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Wings Over Scotland

Everything what goes with chips

Posted on January 25, 2020 by

256 to “Everything what goes with chips”

  1. ephemeraldeception says:

    Very apt. Though they SPAM the same shit as well.

  2. Tom Kane says:

    He could have sketched that… It’s nearly him.

    And what a brilliant human being…

    His articles in the face of Blair and the whole of the UK establishment pressing the case for war in Iraq… Very brave, very funny, very humane.

    And as for the Life of Brian….

    I have had enough gammons and nuts on Question Time… that special is toxic.

  3. Morgatron says:

    To a T Mr C. Lovely Gammon . It now shall be referred to as Fiona Bruce’s Gammon Time.

  4. X_Sticks says:

    Another superb crafted cartoon from Mr Cairns.

    Sad loss. Another good guys gone, but what memories he leaves us all.

    Off to Inverness for a wee daunder roond the toon. Hope to see some of you there.

  5. Rob Crow says:

    A whole week without a post. Is this a first?

  6. kapelmeister says:

    Don’t forget, for QT editions north of the border it’s orange glazed gammon.

    Terry Jones comedy genius.

  7. Chris Cairns:- He’s a very naughty boy indeed.
    RIP the Jones Boy, and of course, Norma Tanega.

  8. Muscleguy says:

    Terry Jones was always the one to done a dress and a wig so very apt Mr Cairns. I expect Terry would have approved and appreciated the homage.

  9. Ruglonian says:

    Aww, RIP Mrs Pepperpot – expertly done Chris!

  10. Richardinho says:

    Has Stu given up writing articles now?

  11. Boudicca says:

    Boris is NOT the prime minister, he’s a very naughty boy!

  12. Republicofscotland says:

    Ha, ha Chris very funny.

    Get yourselves along to Inverness today, if you’re near it, there’s a indy march, called The Freedom March, headed up by SNP MP Ian Blackford, and the fabulous Soar Alba Pipes and Drums. It starts later on today.

  13. Breeks says:

    Richardinho says:
    25 January, 2020 at 9:49 am
    Has Stu given up writing articles now?

    He’s composing his 1st February Article, but writing it in blood using a quill, and then it needs sent to the underworld for proof reading.
    It all takes time if you want the vengeful curses to work properly.

    Chris Cairns on the other seems to use a quill that’s been sent to him by an angel. You’re a master in your trade Chris. We’re so lucky to have you.

  14. Breeks says:

    Oh yeah, and good luck Inverness. I have to work and cannot be there.

  15. Gary45% says:

    A fitting tribute Chris.
    Nice One.

  16. Republicofscotland says:

    So the two muppets that shouted abuse at the FM during FMQ’s have links to the UVF.

    Both men also have connections to (PUP) the Progressive Unionist party, the Scottish Defence league and theyve shared material with English Defence league founder Tommy Robinson.

    PUP’s leader said he’d robustly act against any attempt to silence their voice. Both men spoke to the Belfast News Letter on the incident.

    The PUP was formed in the 1970’s to act as the political arm of the UVF. Their main goal is to destroy the SNP.

    Courtsey of the National newspaper.

  17. Boudicca says:

    According to Indycar Gordon Ross the Swiss state Tv are to be at Inverness filming the March, spending 3 days in Scotland, and also broadcasting the event in France. All the best to everyone on the March.

  18. Jockanese Wind Talker says:


    “SNP and Labour blast Tories over drugs deaths summit called in London.”

    “The Scottish Government has accused the Tory administration in Westminster of hijacking its plans for a Scottish summit on the drug deaths crisis. Details for the crucial conference in Glasgow were originally unveiled by Holyrood – but a date of February 27 was announced by the UK Government after zero consultation with counterparts in Scotland.”

    link to

    Looks like the “Scotland Shite ‘cos EssEnnPeeBaaad” will now be preceded by “Nice UK fixing things for you Scotch because we all know…”

  19. dramfineday says:

    Excellent Chris!

  20. Republicofscotland says:

    Any one else noticed that Sky news now has a countdown clock in the top left hand corner until we exit the EU.

    English triumphalism on display for all to see.

  21. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    “So the two muppets that shouted abuse at the FM during FMQ’s have links to the UVF.”

    Wee Davie Torrance will be chuffed @Republicofscotland says at 10:24 am

    He has been all awfy excited about the Ulsterisation of Scottish Politics for some time!

    link to

    “The Progressive Unionist Party (PUP)…Linked to the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) and Red Hand Commando (RHC)…”

    “Since the Ulster Democratic Party’s dissolution in 2001, the PUP has been the sole party in Northern Ireland representing PARAMILITARY LOYALISM.”


  22. Clydebuilt says:

    whatabout the call to the barricades on pages 4 & 5 of Friday’s National.
    On page 5 Craig Dalzell “This is a game of perceptions and must be managed caefully – if we loose the support of the public we loose”

    Westminster will easily ensure support of the public is lost through the use of false flag activity.

  23. ahundredthidiot says:

    God’s a lucky chap – he now has Terry to make him laugh.

  24. Effijy says:

    I can’t help laughing at the Daily Hail
    They ran a 2 page spread about 3 record braking brothers
    Who rowed the Atlantic Ocean in what looked like a large
    Bath tub.
    You might know that they are SCOTTISH, but not if you read
    The article.

    Another feature on the journey was the lads playing musical instruments
    The Bagpipes their proudest melody are referred to a piped. (Less Scottish of course)

    The large picture of the boys on the jetty has 2 of them with a Saltire behind them
    So a small picture of their boat is used to cover up most of the flag.

    What a concentrated effort by the Union of Fascists to wipe away all thing Scottish and Socialist.

  25. ahundredthidiot says:


    False flag has been a concern of mine for a while, but here’s the problem. Back in the day (see Op Gladio) people were actually killed and maimed and I am not so sure that there is the stomach for that. Then there’s the actor/played out scene (and i am offering no examples of that), but Scotlands ‘machine’ is too tight to infiltrate as it’s well ahead of, and much smaller than, Englands.

    So, if it happens, it will be very difficult to deliver without the cork being blown off it. That said, vigilance is everything – the UK Regime is going to get desperate.

    So, any activity designed against us, may actually end up working to our advantage.

  26. Colin Alexander says:

    Scotland’s parliamentarians (MPs, MSPs and MEPs) reconvene the Parliament of Scotland ( POS) that exercised Scotland’s people’s common sovereignty.

    It announces: sovereignty over Scotland does not lie with the unelected Empress Elizabeth exercised through the unelected Lords and through the Commons where Scotland only elects 59 MPs.

    It sacks UK Parliament govt for Scotland as undemocratic and abusers of Scottish sovereignty using the Claim of Right 1689 sovereign powers.

    (Optional): POS revokes A50 for the Scotland part of the UK. As we are still the UK but the UK now has two parliaments exercising sovereignty for different parts of the UK.

    The POS does NOT declare independence. It announces the amended Union continues for the interim while the POS will attempt to negotiate a new union treaty in which Scotland’s POS exercises sovereignty for Scotland (but sovereignty lies with the people).

    Scotland then holds a referendum on independence v whatever has been negotiated as the terms of a new union treaty (if a new union treaty can be negotiated).

    Scotland’s people are given an opportunity to choose (new) union v independence.

    rUK would also have to vote for the terms of the new union or reject this completely.

    So, the terms of any union are made clear v independence.

    What independence means for Scotland should mainly be decided by elections and party manifestos AFTER a vote for indy.

  27. mike cassidy says:

    I’m sure Mr Jones would have been delighted by this subversion of the QT audience selection process.

    Especially the fact that the man was accused of being a BBC planted antigammon by a gammon who had to be told the man only got on QT by pretending to be a gammon.

    link to

    And can I be the first to say R I Fecking P, Terry Jones

  28. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    When thinking “False flag” I think more of The Miami Showband Massacre as opposed to “Op Gladio” @ahundredthidiot says at 11:07 am.

    link to

    Not Wikipedia calls it “The Miami Showband killings” as opposed to “massacre” but then wee Philip Cross does sanitise the Neo-Con Right Wing on there!

    Additionally The UK Government tried to get the UVF to assassinate Charles Haughey (Irish PM) in 1985 and offered to supply Foot and mouth disease or swine fever to ANYONE who would release it in the Irish Republic to destroy Eires economy.

    link to

    Anyone think Dominic Cummings, BoJo and the rest of the Neo-Fascist Tory Government we now have (and look like having for the next 10 years) wouldn’t do the same (or worse) to Scotland to keep a hold of our resources needs to have a word with themselves!

  29. kapelmeister says:

    The Lib Dems have taken a seat from Labour in a borough council by-election in the ultra-rock solid Labour territory of Brent in London. Just to give you the context of that result, in 2018 Labour easily won 60 of the 63 seats in Brent.

    If Labour are starting to lose in Brent then they really are sinking.

  30. Simon Curran says:

    Just back from the Post Office. Letters to Presidents of EU, expressing my sadness at leaving the EU, pointing out that voters in Scotland voted to remain and the democratic right to have a referendum and decide a nation’s destiny is being denied by a PM who was rejected by Scotland. Asked them to welcome Scotland back when she’s independent.
    Not a lot I can do as an individual but it’s something.

  31. crazycat says:

    @ kapelmeister

    the ultra-rock solid Labour territory of Brent in London

    It’s not that rock solid: link to

    (I think you’re right that Labour is sinking, though.)

  32. Dan says:


    I’m sure you’ll be aware but for others that may not be.
    Miami Showband Massacre is on Netflix, for some reason stuff like that isn’t on the BBC…

  33. robertknight says:

    Simon Curran…

    “Not a lot I can do as an individual but it’s something”

    Wear your opinion with pride!

    link to

  34. I remember the words of the old police sergeant in Hill Street Blues .,let’s get out there and do it to them before they do it to us

  35. kapelmeister says:


    Yes, but in the ward in question, Alperton, Labour got 55% of the vote in 2018. They only got 30% in the by-election.

  36. Phronesis says:

    Scotland is another country that has consistently voted not to be the worst at upholding human rights, environmental or economic justice and voted to be the best it can be for all her citizens.Scotland , the country, also voted to remain in Europe protect its institutions and avoid the worst outcomes of Brexit.

    ‘The rivers in Europe are failing water quality tests, with England’s among the worst, according to a new report. English rivers, lakes and estuaries, did not stand up well to scrutiny from the European Environmental Agency (EEA)’

    ‘Climate change is making extreme rainfall more common, while more homes are still being built on floodplains. The result? Even worse flooding in the future’

    link to

    ‘the report also found that England has three times more low-skilled people among those aged 16-19 than the best-performing countries like Finland, Japan, Korea and the Netherlands. One in ten of all English university graduates have low literacy and numeracy skills’

    link to

    ‘A&E waiting times are at their worst on record as the NHS comes under intense pressure before what doctors and hospital bosses fear will be a very tough winter for the service.
    Less than three-quarters (74.5%) of people who sought care at A&E unit in England in October were treated and then discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours ‘

    link to

    ‘It was the stinging criticism of HMP Liverpool by the chief inspector of prisons that pushed the Dutch court to refuse extradition. It was the worst prison they had inspected – filthy, squalid and with little control over the violence that ruled it. The situation is so serious that the justice committee has discussed the issue in parliament. There is a list of matters that need to be resolved but little progress has been made; violence persists and guards have threatened to strike’

    link to

    ‘Bethnal Green and Bow has topped a list of the worst areas for child poverty in the UK, with over 54 per cent of families in the constituency living on less than £248 a week’

    link to

    ‘Analysis of data from the Millennium Cohort Study in 2012 found children in the lowest income quintile to be 4.5 times more likely to experience severe mental health problems than those in the highest,371 suggesting that the income gradient in young people’s mental health has worsened considerably over the past decade.’

    link to

    ‘Having increased steadily since 2002, the number of people in need of help peaked after the financial crisis and has shown a slight decline since 2012, however, in 2018, 1,114,477 people remained on council waiting lists… The worst is County Durham, where social housing stock has declined by 83.4% in the last six years. The London Borough of Redbridge is home to the second-biggest decline and the largest in London, down 37.9%. Forest Heath (-24.7%) and Wokingham (-24.4%) have also seen a decline of nearly 25%.’

    link to

    ‘The UK state pension is the worst in the developed world, according to data from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’

    link to

    Regional inequality in the UK has become the worst of any comparable developed country and is growing, a left-leaning think-tank has concluded in its annual State of the North report.

    link to

    ‘all cases Brexit leaves the UK worse off economically than remaining in the EU. The worst-case scenario is a Brexit on WTO terms, which is estimated to reduce income per capita by up to 8.1 per cent’

    link to

    ‘ There are literally no upsides….The trend in the global industry is towards alignment, because everyone wants the same things – a safe product, with fuel efficiency, which is clean and quiet and cheap to run, and which can be traded in a complex supply chain with a minimum of friction… The worst bit is yet to come, I’m afraid. It’s called rules of origin and it is horrible. It’s a kind of bureaucracy that kicks in when you have a trade agreement… Well there’s a cruel irony to the effects of a hard Brexit: It won’t really hurt Remain-voting areas but it’s likely to seriously damage Brexit-supporting areas’

    link to

    ‘The Saudi-led coalition has continued to wage its campaign against Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, resulting in heavy civilian casualties. In June 2018, the coalition launched a major offensive to retake the coastal region of Hodeida, further worsening the humanitarian crisis’

    link to

    ‘As a party to the armed conflict in Yemen, the US provided logistical and intelligence support to Saudi-led coalition forces, including refueling coalition planes on missions in Yemen. In March, the US State Department approved a $1 billion new arms sale to Saudi Arabia, which included $670 million for anti-missile tanks, $106 million for helicopter maintenance, and $300 million for spare parts for military vehicles.
    The UK government continued to back the Saudi-led coalition in 2018 and has allowed the sale of £4.6 billion ($5.9 billion) of military equipment to Saudi Arabia since the beginning of the armed conflict’

    link to

    ‘What is rarely discussed, or even widely known among the general public, is how vulnerable our global climate system and the wider environment would be to the use of even what are considered small nuclear arsenals, or how vulnerable human society across the globe is to such effects… The threat from nuclear weapons does not just arise from their intentional use – but also from numerous potential accident scenarios. Considering the UK Trident system, the worst case scenario is the risk of accidental missile launch at sea arising, for example, from the possibility of a mistaken or hacked communication with a submarine, miscalculation by military command in a time of tension or a severe system failure’

    link to

  37. cctxt says:

    Is there a live feed from Inverness today ?

  38. Dan says:

    Ignorance is a preference for the habitual numpties indulging in BBC content. Porklife!

  39. crazycat says:

    @ kapelmeister

    Fair enough.

    The Kilburn Times has this to say about it:

    Chetan Harpale, who has been suspended from the Labour Party came second with 1,304, and the Conservatives third with 373.

    The seat was made vacant by the resignation and suspension from the Labour Party of James Allie.

    so there do seem to be local factors – but Labour can’t take any comfort from that.

  40. Mike d says:

    Kapelmeister 11.45 am.I think ian murray will have something to say about

  41. Stoker says:

    Richardinho wrote on 25 January, 2020 at 9:49 am:

    “Has Stu given up writing articles now?”

    Of course he hasn’t. Apart from running this blog and other possible work related issues he also has a Twitter account to manage and private life to live.

    Oh! And there’s the small matter of writing & developing the next ‘Wee Book’ which, if the SNP are to be believed, will be needed for circulation sometime very soon.

    And who knows, he could be working on plans for developing his idea of a ‘List Vote Party’ for 2021. One never knows what he’s up to but he’ll be up to something.

    We are always telling him to take a break and come back fighting fit & fresh. Maybe he’s decided to do just that?

    Time will tell. 😉

  42. Ottomanboi says:

    On the subject of chips or looking as cheap as chips check this out.
    link to
    Vision? Design and build ‘architecture’ looking so tired and dated, modelled on ‘improvement’ scheme in Southampton.
    So it’s true, developers and functionaries possess no aesthetic sensibilities.
    Any ideas for the derelict Mackintosh building guys? Notre Dame? Palmyra?

  43. Jack Murphy says:

    cctxt asked at 12:54 pm

    “Is there a live feed from Inverness today ?”

    Here’s a Live Feed:

    link to

    Hope it ‘s still working.

  44. Ottomanboi says:

    Would you wrap your chips in this?
    link to
    The ‘editor at large’ of BILD, Germany’s equivalent of The Sun.
    Schoenburg avoided going to Scotland. Plainly didn’t fit the quasi-Faragist narrative.
    Niall Ferguson…..eminent?

  45. Ian Foulds says:

    Robert Knight at 12.17

    You wouldn’t happen to know where one might either of the following in sheet format and therefore small sizes?

    I am trying to introduce my form of civil disobedience on various documentation.

    Otherwise I shall have to use the car sticker!

    Thanks in advance.

    link to

    link to

  46. manandboy says:

    Considering that upon Scottish Independence, the UK will be no more, which will leave Wales and NE Ireland in a bit of a quandry. It may also give the appearance that Scotland doesn’t care that much for its Celtic Cousins who have already engaged with Scotland seeking a closer relationship.

    It is not impossible that the creation of four independent countries from the present UK arrangement could be accomplished in one go.
    In at least one way it would be an attractive proposition in so far as gaining independence separately and at different times would appear more difficult. An Independence Alliance on the other hand would in theory appear a little easier to achieve, and, would be politically much tidier. UK into 4 separate countries in one fell swoop!

    No harm in dreaming!

  47. robertknight says:

    Ian Foulds…

    Can only find these I’m afraid…

    link to

    link to

  48. Gary45% says:

    Thanks to everyone who made the trip up to “Gods Country” dry but very windy, had a wee laugh at “King Billy No Mates” on the other side of the River Ness near the end.
    When driving up from the central belt it does seem like its 100 miles past the end of the world, but when you get here its all worth while.
    Nice One.

  49. Abulhaq says:

    link to
    The English language is not just a communications medium it is the official language of colonialism and neo-colonialism. Through ‘entertainment’, social media and global capitalism it subverts.
    Far from being the World’s lingua franca it has become the tongue of élites who promote it as a vehicle of ‘progress’.
    Over the centuries Scots and Gaelic speakers have experienced such ‘progress’, the sort of progress which robs people and nations of their ancient heritage in pursuit of a suit of ‘king’s new clothes’.
    I prefer multilingual to bilingual. The more ‘perspectives’ the better. All eggs in one basket, is certainly not desirable.
    In my country, please speak my language….arigatô gozaimasu.

  50. CameronB Brodie says:

    We’d be much further down the road we’re currently traveling, if it wasn’t for subversives like Terry Jone, RIP.

    And now for something completely different. I would being doing TJ a dis-service, if I didn’t spam the post-topic with a bit of scientific realism. As we should all know by now, there are ways of telling if she is a witch. 😉

    Cultural Differences in Humor Perception,
    Usage, and Implications

    link to

  51. CameronB Brodie says:

    One factor of cultural psychology that works in our favour, is yoon personalities tend to lack a sense of humour. Or at least one that does not involve undermining or excluding the Other. If you want to return to the days of Alf Garnet, then turn your back on the EU and bow down to English cultural exceptionalism and political authoritarianism.

    Comedy and distinction: the cultural currency
    of a ‘good’ sense of humour

  52. Dan says:

    …Storms in and grabs record player before HYUFD turns up with their solitary scratched record again…

    For those that missed the exercise of the Inverness march.
    Have a bop around to more upbeat tuneage by The Interrupters from Hellcat Records.

    Wonder if oor top cats will fight like a Title Holder

    link to

  53. You need to have a sense of humour when contacting one of these union branches,coming in three colours,a thugs division English League, National Front,U.K.IP, British National Party with Nazi salutes,or further back in time 1600,s Orange Lodge,needed for your religious soul.Boris Johnson leading these brainwashed parasites to the promised land,if things do not go well even becoming the 51st state of the U.S.A there is always a haven to escape to,hopefully shark infested Your name is not Eddy 1st,sod the hammers.!!.

  54. kapelmeister says:

    “Happy Burns Night” tweets Johnson. With pics from what was presumably the Downing Street Burns Supper. Including one with the clown sporting a tartan tie. As if that will placate Scotland.

  55. Dan says:

    From 2015

    “Burns nicht we raise a wee libation
    Tae folk wha voted gainst being a nation
    Instead we bend in single file
    For a pack o sleekit paedophiles”

    link to

  56. Republicofscotland says:

    Unionist STV news claiming 8000 folk at Inverness march today, some marchers came from as far away as the Borders, said a spokesman for the march.

  57. Colin Alexander says:

    A Man’s a Man For A’ That

    Performed by the Macalmans

  58. Colin Alexander says:

    Dougie MacLean and friends, Caledonia

  59. Ottomanboi says:

    link to
    Anybody recollect this bunch of limp wristed losers?

  60. Bill McLean says:

    Abulhaq at 0439pm – never imagined for a moment you were Japanese? Mind you all are welcome in our cause!

  61. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Enjoyed the march today. As Gary 45 says thanks to all who made the journey.

    Again a bunch of nice folk in a very nice city.

    Nice to see a small group of bigots with the uj being waved, shouting abuse but they don’t know why.

    Spoke to a Swiss National and a German National they both now live in Scotland I thanked them for making the effort.

    They said its for their future and the future of their children. Damn right that is it exactly.

    Not sure what the total numbers were it’s almost impossible to estimate. I can say this though as the march crossed the river the crowd was as far ahead on the north bank as you could see and stretched back into Inverness centre behind us as far as you could see.

    Considering the location and population an excellent turnout

  62. Socrates MacSporran says:

    BBC National news at lunchtime, quite a big piece about Combat Stress seeing its income drop by £6 million this year and the loss of guaranteed support from NHS England, so they could not accept new referals.

    The story, however, stressed that NHS Scotland had guaranteed to continue supporting their work and had a budget for this.

    BBC News at tea time – same story, except, the line about NHS Scotland guaranteeing to continue to support and fund this work was mysteriously dropped.

    The good old, honest and fair BBC.

  63. Simon Curran says:

    Socrates MacSporran@7.25
    Thanks for drawing attention to that. I’m fed up of Johnson and his cronies making cheap jibes about Nicola needing to get with the day job when there’s a scandal each week in NHS England, when hate crime and knife crime are at record levels and schools struggle to recruit staff.

  64. Dorothy Devine says:

    Something came up on my MSM news about injury to police on march – the photo from the Scotsman had only union flag wavers.

    Clicked on it , worried that it might be Inverness and it wasn’t , it was the Bloody Sunday march in Glasgow.

  65. ahundredthidiot says:

    I don’t get to tell Rev Stu what to do…….but if I did, I would suggest that the Wings Party for 2021 (let’s hope it’s not needed) have but one qualifying criteria for those chosen for the List and it be this;

    You have to be able to look the Rev in the eye and tell him that you’ve taken ginger bottles back to the van.

    Nae ginger bottle taking back, and yer oot!

    Think BoJo taken ginger bottles back? has he fuckity, not Broon, Cameron, Blair, Thatcher, Dewar, none of them.

  66. terence callachan says:

    Phronesis 1251 hrs…..we’ll done

    It’s fantastic to see the list of English failings
    England are always saying how bad Scotland is and most of what they say is not true and the rest exaggerated

  67. Dan says:

    You made the profits so clean up your mess ya UKunts!

    link to

  68. Sarah says:

    Inverness Freedom march was the usual pleasant stroll – you catch someone’s eye and know they are a friend.

    As already said, the high street was full when the head of the march was already across the river and well along the other bank.

    Ian Blackford gave a short speech – being half deaf I could have got it wrong but I thought he said there will be a referendum in 2020. My husband thinks he said that he would tell Johnson there will be a referendum this year. Which isn’t quite the same thing!

  69. Ian Brotherhood says:

    What’s everyone doing next Friday evening?

    I can’t make the Edinburgh vigil. I’ll be here, drinking cans and eating nuts.

    Anyone fancy having a wee virtual get-the-gither here to keep each other buoyed up as the hour of withdrawal approaches?

    Like it or not, it’s a historical moment. A lot of us have become friends over the past few years – some of us will manage to meet up but most won’t, and this is the closest we have to a venue.


  70. Derek Rogers says:


    Just used my Wings multi-tool can-opener to open my tin of Ayrshire haggis. Happy combination! Enjoy your Burns Night, BoJo.

  71. Sarah says:

    Re Inverness march, I forgot to say that it was a great disappointment [not] seeing only a small group of UJ wavers – less than 10? All except one of the UJs were small handheld types. They said very little – no megaphone or shouting. Manky shirt absent.

    Though there was a sole chap across the river later on with a UJ, as Jason Smoothpiece above mentions. Oddly he was wearing a kilt. House Jock, clearly.

  72. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    ”What’s everyone doing next Friday evening?”

    Do you not fancy squatting at Balmoral? @ Ian Brotherhood says at 9:54 pm


  73. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    “You made the profits so clean up your mess ya UKunts!” @ Dan says at 9:09 pm

    Exactly and I suspect their Licences to extract will include a caveat that they return all to the way it was before they started AT THEIR EXPENSE., NOT the taxpayers!!

  74. Del G says:

    Chips with that? I think they missed the most important question, one that divides Scotland down the middle. Chippie sauce or vinegar?

  75. Dan says:


    Re. Oil rig / field / pipeline infrastructure decommissioning.

    The other day I was speaking to a bright young lad that is involved with this.
    It’s a pretty big deal sorting this legacy stuff out and he seemed to elude that big corporate company power had influence in getting what they want rather than what would be best for the environment.

    A good while back I worked on a couple of smaller oil platform jacket removal projects, where the seabed was to be cleared of all structures.

    IIRC that was in the Dutch sector of North Sea. It was so shallow, only 30m or so, that the sonar didn’t really work properly as it was picking up surface reflections from the boat and large barge with heavy lift crane we were working from.

    And also with it being so shallow it meant the current was pretty strong so visibility was difficult as the sand and sediment made the seawater cloudy so at times you could barely see a few meters in front of you.
    With the ROV we took final sonar sweep surveys and video evidence of the designated area to log that the work had been completed successfully.
    TBH because of the conditions both the sonar sweep imagery and video footage was shit, but the overall work was passed by the various representatives of those involved in the project.

    Was also involved in putting some of the very first subsea engineering onto the seabed West of Shetland.
    The big structures can be designed and engineered to be constructed at great depths, so no real reason why it can’t be recovered at end of life should the will be there.

    I guess it could well be some of the early stuff in the pioneering days of the oil industry never really considered the decommissioning and environmental aspects so that is why it may involve more difficulty and costs to clear seabed at end of project.

  76. Gary45% says:

    Del G@11.24
    Depends on how many pints you have consumed?
    Curry Sauce.

  77. Katie says:

    Del G, I think here in Fife we are excluded for the salt n sauce /salt n vinegar divide. At the chippy we simply say, “fish supper with everything!”. Happy Burns Night everyone!!

  78. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    In Dundee, you get your chipper with salt and/or vinegar.
    Any other condiments are added at home. We’re not a nanny state… Yet…

    BTW: Chris: as I typed last week, your caricature talents are developing in a somewhat awesome direction.

  79. John D says:

    C’mon. Since when have pirates, the precedents of profiteers, ever made or even considered recompense for their actions? Never have and never will they do so.
    In these neofeudal times we will only witness their absolute disregard for the harm they reek upon all that don’t share the immediate rewards they seek.
    A handful of companies and investment funds globally orchestrate our situation. The individuals involved number in the hundreds or few thousands at most.
    We should accept our position and roll in their game. There is no reasoning or negotiations available. They believe they have prepared for the culling of billions of people.
    Constructions like the London Crossrail , built at a cost of billions, is only a bunker for those that matter as and when needed.
    Or maybe not

  80. Robert Louis says:


    Just seen this piece in ‘The National’ Scottish newspaper, and was astonished. I just was not aware of the link between Dylan and (Especially via Robert Hunter) Burns.

    link to

    This kind of thing is so important and why The National is such a great newspaper.

  81. Meindevon says:

    Completely OT reply to RL.

    Visited, well took a photo, of Dylan’s birthplace house in Duluth MN last year. And re the National article, I also have a photo of myself next to the statue of Rabbie Burns in Central Park.

    Staying off topic I’m not in Devon today as up in Paisley go to the Aberdeen match. Sorry Rev but COYS.

  82. mike cassidy says:

    Frankie Boyle.

    The true meaning of Burns.

    link to

  83. Breeks says:

    Sunday shop done. I now have milk in my fridge that has a longer lifespan than my European Citizenship. If ever there was more poignancy behind a “best before” date, then I struggle to conceive of it.

    I also have yogurt in my fridge with more life in it than our Scottish Government. I think we’ve made a terrible misjudgement Scotland. We’ve delegated an existential Sovereign National Emergency to a humble and unambitious Parish Council.

    We need bold and gritty Constitutional Champions announcing cast iron ultimatums and immoveable deadlines, but instead, as the unconstitutional bombs of colonialism start falling, we’re organising fair weather Fêtes and petition signings, and putting rosettes on prize winning jam tomorrow. We’re not aiming for National Sovereignty, we’re just gonna settle for “best in show”. That’ll teach them!

    I’m not going to Edinburgh on 31st. My black rage would imperil those around me, and my flaming torch and pitchfork might poke someone’s eye out. I’m a bad sport you see, and really handle surrender and capitulation very badly.

    Rest in Peace Scotland. May your chains sit lightly upon you.

  84. Colin Alexander says:

    I have been given a preview of FM Nicola Sturgeon’s update for Wednesday. It is expected the FM will announce a major constitutional shake-up for Scotland and the UK Union. The text of the FM’s speech is expected to say:

    “…I’m sure I don’t have to advise you of the momentous events which the people of Scotland have been forced to endure over the last three years, such as the people of Scotland being denied democracy and their sovereign democratic will and indeed their sovereignty being shamefully ignored by the UK State.

    However, I am not here to talk about past events, I will get straight to the point and give you an update as promised:

    Following talks with Scotland’s fellow parliamentarians and having taking legal advice from the Lord Advocate, I can announce:

    The Parliament of Scotland has been reconvened. As First Minister, I had invited the majority of Scotland’s MPs, MSPs and MEPs, as the democratically elected representatives of the people, to sit in the reconvened Parliament to represent and act on behalf of the people and nation of Scotland.

    The Parliament of Scotland shall henceforth represent and exercise the immutable power of the people of Scotland’s sovereignty.

    The Parliament will seek talks with the Government of the United Kingdom and will inform them that UK Parliament is no longer recognised as exercising sovereignty over Scotland. The Parliament will also inform the EU of this constitutional change and seek urgent talks with EU officials.

    There will be further updates in the following days.

    Thank you for your time”.

    (Then I awakened). Feart to say “woke” up, in case Stu bans me.

  85. Breeks says:

    link to

    There it is then… Westminster’s bid for Sovereign recognition.

    If only someone else had thought it was important….

  86. Breeks says:

    And by the way, that’s in the EU Withdrawal Agreement, so Europe will be recognising the assertion…

  87. manandboy says:


    link to

    To feel the weight of the error of the UK leaving the European Union, this article in the Guardian by Toby Helm is a must read. (Toby Helm has reported on Brussels for 30 years).

    Brexit is the economic/political equivalent of detonating a suicide vest.

  88. mike cassidy says:


    But very Scottish.

    Where else are you going to warm up for a big American tour?

    link to

    link to

    And to think I went to Aldi’s that day!

  89. Dan says:

    Armageddon in the borders area narrowly avoided as shopkeeper makes the wise decision not to give Breeks a new 50p Brexit coin in the change.

    Wonder how long the EU will manage to maintain future trade negotiation talks with UK Government.

    If folk thought the past few years were bad, it’s just about time for proper superbadness to kick in now.
    Unless of course there is “a plan” and we jump in the shiny new lifeboat named Multiple Mandates to escape the ongoing disaster, there’s gotta be “a plan” right?

  90. mike cassidy says:

    In case you were still wondering how Labour did so badly.

    link to

  91. Dan says:

    David Attenborough has been commissioned to produce a series of programmes looking at a newly isolated group of 65 million island dwellers, and how they attempt to survive in extreme and hostile conditions they created for themselves having made the choice to stop collaborating with their European neighbours.

    It’s to be called “Life on Earth”, but the “Earth” in this instance refers to the soil the people now spend most of their time on attempting to grow, or foraging for food seeing as the island overall has a poor resource to population ratio and previously imported food to survive.

    “It will be great entertaining viewing” and “It’ll be just like watching a large scale version of the nutters in the Big Brother house”, said everyone from anywhere else on the planet when asked what they thought of the idea.

  92. Republicofscotland says:

    “UK’s longest serving MEP says right to indyref2 is ‘now almost unquestionable’

    link to

  93. Colin Alexander says:

    Nicola Sturgeon, a woman of many fine qualities such as compassion and concern for the poor and downtrodden. A champion of equality.

    A good, competent administrator of the devolution limited democracy government for Scotland allowed by the authority of Westminster.

    An extremely good orator and representative of the SNP and Scot Govt in political debates.

    But, perhaps despite not being the tallest, and to prove size isn’t everything: she is head and shoulders above anyone else in Scotland in one attribute: the greatest cringer in Scotland.

    Scotland’s people are sovereign: but can only act with England’s permission.
    As cringes go, ye cannae beat it.

    No even David Mundell or Ruth Davidson ever came close to that.

    It’s better than ANYTHING the Monty Python team ever came up with regarding irony and satire.

    Unless you want to prove me wrong on Wednesday, Nicola?

    Nicola Sturgeon, I salute you: Scotland’s Greatest Ever Cringer.

  94. Republicofscotland says:

    George(No independence for Scotland) Galloway threatens to return to Scotland. Presumably to spout anti-independence guff.

    Don’t bother George.

    link to

  95. Sharny Dubs says:

    I just read about the Scottish government policy and guidelines regarding gender self recognition in our schools, where children can self recognise (even encouraged to!) without the approval or knowledge of their parents.

    Is this the government that is going to lead us to independence??

    Words fail me, I have not the heart.

  96. Breeks says:

    Nothing changes.

    link to

    Posted without further comment.

  97. Sinky says:

    Strange but not surprising that Prof Dandruff failed to mention the Progress Scotland Opinion Poll on Politics Scotland this morning and not referred to by Gordon Brewer.

    progressscotland (@progressscot) tweeted at 8:55 am on Sun, Jan 26, 2020:
    New Poll: Which parliament should ultimately decide on the holding of a future Scottish independence referendum?
    •Holyrood: 61% •Westminster: 39%

  98. Scozzie says:

    Everything seems strangely quiet here on Wings. 5 days from leaving the EU, are people just resigned to leaving the EU? Are people just meekly accepting it?
    I would have thought there would be a flurry of posts about what the independence movement might do next?
    I hear of a vigil at Holyrood, but that seems like we’re mourning something (and I get that it is something that should be mourned).. But mourning seems like quiet acceptance.
    Where is our fire in our belly?

  99. HYUFD says:

    Sinky That same poll had only 50% of Scots(including Don’t Knows) saying Holyrood should decide when to call any indyref2, even if Nationalists win a majority at the 2021 Holyrood elections

  100. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Breeks (11.49) –

    Cheers for posting that, first time I’ve seen it. Quite moving really, and Caine’s Scottish accent is pretty good!


  101. Katie says:

    So what’s the score on the rally outside Hollyrood on Brexit day?

  102. kapelmeister says:

    Five weeks ago Scotland voted in pro-EU people to 53 of our 59 Westminster seats. Reinforcing the 62% Remain choice Scots made in 2016.

    Our majority decisions are being ignored by a government of mental sadists, more right wing than Thatcher’s and matching the Trump administration for xenophobia.

    Scotland in the union can expect no respite from this new brand of vicious, populist Toryism. It’s a sobering thought that 7 out of the last 8 Labour leaders never won a general election. Smith of course didn’t get the chance, but Callaghan, Foot, Kinnock, Brown, Miliband & Corbyn managed to lose 8 elections between them and to win not a single one. The only ‘winner’ being the loser Blair who created that catastrophe of an illegal war.

    Labour’s losing trend will more than likely continue. Stary Starmer, Longshot-Bailey and Lisa Nazy are the best they have to offer. Johnny Vegas has as much chance of becoming Prime Minister than any of that trio of tripe.

    As for the Liberal Democrats ever ousting the Tories. A new geological age will have succeeded the anthropocene before those duffers get into office.

    Independence is the one and only alternative Scotland has to the anti-Scot bigotry of Johnson & Co.

  103. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sharny Dubs
    “Is this the government that is going to lead us to independence??”

    No, because they neither understand or respect the law, and appear not to understand the importance of legal identity. The FM personality is also the sort that seeks out consensus and mutual agreement. Not the sort of personality that is suited to fighting open English fascism.

  104. Colin Alexander says:


    Mostly SNP faithful. Told for years: SNP is the only way. Hero-worshippers of Sturgeon and the SNP politicians.

    The penny is dropping about the Sturgeon SNP. That she’s a servant of the UK state, aye one that she believes in independence. But foremost she’s a servant, not a revolutionary.

    But indy requires a rebellion. Defiance. The courage to say NO! to the UK State aka the Kingdom of England’s British Empire.

    It takes time to deal with the realisation that Sturgeon isn’t the kind of person who will do that.

    For all her many qualities and intelligence she’s no Joan of Arc. I think the SNP faithful are still digesting this.

    Disbelief and dismay will hopefully lead to channelled anger and non-violent assertion of Scottish sovereignty by the people.

    If Nicola cannot show leadership and fight on Wednesday, she should step down and so should her puppet government.

    Scotland needs a real leader, no another Toom Tabard in skirt suits.

  105. auld highlander says:

    The inscription on the new 50p coin….

    “Peace prosperity and friendship with all nations.”

    Aye right.

  106. CameronB Brodie says:

    P.S. The dead give-away that this isn’t the government to liberate Scotland. They feel bound by British constitutional convention. Even the queen isn’t that naive.

  107. Scozzie says:

    Folks, if you’re waiting for a Gandhi or Martin Luther King speech on Wednesday, you’re in for a long wait. Please use these next days constructively to organise something – anything!
    NS is not going to tell you what you want to hear. There will be no assertion of sovereignty. There will be no throwing the WM rule book out. At best there will be a lame ‘let’s take this to the courts and see it drudge along for a few years’.

    Please start forcing the hand of the SNP to act. Alternatively, get organised to develop a true independence political party.

    It took one person to spark the US Civil Rights movement – surely a movement as large as the YES movement can do something? Or can all we do is march along city streets?

    It seems to me we need to shout load and hard to the SNP to take swift action to assert out our rights. All focus should now be on protesting at Holyrood to assets our rights.

    The SNP will need to be taken kicking and screaming to doing what the poeple voted for them to do – hold them to account.

  108. sassenach says:

    auld highlander

    “Peace prosperity and friendship with all nations, except Scotland”.

    There, fixed it for you!

  109. Col.Blimp IV says:


    None needed.


  110. Robert Louis says:

    Colin Alexander at 0947am

    If that happened, I’d celebrate long and hard. But it won’t, as the current Scottish Government leadership is run by cowards and fearties, the likes of which got Scotland into this cursed union with England in the first place.

    Since 2016 they have had chance after chance after chance to put up a fight, and have run away instead, whilst muttering about how awful it all is. Golden opportunity after golden oportunity wasted, over and over and over again. Mandates won and squandered.

    No, I fully expect the FM to announce that she wants folk to start campaigning and preparing to create an unstoppable force to demand the end of the union independence permission by England to hold a referendum, sometime in the future, or something, maybe. She will tell us, that De pfeffle’s stance, is ‘unsustainable’.

    Meanwhile, in a simulataneous statement, De pfeffle will announce the ‘prorogation’ of the Scottish Parliament, with its responsibilities now being handled by the Tory Secretary of State against Scotland.

    The SNP leadership are way, way, way behind the curve. Still wittering on about section 30 and referenda and getting new mandates. Here’s the reality, De pfeffle could not give a flying f*** how many freaking mandates or petitions Scotland has. Anybody with half a brain can see that.

    The fact that the SNP are still behaving according to the ‘old order’, and ways, shows quite clearly that they have no freaking idea of just what De pfeffle and his coterie of lying English racist Tories will do.

    But, but, but, the SNP leadership will whine ‘oh they shouldn’t close the Scottish parliament, they have no right to do so’. Indeed, but that no longer matters, they will do it anyway.

    WHAT ARE YOU NS, GOING TO DO ABOUT IT, is a much more pertinent question. The answer? Nothing.

    And, if so then NS must go, and allow somebody with a bit of fight in them to be Scotland’s champion.

  111. Robert Louis says:

    Is it not quite telling that given the momentous nature of brexit for England, that no politicians are on the telly bragging about the great new things that will come from it. Instead, the best they can do is talk of how they will manage difficulties.

    Just ridiculous. Scotland needs out of this sick, brexit joke. We canot afford to allow England to forcibly strip Scots of their citizenship against their wishes.

  112. CameronB Brodie says:

    Of course, it would help if Scotland actually had some judges who understood the “Law of Persons” and so, subsequently, were in a position to respect the principle of universal human rights.

    The Law of Persons


    The Roman law of persons is defined as the body of rules concerned with the legal position of the human person (persona) comprising their rights, capacities and duties. It pertained to the various aspects of a persons status (status or condicio) as an individual, as a member of the community and as a member of a family hence it includes the law of marriage and family relations.

    Although the concept of persona underwent a long process of evolution, it has meant simply human being(homo) since the classical period. Hence even slaves (servi) were considered persons, despite the fact that in modern legal doctrine a slave was a legal object of rights and duties whereas a free person was a legal subject or a holder of rights and duties.

    Although Roman law also recognized non-human subjects of rights and duties, such as private corporations and public enterprises (labelled in contemporary law as juristic persons), these entities were not considered persons for the reason that in the eyes of the law only the natural person was a persona.

    Legal Capacity Roman History Free Person Republican Period Roman Citizen

    link to

  113. Robert Louis says:

    I’ve seen one of the new 50p brexit coins and can assure you that what it actually says is ‘peace, prosperity and f*** the Scots’.

  114. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’ve been out the game for almost thirty years, so what sort of cretins does Scotland allow to dispense justice? Or are they fully competent but their judgement biased by cultural misogyny? I’d put my money on the latter.

    The law of persons today: at the margins of jurisprudence
    link to

  115. Breeks says:

    From Revs Twitter…
    BBC Andrew Kerr
    · 3h
    .@Ianblackford_MP confirms on Politics Scotland that @NicolaSturgeon will give independence update on Wednesday. He’s speaking about embarking on a broad-based campaign to mobilise public opinion for a second indyref. Talks about engaging with civic Scotland and EU ambassadors.

    Do we actually have to fight to rid ourselves of the SNP in order to rid ourselves of Brexit, in order rid ourselves of Westminster?

    You wait 300 years for a revolution, then three come along at once.

  116. galamcennalath says:

    Whatever expectations for 2020 we had, anyone had, I suspect the Wuhan virus will completely disrupt.

    All the indications are this virus spreads easily, is contagious before symptoms appear, has an incubation period of up to two weeks, and kills a lot of people who contract it. I can’t help but feel the world might be in line for a 1918 Spanish Flu event, or worse. I hope not, but the signs are bad.

    So, AUOB marches, conferences, street stalls, campaigning, an IndyRef2, in the midst of pandemic? Nae chance. Constitutional issues won’t (and shouldn’t) be foremost in folks thinking.

    Trade talks? If Boris had any sense ( which he doesn’t ) he’d cancel Brexit before Friday!

    Grim times ahead, I genuinely fear.

  117. CameronB Brodie says:

    Scotland seriously needs to get a grip of its politicians and judges, as we appear to be under a two-pronged attack aimed at undermining the potential for open government in Scotland. Or perhaps its just an unfortunate coincidence. Anyway, both Brexit and the introduction of gender-ideology require an anti-foundationalist view of the law, which is the exact conditions required for a state of totalitarianism.

    link to

  118. Dan says:

    Would have thought if a large flu event actually happened it would generally take out the older in society.
    The very demographic that tended to Vote No and locked us into this shit state of affairs… Hmm, just sayin’.

    There’s gotta be a #WuhanClan joke in there somewhere.

  119. I heard Farage on lbc today talking to Scott from Ayrshire they were talking about the lies that the remain side put out about leaving the EU. Then Scott mentioned the lies in the Scottish Ref., Farage could not get him off quick enough Farage wants Britain to make its own laws etc., not to be ruled by people they did not elect but it seems it’s alright for that to happen to Scotland ??? As I have said before Freedom is a noble thing until it’s Scotland

  120. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    “Please use these next days constructively to organise something – anything!”

    Aye, @Scozzie says at 1:38 pm 100% correct.

    Hoping Aye Aberdeen (or even the SSP) will organise a protest outside Balmoral on Saturday the 1st to highlight QE of Scots failure to carryout her ONLY obligation.

    “The key passage of the Declaration of Arbroath is the one that contends that the King of Scotland and his successors are king by contract with the sovereign people, and if the crown does not serve the people it can be removed by the will of the people.”

    link to

  121. Ottomanboi says:

    View from Chatham House.
    link to
    Deadline 2021? Enough time to choose and prepare the ground for the battle.

  122. Dan says:

    Jist imagine oor Sovereignty had as much protection as beavers.
    One can dream… “The European Scot is to be given protected status and will be added to the list of European Protected Species of Animals, protected by Scottish law”.

    link to

  123. CameronB Brodie says:

    Scotland’s government and judiciary appear not to respect the international rule-of-law. Westminster certainly doesn’t, or else the Prime minister and the head of state would not have shown a complete disregard of constitutional obligations set out in the Treaty of Union.

    Legal Personality as a Fundamental Concept of International Law
    link to

  124. CameronB Brodie says:

    Is it normal for one partner in a legal agreement, to have sole ownership over the conditions of that agreement, and the way in which they are respected? Or is that a state of authoritarian totalitarianism?

    The International Legal Personality of the Individual

    link to

  125. CameronB Brodie says:

    This seriously isn’t rocket surgery, but it does require a respect for ethical reason and justice.

    3 – The Doctrine of the International Legal Personality of the Human Being
    link to

  126. Sarah says:

    O/T @Sharny Dubs at 11.30: we can all post our comments on the Scot Gov consultation on the Gender Recognition Reform [Scotland] Bill. Closing date is 17th March. []

    All of us who value truth should put something onto this consultation. Thousands of us putting our views is a lot better than just a few doing so.

  127. CameronB Brodie says:

    Are Scots human or are we sub-human, in a legal sense? With a constitution as ‘flexible’ as the yooookaaaaay’s, that’s a debatable subject, IMHO.

    Full text.

    Beyond Human Rights
    – The Legal Status of the Individual in International Law

    link to

  128. CameronB Brodie says:

    I just gave them both barrels and then my steelies. I agreed they could publish my responce, so you recognise it even though anonymous, as I’ll be the weirdo banging on about epistemology. A good Scottish invention that is. 😉

  129. Dan says:

    UK Home Secretary “Notso” Priti Patel insists the UK will not align with EU rules as the UK prepares to leave the bloc on Friday.
    That’ll be all those “pesky rules” that meant things like our food and pharmaceuticals were regulated to high and safe standards.
    But fuck it, “taking back control” is only three words to quickly read and sounds cool, instead of pages of text on numerous subjects that may have enlightened the fucktards to consider there was just a wee bit more to voting to leave the EU, and how much of it would affect them negatively.

  130. Sharny Dubs says:

    @Sarah at4:09
    But this is already policy and is being rolled out. Why are we executing policy on issues that we barely know about that have hardly been researched let alone understood.

  131. Republicofscotland says:

    “Scotland will be especially hit by the negative impacts of Brexit.

    “The Scottish Government, which has identified 137 potential impacts on those already facing inequality, discrimination, or social exclusion.”

    We must exit this unfit for purpose union as soon as we can.

    link to

  132. Dan says:

    @Sharmy Dubs

    I’d like to know what mandate they have to implement such policy.
    I certainly don’t recall reading any headline info in a manifesto that told me my vote would be going to a party that would be pushing forward with this line.
    I would presume a mandate (often many) is required before they do things these days.

  133. Dan says:

    Soz for posting so much but this stuff just keeps coming in thick and fast.
    I went fishing for a few hours to get away from it all and come back to find further degradation of your society…

    Worker’s rights, “Pah! That’s just more pesky rules we don’t need or want” said the fucktards.

    link to

  134. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sharny Dubs
    The Gender Recognition Act, enables the legal recognition of adopted gender-identity. It does not relate to the changing of sex, as that is scientifically impossible.

    The reform that is currently under consultation, relates to whether to accept gender-ideology as a basis for the legal recognition of sex, rather than biology, as is rational and traditional.

  135. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m not simply pushing a political belief, I’m trying to protect Scotland from woke irrationality. A human being is more than their social or political imagination. Without an acknowledgement and respect of this empirical reality, (see contemporary cognitive science), women and Scotland will always be legally positioned as second class.

    Objectivity applied to embodied subjects in health care and social security medicine: definition of a comprehensive concept of cognitive objectivity and criteria for its application
    link to

  136. Sharny Dubs says:

    CameronB, Sarah & Dan.

    “Advice to schools from the Scottish government is that the parents of a child should not be told if their child wishes to change gender.

    Elsewhere the Scottish government’s document ‘Supporting Transgender Young People’ suggests that pupils should be able to compete in sports in the gender that they feel comfortable with and that parents should not be informed if their child wants to share rooms with members of the opposite sex on School trips”.

    Madness to dive into a field that has barely been recognised let alone investigated.

  137. HandandShrimp says:

    When I was at High School there was considerable desire to share rooms with the opposite sex on school trips. The teachers were armed with bren guns and machetes to prevent it. I don’t think any of it was because we were gender confused.

    The world has become a very strange place. Some things are clearly a huge improvement others defy comprehension.

  138. CameronB Brodie says:

    If I can learn this stuff shortly after sustaining a serious brain injury, I simply don’t understand what these cupid stunts are playing at.

    A guide to ontology, epistemology, and philosophical perspectives for interdisciplinary researchers
    link to

  139. CameronB Brodie says:

    Seriously folks, get those supporting gender-ideology in law, as far away from the administration of power, as is physically possible.

    The Biopsycho-ecological Paradigm: A Foundational Theory for Medicine
    link to

  140. shug says:

    Any money riding on what Nicola will do on Wed

    1) Nothing
    2) Call and advisory election (tories and labour will abstain)
    3) Call a Scottish Parliament election (tories and labour will have to take part)
    4) Something else

  141. Dr Jim says:

    The Scots are a Verminous *race*

    Can you imagine if Scottish people were black and Prime Minister Johnson called Scots Vermin

    Are you allowed to call Scots Vermin because they’re mostly white, is that what they call Banter, at least he admitted Scots are a race, or is that just one of those figures of speech you’re allowed to use if you’re an English politician but not if you’re Scottish politician

  142. Craig Murray says:


    That’s very simple. She will do 1 disguised as 4. I claim my £10.

  143. Colin Alexander says:



    Plan A: A for Ask for s30 indyref

    Plan B: B for Beg for s30 indyref

    = Plan C

    Conning the indy movement till 2021 to get another five years of nothing but colonial administration and woke policies.

  144. solarflare says:

    shug says:

    26 January, 2020 at 5:51 pm

    “Any money riding on what Nicola will do on Wed
    1) Nothing
    2) Call and advisory election (tories and labour will abstain)
    3) Call a Scottish Parliament election (tories and labour will have to take part)
    4) Something else”

    My money is on 5) lots of stuff that *sounds* like something, whilst waiting for the Holyrood 2021 election, but actually turns out to be not much of anything at all.

    Hopefully I’m wrong.

  145. Dan says:

    @Sharny Dubs at 5.26pm

    That’s interesting the proposal by the Scottish Government states “compete in sports”, so it’s acknowledges the competitive aspect of the activity and not just using “sports” as a substitute for “exercise”.

    Sports results and records will effectively be fucked if there is no distinction between the physical sexes.

    I’m well past my prime and ride a shitty heavy older 26 inch wheeled hardtail mtb, yet my times on enduro downhill stages are on a par with the elite young ladies on state of the art lightweight full-suspension big wheeled bikes.
    It’s ridiculous that I with a male body should be able to “compete” against women.

  146. Ottomanboi says:

    In 1707 the Scots, ie the corrupt régime that ran Scotland at the time, effectively sold the country to England.
    A real estate bargain. Unfortunately it came with sitting tenants.
    Those Scotch are so clingy!

  147. iain mhor says:

    Dan @3:17pm

    Thing is, the beavers were introduced in Scotland illegally.
    I don’t even know if I have a point, other than it was an ‘illegal act’, nothing was done about it, eventually it was accepted, finally they were protected in law.
    I dunno, Scottish Independence -something something metaphor.

  148. mike cassidy says:


    Scots in the real world

    link to

  149. shug says:

    Craig Murray
    I will have you £10 if she does something other that 1 and 4

  150. shug says:

    Craig Murray
    I will have your £10 if she does something other that 1 and 4

  151. Kenny J says:

    Just finishing. On Smithsonian channel, Britain in colour, majoring on the Empire and it,s collapse.

  152. Kenny J says:

    Oh dear, so sad, all these Union flags biting the dust, subjugated peoples, surely not.

  153. Kenny J says:

    That was a a great hour, need to record it when, if, it,s repeated., 1966, Engerland rules the World.
    A bummer all those African nations not wanting Brit rule. Fiji, Samoa, India, Singapore So sad.

  154. CameronB Brodie says:

    Scotland is not well served by those who support the introduction of gender-ideology in law. Neither framers of the law or its’ practitioners, both appearing desperate to dislocate legal reason from empirical reality.

    From the perspective of legal epistemology, such an anti-foundationalist approach to the law, is unhelpful to the causes of social justice and the effective social emancipation of biological women (and Scotland). To say the least. Accepting Brexit and rejecting liberal law that respects the significance of biology, lays the foundations for a state of authoritarian totalitarianism.

    Legal Questions and Scientific Answers :
    Ontological Differences and Epistemic Gaps
    in the Assessment of Causal Relations

    link to

  155. Kenny J says:

    And now we,re onto the Royal family in colour.
    Amm own ma knees.

  156. Kenny J says:

    Victoria deid.

  157. CameronB Brodie says:

    Well I don’t watch telly but I still feel in a pragmatic mood this evening. So I thought I’d share. Here’s one especially for that numpty judge who appears to support gender-ideology in law.

    Epistemology of the Self in a Pragmatic Mood
    link to

  158. Kenny J says:

    CameronB Brodie says:
    26 January, 2020 at 7:10 pm

    Well I don’t watch telly but I still feel in a pragmatic mood this evening. So I thought I’d share. Here’s one especially for that numpty judge who appears to support gender-ideology in law.

    Turn on the Smithsonian channel and get a load of our betters.

  159. Kenny J says:

    1916 ? Gotha bombers bomb London.
    OOps. Need to change the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha name.
    To Windsor. The plebs will never know. Sorted.

  160. CameronB Brodie says:

    The thing is, introducing gender-ideology into law destroys the potential for effective government and open democracy.

    The current GRA consultation appears to redefine the concept of “sex-class”, from denoting biological difference, to one that is entirely grounded in personal psychology (of a tiny minority of society). This appears to be a sneak attack on social democracy and I’m gutted it has found the SNP a willing vehicle.

    A Critical Systems Approach to Social Learning:
    Building Adaptive Capacity in Social, Ecological, Epistemological (SEE) Systems

    link to

  161. CameronB Brodie says:

    Another thing, Scotland’s judiciary aren’t the only ones who understand the law. So I know what I’m taking about when I suggest Scotland’s judiciary appears to lack a respect for the principle of universal human rights. Now that is a downer. 🙁

    The Legal Mind
    A New Introduction to Legal Epistemology

    link to

  162. Colin Alexander says:

    Kenny J

    link to

  163. Breeks says:

    Joanna Cherry QC
    I don’t think anyone is suggesting a “wildcat referendum”. But there is a persuasive body of legal opinion that Holyrood has the power to hold an advisory referendum. Whether that is correct would need to be tested in court.

    What, in 4 days Joanna? Tell you what, if you’ve nothing else to do and time on your hands, why not test something actually worth testing, like whether Scotland’s Sovereignty should be Internationally recognised? You know, something weighty that might actually mean something.

    Am I on a different planet from the SNP? Are they actually trolling us? My Nation is being railroaded into losing it’s European Citizenship in 4 days, and the Sovereignty of my Nation is under very real existential threat that’s just as menacing as Edward 1 marching up the Royal Mile and delivering a colonial military invasion, and yet the SNP are still having philosophical ponderings?

    They reckon on an 8% shrinkage in Scotland’s GDP will be caused by Brexit, which is four times the damage of the 2008 Banking collapse. For comparison, the shooting war which bombed the fuck out in Syria is estimated to have hit their economic GDP by 30%-50%. Brexit x 3 and we’re eating dogs and hiding in rubble.

    And seriously, all we get from our “government” is more spineless wet drivel about a fucking referendum they’ve already been putting off and putting off for years as Brexit goose stepped it’s way towards us for four fucking years?

    Know what? Fuck your advisory referendum. The only advice I want is how to impeach a fucking useless bunch of ineffective charlatans who are selling out my Nations Constitutional integrity and steering us all towards avoidable catastrophe. Get these fuckers out the way and get ourselves a proper Government which will actually stand up for Scotland, not stand back as the midwives of Scotland’s deconstruction.

    I don’t give a flying fuck what Holyrood can or can’t do. Pretty evident it’s not fucking much. I want a real Scottish Government which answers to the people of Scotland, not Westminster; a real Government with Sovereign teeth and at least a wee bit initiative, that stops at nothing to defend Scotland’s National Interests.

    Know what’s coming to our rescue on Wednesday? Nothing. Not a fucking thing. The same lukewarm piss you were depressed hearing about last week and for every one of the 200 weeks before that.

  164. sassenach says:


    If Nicola has read today’s offerings from Wings (the Indy supporting website!!) then I reckon we could add a
    No 5 She will say “I could make more out of writing books and lecture tours, why the hell should I take all this crap from so-called Indy supporters(??) – I resign”.

  165. Boudicca says:

    link to

    Clip of Emily Thornberry at OL hustling. ‘ I hate the SNP, Tory wolves in sheep’s clothing’.couldn’t believe my ears. Wonder why Labour are losing in Scotland! First time I’ve been called a Tory.

  166. sassenach says:

    If only Breeks, our armchair pseudo politician were our first minister – he would explain what his first thing to do, tomorrow, (to get us our independence before Friday) actually was. I’m all ears.

  167. Colin Alexander says:


    Is that why she was hugging Alastair Campbell?

    link to

    Only joking.

    I don’t think there’s many indy supporting critics that claim she is in it for the money.

  168. Colin Alexander says:

    Craig Murray

    What’s your take on the reconvening of the auld Parliament of Scotland (POS) as a refinement on your national collective of parliamentarians, so avoiding the UDI criticism?

    That POS, declares it represents and exercises Scottish sovereignty, so no UDI or suchlike made but the Treaty of Union Lawfully denounced with a Corbyn / Cameron (eg EU / UK Union) modus operandi re-negotiated UK Treaty v indy referendum choice made at a later date by POS.

    What do you think?

  169. CameronB Brodie says:

    She may well have worked her socks of to build support for a constitutional route through Westminster. But that’s pretty pointless if your working towards the wrong ends. As Westminster and the queen have recently confirmed.

    If the current leadership is unable to defend Scotland’s legal personality, then there’s not much point supporting them, IMHO. They’ve done sod all effective in protecting my human rights, which is there legal obligation.

    Westminster is a serial abuser and Scotland the abused legal inferior. Will someone please find an ethical rationalist to fight for Scotland’s independence. Not necessarily a post-colonial feminist, though that would be my choice. 😉

    Evolution of the biopsychosocial model in the
    practice of Family Therapy

    link to

  170. Dan says:

    I’m no economic genius, but I have my doubts the catastrophic forecast 8% drop in Scottish GDP can be mitigated by the savings made if we switch from two separate male and female, too one single uni-gender toilet.

  171. CameronB Brodie says:

    One thing that recent event appear to have made clear. Scotland’s judiciary lack a respect for the dignity of those living in Scotland. No surprise there though.

    Human Dignity and Judicial Interpretation of Human Rights
    link to

  172. CameronB Brodie says:

    Scotland needs to return its judiciary as faulty, though I don’t think they come with a warranty. Dodgy wanks.

    Personhood: An Essential Characteristic of the Human Species
    link to

  173. sassenach says:

    CameronB Brodie
    “Will someone please find an ethical rationalist to fight for Scotland’s independence.”

    You seem to have loads of time on your hands ( judging by the number of posts, lately), and you must have the connections through your Town&Country planning thing – why not do it yourself??

  174. McDuff says:

    So no criticism of NS or the SNP is allowed and those who do are not supporters of independence.
    Do you actually know how ridiculous and right wing that is.
    No, you probably don`t.

  175. Dr Jim says:

    I’m 100% sure the FM has a plan, the question is only about whether I like the plan or not, is it going to be a plan we can work with? we don’t know, is it going to be a bad plan? we don’t know, a good plan then?, we don’t know

    I’m also quite pleased I don’t know either, because if I knew then every bugger would know, so predictions of doom I’ll leave to others as informed as myself who *don’t know* to wind everybody up to the expectation of whatever it might be is doomed to failure because it won’t be good enough, or tough enough, or she’s not offering to get into a punch up street fight over it so that makes her gutless

    Nicola Sturgeon’s got the job because she worked for it and we voted for her or the SNP, it makes no difference which because they’re both one and the same

    The doom mongers will try to rile you up over what they suggest should be done without the power to back up anything they say, everybody will have the power of their own decision on whether they like or don’t like whatever is put before us later this week

    The Internet is a shit hole full of agendas telling everybody what they should think and do, ask yourself why then think what you want to think when the time comes

    This week we’ve seen the Loyalist Royalist thugs turn up in Holyrood (what kind of people risks arrest just to shout violence and threats publicly in our parliament?) and on our streets in Glasgow where arrests have been made and one of our Cops injured over it, we’ve heard the para military threats from these people too, and I don’t believe for a second somebody isn’t paying them or funding them, they never turned out before to violently protest against anything but seem to have chosen *now is the time* to do it more overtly

    Is it just Catholics they don’t like? It’s us too no matter what our religious belief system might be

  176. CameronB Brodie says:

    Think your clever? I’m thirty years out of practice and even I can see there is no constitutional route to self-determination. That’s because British constitutional law and practice, is incompatible with the doctrine of international human rights law. And Westminster considers itself above international law.

    Stop following the woke-set, they haven’t a fucking clue.

  177. sassenach says:

    Dr Jim

    Thanks for some sense at last!

    CameronB Brodie

    No, I don’t think I’m clever, but obviously you think you are!!
    Presumably because you can cut and paste loads of jargon, and pretend you have answers to all the problems of Indy – if only you could bring yourself to actually DO something that doesn’t necessitate long, boring drivel. If Westminster considers itself above international law, that’s it , then? Or have you a (long) cunning plan to paste?

    By the way, how do you decide on who is “clever”? Criteria?

  178. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry, that may have come across as confrontational, but I’m genuinely concerned about Scotland’s future. Mostly because I live here but also because I understand a bit about the law, and how it relates to social justice. I simply don’t think the current leadership has an appropriate frame of mind for the task ahead, i.e. escape Westminster and Brexit. Or an appropriate understanding of the law, particularly international law and its protective capacity.

    Fundamental Theories and Epistemic Shifts:
    Can History of Science Serve as a Guide?

    link to

  179. CameronB Brodie says:

    Get a grip mate, your nowhere near as clever as you appear to think you are. At least not where I’m looking from.

  180. Kenny J says:

    “LABOUR leadership candidate Emily Thornberry has admitted that she hates the SNP and described the party as “Tories wrapped up in nationalist clothing”.”

    Re the mention of Lady Thornberry up the posts, did we all see a couple of weeks ago, Ian Blackford walking beside her as they strolled into the Lords to hear Queenie give her latest address.
    Chatting away, the bestest of pals, in fact as they formed up in line they did some sort of wee dance. they could almost have been holding hands.
    I’m f***if I can understand chatting to someone who would ,metaphorically cut your,or your nations, throat. I’d just f*** ignore them. Same in Holyrood. All buddies together, while they try to stiff you at every turn.

  181. Stoker says:

    ” But there is a persuasive body of legal opinion that Holyrood has the power to hold an advisory referendum.”

    What, yours (Joanna Cherry) and Nicola Sturgeons? That statement alone shows what a sack of shit state of affairs Scotland is in. We either have that right or we don’t Ms Cherry. FFS!

    Sincerely hope she was being deliberately evasive there for a very good reason but for the life of me i can’t see or think of one.

    Have we really come all this way just to be told what most of us already believe to be factual? That we **CAN** hold advisory referendums as often as we like? And they wonder why folk are getting furious.

    Oh i know what it is Ms Cherry, yous are stalling to give London ample time to change the laws regarding this aren’t yous eh?
    Pause for thought:

    There’s been one good clear thing to come out of the 2019 general election i haven’t seen mentioned yet. Although they never had any right to say it before they certainly don’t now.

    Unionists would often throw the old plea of please don’t abandon us to Tory rule by voting for independence etc.

    Given that staunch Labour areas in England have just voted to help keep the Tories in No10, and not for one second contemplating the damage that would do to Scotland, what emotional blackmail/deception will they resort to next?
    This progress report/update/whatever on Wednesday better be good. Another morsel of scrap from the table to appease the restless peasants isn’t going to be enough and rightly so.

    If the SNP can’t put on a highly visible display of standing up for us, in no uncertain terms, then those responsible can GTF and make way for those who will.

    Truly sick and tired of Scotland being publicly humiliated on a daily basis in front of the watching world with this lot of ‘bog-builders’ (bog: of the toilet variety) in charge.

    Please, SNP, prove me wrong and settle my nervous growing rage. Please prove to us all yous have not totally fucked-up Scotland’s best ever opportunity to take back our right of self-determination. Silence your critics.

  182. sassenach says:

    CameronB Brodie

    Wow, you are a bit ‘strange’ – you post an apology to me for being too confrontational, then follow up two minutes later with “Get a grip mate”

    Are you Mr Hyde, or the good Doctor?

    And I’ve never claimed to be clever, that was your taunt.

    ps Instead of screeds of cut&paste, why not learn the grammatical difference between ‘your and you’re’?

  183. robertknight says:

    I sincerely hope someone isn’t planning on bringing a knife to a gunfight this Wednesday in the vain hope that we’ll all be impressed…

  184. Pete says:

    I really don’t get all this drop of GDP by 8% stuff.
    Even the pro EU IMF are forecasting the UK (including Scotland )to beat the eurozone countries in terms of growth over the next few years.
    Interesting also to see that Plaid have now accepted Brexit and are working to make a success of it for Wales.
    SNP should do the same and not put out all this economic nonsensical statistics that folks like Breeks seem to latch on to.
    Just nonsense.
    Get over it.

  185. Kenny J says:

    ” Colin Alexander says:
    26 January, 2020 at 1:28 pm


    Mostly SNP faithful. Told for years: SNP is the only way. Hero-worshippers of Sturgeon and the SNP politicians.

    The penny is dropping about the Sturgeon SNP. That she’s a servant of the UK state, aye one that she believes in independence. But foremost she’s a servant, not a revolutionary.”

    Been saying the same for some time. But how do we know how good she really is, all we see is speeches, and soundbites. She may be a good administrator, general, not so much.
    I have a thing about the American Civil War, first heard about it when I was maybe 8ish. Only 65ish years ago. “Eating goober peas”. On the radio, nae tele for another 6 years. Programme “Songs of the American Civil War”
    During the war, the Union could make no progress for about 2 years, Lincoln’s commanders did’ne have enough men, or equipment, or the terrain was no right. Lee made mincemeat of them. In fact, if Lee had taken Lincoln’s offer of commander, Union forces, there might not have been much of a war.
    But anyway, when U S Grant was given command, a sometimes drunk and storekeeper( failed), also Phil Sheridan, they turned the tide by being leaders, by tactics. Of course, armament production played a huge part. But Lee still led them some dance, because he was a general as well.
    Who do we have with some fire in their bellies.
    Tommy Sheridan, smeared busted flush, Alex, attempted smear. Kenny McAskil ? Who.

  186. CameronB Brodie says:

    No, I simply had the chance to read your reply to me and though, “what a conceited prick”. You’ve obviously not availed yourself of any of the extensive political and legal education I’ve providing for some time now. You’re the sort of ignorant twat that holds Scotland under legal subjugation. Sort yourself out, ffs.

  187. CameronB Brodie says:

    Ignorant fuckers like you boils my piss that much I lose all grammar and syntax. I hope you’re happy.

  188. manandboy says:

    The darkest hour is before the dawn.

    The Independence Movement cannot escape the historical dynamics of achieving Independence under English Imperial domination.

    But it still needs belief, resolve and undying determination.

    What stands in our way is the flimsical statements of a serial liar amplified by the Unionist media.

  189. manandboy says:

    If Margaret Thatcher were alive today, PMJohnson would be shredded.

  190. Pete Barton says:

    Thank you, Manandboy.
    Reason amidst division and infighting.

    Ps without naming anyone, some of you if not professionals should be ashamed of yourselves

  191. Pete Barton says:

    And, if you’re professionals, you’ve earned your crust.

  192. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m no practicing professional but I respect legal reason that is grounded in empirical reality and ethical reason. All other law can fuck right off, as far as I’m concerned. Especially British constitutional law.

    Objectivity in science and law: A shared rescue strategy
    link to

  193. Liz g says:

    Manandboy @ 10.02
    Well said sir… And good timing too..
    You lot of grumpy guts cheer up and less of the pessimism 🙂
    We’ve no intention of sayin “aye ok Bawless Johnston has the right of it,let’s give up right here”.
    Nicola will either deliver or she won’t we can’t control that…. We never could,our job is to plough the road for her and we’ve done that and done that well.
    The next move is hers and we may not approve,but we can organise and find a way…. We’re that good 🙂
    Do you imagine that some of us are not doing so already?
    Stay The Course… We’ll get there… 🙂

  194. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m certainly not giving up Liz, why would I? My argument is only getting stronger by the day. 😉

    Part I. National Frameworks

    1. International Law and National Frameworks
    link to

  195. Kenny J says:

    “Colin Alexander says:
    26 January, 2020 at 7:39 pm

    Kenny J

    link to

    My word, 1000 KG bombs! in 1917, and a lightweight “Electron” bomb. Sounds like it might have been cast in magnesium.

  196. Pete Barton says:

    Thanks Liz,
    Was beginning to think very dark hopeless thoughts there..

    Glad to know I’m not alone

  197. Liz g says:

    Cameron B Brodie @ 10.47
    Didn’t think ye would Cameron…. If ye look at it in the round there have always been Scots since 1707 that have never given up..
    They’ve been there the whole time…
    And, it seems to me there’s never been as many of us as there are right here right now…
    Some are sad and some are angry that we’ll be leaving the EU on Friday,…. I’m not!
    I’ll mark it in Glasgow and join with the arrangements…
    But sad or angry no!
    What I am is resolved… resolved to encourage the no voters to be sad and angry
    I am going to big this up to them to the hilt every which way I can.
    I couldn’t stop it,because those fellow Scots didn’t get outraged enough, but I can now highlight it to to them and stoke that outrage … a much better position to be in than the rest of these islands.
    And a much better position to be in than when Brexit was just a theory on TV…. We have something very tangible to work on now….And the Tory’s fucking handed it to us on a plate… They were busy doing it while we we’re busy organising the Yes movement….A delicious irony don’t ye think 🙂

  198. Colin Alexander says:


    “National sovereignty shall vest in the people, who shall exercise it through their representatives and by means of referendum.

    No section of the people nor any individual may arrogate to itself, or to himself, the exercise thereof”.


    From Wiki: “The central tenet is that the legitimacy of rule or of law is based on the consent of the governed”.


  199. Liz g says:

    Pete Barton @10.58
    Your welcome Pete…
    You are most definitely not alone this is just the site where you can really say what ye feel and it can get a bit…
    Shall we say ” rambunctious ” at times…But like I said stay the course 🙂

  200. Pete Barton says:

    Thing to do before I die (this year’s list lol)

    Go to Arbroath in April… 🙂

  201. Dan says:

    I notice cycling “legend” Rachel McKinnon has had a name change to Veronica Ivy.

    And on the subject of sports n stuff.

    The Human Species and Sports.
    Example: Gymnastics
    Two folk currently at the top of their game.
    Both vids about 3 mins long and worth watching latter halves to see slo-mo and close ups.

    Arthur Zanetti

    link to

    Nina Derwael

    link to

    Notice their amazingly similar physiques…

  202. CameronB Brodie says:

    Liz g
    Yes, the Tories have handed independence to us on a plate, by trying to gerrymander constitutional law. It’s a pity the Scottish government appear to want to send the dog’s dinner back to the kitchen, to be fiddled with before being returned. That’s what happens when you don’t have a sufficiently robust understanding of the moral and philosophical foundations of the law. Yet feel justified in stand under its’ authority, and even seek to shape it.

    I’ll repeat once more for the hard of understanding. Placing politics above the law is a direct route to a totalitarian state.

    Big Data, Health Law, and Bioethics
    2 – Big Data’s Epistemology and Its Implications
    for Precision Medicine and Privacy

    link to

  203. Colin Alexander says:

    European Union Withdrawal Act 2020 reads at clause 38 (1):

    “It is recognised that the Parliament of the United Kingdom is sovereign”.

    The Lords had voted For an amendment: after “Kingdom” insert “, acting in accordance with the conventions relating to devolved power set out in:
    (a) section 28(8) of the Scotland Act 1998, and
    (b) section 107(6) of the Government of Wales Act 2006,”

    So, it would have read:

    It is recognised that the Parliament of the United Kingdom acting in accordance with the conventions relating to devolved power set out in:
    (a) section 28(8) of the Scotland Act 1998, and
    (b) section 107(6) of the Government of Wales Act 2006, is sovereign.

    The final Act, which became law, omits the amendment, so the Act which has Royal Assent asserts:

    “It is recognised that the Parliament of the United Kingdom is sovereign”, it then discusses EU / EFTA before stating:

    “Accordingly, nothing in this Act derogates from the sovereignty of the Parliament of the United Kingdom”.

    If anyone thinks this is just words, formalities, technicalities, I would argue you are wrong:

    This is a statement of POWER and I expect, also a statement of intent of One Nation Imperial Britain ruled by England, as England has 82% of Commons MPs seats etc.

    This is the Kingdom of England’s British Empire asserting absolute power over Scotland and Wales.

    England has marked out its role as absolute authority. The SNP continue to play the role of submissive whining servants begging for England to do the right thing by their Scotland colony, when England has made it clear, Scotland has no say:

    This is England’s Britain.

  204. MorvenM says:

    Breeks at 7.40 pm. Bravo!

  205. Liz g says:

    Colin Alexander @ 11.50
    I’ve gotten my reply to you ( which I fully expected you to ignore AGAIN ) caught in moderation ( sorry Rev : don’t know what I did )…
    The thrust of it was…your no really talking about power..
    Your talking about Marketing..

  206. MorvenM says:

    It’s been accepted for some time that the Scottish Parliament has the right to hold a consultative referendum. The Union itself is reserved, but not all matters relating to it. We can ask the question.

    “Oh, but the Unionists will boycott it.” So what? If you don’t vote, your view doesn’t count.

    “Oh, but Westminster will just legislate to prevent it / disallow the result.”

    So what? Let them show themselves up for the fascists that they are! Unlike the Catalans, we have a remedy for that – a Treaty of Union we can dissolve.

  207. Liz g says:

    MorvenM @ 12.51am
    Quite right..
    We have been inundated for decade’s with the American view of what Democracy is..
    And to worship at its alter..
    We need to grasp it and run with it….
    And we need to do it before “” Water “” becomes the new oli

  208. twathater says:

    @ sassenach says:
    26 January, 2020 at 7:50 pm

    If only Breeks, our armchair pseudo politician were our first minister – he would explain what his first thing to do, tomorrow, (to get us our independence before Friday) actually was. I’m all ears

    I think you are well aware of what breeks would do , the same thing NS and the SNP should have been doing for the past 4 years , ensuring that Scottish CITIZENS ( not subjects )sovereignty was publicly shouted from the rooftops , it matters not that the bozo has refused a sect 30 but it would illustrate to all and sundry from all erts and perts that it is the SCOTTISH people who will determine when and how we have a referendum not some colonial twat from another country

    Breeks , I and a lot of other indy supporters are rightfully LIVID that so many open goals have been missed , yoonionists love to quote the grand old duke rhyme but it is looking more like it every day
    YOU and scotsrenewable like to come here and decry and deride people’s impatience even to the extent of calling them trolls and yoonionists but never explain the grand plan , all you ever do is ask people to have faith that there is one , but where is the evidence for that
    This CONSTANT reacting to whatever wastemonster comes up with rather than forcing them on the back foot does NOT engender trust and confidence that our side knows the best way forward
    If NS comes up with a grand plan on Wed I will be the first to celebrate and I will eat my words , but if not she has lost credibility and should be forced out

  209. Kangaroo says:

    Breeks etc

    I will reiterate that there was no reason for Nicola not to give her response to Bojo’s S30 refusal at the time it was received. There was every good reason to hold off until the Brexit deed was irrevocably done. So my view is that she will deliver a “Red Comyn” moment on Wednesday. Dagger to Westminsters heart will do me nicely.

    link to

  210. Golfnut says:

    @ Kangaroo.

    ” hold off until the Brexit deal was irrevocably done”

    Yep, I agree. Westminster and the establishment totally exposed, and though I support membership of the EU I would add the EU to that as well. It also leaves Scotland with a stark choice, Independence or bust.

  211. sassenach says:


    So the grand plan you & Breeks advocate is “shouting sovereignty from the rooftops”.

    I agree wholeheartedly, but spot the flaw!! We have little or no control over the means to do it, it won’t just need a single sheet of paper delivered to every house, but a steady public message – like newspapers and BBC, ITV, Sky do all the time.

    But of course that ‘message’ is always the opposite of what we want, so explain how we will change that, in an instant, and I’ll be happy with your plan.

    Until I hear different from the Leader, I need to trust her – and it’s only a couple of days now, so perhaps we might rein back a bit with the constant ‘guesses’ about what she may say till then??

  212. CameronB Brodie says:

    That you putting politics above the law again. Do you have a death wish?

  213. CameronB Brodie says:

    That might be a bit cryptic for you as you appear to be a bit hard of understanding. The Scottish government is acting as if British constitutionalism is compatible with the international rule of law and retains legal authority over Scotland. It clearly isn’t and doesn’t, as Westminster has just gerrymandered constitutional law. So practices appropriate to a democratic setting no longer apply. This is the sort of understanding I’ve been trying to teach folk for ages now. You might appreciate that if you didn’t already think you know it all.

  214. sassenach says:

    I’m being trolled by CBBies!!

    You really do have some chips on them there shoulders, probably because not many on here actually now read your cut&paste guff – and it must really hurt.

    What is a keyboard ‘warrior’ like yourself actually going to do – apart from teaching all of us how to cut&paste? Grow up, man.

  215. CameronB Brodie says:

    If anyone it the troll it you. You tell me to grow up when it is obviously yourself who’s a bit juvenile and naive in their approach to the law and learning.

  216. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’m certainly not claiming I know it all, but I’m clearly a step ahead than most.

    Integrity, Postmodernism, and Justice
    link to

  217. sassenach says:


    ” …..but I’m clearly a step ahead than most.”

    In who’s opinion? Yours, obviously!!

  218. ronnie anderson says:

    For any of you’s who watch Indytruckdavy vids he’s been telling yous for weeks what we’re working on re ending the suspencion of the Auld Scottish Parliament ( nothing Bojo can do about it nor the supposedly sovereing westminster parliament ) . Tin Lizzie has sealed the fate of the royal family by ignoring the Sovereingity of the Scottish People .

    Watch out for Indytruckdavy vids this week for updates .

  219. Heart of Galloway says:


    I find it informative that the closer we get to Nicola Sturgeon’s anouncement on Wednesday that the stridency of certain* btl contributors has amplified. I will leave others to speculate as to why that might be.

    This has been typified by mucho sweary words, wringing of hands and doom-mongering about the ("Tractor" - Ed)ous SNP and its abject failure to save us all from colonial subjugation and sic-like conditions.

    I have no idea what the provenance of these people is – again, others can be the judge of that – but much of their ire seems to be reserved for anyone who believes any judgement of the ScotGov’s mettle or lack thereof should be reserved until NS reveals her hand.

    The insinuation is that folk holding this view are somehow SNP fanatics blinded by loyalty to the Great Leader.

    The truth is probably best encapsulated at our last branch meeting at which members reiterated their total support for the leadership at Holyrood and Westminster BUT reiterated the utmost importance of standing by the mandates from the people to hold IR2 this year.

    IOW, support is conditional on NS, IB et al holding true to the people of Scotland’s instructions.

    To do otherwise is to risk all.

    I do believe the FM will go all in on this – with the big question being to what extent the EU will succour Scotland in her EU aims while preparing for trade talks with a predatory Johnson government which wants control of all Scotland’s resources – marine, mineral, renewable and agricultural – in order to use them as bargaining chips in the upcoming negotiations.

  220. Breeks says:

    Kangaroo says:
    27 January, 2020 at 3:20 am
    Breeks etc

    I will reiterate that there was no reason for Nicola not to give her response to Bojo’s S30 refusal at the time it was received.

    Zoom out your perspective a click or two Kangaroo.

    A Section 30 Agreement is derived from Section 30 of the 1998 Scotland Act which created and defined the Constitution of a Devolved Scottish Assembly, which was constrained by the powers which Westminster did or did not give it via the Scotland Act.

    The Scotland Act is the written Constitution of Holyrood dictated by Westminster. IT IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION OF SCOTLAND, but at the moment everybody is acting as though it is.

    Holyrood is thus at an existential Constitutional crossroads. It either plays safe, bows it’s head in dutiful deference to the powers and limits placed upon it by Westminster, obediently concedes Brexit without a fight and defies Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty.

    Or, Holyrood chooses a different fork in the road, and boldly affirms that irrespective of latter-day sophistry and ill-founded Scotland Act and Sewel Convention agreements, Holyrood is primarily bound by a preexisting sovereign Scottish Constitution, it is NOT the puppet legislature of Westminster but the democratically elected Parliament and Government of a Sovereign People in a Sovereign Nation, who’s emphatic and democratic will to stay in Europe cannot be overruled by anyone.

    Thus discussion about a Section 30 Agreement is idle chaff in the wind of no real consequence. On Wednesday, Holyrood under Nicola Sturgeon will, in very real effect, declare fealty either to Westminster or to the Sovereign will of Scotland. This is tipping point, the fulcrum. It cannot answer to both. It will defeat and halt Scotland’s Brexit, or it will kneel before the false sovereignty of Westminster and betray Scotland’s wonderful and ancient sovereign Constitution.

    On Wednesday, Holyrood decides whether it’s Sovereign Scotland’s Government or Westminster’s obedient Parish Council. And as it currently stands, I am deeply troubled and anxious that it looks like Holyrood is putting all it’s effort into organising a village fête a non binding referendum, and not raising Scotland’s Sovereign Constitution to the position of ascendancy.

    So, if that’s how Wednesday actually pans out, it leaves Sovereign Scotland leaderless, without a champion, on the eve of Scotland’s unlawful subjugation by a colonial aggressor ably assisted by a supine puppet government… Now THAT is why I’m pure ragin’ and spoiling for a fight with SNPers who say don’t worry about a thing. I don’t think they even understand the thing I worry about.

    Far from serving Scotland, Scotland’s Devolved Government has so far been nothing but a facilitator and doormat for Westminster’s Colonial greed and ambition, and Scotland’s people have been robbed of their Constitutional birthright for yet another generation.

    We have absurd duplicity in our Legislation. Westminster asserts sovereignty in the Withdrawal Agreement, but concedes Sovereignty via the Claim of Right, and it is Scotland which pays the heavy price for that absurdity.

    Sadly, the script of what will follow Scotland’s subjugation is already written and there to see. But if Scotland stands firm by it’s rightful and lawful Constitution, then that script is a blank page, and deliberately left blank by our own “Government”.

    Do you now understand my deep-rooted anxiety and suspicion? If Holyrood belongs to Westminster not Scotland, do you now grasp the context of my metaphor that a fitting act of civil disobedience would be burning Holyrood to the ground?

    (Note to numpties… do not burn Holyrood to the ground. It’s a METAPHOR).

  221. CameronB Brodie says:

    You don’t have to prove you’re an idiot, it is there in plain view for all to see.

    Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing
    link to

  222. Colin Alexander says:

    Sassenach said:

    RE: sovereignty.

    “We have little or no control over the means to do it, it won’t just need a single sheet of paper delivered to every house, but a steady public message – like newspapers and BBC, ITV, Sky do all the time”.

    I don’t accept this statement.

    Sovereignty, in simple terms, can be described as “ultimate power”; “chief” “top boss”.

    We already have that. The people of Scotland have popular sovereignty and have already asserted their will in elections and a referendum:

    The SNP received pro-indyref and pro- Remain in the EU mandates. The EU-Ref vote in Scotland was 62% Remain.

    Arguably they also voted for Devo to the Max / Home Rule which was never defined.

    We are told by Imperials the SNP never abided by the indyref result. I would agree with that: they never delivered Home Rule.

    Thus, the Scottish parliamentarians are under a duty, and a legal obligation, to obey the will of the people to deliver on these.

    I accept there is no current mandate to declare independence.

    So, how can the mandates be delivered WITHOUT first establishing indy?

    Scottish Parliamentarians deliver Home Rule / Devo-Max. We establish a parliament exercising Scottish sovereignty – it devolves powers to the UK, so we have devo-max.

    Scotland reserves sovereignty to Scotland.

    Scotland offers to renegotiate the Union and attempts to cancel Scottish Brexit.

    Scotland holds an indy v a freshly negotiated Union referendum following negotiations.

    No new persuasion needed. Use our sovereign power, use the establish mandates.

    The 2014 result respected, the mandate for indyref2 respected etc.

    Scotland’s democratic will respected.

    Imperials / colonials given a chance to vote for Union. Indies can vote for indy.

    Sorted, if the will was there from Scotland’s politicians.

  223. Republicofscotland says:

    So Emily Thornberry (Labour) has told the party faithful at ahustings in England that she hates the SNP.

    She added that the SNP are nothing more than Tories. Thornberry conveniently forgets that it was, and still is, Labour who stood shoulder to shoulder in Better Together, and even now Labour votes with or abstains on Tory Welfare cuts.

  224. Al-Stuart says:

    Thanks Chris, excellent article. Thought provoking and moving. RIP Terry.

    Had a bad experience yesterday. Bought the Sunday National with the messages. Got home and settled down for a cup of tea and a good read.

    Thought it looked like a lot of pi5h this week and very poorly written. Was worried the National might be going downhill badly.

    After 4 minutes went to put it in the recycling bin and saw the cover. It actually read Sunday Herald. I had forgotten the old spectacle glasses when shopping and the front page saltire blue cover made the sad-rag in my unhappy hand look like the Sunday National.

    Note to self: Always wear glasses when shopping.

    Note to the National: My apologies at thinking your standards had slipped. Thank you for all your hard work. Thank you for being the best newspaper in Scotland.

    Note to the Herald: Good grief, your newspaper is infested with particularly poor quality journalism.

    Does anyone know the current circulation numbers for the Herald?

    As for the comments about Stu., not posting an article for a week…

    The guy has been posting for years without a break. I reckon Stuart Campbell is either taking a few very well earned days to recouperate from what is a particularly depressing time.

    Or more likely he is writing his version of a Wings Opus Dei.

  225. Dorothy Devine says:

    Al -Stuart, the herald has been going downhill since SMG days and I believe they are secreting their circulation figures much like the Scotsman – I could be wrong.

  226. Dorothy Devine says:

    P.S first time I posted that I got a ‘spam ‘ message – anyone else experience that?

    Hey Ronnie , hope you are fine and dandy!

  227. Capella says:

    Excuse me for interrupting. I promised to update people on the GRA consultation which ends on 17th March. Murray Blackburn Mackenzie have published their assessment of the Gender Recognition Reform Bill today.

    Our review assesses the draft bill and consultation paper against 20 questions we published in October 2019…
    We found that the current consultation paper answered five of our original questions (but raising more questions in each case), and partially answered two. Thirteen questions remain unanswered (of which around half related to data collection issues).

    link to

    The review itself can be downloaded here. It is very readable and an excellent primer on the important issues.

    link to

    I will post a reminder and any updated advice in February as promised.

  228. Breeks says:

    Colin Alexander says:
    27 January, 2020 at 9:45 am

    I accept there is no current mandate to declare independence.

    I would agree. There may be no mandate to declare Independence, but there is a cast iron emphatic democratic mandate to reject Brexit, and thereby place Scotland and England on opposite sides of an intractable constitutional divide which the Union of the UK could not survive.

    That is what makes Brexit such an open goal, and a golden opportunity for Scotland, which is about to be snuffed out on Friday.

    We have everything we need to shepherd Westminster into their Brexit misadventure WITHOUT Scotland on board, and it is their thick headed arrogance to proceed with Brexit no matter what, which will render the Union untenable and bring about Scotland’s Independence. Let Boris destroy the Union, and sit back as Scotland’s Unionist raise their objections with Boris.

    We don’t need a referendum, we don’t need a mandate, we don’t need a majority. We just need Boris Johnson’s ‘Union-busting’ violation of Scotland’s Sovereignty, and the guts to stand firm and resolute in defence of that Sovereignty. Some would argue we are already beyond that point, and now grow impatient for our sovereign guillotine to meet the neck of Brexit.

  229. ronnie anderson says:

    Dorothy Devine um more than fine an no ah dandy ( i do dress to suit the occasion ) as you would see on Sat at Inverness standing next to Iain Blackford / Drew Hendry tweed jaikit n soft hat ( nae tammy ) . Hope your in fine fettle yourself X .

  230. Clapper57 says:

    Seems Adam Price leader of Plaid Cymru wants the Welsh to make the best of Brexit….apparently he thinks ” We can’t ask people to respect some referendum results and not others”…..also said “Now we have to make it work and secure the best for Wales”…

    Of course Wales DID vote for Brexit.

    But, I wonder, what direction is Adam taking the party he leads and the Welsh people who support his party and the MAIN policy that is the raison d’etre of their creation…. which I thought was to achieve Independence….strange times when Labour in Wales seem to appear to be putting more resistance to WM Brexit than Plaid Cymru…..

    I suppose if you can’t beat them (Tories)…Join them…..worked for Labour in Scotland via Better Together and currently via various councils in Scotland and of course the Lib Dems in their Coalition with David Cameron’s Tory government….

    First he stands aside for Lib Dems in a ‘Remain’ alliance in Wales at last GE and now he is agreeing with the Tories….Make Brexit work…

    I suspect he realises that support in Wales does not lie, by a majority, with his party and the idea of independence however you have to wonder…..what about those in Wales who DO want independence from WM and do NOT want to make Brexit work….

    Well things have certainly moved on since Leanne Wood was leader of Plaid have they not…..

  231. Craig Murray says:

    Here is a thought.

    At the time James Kelly started fundraising for his new Indy opinion poll, several people here and on his site volunteered that they had already recently been polled online by various pollsters on Scottish Independence.

    Yet none of those polls has ever been published. It seems to me very probable that they are showing a good pro-Indy majority, and that is why the media who commissioned them are not publishing them.

  232. dakk says:

    Craig Murray says:
    27 January, 2020 at 11:07 am
    Here is a thought.

    I like that thought.

    We all need a bit of cheer at the moment.

    Will carry that to assist me through this horrible britnat infested day at work.

  233. Mist001 says:

    So, Wednesdays big announce ment will be about a ‘Scottish Visa’ to allow immigrants to enter freely into Scotland, thus bypassing the UKs post Brexit regulations but for me, here’s the catch. The immigrants would them be able to move and work freely throughout the UK.

    So, what’s the point of the UK Brexit regulations if they can just be bypassed so easily?

    It seems like a big stitch up with Scotgov and Westminster working hand in hand.

  234. Breeks

    I totally agree.

    By pressing ahead with the current deal Boris is already introducing a border in the Irish Sea which technically breaches one of the clauses of the Union re each port should be treated equally ( think it might be clause 11?)
    With the N Ireland deal meaning that it is effectively still part of the EU for some aspects of life and the notional border these two factors create a different rule of law in N.Ireland so it will be treated differently from other UK ports.

    Again, the current deal flies in the face of Scotland’s wishes – so much for being an equal partner. They have trashed the Sewel convention and the devolution procedures and are expressly forcing Scotland to leave against her wishes – a complete breach of the terms of the Union.
    Plus none of the other three ‘nations’ within this family of four ‘nations’ ( within a Union of two kingdoms) favours the current course that WM is following, so I think, by any description, that England is acting like a dictator and not recognising the democracy and compromise that is supposed to be the bedrock of the Union.

    We are now England’s possession to do as we are told – Treaty of Union clearly broken as far as I understand it.

    In 2014 we may have voted to remain part of the UK but it was still as a part of the UK under the terms negotiated in 1707 – no one mentioned any new terms and conditions. We voted for the status quo, not to become a colony of the Empire of Little England.

    Seems to me it all ends on January 31st at 11.00 pm. We just have to sort out the details and we have till 31st December 2020 to get that done and dusted.

  235. Mist001 says:

    In fact, they ARE working hand in hand with Westminster because “The Scottish Government would want to work in partnership with the UK Government to deliver this additional ‘Scottish visa’.”

    Independence with the SNP??

    It’s not going to fucking happen folks. They’ve already accepted Brexit from the EU. You know, that Brexit from the EU that the SNP said they would never allow Scotland to be dragged out of.

  236. Clapper57 says:

    @ Craig Murray @ 11.07

    Indeed …and let’s not forget the David Lidington poll via Yougov that was NOT published last year…

    The Poll , where we were expected to believe, that the ‘no appetite for independence’ was proven.

    Proven via Lidington suppressing/blocking the release of the poll results ?

    If their Unionist argument was correct, it would surely have demonstrated this clearly was the case i.e. that there was indeed no appetite for Independence….can one assume that by blocking/suppressing the poll results that it in fact showed the opposite i.e. support for independence increased and support for the Union decreased….I say “assume” but obvs mean “clearly did”…..

  237. Almond Chutney says:

    Clapper57 Says @ 27 January, 2020 at 11:02.

    Adam Price doesn’t really speak for Wales though. I would have voted for PC with a ‘Wales First’ agenda on the cards in the GE, over tory, labour or LD candidates. They already fucked it up with their so called ‘coalition pact’ with the LDs that actually prevented me from voting for PC in a Welsh Constituency, the logic was absent on that one.

    He also cannot even argue Wales so called ‘democratic case’ for Wales to remain in the EU as like England, we also regrettably voted to leave with England. Price, with Drakeford are just simply living a fantasy land with unprecedented grievance against the English national.

    On the subject of independence, Scotland will probably follow suit with being repeatedly ignored by the WM institution until the generations come and go and the support is simply forgotten about. Independence was at it’s peak following the scandal at Capel Celyn in the 1960s. One of the last Welsh speaking towns in North Wales was intentionally flooded in 1965 to create a reservoir, Llyn Celyn, in order to supply Liverpool (England) with more water for industry.

    Cymru’n cofio, Cymru am byth.

  238. KOF says:

    Just to bring some extra context to the cartoon.

    Let’s not forget Terry Jones was one of those “celebrities” who signed an open letter, in the Guardian newspaper, August 2014, urging the people of Scotland to vote no to independence.

  239. Almond Chutney says:

    KOF says:
    27 January, 2020 at 12:11 pm
    “Just to bring some extra context to the cartoon.

    Let’s not forget Terry Jones was one of those “celebrities” who signed an open letter, in the Guardian newspaper, August 2014, urging the people of Scotland to vote no to independence.”

    Jeez, you make it sound like we can’t mourn for a comedian legend because his views on a Scot indyref differs to yours.

  240. Clapper57 says:

    @ Almond Chutney @ 12.05pm

    Indeed Adam does not speak for Wales and yes Wales voted Leave ….and for him to agree to form a pact with the Lib Dems at the last GE was unforgivable…strange that he did this to assure success for supposed ‘Remain’ parties while now holding an opinion so far removed from that very fight ….a huge alarm bell IMHO.

    Did not know that about the intentional flooding incident in Wales…quite shocking and sad but I am not surprised as to who would benefit from this….

    If I am honest I do not know what will happen in respect to Scotland…we seem to be stagnant politically while support, among the people, for independence is very much still continuing to mobilise it’s effort….we need an alignment I think.

    Scotland gu bràth

  241. Abulhaq says:

    Is it really necessary for Scots to provide a case for independence?
    Would that be expected of any other ethnic entity?
    Especially one that until the beginning of the 18th century was a sovereign state, albeit in a fractious monarchic personal union with its neighbour.
    Ask the English to provide a case for independence and the legions of perplexed faces would provide your answer.
    We do not need justification for a basic and authentic right.

  242. Breeks says:

    The SNP Retweeted
    ??????? An overwhelming majority say the Scottish Parliament, not Westminster, should decide on holding a future independence referendum.

    ? 58% of voters also say a pro-indy majority in the 2021 Holyrood election is a mandate for a referendum.

    ? That would be Mandate No. 5.

    I dunno… Maybe folks are being too hasty about rushing to judge Emily Thornberry.

  243. Kenny J says:

    ” Breeks says:
    27 January, 2020 at 9:24 am

    Kangaroo says:
    27 January, 2020 at 3:20 am
    Breeks etc

    I will reiterate that there was no reason for Nicola not to give her response to Bojo’s S30 refusal at the time it was received.

    Zoom out your perspective a click or two Kangaroo.

    A Section 30 Agreement is derived from Section 30 of the 1998 Scotland Act which created and defined the Constitution of a Devolved Scottish Assembly, which was constrained by the powers which Westminster did or did not give it via the Scotland Act. etc, etc ”

    All of that and Colin Alexander. Whits that game on the tele.
    Tipping point, will the coin hang, or fall.

  244. kapelmeister says:

    The really sad thing about the Thornberry hustings incident is that someone standing up and growling “I hate the SNP, I hate the SNP” is greeted by a Labour audience with whoops of delight and strong applause as if something witty and trenchant has just been said.

  245. Sarah says:

    @ronnie Anderson – were you wearing a red scarf? If so, I see you in some photos by Paul Campbell on Inverness Freedom March FB. I had already pointed out your nice tweed jacket to my husband but thought it was John Finnie!

  246. We should not have any doubts about the hiding the poll results sure they hid the Macrone report for 30years the only weapon they have against the truth is to hide it or to lie which they do without any shame. O.t. I was thinking that when our Prince was in hiding afterCulloden and a fortune was offered for his capture they got no takers aye when will we see your like again ???today they would be lining up to betray him you s know who I mean the ones who are rewarded by the BBC and the media under the guise of wages

  247. CameronB Brodie says:

    You can expect a system to produce product F, for freedom, if the said system is designed to produce product D, for despotism. Treating Westminster as if it is a liberal democracy that respects international law, is like treating a bunch of staring hyenas like they are internet kittens. Predictably doomed to epic failure.

  248. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sory…<b.starving hyenas…

    The Epistemological
    Foundations of Law

    link to

  249. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sorry again….sorry. I am doing my best to keep it real. I’m just a bit of a critical realist, which provides me with a particular way of viewing the world, and peril that Scotland faces.


    link to

  250. CameronB Brodie says:

    I’ll need to take a breath and slow down, as apparently grammatical correctness denotes legal competence. I’ll admit I am losing it a bit. That’s because I understand a bit about constitutional law and stuff.

    Westminster has arbitrarily re-written British constitutional law, in a way that denies any hope for epistemic justice for Scotland. I’m sure Scotland’s judiciary acknowledge the importance of epistemic justice. Well, actually they don’t appear to value epistemic integrity. And the Scottish government appear determined to banish any hope for epistemological justice from Scotland, as if that will help matters.

    Save us from woke-liberals please.


  251. ronnie anderson says:

    Sarah 1.29 No i wasen’t wearing a red scarf ( am no labour ) grey tweed jasket an grey hat lol.

  252. twathater says:

    I watched the politics show at 1pm and the various english pundits must have mentioned english sovereignty between 20 and 30 times , brexshit = english sovereignty , sect 30 = english sovereignty , food standards from usa = english sovereignty , please sir can us Jocks have some of that sovereignty

  253. twathater says:

    @ Heart of Galloway 9.22am where you mention getting succour from the EU , I would very much doubt that the EU will offer any form of support for Scotland in our quest for independence as that may taint the desire for a reasonable trade deal with the uk, the patience and flexibility they have shown towards the uk’s intransigent stance and repeated threats belays any thoughts of support . WE ARE ON OUR OWN

  254. iain mhor says:

    Sigh…another depressing and predictably inevitable example of doublethink and ‘not for viewers in Scotland’ Predictable in which doublethink politics it is rooted in certainly and predictable in the capitulation to the doublethink.

    On another note – in regarding complaints of the frustrating, painfully slooow, conservative and didactic approach to independence we are experiencing (Adhering to vague legalities, dotting i’s etc to the exclusion of all other dialogue and deferring to doublethink)
    I was pondering whether there is a fundamental disconnect issue with our politics and wondered if it was the lack of demographic representation – whether education, career experience, or possibly ideology.

    So, I thought to find a pattern and try and define it by way of an interesting (?) exercise: Because it is de rigeur to discuss the SNP, I use that political party as the example – others are available.
    The object is to find an SNP politician (Cabinet member, MP, MSP) who does NOT fall into one of the following categories

    The exclusion bingo list*:

    University educated
    Legal profession
    Finance profession
    Teaching profession
    Media profession
    Social or Voluntary profession

    I must state, this is not in any way meant to be derogatory; to belittle, deride or disparage anyone’s education or career – I am seeking to establish a Venn diagram for entry/exclusion from a political vocation

    I can possibly identify five candidates, perhaps more. The puzzle is: can we name 10 ? – I believe we have around 62 MSP’s and 47 MP’s. From a total of 109 we are looking for just under 10% – a dawdle? Fun for all the family nontheless

    *Yes there were reasons for the exclusion list, it was not arbitrary and no I’m not trawling through Lab/Libdem/Tory for comparison – someone else can try that if it so pleases you.

  255. Dan says:

    @iain mhor

    Medical Profession – Dr Philippa Whitford

  256. Sarah says:

    @ Ronnie Anderson at 4.35 – so I have to trawl through all those photies looking for a fine figure of a man in a grey jacket and a grey hat? I did trawl through them all once and found a fine but blurred figure in a green waterproof coat – my husband!


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