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Wings Over Scotland

Daily Record Spot The Truth Competition

Posted on February 26, 2015 by

Can you find the Daily Record’s prominent Smith Commission correction on the front page of its website today, readers? Take your time – it’s on there, we promise you.


If you can’t find it, click the image for the solution.

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found it 🙂


A bit like the ‘cut out and keep’ apology Viz comic published when it offended the travelling community.


Eventually found it. Some strange articles on that page.

By the way a new Scottish poll – TNS – tweeted by Mike Smithson of Political Betting- now following into line with the others;

SNP extend lead over LAB in Scotland to 16% according to new TNS poll.
SNP 46+5
LAB 30-1
CON 14-2
LD 3-1
GRN 3-3
UKIP 3+1


WOW AWESOME It is way past the time that corrections and apologises were legally required to be the same size and have the same prominence as the original article. I wont hold my breath though, certainly not in the hope that they will do the right thing without being forced to do so.


Prominent (prom-i-nent) adj. (chiefly Br.) The penultimate story in a list of stories on the website of a tabloid rag. prominently (adv.)


Dunno.Secreted somewhere beside Waldo,i guess?


They could just have easily have use invisible ink?

Their retraction is just as big as their morals.

I can remember back to when it was a useful paper.
It was cut into sheets and nailed onto the outside toilet wall.

It has gone down hill since then.


It’s like where’s wally


Fundraise a billboard – get it on a feckin billboard


Are we going to war with Daily Redress Stu?

Paula Rose

More important than mum looking like deflated balloon though…


Tucked away nicely in the middle. Ye can just feel the remorse.

Proud Cybernat

Took me about five minutes to find it. Easily missed and not at all prominently displayed. An expert example of how the MSM in general and the Daily Redcoat in particular effectively bury bad news when they are forced to publish it. No doubt there will be a number of Rangers fans out there wondering what commission Walter Smith received and why it had to be corrected.

donald anderson

So, it’s just a correction then?


“In order to remedy the breach of Clause 1, the newspaper was now required to publish this wording both as a footnote to the online article under complaint, making clear to readers that the article had been amended, and as a stand-alone item linked for no less than 24 hours from the home page of the Daily Record’s website, with a headline indicating the subject of the correction.”

So that’s a “headline” is it, a headline indicating subject correction. All they’ve done now is show exactly what Scotland’s champions thinks of IPSO. Also shows they’re all as bad as each other too and Daily Record’s got some of the worst. Roll on May 7 Scotland champs.

Les Wilson

Well if the Independent Press Standards Organisation, let this go then they are as useless,as all the other UK institutions. I support others that the penalty should fit the crime,it should have had to follow the front page of the Vow, the same size and just as prominent.

That’s how it should work, right?
Oh, wait a minute……………

Tinto Chiel

Nope, still not spotting it. Mind you, my attention was taken up with Scott McDonald returning to Motherwell FC.

Go, Skippy, go!


Never mind the UK government is going to breach election protocol by distributing a propaganda leaflet to every household in Scotland explaining what proposed powers are coming to the Scottish Parliament despite fact that a Westminster government cannot bind its successor.


So if we all go to the Daily Record website and click on it continually will it go onto their list of most read articles?


“Gonna need a bigger magnifying glass”

Calum Craig

How do you take a screenshot like that BTW?


Couldn’t be arsed looking for it, even looking at that rag makes my skin crawl and i go on one hell of a guilt trip, so cheated and followed your instructions to it.

Will not be doing that again in a hurry.

btw, Rev, i scrolled right down to the bottom and you should see, in comparison, the size of coverage they have given to McPoodle apparently duping us.


Tackety Beets

Found it but will the over 65’s ?

I only mention this as they were the biggest portion of Naws and poorer reading vision and were probably the most likely group to have been influenced by DR .

I do know plenty over 65 Yessssers tho’ and a great fun bunch they are too .

Rev , incase you missed it there is a link in previous post about P&J being pulled up for failing to do a proportionate correction .
ach scatch that , you dont miss a dam thing , sorry .


Why is there not a fuss about this in the MSM

link to

Every household in Scotland will receive a leaflet explaining what new powers might be handed to Holyrood.

Secretary of State for Scotland Alistair Carmichael told the House of Commons that the leaflet would be part of a public information campaign.

Legislation on new powers was published in January but it will not be made law until after May’s general election.

The SNP said spending £1.5m of taxpayers’ money on a “phoney public relations offensive” was a “disgrace”.


Calum Craig

Click on Clrl plus Prtsc on top mid to right on your keyboard then open Paint and save

Tackety Beets

Hi Tinto Cheil ,

Is that the same Skippy (SM) that scored the goal for Aussie v Scotland and put us oot o world cup ?

Good luck , hope he helps you stay up . COYR !


Sinky says:
“Every household in Scotland will receive a leaflet explaining what new powers might be handed to Holyrood.”

One side of A5, big print.


@ Sinky (10.31pm),

Aye, but they are getting away with it because they are calling it “a public information release” (or something similar) and by doing that it cannot be classed as election material.

Every household in Scotland is to receive one, at taxpayers expense, and as far as i know it is not going to be telling us anything that we don’t already know.

No wonder London’s Chief Scottish Gofer, Alison Carbuncle, has been conspicuous by his absence recently, he’s been getting ideas from WOS and working on his own masterpiece, a leaflet.


The Daily Record has been reduced to an internet troll.

Everyone knows they are liars, and with the little reputation they once had now in tatters, they are at the bottom with no where else to go.

The only thing they can do now is try and pull others down to their level using the scorched earth policy, even if that means getting burnt themselves.

Given the changing political landscape in Scotland, has the Daily Record now past its sell by date.


heedtracker says:

“In order to remedy the breach of Clause 1, the newspaper was now required to publish this wording both as a footnote to the online article under complaint, making clear to readers that the article had been amended, and as a stand-alone item linked for no less than 24 hours from the home page of the Daily Record’s website, with a headline indicating the subject of the correction.”

Guess what heedtracker they have flat out FAILED to meet even the FIRST part of the remedy, namely to publish this wording as a footnote to the online article under complaint. They have NOT done that. As linked to by Stu check out at the 08:01 time slot.

link to

The printed version apparently appeared at the BOTTOM of page 2 UNDER the weather and Lottery numbers. You’d have needed an electron microscope to read that *ahem* correction as well by the way. 😛

Just in case anyone is in the process of heading off to bed and is wondering what masterpiece they will wake up to in the Daily Record tomorrow then how about this? 😉

link to

Now I wonder what Stu’s next article will be about! 😀

Calum Craig


That just gives you what is on screen at the time surely? That grab above is obviously several screens worth of scrolling.

Ian Brotherhood

So, this is a typical day’s output for the Record?

And they manage to do likewise every weekday?

FFS. It’s a proper Atrocity Exhibition sure enough…Top Trumps from Hell…

‘Ah’ve goat The Godmother!’

‘Nae luck. Check it out – ah’ve goat the guy wakin’ up wi’ nae baws!’

Dr Ew


Actually heard this on social media – I wouldn’t trust The Record to get the date right never mind news.


Is this like the Spot the Ball Competition where it was designed that no one would ever win..ever..

There is no true story.. (apart for the bit about Mad-Donna falling off the stage. That did happen)

Grouse Beater

Where’s WallY?


Is this a trick question? (i have clicked to see the non-answer)

They’ve not delivered on the IPSO Complaint – just like the phoney vow was made up, they’ve decided to publish a phoney correction.. so i suppose in their minds its all done and dusted)

I wouldn’t trust the Record to tell me the time far less tell me a credible news story.

Paula Rose

Fortunately in Brechin we get everything a day late – so we’re always one day ahead.

Cadogan Enright

Phew – that was not easy, but spotted it in the end – just finished my formal complaint to the electoral commission about the £1.5 million intervention in the Scottish side of the UK WM elections without registering as a non party campaigner.

I am also looking for information I have previously seen about national governments being prohibited from intervening in elections on the part of one party or group of parties – I have seen this before somewhere under EU or international law – any experts out there?


interesting that the worst the record’s cybernats division could come up with was that wee comment from rob roy. you’d think we were rational human beings or something.

also good to see the FM’s precise wording – “condemned abuse” – and quite right too. i wouldn’t like to see abuse here either, if it were ever to happen. pity the same can’t be said for the record, really.


I think the mole on the nurse is bigger than the published correction in the Daily Regret.

Christian Wright

Smith debacle, censure by the IPSO, followed closely by vindictive article and editorial smearing the whistleblower.

This is the behaviour of thugs. The Record’s editor and the empty suit who penned the article need to be fired, if the house journal of the Labour Party’s Scottish branch, is to retain any credibility.

Tinto Chiel

@Tackety Beets

COYR? Do I detect Dandy Don tendencies? If so, all the best for the title challenge.

Anyhow, let’s just enjoy the day The Daily Retard hit the iceberg.

Thanks, Rev.

Screens, nurse.

Craig Macinnes
Cadogan Enright
Christian Wright

@Craig Macinnes – “Blow for Nicola as she fails to get 100% in poll”


One_Scot says:
“Given the changing political landscape in Scotland, has the Daily Record now past its sell by date.”

Doubt it, mate.

Time after time, despite knowing what that rag does to our cause and what it thinks of this site and us, people still repeatedly post direct links straight to its website.

Some people even still buy the filth.

Extremely sad but true.


Joemcg says:
26 February, 2015 at 10:52 pm

i’d disagree

the record is entitled to an opinion too – although whether many of the journos working there believe that opinion by now is another question.

for me the best possible end to all this is to watch and laugh as the paper disappears up its own bottom in clouds of foaming bile, and its ever-declining circulation will see to that soon enough.

all the free publicity we’re getting just speeds that process up a bit

Graeme Doig

Cadogen Enright

Good for you. Would you mind putting a link up and maybe a copy of your complaint so others can do likewise.

Some folk, myself included, need a wee leg up to do dome of this stuff but the more the merrier.


A few threads ago. Your argument was sound.

[…] Daily Record Spot The Truth Competition […]


@Sinky says:

Never mind the UK government is going to breach election protocol by distributing a propaganda leaflet to every household in Scotland explaining what proposed powers are coming to the Scottish Parliament despite fact that a Westminster government cannot bind its successor.

Everytime they do something like this, the Scottish Government should counter it with their own leaflet.
The SNP also took part in the Smith Commission, so they have a voice too.

A similar public service.. explaining their plans for the new powers, and how they fall short on what is needed.
Or their plans for the coming year etc.

Over £50 million has been saved on the Queensferry Crossing coming in under budget. The huge new Southern General hospital also delivered on time and under budget.

So I am sure they have the funds for a ‘public information’ mailshot of their own.

Graeme Doig

Cadogen Enight

I’ve never had a ‘shellacking’ or been ‘shellacked’ by anyone but it doesn’t sound good 🙂


On other news, that bastion of integrity, the BBC, R4, continually headlined:

‘The BBC has discovered the identity of Jehadi John…’,

whilst oddly omitting the rest of the sentence which should have been, … by reading the Washington Post!

Dr Jim

The Daily Record once again attempting to stir up vitriol against we so called Cybernats for questioning their behaviour as if once again they have the right of free speech but those who do not agree with them do not
Of course The First Minister will condemn all forms of bullying or threatening behaviour, none of which i saw on this site which leads me to my point
The power of Wings Over Scotland must be so great now as a forum for free Scottish thought and expression that it strikes terror into the MSM so much so the attacks are frequent
If in fact Wings was as abusive as the MSM said it was would not the Interwebby Policey Checky people have been coming round our houses arresting and shouting at us so that we could be vilified in the Press and TV as the very bad and nasty folk that we are
So there you have it still waiting for the knock at my door to tell me and all of us we’re breaking the law
No! still nothing i must be then within the law so The Daily Record constantly telling Scotland and it’s people
that Wings Over Scotland are bad bullies is in my book BULLYING by a big nasty corporation of Newsy People and it must not in fact be true or the Interwebby Policey People would be doing something about it
Outraged Glasgow…. with an anorak…


Everytime they do something like this, the Scottish Government should counter it with their own leaflet.

Over £50 million has been saved on the Queensferry Crossing coming in under budget. The huge new Southern General hospital also delivered on time and under budget.

So I am sure they have the funds for a ‘public information’ mailshot of their own.

However, unlike the coalition at Westminster, the SNP government actually has to balance its budget, and I am sure those savings are already earmarked for things which are designed to protect public services.

They’re not the kind of people to stoop to misusing taxpayers’ money for electioneering while pretending it’s a public information exercise. And that is just one reason why decent people vote for them and not for the Tories.

Dr Jim

FYI “Shellacking” it’s not used much these days because of modern technology but it’s a form of hard varnish coating and not as some folk think something to do with warfare
I’m old…


I know it gives them the ad revenue but maybe the word should go out for everyone to click it and put at the top of the ‘Most Read’ column?

ronnie anderson

@ Rev Lets cut out the middle man, if WOS has a good case, lets go for the JUGULAR & take the Daily Record to LAW.

Its your decision & would be respected by the Wingers,you know the cash would be there for any legal fee,s


Sorry had a wee dram watching the game tonight, “Daily record Spot the truth” caught my eye, is that an explanation?.. or is it misplaced punctuation, “DAILY RECORD,SPOT THE TRUTH”. (Woohoo at last…)


Re: this planned leaflet propaganda drop by the UK government. The Scottish Office new information page on the super amaxing devolution to come gives some indication of what they’re going to say.

Things like “Over 50% of Scotland’s budget will now come from Scottish taxes”.

Which implies that the remaining 40 odd percent comes from the rest of the UK.

Which makes it look like we’re getting a FANTASTIC deal.

When the truth is that the Scottish budget amounts to less than 100% of the taxes Scotland sends south. What is it? About 70%?

We need another WBB to combat these lies.


In the early days when Chrichton made some vile remarks on his blog abut the SNP so he has no room to criticise these devilish cybernats.

It would be great if Chrichton’s blog remarks could be reproduced here. I believe some people archive these things.

Calum McLean

Always take comfort from facts…

Daily Record 2005 circulation: 471,708

Daily Record 2014 circulation: 192,222


ABC Official Circulation statistics remove the need for a crystal ball to forsee what happens when you print excrumentum.

ronnie anderson

Shellack applyed with the use of Methelated spirits & dont go to B&Q for the Meths, the self service tills ask,s your age LoL anywhere else you need to sign the poisons register hardware store ect,anymore useless information give me ah shout.

ronnie anderson

Memo tae DimJim.

Am no ah Element of the SNP ,but am to Hot fur you to handle.


The article is under ‘Scottish Government’, Smith Commission correction.

So the headline would make you think that it is a mistake that the SNP has had to correct.


Not long to go now, bye bye Spud Murphy, bye bye NuLabour Scottish Branch, bye bye Daily Rectum, bye bye The Hootsmon.


@ Calum (12.36am),

Where did you get that circulation figure? (2014 – 192, 222).

I’m sure that was the figure i last seen around the middle of last year.

It will be a lot less now because The Rectums circulation figures are, suspiciously, the only figures missing from the most recent newspaper circulation figures, as posted by LA just 2 days ago.

They now appear to be hiding their figures from the public.

As a lead balloon plummets to earth no amount of blindfolds will prevent it from crash landing.


Not unexpected.

The media in all its glory.


@Natasha says:

However, unlike the coalition at Westminster, the SNP government actually has to balance its budget, and I am sure those savings are already earmarked for things which are designed to protect public services.

They’re not the kind of people to stoop to misusing taxpayers’ money for electioneering while pretending it’s a public information exercise.

So it’s OK to just let them away with it, right before an election?

Everyone knows this leaflet will be carefully worded to mislead.
Selected timeframes, Out-of-scale pie charts, Ignoring debt, showing Scotland as subsidised etc.

The SNP also took part in this commission, so why shouldn’t the Scottish Government get their say also.

At the very least, it can be hand-delivered by the many new members, saving money.

Remember many ‘decent’ people also voted No after being misled and lied to. Negative campaigning worked. We will see it all again soon. Sometimes I think the SNP needs to stoop to their level and fight a bit dirtier at times.


@Calum McLean says:

Always take comfort from facts…

Daily Record 2005 circulation: 471,708
Daily Record 2014 circulation: 192,222

Wow. Going back even further:

Daily Record 1992: 755,026 (!!)
Daily Record 2002: 584,290

Obviously newspapers have lost influence to the internet, ipads etc

But in the case of the Record, there must be a hefty chunk of readers completely turned off by its slavish devotion to Labour, and talking down Scotland politically.

The Sun at least stayed neutral in the referendum, and gave the YES campaign a fair crack.

The Record deliberately misled and lied to its readers.


It’s now and again troublesome to a pondersome lad like myself that we continue to buy a paper that thinks us low eejits and the notion of Scotland contemptible. In the 70s and 80s it was clear enough – skint on the Thursday we could wipe our arses with it pending our wages on the Friday and the messages on the Saturday. Now we have huge enormous supermarkets selling massive big hunner-packets of pennies-cheap toilet paper and, and… therefore we do not run out of toilet paper and cash at the same time with the same frequency maybe! Therefor, therefore, there must be another reason way oot there somewhere. There has to be.

Shaun the Sheep

Like Spot the Ball.

Mark with a cross.

Did I win the jackpot?


Aye couldn’t spot it.

The website is useless just like the lying ‘journalists’. Nearly every word they utter is a lie. Reporting? under false pretences, along with the rest of the Westminster liars. Attacking the most vulnerable. Lie about the SHS. Westminster spend £Billions attacking and killing innocent people, while cutting the NHS budget. Wealthy, white male ‘journalists’ rewarded by tax evaders stealing from the public purse. The lying VOW, printed to deceive, along with the rest of the nonsense.

At least 5 million people in Scotland give the paper and the liars a wide berth. The best is yet to come 7/5/15, to get the liars out.


Whatever happened to ‘Meths’ on the ‘Scotsman’.

Can the Scottish Gov not implement the Leveson verdict, to give the public some redress against the irresponsible ‘Press’?


i was talking to a couple of english folks i know online last night. both from the south of england and both a bit right of centre normally, but sick of the troughers and frustrated that there isn’t any real choice.

westminster needs to take a long look at itself.


The value to Westminster of the Daily Record as a propaganda vehicle, is without limit.

Any losses sustained by the Record will be underwritten by the UK Gov.

The DR is just too important to the Unionists
as a political weapon against the SNP.

john king

Outraged Glasgow…. with an anorak…

Sense of humour reset: check
Dr Jim: bwahahahahahahahaha
Natasha says
“They’re not the kind of people to stoop to misusing taxpayers’ money for electioneering while pretending it’s a public information exercise. And that is just one reason why decent people vote for them and not for the Tories.”

That’s it, get on every billboard and bus stop in Scotland

Dr Jim says
“FYI “Shellacking” it’s not used much these days because of modern technology but it’s a form of hard varnish coating and not as some folk think something to do with warfare
I’m old…”

That bearded guy in the New Yankee Workshop used it all the time,
Im older,
and lazier. 🙂
Ronnie Anderson says
“Memo tae DimJim.

Am no ah Element of the SNP ,but am to Hot fur you to handle.”

Eh, he’s right Jim,
I wouldn’t if I were you
you’ll rue the day! 🙂
Onwards says
“So it’s OK to just let them away with it, right before an election?”

Remember before the ref but in the “period of purdah” where the rule was that no new policies would be put to the public but only the YES campaign was legally held to it whereas the NO campaign was not?

Well its the same thing now, while the UK government can call spending in support of a policy that opposes the SNP anything they damn well like and the wont be breaking the rules, cos guess what, THEY MADE THE RULES,

The SNP cannot spend public money in support of their policies, simple as that.


PS. Is there a solution to the DR?

Yes – The National needs to improve a lot
so as to become a real alternative choice.

Even then, we should never under estimate the
the force in ‘the force of habit’.
Many elderly Record readers will have been buying the
Record for as much as 50 years.

As they say – if you want to take away a child’s cone,
just give him a bigger one in exchange.

So, Richard, can you please make the National much better, and do it very soon. Thanks.


Placed between a drug story and a what drink gives bad hangovers. Classy


Pre-referendum …it was The Scotsman
Pre-election …it’s the Daily Record

LOL …the national papers will begin to groan since we still have the 2016 elections and the EU referendum.

Basically …who’s next come 2016

robert mcdonald

I was looking in “Weird News” 🙂

About that propaganda leaflet, if there’s a freepost address on it attach it to a brick and send it back. They pay excess postage.

Helena Brown

Alertness, I found it with ease, as an over 65 year old I simply used all the experience I have gained over the years and looked in the most likely place.


The SNP Government led by Alex Salmond should have taken the opportunity and introduced their own version of Leveson in Scotland when his Report was published rather than waiting for Westminster to do something. Alex Salmond should have struck when public opinion was all fired up in favour of legislation and he should have anticipated that Westminster would kick Leveson into touch.


Maybe as an attention grabber the national needs a pair of tits splashed across page 3. We could start off with Murphy and Dougie Alexander.

john king

The trouble with that idea Robert is that the Scottish office budget comes out of the block grant, we would just be depriving the Scottish government of funds,
they’re no daft eh?


The Record went too far in both campaigns. Their political heart firmly on their sleeve, they prove themselves not to be a newspaper of the people, but a party political machine with celebrity extras and a TV guide. And with those latter exceptions, are no different from any politics blog or opinionated individual. Their opinion isn’t better than yours or mine and quite clearly its no better informed.

They lost the right to call themselves a ‘news’paper a long, long time ago. That would involve journalism, standards, empathy and objectivity . That’s fine though, they’re fully entitled to a political opinion and a political agenda just as the folk who support self determination and a fully empowered Scottish Government are.

What they cannot do is proclaim themselves our Champion or that somehow they speak objectively and informatively for/to the common buddy in the street. At best they speak for around 55% of the electorate and by this point I’m really not even sure of that anymore. They don’t speak for the whole country is the point and almost half of our country disagrees with their viewpoint quite strongly. They really need to get their heads round those numbers and also get used to the fact that a not inconsiderable number of people don’t believe a word they say or are ever likely to.

The collective press of the UK and its own actions encouraged this loss of faith in the media all by themselves and didn’t need any help in doing so. They also need to own their own portion of this responsibility.

That Leveson fella had our press industry sized up in jig time and didn’t he just blow the whole sorry, sordid mess wide open for everyone to see?


Trinity Mirror PLC. (Owners of the Daily Record).

Our Values: We are creative; inspired by innovative journalism and publishing that meets the ever-changing needs and interests of our audience and customers.

We are open; believing that communication and transparency are key to creating an effective and collaborative work environment.

We have integrity; championing honesty and trust, and showing respect for our colleagues, audience, customers, shareholders and business partners.

We are ambitious; encouraging our people to remain driven and take pride in their achievements. They are our most valuable resource, each playing a part in enabling our success.

link to

And David Clegg of the Daily Record has dumped every one of Trinity Mirror’s “values”. He is now working to the Scottish Labour Party “values”, with no right to reply. End of.

Only BBC Scotland and North Korea work to those kind of guidelines.

Robert Kerr

O/T Sorry Rev.

My personal journey assisted by WoS and the Wingers continues.

I attended a function and refused to drink the loyal toast or sing the anthem. Guess I won’t be asked back. I did actually stand however so as not to insult my hosts.

I have submitted my first ever FOI request to local government.

All this is cathartic. Thank you all.


‘re press regulation’
Did the SG not have its own inquirey into this, but ditched it because the recommendations were ‘Draconian’.

Considering the actions of our public broadcasters and media, perhaps it should be dusted down and given an airing.

The lies and dissemination need to stop, democracy is badly served by our media.


Marcia: at 10:10 pm

Eventually found it. Some strange articles on that page.

Aye Marcia I also found it, and I aso found this ICM POLL as well.

Jim Murphy, the new leader of Scottish Labour, was given another reminder of his uphill battle as a second poll in a week showed his party trailing the SNP by a huge margin.

Survey shows 43 per cent of those interviewed in Scotland aim to vote SNP in May general election against 26 per cent for Labour.


The DR is old fashioned, 30-40 years out of date. Tribalism. The readership is dying off. The website is inaccessible, frozen. The ‘paper’ has never moved with the times. Out of touch and out of time. A total waste of paper.

Bugger (the Panda)

OT but relevant

ED Miliband is today going to announce a GE giveaway of reducing the fees charged by English, (Welsh and N Irish?) universities from £9K to £6K per annum.

He will pay for this by reducing the tax breaks for OAPs, presumably those who have an income stream, unless IDS defects to Labour.

So, OAPs in Scotland subsidise English fees in English universities?

Just like, in reverse, Smurfy’s mansion tax to pay for 1,000 to ad finitum new nurses in Scotland. The London press and the usual letter to the editor writing class in England went apeshit.

Will the MSM is Scotland call Smurfy out on this one?

I am not holding my breath


@ Marian,
Sorry, just spotted your comment.

I do not post very often because I always seem to be way behind. Any way agree completely.

The press would scream and stamp their feet, but it would give the SG plenty of opportunities to provide examples of the press and broadcasters manipulations of the truth.

Tackety Beets

@ Helena

Nice one , well done . LOL .

Bugger (the Panda)

Helena Brown says:
27 February, 2015 at 8:17 am

“Alertness, I found it with ease, as an over 65 year old I simply used all the experience I have gained over the years and looked in the most likely place.”

Under the carpet?

Bill McLean

We need to make a noise about the SNP demanding devolution of broadcasting if we find ourselves in a position of “kingmaker” at Westminster. We must do something about broadcasting and the press if we are to succeed! Why are the SNP so timid? Scots like a bit of a rammy and the press couldn’t present us any worse – or could they?


My mouse found it for me.



I noticed the following tweet on Stu’s twitter feed:

Duncy Hotstall

Wings starting another fundraiser tomorrow. Sure @theSNP is well funded by Souter, McColl et al, but must eat into their potential income.

But what Duncy omits to tell us is that PWC, the accountancy giant that promoted tax avoidance, gave £386,605 to Labour

Although the Tories received similar support in the run-up to the last election, the donation was an embarrassment to Labour as the Commons public accounts committee this month attacked the company for “promoting tax avoidance on an industrial scale”.

The PAC’s chairman, Margaret Hodge, said then that it was “inappropriate” for PwC staff to be seconded to work in the offices of Labour frontbenchers.

Brian Powell

Interesting to hear Labour’s plan to reduce tuition fees in England is to reduce tax relief on high earners pensions.

The didn’t say where the high earners start but I assume it is anyone in the next up tax bracket.

But we don’t have tuition fees paid by students in Scotland.

So Labour will be reducing tax relief in Scotland to improve their chances in England.

Not sure how that will go down for some sections of the community in Murphy’s constituency.

Brian Powell

That is to pay for reducing tuition fees in England by reducing tax relief on pensions.

john king

Oh by the way I just raised a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office,
after receiving an email from Jim Murphy,
I made a point of calling their helpline on 0303 123 1113 and the very helpful chap on the other end made it clear that from the information given by me that the unsolicited contact from “Scottish” (sic) Labour is in clear breach of the legislation on nuisance emails. 🙂

Oh and at the bottom of the email is a link to “donate” so arguably they are guilty of soliciting money. 🙂


Maybe its a sign of the times or just my elderly age group, but last night, a rare outing down the local for a wee snifter and catch the footie I brought up the subject of nursie and i was disappointed that nobody seemed to give a monkeys cuss.

It’s a sad reflection of the times we live in that this kind of behavior by the media and politicians, by and large, is just accepted with a shrug of the shoulders and an “everybody does it” comment. No thought given to the current state/mess of politics as a result of these dealings.

The large majority of the population just don’t seem to care anymore hence politicians and the mass media get away with what they like, only the few seem to challenge or take to task the blatancy that has become the norm and we need more of it.

It drives me to despair that many of us “old yins” who should be setting the example appear to be waving the white flag and have surrendered long ago. Is it any wonder it is difficult to get younger generations engaged, by that i mean the 25-45 age group, who, in their opinion, have more important things to be worrying about than building a democratic wealthy country.

I often sit and wonder where it all went wrong, as an old (and decrepit) staunch “union man” thirty years ago i would never have believed the state of the country and politics would have come to today. I thought we were made of stronger stuff, maybe its the demise of the yards, the loss of heavy engineering etc, the strongholds of the Unions that have to blame, i don’t know. All i know is that i am becoming more frustrated, day by day.

We really do need to make the population aware of these issues and get them active — so keep up the good work Stu.

BTW O/T the thing that did get conversation going was the “named guardian” proposals. My offspring are well beyond that age so admittedly i haven’t been paying much attention to it so know little about the subject, but from what i gather it seems to be going down like a lead balloon around these parts.

United we stand , Untied we will not fail

jackie g


I was out a few weeks ago delivering leaflets and one of the volunteers was a nineteen year old YES voter.

He said that his pals were keen independance voters but not sure about the SNP as their ‘faithers etc’ were all staunch (Midlothain Labour supporters) but he was keen to get the message out to them.

So don’t despair they are out there we just need to keep the faith.

Bugger (the Panda)

@ John King

Done, thanks for the tel number.

pdf form coming down the line and will send it to you, if you want.

Any other Wingers can have it also but go into Off Topic to leave your e-mail address there please.

Flower of Scotland

Wow! Fundraiser at £19,550 already! Well done folks.

Lots of people wanting to keep the BBBC licence on Morning Call. Listened for my usual 5mins to see if there’s anything interesting on . NOPE!

Away to buy the National.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Stoker.

RE: circulation figures.
The ones that were posted a few days ago were for the REGIONAL papers.

The Daily Record is classified as a NATIONAL. The figures were published on 9th February.

“Daily Record – 11 per cent drop = from 219,514 on average during January last year, to 195,390 last month”

link to

Helena Brown

Bugger the Panda, the things I find under my rug are not to be spoken off in polite company. Fortunately if there was something as disgusting as the Daily Retard, the dug would have sniffed it oot ages ago. I imagine he would have done something he hasn’t done since he was six months old and lifted his leg.

Helena Brown

Just caught my Kindle entry I did not put Alertness, obviously it did not care for what I did put which was Tackety Beets, my apologies, blooming
Kindle and predictive text.

Sue Varley

On the subject of reducing tuition fees for students at English/Welsh universities, paid for by high earning pensioners across UK.

Since this is to be spent on education, surely Barnett consequentials will apply? If wealthy pensioners are more prevalent outwith Scotland, we might even come out ahead on is one.

Jim Mitchell

Maybe they’ve went shy all of a sudden!

Cadogan Enright

Complaints to the electoral commission can be done in writing or on-line.

the link below to the section of their website gives the rules for persons or organisations intervening in elections with large amounts of money. ALSO on the bottom of the page on the right there is a route for an on-line complaint(not updated since the referendum).

I don’t think copying someone else’s complaint works as they will be treated as ‘one’ complaint – better to find ones own words.

Essentially the UK government in the shape of at least one senior Whitehall mandarin have admitted to being a participant in the referendum debate but never registered as a non-party campaigner then – now it is the chance for the electoral commission to enforce its rules against them this time in their £1.5 M intervention – or at least ensure it is done in a neutral manner. link to

Cadogan Enright

I posted this yesterday but no-one seemed to notice “TNS poll sees the SNP extend their lead from 10% to 16%”

Though I cannot recall when it was 10%

Steph Daly

Is Ewen Bain writing the ‘Correction’ as a two header piece for Lachie Mor and Angus Ogg?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Cadogan Enright.

You’ll find the explanation here:-

link to

Dr Jim

Really good advertising for Wings from the Daily Record again
Maybe they don’t understand the first principle of advertising
Probably go a long way to assist the fundraising to make them even more miserable
Note to the Daily Record; If you told the truth in the first place and reported the actual news you’d never hear a word from us…
Try thinking about that(information) instead of (instruction)

Nana Smith

Don’t want to post on the fundraiser thread so putting this here.

From labour uncut website…

INSIDE: Balls for chop in future Labour/SNP coalition deal
26/02/2015, 09:52:58 PM

Ed Ball’s will be the sacrifice that seals a coalition deal between Labour and the SNP, if senior members of Ed Miliband’s inner circle have their way.

As private debate within Labour circles intensifies on the terms of a potential deal with the SNP, Uncut has learned that some of Ed Miliband’s closest advisers are plotting to sack Ed Balls in a bid to secure Ed Miliband’s tenure in Number 10, in the event of a hung parliament where Labour is not the largest party.

Insiders familiar with these discussions over the past few weeks describe a scenario where Labour would have to “reset its economic standing with the public” and demonstrate to the SNP that it would not be “wedded to austerity-lite.”

For some of Ed Miliband’s closest and oldest advisers, removing Ed Balls would achieve both objectives as well as ridding them of a potentially truculent and obstructive Chancellor.

The animosity between Ed Miliband’s inner circle and Ed Balls is well known. Last year Uncut revealed how team Miliband had plotted to sack Ed Balls in the Autumn reshuffle only to be thwarted by the Labour leader’s weakness coming out of conference season. And just last week the Sunday Times reported on the depth of

the recurring tensions between Miliband and Balls.
The recent bitter negotiations between the shadow Chancellor and Labour leader on how to fund Ed Miliband’s cherished cut in tuition fees, are said to have hardened views within Miliband’s circle.

Now this enmity is centre-stage in Labour’s developing psycho-drama over whether to strike a coalition deal with the SNP.

A sizeable section of the parliamentary party, not to mention Labour’s newly elected leader in Scotland, Jim Murphy, would be bitterly opposed to treating with the Scottish nationalists.

However, Murphy’s rage at any potential deal with the SNP only sweetens the prospect of a coalition agreement with the SNP for some of Ed Miliband’s advisers, as well as a section of MPs close to the unions, who would be pivotal to bolstering PM Miliband’s position within the parliamentary party.

As one disillusioned shadow cabinet adviser put it to Uncut, when describing the way the disparate coterie around Ed Miliband viewed a deal with the SNP,
“Half of them want to shaft Balls, half of them want to get Murphy and most of all, they all want to keep their jobs and not be out on their ears as failures.

Most will say yes to a deal enthusiastically, no-one is going to say no.”


Some interesting reading from the Groniad:

Election 2015: The Guardian poll projection

link to

Paul Mason tweeted:

Paul Mason ?@paulmasonnews
If @AlbertoNardelli projections here correct Labour “pre-lost” #GE2015 by its stance during Scottish #Indyref

link to


@ Brian Doonthetoon (10.44am).

RE: Circulation figures.

Thanks for that clarification Brian.

comment image



“Balls for chop”

Haha. Maybe he can apply for a job as a chorister after the surgery 😉


too many mistakes? time to remove all keyboards and only allow cut and paste from the mouse button..

link to


@Nana –

Balls for chop

LOL Nana I thought you were talking about the Russian guy who woke up less of a man than he was the night before 🙂


In the interest of fair play shouldn’t the guilty party be required to prominently display their correction rather be allowed to “mumble some inaudible words”? Something like the naughty stool that was used in Scots kirks some years back.

Really I’m totally sick of the UK Establishment. press, monarchy and all the other leeches clinging to the body of the population.

Too tired to seek out the Daily Rs contrition, I’ll take your word for it.


The Daily Rancid’s micro apology, lost somewhere in the depths of the couldn’t care less snips, is further proof that IPSO has no teeth.

Our courts seem to run along these lines: when someone steels a sum of cash by force, they are not get an opportunity to return some of that cash, to then be at liberty to carry out that same crime on their way home.

I cannot accept that the Rancid makes great political benefit to their cause my extolling lies and deceit, and all they have to do, months after being unequivocally certain that their figures, and their message, is completely devoid of Truth.

As in our train of thought regarding any other crime, the punishment must be greater than their misdemeanor.

The retraction and apology must be published in a more prominent
position with the newspaper, I use the term loosely,and in a greater font size, and in detail give an account of the damage their original article could have caused.

There should also be a fine reflective of the misdemeanor and
taking cognisance of the damage done, the speed in which they tried to resolve the issue, and of any previous history of similar offences.

We could help preserve democracy and truth by imposing a term of imprisonment for any Editor repeatedly overstepping the mark.

This would be justice!
This is a how a fair society would operate.
This is what IPSO and the Law show no sign of delivering.

Colin Alexander

The Daily Record:

“First Minister Nicola Sturgeon unveiled as Daily Record’s new star columnist”

link to

A thousand trolls. all of SIU, These Islands AND 77th Brigade AND MI5 couldnae come up as one as good as this.

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