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Wings Over Scotland

One man and his props

Posted on September 06, 2013 by

He’s got a fake paper!


He’s got a (meaningless) real paper!


He’s got a pen and he’s not afraid to brandish it!


Truly, Anas Sarwar is Labour’s Renaissance man.

122 to “One man and his props”

  1. Bubbles says:

    He looks like he’s coming down from a great night.

  2. Tattie-boggle says:

    as we say in Glasgow. whit a bawbag

  3. Stuart Black says:

    The ‘Top Secret’stamp, just embarrassing…

  4. Tattie-boggle says:

    Mr sarwars old school apparently had an indy debate  where there was 8 yes 8 don’t know and one hundred no. the big difference is kids from that school argue about the colour of their I phone whilst other kids in Glasgow argue about the size of their tangerine at christmas

  5. the words ‘top secret’ put there by #bettertogether  as it wasn’t scary enough looking.

  6. rabb says:

    I was waiting for him to take a sock off and use it as a puppet.
    “Ooh Look at me, I’m Mr socky snake puppet man, don’t vote yes or your eyes will fall out and shite will come out your arse!!”

  7. Linda's back says:

    Its a joke but YES side need to be street wise on such dubious tactics nearer this time next year.

  8. BillDunblane says:

    A wee man wi’ a wee pen is… making a right plonker of himself. 😉

  9. Tattie-boggle says:

    will you sign this paper which our councils signed 6 months ago

  10. Rikki says:

    An Ass

  11. frankieboy says:

    Was the paper instructions on how to use the pen? I bet he hasn’t read them.

  12. I see Sarwar is trying to pull a Calman over on Twitter, writing off the utterly understandable public reaction to his embarrassingly lamentable debating performance as “abuse”.  I think I found 2 sycophantic tweets from Labourites / unionists. The rest are too embarrassed to raise their heads above the parapet in support on him.

  13. Yesitis says:

    In the light of the Yes Scotland hacking scandal (media tumbleweed moment), Anas Sarwar holding up a folder with “Top Secret” written in big, bold, bad red letters, is fucking hilarious.
    If Scots vote No next year, then we are officially the human equivalents of dodos.

  14. John Hamill says:

    Why did STV allow him to wave about a faked photo shopped paper.

  15. Mr. K says:

    The production of the “Top Secret” document was the point at which I burst out laughing.

  16. Macandroid says:

    I have had to re-evaluate the meaning of buffoon since watching Sarwar. 

  17. Brian milligan says:

    A guy without a pen pal,

  18. Morag says:

    Mr sarwars old school apparently had an indy debate  where there was 8 yes 8 don’t know and one hundred no.
    Please, please don’t tell me Anas went to the same school I did….  (I have a horrible, horrible feeling he did, though.)

  19. scaredy cat. says:

    Sorry to go O/T but I see David Cameron has been defending ‘Britain’ against Putin’s comments. 
    ‘this blessed plot, this sceptred isle, this england’…oops!

  20. Jimmuckmc says:

    If this is a rising star in the Labour Party then they don’t have their sorrows to seek

  21. Juteman says:

    If I didn’t know that he was a ‘nice man’, it would be easy to think he indulged in Glasgow Labour Marching Powder.
    Supplied oraly in car parks, according to blind procurator fiscals.

  22. Richie says:

    If you did, why is he such an idiot?

  23. Iain says:

    ‘I was waiting for him to take a sock off and use it as a puppet.’
    Anas is the sock.

  24. M4rkyboy says:

    Yep,i burst out laughing when he whipped it oot.

  25. Tattie-boggle says:

    this is what we are saying…………………………….. em (FUCK ALL) SNP are dictators cause folk like them but eh they are ……. eh bad n that ehhhhhhhhhhhhh snp bad goodnight . WHAT A FUCKING FANNY

  26. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    Doesn’t the 2nd photo have a look of Mr Bean about him?

  27. Tattie-boggle says:

    no wonder the first eck does not debate with foam mouth d’ling it would be pretty much the same all those sane things you are saying are mad

  28. Macart says:

    I’d call him a child, but children are waaaaaaay more honest.
    Frankly his antics were an embarrassment to political debate and considering the theatrics involved in most debates that’s saying something.

  29. weedeochandoris says:

    Arrogant, ignorant, no manners, no class.  Totally out of order.  First class plonker and he did it all on national television.  What an embarrassment.  Neither wonder Nicola Sturgeon was getting frustrated. Couldn’t believe the haddock standing in the middle gasping for air, what a shambles.

  30. HighlandMartin says:

    No one pointed out to his script writers that Top Secret was stamped the other way on the last ‘Top Secret’ production. Must have been a left handers day.

  31. Doug Daniel says:

    John Hamill: “Why did STV allow him to wave about a faked photo shopped paper?”

    Yeah, I reckon the production staff should have said “oh no you don’t matey, this is meant to be a serious debate, not some juvenile party politics competition.” To which he would presumably have replied “why have you invited me on, then?”
    Stunts like that should be left for the parliamentary debating chambers. It was utterly crass. 

  32. MajorBloodnok says:

    Morag said: Please, please don’t tell me Anas went to the same school I did….  (I have a horrible, horrible feeling he did, though.)
    Oooh. you’re such a show-off!
    PS Rev, you’re going to have to print more badges.

  33. Hetty says:

    does he have a spare room or maybe more,  by any chance?

  34. old mikey says:

    Well, brandishing a ‘top secret’ document on the WWW, he ‘ll never get a job in the CIA.

  35. Panelbase are taking no more sign ups.
    link to

  36. AmadeusMinkowski says:

    Iain says:
    6 September, 2013 at 10:27 pm

    ‘I was waiting for him to take a sock off and use it as a puppet.’
    Anas is the sock.
    Should one then not conclude that Lamont & Anas together are a  pair of (odd) socks! ?

  37. Clydebuilt says:

    If Anas Sarwar is Labour’s Renaissance man. What does that make John Mackay.
    Surely Ponsonby should have been in the hot seat!

  38. Morag says:

    Oh my God he did go to my school.  I should just go slit my wrists now.

  39. The Man in the Jar says:

    What did we do to deserve an opposition like this? Honestly, Sarwar, Lamont, Baillie, Curran and Davidson (either / or) + several others. Putting their politics aside what a bunch of truly nasty, horrible people. Not one shred of human decency amongst them. I can handle the bullshit polices and jam tomorrow promises but it is the contempt and loathing that seeps from every pore of those delivering them that sickens me.
    Lets get this done and be rid of them!

  40. Jeannie says:

    I wonder how Anas’ debriefing went with Johann today.  I’m guessing he’s singing soprano this evening.

  41. Marian says:

    Anwar Sarwar’s boss Ed Milband’s political future has got to be on a shoogly peg after tonights admission by Labour that Unite have been cleared over the so-called Falkirk vote rigging affair – see link to
    Miliband’s political judgement must be called into question after he rushed headlong to distance Labour from the trade unions in a panic reaction after the first allegations came to light.
    His attempt to body swerve the issue by calling in the police when there was no case to answer for and his intemperate remarks about Len McCluskey confirm that he is not fit to be prime minister of the UK.
    Incidentally Labour press office released the statement at 1730, presumably in the hope that at that time of day the news would stand a good chance of being buried.

  42. I imagine Johann Lament is cock-a-hoop. Rival makes an erse of himself …

  43. Linda's Back says:

    Labour clears Unite over ballot rigging in Falkirk.
    Of course they had to because both sides were at it.
    Unite claims the Labour party was running a smear campaign and singling out Scottish Labour MPs, Jim Murphy and Douglas Alexander.
    It has also emerged that details of an internal investigation carried out by Labour, which was kept secret, have been leaked to Channel 4 news and reveals that others involved in the selection process may also have been recruiting new Labour party members.
    According to Channel 4 reporter, Michael Crick, one man said to have tried to recruit new members and who paid the fee of £130 himself was Gregory Poynton – himself a contender to replace Eric Joyce.
    Mr Crick also revealed that Poynton’s wife, Labour MP Gemma Doyle, is a member of Scottish Labour MP Jim Murphy’s Shadow Defence team.  The Channel 4 reporter suggested the links to Murphy may have been part of the reason for the report remaining secret.
    Mr Crick wrote: “Why does Mr Poynton’s recruitment activity matter?
    “First because he’s married to Gemma Doyle, the young Scottish MP who is a member of Labour’s Commons defence team under Jim Murphy.  And second, Mr Poynton is the London political director of the firm Blue State Digital, which has a contract to provide campaigning work for the Labour party.
    “With that, and all the allegations about Unite recruiting dozens of new members in Falkirk without their knowledge, and seemingly against the rules, no wonder Labour big-wigs decided to keep the Falkirk report secret.”

  44. Albalha says:

    O/T Anyone born circa 1960 should be watching BBC 4, just seen Blondie, now Heatwave.
    On topic Sarwar is a truly broiled patsy, toast in the morning, or is it napalm in the morning?

  45. tiderium says:

    I burst out laughing when I saw the top secret paper. If it was real Nicola would have went mental and there would have been an inquiry at holyrood today over how a sensitive document marked top secret could be brandished around on national telly Does this idiot genuinely believe the Scottish public are daft enough to fall for this piss poor performance.

  46. HighlandMartin says:

    @ Marian
    I did see a flutter of MSM tweets about the panelbase thing at the same time. Wouldn’t like to think it was related.

  47. Lorna Macnair says:

    As much as we can all laugh at this performance and so called debate, those of us who are definate yes voters can shrug it off with the contempt it deserves, but those undecided and those no who could be yes will not be convinced by this pantomine and probably switched the channel to something that made more sense,:) we can not become complacent and the Yes campaign and the Snp must up thier game we cannot have another debate like this.

  48. The_Duke says:

    Nicola should have retorted….
    “I’m sorry…. I didn’t realize it was show and tell. I have left my Tonka truck in the car!”

  49. Albalha says:

    Nail on head, it was a disgrace all round, we deserve better than this apology of a ‘debate’.

  50. Garry Oman says:

    These photos remind me of someone selling towels or fags at a market stall…….

  51. ianbrotherhood says:

    Rev tweeted about Sarwar and ‘the bunch of flowers from the sleeve’ etc…reminded me of this dude, who is to ‘magic’ what Sarwar is to ‘debating’:

  52. gordoz says:

    Tattie-boggle says:
    Honestly laugh out loud moment – couldn’t put it better.

  53. CameronB says:

    Re. fake paper. Passing off?

  54. Tinyzeitgeist says:

    Scottish independence can be launched within 24 hours!!
    Top Secret my erse.
    Do we really need to endure this ordure for another twelve months….It truly is an insult to one’s intelligence.

  55. James Westland says:

    ianbrotherhood, that YT video is hilarious, and embarrassing! One of the comments is most apt:  “from just looking at him I saw failure”  How appropriate is that? LOL!!! 

  56. Ronnie says:

    Ban Anas!

  57. Vincent McDee says:

    Albaha, Lorna, Doug and many others are right on the money with Labour/No Soctland new strategy of making debates over Independence as much pantomime and un-watchable as they can.
    Must be named internally Proyect Put Them Off.

  58. BobW says:

    If the Rev. can fix my post in Quarantine, you could print your own. 🙂

  59. The Man in the Jar says:

    Completely off topic but here is a long-range weather forecast for Sept.
    Please make it so! 🙂
    link to

  60. Paula Rose says:

    O/T impressive roll call xx

  61. The Man in the Jar says:

    @Vincent McDee
    “Project Scunner”

  62. DJ says:

    Daren’t say it on the other article although not entirely off topic. Will the Calton Hill event be allowed without an equivalent number of Better Together supporters for balance?

  63. ianbrotherhood says:

    When we all turn up on that hill, despite zero MSM coverage, and the foreign News correspondents ask us how we knew it was all happening, we can just tell them that we ‘heard it through the grapevine’, so to speak…
    RIP Marvin Gaye

  64. molly says:

    I understand it is difficult to get the message out with a clearly biased media and I understand the temptation to accept an opportunity to speak on Independence but I think the debate last night should be a turning point for both camps.
    I’m getting a bit fed up of the Scottish media dictating the terms of the Referendum.This is the people of Scotlands Referendum. When are we going to see ordinary people sitting on the couches at STV? Ordinary people are far more interesting than Simon Pia or Prof Curtice. Lets be honest ,we already know what they are going to say ,so if confirmed YES folk are bored by it ,what about the don’t knows /not interested/ won’t be voting . 
    The YES camp are not obligated to the media and lets face it ,it would bring the whole illusion of journalism to a grinding halt if one side refused to co-operate with the media due to the standard of journalism.
    As for the BBC , the contempt they have shown to Scottish based broadcasters by bringing in the likes of Nauchtie to cover the Referendum speaks volumes both about the perception of the quality available here and the need to still be pulling the strings from London.
    I want Independence not to become a smaller version of the elitist ,corrupt unequal and unfair society that I see projected into my living room everyday but because I want change.
    If we want to be Independent ,grown up, taking responsibility for what goes on in this country lets start by using the powers we have. Name a date ,any date and lets call it Switch off Tuesday. If we all start switching off (we have access to other forms of info here don’t we? ), lets see if either STV or the BBC dare to serve up anymore tosh like last night.

  65. call me dave says:

    link to
    Another scare story:  Grangemouth 1000 jobs.

  66. gordoz says:

    O/T Rev a serious question (from your perspective).
    “Duncan Bannatyne : Rubbish you are not interested in a serious point, you are hellbent in destroying Scotland”
    Why is it some leave their homeland to head south and from afar, see the folly of a sleepwalking ‘Zombie Scotland’ drifting, bewitched in the wake of SS Britannic, yet others such as Mr Bannatyne no longer sense the value of where they came from or  the benefit in the greatest of all investment; ones people and the idea of nationhood ?

  67. Yesitis says:

    Sigh a big sigh. Labour`s home to roost.
    link to

  68. pmcrek says:

    Anas Sarwar, SEPARATEd at birth:

  69. ianbrotherhood says:

    Thanks for that. Monica seems very ‘nice’. I followed a  few of her comments, ended up in Ian Smart territory, and discovered that he uses Twitter to tell everyone when it’s his ‘bath time’. Seriously.

  70. gordoz says:

    ianbrotherhood says:

    Ian Smart uses Twitter to tell everyone when it’s his ‘bath time’. Seriously.
    Always new Smart was a bit creepy (its in the rabid nat hating eyes); but yeah Sarwar and the bath time thing ?????


  71. ianbrotherhood says:

    ‘No Scotland’ could have a presence at Calton Hill, if the Lonely Woman who featured in previous posts was invited (in a personal capacity, of course, and for a reasonable fee ). She would make a splendid between-speaker turn, issuing BT slogans via loudhailer.

  72. pmcrek says:

    Not that I’m a fan of him by any measure, but I suspect Banantyne and many like him would vote Yes if left in a room for 30 minutes with any informed Yes voter replete with a Laptop and decent internet connection.

  73. ianbrotherhood says:

    Aye. If I was related to the man I’d be worried, but I’m not, and not, so that’s that. 
    …ooh, the sponge is Alex Salmond, and Nicola’s the face flannel..I’ll get them!…they don’t know I’m the wee frogman swimming right under them…pow! pow! pow!

  74. pmcrek says:

    Sorry I just read Duncan Banantyne’s twitter feed and armed now with empirical evidence of decrying Yes supporters as abusive because one person said “shut up” I fully acknowledge and accept my last comment was made entirely from a position of ignorance.

  75. ianbrotherhood says:

    Have been meaning to post this link from Wikipedia for ages. Can’t imagine what prompted me to send it now. And I’m sure someone will soon edit it to include a definition of ‘well-dressed ned’.
    link to

  76. clochoderic says:

    Scaredey cat, this link is for you…
    link to
    Note that he uses the Shakespeare line to include  “this England”.

  77. Yesitis says:

    Obvious Referendum Issue #784:
    Unionists are not asked questions – they are attacked.

  78. Lynn MacRae says:

    Morag says:

    Oh my God he did go to my school.  I should just go slit my wrists now.

    You have my sympathies, however can trump that. I was taught English by JoLa!!

  79. The Water Beastie says:

    If Anas & Johann are the pair, then I guess that Johann must be the one that always gets lost in the washing machine……

  80. Henry Sloan says:

    The current situation of the Labour party in Scotland makes me weep.  I’m not old enough to them at their peak, but I do remember them when they had a few decent, honourable members.  Changed days.  They have to ask themselves now – what is the purpose of the Labour party in Scotland?
    They may be scared by the question, but they need to hear the answer if they are to have any hope…

  81. john king says:

    cant be bothered to write anything about that nonentity sarwar
    I was scrolling down the amazing list on the revs roll call thread 
    and enjoying some of the responses
    conans was my favorite “I am spartacus” was brilliant and as I scrolled I felt my eyesight blurring
    and  a wetness on my cheek that wasn’t there a moment ago and before I knew what had happened I was weeping right there right in front of the monitor the sense of moment was palpable and very powerful

    I am immensely proud of my fellow Scots

  82. joe kane says:

    Is that Anas holding up Scottish Labour’s top secret Falkirk report on Unite which nobody except the police were allowed to see – or is that its other top secret report which claims Unite didn’t break the law and which nobody is allowed to see either?

  83. Albalha says:

    If you haven’t watched the link from @Albert Herring on Roll Call it’s worth a look, near the top of the thread.
    Vive la difference as someone else said, I found it very amusing.

  84. Albalha says:

    Whatever it really is, no doubt, it will be filed along with the rest of their dodgy dossiers.
    Truly sickening bunch.

  85. His pen and “Bill” was a hoot. Should we kneel and kiss hands next time we meet HM Queen Nicola? My take on it: Grotesque Chaos in the Bedroom.

  86. Helpmaboab says:

    Do you doubt that inherited wealth and privilege are bad for the character? Then watch Mr. Sarwar’s performance and have all such doubt dispelled!

  87. wee folding bike says:

    Noticed Mr Cameron’s mistake and I wondered if he did too as he faded a little at the end.
    Rees Mogg made the same error on Newsnight and also in the house where he claimed that “Britain’s” oldest treaty dated from 1377.

  88. Balefire says:

    john king says:
    7 September, 2013 at 6:43 am
    cant be bothered to write anything about that nonentity sarwar
    I was scrolling down the amazing list on the revs roll call thread 
    and enjoying some of the responses
    conans was my favorite “I am spartacus” was brilliant and as I scrolled I felt my eyesight blurring
    and  a wetness on my cheek that wasn’t there a moment ago and before I knew what had happened I was weeping right there right in front of the monitor the sense of moment was palpable and very powerful

    I am immensely proud of my fellow Scots
    Oh, for heaven’s sake! Man-up! I knew people would breakdown…why do I always have to be the strong one (sniff, sniff)….it’s true, I don’t think anyone (sniff) has loved me in my whole life…where’s the tissues?  🙂

  89. Steve Duncan says:

    O/t – the BBC Newswatch programme is holding a ‘special’ edition next weekend from Glasgow on the BBC coverage of the Referendum vote. contact details,
    You can send us your views on the coverage of events by BBC News, in the following ways:
    By email
    On Twitter
    By telephone
    0370 010 6676
    By post
    W1 NBH 03D
    BBC Broadcasting House
    London W1A 1AA


  90. wee folding bike says:

    Crying is only allowed at the end of Star Trek II – The Wrath of Khan or the end of Queen’s last video for These Are the Days of Our Lives when Freddie looks straight into the camera.
    Spartacus gets close as does The Vikings.

  91. ` says:

    He is  bigmouth, a bully and talks over everyone. Sounds like BBC Job coming to me!

  92. joe kane says:

    and it has to be remembered the tv debate was supposed to be about the “pensions and welfare system” which is traditionally taken as one of the Labour Party’s strong points. In the middle of the biggest depression since the 1929 Wall St Crash and the biggest single attack and dismantling of the British Welfare State that this is all the Scottish Labour Party had to say about it just beggars belief.

  93. john king says:

    Balefire says 
    @john king
    ha ha ha ha sniff ha ha ha a hic ha ha ha phwaaarrrppp

  94. Albalha says:

    GMS, on just now is going to be speaking to a member of the Falkirk CLP, in the next hour, if you’re interested.

  95. john king says:

    dont worry balefire
    I was like that,
    waiting for the right person and for years I thought it wouldn’t happen and then when I least expected it bang
    I was hit by a bus 😉

    just imagine, it could be worse, you could be Anas Sarwar

  96. Sneddon says:

    wee folding bike  Be brave my little soldier  🙂

  97. dee says:

    The Labour party (Scottish branch) in Falkirk Fiasco is bubbling away quite nicely in the back ground at the moment.  There is going to be one almighty fight about to erupt, firstly at the TUC conference then at the Labour party conference and don’t forget we also have the Scottish branch conference to come.  They will tear themselves apart without any outsider getting involved.  They are the party of “think of number one at all times”, so they are all positioning themselves at the moment to see what outcome is best for him or herself.  Sit back and watch Labour Party Cannibalism.

  98. HandandShrimp says:

    God it looks so photo-shopped (and blown up from its original size to make it more camera friendly in case they didn’t zoom in enough).
    It isn’t usual to mark actual documents like that. The Top Secret should be at the top and bottom of the page and for a folder containing the documents be marked clearly. Ordinarily the folder cover would be red and pre-printed Top Secret. 

  99. gordoz says:

    Steve Duncan says:
    7 September, 2013 at 8:11 am

    O/t – the BBC Newswatch programme is holding a ‘special’ edition next weekend from Glasgow on the BBC coverage of the Referendum vote. contact details,
    Thanks for that ….. wont do any good whatsoever, but since they waste our time, a nice we bombardment of well thought out gripes from YES side would be good to tie up the state propaganda machine’s website  would be nice …any takers !!

  100. Sneddon says:

    The man’s talent is wasted in Scotland.  Perhaps he’d be more of an asset to his father in  Pakistan.  We’d miss him.

  101. HandandShrimp says:

    As a matter of interest has Anas given a speech in support of Snowden yet?

  102. ot: on the Roll Call thread could I suggest that the picture be changed to something less militaristic as it is open to be used against the campaign, just saying.
    link to

  103. wee folding bike says:

    And for the Deep Space Nine fans a comment from Senator Vreenak…
    link to
    Yes, Deep Space Nine is the best Star Trek.

  104. jim mitchell says:

    Our questions re Mr Sarwar should change and we should stop taking the mickey, fun though it may be, and we should start asking, how can such a senior Labour MP be so clear on this issue, the decision must have been made at sometime to ditch this policy, (if he is telling the truth), so when was it made and when were Labour MP’s and MSP’s told about it?. We have a right to know, if he is correct , it shouldn’t be a problem for Labour to tell us and also to tell us why some of their MSP’s didn’t seem to know.
    That’s the kind of questions that will keep the pressure on them!

  105. jim mitchell says:

    dee, i think this may be Labour and some of their unionist stooges trying to patch things up, will be interesting few days, but i can’t help feeling that deals are being cut behind the scenes away from their members!

  106. molly says:

    I would love to think BBC Newswatch would make one iota of difference but it won’t. Mm , so far all the boring , predictable , politician laden debates have been held in Glasgow , with the same ‘open minded ‘ presenters like Glen Campbell , asking the same old “what will happen to ?”.So yip Newswatch will be able to tick all the boxes. 
    Imagine if the Corporation we pay for allocated each side a journalist , who followed the debate online , attended the meetings (secret or not) , the stalls, the gala days, the canvassing, met and heard the actual people  who feel passionately about the Referendum , from both sides. How much more Interesting would that be for the  ordinary viewer ?
    There is something wrong when the BBC can dedicate a half hour programme on Gloria Hunniford telling us we are being sold the wrong kind of fish but cannot appear to get their cameras out of Glasgow, to ask someone in Appin , Aberdeen or Anstruther what they think Independence will mean to them ?
    Lipservice and BBC budget cuts are part of the story so far of this Referendum , is there an Independent documentary maker out there ? 

  107. dee says:

    @jim, In my opinion jim, the Labour party is so fractured and splintered nowadays from even just a few years ago that it is unrecognizable to the normal run of the mill member.  They really have morphed into Red Tories. As I have mentioned before they are the party of “think of number one” . As Anas Sarwar demonstrates, he just has no idea what the average labour party members in the street is thinking, he is so out of touch and this all comes back to my point that they care about no-one but themselves. That is why their membership is in free fall and support for Independence is growing.

  108. Balefire says:

    john king says:
    7 September, 2013 at 9:00 am
    dont worry balefire
    I was like that,
    waiting for the right person and for years I thought it wouldn’t happen and then when I least expected it bang
    I was hit by a bus

    just imagine, it could be worse, you could be Anas Sarwar
    🙂 Ha ha! I hope you and Bus are very happy together. It could be worse, Anas Sarwar could have been driving.

  109. Are those fake props in your hand Anas yes or no?

    Has anyone done an #AskAnas session on twitter yet? Where people tweet him questions followed by “yes or no”.

  110. john king says:

    “Ha ha! I hope you and Bus are very happy together. It could be worse, Anas Sarwar could have been driving.”

    and the kelty clippie Willie Rennie taking the fares?

  111. scottish_skier says:

    Just received:
    – 5’x3′ saltire, one of (SS)
    – Mini saltire, one of (Mini miss SS)
    – Mini lion rampant, one of (Mini miss SS)
    – Red white and blue face paint set, one off (for French tricolour and saltire for mini Miss SS and ironically sold as union flag face paint)
    Just missing:
    -5’x3′ French tricolour, one of (Mrs SS)

  112. Linda's Back says:

    Molly says “Lipservice and BBC budget cuts are part of the story so far of this Referendum , is there an Independent documentary maker out there ? ”
    The Fear Factor is a series of 6 short films looking at why Scottish people are afraid, very afraid, about what’s in store for their poor wee country.
    The series was written and created by film-maker Jack Foster (Precious Few Heroes, Top 10 Unionist Myths), and writer Christopher Silver. 

    The 2nd instalment of The Fear Factor, ‘Part of the Union’, will be released on Thursday 12th September. 
    link to
    Share the videos with all your friends and keep up to date with the releases of the forthcoming instalments. To subscribe to the YouTube channel, follow this link: 

    Direct links, copy and share!

    Fear Factor 1: ‘This is the Fear Factor’ 
    (YouTube link): 

    Fear Factor 1: ‘This is the Fear Factor’ 
    (Vimeo link): 


  113. HenBroon says:

    With regards to Sarwar, his train crash head to head with Nicola was very offensive. Mckay described in his summary as a bit cheeky, and that he showed her no respect. It runs very much deeper than that. His Dad has shown where his heart is, by going back to Pakistan, which like many cultures have no respect for women and in fact regard them as second class, or even lower class. Pakistan is riven with class distinction. Even your very name can brand you. It is quite obvious to me that  what  was  running through Sarwars head was his deep burning resentment at being held to account by a women who is far superior to him in intellect. He realised he was never ever going to win any debate with Nicola. First because the unionist argument is so desperately thin. And second because he is not capable intellectually, so he resorts to lies, deflection and more lies. It would take a very clever shrink to prove that he has not inherited those misogynistic genes from his dad.

    The other thing that would be nagging at the back of his mind is that he has to show his dad he is as good as him. The one way to do that is to follow the well trodden path of entitlement blazed by his Labour cronies over the years in to the House of Lords where he will be well at home in the company of crooks and law breakers. Nicola, the SNP and Scottish independence stand in his way, as they stand in the way of all these Scottish MPs who hold  these ambitions. That is what creates these hateful self interested politicians, who sell their souls to Westminster and party. Sarwar like the rest of that bunch is a shame on Scotland for creating such hollow self interested duplicitous toom tabbards. His opening gambit to McKay was “I will answer that question in a second,” but shame on him and his corrupt party he never did and he never will. He was strutting male arrogance personified.

  114. CameronB says:

    I am sure you are knocking particular cultural and political tensions Pakistan needs to overcome, in relation to social inclusion, rather than Islamic culture itself. A wee acknowledgement of this, would help prevent any misunderstanding. 😉

  115. Andy-B says:

    Mr Sarwar, was all over the place and incoherent at the best of times, and typically of SLAB he failed to answer, important questions when asked, well done Nicola another whippersnapper, put in his place.

  116. muttley79 says:

    @Lorna Macnair
    As much as we can all laugh at this performance and so called debate, those of us who are definate yes voters can shrug it off with the contempt it deserves, but those undecided and those no who could be yes will not be convinced by this pantomine and probably switched the channel to something that made more sense,:) we can not become complacent and the Yes campaign and the Snp must up thier game we cannot have another debate like this.
    That is precisely why Sarwar behaved in the manner he did.  The No campaign have no intention in allowing any kind of a debate on Scottish independence.  It is not really a case of the Yes campaign and the SNP upping their game.  The other side simply do not want them to play at all.  They will obstruct and try to sabotage the debate.  They realise that the MSM, or at least the vast majority of the political media in Scotland, will not criticise them at all for this.  We saw this with the reaction of Mackay and Ponsonby on Thursday night.  They said the debate was a draw, despite the fact that Sarwar did not answer the questions put to him. 
    The No campaign are only interested in securing a No vote, they have no desire to enable a quality debate on Scotland’s future.  They have no positive case for the Union, and no positive vision for Scotland’s future.  I am afraid to say the No campaign will almost certainly have no qualms about trying the same tactics again, they will want every debate from now on to be like the one we saw on Thursday night.       

  117. dee says:

    @Henbroon, Good point about Sarwar and the way he reacts to a woman with more intellect than him, I would take it a step further and say that he reacts that way with everyone that stands up to him and has an opinion.  He is a spoilt little boy stuck in the big bad world of politics, he is way out his depth. So Henbroon I think in general, he just feels insecure.  I would like to see Sarwar given a half hour interview and asked to explain to the electorate the policies of the Labour Party in Scotland should the voters say NO. He should be told that one of the rules of the interview is not to mention the SNP.

  118. The Man in the Jar says:

    Like I said earlier in this thread.
    “Project Scunner”

  119. HenBroon says:

    CameronB says:
    7 September, 2013 at 2:34 pm

    I am sure you are knocking particular cultural and political tensions Pakistan needs to overcome, in relation to social inclusion, rather than Islamic culture itself. A wee acknowledgement of this, would help prevent any misunderstanding.”
    I deliberately avoided such references to religious sects or sectarian sects, as I know from my own travels as a young soldier in the 60s and 70s that these misogynistic tendencies exist in many religions and cultures. I also sought to avoid the attention of the thought police who are ready and waiting to use their favorite word, racist, that much abused word.
    A true story. I was in Libya in 1969 as Ghadiffi was rising to power. I had heard many stories about the Bedouin, and to my mind these images of free spirits roaming the deserts transcending national boundaries and conventional ways of life, as we know it, were very attractive and romantic ones.  One day we woke to find that a Bedouin camel train had made camp during the night in a wadi directly under our camp in the desert. No one heard or saw them arrive. In the late afternoon of the next day they made ready to move, having rested fed and watered their animals. We saw them exiting the end of the wadi with the ladies of the camp leading the caravan, followed by the goats and sheep and their minders and then the camels and the men. I asked an Arab guide we had why the ladies were leading the caravan. He said without a flicker of emotion that there were still many unexploded mines in the desert, and that the ladies were regarded as expendable.
    I know there are still mines in these deserts. One of our vehicles was destroyed by one. He was highly amused at my expression of horror. During the time we observed them it was quite obvious that it was the ladies who did all the work making and breaking the caravan and, the administration  of it when static. Young boys were used to herd and tend to the animals. as that is regarded as mens work, the wealth of the leader was judged by the size of his flock.
    I saw very similar patterns of behaviour amongst the Dayak, Kayan and Iban   tribes in Sarawak and Borneo.
    All religions have a history of misogynist behaviour , not just Islam.

  120. CameronB says:

    Thanks for taking the time to answer my rather clumsy request for a preemptive rebuttal, and the fascinating insight.

  121. john king says:

    “Wee, sleekit, cow’rin, tim’rous beastie, 
    O, what a panic’s in thy breastie! Thou need na start awa sae hasty, Wi’ bickering brattle! I wad be laith to rin an’ chase thee, Wi’ murd’ring pattle! “

  122. Stevie says:

    When you debate with a wnkr then what do you expect?  Though to be fair, I honestly never expected this poor example of (whatever it is he is an example of) a thing to be so grotesquely bad a debate hooligan as he is.  I suppose he’s an example of a debate hooligan – the worst ever.

    Never debate with this person again.


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