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Wings Over Scotland

Fighting nightmares

Posted on November 11, 2013 by

We usually make several tweets about other people’s pro-independence fundraisers, but don’t post them on the main site for several reasons – chiefly that there’s always one going on somewhere, and we don’t want readers to feel unable to visit Wings without being constantly pressured to put their hands in their pockets.

We’re going to have an exception for this one, though. Jack Foster and Chris Silver created the brilliant “Fear Factor” mini-movie (as well as some shorter clips previously), and they want to step things up a gear by making a full-length film about independence in time for the referendum.

We’d very much like that to happen. Jack and Chris are the indy movement’s Adam Curtis, and we’re absolutely certain that their movie would be a fantastic piece of work capable of winning hearts and minds and making a real difference.

They need just over £11,000 in a week – peanuts for the level of quality they produce. The Common Weal fundraiser recently cleared that sort of sum in that sort of timespan, and with much less clear and visible goals, so we hope and trust that it’s achievable. Visit the site to find out more, and please help if you can.

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Just tried to contribute, but indiegogo site has hung. Probably getting too many hits today!

Alistair Davidson

I’m sorry to hear you felt the Common Weal goals were vague! We’ll take the feedback onboard if we do another appeal in future.

Colin Dunn

I’ve already contributed, but will try to donate some more. An excellent project.
Any idea how they plan to distribute this when complete, though? Their fundraiser page doesn’t say. I’m guessing it will be via the net rather than TV, but it would be great if it’s shown on TV too as there are still a lot of people, especially older ones, who don’s use the internet much or at all.


I’m up for it too. I’ve watched their other contributions and been impressed so I have no problem contributing.
I’d also be more than willing to help crowd fund a Wings advert on STV. “The Truth is Out There”, kinda thing. I wonder how much a 30 second ad in the middle of Coronation Street would cost?

Neil Mackenzie

When I donated, about a week ago, the PayPal option was refused because of a non-functioning receiver account. I think that might have been putting some people off. Hopefully, they’ll have that sorted out.


Visit made.
Hope they get to make it. 🙂


Talking of nightmares… today we are subjected to more nonsense from Whitehall, in the form of the universities minister saying that research funding to Scotland will take a hit when we become Independent.

This, on the day that Edinburgh University announces a huge breakthrough in diagnosing heart problems – Funding, courtesy of the Chief Scientist Office Scotland and British Heart Foundation. (Presumably, we’ll still be entitled to a share of that post-Indy)

Honestly, these ‘scare’ stories are now becoming a parody!

Robert McDonald

Worked fine for me, happy to help out. Previous material has been fantastic.


Hi Rev…just tried to watch the video on this page, but got a message saying I couldn’t watch with my present set-up… 🙁 Don’t normally have a problem with any other vids, YouTube, etc…any ideas, please? Many thanks, I’ll be donating anyway!


Bank account details or address to send a cheque, please.


Hi Rev – what about crowd-source funding for a WoS radio campaign (Clyde, Forth, Scot FM, Real Radio, Smooth, Sunny G and those I don’t know of further north)? Much cheaper than TV. I’d be more than happy to part with some readies.


Thanks. Wasn’t aware of this project, and just contributed successfully via PayPal

Roddy Macdonald

Having seen what Jack & Chris can do on a budget of Irn Bru bottle deposits, I had no problem punting them some dosh. You’ll probably get the best bang for your indy fighting fund buck by putting it their way.

Stuart Black

First contributed about three weeks ago, but thanks for the timely reminder, just lobbed some more in, well worth it.
It’s not only a full length feature you are funding, they plan a series of short films fortnightly leading up to the referendum, plus wee viral affairs every so often, details on the Indiegogo site linked above. Value for money, eh?


Thanks for moving this to the top line Stu!
faolie flagged it up last week, and I contributed. When faolie put up thier post on Thursday they had raised 6k – now up to 10k so it’s going well. With your extra advertising I hope they make their target.
The fear factor is excellent – well worth a watch if you haven’t seen it already.

ronnie anderson


Turra Loon

I made my contribution a couple of weeks ago. I also had a problem with Paypal. I sent them an e-mail and they sorted things out. I will try and give some more tomorrow.


That’s an excellent piece of work.I’m happy to contribute towards the cost of the next one.


paypal contribution has went through ok here.

Bugger (the Panda)

Going for Gold
Why don’t we crowd fund a web radio?
I bet Derek Bateman and a few others would help front some of it, for nowt even?


I donated £100 right at the beginning. Good that you’ve shared it on here, hopefully the Wings faithful can get it over the line.


Hi Rev – what about crowd-source funding for a WoS radio campaign (Clyde, Forth, Scot FM, Real Radio, Smooth, Sunny G and those I don’t know of further north)? Much cheaper than TV. I’d be more than happy to part with some readies.
This seems one of the more cost e3ffective ways to get the message out there.
My only additional thought would be to broaden it out beyond just a Wings advert to promote other pro Indy info sources.
Business for Scotland and Newsnet seem the most obvious.

ronnie anderson

Colin Dunn , I read some where the film would be shown all over Scotland whether that means screening in Village halls / Community Centres / but is Intended to be far reaching , my £ worths in , Well done Lads mair power tae you,s

Jingly Jangly

Bugger (The panda)
There already is a YES web station
link to

Bugger (the Panda)

amazing Jingly Jangly
Why have I never heard of it?


Ronnie- Perhaps  it could be toured in a similar fashion tp when the ‘Cheviot, the stag and the black, black oil’ production was toured all over Scotland, that along with the internet and the wider YES community could get this film out to a wider audience. Happy to help get my university film club to help screen it at the uni.

Brian Powell

John McTernan is one of those nightmares, seeing the ‘article’ in the Scotsman after seeing the tweet about it. Or in the common language, I would say he was more of an oily, slimy, dissembling creep.
He writes, “truth about Scotland. That it is wealthy not by chance, but thanks to the hard work of Scots, and the policies of successive Tory and Labour governments.”
Then if the policies of successive Tory and Labour Governments have done this, then what of this, ” So why should redistribution keep going to Scotland when needs are greater elsewhere? Time, surely, for Scotland to help out south Wales or west Belfast – or even the east Midlands.”?
Why have ‘successive Tory and Labour Governments not made: south Wales, west Belfast and even the east Midlands, successful in their own right and not need to have wealth transferred to them from Scotland?
I think Billy Connolly had a useful phrase for this kind of person, “a big bag o keich”.

Bugger (the Panda)

Why has the biggest transfer been to the SE of England when ostensibly it is the biggest generator?
It is the BIG wealth generator if, you count in funny money from the City banking and hedging spivs and corporate taxation from the Scotch Whisky Industry and NS Oil taxation?
Anybody have any idea how “profitable” are the currency and derivatives traders these days?
They haven’t paid back their mega losses from a few years ago either,


@Bugger (the Panda)
Maybe we could go all Pirate Radio style! 🙂
Anyone happen to have an old ship they’re not using?
Really hope this movie idea works out.  Looks like a nice idea to get people thinking with less fear for once.  Wash out the brainwashing 😀

Robert Kerr

Smooth Radio already advertising for STV re info on Referendum.
Radio ads should be fairly inexpensive.

Jingly Jangly

Bugger (The Panda)
There was a link to it from the comments on this site a couple of months ago, that’s when I found out about it, don’t know if its any use, I use an Internet Radio and could not find it on there.

Archie [not Erchie]

I think Jack and Chris’s jaws might just have dropped a few feet with the response over the last 3 hours or so. A rough estimate nearly 3000pounds donated in that time period. I am so proud of everyones response.

ronnie anderson

Roddy MacDonald, NOO there, s PROJECT FOR A FUNDRAISER  IRN BRU BOTTLES COLLECTIONS  that has been done in many Communitys Fundraiseing  ( Easterhouse Play Kids ) might not be the rite name but thats how they raised money. & they managed to take kids to Craig N Tara for a weeks hols  Whits a deposit on Irn Bru  20p . BUT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN  ( WHAT  A PUBLISITY STUNT )

ronnie anderson



Bugger (the Panda) says:
11 November, 2013 at 12:18 pm

Going for Gold

Why don’t we crowd fund a web radio?
I bet Derek Bateman and a few others would help front some of it, for nowt even?
I had an offer from 2 really smart Czech guys to set up a Pro Independent Radio. These lads run a couple of radio stations in and around Prague.Radio Sázavá from what is a like a tenement flat in Výton P10, and TV Metropol in Francouská from what was once a shop in P2. I told an SNP chap and also sent the letter to the Rev. The Czechs reckoned they could set it up for £1500 – £2,000.including licensing. I have given up,who cares?I can look out the letter and send it to you with an hyper link at 

Another London Dividend

O/T   BBC Scotland reports
link to

Improving the way the UK’s offshore oil and gas industry is regulated could boost the economy by £200bn over the next 20 years, a report has said.

Substitute Scotland for UK and this is massive


just given my tupence worth, good cause and we all need to put our shoulders to the wheel.


Donation sent.

I await the Carmichael claim that “There will be no fund raisers like this if you vote YES!” 

ronnie anderson

sneddon , Gd man as many places of Education as possible ( ie the younger generation ) Spread the Word    ( COMING TAE A SCREEN NEAR YOU ) Vid share, 

ronnie anderson

jingly jangly, thanks for YESonAIR , noo where,s the TV link / any techno geeks tae Highjack the BBC signal  mmmm any ideas

Dave McEwan Hill

Exactly. With a potential audience of 100,000 plus if Wings  is anything to go by and easy ability to broadcast live from meetings anywhere with monthly running costs probably in three figures only all that is required is a competent team, technically and politically, to run it


Semus – you could be onto something as regards a web-based radio

I have been thinking that it might be opportune for the main blog and news sites to get together and get it up and running. Between all of them there should be enough of a talent base. Perhaps Derek Bateman could be involved, after all he was a broadcaster so knows a bit about that. You have ‘National collective’ which gives you your artistic contribution. You have Newsnet which gives you your news content. Bella Caledonia and Wings giving additional news and magazine type input

It really is not beyond the realms of possibility with all the combined talent to do it


Web based radio…how many folk fill their time listening to the various podcasts?
How many folk listen to the radio outside of the car? Or better phrased, how many “undecided” folk would listen to the radio outside of the car?

Personally I think a “Turk-182” YES style campaign would be much more effective…get the people seeing that word EVERYWHERE and pretty soon it will be in everyones mind.


That’s exactly the point.  If people could get this thing on their car radios, or their kitchen trannies, that would be one thing.  But broadcasting requires something coming over the airwaves.  A radio station or a TV station people can tune in to.
Otherwise, it;s just a souped-up web site.  Probably only be accessed by the already-converted.

Bugger (the Panda)

you could get it over your mobile?
Plug your mobile into your car radio, if you have a certain type of radio.
It may be possible to get it over your ADSL tele link and certainly tablets, iPads could get it via WiFi at home.


If you want to run radio you need more than podcasts you need entertainment. That requires (if you intend to be legitimate) paying for any copyrighted material, PRS, PPS ect. There are hundreds of ways to stream live to the Internet including incidentally live TV. You want to do it right it will cost money.
I have experience in community radio what was once Leith FM and is now Castle FM we never lacked for volunteers and I am sure an independent radio station would be inundated with people willing to give their time for free.
PS, the advantage with radio (the reason advertisers still paid good money) is that people can listen while they do other things unlike TV where if you really want to understand what’s going on and you have to watch the screen.


you could get it over your mobile?
Plug your mobile into your car radio, if you have a certain type of radio.
It may be possible to get it over your ADSL tele link and certainly tablets, iPads could get it via WiFi at home.
If my mobile wasn’t currently kaput, and if even when it was working it didn’t spend most of its life telling me there’s no signal, maybe.
That’s not the point.  That still requires the sort of effort only already-convinced Yes voters will put in.  The undecided won’t listen unless they can turn their radio dial to the station.

Bugger (the Panda)

You sound like my ex wife. Sorry but you do.

ronnie anderson

REV, Ah think theres mair ideas gonna come on Radio Broadcast WINGS FLYING ON THE AIR WAVES ( RAdio CAROLINE springs to mind only legal ) ave a few boab in ma account lookin fur a good cause


You sound like my ex wife. Sorry but you do.
I don’t know why.  I’m just pointing out that undecided voters and unengaged voters won’t go to the trouble of seeking out a web-based radio station.  If you have reason to think differently, then would you mind explaining?


Radio Caroline.  That broadcast pop music, didn’t it?  It had hipper and groovier DJs than the BBC, so the young and hip and groovy tuned in.
Even a broadcast on-air station will need something to tempt the undecided and the unengaged to tune in.  People want a mix of programming – music, news (about stuff that isn’t political as well), chat shows, gardening programmes.  Presumably there is some formula that would work.  I’d hate to see people spending a lot of time and money and effort producing something that was only accessed by the converted though.

Dave McEwan Hill

Seems to be some misunderstandingabout online radio. You can get it on a varierty of phones and on any computer witha broadband connection.

You can listen to it as you are using your computer to do other stuff. I will be usinga local one to talk to the local grammar scholl and beleieve me most of the senior students will be on to it as we broadcast some of their friends.
Unlike FM there is no reception problem.

There is no suggestion it should be used instead of other publicity efforts rather it should be used alongside other political  efforts

Bugger (the Panda)


Bugger (the Panda)

Let us just say that I would not like to have you in a group doing a brainstorming session.
Can we just leave it at that?
I do admire some of the stuff you have posted, the positions you have taken and defended.


Brainstorming, yes.  It’s important to get as many imaginative ideas as possible.  That’s the point of the exercise.

Then, though, it’s important to winnow these ideas for practicality and effectiveness.  Otherwise, it’s a waste of time.  Of course some objections will turn out to be spurious.  However, barring objections because that isn’t constructive is a complete misunderstanding of what the entire exercise is about.

I say I’d hate to see people spend a lot of money and time and effort doing something that didn’t succeed in making contact with its target audience.  I stand by that.  If I’m wrong in this case then fine, but that’s my input.  I don’t see any point in trying to stifle it.

Bugger (the Panda)

My wife always had to have the last word.

Bugger (the Panda)

Please just be constructive and by that I don’t mean dropping a load of Coo shit from the Heavens on anything you subliminally react to and then intellectually justify. That is how I think you operate.

As I said, contribution is not taking a position and then defying everyone else to object to that.

You really should learn how to use the subtlety of English to the best effect.

I sense that you never had to run a managerial team of different backgrounds and levels of experience or education .

Just give it a bye, please and stop being so macho?

Bugger (the Panda)

me too

i’ll shut up.


Was she contributing constructively to the conversation though?  That’s  the test.

Bugger (the Panda)

No she wasn’t, but;
I think I rest my case.


I have found the original letter from Czech friends 

“I have contact for you for the internet radio. Two boys here have internet radio Fenix – you can listen it:, they have also media group Fenix Media, five internet portals, lot of activities. They told me it is no problem to prepair the Scottish broadcasting (on the internet you don´t need have any licence), you need only small studio (two or three computers, good microphon, some technic which I don´t understand, you know me) and you can broadcast under the Fenix media radio – division for Scotland. Now you show me, what you can do for it – you have to go to the people from SCotland , tell them, that the project could work in relative short time, if they will pay for the technic and if they will pay two people who will do it in Scotland. Then you can ask the people to the studio for interviews, but also we can manage the reports from the regions, about the interesting (and also “now name”) people, about the life – everything could be make also in videos, because the Fenix radio has also videos on their pages. If you organize it in Scotland, we come with the director of Fenix and they will organize everything with the people from Independents in Scotland (the royalty for music, the technic for the studio etc. etc.) The boys from Fenix are very interested in this project. Of course they want also some information about the Czech people living in Scotland, but it is no problem). The money for this project are not astronomical high, the technic for studio is maximaly 2-3000 pounds, of course somebody must pay the people who will do it. Do you want it? If you do something for it”

and today

” I don´t understand it very much – do they want to put it to Bella Caledonia or Wings, or do they say that they have such radio magazine on these webs? Or do they think about possibility to make it with Fenix radio? Of course there is very important it will be done with good Scottish proffesionals, nobody thinks it would be broadcast with some funny Czech accent speaking people. Fenix radio can give only technical platform and the help with the beginning of broadcasting, what need a small studio, some computers, microphons etc. and one man (or woman) which will organize the daily plan of broadcasting communicating with the people on the server machine in Czech republic.”
 I do not know if this is of any use.But they ranae anti Scottish like the bbc.

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