Fear to maximum
Posted on
July 09, 2013 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
I’ve used one stamp this year, I hate Mobile Phones and Tories, I don’t do the lottery and I’ve never even seen an Aircraft carrier.
Vote no and I’ll be worse off to the tune of one undelivered letter.
Och well, that’s my mind changed.
The punctuation need improving!
I can’t afford stamps, or, lottery tickets now – so that’s me convinced!
Is it true after independence our weans will walk backwards to?
Following on from the stamps point – If independence means I stop getting charged a pound just because someone has sent me a Christmas cards that’s two millimetres too thick, then sign me up now!
I’m shakin in ma boots help ma boab jings crivens an aw that
BBC Radio Scotland going big on trying to downplay Scottish government’s £5.8 million grant to Tennis Scotland saying its a knee jerk reaction to Andy Murray.
Not so of course as been in planning for ages and like many others my local tennis club got new playing surface and floodlights a couple of years ago thanks to Sports Scotland.
And point should be made that for years / decades Scotland was short changed by the (UK) Lawn Tennis Association funding and that lack of support is what drove Andy Murray to head for Barcelona rather than go through the British system.
The Westminster desperation for income – any income, will ensure all commercial activities will be ring fenced.
Scotland, as a valued customer, will have her bawbees gratefully accepted.
At one time British aircraft carriers were seen as an expensive anachronism by successive Labour and Tory governments. The planned super-carriers of the mid-1960s were cancelled and the last of strike carriers, Eagle and Ark Royal, along with the light carriers Centaur and Bulwark, were scrapped at Cairnryan in the 70s. Then the decision was made by the Tories in 1979 to sell off the brand new HMS Invincible to Australia and old Hermes to India. Then came along the Falkland conflict to save what was left of the Royal Navy. After that the carrier force grew and Trident purchased.
These new carriers are nothing more than allowing the UK to remain in a dick-waving contest with the Americans and French, with the same outcome, to force project bombs and missiles onto mostly civilians in other countries, not to free them, but to police them so Hague and Cameron can be ‘awed’ by people holding their dead children in their arms.
Will the Post Office being privatised mean no-one can afford a stamp?
Has to be a wind up, surely? – It’s kind of hard to tell these days as each story is more ridiculous than the last.
Aircraft carriers FFS – oh yeah that would be my number one priority!
I hear it is rumoured by the NO Scotland campaign that sun cream may be in very short supply in an independent Scotland. Given the current hot weather which again according to the NO Scotland campaign will end come independence, I am now forced to confess that I am now a convert to the NO Scotland campaign, (ony kiddin, in case anybody took me seriously).
The Tories scoured the BAE contracts with a fine comb to see if they could get out of building those aircraft carriers. They plan to mothball or sell/lease one of them as soon as it is complete.
Murphy is different though, he genuinely seems to love things that go bang and seems to be convinced you are not a real country unless you can bomb people on the other side of the globe.
Don’t forget food for the poster. Maitland Mackie reminds us that the Scottish food and drink industry is not strong enough to withstand independence.
We might end up with food banks post-independence.
“We might end up with food banks post-independence.”
Well seeing as the UK will refuse to let us use the pound and a Scottish currency will be completely worthless, I can see RBS and Bank Of Scotland becoming Food Banks, since food will become our new currency.
That’s essentially what one of my mates thinks, anyway.
They keep forgetting to tell us that our airports won’t be used for rendition flights.
We won’t condone or be complicit in the torture of suspects on the flimsiest of evidence.
We will be party to the European Convention on Human Rights – unlike the UK, who appear to want to remove this safety net.
We will be party to the European Convention on Human Rights – unlike the UK, who appear to want to ban this safety net.
That ‘safety net’ is a violation of Westminster’s human right to do whatever the hell it likes (or whatever please the readers of the Daily Mail). The sooner it’s scrapped, and malcontents know their place, the better. Strength through unity!
No shoe laces in an independent Scotland – it’ll be Velcro only since we are all ‘too stupid’
No! Not George!
Daft bit is, unlike Trident, an aircraft carrier actually has defensive uses. I mean, what stops you from trying to blow up an oil rig: Nuclear missiles aimed at Moscow, or a sodding great floating airfield that can drop enough bombs on you to flatten a small mountain?
Yep, gotta be the missiles, yup. That’s a deterrent to a bloke on a speedboat with a bomb. I mean, Trident completely stopped an entire Russian fleet floating up to say hello, didn’t it? Trident stops Tu-95 bombers coming along to see our nice shiny Eurofighters.
“No shoe laces in an independent Scotland – it’ll be Velcro only since we are all ‘too stupid’”
Shoes?! We should be so lucky.
@Doug Daniel
We might end up with food banks post-independence.”
I can see RBS and Bank Of Scotland becoming Food Banks, since food will become our new currency.
I’d be happy to accept payment in penny caramels.
There won’t be any airports in Scotland because they will be bombed by rUK, then we won’t have any friends in the world because friendship will be vetoed by the EU. In fact we will only be allowed to trade with the Faroes and Rockall.
Shoes?! We should be so lucky to have feet.
@Jeannie … “I’d be happy to accept payment in penny caramels“.

Rich git!
Or inches. They are Imperial measures and like pounds we won’t let you use them either
@Doug Daniel
I dunno Doug, my aim, post-independence, is to steal a march on those unfortunates having to use food as currency by making the best of Ian Smart’s ‘reversion to cannibalism in a separate Scotland’ scenario. It cuts out the middle man.
Jeannie – penny caramels will be renamed “thripenny bit caramels” or “bawbee caramels” in a separate Scotland, because we’re not allowed to use Sterling notation!
Training Day – hmmm, perhaps we’ll still have the pound in a separate Scotland… But it’ll be pounds of flesh rather than pounds of Sterling?
Currency will be in pounds of oats for the porridge-mooths!
Dr Johnson probably didn’t say that, but the sentiment was there … and still is.
Can you imagine having sex with both Ed Miliband and Ed Balls?
Well it seems the BBC’s economics editor Stephanie Flanders did!
How frightening is that sort of Better Togetherness?
link to dailymail.co.uk
@Max …
Just as we thought, Labour’s tentacles go all the way in the BBC! And here’s me thinking she was just a media whore.
You need new mates.
There would be food issues for sure. We couldnt eat it while being held over this latest barrel regards Renewable Energy ( todays scare story attempt). Its hard to eat upside down.
As we will lose the right to have a letter-box in an independent Scotland the ‘no stamps” scare is pretty pointless.
Could we have a ‘Scary tale of the Week’ award, please?
Forgot to add the border guards with their snarling attack dogs, and razor wire fences……scary stuff indeed.
It’s the pandas I worry about…
link to mirror.co.uk
TwitterTory britnat twat plays the sectarian card.
link to twitter.com
“We will be party to the European Convention on Human Rights – unlike the UK, who appear to want to remove this safety net. ”
ah but Jimbo, the UK does not want to be accused of human rights imperialism. At least, that was the defence when the UK was accused of mistreating Iraqis in detention in Basra
Here is an excerpt from Judge Giovanni Bonello’s decision ECHR 8 July 2011
“Human rights imperialism
37. I confess to be quite unimpressed by the pleadings of the United Kingdom Government to the effect that exporting the European Convention on Human Rights to Iraq would have amounted to “human rights imperialism”. It ill behoves a State that imposed its military imperialism over another sovereign State without the frailest imprimatur from the international community, to resent the charge of having exported human rights imperialism to the vanquished enemy. It is like wearing with conceit your badge of international law banditry, but then recoiling in shock at being suspected of human rights promotion. “
Well not both at once!
Hi Rev,
am I in moderation for a reason over on the ‘Loud and Clear’ thread?
“am I in moderation for a reason over on the ‘Loud and Clear’ thread?”
I’m not showing anything in the moderation queue. Will check spam.
EDIT: Nope, nothing there either.
@Mister Worf …

Aircraft carriers, or indeed the greatest militarised power in the world didn’t stop airliners crashing into skyscrapers on 9th September 2001, and their headquarters at the Pentagon. They are OFFENSIVE weapons designed to project power, not DEFENSIVE weapons designed to protect hundreds of dots spread out over hundreds of miles of sea and ocean, that’s what frigates are for. And the shiny bloody Typhoons should be patrolling the airspace, not on the ground waiting to be photographed by a very slow 1950s relic. You should know that being a Klingon
Scotland doesn’t need aircraft carriers, it needs air patrol and frigates like 98 per cent of other countries in NATO. If you want to do war, like war and especially far away war, then carriers is what you need, and because of that the carriers won’t be parked anywhere near your home country unless they need a refit. And if a carrier is in dock getting a refit then it’s a useless lump of metal until it’s sorted and some refits can take up to 18 months for carriers.
brilliant quote! Thanks.
I re posted it and it went up as normal. The original is still showing on my thread as in moderation. A mystery?
Thanks though.
“No shoe laces in an independent Scotland – it’ll be Velcro only since we are all ‘too stupid’”
fits velcro, like?
an kin ye tie it?
“I’d be happy to accept payment in penny caramels.”
Thats the union dividend fir ye ,
a mind when penny carmels wir a ha penny
an ye hid te pit them in yer back poaket an fa oan the kerb tae brak em cos they wir too big tae pit in yer gob
Oh dear.
Project Fear forgot to include the ultimate penis-extension: Trident and nuclear weapons!
Scotland won’t have those come independence, so North Korea will attack Scotland. Isn’t that what Dave Cameron told the Jocks?
“Currency will be in pounds of oats for the porridge-mooths!
Dr Johnson probably didn’t say that, but the sentiment was there … and still is.”
an jist fits wrang wi parrige exactly?
Venetian blinds banned in an independent Scotland. It’ll be curtains for us all.
Venetian blinds banned in an independent Scotland. It’ll be curtains for us all.
what? this is dreadful. were doomed I tell you doomed.
old mikey
You mean we’ll still have windows – gosh that is a relief.
Jeannie: So, “A penny for your thoughts” will still have meaning post-independence? i’m so glad. And tanner ba players? And my wife corners our car like the bend was a thrupenny bit. She fair shoogles round the curves.
old mikey”You mean we’ll still have windows – gosh that is a relief.”
which will be taxed,
to protect the wee birdies you understand
I’m having trouble sleeping worrying about this…………. When will our first born die & what have we done to defend against Locust’s?