And finally… #25
Posted on
March 10, 2013 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
A creative reader writes in to notify us of these splendid-looking mugs, and to pledge that all profits (about 45% of the sale price) will be donated to our fundraiser.
Frankly we’re taking them at their word on the second part, but either way they seem a rather excellent thing to have in your home.
Ha ha! Excellent! My dad managed to break my Yes Scotland mug, so I’ll maybe replace it with one of these!
I took my Yes Scotland one into work 6 months ago in the hope of provoking debate with the undecided, but so far the only comments I’ve had have been pro-yes, positive or discovering folk who’re in the SNP.
I like these ones though. After months of being offended by the cybernat term it might be time to embrace it!
Genius!..need to get one or two..
So how do we go about obtaining one? Followed the link – might be I’m just being a bit stupid – but didn’t see anything about mugs.
@ Keith B
Click on the pic.
Cheers. May have landed on my head once too often.
Paypal is not accepting my password and I do not want to pay as a ‘Paypal guest’ giving my credit card details as I have not come across this before.
Would like to get two mugs, one for me and one for my wife.
A Cybernat Mug!
Anyone else tempted to send one to:
Darling and his dog.
Mr C Major, Mr C Minor and Mr M
JL, WR and RD
the other Davidson
Foulkes as a honorary patron.
Gardham as a farewell gift.
Wee Dougie if they come in small sizes.
Who else?
Naw, I’d rather pay 100% into WoS, but it would be a helluva incentive to hitting the target if the excess was donated to the mugs who are so generous in being the gifts that go on giving!
Willie Rennie should be given his very own ceramic Britnatbus.
With the legend “C’mon, dinnae get aff!” on it.
Cybernats: “They’re already here!”
I like the way you can personalise them too. Great idea.
@Chic McGregor says:
11 March, 2013 at 12:46 am
“I do not want to pay as a ‘Paypal guest’ giving my credit card details as I have not come across this before.”
No, that’s fine. PayPal acts as the processor of the credit card transaction, that’s all. Many of my customers use that rather than setting up an actual paypal account.
@Colin Dunn
Thx I’ll do that.
I think I’ve managed to order one without paying for it…

I seem to get more dense as I get older though when it comes to these things, it is entirely possible that I entered card details then forgot. (It isn’t, I’m not that far gone yet.)
I’ve adopted a wait-and-see policy for now.
Proudly reclaiming the title of “cybernat”!
They had a couple of other designs that I quite liked, especially “We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilisation.” (Voltaire) (The only downside being that the northern isles aren’t on the map…)
I’m waiting to hear about their P&P to my country.
Meanwhile, Rev, please, can’t you ask Chris to add a couple of “Hamish the Lion” designs to your superstore. I want the one with Hamish in a balloon, cutting off the too wee, too poor, too stupid ballast!