper trail and UK health & safety rules were no being followed.

These helicopters should be grounded. Many are 30/40 years old and should not be flying. Hammond spent £2Billion up grading Army Helicopter and called the area around Faslane a wasteland. It would be if he got his way. It is 30 mins away from one of Scotland’s largest cities.


All Unionists, regardless of their party colour, have absolutely no compunction in using children for personal gain, Westminster and the House of Lords are full of them, we call them paedophiles.

Scumbag Davidson owes the Scottish electorate one massive apology for using this poor weans situation to gain a political advantage and that apology should be made at the first opportunity, in front of tv cameras at Holyrood – then step down ya minger!

Goodnight troops!

Les Wilson

Well a Unionist found telling lies, again!
Ruthie is really showing her true self, and I feel she is so happy with where she is right now, so smug, she feels she can do anything. Looking for political mileage, from a wee boys cruel death, is skid row.

That is what is really gut wrenching, she really does not care.
As long as she thinks it will involve an SNP negative. Her media pals will assist of course, as usual.

Happily she has been caught out here, and shown to be the big mouth piece of s… she really is.

Robert Louis

So, is this Tory davidson ‘holding the Government to account’ by telling bare faced lies, on the back of a terrible tragic story of a poor wee boy.

How about having a teensy bit of integrity Ruth? Oh, I forgot you’re a unionist tory, so of course you were lying through your teeth.

Bill Hume

Might I ask who the second quote is from?


Quick the blue tories have found jims glue bag stash on the red tory ex benches.

Jeez muppets

Alex McArthur

The only shock here is that the Rev isn’t following RD on twitter!


An apology at FMQs tomorrow, Ruth?
Naw, ah didnae thinksae.
Damnable disgrace.

Dr Jim

Checking my watch for the Trolls with the “Aye but” let’s see how long they take


Burly men made her do it.

Robert Peffers

@Walter Scott says: 2 June, 2016 at 9:02 pm:

“Fife council could ask her for a public apology. Davidson is a nasty piece of work.”

What the hell else did anyone expect?

She’s a Tory for heaven’s sake – being a nasty piece of work is part of the job description.

Frank Mooney

Exactly as I said a few weeks ago. However well intentioned NP might be, we are still dealing with the same Council incompetence. It is this accountability that needs addressing!


Bill Hume says:
2 June, 2016 at 9:30 pm

Might I ask who the second quote is from?

Ruby replies

Click on the quote to find out.


@ Bill Hume,
Click the text, it’s the BBC.


Davidson: greasy pole climber. One of Thatchers children a nasty selfish entity. Ditto Wullie sleaze bag Rennie. Kez is just a silly wee lassy, at the moment,

They are the Establishments cannon fodder.


Bill Hume
Click on it & see for yourself. Its an archived page from BBC website

Bill Hume

Sorry, never used that feature of the site before.


Ruth Davidson’s dishonest election campaign was a good indicator how far she is prepared to go to con the electorate!


Apology anticipated from the cunt.

Robdert Peffers

@Elaine says: 2 June, 2016 at 9:16 pm:

“Named person will not help Scotland’s vulnerable children. It’s not because ‘SNP bad’. Many folk opposed are SNP and Yes voters. It’s because the legislation is wrong.”

Typical misinformed pish! If you must spout such rubbish at lest do us the service of explaining in detail why you claim the legislation is wrong.

Any misinformed numptie can say anything is wrong. It takes a person with real knowledge to make such claims.

Here is the SG explanation of the scheme :-

link to

Before you explain why the scheme is wrong you may take time to read the actual explanation of the legislation and not some unofficial claptrap.

Robert Peffers

@Donald MacKenzie says: 2 June, 2016 at 9:21 pm:

“Perhaps Ms Davidson would like to answer the question – From where did you get the information that told you there was a Named Person in place for this child?”

It was probably in the same text message that told her the postal voting numbers before the referendum.

Hugh Barclay

Nice one, not only does this show folk what a lying scumbag she is, it also shows how she really has just used the torture and death of a child for political gain.

Shameful and no excuse.

The true definition of a psychopath = Ruth Davidson = lying through her teeth, no empathy, aye there are many Unionists we could also put into that category.


Tinto Chiel said “Good luck tomorrow, Tank-Straddler, at FMQs. Sleep well.”.

Surely you mean ‘next week’, not tomorrow?

FMQs was earlier today!

But I agree with your sentiments – evil cow!


Just like the “Burly men” lie that she came out with.

Davidson is an opportunistic liar.

I mean for fucks sake!, what kind of pantomime shite does she think she can get away with?

Fucking Thatcheresque poses on top of Self Propelled Guns, Godivaesque poses on top of Bulls ( I know, Godiva Sat astride a horse, but in Davidson’s case, a bull sums her up – bullshit), fake sincerity with that cocked head, open handed, state managed, rhetoric pish at FM questions, forced bawdy bon hommie laughter and outright fucking lies.

Then there is Mr irrelevant Jack in the box Rennie with his grinning fool persona.

Then we have pre pubescent sounding Charlie Brown extra Kezia Dugdale.

Then we have THE outright enemy of the Scottish State, The BBC.

Sorry, I kind of rambled on there.

I’m just sick of these fucks!


Last night on Scotland 2016, yon Shelley creature brought up the fact that Ruthie had tweeted them with that statement about the NP, and was promptly told by the ‘Tory’ MSP that her tweet had been in reply to the one SENT by the BBC to her!!

Wheels within wheels?? Bunch of shysters.

Kevin Evans

She really has questionable morals if any.


I’m with you Scots pine.


Good lord. One more tory stuffed shirt makes a complete and utter arse of herself, again, shock!


Someone start a petition to have her hoofed out of office otherwise she’ll keep doingthis type of stuff, bringing the SP into disrepute.


This is why Scotland needs to be Independent.

We’re better than this.

R-type Grunt

I don’t know about anyone else but I am sick to the back fuckin’ teeth with these people destroying my fuckin’ country!

Anyone else?

How much of this shite are we going to take?




Cheers Min.

David Mills

Ruth was this “named person” a burly fellow, right, I think I see what’s happening here, there are nothing wrong with these fantasies, nothing to be ashamed of, Noone is monochrome & it good you are confident enough to share. Well done you.


So to the person who said the legislation is sub-standard, please expound. What bit is ineffective? Just interested. Lots of us don’t like tories but the question is why is this piece of policy being criticised by them or how can it be improved?


The absolute dishonesty of Davidson. The sheer depravity of Davidson. The crass indiffirence of Davidson. All of this does not in any way sufficiently describe the inglorious iniquity of this British Tory leader in the Scottish Parliament. Who had the idea that to use a dead infant’s murder to score a political point was justifiable.
Her behaviour should incur the wrath of all, and everyone, who despises those who would stoop to the level which Davidson has seen fit to do. Every word she ever utters in pretense of being concerned about anything to do with the Scottish Government’s policy to protect children, and young adults. Should be treated with the utter contempt it deserves.
She is a disgusting individual.

Gullane No 4

Very disappointed with Ruth Davidson’s attempt to make political gain over the dreadful death of a young child.
I thought she was much better than that.

ronnie anderson

Never lose sight of who Ruthie,s accomplices are the Printed Media & BBC TV, all are dispicable human beings for using this Bairns name as a political football.


Ruthie needs to check her facts before tweeting lies. You’d think a party leader would be more responsible and professional.

I see she’s deleted it now.


Who the hell buys the Herald?
They have a full compliment of SNP Bad stories and a TV page

They suggest that Mahri Black told a lie about Fracking?

Let’s not bother about this wee bullying bitch in blue
LYING about a Named Person being involved, and let’s not worry about making a political football out of a child’s death. Media Scum in the deepest part of their gutter.

Nice to see the Blue and Red Tories out playing together
in London. Ed “No” Balls and Gideon Osbourne and Sidiq Khan and David Cameron forming two tag teams to prove again that they are one and the same party controlled by Tory money.

Martin Richmond

This is woefully misleading Stuart. Davidson says Liam Fee had a named person under the terms of the Fife Pilot, Swinney says “ah but” that’s not the same as the named person under our new legislation. Neither statement is necessarily false and both could very well be true.


Is Tanktop a liar or just thick?


HandandShrimp say at 9:38 pm

“Burly men made her do it”
Droll. Very very droll.

But “do” what ?
Sounds filthy, tell all 😉


Maybe we over estimated them they seem to be as daft as the other bunch of fruit loops lol


Mooth is no statesman that’s for sure.

Shooting her mooth off about those postal votes she’d seen, and now this.

She likes to engage her mooth before her brain has got out of neutral.

Ruth the mooth, an enemy of the truth.

Alexander MacDonald

Look forward to tomorrow’s newspapers telling us that the leader our the opposition party lied to score cheap political points.


What R-Type GRUNT says, up tae here !!!


So that horrible wee buffalo fecker Obersturbahnfuhrer Davidson tries to score cheap points on the back of a child’s death. What a desicipable, horrible little bastard she is. This should be remembered for a very long time indeed.


When it is pointed out that Fife Council was not piloting the Scottish government’s scheme, but had set up its own quite different scheme, will Ruth D say she’s only saying what BBC Scotland says?

And will she then make an official complaint to the BBC for misinforming her? Or does BBC Scotland script her interventions for her?

A bit OT, but I noticed something in today’s International New York Times that might be of interest to readers of this website. Namely, an article posted from ‘London’ by one Steven Erlanger, making comparisons between the EU referendum of today and the Scottish referendum of 2014.

Mr. Erlanger relies heavily on an interview with Douglas Alexander, who is quoted throughout the article.

Erlanger begins: ‘The Scottish referendum of September 2014 was notable for its bitterness and nastiness, especially on social media.’

I wonder where Erlanger gets that idea from, and what he means by it. Or do we say ‘thank you, Mr. Alexander’ for running down Scotland?

And for failing to acknowledge just how remarkably peaceful and violence-free the Scottish referendum was, despite the passions it raised (until that nasty and bitter victory ‘parade’ of a small minority of idiots in George Square on the 19th September).

Erlanger then tells us (or was it oor wee Dougie again?) that ‘in the 2015 general election, the S.N.P. turned Scotland into a nearly one-party state’.

Whatever a ‘nearly one-party state’ is, it must sound sound ominous to the readers of the New York Times. Shades of all those dark deeds that used to go on behind the Iron Curtain – and all the S.N.P’s doing.

How on earth did these S.N.P. bad-guys manage to pull off such a dastardly trick, and what are they doing to Scotland, subjecting it to undemocratic rule? No mention of any voters being involved in the matter, of course …

Then Erlanger introduces his main protagonist, who has suffered from all these dark S.N.P. deeds. ‘Douglas Alexander was one of the victims of this massive swing.’ Nothing like being a ‘victim’ to elicit sympathy! After finding ‘refuge’ at Harvard [did he turn up in a boat? And did they give him ‘refugee’ status?) ‘Mr. Alexander … is back in Britain to campaign for continued membership in the European Union, with the June 23 referendum becoming as divisive and nasty as the one in Scotland.’

I thought the EU referendum was one big yawn – and it certainly is in Scotland, compared to 2014. Even in London, is there any passion about the matter at all. Maybe a bit of nastiness and division among Torey elites, but so what? Is that even news?

Luckily, our Harvard refugee ‘has some lessons from the Scottish experience to impart.’

Mr. Erlanger then proceeds to share with us the newly acquired wisdom of oor Dougie. Amazing what you can learn from a referendum …

‘First, he [Dougie] said, “psychology matters more than psephology” – ignore the polls, at least until the very end. … what matters will be “the overriding question in people’s minds as they vote.” So it will be vital to manage the news cycle in the last 10 days, to shape the anxieties and aspirations of voters. …’

The mixture of direct quotation and paraphrase should not deceive us: it suggests that the source of all these words of wisdom is really Mr. Alexander himself.

Some interesting admissions here: for ‘manage’ and ‘shape’, I suppose we should read ‘manipulate’. Brilliant idea, Dougie. Very cunning, but hardly original.

Mr. Goebbels would have been proud of you … Though he might have thought you a bit dim-witted to have taken so long to catch on to things he knew three quarters of a century ago. And what matters is ‘psychology’ … What an insight!

Now referring to the current EU referendum, Erlanger continues: ‘Now, both sides are pushing fear … But “you also need a movement, not just an argument,” since for voters, “emotion matters as much as facts,” he [Dougie] said. … It is quite possible, as he understood at some point during the Scottish campaign, “to win the argument but lose the audience. … You need to give people emotional permission to accept the evidence,” so sincerity matters more than any choice of words. …

Is this the same person giving us lessons about about ‘sincerity’ who earlier wnated to ‘manage the news cycle’, ‘shape’ people’s ‘anxieties and aspirations’, and influence their ‘psychology’, especially ten days before the vote?

I wonder what ’emotional permission’ is supposed to be anyway. And who gives this permission to whom? Are Mr. Alexander and his pals in charge of our emotions?

Maybe he’s implying that he’s intelligent enough to understand ‘the evidence’, but the benighted voters will have to be pumped up with ’emotion’ to see and accept it. Never mind the arguments, just appeal to their emotions. Ever been patronised?

Back to Mr. Erlanger: While social media can be ugly and even painful, it is vital “to get people to voluntarily share information with their contacts and friends.” Information granered that way is “more credible,” because it comes from someone a voter has already decided to follow and trust. ‘In the Scottish vote, Mr. Alexander said, “social media and facebook mattered more than print media.”

Well, Dougie is a great learner after all, since he’s got lessons to impart from the Scottish referendum. Lessons he learned so well that a ‘massive swing’ against him 8 months after the referendum saw him lose his seat to the youngest MP for centuries. I am sure the people at Harvard were impressed by such a genius …

Again, Mr. Erlanger: ‘Lastly, Mr. Alexander warns that anger and bitterness last long after the vote.’

Not being autobiographical here, I hope, Mr. Alexander?

“Referendums have an afterlife,” he [oor Dougie] said. … Voters politiczed on such a vital issue don’t go back to sleep, much as newly-weds buy bridal magazines a year after the wedding, Mr. Alexander noted. “The experience remains in the mind and the memory,” he said. …’

I bet it does, Dougie – must have been a sore one, and no doubt still is.

Oh for the days when the voters were still fast asleep … as you seem to suggest they used to be, Dougie, – when they voted for you.

But that was before the Referendum, which raised them from their slumber. And – sorry, Dougie, old son – they’re never going to sleep-walk their way to the polls again …

Scotland, awake!


Martin Richmond says:
2 June, 2016 at 10:47 pm
This is woefully misleading Stuart. Davidson says Liam Fee had a named person under the terms of the Fife Pilot, Swinney says “ah but” that’s not the same as the named person under our new legislation. Neither statement is necessarily false and both could very well be true.

There are much more fundamental issues though Martin. Exploiting human tragedy for political gain, the way tory BBC led media does is morally repugnant. The fact that Ruth MacThatcher CAN open her ignorant thick gob like this, with no consequence at all, says far more about red and blue tory yoon culture in Scotland.

We have to get them out, election by election.


Martin Richmond says:

2 June, 2016 at 10:47 pm

This is woefully misleading Stuart. Davidson says Liam Fee had a named person under the terms of the Fife Pilot, Swinney says “ah but” that’s not the same as the named person under our new legislation.

I think that you miss the point Martin.
The Named Person is not yet established although progress toward this is being made with some test projects.

I’ll attach a link to some outdated stats that are getting worse due to Tory Austerity, but you will see that 200 children per annum were being murdered in England.

The Tories certainly don’t care to take any action to reduce these heinous figures, but somehow we are supposed to accept that trying something to improve child welfare is worse than watching the number of deaths escalate.

The Tories, Ruthless Krankie, and UK Media really are Criminal.

Brian Doonthetoon

RE: Tories and the BBC, as mentioned by various above.

This quote is the last paragraph of the article at the link below.

“And therein lies the rub with the role of the BBC, and the wider mainstream media, as a vehicle by which to advance the causes of those who own and run them.
There is a monopoly of wealth and power in our society which translates directly into a monopoly of the media. The result is a staggering lack of diversity and pluralism of voices and opinions in the mainstream space.
The media has become little more than a monotonous, relentless monologue – when as a country, and a world, we need to be having a conversation.”

link to


The Referendum was a fix. The Unionists cheated, lied and broke Purdah rules. They broke Electoral rules on agreed spending limits. They illegally looked at the Postal votes. Gave the Bookes insider information. The llegal VOW and EVEL. Most of the Unionist politicans should be in jail, for breakng Elctoral rules. The GE and Holyrood elections results are manipulated by cheating lying politicians breaking the rules.

Robert Peffers

Ach! Gie the wee fat Tory Lassie a brek.

Wi aw ken ye canna mak a silk purse frae a soo’s lug.

An if ever thir wis a richt muckle soo’s lug yon wee fat bauchle maun bi it.

Proud Cybernat

Lying git!! But hey – she’s a blue tory. Goes with the territory.


@Elaine says: 2 June, 2016 at 9:16 pm:

“Named person will not help Scotland’s vulnerable children. It’s not because ‘SNP bad’. Many folk opposed are SNP and Yes voters. It’s because the legislation is wrong.”

Strongly agree with Robert Peffers @9.49. This kind of comment from Elaine is just a too easy, throw away remark in what is a far too important, and now much debated, subject.

It is interesting to compare and contrast who is lining up on different sides of the debate. For example, the supportive comments from the major children’s charities in Scotland (to select just one example, see link to )

I noticed recently a contribution from an academic who was quoted in the press as saying: “The worrying aspect of the named person legislation is that those in authority who are promoting this appear to have little or no comprehension about the importance of autonomy and privacy for family life.” Never heard of this person, so, curious, I tried to learn more.

A quick search revealed a profile dated 2013 published by an organisation, which again I’d never heard of, called PowerBase – Public Interest Investigations (link to This claims, I cannot verify, that the individual in question was (once?) “associated with the libertarian anti-environmental LM network”. More new stuff!

LobbyWatch, again new to me (link to describes the LM Network in the following terms: “The LM network promote an extreme libertarian ideology – no restrictions on paedophilia, race hate etc. – and eulogise technologies like nuclear power, genetic engineering and human cloning.”

And: “In order to punch above their weight, they often hide their affiliations and engage in infiltration of media organisations; or operate via front groups or by colonising existing lobby groups.”

All getting far too murky for me. I think I’ll stick to respecting the views and motivations of of the experts in Scotland’s main and longstanding children’s charities on the issue of the NP!


The Referendum was a fix. The Unionists cheated, lied and broke Purdah rules

Tory BBC Newsnight’s political editor Nicolas Watt, ex rancid The Graun top conartist, was live on their show and BBC voiceover said 2014 ref Scots were disgruntled but voted NO for the status quo.

UKOK history written by a bunch of tory shysters who won. See what happens when Brexiteers lose in three weeks.


@ Martin Richmond

Yes Martin it is misleading but not for the reason you suggest,while screaming no NP it would seem according to the blue tories who are in the council in a coalition with the red tories have their own named person plan,well would you believe it,so they must surely agree that having a named person is a good idea, if only they were not incompetant eejits and made a complete arse of their own named plan scheme,or is it all just porky pies and a cheap political stunt on the back of some poor kid murdered that THEIR system let down.

Either way its crass,disgusting,immoral,deceitful and misleading and after her first go to then make a second attempt with her loyal chinless wonders its just plain wrong,and if she thinks we gave her a hard time over stradling stuff she has just gave us something she will regret for a long time,anybody seen murdo and tomkins they must be circling that exaulted spot at head tory bummer land,you keep what you kill lmao

Tune in later to see if Ruthie survives as the minions vie for kingship its the tory way dont you know.



Doesn’t it just make you feel sick.

Marco McGinty

A bit off topic, but it does involve another lying, hypocritical Tory on Question Time, this time Liz Truss. She said;

“Most of my generation – I went into parliament in 2010, we’ve got a new generation in 2015 as well…”

So, it would appear that in the minds of the Tories, a generation is equal to five years. Hopefully that will be enough to shut Rancid Ruth’s mouth on any future IndyRef.


I’m probably wrong but isn’t Fife run by a mix of Blue and Red Tories? Didn’t Fife Council (Red and Blue, Better Together) devise their own Named Person system? As I say, I’m probably wrong. Is Ruth Davidson from Fife?


Holyrood Tory lying like her Westminster paymasters!

I can see the Daily Record will have a field day with this one. Better get a hat on as there will be a herd of flying pigs passing overhead the day that happens.


@ Greannach

Yes (minority Lab with Tory and independent support); yes (mentioned here earlier); so no, you’re not; yes partly (Buckhaven High School but she lived elsewhere when younger).

Iain More

Quell surprise not! Just one more confirmation that the Yoons are disgusting poisonous people.

I now assume that only disgusting and poisonous Yoons buy any Yoon Press and watch any Yoon Media. It is a small bit of comfort that the numbers of such rabid bigots are in decline.


I don’t care what people say about UKIP.

Ruth Davidson is the most disgusting and dishonest politician in the whole of Scotland.

There is no sewer she would not lower herself into, not barrel bottom she would not scrape to serve her political masters, who are based in a completely different country.

As a human being, she is an absolute disgrace. Everything she does is devious, sleekit and usually against the law.

2014 — Illegally opens postal ballots

2015 — Illegally wastes police time and interferes with the democratic process with her claims of “big burly men” physically stopping people from voting.

2016 — Sends out millions of leaflets which do not even mention the name of her own party, because it is so toxic (toxic because of the policies she advocates)

I feel physically sick that a politician can stoop so low. Surely if you were concerned you would raise the matter in Parliament or have a quiet word with Nicola?

No. She wants to make political capital out of a nightmarish, absolutely unspeakable act. She is psychologically sick and makes me physically sick.

The Man in the Jar

Ruth Davidson former BBC reporter and leader of the Scottish Conservative and Loyalist party.

What a combination. Probably incapable of telling the difference between the truth and lies.

Seriously the depths that some folk will stoop to for the sake of a soundbite.


Ruth needs to be pressed on this one. She has stepped over the line. The information that she is claiming would be subject to Data Protection, and could therefore only come from Fife Council if it were true, and not just shit that Ruth made up.
I can’t see Fife Council helping her out of this one. Peter Grant MP would be the guy to talk to and I am SURE this is in hand.
Ruth’s statement, if true, amounts to a direct accusation that Fife Council seriously breached the Data protection Act.
The alternative is that she made it up. Better to report an alleged offence than a lie.
Given Ruth’s “slip” re postal ballots in the referendum, I would think that many, even inside the tory party, will be questioning her judgement. Yes, it is truly disgusting to lie about a murdered toddler to gain some political purchase. But to claim in essence that the DPA has been breached by Fife Council for the same ends – That has REAL purchase for those who oppose her.
She took the gloves off before she said this, and cast off any pretence of morals she purported to possess. I am usually all for the SNP taking the high ground and not getting dragged down to such a low level, but this is different.
It just isn’t morally acceptable in this case NOT to take the gloves off and respond to such callous, heartless behaviour. There is just not the required reach to enable anybody on the high ground to hit back at the low life piece of opportunist shit that is Ruth Davidson

The Man in the Jar

Just checking Davidsons entry on Wikipedia. Apparently she was once a Sunday School Teacher.

link to

As my old Dad used to say “Watch out for those that sing the loudest in the Kirk!”


So there you have it, Ruthie’s tweets are about as honest as her grin. Grimacing, callous, misandric, keech-spout that she is.

Donald Anderson

Ruth the Mooth. She is beginning to make Kezia Dugtail look sane.


@Donald Anderson 4:31am

“…Ruth the Mooth” that is going to stick 🙂

@Scunterbunnet 4:14am

“tweet…as honest as her grin” 🙂

@Themaninthejar 1:23am
I love those words of wisdom from your Dad


@ Thepnr, you’ll doubtless be delighted to hear that the passenger numbers for the Border Railway have wildly exceeded all expectations. 🙂


The reality about Ruth Davidson is that she actually isn’t a very nice person.

ronnie anderson

Yes Ruthie has had a meteoric rise 2009/2016 & she did,nt get there with intelect, but as with all meteors they fall. Tick Tock Ruthie.


OT but relevant…
I think the SNP should produce two manifestos. The first manifesto dedicated to domestic policies and day to day running of the country. But running in parallel, a super-manifesto, which goes beyond the hum drum machinery of government, and articulates the case for Independence.

There is a feeling that criticism, whether it’s offensive Behavior legislation, named person legislation etc, registers as a “hit” against the SNP being a hit against independence. I’m not saying these are genuine hits against the SNP, but the media hype them up to be.

I just think it would be helpful for the SNP to have one manifesto to engage the opposition parties on domestic policy, but have a second manifesto to provide definition and clearest possible perspective for the sovereign issues which transcend ephemeral policy matters of domestic government. Make independence a separate entity above domestic politics, and challenge the opposition to counter the “Sovereignty Manifesto” with their own.

At the very least, our MSP’s would have a crutch to lean on when under pressure on domestic issues, but be able to drop a gear, and lift any debate onto the higher plane of the sovereignty perspective.
Next referendum, it would be much easier to truncate debate which festers away on some domestic irrelevance, and keep the focus on national sovereignty. Make it crystal clear that when the issue of the pound is under the microscope, keeping or losing the pound is the domestic perspective, but having the power to choose currency is the sovereign perspective. Put Mr Dimbleby on the spot when he wants to discuss domestic policy in a debate about sovereignty.


Fat Boab is a serial liar. In her mind she bestrides Scotland like a colossus, in reality she squats over Scotland and shits on it. (apologies to Wull S.)

Two evil women are going to jail for torturing a defenseless wee boy to death. Another evil woman tries to profit from it.

Ruth Davidson is not fit to hold office in this country! She is one genome away from being David Coburn.


I had terrible experiences in the English care system. Abusive childrens homes. Useless social workers. I could have done with the named person system in place where organisations work together. Davidson’s cynical and calculated posturing is deeply insulting and counterproductive to those who have suffered through no fault of their own. Her party’s cruel welfare policies have cost hundreds of lives yet still she carries on, empowered by the votes of the ‘me first’ brigade. Sick.

Liz Rannoch

A right nasty person, aye, and one who is starting to believe her own press:

link to

that’s some face on her!

Les Wilson

” Ruth the mooth” that says it for me, let’s always refer to her as that from now on. “Yoons” has stuck, this can stick too.
As long as we refer to it all the time, and out social media people use it religiously.

She will now have a very Scottish nickname, and it really fits the lying little, obnoxious little toad.


Oh, dear God.

Been out of it for a couple weeks and came back to this?

Normally you’d ask what kind of person uses this kind of tragedy for selfish, self seeking purposes? The answer in this instance is blindingly obvious.

Just awful.


I think Ruthie better watch her back ! I watched Scottish Parliament yesterday and got the distinct impression an awful lot of the new intake of male Tory MSPs are out to make their mark . It was all an male , aggressive , condescending , men in suits type of speechmaking from them in the chamber . They were all down at the front of the chamber doing their Tory boy guffawing between themselves (Ruthie was at the back ) we all know so well . As I said , watch your back Ruthie , give them a few months and they will be taking your job !


The Unionist trio have defence of the Establishments as their one and only goal, even if this means abuse of the Scottish people. They and their policies are determined to impoverish Scotland and keep it on its knees as it always has been. They really are at the bottom of the cesspool grubbing around for their rewards.


Ruthie was remarkably quiet on the subject of NP legislation during her unimpressive performance at FMQT yesterday. Can’t think why. 🙂

Oh Dear, it’s not quite going according to plan for Ruthie. The yoons will be sorely disappointed. 🙂


@ John

Yes i noticed that as well so which one of her chinless wonders do you think will plunge the first dagger.

Can we get a poll running and ask the bookies what they think.

Im going with murdo though i think he will get pipped at the post again got to be worth a few quid who knows he might get one to land on target someday.

Robert Kerr


For the sake of my sanity please name this “Named Person”

Thank you.

Tinto Chiel

Thanks, Sassenach @9.57p.m. for pointing out my mistake re FMQs.

My only excuse is that I live in Cadzow, an artisanal basket-weaving clachan near the confluence of the mighty Clyde and Avon where there is a kink in the space-time continuum. This explains why I don’t know if I’m coming or going.

Actually, even after a night’s sleep, my disgust for Davidson remains undiminished. My only consolation is that the FM will dismantle her with a certain relish at every opportunity.

So many of the opposition in our parliament are pretty low-grade types, devoid of principle or honesty and rejected by the electorate, which is the really galling bit.

Wish I could believe in Karma.


The snake intake of sleekit hissing Tories. 2nd rate rejects. A bunch of cheating liars. They make a mockery of democracy. Greedy, malicious evil, liars who care about no one but themselves. Cameron/Major called them ‘psycho bastards’. They should know.


I sense a wee bit of holding back,which might be appropriate in this instance,the uncouth one now has our attention for her,totally unacceptable behaviour,soiling herself in public again,the ‘darling’ of the MSM/BBC it’s seems is beyond reproach..

Burly Men
Postal Votes

Tick Tock


Stewartb 11:34pm

Well spotted, good links too. When the BBC or press present ‘an academic’ or a ‘professor’ I immediately get suspicious! It shouldnt be like this.


Before the election the Tories were the third party in Holyrood, attention was on the SNP and Labour. Davidson got a lot of sympathetic attention and good press, because the hated Tories after Thatcher seemed to be OK then, having made up ground. So she could get away with being gauche, making mistakes. The Conservatives were kind of like pet hamsters, they could leave messes but were were funny on the treadmill.

Now they’re the second party, the biggest opposition. Every mistake she makes or they make will be a real one. They’re not pet hamsters any more.

Peter McCulloch

The Tory’s in particular are totally opposed the named persons legislation.

And if I remember correctly they described it in various terms as state guardians, a Snoopers charter and taking away the parents responsibility for their children

So we shouldn’t be surprised to see the Tory’s are continuing to try and do what they can to undermine the legislation, by using the tragic case of Liam Fee.


Absolutely disgusted that a political party would stoop so low.


DerekM @9.11
I don’t think it will be Murdo , he had his chance and blew it . It will be one of the new boys , I say boys because it will be a male , I think the women in the Tory ranks will be pretty much shunted to the back of the chamber .Won’t give you any bets just now , still early days . It will be great fun though , watching all the in-fighting that the Tories are so good at !.


@ yesindyref2

Totally correct cant say they were not warned what sitting in our hot seat meant.

But like tories its power for power sake and damn everybody else if they were smart they would have stayed on the hamster wheel instead they walked right into our trap.

Poor Kez is suffering PTSD after her wee spell in the box,spud murphy eggman didnt last much longer either and broke down gibbering pish and now stalks the earth gibbering pish to who ever will listen.JoLa walks about like zombie stuck in a parallel universe of viruses and SNPbad.

Hehe we are so vile 🙂

Dr Jim

Some have mentioned it already and I think it’s right to say the Ruthless’s problems are going to come more from behind her in the shape of the suits in her own party because like the Tories in England they’re greedy for power Bastirts and the amusing thing is, now they think they’ve half a chance of getting it or folk like Tomkins would never be in Holyrood

The Tories are every bit as thick as Labour the only difference between them is the Tories are completely confident and sure of themselves, in other words they don’t know they’re thick whereas Labour know they’re the understudies until better understudies come along

Ruthie’s power is about to be clawed away from her bit by bit by those braying donkeys like Tomkins and a couple of the other misogynistic T rex’s and the public will once again get a full frontal view of the Tory party in Scotland which is no different to the Tory party in England

Oh what fun


He`s got to be an outside bet John he has had plenty of practice and a tout tells me he has been getting better at throwing those daggers but then he was a tory so cant believe anything he says lol

Yon Peter Mandalson clone wits his name mr shouty look at me could be the dark horse,or will the fluffy boy get help from his kin and rig the race.

Stewards enquiry i think!

Free Scotland

Let’s not forget, Ruth Davidson used to work as a journalist with the BBC. Lies and spin are in her blood.


Don’t think Fluffy Junior has got it in him .I think the direction might come from Liam Kerr or Graham Simpson to start with , happy days !.


I think Ruthie will get the rapier in the back from Alexander James Amherst Burnett of Leys, sired by James Comyn Amherst Burnett of Leys and Fiona Mercedes Phillips. The 4th great grandson of Nicholas I of Russia on his mother’s side and educated at Eton College.
He has nothing in common with Scotland and everything a good tory needs except an English seat. I don’t believe, with that pedigree, being an MSP is the height of his ambitions. He must know that the Conservatives new found “popularity” in Scotland (don’t laugh) is a wisp of smoke. Leader for a year or two then orf down to the shires.


The most hits Bella Caledonia has ever got. Folk checking to see they don’t make their fundraiser. Having the cheek to run an SNP endorsement. After campaigning to have the (non) Greens hand over seats to be Tories. Losing the SNP majority. The harm that they have done comes back to bite them.


So far it seems to me that Ruth the mooth (I love it) has only the one talent, that of putting in the political boot. Her manner on TV carries that sort of style, but offers no hint of being a potential leader, one that others might follow. If she’s continues to be successful, she’ll do herself out of a job smartly.


For what it’s worth, I believe if Scotland had a free vote on Independence, she would vote overwhelmingly Yes.


Tories their family business doesn’t employ them, mismanaging public money. The family business tanking because of incompetence. They owe Councils a shed load of money for midcharging. (or embezzlement). They own half of Deeside, cousins of the Queen. The total Tory incompetence.

The Tories taxing the Oil sector at 60/80% when prices had fallen 75%. Losing thousands of jobs. Tories (deliberately) trying to ruin the Scottish economy. The Tories no enterprise and high taxes.


@breeks. An pro-independence sovereignty manifesto that transcends political parties would be a great idea. Spread the word.


Sad but funny, and true. I’ve had the odd check, and always have to go to the website to find the fundraiser to check. Just did it again, 40%, 10 days left out of 30.


I see the Scottish Review editor (space cadet) has in the past 2 hours published an ‘investigative’ piece of innuendo and SNPBad insinuating that Liam Fee had a Named Person

“Was Liam Fee part of that impossible caseload? We don’t know – yet. But the official record of a meeting on 10 September 2013 in Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, seems to dispose of any remaining doubt: Liam almost certainly did have a Named Person. It also exposes the shabbiness of the Scottish Government’s attempts to rewrite the history of Fife’s Named Person scheme – and the hypocrisy of the first minister’s high moral tone on the subject. If anyone has been politically motivated in the last few days, it is Nicola Sturgeon herself.”

Eckle Fechan

Let’s listen in awe to her apology and/or slippery slimey explanation of her tweet first, before judging her for turning conjecture into fact.

Let’s also try and forget for a minute that, to paraphrase one of the late greats, “[she] could put arsenic in baby milk and still fucking sleep at night”.

Socrates MacSporran

The difference between her predecessor, Annabelle Goldie, and Ruth Davidson is the difference between the old and new Tory parties.

Auntie Bella was an old-fashioned “One Nation” Tory – “we’re better than you, and don’t you forget it, but, we will let you get so-far, so-close to us, but not close enough that you can upset our right to rule you”, was their mantra.

Ruth the Mooth is a new-style: “We Arra Peepul” Tory – “Vee are zee masters now, Vee will take, take and take again as is our birthright; Vee will crush you and you will thank us”, is their mantra.

Those whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad. When you consider the madness of the EU referendum and its effect on the Tory Party, you can see, just maybe, we are approaching Gotterdamerung for the Nasty party, and, if we are, Ruth the Mooth, as one of the nastiest Nasties, will not be troubling us much longer.

Socrates MacSporran

broon pot @ 11.31am




@ Another Brooner. Stirring it. To go with the (non) Greeners. Into oblivion.


Well if you are going to jump out in front of an indy movement juggernaut and go ya boo sucks better to remember we just run right over you as we have no brakes we threw them away in 2014.

We have a mission many of us pledged on that fateful day in our darkest hour to never give up,to keep scrapping to do everything we could to keep the flame alive,many of us have given up our own political ideology put it on the shelf for the chance to gain our freedom again ,i suggest you all do the same there is only one game in town and thats the SNP and its not about politics is about freedom the politics thing comes after try to do it before and well you see the result.

Now stick to the plan next time you crazy lefties or so help me i will chop down my trees and set them on fire and shoot the shitehawks 4am screech silent.

schrodingers cat

Oban North and Lorn by-election result
Published Date:
3 Jun 2016 – 00:15

Kieron Green (Independent) has been elected as a councillor for the Oban North and Lorn ward of Argyll and Bute Council following a by-election on Thursday 2nd June.

The percentage poll was 33.46%.

There were 2651 valid papers and 16 rejected papers (more than one first preference indicated – 1, unmarked or void for certainty – 15). .

The number of first preference votes cast for each candidate is listed below:

Kieron Green, Independent – 711, elected at stage 4

David Pollard, Scottish Liberal Democrats – 294

Breege Smyth, Scottish National Party (SNP) – 1055

Andrew Ross Vennard, Scottish Conservative and Unionist – 591

keiran stood for slab last time and no slab candidate this time helped him win


@ Socrates at 11.34

I’m puzzled by your post.

In what way is drawing attention to this :
link to


Having located, read, and archived the offending article, I agree with broonpot that it is a shabby piece of innuendo posing as investigation, with an obvious motivation. I don’t recall Kenneth Roy being a friend of independence.


I think we should loudly and publicly accept Davidsons excuse, rather than apology, for accepting at face value a report from the BBC. Leave others to draw their own conclusions as to her motivation in not fully checking her facts before opening her mooth.

Dave McEwan Hill

I feel for Breege Smyth at Oban (schrodingers cat at 12.09). She got – by far – the most FPTP votes but an anti SNP, anti independence coalition on the second preferences beat her and put in a Labour member masquerading as an independent in at the by election last night. Scottish politics is now all about independence, no matter what election is current

Well done Breege and Oban SNP. They have faced a succession of by elections in both their wards due to destructive and foolish behaviour in the council group and keep coming out fighting.

Dr Jim

A wee message for the Trolls and so called opposition parties

Nicola Sturgeon killed a baby with her own two hands

Is that what you want, does that justify anything any of you muck raking gutter snipes are saying
These are the depths the opposition are prepared to sink to to damage the SNP
I can’t stand the Tories like most of us but I certainly wouldn’t lather myself up to such a state that I would pin something like this on even David Cameron who like all Tories is a puss ridden liar

I say go right ahead and smear the First Minister with all of your filthy might over this but be prepared for the backlash you cause from every right thinking human being in the country and there are a lot of us, and remember what happens at elections when this site and others bring this sordid bilge back up and throw it in your faces

Because we will

Socrates MacSporran

crazycat @12.11 and broonpot @ 11.31

My apologies – I did not notice the quotation marks in broonpot’s post. I took the lengthy paragraph quoted from that stupid odious shit Kenneth Roy’s piece to be broonpot’s own views.

Definitely not trolling. Sorry again.

Kenneth Roy, being ex-BBC, is, like Ruth the Mooth, a waster of good oxygen.

Dr Jim

More democracy on show in Oban
The people get what they didn’t vote for

Welcome to Scotland

Robert Peffers

@Karmanaut says: 3 June, 2016 at 9:54 am:

“Absolutely disgusted that a political party would stoop so low.”

Actually, Karmanaut, the Tories are not really stooping any lower than they usually do.

It’s just that you’re noticing it more than usual.

This is actually a good sign – now they are the official second party the general public will also be noticing it more and the SMSM have little choice than to report their actions more fully.

The alternative for the SMSM is to ignore their actions and that too would see the Tories sink in the eyes of the general public.

Win! Win!


@ Socrates

Thanks – I guessed that is what had happened.

I’d like to encourage people to use

(without the spaces, and closed by the same formula with / after the first bracket) for quotations from external sources as well as for quoting Wings posts they are replying to.

Some people (naming no names) are very keen on mixing bits of what they are replying to in with their replies – perhaps they

only do it to annoy,
because they know it teases



hehe i think Socrates troll alarm cybernat chip needs fixed it went off just seeing that scribble of pure yoon troll lies broon posted to inform and draw our attention to.

lol report for one of big John`s feared educational mystery tours 🙂


I can’t stand the Tories like most of us but I certainly wouldn’t lather myself up to such a state that I would pin something like this on even David Cameron who like all Tories is a puss ridden liar

Maybe its time to reflect that Westminster’s middle east warfare alone, has cost the lives of countless children. Even more are now stateless refugees.

Project Fear 2014 said stick with the UKOK yoons in a dangerous world and its all about punching above your weight.


Ooh, that’s interesting:

I was intending to show how to use the “blockquote” function without actually using it, and then give an example.

So in my sentence “I’d like to encourage…(without the spaces…”, after the word “use” I put gaps between the word “blockquote” and the angled brackets either side of it, expecting that to come out as typed, and not as a blockquote.

But I was wrong, and ended up with something not formatted the way I expected at all, and which isn’t helpful.

Time to go and do something else.


Agreed Dr Jim @ 12:42

Not on a par with the usual PQ Hotel Journalism (more of a cheap b&b type),it is still symptomatic of the micro aggressive attititude towards the FM,like water dripping on sandstone.

I am giving it the rubber ear (for now),the wee tumshie is just trying to cause a stooshie,no more no less,but the spawny little Isht,is off the hook, as am too busy.

I need to go and rip off some witches knickers,I will however be thinking of the FOTB DYKWIA bag draggers and awfulize about their plans for Rooth the Mooth (visualising full gorilla mode as she tries to fight off the young mouth breathers).


katherine hamilton

Davidson’s explanation for her assertion about the NP issue is I was responding to a tweet?
Weasel just doesn’t cut it. Many on here, me included, have tried to find words and failed, really.She’s beyond parody, even.

She is however so inept she can’t even give the standard politico comments-
Not the time for comment, painful for the family etc. (True) and
Wait for the inquiry to report.

But no, she is believing her own hype now. SuperRuth on a roll.

She will be exposed. Only a matter of time. Meanwhile, let’s keep kicking her around the park. She deserves it.


What on earth is going on with the Scottish Electoral system. How can a candidate get most votes but they lose? A total travesty of Democracy.


How long did it take for Tankie to take the tweet down cause I couldn’t find it when I went looking to see what replies it had received.


The Oban result shows that the Red, Yellow and Blue Tory vote is interchangeable.

In this instance the Blue Tories are happy with a Red Tory…and let’s face it there isn’t much difference.

Antics like Ruth’s tweet will start to tell though as she demonstrates her ability to shoot wildly from the hip and hit nothing in particular.

Ian Brotherhood

It’s always worth remembering that Ruth Davidson cut her teeth in the BBC. She ticked all their boxes and could’ve stuck around there, waiting for the Big Burd and her ilk to fall off the perch.

Instead, she flew the nest, was caught-up in a sudden squall and has ended up the de-facto ‘opposition’ leader in the SG. What’s that old story about Icarus?

link to



Biography – Andy Murray – residence London, England.


It’s always worth remembering that Ruth Davidson cut her teeth in the BBC.

She’s a very average puppet on a tory string. Her vote NO or else Project Fearing centre peace was always “the money comes up from London and that will stop if you vote YES.” Then all of sudden she stopped saying it completely.

Last time she ref 2014 debated with “and the UKOK money comes up…” was in front of Scots teens with Sturgeon, Harvie and George Galloway of all carpet baggers. Galloway chuntered on at the teenagers about his own heartbreaking divorce, Davidson with her end of England’s money coming up to Scotland Project Fear.

In effect, tory BBC led yoon media lets yoons say anything but Ruth MacThatcher is learning slowly but surely.


re Oban North and Lorn by-election result: if there is only one councillor being elected, how can STV be applicable?

Shrodingers Cat has the figures:
Kieron Green, Independent – 711, elected at stage 4
David Pollard, Scottish Liberal Democrats – 294
Breege Smyth, Scottish National Party (SNP) – 1055
Andrew Ross Vennard, Scottish Conservative and Unionist – 591

I thought STV was supposed to ensure that a range of candidates were elected to reflect the proportion of votes cast. If there is only one candidate to be elected then surely the majority first preference candidate wins?

How can votes be redistributed so that a candidate with fewer first preference votes wins? Seems crazy to me. But I can’t find any comment in the literature regarding situations like by-electins with only one representative being elected.

Iain More



It is a sickener. It is how the Yoons get and keep a grip on the majority of Scotland Councils. The SNP have been well warned again about next years Council Elections.

Look at the Yoon controlled Councils that are regular providers of SNP BAAHD lies and Propaganda for the Yoon Creep Shows that are the BBC and STV Aberdeen. Not to mention the Reptilian Yoon controlled Press.

The SNP SG quite honestly need to replace this voting system and preferably before next years Council Elections. I am sick fed up in Moray having a corrupt incompetent and rabidly anti Scottish clique controlling most of the services on which carers like myself have to depend. Services that I voted to maintain and enhance at the last Scottish Elections by voting SNP one and two.

It is quite frankly London control of supposedly devolved services by the back door. It also quite honestly subverts the vote at the last Scottish Election.

Angus Gother

Difficult to post from my mobile, but the result published on Argyll-bute council website says that Julie McKenzie, SNP was elected…. Oh that was in Feb.

I guess we’ll wait to see exactly how the second prefs broke down when yesterday’s result is published.
SNP candidate got about 40% first pref votes according to shrodinger cat’s figures, so couldn’t win on those alone.

Scan of google results suggests that last two by-elections won by SNP, so maybe people in ward thought they had enough SNP councillors.


Now they are lying about being a member of a political party and coming second to win. Is there no code of conduct? That is electoral fraud. They wonder why more people do not vote. The electoral system is a joke.

chris kilby

First “burley blokes,” now this. Tank Girl has a big mooth, at best only a passing acquaintance with the truth, and speaks before she thinks. Speaking of which, how’s that police investigation into the IndyRef postal vote coming along, hen?

Robert Peffers

@Ian Brotherhood says: 3 June, 2016 at 2:00 pm

” … Icarus?

Is yon no the stuff whit gies ye the s..

Oh! Wait … that’s Licorice is it no?

link to

Socrates MacSporran

<Ken500 @2.24pm

Of course Andy Murray lives in London, it makes sense. When you are a globe-trotting millionaire sportsman, whose effective training base and management office is in London, it makes sense to live there.

As I have said on here umpteen times, Andy’s pathway onto the world stage is via the Lawn Tennis Association, which is an all-UK body. Scotland does not enter teams or individuals into the world tennis set-up, only the LTA does that. I have no problem with Andy being “British”.

Also, his wife is English, it surely, given his mother does a fair bit of globe-trotting too through her tennis work, is easier from a family perspective, that he lives in London, to be closer to his wife’s parents.

He also, however, spends time at his hotel in Dublane, while he does a lot of his off-season conditioning in Florida.

Sadly, if you are a globe-trotting sportsman, it is not always beneficial to your career to base yourself in Scotland Hopefully that will change once we gain independence, however.

Dr Jim

Congratulations to Andy Murray who became British again today

One wonders and waits to see if his Britishness is maintained if he loses to the next guy or if the Scot crashes out


“A Briton in the final after a million years, since Steve Austin of England.”

ITV4 English commentary cant contain their jealousy.

Tory BBC aren’t reporting this Scots athlete either but he’s in the final too, 2016 not 2013

link to

schrodingers cat

re the local electoral system…

time for discussion was before the holyrood election. no mandate now to change it
suck it up im afraid….

Robert Peffers

What Abe Lincoln said on democracy:-

“Democracy is the Government of the people, by the people, for the people“.


What Winston S. Churchill said about Democracy:-

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”

Can you guess which politician was the Tory?


BBC vote NO Scotland detest Scotland in so many ways. Can you get a more nasty miserable report? Only in the Scotland region.

link to

Liz Rannoch

Great match! Andy through to first final. Roll on Sunday. The French always introduce him as Scottish. Have fired off an email to Eurosport – not playing for team GB so why not ‘Scottish’. We’ll see?


Spot the “Scotland” word?

Helensburgh gets a mention though. UKOK’s begging and pleading “Vote NO and lead the UK” 2014, certainly taken seriously by Scots athletes 2016:D

link to

Dorothy Devine

Saw a nice BIG saltire in the crowd – but they managed to put a ghostie union flag over the chat at the end.

They really are shit aren’t they ( rhetorical)

Well done our Scots laddie – still had to watch from behind the sofa after the third set though.

mike cassidy

For those who wanted to read the reaction to Davidson’s tweet

link to

Not sure how long that’s likely to be available so I have archived it as well.

link to

And wull 11.06pm

An archived link to the thoughts of Chairman Alexander!

link to erlanger


British nationalists vote for the Red Tories to stop indy. The Red Tories were absolutely hopeless.

British nationalists now voted for the Blue Tories to stop indy. The Blue Tories were now turning out to be absolutely hopeless.

I wonder who next will the British nationalists vote for?


Rancid The Graun try to big up it UKOK style with usual there there consoling Graun readers kick off, when a Scot wins

“He is the first British man to reach the final here since Bunny Austin in 1937. Only one British player has won the men’s title since it was opened to non-French contenders 91 years ago, Fred Perry in 1935. Murray has taken the former record; he is in good shape to topple the latter.”

UKOK irony, tennis was a far more popular sport in the UK 80 years ago than it is now. Its primarily why England cant produce any world class tennis players at all now.

Scot Finlayson

only 10 men in the history of tennis have reached the finals of all 4 Grand Slam tennis events,

Andy is the first Scotsman to do so,

also Scotland playing Iceland at Falkirk stadium tonight in a first versus second clash,

this is a qualifier for 2017 European Championship,

Kick-off at 7pm, entry is £5 for adults, £2 concessions,

and I think Nicola is going to be there as she is official patron of Scottish Woman`s football,

better than watching the men`s team playing.

Ian Murray

I suppose the Yoons will be re loading, expect SNP bad for not introducing full coverage of NP program


Socrates @12.47

I’m glad to see somebody else shares my opinion of that twisted individual Kenneth Roy.

Jobn Edgar

Ruthless Ruth! Lies and misinformation together with a clueless grasp of facts and information. Parent guilty of murder! The real sad fact and reality together with the suffering the wee lad must have undergone seems to have been “lost” in these Tory tweets.



The Brain family who are facing deportation from Scotland.

This case is really getting to me especially when we are being told constantly that Scotland is the most powerfully devolved country in the World or has the most powerfully devolved Parliament in the World …. yappity, yappity, ya, ya. We are so powerful that our Government can’t decide who can live here or not including a decent family who have been paying their way. Not skivers or scroungers rather a real asset to our Country.

The National has been supporting the family by publishing one article after another, advertising their fundraiser site and readers have been making their views known such as CJ Kerr Glenrothes says ”Brain case is about Scottish submission to Tory yoke – it’s about putting Scotland in its proper place.” He’s right and we should all stand together and support this family, especially as time is running out for them. Send a clear message to Westminster, that is, that ‘enough is enough’.

It would seem that Osborne et al are not too keen on those who were ‘cleared out’ previously returning to Scotland either. He’d rather we did more to attract people to Scotland from down south. I wonder why? Duh!

link to

The is the latest article from The National.

‘May accused of ‘lacking compassion’ as Brain family face deportation’

”HOME Secretary Theresa May was branded “vindictive” last night after she said it “would not be appropriate” to allow an Australian family the right to work as they continue their battle to stay in the UK. Her comments came in a response to the First Minister’s letter about Gregg, Kathryn and Lachlan Brain…..

Nicola Sturgeon wrote to May last week, after meeting the family at Holyrood. Earlier this week, Immigration Minister James Brokenshire granted the family leave to remain until August 1, but he refused to reinstate their right to work…..

In her letter, May backed his stance…….“This period will run until August 1…. I should stress that this will be the final period of this type that the family will be granted, so it is essential that they seek to make an application which complies with these requirements in advance of August 1.”

link to


And this: ‘Gaelic artist Ariel Killick’s anger over bid to deport Brain family’

AN Australian-born Gaelic artist has condemned the UK Government’s treatment of the Brain family – who are battling to remain in Scotland – as an attempt to enforce “cultural amnesia” among the Scottish diaspora.

“If one person, like me, can contribute what I have to the Scottish economy, employment and cultural life over the last three and half years… so can thousands of others across the Scottish clearances and descendant diaspora in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and America.

“If Scotland has the ‘most powerful devolved government in the world’, why doesn’t it have control over its own immigration policy, or why can’t it engage a massive natural and already existing resource already available to it? ….

“The echoes of the Clearances ring loud and clear in an unbroken line via contemporary names and memories many thousands of the diaspora worldwide would carry today….

“The UK policy is attempting to create enforced cultural amnesia and break the links between our countries and Scotland and shut off the beneficial impacts we can bring to Scotland’s economy and cultural life.

“It is inflicting a double injustice on the descendants of those forced from Scotland during the Clearances and effectively says to us that we are not welcome, not really – we might be able to stay for a short while, but eventually we’ll be forced again from the land our ancestors called home for many millennia before the handful of generations that our families have been in lands far from Scotland’s shore.”

link to


”Please help the Brain family fund their visa applications and living expenses. They’ve spent over £10,000 in immigration lawyer fees and Home office application fees, and the Home Office has revoked their right to work. They are living on the charity of friends and the church. They need all the help that we can give them right now to give them a chance of staying. Please help.”

Yes. Please help, Wingers. And by the way they’ve reached their £5000 target but it’s the ‘numbers’ that matter not the ‘amount’ contributed.

link to


Although Andy Murray occasionally lives in London and around the world. He is Scottish


Oh dear. Another blow for Sturgeon. Not only is OBFA vindicated and the Named Person clause justified, but now Police Scotland is going viral with their Karaoke Cop, Running Man challenge and Rapping policemen videos. Is there anything left for the opposition to complain about?

link to


Another example of Scotland’s extremely questionable “democracy” and coincidentally his “retirement” took place the day after Rooth the Mooth tweeted her lying deception. Note the Council!

From the BBC:
Last Communist retires from office
“A Fife councillor believed to be the last elected Communist in Britain has retired from office. Willie Clarke, who was first elected to Fife Council in 1973, stepped down on Wednesday for personal reasons. The 80-year-old technically sat as an independent in recent years due to ballot paper rules, but still identifies himself as a Communist. He said he hoped the movement could pick up strength again in the future.”

I wonder what the “personal reasons” are?
Is the shit about to hit the fan at Fife Council?

Either way, it’s just another example of some untrustworthy character masquerading under a “independent” banner.


Sorry Andy, you may be the first British man to have won Wimbledon in 75 years, the First to win the US Open for a similar period, the first to win a Tennis Olympic Gold medal, the First to compete in all of the top tournament finals, winner of the Davis Cup with the help of your Scottish Brother, but I’m afraid that the Tory BBC Britnats much refer to Murray Mount at Wimbledon as Henman Hill.

After all Henman is English and once won a Schools tennis championship. Hoorah for Henman!

I’ll never forget Sur Barker’s comment when the Murray Brothers won all of the points that put team GB into the Davis Cup Final, and I quote “I just can’t wait to see England in the Final” ???????????

Brian Doonthetoon

I only donate where there’s a PayPal option and, unfortunately, “JustGiving” has no Paypal option, only cards – a mistake.


Is this a sign that every time a child dies in Scotland Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP are going to be held accountable due to their proposal to implement the named person policy (key part of the Children and Young People (Scotland) 2014 Act)?

Sad to say the reality is that no matter what measures are put in place some children will always slip through the net for one reason or another. Introducing the ‘named person’ policy was and is (if it isn’t blocked) a means of reducing such numbers and if it saves at least one life and / or alleviates the misery of hundreds of abused children amongst thousands it would be deemed to be worth it …. especially by the child / young person in question.

This latest disgusting debacle involving Ruth Davidson trying to score points against the SNP, and in the process impacting on Nicola’s attempts to prevent abuse / protect the vulnerable, is par for the course with the Unionists. History repeating itself.

Not so long ago, February / March 2015, a report was released under the FOIA stating that a massive rise in child sex offences had been reported over the previous 4 years …. the figure had almost doubled and highlighted that more than 350 children were being raped every year in Scotland. Outlining only ‘known’ cases of course …. no doubt the tip of the ice-berg.

The Unionists made a meal of it, as they do, and vociferously demanded that the SNP produce an urgent plan to deal with the situation (the Unionists of course had NO plan).

Now when I read this it really made my blood boil as the SNP, in particular Kenny McAskill, had been involved in trying to have the the Corroboration Law (Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill) abolished; that is corroborative evidence from two separate sources for a criminal conviction to succeed, such as an eye witness and DNA sample. A Law that’s stymied perpetrators from being charged and locked up and the victims (especially children) receiving protection and justice in Scotland.

And just to point out, Scotland is said to be the only country in the civilised world (other than the Netherlands) that utilises the centuries old rule that has been blamed for very low conviction rates in child abuse, rape and domestic violence cases, where it is more likely to be one persons word against anothers. It follows of course that this Law is not used in rUK (which is significant for us).

Lord Carloway had been appointed to review the system and recommended that it should be abolished with safeguards put in place, such as increasing the majority of jurors who need to agree on a guilty verdict from 8 to 10. Consultations were carried out and overall this issue was debated for THREE whole years.

Lord Carloway, maintained that the CL ”does not guard against miscarriages and is a barrier to obtaining justice for the victims of crimes committed in private or where no one else was there. The requirement for corroboration has failed Scotland. It was formulated in a different age before matters such as DNA and CCTV. Times have changed”.

The Carloway Review sampled 141 sexual abuse cases and concluded that 67% would have been successfully prosecuted without corroboration. In real terms this related to approximately 94 individuals receiving justice and a number of sex offenders being convicted.

Following the review Kenny McAskill was totally castigated, hounded by Rennie in particular, and then this was reported in the Telegraph (26/02/2014). ‘’The SNP’s controversial plan to abolish a historic safeguard in Scotland’s justice system was resting on a knife edge last night after Holyrood’s opposition parties agreed a secret strategy to block it. The Daily Telegraph can disclose that Labour, the Tories and the Liberal Democrats will today make a joint effort to save the centuries-old rule of corroboration from being scrapped.”

Ruth Davidson stated that ”Our position on this issue has been consistent from the beginning, that the case has not been made for the abolition of corroboration….. Victims of crime are best served by secure and sound convictions, yet Kenny MacAskill’s plan risks miscarriages of justice.” (

Willie Rennie stated that ”the way Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill has handled attempts to abolish the centuries old legal safeguard is “crackers’’ (The Courier 17 Jan 2014).

McAskill stated ”We expected that from the Tory Party: it is the Conservative and Unionist Party. We did not expect that from those who have had a lifetime of experience. We know that Labour members take their cue from Cameron and Osborne. I said that there seemed to be a parody in terms of Labour’s position with regard to Labour’s position on corroboration. Let us be clear it is only an excuse for Labour, which is selling out on its principles. We accept that that is the norm for the Conservative Party, but for years the Labour Party, especially under Johann Lamont, prided itself on tackling domestic abuse and addressing issues to do with sexual offences. Labour has sold its soul and is in danger of selling out the victims of crime. I commend the motion in my name.”

Well the Unionists ‘secret strategy’ worked, THEY didn’t commend it, rather opposed it, and as a result the outdated Law wasn’t abolished. Another despicable example of the Unionists in Scotland point scoring to the detriment of thousands of Scottish children suffering abuse behind closed doors.

Thanks to people like Davidson, Rennie and Lamont (at that time) Scotland continues to be an abusers haven in comparison to England (rUK and most of the civilised world) and it’s no wonder the figures are rising. Children being abused at home say by a relative have no voice and in many cases wont ever have if the Unionists continue to obstruct the delivery of the named person policy.

In other words, taking into account the combination of the ‘blocking’ of the Corroboration Law and named person policy, many children will continue to suffer in silence and if they do happen to find the strength to report abuse to a named person their cases may not be deemed acceptable, to be heard, by the Judiciary here in Scotland because in many cases it’s only their word against another / s backed up by physical signs of abuse and /or DNA and that’s not admissable (legal). On the other hand, on a more positive note, although the perpetrator may get away Scot free (and may go on to abuse others) the horrendous plight of such a child / young person is usually alleviated by being dealt with in a practical way.

To my mind the Unionists are absolutely destroying our Country in more insidious ways than one. More than anything they just don’t care and this is / has been demonstrated over and over and over again. They don’t care for Scotland, the Scots but more than anything our children …. our future …. and the corrupt media that supports their actions for political reasons, and hide the hideous facts, should be hanging their heads in shame.

Roll on Independence Day. It can’t come soon enough imo.


Interesting piece in the National about Falkirk Council leader Craig Martin.

link to



@ Capella says at 7:40 pm …. ”Oh dear. Another blow for Sturgeon. Not only is OBFA vindicated and the Named Person clause justified, but now Police Scotland is going viral with their Karaoke Cop, Running Man challenge and Rapping policemen videos. Is there anything left for the opposition to complain about?”

link to

What a laugh Capella. Typical Scots and I’ll bet they’re Yes voters with that sense of humour.

”Is there anything left for the opposition to complain about?” There’ll always be something for them to complain about. If not they’ll make it up. And any money the joker out of Batman, Rennie, will be demanding an investigation is held into this ‘tomfoolery’.

This one will get done for racism because he canny dae it right.

link to

@ Brian Doonthetoon says at 7:40 pm …. ”I only donate where there’s a PayPal option and, unfortunately, “JustGiving” has no Paypal option, only cards – a mistake.”

Too bad Brian. Shame that they’ll lose out. I just used a credit card.

Ian Brotherhood

Let the post-‘debate’ analysis begin…

First and foremost, who was wearing the most make-up: Gove or Burley?

(Kay-with-no-e will be dying to ask him, off-camera, where he gets his eyebrows done. He won’t be able to tell her because senior Tories have their very own Eyebrowmancer, who supplies profoundly personal services to old Etonites, along with his colleagues the Nostrilmancer and the Earholemancer. The existence of these men is a big Tory secret.)

Derek Cameron

Harking back a bit up the thread. Re Scottish Review: confess I bought Kenneth Roy’s book about Scotland post WW 2 . Turned out to be a cut and paste job from what read like the Daily Express. Scottish Review is a sad example of the Scottish cringe .

schrodingers cat

just now on twitter
An early warning for next years council elections. SNP are going to have to actively target 2nd pref. votes.

link to

severe lack of understanding about this electoral system

Robert Peffers

@MacRocker says: 3 June, 2016 at 5:33 pm:

… I wonder who next will the British nationalists vote for?

As anyone, with an open mind, who has studied British recorded history since time began could tell you – it doesn’t matter a damn what colour or political party they vote for. The stark truth is that it is all a front to brainwash the electorate with, “The Establishments”, propaganda.

Under that guise they are all the same, corrupt, crooked and dishonest elitist clique. It isn’t just by chance there are hereditary peers still sitting in the House of Lords.

The Royalty, the aristocracy are at the head of the Establishment. They are all cut from the same cloth. Attend the same schools and universities. They head all Unionist Political Parties, The Armed Forces, The Security Services, The Church, The Law and the Financial Institutions. They head the Police Forces and the Civil Services.

Here’s just one example to prove the point. Gideon, (George), Osborne is Heir apparent to two ancient Irish Baronetcies. Both are what is known in Ireland as, “The Ascendancy”. These were the English aristocrats who were sent to Ireland to rule, “The Plantation”, of first English people who were granted, by the English Crown, lands in Ireland taken from the real people of Ireland.

The Irish fought back and soon the Crown implanted Welsh and Scottish loyalists as settlers to take over the Irish lands from the Irish. There has been troubles in Ireland and that was the cause. Go read up on, “The Crown of Ireland Act”, 1542.

The English king had appointed himself, “Lord of Ireland”, but the Irish were still making trouble so the King of England forced the Parliament of Ireland to pass the Crown of Ireland Act that declared the King of England was sovereign over Ireland.

The historic facts are plain but are never plainly taught as such as The Establishment writes the history. Just as they are doing now with the Treaty of Union.

The Secretary of State against Scotland is quoted as saying, “The Treaty of Union Extinguished The Kingdom of Scotland and renamed The Kingdom of England as The United Kingdom”. It did nothing of the sort but that is now the official Establishment line.

Robert Peffers


@gus1940 says: 3 June, 2016 at 6:55 pm:

“I’m glad to see somebody else shares my opinion of that twisted individual Kenneth Roy.”

Believe my, gus, the pair of you are not alone.

Robert J. Sutherland

Robert Peffers, I don’t want to regurgitate the whole thing again here, but earlier today I posted a comment on the previous thread which is a follow-up to this point of yours about the Treaty of Union 1707…

Robert Peffers

@Stoker says: 3 June, 2016 at 7:40 pm:
” … Either way, it’s just another example of some untrustworthy character masquerading under a “independent” banner.”

Pish! Stoker, Wullie Clark is a thoroughly honest, honourable and decent man. Which is, of course, why his constituents have voted for him for so many years. Now let it be known I have no time for either the Labour or the Communist party but Wullie Clark was an exceptional constituency councillor.


Fancy some music? Live now
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“I thought STV was supposed to ensure that a range of candidates were elected to reflect the proportion of votes cast. If there is only one candidate to be elected then surely the majority first preference candidate wins?”

The unionists got 60% of the vote and got elected.

It is now SNP v Unionists for all elections.

Greens and RISE splitting the vote will only help the unionists.

Ian Brotherhood

Have David Cameron, or any of his male colleagues, sought advice on the correct stance to assume if one is putting one’s nob in a dead animal’s head?

Just wondering like…

call me dave

@Robert Peffers
I agree with that about W. Clarke.

I have known him and of him for a long time from when I lived in Hill of Beath in the 60’s and later in Lochgelly after I was married. Mainly through my father’s connection with the miners and saw him work on committees in Fife Council in the 2000’s.

Many in all parties had respect for Mr Clarke and he had the votes from his constituents to back that up

I last saw him at the YES meeting in Ballingry as a member of the audience and he did not look in good health then.

No way Ruthie & him are connected in any conspiracy theories.

Ladies cuffed 4-0 tonight but hey that’s Scotland footie for you. 🙁

Must do it the hard way!


From earlier. Re Oban by-election..

There is a problem with the over-complication of voting half a dozen times on the same sheet, to elect a single representative.
Voters feeling they MUST use their multiple votes, voting for a list of preferences.
They give value to direct opponents.
Many will have voted SNP only, surely enough to win.
I would say that only when fptp margin is within 10% should second to seventh cjoices come into it.
Incumbency becomes a common/easy target in local politics, so..
Good luck Mr’re going to need it.


Depending on which sect of Etonian law
one follows..

..I’d say, for a pig’s head it would be a number 23-

“..facing Jerusalem while singing ‘Swing Low Sweet Chariot'”

pussy nancy

@Stoker 7.40pm.

I think you will find that Wullie Clark’s ‘personal reasons’ are in fact genuine.

His health sadly has deteriorated over recent years due to a severe stroke which affected his facial muscles so badly that it left him relying on the support of a transparent facial mask.

Undaunted, however, he continued to serve his community admirably coping with what must have been very difficult circumstances.

You will search long and hard to find a more dedicated and well respected gentleman.


Robert Peffers wrote @ 9:51 pm:

“Pish! Stoker, Wullie Clark is a thoroughly honest, honourable and decent man. Which is, of course, why his constituents have voted for him for so many years.”

Pish, Peffers, you have absolutely no idea why every one of Clarke’s constituents voted for him over so many years. Stick to your history lessons and next time you seek to correct or chastise me at least give some factual detail instead of your opinion masquerading as fact.

Al Dossary

Looking at the figures from Oban (and assuming I have the way that STV works correct), there were 2,651 valid votes cast. To take the seat I guess the winner had to get 1326 total, by means of the transferable vote. If it took until the fourth round before the independent candidate won the seat, then the safe assumption is that none of the reaming Labour or Tory voters will ever give their transferable vote to the SNP.

The SNP candidate would have needed only 270 transferred votes to take the seat at round 2.

Welcome to the 2 party politics of Scotland. SNP vs the rest, with the rest being so blinded by their hatred of the SNP that they will vote tactically at every opportunity to deny them.

Robert J. Sutherland

Rock @ 22:00 said:

Greens and RISE splitting the vote will only help the unionists.

You don’t seem to fully appreciate the joys of STV. You can’t “split the vote”. A voter who supports RISE or the Greens would very likely give their first preference(s) to the party candidate(s) of their choice, but if these people all got knocked out, as would often happen in such cases, their vote would then switch to their secondary preference(s), most likely candidates for the SNP who would almost certainly not get knocked out.

STV gives people the opportunity to make a principled first choice without any worry about a “wasted vote”, knowing that if that choice fails they can still support other less-ideal (to them) candidates who do have popular support.

And if their first preference doesn’t fail, that’s their choice, like it or not!

Other than the occasional support for a particular individual because of their personal merit irrespective of party allegiance, it is unlikely that voters will (eg.) choose a Unionist as secondary preference after a pro-indy first choice, and vice-versa.

It depends on voters being savvy about how the system works, of course, but then that’s always true…

Ian Brotherhood

Forget the politics – the Scotland’s women’s fitba’ team needs her –

link to


And its here tory brexitiers draw first blood on lying vows time,100 mill for the NHS says guys with no plan and making it up as they go along.

Will Pork chop pull one of his own vows out to trump it stay tuned as tory eejits go into full willy waving with empty promises of a better tomorrow in fantasy wonderland westminster.

Shhh dont mention election fruad or austerity,and we go now to some eejits on sky who managed to sit through brexit mumbling and conclude at the end ehh we dont have a fucking clue but he is a nice guy and what the hell was that all about in shock exclusive on how to confuse the public lol


Robert J. Sutherland,

“STV gives people the opportunity to make a principled first choice without any worry about a “wasted vote”,”

Until independence the only “principled” choice is a first choice vote for the SNP.

If we want to win the battle against the unionists, all other “principled” choices will have to wait until after independence.

All those “principled” Green votes enabled the Tory viceroy of Scotland and Scotland’s most disgusting and dishonest politician Ruth Davidson to win constituency seats.


Robert J. Sutherland,

“You don’t seem to fully appreciate the joys of STV. You can’t “split the vote”.”

Yes, you are right on that.

But I still firmly believe in all votes to the SNP until independence.


I don’t often agree but I have to admit Rock, you got it spot on with your last comment.


I don’t often agree but I have to admit Rock, you got it spot on with your last comment @ 11pm.

Dave McEwan Hill

Al Dossary at 10.41

Exactly. Just the way we want it. SNP against the unionists who will damage each other by association. We are in the end game now.


@ Petra 8.26 Another tonic – Scotland’s Traffic Cops Clocking off song! A definite PR hit. Well done them. Which bete noir of the Opposition will shrug off its bad image next?

schrodingers cat

re the electoral system

fully 33% of the councillor places will be uncontested by the snp. they cant afford to stand candidates for every place in everyward.
forget tactical voting for other parties, its a non starter, this system doesnt even enable you to tactically vote for the snp


OT. The last couple of days have been very civilized on here, did someone scare off the resident troll?

Speaking of trolling, if there is an award for the troll of the year I nominate the PGA of America who moved the World Golf Championship from one of Donald Trumps’ course to Mexico. Rory McIlroy said it was no big deal they could just hop over the wall. The vein was throbbing on the Donald’s heid, brilliant!


@ Rock
The unionists got 60% of the vote and got elected.
It is now SNP v Unionists for all elections.

I agree with that. Every election now is a poll on Independence. Labour, Lib Dem and Tory all merge into the “Unionist” party. I hope voters are aware of that in the Local elections in 2017.

Cadogan Enright

I found myself in a parallel universe tonight, cheering on the insane Thatcherite Micheal Gove

G’wan ya boy ya, hoof it tu da BBC-lite gobshite talkin o’r ya, g’wan ya gillie bawn laoch

Tell em all the importance of controlling yer ain country

Them ya n’er elected should n’er rule o’r Ye

G’wan ya boy ya


I found myself in a parallel universe tonight, cheering on the insane Thatcherite Micheal Gove

An audience member specifically asked that if the last tory election was won by electoral fraud, what would happen if Brexit wins, would it be declared void? Gove dodged all of it.

Robert Peffers

@Stoker says: 3 June, 2016 at 10:39 pm:

“Pish, Peffers, you have absolutely no idea why every one of Clarke’s constituents voted for him over so many years.”

Well you are partly correct, Stoker for every one of his constituents didn’t vote for him. However I not only know the man but a great many of his constituents. In fact with boundary changes Willie has sometimes been on my ballot paper.

Oh! And by the way. Where did I ever claim to know everyone who voted for Willie?

I simply pointed out that, over a very long period of time, A MAJORITY OF THOSE WHO VOTED IN THAT CONSTITUENCY CHOSE WILLIE CLARK.

“Stick to your history lessons and next time you seek to correct or chastise me at least give some factual detail instead of your opinion masquerading as fact”.

Well Stoker, it is a fact, a tiny wee irrefutable fact, mind, that Willie has been the choice of councillor over all those years in that constituency, (or does that not count as a fact).

Furthermore, I know of supporters of all other parties, including SNP members, who have voted for Willie, instead of the candidate put up by their own party of choice.

BTW: The political HISTORY of the area around Cowdenbeath, Lochgelly and in particular Lumphinnans includes that of Willie Gallacher MP. It is history ya numptie.

I can see all three places from my windows. I live among them and most are not communists but many voted for Willie.

I wonder why that would be?

Oh! BTW! What were the facts YOU posted, Stoker? I seem to have missed reading them?

I’ve no doubt you are acquainted with Councillor Clark as you seem to know he was not worthy of getting elected for all those years even although a majority of his constituents seem to think he was.


Michelle Mone on Sky with Greg Dyke and others

Her wealth of knowledge- I think pensioners should get more. If you are a Doctor and need to go into a home you loose all your savings! Has she never heard of Panama?
Her view of life is rather weird.

ps she also wants another child

Just switched off. What a complete erse. Supported by the Tories.


Shhh Heed dont mention the EF words.

I have to say i was in stitches dont usually watch sky i feel dirty after it but that was the best clown show i have seen for a while.

Have people forgot Gove is a walking disaster area and has botched up everything he has ever been let loose on,though the staggering ignorance about this deeply constitional crisis in England is quite funny and if they think that will be the end of that after the vote they are in for a shock.



Can anyone help me out here…Anyone know where I can buy a t-shirt with the phrase…believe ma arse… my husband wants one…any ideas please!


Stuart I know you are a very busy man but I have spent hours composing and trying to post an article on here relating to (Davidson) the Corroboration Law and Named Person Policy.

Following trying to post it on here to no avail (a number of times) I’ve cut it right back. Tried remove anything that may offend you / others.

Busy as you are could you let me know if you have received my post and if so where I am going wrong.

I don’t get it. Facts relating to the number of paedophiles operating in Scotland versus England and why that IS (may be) the case?

Or something totally different?

Please let me know.


@ Robert Peffers (12.10am):

Peffers, i’m not even going to bother tearing your pish apart because (a)-I’m off to sunnier climes in 20 or so minutes and (b)-I have no desire to encourage your love of blowing yer ain trumpet. Plus, it’s all there for anyone who is interested to see.

Psst, Peffers, you have a safe and good weekend now, ya numptie!!


Just vote SNP/SNP/SNP. Not the (non) Green Unionist and NO Party. The (non) Greens collude with the Unionist (the status quo) to renege on their own ‘policies’ and waste £Billions of public money. The Green lied, let in the Tories and lost the SNP their majority. They are toxic liars. They mucked up the Referendum, the GE and the Holyrood election.

The EU costs Scotland nothing and brings benefits. The UK Union cost Scotland £Billions which could be better spent and mucks up the Scottish economy. High taxes, no enterprise, sanctioning the vulnerable and starving people to death. Trident/illegal wars, tax evasion and banking and electoral fraud. Hiding their crimes under the Official Secrets Act. Westminster have destroyed the World economy.


The electoral system is so bad many voters don’t understand it.


Who caused the worse migration crisis in Europe since 11WW and refuse to take any responsibility? Hiding their crimes under the Official Secrets Act. Most of them should be in jail. The Westminster Gov. Now destroying the UK economy and sanctioning and starving the vulnerable. They are complete and utter crooks and liars. The sooner Scotland is rid of them the better.

Liz Rannoch


RIP The Greatest Muhammad Ali.

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life”.

Andy Murray loves his boxing and if he knows of this he should channel the spirit of Ali when facing Djokovic tomorrow.

Robert Peffers

@Stoker says: 4 June, 2016 at 6:31 am:

“Peffers, i’m not even going to bother tearing your pish apart … “

Now there’s a surprise! A fine councillor serves his constituency voters so well they re-elect him for 43 years. He isn’t even then voted out but volunteers to stand-down.

Stoker thinks his voters are all total idiots who electing him, “under false colours”.

Sheesh! Everyone, and his brother, knew Willie was a Communist when they elected him. The only reason for him standing as an independent was because the Establishment proscribed the Communist Party from standing.

Matter of fact I know another former Fife Councillor who was also a Communist Party member. He got himself elected as a Labour Party candidate – now THAT’s what I call false colours.

Betty Boop

@ Ian Brotherhood, 3/6/2016, 10:50pm

Forget the politics – the Scotland’s women’s fitba’ team needs her

Och, Ian, ye made me look! 🙁

Alan Mackintosh

Petra, Maybe send it as an email to Stu. The contact add is up the top.

Grouse Beater

Scotland needs a Mohammed Ali to give corrupt Westminster that knockout blow: link to

Review of ‘The Nice Guys’ to follow shortly…


@ Alan Mackintosh says at 10:14 am …. ”Petra, Maybe send it as an email to Stu. The contact add is up the top.”

Thanks Alan. I may do that because I’m wondering if some of my posts are just disappearing into the ether and it’s a bit annoying when you take the time to put them together.

In this case (post that disappeared 3 times) I was pointing out how Davidson, Rennie and Lamont ‘ganged together’ to block the Corroboration Law being abolished which means that our chidren are at a greater disadvantage, more prone to being abused with no recourse to justice, here in Scotland than they are in rUK (the rest of the civilised World in fact other than the Netherlands). Now they are ‘ganging up’ to put paid to the named person policy being implemented. Care for our children? No way! The whole situation stinks from top to bottom.


DerekM says:
4 June, 2016 at 12:37 am
Shhh Heed dont mention the EF words.

I have to say i was in stitches dont usually watch sky i feel dirty after it but that was the best clown show i have seen for a while.

Toryboy world moves to protect Gove, from Aberdeen, Gordon’s College private school, Oxbridge, BBC ligger, MP, tory minister,

toryboy spin-

John McTernan Retweeted
Aidan Kerr ?@AidanKerrPol 38m38 minutes ago
If Michael Gove is part of the British elite then it tells you how porous it is are if an adopted boy from Aberdeen can grow up to be in it.

Is it even worth pointing out that all of Gove’s eduction was paid for by the tax payer, free gratis, no debt, and grants? Gordon’s College’s about £15k-£20k a year, Gove’s fees paid by bursary from City Council.

One of the first things socialist workers like Gordon Brown and Tony Blair did when they red toryboyed it in 97, scrapped all private school bursary education, instantly.

Its a toryboy world, red and blue.

Grouse Beater

Another one for the list. link to

(If you read already just scroll down to the last entry)


Comrade Gove has his red toryboy detractors.

Comrade Gove’s famous in Aberdeen as one of the Press and Journal’s young hacks that went on strike when they were about to get laid off. The strike lasted year, failed and its probably hard to picture an upper class twit like Comrade Gove thumping the MD’s car windscreen with his “One out, all out” placard, passing through the works gate.

Another of Comrade Gove’s socialist worker strikers went on to become editor of the Glasgow Herald but packed that in very quickly. Cant think why:D

Blair McDougall Retweeted
Torcuil Crichton ?@Torcuil 20h20 hours ago
Torcuil Crichton Retweeted Beth Rigby
Aye,Robert Gordon school, Pres of Oxford Union, Lord High Chancellor, that’s the leader of the anti-politics for you

Torcuil Crichton added,
Beth Rigby @BethRigby
“You’re on the side of the elite I’m on the side if the people” Gove gets applause. It’s so much easier being challenger not the status quo
36 retweets 17 likes


Comrade Gove in action. Was Gove a lefty? Maybe. He’s probably not as creepy as say Prof Tomkins, far left republican turned far right monarchist.

Both twits though, Prof T comes 4th in Holyrood election but struts in to a Holyrood he detests. Mike Gove’s toryboy world, elected with barely 25% of UK electorate, let alone latest round of tory electioneering fraud investigations.

Is it the system or us, what lets in these dangerous idiots?

link to


The history of Comrade Gove took an odd turn in Aberdeen last week too. Comrade Gove and his colleagues lost their jobs in a UK wide press industry shake up, made famous in Murdoch’s war on Fleet Street but the Press and Journal moved out of Aberdeen city centre to a much cheaper industrial estate and paid off journos like Gove.

Fast forward 25 years, Press and Journal’s a hard core tory yoon rag but they are now upping sticks from the Lang Stracht and going back to Broad Street.

Why? Unionist owned Aberdeen council under SLab’s Wullie Young, are building another £100+ million white elephant in front of their new £110+ million Marischal College council office in Broad Street.

Aberdeen’s got a massive glut of these kinds of office developments that cant be let, and despite massive local opposition with kinds of SLab Wullie Young style weird stuff, they finally got a tenant, its vote tory, SNP bad, Holyrood loathing, royals grovelling P&J.

link to

and red tory Wullie is there hero of the UKOK hour. Its another SLab white elephant and absolutely horrified some of Aberdeen. P&J photo ed ins’t showing the big Broad Street picture. Why would he.


Aye, Gove has many sides to his character. I clearly remember him as Sigourney Weaver’s neighbour in Ghostbusters, and as Dark Helmet in Spaceballs!


Gove rewriting history. The EU destroyed the family fish business, Yet they still stay in the same abode and all the other fish businesses, from the period survived. In fact most of them adapted to the the Oil industry and made even more money. Multimillionaires. Wood, Craig’s etc, They made more from the Oil & Gas than they did from the fish. Until Gove and the Tories muck it up with the Tory 2011 tax at 60/80’s tax when the price had fallen 75%. It is still 40%. Losing thousands of jobs.

Gove’s Tories policies meaning thousands of people losing their jobs. Gove an absolute, lying hypocrite. Sanctioning the vulnerable.



“Peffers, i’m not even going to bother tearing your pish apart because (a)-I’m off to sunnier climes in 20 or so minutes and (b)-I have no desire to encourage your love of blowing yer ain trumpet.”

He disappears when his pish is torn apart and then returns with the same pish.

Mind you he has his gang of sycophants cheering him on.

I do not really wish to hurt him in his old age but I can’t stand his pish about Scotland being North Britain for example.

Something on which him and Gordon Brown are in perfect agreement.


Do you know Rock there’s nothing more pathetic and despicable than an adult behaving like a primary school child in displaying pack mentality. And to mention Robert’s (old) age! He could be 5 years of age or 180 and would still be much smarter than you. His posts are full of interesting, informative data whether they be political, historical or personal. You bring nothing to this site other than dissention and seem to actually enjoy being hurtful. Cut it out.


As I lifelong SNP member, I think the named person legislation is a huge muddle and badly thought through and looks like being under resourced which will be a recipe fot trouble ahead.

It is being badly explained with lots of contradictions from government ministers. Here is a question.

Will a married man and woman both aged 16 and who produce a child when they are 17 have a different named person for their child, given that each parent will also have a named person? This would mean one single family having 3 named persons.



“His posts are full of interesting, informative data whether they be political, historical or personal.”

You can be his sycophant if you want.

To many others he is worse than a pub bore.



Talking of bores. Yawwnn.


‘Sycophant’? I don’t think so. It’s never been known to be one of my traits. Far from it but I will give credit where credit’s due.

You on the other hand come across as a psycho (in) phantile.



“‘Sycophant’? I don’t think so. It’s never been known to be one of my traits. Far from it but I will give credit where credit’s due.”

Our resident self-appointed history and geography expert has repeatedly failed to answer the following question.

Maybe you can do it on his behalf:

Do you have any objection to Gordon Brown calling Scotland “North Britain”?

If you do, why?


@ Rock says at 8:56 pm …. ”Petra,

“‘Sycophant’? I don’t think so. It’s never been known to be one of my traits. Far from it but I will give credit where credit’s due.”

Our resident self-appointed history and geography expert has repeatedly failed to answer the following question. Maybe you can do it on his behalf: Do you have any objection to Gordon Brown calling Scotland “North Britain”? If you do, why?”

Who cares? You spend so much time on being negative and destructive, Rock. Cheer up, buck up and try spending your time in a more positive and constructive way such as by contributing something ‘enlightening’ on here …. like Robert.

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