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Wings Over Scotland

Clown shoes

Posted on February 06, 2016 by


Order “Welcome To Cairnstoon”, Chris’ compilation of Wings cartoons and more, here.

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Dorothy Devine

Ha! ha! Started my day with a chortle – thanks Chris!

David MacGille-Mhuire

Russian roulette SLABBER style?

The Isolator

Just fabulous Chris…sums up the current shambles that is Labour in Scotland.

Who loaded the gun?

Patrick?We should be told.


She’d probably miss.


nice one Chris, But I suspect Kezia would miss.

John Boyes

David MacGille-Mhuire says:
6 February, 2016 at 7:13 am
Russian roulette SLABBER style?

Don’t think so David – In Russian Roulette there is a high chance of survival.


Did someone tell her you point the gun at your brains?

David Smith

Nice one! I’ll admit to being in knots yesterday when I read;
“Ms Dugdale said the list represents talent from the whole of Scotland…”


O/t Looks like someone is not telling the truth about the U.N. panel of lawyers that commented on the Julian Assange. See Craig Murray!

Derek Cameron

The repellent Coburn on radio Scotland now. …sad that his pomposity has still not been punctured


‘Scottish’ Labour shooting themselves in the foot isn’t exactly new, Chris.
But it does make a great cartoon! Made my Saturday morning! 🙂

Tackety Beets

Another great ‘toon Chris , thank you. Heeee Heee Hee !

Nae “Dunces Bunnet” tho ?


If this was real, I’d rank it as only about the 4th most stupid idea from the Scottish Labour Party.


That covers it Chris

Grouse Beater

Michael Foot would be proud of Kezia! (I’ll get my coat.)

Does anybody understand what Labour are on about?: link to

Socrates MacSporran

Pedantry Alert

Wrong pose, SLAB’s speciality is shooting itself in both feet.


Its ok folks , she fires blanks.

Les Wilson

Do not be concerned for poor Kezie, she forgot the bullets!
Would not stop the lemmings going over the cliff anyway.


Great cartoon!

When she pulls the trigger a spring loaded Union Flag will pop out of the barrel!

How to save Labour’s fortunes? Simple. All they need to to come out pro-Indy, calling for Indyref2 ASAP, and mean it!


Any snp mps guests of the sru today??
Or is it a closed door to nationalists?


Off Topic

Good Morning to all Wingers on this exciting day!

May Scotland play out of their skins, may they score some fantastic tries and may the result be in doubt until the last minute – and then England win!

Good luck to all involved!


I see Peter Bell is holding Blair McDougall’s head under the water on twitter, best let him up Peter we don’t want to lose the best laugh we have do we?
McDougalls’s trying his damnedest, bless him to justify a total car crash of a Labour policy.

This one’s even better than Murphy who I recall said, “we won’t lose any seats to the nationalists, in fact we will gain some seats”!


May the bird of paradise fly up your nose!


sensibledave says:
6 February, 2016 at 9:41 am
Off Topic

Good Morning to all Wingers on this exciting day!

You too sensible. My money’s on Scotland and in a Scotland where the Labour party could come third to the tories in May, despite endless dreary Vote SLabour propaganda pouring out of creep shows like BBC vote Slab Scotland. Con artists defeated by Cons, Times are changin etc sensibledave.


Aye Kezia …it’s called ‘Scottish Labour fully backs Scottish independence’.

Do that …and SLAB will definitely have a future. Do it not …you’re history.

John Clark

One of the best things about this cartoon is it’s simplicity! Understood by all – brilliant! 🙂


heedy 9.57

You wrote: “Times are changin etc sensibledave.”

… not so much! I think (hope) Scotland will lose to England as they always do (on the sports field!). Swing Low …

Tartan Tory

@ JTL: “Do that …and SLAB will definitely have a future.”

Therein lies the problem though… Given the ‘talent’ available, do we really want them to be getting a whiff of a delusion of grandeur? :-/


Nice one Chris,although all the old rich red,blue and amber unionists whom I know are buying it.

They also don’t want their free bus passes and think we should pay for prescriptions and have council tax increases.

And it’s all because Kezia has lovely shiny hair.

Or is it really just because the SNP are bad.



I do not like it.

Really I do not.

The material is similar to a Brian Spanner insult.

And Kezia is actually a cut above that.

Rowling and Ruth Davidson and many others are not.

But Kezia may actually be thinking dark thoughts, in her situation I would be absolutely desperate.

Grouse Beater

Your weekend reading: link to

Bugger (the Panda)

Does she have any toes nevermind feet left?


Anagach at 10.14.
What is offensive about suggesting she may be about is shoot herself in the foot?

Your comparison is way off the mark to compare a clever cartoon from someone with an impeccable track record with Spanner.

I think you should retract.

Grouse Beater

May the bird of paradise fly up your nose!

Thanks for that one. Still chuckling…

Dan Huil

Labour “toes” the westminster line.

Donald Anderson

This will be construed as cybernat abuse.

Bob Mack

To be entirely accurate,the lights should also be switched off, but usual classy cartoon Chris.


Hi Daventry. No matter what team wins they both represent the UK. So no losers for us on this site really. We are Scottish you see.

Flower of Scotland

Thanks Chris. It’s always good having a laugh at the beginning of a day! Spot on.


Putting a tax on ‘loss leading’ cheap alcohol and scrapping Trident would raise £2Billion.

Scotland pays £4Billion debt repayment on money it doesn’t borrow or spend.Tax evasion, banking fraud and illegal wars.

Costs Scotland £10Billion.

Scotland was promised FFA. Vote SNP/Independence.


… not so much! I think (hope) Scotland will lose to England as they always do (on the sports field!). Swing Low …

That’s a hopeless burn sensible. Good to see you again but after the World Cup, Scotland are clearly more than capable of winning today. And as a hard core UKOK tory unionist sticking it to the Scots that clearly no longer wish to be ruled over by you, yes time are a changin, like it or not.

Back on topic sensible-

It must be confusing for you toryboy yoons like you sensible. BBC etc desperately #SNPbad/try to keep SLab even remotely relevant in their Scotland region but only succeed in making themselves look even more absurd and horrifically deceitful.

Kick and scream all you like sensible. Against all kinds of toryboy world opposition, you’re lucky enough to witness nation state building, right on England’s border:D


An apt idiom – though not original. I doubt the Unionists will be able to make much of this – just check out google images for “shooting yourself in the foot”.
link to

How apt is the basis of Gordon McIntyre Kemp’s article in The National:

“Bizarrely, the big picture on Labour taxation policy is even stranger. First, they campaign to stay in the Union promising Devo Max, then work against Scotland having full powers to vary income tax, then introduce a cack-handed policy to raise income tax with an unworkable cash-back element to compensate for not having the tax powers they themselves stopped Scotland getting.
They then fail to support amendments on a fiscal deal that would ensure no financial detriment to Scotland’s block grant, thus effectively risking billions being ripped out of Scotland’s budget: cuts that would dwarf any additional revenue from a 1p tax rise.
You could say Scottish Labour haven’t thought through their “Penny Dreadful” tax rise policy; you might wonder if have they have stopped being a serious political party and transformed into some kind of electoral suicide cult.”

link to


Nice One Chris.

Auld Rock

Hi Mad Murph, she is sort off pointing the gun at her ‘arse’, LOL. Not to worry, she borrowed Jackie B’s abacus and counted seven shots fired!!!! Must have been one of those custom made Colt Specials?

Auld Rock


Tartan Tory says:

Therein lies the problem though… Given the ‘talent’ available, do we really want them to be getting a whiff of a delusion of grandeur? :-/

For me personally (…and I’m sure everyone else here), Scottish Labour’s situation in trying to survive these next few years is at a point that can only be deemed ‘severely critical’. To stay wedded with London Labour, for most Scots, is to see only the continuing authority of Westminster in all Scottish matters whether we like it or not. In these last 5 years, we have finally removed the cobwebs from the eyes of most Scots, and they no longer see Labour as being the bulwark against the machinations served up by a Westminster elite, but that Labour themselves, have now become part of that elite. To most Scots, they now perceive not only mistrust of Labour, but also that of betrayal, and that was never more clear when Scottish Labour stood shoulder-to-shoulder with London Tories.

For Scottish Labour to survive and prove that they are not controlled by London Labour, they need to cut all ties with Westminster. However, it’s an impossible task. The Unions and the main Labour Party itself will never allow the ‘Scottish Branch’ to truly work independently of the ‘State’. And if that is the case, then the Scottish people, whom desire not only a greater set of powers, but greater influence over their own nation at home while promoting themselves internationally, are being restricted by Westminster. The Scottish people have had enough. I even believe a good many Unionists are now wondering where it is exactly, the direction UK is heading in; especially if they do pull out of the EU.

As we have seen this morning (and as you rightly say), the Scottish Labour party intend to field old stalwarts such as Sarwar and Lamont. That in itself is truly revealing. It shows that Scottish Labour intend to remain wedded to the government centre of Westminster; are not independent of the main party; stuck to the same ‘State’ policies; have no ‘rising’ prospects from the next generation coming through; and have only politicians whom many hold in derision …and therefore will, in the end, find themselves marginalised and outcast from the centre-ground of Scottish politics.

What should be more worrying for Scottish Labour is if there is an EU Referendum and England decides votes itself out while Scots still want to remain. Where do SLAB stand then? Would they back independence if the Scottish people now look to seek it …even though it goes against their very DNA? That is why I believe Scottish Labour must adapt to the very concept of independence …or face a very possible scenario where they will annihilated if they still stated ‘the Union of Britain’ in the face of a Scottish nation who is wanting to remain part of the EU.

To finally admit that Scottish independence is an option …would be Scottish Labour’s boldest move.

Arabs for Independence

Great cartoon

That would be a Natoe exercise?


Capella 11.05

‘You could say Scottish Labour haven’t thought through their “Penny Dreadful” tax rise policy; you might wonder if have they have stopped being a serious political party and transformed into some kind of electoral suicide cult.”

Or you could just state the truth;

Scottish Labour are just England’s agents in Scotland.

Dave McEwan Hill

Strange stuff going on.
The SUN is now moving into full anti-SNP mode as terror grips the UK establishment.
And polling’s getting odd. You Gov at it again, perhaps. Its “weighting” scales are in full operation perhaps.

Showing that most Scots would want to pay more tax, that the Tories are ahead of Labour in Scotland and that support for independence has dropped would suggest they polling has been done
very carefully indeed methinks


Capella says:

“Gordon McIntyre Kemp’s article in The National”

He also says …

If the Scotland Bill fails … a clever move for the SNP might be to tell Westminster a new independence referendum will be called unless you immediately agree to the promised Devo to the Max.

… I think that would be a good manifesto position for the election, should the Scotland Bill fail. Personally, I think WM will never give “Devo to the Max” so we could proceed to IndyRef2.

As Gordon McIntyre Kemp puts it …

… then the supporters of devolution and the reluctant No voters may come to believe they have been sold a pig in a poke and our First Minister will have the 60 per cent plus support she craves as a trigger for a new referendum

Dave McEwan Hill

The question that asked if folk would like to pay more tax was flavoured with the suggestion that the extra revenue would all go to deserving causes.
Had the added bit instead said “to make up for budget cuts by the Tory government on Scotland” exactly the opposite result would have been achieved.

Robert Peffers

@sensibledave says: 6 February, 2016 at 9:41 am:

Good Morning to all Wingers on this exciting day!

Yes indeed, sensibledave.
The Scottish cup is always exciting but the real excitement is tomorrow’s capital derby match. Mind you Rangers vs Killie has a potential for excitement.

As to trying, I’m sure even Linlithgow Rose will be trying their best.


Topper Chris I reckon it’s a water pistol and it’s fu’ o’ pish the same as Kezia and that big tuba playing numpty.. 🙂


It will soon be curtains for Kezia. The Slab hot-seat will fall to millionaire Sarwar, you really coundn’t invent this stuff.

Those who the gods wish to destroy they first make mad!


O/T Re the surge in support for “leave” the EU in the opinion polls.

Dave returned from Europe and immediately engaged in his typical slithery, slippery, snake-oil salesman talk. He is so untrustworthy! I wonder if people remember 19 September 2014, all his “I love you Scotland” tears and then the introduction of EVEL the day after indyref1 and the HoC debate on Scotland, when all they talked about was England!

Will this come back to bite Dave on his rather ample bum? He has shown himself to be sleekit and untrustworthy. Will the undecided look at what he did to Scotland and realise that they are being sold a dud deal?

If I were an English undecided, I would honestly have been pushed into the “leave” camp just after listening to his insincere talk.

And the “leave” camp must be in an even bigger majority in England, because 2/3 of Scots add to the “stay” camp. What worries me, is that the EU will be horrible to migrants up to June 2016, in order to influence a “stay” vote.

How I wish we could have indy in Europe, with all the blessings of a common market and the likes of the SNP to really stand up for Scotland in Europe. I am sure Nicola would gain really great concessions for Scotland and I was disappointed the EU did not support the pro-European YES camp in indyref1.


The Sun will be backing Cameron. Noticed DC’s pre Xmas partying with Rupert and Jerry was reported in Veterans Today. All pals again now that the nasty phone hacking episode is over:

link to

Robert Peffers

@sensibledave says: 6 February, 2016 at 10:02 am:

” … not so much! I think (hope) Scotland will lose to England as they always do (on the sports field!). Swing Low …”

What the hell are you chuntering on about, Sensibledave? Is there a hockey or cricket match on somewhere?

It’s Scottish Cup day Saturday and Sunday in Scotland and there’s an Edinburgh Derby match on tomorrow it’s no time for minority sports.


lol, Thanks Chris!
btw, As Dippy Dug shoots herself in the foot,
is that the hot shoe shuffle she’s attempting?

Meanwhile, in America they have Groundhog Day,
here in Scotland we have something similar – UKOK Day.
And it’s today folks, Scotland v England at the rugger.
UKOKers can’t lose as the rest of us probably end up with deja vu.

((((( C’MON SCOTLAND )))))

call me dave

Showed the cartoon to my partners 23yr old son in the cafe …
Didn’t get it, but progress because he knew who was in the cartoon.

“What’s she shooting her foot for Dave”?
There ye go. 🙂

Some sowing of seeds in the wind by the Herald but unlikely to grow.

Green shoots voters not keen on voting…
link to

Greens V Rise
link to

Robert Peffers

@Anagach says: 6 February, 2016 at 10:14 am:


I do not like it.

Really I do not.

The material is similar to a Brian Spanner insult.”


What are you wibbling on about, Anagach?

The cartoon is only illustrating the well known propensity of the Labour Party leadership to figuratively shoot itself in the foot.

Not to either actually kill anyone or for the gyte wee lassie to commit suicide, (although the Labour Leadership may indeed have done so for their party in this instance).

Robert Peffers

@Donald Anderson says: 6 February, 2016 at 10:37 am

“This will be construed as cybernat abuse.”

Well, Donald. if it is it will demonstrate, that, like you, the accusers have totally missed the point.

Unlike, “The Spanner”, and other abusive Unionists, (Including several ermine clad numpties), there are no death threats, accusations of Nazism or dictatorships.

Just the universally understood phrase, “Shooting oneself in the foot”, that indicates doing something in error.


I suppose on the bright side for Kezia, she did top her own list.


Aw dont tell me the tories have given them a gun wasnt all the knifes they gave them to play with during the indy ref enough.

Haha red tories suckered by blue tories well that will teach them for thinking they could trust their better together buddies.

News flash just in and its bad news for our Dave rugby doesnt matter.


First we had the international smash hit Riverdance.

Now we have the international flop Slabberdanceodosserhitch.

Wuffing Dug

SLAB Russian roulette – a round in every chamber….


Alastair says:

What is offensive about suggesting she may be about is shoot herself in the foot?

“in the foot” – maybe its not Kezia who is having dark thoughts – given the current Labour party position I leapt to conclude a much worse scenario.

In which case I retract the Brian Spanner analogy, and any similarity with his recent invitation to wings to die.


Robert Peffers

See above to Alastair.


I always admire Cairnstoons, he’s one of the very best cartoonists around and this one is no exception.

But I must confess sympathy for Kezia. The cartoon is very apt, but the poor soul really is locked in some kind of russian roulette, you know she’s going to get the bullet sometime. When that happened with Murphy I was all glee waiting for it, but I feel uncomfortable this time when it’s her. She’s like a chipper, cheery head girl at school who doesn’t have much malice in her but is pretty useless at what she’s supposed to do and toadying to her pals for support instead of leading her house. And since she’s shackled to London labour her options are limited. Despite everything, I pity her.

Robert Peffers

@Anagach says: 6 February, 2016 at 12:39 pm:

” … “in the foot” – maybe its not Kezia who is having dark thoughts – given the current Labour party position I leapt to conclude a much worse scenario”

Very glad to see it was just a case of jumping to wrong conclusions, Anagash.

However, I would also point out that Spanners, unacceptable post was directly urging someone to kill the Rev Stu. It was not a figurative swipe at the blog but at the person.

We Wingers do indeed hold the Unionist mantras in utter contempt but if anyone steps over the line and gets nasty to their voters there is an instant barrage of chiding post from many Wingers.


Wuffing Dug@12.29
Aye, and they would still miss.


Certainly hope it’s a good game but hoping for a different result!

Chic McGregor

Slab Plan 1: Get more foot soldiers.
Slab Plan 2: Figure out how to get them to shoot something else.


Mabel says:
6 February, 2016 at 12:50

But I must confess sympathy for Kezia.
She’s like a chipper, cheery head girl at school who doesn’t have much malice in her but is pretty useless at what she’s supposed to do and toadying to her pals for support instead of leading her house.

Yeah, she doesn’t seem cut out to be a leader.
Big danger for Labour at this election.
If they end up behind or close to the Tories in many seats, then tactical voting starts to work against them in constituency seats, which are often treated as two horse races.


@ Robert Peffers @ 1133am.
“It’s Scottish Cup day Saturday and Sunday in Scotland and there’s an Edinburgh Derby match on tomorrow it’s no time for minority sports.”

Since when did we have no time for minorities in this country. I suggest you restrict your comments to something within your field of expertise and not try to demean the tens of thousands of participants and supporters of the sport of rugby in Scotland. Almost every town in the country has a rugby club and they are most welcoming and frienldly places.
I hope to see all of the International matches in the tournament without diminishing my wish to see an independent Scotland.
Second rate soccer I can watch anytime.


Respect my friend.


I suppose shooting yourself in the foot is one step more severe than having shit sticking to the sole of your shoe (repeatedly). But not much.


I know this is a very late post but I need to get it out of my system.

Having just read Kez’s inane remarks on the STV news site (not letting me comment anymore)re the councils’ funding from the Scottish government…

To say Kezia Dugdale is thicker than two short planks would be an insult to planks of wood, which obviously can be very useful.

Sometimes I feel sorry for her. But not right now.
She actualy gets paid to come out with that garbage.

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