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Wings Over Scotland

There Are Crocodiles

Posted on June 19, 2016 by
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The crocodile tear just makes me think of all the press and all the politicians who have spend the last few years stirring up hatred and fear amongst people about Scottish Independence and the EU vote. Shame on them….. some of them should be charged with terrorism offences for stirring up such hatred


Yes, and every now and then they shed crocodile tears! I despise them and their faux outrage and anguish.

Tom Kane

Superb, Chris. It actually makes you want to weep.

Your work is awesome.


Hate sells newspapers.

Tears sells newspapers.

It’s all propaganda. Get the message out and control public opinion.

The media have no morals or principles.


And on the increasingly rare occasions when they’re NOT lying, nobody believes them.

Tony Little

Not wishing to invoke Godwin’s Law, but the words of the great propagandist still ring true after 75 years:

“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”

“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”

“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”

We seem to have learned nothing. Despite the fact that people SAY they hold the press in disdain, they still succumb to their lies and manipulation. 40 years of media propaganda and here we are. Thursday’s vote is becoming increasingly important as the hours go by, but we are treated like sheep by the media barons and their political allies. Will enough people wake up in time?

I genuinely fear for what will happen to my country after the 23rd.


It would appear that many of the ‘journalists’ who pen Opinion pieces in the papers, such as Torrance, Massie, McColm and Cochrane, have been beguiled by their own rhetoric in actually believing their pieces are the font all all wisdom.
Which is why their reaction is to attack, block or deride anyone who proves their pieces are inaccurate, bilious or insulting as being insufficiently sophisticated to understand the finer points of their argument. i.e. ‘your too stupid to comprehend my brilliant journalistic gifts’

I suppose being self-centred, shallow and egotistical are ideal qualifications for staffers on such odious publications as the Express and Mail…

Bob Mack

In one picture. Brilliant.


I really dislike buying a newspaper these days and seldom do so.The only thing that troubles me about this is that I sometimes don’t get to hear of the passing of acquaintances.Is there another way of finding out?

Hugh Kirk

Just goes to show that there’s a whole lota stupid sucking on and buying into this reprehensible drivel.


These objects are called “newspapers” which confuses people. If it wasn’t for Julian Assange and Edward Snowden we wouldn’t have any clue what is being done around the world in our name.

Who to blame for poor public services, poverty, wages static for 30 years while the 1% treble their wealth?

Then the collateral damage appears on the doorstep.

Excellent cartoon!


In J M Barrie’s Peter Pan, a Crocodile swallowed Captain Hook ‘s hand and enjoyed the taste and the nourishment it brings, It now follows him around everywhere, everyday in hope of more.

It also swallowed Hook ‘s tic tock clock.
You can hear it constantly, if you wanted to listen to it.

UK Media’s tasty hand was the Scottish referendum, and so delighted by the rewards gained by their savage teeth, they want more from this unwary prey.

They eat the lazy and the gullible,that makes them bigger and stronger.

Tick Tock, their Clock won’t Stop!


So appropriate. Thanks
It does however do reptiles a diservice


A tear and a smirk.

Crocodiles do actually shed tears but only when they are gorging. So very apt.


Oh dear. An interview with Kenneth Roy on RScotland. But mustn’t say anything critical because he disapproves of the SNP (totalitarian), and social media (vile and nasty, worst thing ever invented) etc.
Trust the gators, they are true democrats!

John Thomson

Just reading Sunday Herald (very very sorry) idiots like Tom Harris do my head in and I quote ” its odd, isn’t it that nations who, we’re told, love us and want us to stay would so quickly turn on us and try to undermine our economy – even at the expense of their own – just out of spite or petty revenge”

Sorry but he needs a not so gentle reminding of a previous referendum


It’s cold hard fascism. Its a tory BBC led media and its owned by rich fascists. English nationalism is going to decide Scotland’s fate next week, founded on this. In or out, English fascist media will only get worse. Look at what they did to Scottish democracy 2014 and The Vow in the Daily Record.

ronnie anderson

With my sleepy ein’d observations Rev one could come to the conclusion that you are being bias against the Daily Fail ( only one Sun headline).

When the Crocodile snoozes,always remember he,s no sleeping (he has two eyelids).

@ Chris beautiful art work.


If you press the head, do the jaws open wide?

Dal Riata

It’s terrific how well Chris Cairns draws such a life-like portraiture of Rupert Murdoch – the skin-folds, the well-kept teeth and the occasional crocodile tear as he destroys yet another person’s life and career…


The sad truth is you’re not convincing anyone rev. They know their behaviour, we know our behaviour and there is an increasing gap between the two!


English nationalism is essentially ethnic, while Scottish nationalism is civic. Darkness versus light.

“Blame the immigrant/foreigner”, absolute classic fascism. Instead of speaking out against it, both Lab and Tories have been part of it.

We’re Scots, get us out of here.

Bob Mack

The journalists and storytellers have become the deceivers of us and themselves.


Listening to RScotland is like eavesdropping on a Labour wake. Euan McColm reviewed the papers. How many ways can one say SNP bad? How to say it repeatedly while trying to sound impartial?

Ken Roy blames Jola for the Labour demise. She shouldn’t have mentioned the Branch Office status. Jim Murphy should have stayed on. Kezia isn’t up to the job.

Trust the Gators -defenders of democracy!

Wuffing Dug

Spot on and some drawing.

My gf brought a p&j into the house.

It’s just as bad but hides behind a twee whiney cringey exterior.

It really is a creepy uncle tam of a paper, I bracket it with the Sunday post. Disgusting submissive deference.

As for the rest if them….

Needless to say the p&j that befouled this house was ejected forthwith!


I knew they were shoe-shining for britain,but the sheer scale of the spoon bending… then boom.


Mealer, re alternative ways of reading death announcements other than newspapers, try

Wee Alex

I woke up this morning and put on the radio. An interview with Kenneth Roy.

Sound, reasoned discussion in part until we came on to the media and the Independence referendum. Boy, I wonder what planet he was on.

If he is the voice of reason then I despair. He really believes the BBC were/are neutral!

The only thing I could agree with him is that there were individuals in the BBC who were sympathetic to Independence but Big Brother won the day. Project Fear was never challenged and the likes of Darling were given an easy ride .

The VOW was never subject to critical analysis and still isn’t.

Sorry Mr Roy, the media has a lot to answer for, particularly the current demonising of immigrants.


Looking at Rev Stu’s first comment, if you walked into somebody’s bedroom and found those articles pinned on the wall, you’d immediately jump to the conclusion you’d found the proverbial whack-job serial killer who was fixated on his target and stalking them for months.

All penned by the Daily Express??? How can that be allowed when we’re supposed to have laws to prevent incitement to hate and victimize vulnerable people? Makes me sick.


Now that Kenneth Roy has firmly nailed his colours to the Unionist Mast we can expect him to feature regularly on PQ’s propaganda programs to provide a bit of variety from the usual diet of Torrance, Gardham, Massie, Clegg et al.


How about helping out these guys www(dot)pocketmags(dot)com/iscot issue 1 is free to download

Grouse Beater

Kenneth Roy is politically naïve and a wimp.

He thinks Scotland’s first all-society attempt in 300 years to reintroduce full democratic structures was somehow a horrid affair, it opened hidden divisions in our society he feels should have been left unchallenged.

Life for him would be much more comfortable if it tiptoed past his window.

And when the BBC invited him to an interview they knew exactly what he’d say.

Tinto Chiel

Your drawing has beautiful detail, Chris. Still think Hamish would beat the beast in a square go, though.

Thanks(?) for the tabloid montage, Rev. None of that rubbish would have been out of place in Der Stuermer, really.

What a state we’re in…

Early Ball

Spot on wee Alex. Add to that Gordon Brown’s “intervention”. Massive coverage completely unchallenged.


Personally I had no idea the Daily Express had quite so many rabble rousing hate preaching front pages.

Freedom of the press? If society wishes to aspire to decency, there have to be limits of behaviour imposed. We accept all sorts of limits on what is acceptable in our lives. Why not with the gutter press?


I’m a bit slow this morning and didn’t get this straight away. Then I read achbaban’s mention of the tear and got it instantly.

Once again a fantastic cartoon.

As for the press nobody can be surprised at their hypocrisy after indyref.

Brian Powell

I read a while back that journalists abroad when asked about UK newspapers judged that he Express was not a newspaper but a propaganda sheet.

Dan Huil

The rank hypocrisy of the so-called united kingdom.


Along with Wings, try supporting the new media www(dot)pocketmags(dot)com/iscot we are trying to make a difference but without active support you won’t see the change you hanker for.

Dan Huil

Well said, Wee Alex. The bbc is the evil face of the so-called united kingdom. Don’t pay the bbc tax. Let britnats pay for britnat propaganda.


Switched radio shortbread on this morning and listened to bits on and off. Who was the person bemoaning the modern press and deploring social media?

I also heard McColm and Marianne (didn’t catch her last name) reviewing the papers. McColm was spinning like a top trying to weave his own narrative onto the possibility of an Indyref 2 if the Brexit happens. It would appear he believed his own guff that Nicola had shelved an Indyref 2 and now he is pissed that she clearly hasn’t. He didn’t say “How very dare she”…but I knew he wanted to 🙂

To be honest though I think the shooting of Cox may have spiked Brexit despite Leave being in the lead and having the momentum up until that point.


Wee Alex says:
19 June, 2016 at 10:00 am

I woke up this morning and put on the radio. An interview with Kenneth Roy.

Sound, reasoned discussion in part until we came on to the media and the Independence referendum. Boy, I wonder what planet he was on.

If he is the voice of reason then I despair. He really believes the BBC were/are neutral!

The only thing I could agree with him is that there were individuals in the BBC who were sympathetic to Independence but Big Brother won the day. Project Fear was never challenged and the likes of Darling were given an easy ride .

The VOW was never subject to critical analysis and still isn’t.

Sorry Mr Roy, the media has a lot to answer for, particularly the current demonising of immigrants

K Roy is a fruit case I liked the Scottish Review UNTIL it went native, now I never read it.

Like most of these online sites they are written by narcissistic egotistical nut cases who are so fixed in their view of the world as to be dangerous if they ever got their hands on the levers of power.

Here, we have an exception of course as most of what appears here after the initial ‘OH LOOK The Truth’ post is the rantings of cybernats ;-)like you and me….

So long as we are not the brainwashed robots led by the Lovely Nicola at least you get a broad range of views and comments here by ‘independent’ thinking people.

OK the thrust of our comments tends to be in alignment and sadly we are speaking to the converted…..

The big challenge for Wings and a few other sites (some listed here on the side)is to be able to speak to the unconverted….that needs a big jump into the MSM.

Paul on WGD has at least got some MSM readership.

How we on Wings expand our readership massively not using wee books must be part of the plan for the future of this site.

The Sally Army have the Watch Tower we need something similar published frequently and distributed far and wide….

How about NOT the SIX O’CLOCK NEWS debunking all the MSM lies, fairy stories,propaganda and totally ignored good news stories.

NOT that I have the answer but maybe some lottery winners might want to get involved….just a thought.

MMMMMM Weirs View might work 🙂


And so it goes on…

With a complete lack of insight Euan McColm pens an ‘ ode to what never was’ in his search for his ‘country’.

A country where people do not have disdain for the ‘free’ press. A press that was free to write whatever they wanted, tap phones and ignore the effects of any Govts policies.

Where’ bad nationalism doesn’t compete with other nationalism’ , it just imposes a ‘flag ‘ on everything , turns up the volume of Land of hope and Glory (Rule Britannia is optional) and insists every British television programme is branded ‘ The Great British sewing bake off, dancing , all drawing half hour of dross.

The complete lack of insight by him is scary.

He hit Twitter every night to retain his vision of his country, he ( unlike most of us ) is in a position to shape the( for want of a better word)narrative and now bleats he wants ‘ his ‘ country back.

No he got what he wanted , in fact went out of his way to get what he wanted but now complains , that’s not really what he meant .

Well we all have to live with what he wanted, that’s democracy. The scary thing is he still doesn’t get it. A someone said in a previous post the media and establishment unleashed the furies, yet the likes of Mr McColm does exactly what some journalists always do- expect us to take responsiblity for them .

This is ‘your’ country Mr McColm , I campaigned and voted for something else .


Top notch Chris.Very dark and profound.

Why not offer it to some of the msm papers ?

I’m sure at least one of them would want to run with such an accurate depiction of where we find ourselves.

Eh,mibee no then.


“Don’t blame the Gators”, says Simon Jenkins. It’s the online community who sow fear and hate.

“It is beyond argument that digital media – long unchallenged as a boon to mankind – has brought real evils in its train, including the persistent anonymous harassment of Cox and other public figures. In some respects, it has taken British politics back to the hysteria of Dickens’ Eatanswill. It has licensed attitudes once kept under wraps in the home, pub and club. It has liberated the sick to persecute the good. When social media turns antisocial, some policing regime is urgently needed.”

link to

Robert Peffers

The comparison of the press to the crocodile by Chris is so very appropriate.

The mouth is over large for the rest of the face. The eyes, though over prominent, are hooded. The nose is also prominent and over long for the rest of the face.

It thus says over much, sees only what it wants to see and sticks that over long nose where it never should be stuck.

Not to mention that the rest of the head, and hence the brainbox, is very small in proportion to the other, more prominent, features so it thinks nothing of the severe damage it causes with the rest its ugly face.


Someone on the Andrew Marr show this morning gave reference to a Bashful Brexiter….. Is this a similar idea to the Shy Tory’s of last year??

Alex Montrose

The term “separatist ” has been dropped by the MSM for the EU referendum, funny that.


Nice one Chris,
So its the migrants who are bankrupting the YOO K??
And there was me thinking it was consecutive PARASITE governments in the “CITY” who were responsible, along with the city boy bankers, and the troughers who HAVE robbed us blind for generations, the list would be too long to name them all, but we know who they are.
Message to the troughers “the games up”
The European union is not perfect, but I am proud to be a Euro Scot, than a Brit Scot.
As far as I can see there are more elderly Brit Nats coming up from the “shires”, to get free prescriptions than migrants coming to Scotland who are in genuine need of help.


The Express in particular is an absolute disgrace.
When you see these covers all together it really hits home just how much of a nasty propaganda rag it is.
No wonder nutters are pushed over the edge.

Just think what a breath of fresh air the YES campaign was in comparison.

Emphasising positive civic nationalism and a desire for the countries within Britain to have close cooperation afterwards with a common currency zone and everyone all part of Europe.

YES campaigners were called all sorts of names but we never had newspapers and posters demonising the English the way the British nationalists demonise immigrants.
Jim Murphy got hit by an egg, not shot and stabbed on the street.

This Brexit campaign has been shameful and the bigots don’t deserve to win this way.

G H Graham

Roy, McColm & their Twitter chum Spanner belong to a small club of sneering, blinkered & often vicious Unionists, which BBC Scotland uses to help broadcast its Rule Britannia, Johnny Foreigner, No Surrender propaganda.

If you listen to any of the BBC’s alleged news programs, especially in Scotland, it’s like watching a Joseph Goebbels tribute band with Reich Minister of Propaganda, Ken MacQuarrie pulling the strings in the background.

Quite when this demonic period in Scottish history will end is uncertain, but I thank God for bringing us Leonard Kleinrock.

link to


The only thing I could agree with him is that there were individuals in the BBC who were sympathetic to Independence but Big Brother won the day. Project Fear was never challenged and the likes of Darling were given an easy ride .

Who though? There’s not one BBC or BBC Scotland ligger that came close to sympathy for anything Holyrood, behind and in front of camera or mike. Last time I saw Sally Magnasun interview Nicola Sturgeon her tearful anger at even the mention of ref 2 was quite a site.

They all detest Scottish democracy, right down to building their £400 million glass box of NO on the Clyde, with nothing BBC in or near Edinburgh and Holyrood.

Right now this morn, BBC 24’s Gavin Esler, gave Vote the whole of the BBC news network whole days of propaganda 2014 and Murdoch’s henchman in chief Ligger Neil on BBC 2, two hard core yoonster toryboys who shall not be moved.


Wee Alex says: at 10:00 am
“The only thing I could agree with him is that there were individuals in the BBC who were sympathetic to Independence”

Aye Alex but they keep themselves well hidden.

I’m still wondering why Laura Bicker and James Cooke were moved to the USA so rapidly after the referendum. If you want a plumb job at the BBC, Washington DC and Los Angeles have to be two of the best postings going. It was either to reward them or to keep their traps shut.


Katie says:

“Bashful Brexite”

Polls are attempts at measuring views, not predictions.

My understanding is that older people are much more likely to avoid telling pollsters their views, or even lie about them. Therefore, whatever older people statistically support, has hidden backing. This appears as a swing in the real vote, but is not a real swing because it was there in the background all along.

I also believe this is the root of the Shy Tory, older people tending to be conservative. And, IMO probably part of the ‘No swing’ in IndyRef.

In this referendum, older people are being measured at 70% Leave. It would seem reasonable to expect this to be an under measurement.

So I think there will be a Shy Brexit element.

People also say there can be a last minute swing to status quo. And then on top we have the possibility of a backlash effect because of the violent murder.

We will know on Friday!

Tinto Chiel

“When social media turns antisocial, some policing regime is urgently needed.”

Quite Capella, Jenkins can’t accept the role of the mainstream press in unleashing the dogs of intolerance and racism, so he blames the symptoms.

His quotation is music to the ears of The Establishment. They don’t really care about the frothing abuse on Twitter or Facebook: it’s political sites like this one which worries them.

They hate T’Internet because they can’t control it but don’t worry, they’re working on it.


Superb cartoon Chris.

There are those who create the narrative and those who sell the narrative to the public. Moulding opinion is what the media are there for.

Politics and media – ham and eggs.

Each compromises the other, title by title and broadcaster by broadcaster and both cannot exist/function without the other. They are fully paid up members of the establishment and fully aware of what they do. Our society is what it is because they are what they are.

Yes, these institutions are immensely powerful, but only because people allow them to be. Change the channel, leave that daily paper on the shelf and you get multiple benefits. The politician finds it that much harder to sell you a line and the journalist can’t influence/manipulate your emotions. Added extra of watching the more toxic brands wither and go the way of the dodo as their sales fall off a cliff.

Better yet, apply the internet bullshit filter of our online community to dissect the misdirection, outright lies and the poison. Bit like wearing industrial strength rubber gloves for those nastier necessary tasks we find ourselves doing from time to time. If you have to handle sewage, make sure to take precautions. 🙂

Worth remembering though, that without an audience which pays attention, the media are essentially helpless. Without the mandate of an electorate (which is what its all about for your politician), they have no power to abuse.


@Handandshrimp. 10.40

‘To be honest though I think the shooting of Cox may have spiked Brexit despite Leave being in the lead and having the momentum up until that point.’

Agree,this ref will likely be decided by the ‘don’t knows’ and it is difficult to imagine many wishy washy’don’t knows’ wanting to vote on the same side as a right wing murderous terrorist,so it’s a done deal for Remain IMO.

The only thing which could swing it the other way would be some incident perpetrated by a ‘non Brit’,God forbid.

Brian Powell


Which individuals in the BBC were sympathetic to Independence?


To those commenting on Kenneth Roy’s ‘performance’ on radio.

Read the fantastic Peter A Bell’s blog on Kenneth Roy :

Written on 23 October 2015

Entitled ‘Kenneth Roy is a f***ing bladder’!

Peter A bell says it as it is and says it f***ing well.

Peter A Bell….different class .


Amazed to see from my wife’s Mail on Sunday that they are begging people to vote for Remain. Thought they were Leavers, no question. No mention of Scotland however.
Must be taking a big risk of losing a lot of readers though. The Express will be happy.

donald anderson

And they nearly went to war over Murphy’s egg.


seanair says:
19 June, 2016 at 11:40 am
“Amazed to see from my wife’s Mail on Sunday that they are begging people to vote for Remain. Thought they were Leavers, no question”.

Hey seanair , Apparenty Daily Mail is for leave and Mail on Sunday is for remain…..hedging bets….bit like The Herald/Sunday Herald on Indy and then we have English Sun and Scottish Sun ……transparent ?….hell yeh !

Robert Peffers

@Almannysbunnet says: 19 June, 2016 at 11:18 am:

” … Aye Alex but they keep themselves well hidden.”

No, Almannysbunnet, it is the BBC, (Biased Broadcasting Clique”, who keeps them well hidden. Just look at what they did to the best overall broadcasting journalist they had. Where now is that absolutely brilliant broadcaster Izzie Fraser now?

I believe the keep her in a broom cupboard down in the basement area of Pathetic Quay and trot her out at non-peak times to speak on radio occasionally.

What a waste of a great talent – but that’s the Establishment’s Propaganda Wing for you BAD, BIASED, BIGOTED AND BRITISH to the core.

BTW: I’m expecting Andie Murray to be very British, and very certainly a non-Scot, later today after he appears on the BBC sports programme later today.


Clapper 57
Thanks for that. I thought Mr. Dacre might have explained what he’s up to, but forgot he’s a nasty twat.


OT – kind of, though its all joined up – found this on Peter A Bell’s twitter feed. Hilarious but true. A brief analysis of the Tory party.

comment image:large

Tom Kane


Yip… But I don’t think it’s hedging… It may even be what the bookies do, just covering. But those that come out for Remain… I think we need to back the Remainers hard. Even if these are crocodile tears, we need to try and win the Remain game. We did a lot to help establish peace and stability Europe and I would hate to see that undone by a bunch of shy tories, nice-but-neonazis, chummy no-such-thing-as-society socialites or independent city of London bank protectors.


Brian Powell says:
19 June, 2016 at 11:34 am

Which individuals in the BBC were sympathetic to Independence?

None. I was answering an earlier comment that there are some in Pacific Quay. If there is any, they’re very good at camouflage.

link to

One of the most ferocious toryboys around wails in NOT nationalist frustration.

Jump in anywhere

“I want my country back from those who want us to return to the days when it was okay to joke about “darkies” and “poofs”. I want my country back from those who conceal their hatred beneath a cloak cut from “legitimate concerns”.
I want my country back from anyone who feeds hatred.”

“I want my country back from cynics who say that all politicians are crooks and liars. I want my country back from weasels who say that only the politicians with whom they agree may be exempted from this judgment”

Another UKOK tory attack propagandist lashes out at anyone at all that just will not vote how he tells us to.


More UKOK hacks what want their country back. Its getting hard to work what their country actually means.

link to

“The true scorn of the right is for the people it presumes to represent. In the name of defending Britain, Brexit will destroy Britain, if Scotland then leaves.”


Nice man at the Graun Nick Cohen says

“If you love your country, or even just think it is not such a bad place, do not hand it to sly men who betray the best of the English, while seeking to incite the worst in us.”

From the same NOT Britnat crew that asked the same best of the English

link to


Tom Kane,

The crocodile tears are still lies, just less direct the aggressive lies.

Social Democratic failings are being further dumbed-down, right back to basics in little England.

To hear for example that ‘Labour has been a family of considerate individuals..’
I think of – the bomb Syria vote – the anti-Corbyn sniping – keeping Trident.. etc etc

Ideals, seem to be used as a smokescreen, ruining fact based discussion.

Dr Jim

No amount of rhetoric by anybody is going to MAKE somebody go out and kill somebody else, the guy who did this was bonkers, and that isn’t the rest of us, but elements of the press and Telly will use it for badness just because they can (today I care, tomorrow who gives a fuck)
and that’s the difference between most of us and most “Journalists”

Unfortunately Scotland is infested by these so called “Journalists” who. in truth have no position on anything except causing as much pain and trouble as they can get away with and then get paid for it

The pomposity of them beggars belief in their control of the press and TV, setting themselves up and presenting as if to be impartial observers of the political landscape with their mocking sarcasm of those who would dare to dissagree with their lofty opinions

We, on Wings while not wordsmiths (most of us) attempt to express our thoughts in the best way we can and we don’t always get everything right but I would rather peruse the opinions of people who make their agenda plain and set it out the best way they can than read the the blatant distortions and corruption of a money for words motivated set of “Journalists” with no moral or civic responsibility

I live in hope that the other half of our society wakes up as this half have, then perhaps actual journalism might have a place in our country before the current crop destroys any chance of that happening in the future

Journalism can and should be a positive thing and we need it to be, but we don’t NEED what we’ve got now


Brilliant Chris, just brilliant!

The press hounded Diana to death then built a whole industry on the back of their crocodile tears.

Now we the assassination of Jo Cox and the full blown “not us guv” from the rabid festerings of the dead trees and their cohorts.

But it’s all new media’s fault, we need to curb the freedom to express our anger and contempt, we should be gentlemen (yes, far better if ladies are excluded from any debate that might affect them) and agree with our betters and masters.

Well, bollocks I say, my voice is but one but is just as valid as any prince, pauper, man or woman. The lies must be exposed, the spin has to be contradicted and if the glitterati or the press rat pack don’t like it they can play with a pineapple and shove it up their arses sideways.

For a person to be free, their mind has to be free or they live forever caged and cowed. I’m not going back into any box.



How about creating Cuddly Toy versions of Hamish which would not only appeal to kids but would look good on the rear parcel shelves of cars.


Alex Cole-Hamilton. Row over LibDem election spending in key Holyrood seat

I wonder if BBC will report this and should he stand down if he is to be investigated,Libs were very vocal about Michelle Thompson so I would hope Rennie would condemn this sleeze.


‘Within the US, Britain and other countries that are becoming more unequal…Racism becomes more acute…Calls for more border controls to keep immigrants become shriller…The ways in which we monitor ,affirm and citizenship and concern via border controls are closely linked to levels of inequality’ Dorling ‘Unequal Health’

Sentiment that is also whipped up by the toxic rhetoric of a political elite with dubious intent and reinforced through the headline statements of an equally toxic MSM that hides the complexity of a multi-layered debate in misleading, morally repugnant headlines.

A political elite that has deliberately pursued an economic model that has produced UKOK’s low wage economy and precariat class is now telling us that leaving the EU will result in a reversal of UKOKs 3 decades of zombie economic policy and revision of a deeply engrained political philosophy of entitlement and privilege for the few.

The OECD team of economists tells it as it is- the types of the political choices made here have resulted in the inequality divide driven primarily by lower unionisation, lower employment protection(i.e. increasing precariousness of temporary work) lower unemployment compensation, less distributive taxation and product markets deregulation.

link to

Scotland should send a very strong message to Brexit and remain in the EU. Scotland has a track record of running a measured, inclusive educational campaign and will do so again regarding the EU but with the caveat of being an independent country.


gus1940 says:
19 June, 2016 at 1:13 pm
How about creating Cuddly Toy versions of Hamish which would not only appeal to kids but would look good on the rear parcel shelves of cars.

Hamish is me and you and a lot of YESers. We ain’t no cuddly toy. Well I’m not:D

Tom Kane

Louis.b.argyll… Not a single word in your post do I disagree with… And it will be hard to defend Europe among crying crocodiles that want to see democracy trivialised and debate stifled. But right now, we have a chance to help them water the plants with their tears.

If crocs really are now against Brexit, if they want to uphold the highest ideals of what Europe needs to become (one of which was the basis of the Edinburgh International Festival) then we need to make them walk that walk, and I’ll go hand in hand with any of them on that.


Rancid The Graun and its lofty ideals. Cant argue with their In stuff here, except when it comes to the reality of Rule Britannia media


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“This week, we Britons face the biggest democratic decision of our lifetimes.”


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“That’s the Guardian’s Polly Toynbee on this afternoon’s Sunday Politics London during a discussion on Nick Clegg’s leadership of the Lib Dems, telling presenter Andrew Neil that even were Scotland to vote No in September’s independence referendum, it would be unthinkable for any Scot to ever again lead a UK political party, or hold any of the great offices of state.”

If Scotland saves England from a fate worse than Brexit in three days time, will our imperial masters allow a Scot to hold a great office of UKOK state?

Out of nicesness even.

Ian Brotherhood

@Dr Jim (1.02)

Hear hear.

It’s not called ‘the fourth estate’ for nothing.

Edmund Burke, referring to the Reporters Gallery in the House of Commons, is reputed to have said, ‘Yonder sits the fourth estate, more important than them all.’

‘The gallery [in the Commons] where the reporters sit has become a fourth estate of the realm.’ Lord Macaulay: Hallam (1828)

Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable (2004, p. 462)


This from Neal Ascherson: Eloquent dissertation of the state they’re in. This should be spread widely.

‘The UK is being driven out of Europe … by English nationalism’

‘Down south, many factors are combining in the surge of opinion towards Brexit. But the strongest is the one that dare not say its name: English nationalism. This is why what happens on June 23 is England’s independence referendum.

It’s not the way voters in England understand it. But it’s the best way to understand the formless, uncritical rage which has been stirred up from Cornwall to Tyneside by this referendum campaign. In a very general way, this is rage against the whole system of governance, “the politicians”, the unfairness in how burdens are shared. It’s the wish to “govern ourselves”.

In outline only, it’s like the profound upwelling of democratic feeling which Scotland experienced two years ago. But the content is very different. Like it or not, the proposition of Scottish independence was a serious and plausible response to injured democratic feeling. But “Middle England” 2016 is not dealing in realities. In bellowing about “taking back control” from “the diktat of faceless Brussels bureaucrats”, it’s simply aiming at the wrong targets.

Are English people justified in feeling unrepresented, underprivileged and manipulated by a remote power-clique? Yes, they are. But that enemy is not the Commission and it’s not Brussels. It’s London. It’s the geopolitical dominance of London and the south-east, and the elitist power-politics of the United Kingdom.

Direct rebellion against that metropolitan elite would threaten both Remain and Leave leaderships. Most of them belong to it. So Leave campaigners have adeptly diverted political anger into the existing English panic about immigration.’

link to

Chris, I’ve no words to describe the effect of your ‘toon. I’m just relieved and privileged tae be amongst such talented and skilled folks who can articulate what I cannot, who can go right tae the essence of a twisted narrative, illuminate and clarify all at once without saying a word. You’re artistry is bereft of artifice.

Joe of the Coutts

For those who mention the map of Scotland in the weather maps.
Try to


K1, Excellent article. I particularly like this line:

It’s as if a film of 2014 was being played to us inside-out: the same lines, but spoken by lousy actors in strange costumes.

link to


Joe of the Coutts says:
19 June, 2016 at 1:58 pm
For those who mention the map of Scotland in the weather maps.

The Space agency blurb’s not bad

“The Scottish Highlands at the tip of the United Kingdom appear light brown, representing bare soil and rock formations, with some vegetation.”

That bare soil and rock formations was, up until the 1707 union, the great Caledonia forest, giant Scots pines, oaks etc. As soon a Wade’s roads got going after Culloden, in conjunction with giant military out posts like Fort George, the Caledonia forests were cut down and used to build the English navy, the one that won at Trafalgar. All the rest of Scotland’s forests were used for Victorian mining pit props and railway sleepers.

Today that bare Highland soil is kept bare for the blood sports industry, all kept clear of any life with vast yearly fires, to allow a few rich and their guests that clear shot at grouse and deer.

There was even a huge rain forest running down Scotland’s west coast, all gone for rule Britannia.


Beautifully drawn with usual insight and black humour. Many thanks


It is Glamaig an excellent article, I keep reading ‘Cornwall’ as ‘Cromwell’…sooner this is over the better…think my tether has reached it’s end with this ugly and badly campaigned EngIndyRef1 (think that should be the hash tag too). Neal Ascherson’s article is the only straightforward and well reasoned piece I’ve read about any of it that makes any kind of sense.


What talent Chris! Another brilliant cartoon that gets right to the essence of the matter. To my mind you’re by far the best cartoonist in the UK.

@ Robert at 11:01am …. Great post Robert describing it all so well.


Nicola on Sunday Politics this morning being interviewed by Gordon Brewer. Nicola as usual doing us all proud and having no difficulty dealing with Brewer’s misleading questions / traps because she has no covert agenda …. just speaks from the heart whilst using her head. She also put him in his place from the off by telling him to “stop twisting my words”, “I think the viewers will see what you are trying to do” and so on. Well and truly…. sortit him richt oot. Seemingly to be back on his show next Sunday …. tae sort him oot agin.

They also showed some footage of Nicola and Kezia Dugdale together from the day (Friday?) they were laying flowers and making speeches about Jo Cox. Kezia had her back to the cameras and seemed to be upset. Nicola moved towards her to comfort her, put her arm around Kezia’s shoulder and said something to her. Kezia then put her arm around Nicola’s waist. Politics put to one side with sheer compassion and humanity on show. Brought a tear to my eye. I was also left wondering where Buffalo Bill had got to.


Some great readers comments and articles in yesterday’s National such as from Mhairi Black, Pat Kane (keep your eye on Steve Hilton and Dominic Cummings), WGD and Alex Salmond. Alex’s ‘A clarion call to rid politics of poison’ is excellent. Pointing out how hellish this EU referendum has been and saying “It stands in stark contrast to our own Scottish referendum where only one side was projecting the politics of fear.”

And he goes on with “For some unexplained reason Cameron has not realised that without the buttress of the Mail, Telegraph, Express and the English Sun he has lost his transmission mechanism for fearmongering. There is little point issuing sewage from Downing Street if the sewer isn’t functioning or is running in reverse. Perhaps in Cameron’s own world he believes it was the force of his personality which won the Scottish referendum and the General election as opposed to his little helpers in the mainstream media.”

Jo Cox murderer said to have links with Britain First founded by Jim Dowson, Scot, who was kicked out of the BNP and has links to Ulster loyalist militants. The current leader Paul Golding recently stated, following the election of Sadiq Khan as London mayor, “that his group would launch a direct action campaign against Muslim elected officials targetting where they live, work and pray.”

What about the Daily Express taking a closer look at them / their activities and making it front page news?

Ian Mackay

Boris Johnson in favour of Remain in 2013:

link to


That little clip of Johnson should go viral…the hypocrisy shines brightly from this one.

This is all political manoeuvring on his part to be the next PM. This is an internal Tory coup we are witnessing and the people of England are being used as proxies to this end…god fucking help us if they vote out on Thursday.


BBC had some Old crocks on this morning……. Euan McColm, and Kenneth Roy…… Puke from start to finish….. Had forgotten what a waste of Oxygen Roy is. Thanks to the Beeb for providing the public service…… Then McColm completed the propaganda blitz on the Scotland. They are getting worse with every passing week.


‘Are We Better Than This? The Tragic Killing of Jo Cox.’

”Leave.EU have been running a squalid gutter campaign – the like of which has not been seen in mainstream British politics since the infamous ‘If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Labour’ by-line in Smethwick 1964. Last week Leave.EU issued an offensive cartoon of an EU ship heading over a waterfall to disaster (see below). On first examination, it didn’t look too bad, but closer scrutiny revealed its deep racism. In the middle of the ship were two bearded figures, one with a scimitar and the other a bag of money, the former forcing a blond Aryan man to walk the plank. This draws on anti-Semitic imagery, but here these figures are portrayed as Muslims. And just for good effect a cannon called ‘Diversity’ shot a hole in its own deck, with a shark swimming in the sea labelled ‘Political Correctness’. This is how far British politics have fallen…….

A comparison between the EU referendum and Scotland’s experience of the indyref is a salutary one. While many, mostly on the pro-union side, complained about intolerance and over-zealousness by some independence supporters, our democratic explosion can now be seen as an almost Socratic exercise in public debate and deliberation compared to the Euro referendum…….”

link to

Another Union Dividend

O/T Election expenses in Lothian region printed in Herald

link to

link to

THE Scottish LibDems are facing questions over a potential breach of election spending rules in one of their five Holyrood seats.
The party is under pressure to explain its figures in Edinburgh Western, which was won from the SNP last month by Alex Cole-Hamilton.
Newly released files show the MSP only scraped under the legal spending limit by attributing thousands of pounds of leaflets and office costs to his party’s regional list fight in the Lothians instead of counting it toward his constituency costs.
Identical leaflets showing Cole-Hamilton were split between the regional and constituency totals, even those about specific neighbourhoods in Edinburgh Western.
A third of Cole-Hamilton’s office costs were also ascribed to the regional contest, despite the official agent for the list being based outwith the seat at party HQ.

As someone points out Since the major theme of all Cole-Hamilton’s never ending leaflets over the election period was a vitriolic attack on the Edinburgh West constituency MP Michelle Thomson ( not fighting the election, and not in the SNP) , it is extremely hard to see how they could be attributed to the regional rather than constituency costs. It was a disgraceful campaign, and he should not get away with any possible pauchling of his expenses.

Grouse Beater

K1: “Direct rebellion against that metropolitan elite would threaten both Remain and Leave leaderships”

Well, of course. They’re desperately keen to protect a corrupt state fashioned by them for their personal gain:

link to


‘England’s Dream’

”If you’re still in shock at the end of a gruesome week about both the personal and political implications of Jo Cox’s murder, and hoping it might be a trigger to some better politics, this may be a disappointing read. None of the likely scenarios is going to bring forth a period of calm, a settled will or a landscape of progressive politics, certainly not a British level. A Remain vote is likely to be slim and contested, with a bitter aftermath. A Leave vote is likely to be highly traumatic and signal a further constitutional crisis.

If Ian Jack (and others) are right (‘Scotland’s Europhilia stands between Cameron and catastrophe’) then Scotland may save the (European) Union. He writes: “If David Cameron wins on Thursday by the narrowest of margins, he may well owe his salvation to his old enemies in the north. They will tilt the balance. So much of his own side is on the other side, working for his defeat… If it happens, British political history will be hard pushed to furnish a bigger irony.

You can’t imagine this scenario going down calmly with the far fringes of the Out Brigade, some of whom find little difficulty transferring bile and bigotry from Poles to Jocks in their efforts to ‘take back their country’……..

Secondly as O’Toole explains: “Hardly anyone is even talking about England – all the Brexit arguments are framed in terms of Britain or the UK, as if these historically constructed and contingent entities will simply carry on regardless in the new dispensation.” And this is an ongoing problem, the inability for people outwith or within Britain to distinguish between Britain and England. This is in part out of a sense of propriety openly displayed during the Scottish referendum in the kind of language used about Scotland, but it’s also about a sense of innate settled continuity….

If commentators are right – and Labour canvassers are witnessing on the doorsteps what their northern comrades did two years ago, ie an extinction level collapse of the Labour vote, then the problem may not be the failure of an elusive English nationalist movement to make sense of itself. The problem may be that morphing into something far worse.”

link to


Saw the Mail on Sunday headline when I went out to the shops. I was particularly shaken by the hypocrisy shown. The Mail with the Express have natured this Britain First poison for years.


Fantastic toon, with visual impact, and no words needed.

As the day goes on, it’s becoming even more fitting.

That Neal Ascherson is a good piece, but the one thing I can’t get to grips with is why those on the far right, and I’m talking on the lower rungs, don’t understand who is causing their anguish or rage at wages, housing etc.

The types you see in Britain First protests, are hardly rolling in cash, and yet they are engaging in politics, albeit in a bigoted way, but they don’t have a clue as to where the decisions are taken.

Nicola called out the Sports Direct guy in our Parliament as acting illegally, by not paying the minimum wage. No one cares.

It’s Brussels fault.

There is a huge right wing movement down south at working class level, but they have no idea where power lies. Maybe they don’t care, but by putting their idols in charge, their lives will deteriorate.

I can’t fathom it.

Robert Peffers

@heedtracker says: 19 June, 2016 at 12:49 pm:

“More UKOK hacks what want their country back. Its getting hard to work what their country actually means”.”

Oh! We know that, “their country”, will depend upon which country they claim as their own. What it will not be is either Britain, Great Britain or the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland.

This is because none of those three terms defines a country. Britain contains 8 countries Great Britain contains 3 and the United Kingdom contains 3 and a bit countries, (since Ireland partitioned).

” …The true scorn of the right is for the people it presumes to represent. In the name of defending Britain, Brexit will destroy Britain, if Scotland then leaves”.

The term, “Brexit”, is the work of the Establishment propagandists. The reason being that Britain cannot leave the EU for the very simple reason that Britain is not an EU member state. It never has been and it never will be.

The Member State is, “The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland”, and that is a Kingdom and not a country. It does not include The Republic of Ireland, The Isle of Man nor Channel Island Bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey.

Only the arrogant extreme right wingers of the, “One Country British Nationalist”, claim the United Kingdom is Britain. The rest of us are far better educated.


link to

Orkney readers at 60% Out. Taking back control from the EU seems very popular. Alistair Carmicheal’s LibDem’s did well in Orkney too as we know, regardless of what Carmicheal actually is.


Never smile at a crocodile…

Chic McGregor

They are really just (false) alligators. 🙂 But like many real crocodiles they are in De Nile.


K1 @1.57
Good piece that. I’ve thought for some time that English Nationalism was growing stronger.

All the better for that I would say, then they can turn round and tell us to piss off.

Fine, we will go, but we will take our oil/gas, whisky, fishing waters, etc and you can have Trident back.

They will reap what they sow. Cameron has made sure of that.


Speaking of crocodiles. Jakey Rowlen has come out for remain.

Brian McHugh

I hardly pay attention to Orkney and Shetland… they are on a political planet of their own and always have been. (I do feel sorry for the few islanders that have to put up with that though).

Tinto Chiel

“They are really just (false) alligators. 🙂 But like many real crocodiles they are in De Nile.”

Oh, Chic, has it come to this?

You’ll feel so ashamed in the morning…




Very good point regards Scotland’s landscape and how it has been pillaged ever since 1707.

I looked at the map, courtesy of joe of the coutts’ link @1.58, it would be good if you could transfer your comment heedtracker, there are some comments, and yours would put things into perspective.


Haha Jakey Rowling for remain? Fo u think its got anything go do with the sales of the Hary Potter books in European countries?? She does the right thing when it suits her!


A hideous few days culminating in SLabour attempting to portray themselves as victims on the back of the tragic death of Jo Cox.

Both SLab and MSM now trying to introduce the rewriting of the Indyref to fit in with ‘all Nationalists are Right wing xenophobic fascists’.

Even Margaret Curran crawling out the woodwork again to try to manipulate, distort and deny her role in the putrid output of Slab.

Not one of them will ever admit they reaped what they sowed. Every angry outburst was for the lies they told and still tell. They are trying to portray themselves as innocent victims of nasty Nats and it is so tedious.

No doubt there will be Cybernat tales tomorrow. Someone even calling for Stu to have a visit from Police Scotland for THAT comment on the only way Curran would ever stop lying. She still does not understand a figure of speech.

Or maybe she does and just cannot stop lying.


Artyhetty says:
19 June, 2016 at 5:58 pm

I tried to transfer the comment but they need a yahoo account which I don’t have. If you do, cut n paste!


O/T …. OIL

Professor John Robertson: ‘Why governments need to keep oil giants ‘honest’ when it comes to paying their way’

….. ”Just where the idea that we have to support decommissioning came from will puzzle many of us who thought Shell would have factored in this cost at the very beginning. Haven’t they made a lot of profit over the years? Wasn’t a ‘decommissioning fund’ part of the initial contract? Of course it was. Just as Philip Green has dodged his responsibility for BHS staff pensions, so Shell, like any other just-for-profit company, would love to dodge their responsibility to pay for decommissioning……………

Since the Holyrood election, I’ve not been empirically assessing mainstream media reporting relevant to the Scottish independence question so this has to be impressionistic but they seem to be back up at full propaganda level already. Reporting Scotland have been right back on their campaign to undermine the Scottish government’s reputation with inaccurate and misleading reporting on Scotland’s universities, schools and health services…………………..

Here is a clear explanation of the situation from the Royal Academy of Engineering (page 8):

‘Central to the issue of decommissioning is the cost and the question of who holds the liability. According to the OSPAR Convention, ultimate responsibility remains with the owner: The persons who own an installation or pipeline at the time of its decommissioning will normally remain the owners of any residues …. Should a new owner default, liability then transfers back to the original licence – holder. In fact, there is a generally accepted understanding within the industry that, ‘if you put it there, you take it away’……………..

So, Mr van Beurden of Shell, or any other oil executive with similar concerns, there will be no ‘burden’ on the Scottish tax payer. And, keep out of our politics too!’’

link to

Tam Jardine

Just reading Euan McColm’s piece in the SOS and the gushing praise from all manner of British Nationalists on twitter.

I cannot but feel I have strayed into some kind of other dimension devoid of all self awareness.

McColm, poor oppressed soul dislikes this broad swathe of humanity (a solid majority of leave supporters combined with largely remain supporting Scottish Nationalists). He puts all his enemies together tortuous conflating them in one long toy chucking exercise.

In doing so, he apparently represents the lacking in self-awareness anti-Scottish British Nationalist remain supporter. He hates Scottish Nationalists and the very wolves the SNP are trying to protect Scotland (and in this vote, the UK) from.

There is a bit of vague stuff about those who feed hatred, which to me could only mean journalists like himself, but surely that is not his target. Critics of the press are in his sights too: those who criticise the press and presumably McColm in particularly are hateful too.

One gets the feeling from all the “I want my country back from…” that really what McColm wants is the status quo ad infinitum. He is a status quo extremist as the status quo has served his class of British Nationalist journalist very well.

Anyone who votes leave can fuck off. Anyone who votes remain can fuck off if they also want to remove Scotland from the influence of the likes of Johnson, Gove and for that matter Cameron and Osborne.

I want, I want says a guy whose clique still has the most powerful platform to firm opinion in Scotland.

He doesn’t want brexit: I get that but if it is to be avoided it will be thanks in part to the very people he and his gang of right wing journalists have demonised, ridiculed and misrepresented for years. A thank you would have been common courtesy.

Dr Jim

British or English Nationalism of the unpleasant type has always been there, Cameron and Farage just legitimised it and now can’t control it
They’ll need Boris the Buffoon’s help after this is all over
to try and make it all into a big jolly jape and let’s all calm down dear and if Boris doesn’t manage it England could be in serious trouble

This is ripe stuff for Ann Begg’s pals the BNP types
No we haven’t forgotten the Labour party in this as well have we, they’re just Anti everybody, no they’re not, yes they are, but they’ll abstain on having a position anyway
Int that right Magrit Curran or Ian Davidson or Ian “Union jack” Murray the turncoat of many colours

Thursday can’t come quick enough now, X Fingers for the FMs wee plan


Just watching Question Time. That audience really, really, does not like immigration. It seems to be all they are interested in.


Trying to get through to my Brexit baby boomer maw-in-law. She tells me we got on fine before the EU.
Tried to tell her that the reason for that was a series of governments who’s policy was full employment and social mobility.
What we have now and will have to a greater extent under Brexit is the very anithesis of that.
Ah well I tried.

Bob Mack

@Tam Jardine,

Well said Tam. It was self serving and self indulgent. All that matters to Mr McColm is what he thinks.It would not matter a jot what others think or if proof positive was laid at his door which disproved his beliefs.He is inflexible and not open to anything which contradicts his narrative and view of the world.

I hope unemployment awaits him in the near future.

Tinto Chiel

McColm wants his country back and I want to be foreign.

Sorted. Painless, really.

If I were a betting man, I would put money on quite a narrow Remain vote, and I think Scotland will be markedly more Remain than England. I do wonder though, if this will be allowed to come out.

I expect dirty work at the crossroads, like all Gothic melodramas. Except this is bloody serious.

And Petra, we’re not only cursed by oil in this country, we have a special kind called quantum oil, it’s worthless and valuable at the same time.

As Mr P would say, sheesh!


betting odds on Remain starting to shorten again.. does anybody know how this works? how do they calculate the odds? is it purely a function of where the punters have put their money?

The money on Leave is overwhelmingly small bets from a large number of punters, whereas a smaller number have put their money on Remain, but some of those bets are huge. Is this what happened in Indyref?


”That the man is reported as yelling “Britain First” is apparently much less relevant to terrorism than if he had shouted “Allahu Akbar”. The investigation is not being led by the counter-terrorism police. Simply put, if Tommy Mair were a Muslim, it would be ……

Yet I do not accept in the least the argument put forward by Alex Massie in the Spectator that it is the rhetoric of Johnson, Hannan and Farage that caused the climate in which Jo Cox was murdered. Massie’s article is being much applauded by the Remain camp across political parties. Yet the only place where emotions have been whipped into a frenzy by the referendum campaign is precisely in the right wing Conservative milieu that Massie inhabits….

In a move that shows the fuddy-duddies of the Spectator haven’t actually quite understood the internet yet, they have taken down Massie’s initial article and replaced it with a version in which the names of all the Tories he accuses are removed and the new article blames only Farage. The link I give above is to the original captured by….

It seems to me very probable that Tommy Mair was motivated by hatred of immigrants when he reportedly shouted “Britain First” and killed Jo Cox. But that hatred of immigrants has been fostered over many years by the right wing in the UK – including virtually the entire Conservative Party, not just the Brexiteers. Stoking of racist emotion has been a deliberate long term ploy to provide a focus of blame for the victims in society of the consequences of neo-liberalism….”

link to

Tam Jardine

Bob Mack

Perhaps it is meant to be an ironic satire? How to write an anti-nationalist opinion piece using the phrase “I want my country back…” no fewer than 11 times.

Well- Scotland isn’t his country- it is ours- his mine and all of ours. And until the union finally severs the UK is our country too- his, mine, it belongs in part even to Nigel Farage!

I disagree with many of the sentiments of the leave campaign but it takes a special kind of person to force me to defend their right to their views.

Was he stamping his feet when he wrote that piece? I have witnessed some tantrums and tears today but nothing from my bairns as petulant.

One can only shake one’s head, smile and reflect: “he must be tired”


Grouse Beater,

“Kenneth Roy is politically naïve and a wimp.”

The likes of him are most certainly not politically naïve.

They are unionists pretending to be balanced.


Heedtracker @ 1:58

Worse than that in environmental terms was that the Caledonian Pine forest was perhaps a unique environment and if still there today would be a world heritage site, if thats the right expression for globally unique environment.
There is a belt of coniferous forest right around the world on the same latitude as Scotland; through Europe, Siberia and Canada etc, however only Scotlands pine forest was kept warmer and wetter than these other forests which suffered bitter freezing in winters, all thanks to the same Continental drift which prevents our ports becomming ice bound in Winter.
Scotlands forests were thus unique. Our own wee bubble, thoroughly irreplacable, even if the trees came back.


Tam Jardine says:
19 June, 2016 at 6:58 pm

“Just reading Euan McColm’s piece in the SOS and the gushing praise from all manner of British Nationalists on twitter.”

There is just as much vitriol from British/English Nationalists who refuse to see that they are nationalists – and not of the ‘good type’ of civic nationalism..


“all thanks to the same Continental drift which prevents our ports becoming ice bound in Winter.

Actually that would be the North Atlantic Current which does that, bringing warm water up from the Gulf Stream.

Continental drift is the extremely slow movement of the tectonic plates that carry continents over geological timescales.

Tam The Bam


North Atlantic Drift is what keeps us ice free.

I must have paid attention in that geography class 40 years ago ?


Onwards says:

“British/English Nationalists who refuse to see that they are nationalists”

It is the huge paradox of the UK constitutional debate that the only ‘nationalists’ to be openly recognised are Scottish Indy supporters and Northern Irish Republicans. Yet Westminster, the London Parties, their politicians, the media, and the Establishment absolutely ouse nationalism of the dark ‘we are better than everyone else’ type.

IMO this is because British/English Nationalists are soooo nationalistic and full of exceptionalism that they actual believe they represent the perfect state and everyone else deviates. Nationalism is something everyone needs to turn to, never them.


David Cameron, on Question Time a little earlier, justified the EU as being good and how it is again bringing economic growth to some countries.

He used the Republic of Ireland as the Best Example as they have growth at 7% ???

How can this possibly be?

Ireland Voted to leave Westminster control for ever.
They are too small, or so Westminster informed Scotland, who has a larger population than our Celtic cousins, and
the poor souls don’t have the costs of keeping weapons of mass destruction in their back yard.

They don’t even have oil revenues of any kind, not even from that running out type that Westminster like to fritter away on our behalf.

I would like Scotland to follow Ireland’s footsteps steps precisely Mr Cameron.

Dr Jim

We’ve got politicians diving around trying to claim the moral high ground, “Journalists” jumping on the bandwagon attempting to prove they’ve got a soul while all of them are trying to use weasel words to screw the blame into the other guy

They make me spew, the lot of them and it’s no wonder north and south of the border they’re being found out for the lying scumbags they are, and I’m sorry but all this garbage about coming in to politics to do some good just sounds like a bad scene with Kevin Costner in the Untouchables

If all of these peoples representatives really felt so bad about what happened they’d have kept their big mouths shut except to say how sorry they were, but they can’t leave it at that can they, and the “Journalists” poke and prod, dig and rake for a headline, any headline will do just as long as they can get air time

The guy that did this terrible thing was a bampot mental case and I’m not defending any party here but it was the fault of the murderer not anybody else’s
This guy could have been set off by a Save the Budgies Campaign or Worms must Live in Freedom, it just happened to be the worst thing at the worst time for this young woman or it could have just as easily been anybody else for any other reason

Now we’ve got reclaim the internet idiots and politicians blaming the Scottish referendum and just a constant succession of “It’s no me it’s them I’m the good wan” but what it all comes down to in the end is they’ll want the freedom of speech being given back to those who the powers that be think have the right to speak and not us the public because more and more we’re going to hear it, all blame once again falls on Joe public because the powers that be only came into it…

To help make things better, and we’re fucking it up for them by saying they aren’t, and basically….existing


gus1940 1:13 pm
How about creating Cuddly Toy versions of Hamish which would not only appeal to kids but would look good on the rear parcel shelves of cars.

Great idea. Good fundraiser too. I’d buy one.

mr thms

#Glamaig at 7:58 pm

“betting odds on Remain starting to shorten again..”

I think I know why.. Both sides are as bad as each other

EU citizens and Remain voters watching the PM’s performance on QT tonight must have thought they had switched on to a QT programme about the Leave campaign.

People who were intending to vote Remain for the status quo will be scratching their head at the PM’s response to questions..

For example, in response to a member of the QT audience, the PM revealed that his under his reformed EU all those highly valued EU citizens, and huge contributors to the UK economy will be excluded from claiming benefits for a 4 year period after arrival until.. 2024!

He confirmed there would be no safety net for families and that they would have to return to their own country, if for whatever reason they are no longer able to work and support themselves.

I will be abstaining on Thursday, as I refuse to give the Tories a mandate for their draconian reformed EU package, which is nothing more than Leave Lite.

But after his QT appearance, all the EU citizens living in the UK, and following the referendum in Europe will be thinking a plague on both their houses..


IMO it was the rhetoric of hate and divisiveness from British Nationalist politicians and their cheer leaders in the right wing press (as above) that led to the murder of the Labour MP, Jo Cox.


This whole EU campaign has been one unmitigated disaster in PR campaigning and moral standards. But I swear …I see one more person typing up ‘…we survived before the EU; we can do so again’ …I’m going to punch my monitor!

I’ve seen this a few times now; the ‘…we survived before the EU; we can do so again’. The simple truth is …no, we didn’t. As I keep reading in history books, and I’m sure many of you have heard the phrase, as have all ‘Leave’ campaigners, that Britain in the late 60’s and early 70’s was known as ‘the sick man of Europe’, and that is a fact.

Britain was bankrupt; had continual strikes; blackouts; piss-poor trading in exports and the living standards were the lowest in North-North-Western Europe. We joined the EEC to improve trade and to raise our living standards to equal that of Germany.

And make no bones about it …should we leave, then this will also be a fact (which has been stated by the ‘Leave’ campaign), that there will be a recession; trade will drop; prices will rise and living standards will falter. That is what awaits us. So …when you read someone’s Facebook entry of ‘…we survived before the EU; we can do so again’, then just remember that it is factually untrue, and that the consequences of voting out, will change everything.

And should we leave and it all turns into a dogs dinner that in the end, we decide to re-join, then the UK can forget about all their unique treaties they have with the EU such as keeping Sterling; being excluded from Schengen; control of immigration and anything else that has been negotiated just for the UK. Should we re-apply, the EU will make sure that these terms will never again be allowed on the table, and that if we do join, it will be on ‘their’ terms and their terms alone …and that is also a fact.


Meanwhile, all is not well for the tory coffers as another big donor seems to be involved in large scale money-laundering.

link to


mr thms – whichever way it goes, England is going to become even more right-wing authoritarian, either because Brexit has won, or because they still have to be appeased.

Its hard to imagine, but Cameron and Osbourne are the ‘moderates’. There’s no-one to replace them who isn’t even more right wing.

I try not to think of it as giving Cameron my vote. It’s more like hold your nose, and think of Scotland.

Scot Finlayson

Does Scotland have a `Hate speech law`?,

British Unionist hate preacher Euan McColm is trying to incite/inflame a hatred of anyone supporting the SNP and Scottish Independence,

Nicola has a mandate to protect the citizens of Scotland,

Euan`s hate preaching could incite/inflame some of the more radicalised Unionists to do harm against pro Independence supporters,

Freedom of Speech is one thing but inciting hatred is another.


The North Atlantic Drift is another name for the North Atlantic Current, and neither is anything to do with Continental Drift.

Meg merrilees

Never mind all this… Where’s Ruthie and what’s she up to? No comments for a few days – I’m worried!


@ JLT – I agree that Britain was known as the sick man of Europe before we joined the EU. But the factor that changed that around was the oil revenues, not our membership of the EU.
It is a case of “post hoc ergo procter hoc”. Just because something happens after an event doesn’t mean that that event was the cause.
The UK has had billions of £s of oil revenuies to invest in infrastructure projects in London and the South East which have transformed their economy. The transforming factor was the oil revenues, not membership of the EU. IMO

Brian Doonthetoon

North Atlantic Drift and Gulf Stream form part of the Atlantic Conveyor – warm water heads north then sinks as it cools north of Great Britain and returns to the tropics at a deeper level.

link to


Breeks says:
19 June, 2016 at 8:13 pm
Heedtracker @ 1:58

But that area from space that’s light brown, representing bare soil and rock formations is a vast area of shooting estates that make a lot of money. They dont pay tax and they get a lot of EU subsidy cash.

Everyone from the royals to the Daily Heil editor’s got a Scottish shooting estate. Everything is wiped out by a man with a box of matches and few oily rags and miles and miles of life gets scorched. When dudes like Prince Charles waffle away about saving the planet, take a walk round his Highlands and see the environmental catastrophe necessary for blood sportsmen like him.

Why this is tolerated is just another teamGB mystery but its a grotesque display of who really owns and runs the UK.

link to

link to

link to

mr thms

Compare and contrast..

15th June 2016

link to

Economic forecaster in recession warning

“The University of Strathclyde’s Fraser of Allander Institute has revised down its growth forecast for 2016 to 1.4%, whereas in March it expected 1.9%.”

18th June 2016

link to

Optimism ‘returning’ on Scottish economy

“There are signs that the slowdown in the Scottish economy is coming to an end and business optimism is returning, according to a new report.”


“The survey was conducted by the Fraser of Allander Institute, which released its own report this week warning that Scotland may fail to avoid a recession this year.”

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“The term “separatist ” has been dropped by the MSM for the EU referendum, funny that.”

Stealing that 🙂


For example, look at Norway. The Norwegians are the richest people in the world. They have the best pensions and a massive pension fund which, barring unforeseen disasters, will guarantee that they continue to be the richest people in the world for the foreseeable future.
But they are not members of the EU.
But they do have oil revenues.

They weren’t always rich. Neither were the Swiss. But they have managed their own affairs for the benefit of their own population.

Tam Jardine

Dr Jim

Freedom of speech is a worthy concept and McColm holds it up like a shield. What we in Scotland have suffered from is a complete imbalance in the freedom of speech. Really what he is talking about is freedom to project and for others to listen, freedom to be spoken to.

I try and impart what little wisdom I have but as long as we have a foreign owned press and an externally controlled state broadcaster my freedom of speech extends to people I talk to face to face and anyone who reads my comments on wings.

Your average independence supporter may have the same freedom of speech as Euan McColm but he has a freedom to project said speech. If my ability to project my freedom of speech is curtailed by my politics then do we truly have the same freedom?

It will take a more generous man than me to pity his freedom of speech.

And so the yoons consume from one another and pass it down the line, regurgitated and semi digested like some ghastly media-centipede.

Poor Euan feels the sand shifting and he doesn’t like being stuck in the middle with only some vague idea of what was to keep him warm.

Maybe that positive case for the union can keep the awful reality at bay… that elusive mirage we all heard of but nobody has actually seen never mind talked of.

Aye Jim- I’m a longwinded bastard on this site but the bottom line is we need out of this ridiculous union.

Ian Brotherhood

* Extra-Special Sunday Night Conundrum For All Wingers*

On Wednesday June 22nd, which, if any, would you choose?

a) WOS declaring (in portentously dramatic ‘Spectator’-style) an editorial line on Brexit?

b) Another episode of ‘Strollin’ With Stuey’?

c) Live, uninterrupted coverage of UEFA hoofing England out of Euro2016?


@ Ian Brotherhood
tomorrow is the summer solstice and I plan to sit up late and light a fire. After that I don’t really care about the EU ref. I’ve posted my Remain vote.
If Stu wants to go for a stroll I’ll certainly enjoy the pix.

Then on the 24th we can celebrate the battle of Bannockburn. Apt I think.

Paula Rose

Ian Brotherhood Honey I don’t want any editorial line from Wings – the only sensible option in Scotland is to vote Remain.

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

It’s come to a sorry pass when even evil Cybernat controllers can’t make their minds up about stuff.

Some of us require direction, especially when Michelle Mone hasn’t even said anything. Don’t know about anyone else, but I’m all at sixes and sevens and beside myself…


I’ve just posted this in Off Topic but I think it’s On Topic so I’m posting it again. a song by the Waterboys called “Old England”.

I think the pictures in this song pretty much show the reality of the UK’s austerity politics and just how unequal this society really is.

link to


Capella says:

“The UK has had billions of £s of oil revenuies to invest in infrastructure projects in London and the South East which have transformed their economy.”

Definitely. Where is Scotland’s Oil Fund? In the M25 and Channel Tunnel.

A year or so ago some fool suggested that UK funded infrastructure projects in Scotland should have shield and Union Flag proclaiming that WM had paid for them. That died once it became clear that WM doesn’t actually finance much infrastructure in Scotland.



The theme song for Indyref2 needs to be Springsteen’s Land of Hope and Dreams.

Sums it all up.

Paula Rose

Got to be a late night edition of “Strollin’ wi Stuey” then!


Chooo chooo

All aboard

Dreams will not be thwarted

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –


Now there’s a thought…

Dr Jim

Something else occurred to me, I can’t stand Farage the man’s a nut, anyway the poster, what’s the difference between Farage’s poster and Cameron standing up in the House of Commons and waving his arms around shouting about the swarms of migrants

Remember that, everybody got well hot and bothered by that at the time , I don’t see Farage’s attempt at shit stirring any worse

When this is over I hope the FM will be bringing all this badness up from all sides of these mental British parties hopefully after we vote remain in massive numbers and England votes Leave in any numbers they like

Although even if Leave resulted in total war pestilence and famine for the Yoonited Kingdom of England I have a horrible feeling the Yoons would still rather go down with their shit, waving their Union flags with puss filled boils bursting their faces rather than back Independence for Scotland

Their hatred is that bad

Robert Peffers

@Xaracen says: 19 June, 2016 at 8:40 pm :

… Actually that would be the North Atlantic Current which does that, bringing warm water up from the Gulf Stream.

I’ll tell you something else about it, Xaracen, it is potentially one of Scotland’s future power sources.

Both the cold water that heads away across the Atlantic and the warm, (Gulf Stream), that returns from warmer climes are 24/7/365 current flows that could drive a great many turbines.

In truth Scotland’s potential for future power is immense. We have Hydro, (both natural and pumped storage), wave motion, tidal flow, sea currents, many firths with potential for tidal flow barrages. There are also the many fast and prolific flowing fresh water Scottish rivers emptying into the sea that could also be utilised.

Then there are vast reserves of, “Fire Ice”, more correctly, “Methane Hydrate”. This is found as ice crystals which contain natural methane gas locked inside.

Methane Hydrides are formed by a combination of very low temperatures and high pressures. They are found mainly on the edges of continental shelves where the seabed suddenly drops sharply away into deep ocean floors.

There are vast Methane Hydride reserves west of Shetland and thus they are in Scottish Waters.

All this without even counting the wind turbines but the potential Daddy of them all is probably those two 24/7/365 sea currents to and from the Atlantic that flow round parts of Scotland’s coasts.

Still Positive.

Ian Brotherhood @ 10.39.

I’d go with C: Live, uninterrupted coverage of UEFA hoofing England out of Euro 2016. On the grounds it would guarantee a Brexit in England and you know the rest…

We don’t have to actually watch it!


Yep, I’ll go with the special night-time edition of Strollin’ wi Stuey.


The alternative media are, as you would expect, looking with interest at Mr & Mrs Cox. They are certainly interesting.

link to

You might remember the outcry at the time about Save the Children giving Tony Blair an award. Allegedly, Mr Forsyth, who resigned at the same time was instrumental in this rehabilitation exercise.

Many of them also stunned to see the White Helmets, as the nominated charity for the Justgiving page. Started by British Intelligence, and embedded in Syria.

Ian Brotherhood

Wouldn’t it be funny to discover that Sir David Dimbleby is having to host all these major debates, but doesn’t actually know which side he should be supporting?

That would, surely, make him genuinely impartial, or horribly confused…

Is it possible to be both?

Dr Jim




This talk is interesting, by a prof at Liverpool Uni, on law a d the EU etc.

link to


Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
19 June, 2016 at 10:19 pm
“The term “separatist ” has been dropped by the MSM for the EU referendum, funny that.”

The MSM and Remainers have a tad more respect even for Brexiteers than they do for Scots.

They can live with whatever the outcome of EU ref is easier than losing their last colony and jewel in the crown.

All Brits together still.

Still Positive.

Arthetty @ 12.47

I watched that video earlier this evening and it is well worth a watch even if almost 25 mins long.

My MP’s sister also posted it on FB after I had seen it.

mike cassidy

If attention has been drawn to this already, then apologies for duplication –

but I just discovered this article about – so it seems – Jo Cox’s last interview.

link to

The overwhelming majority of Labour members in Batley and Spen oppose her position on the EU referendum, and she conceded Labour had failed to connect with its supporters on immigration. A dispassionate debate on the issue was becoming impossible anyway. She felt she was pushing against the tabloid press and daily scare stories such as the supposedly imminent invasion of Turkish migrants across the Channel.

“I hear that repeated back to me on the doorsteps. Whatever was on the front page of the tabs that day. It’s getting through,” she said.


@Dr Jim

Mr Cox’s troubles were widely reported in the tabloids last year, so there is obviously a veil drawn out of respect for his wife.

The Justgiving page now stands at over £800k, the target has been increased again to £1M. It’s nice that these friends set up the page within 5 hours of Ms Cox death, to provide an outlet for public grief.

As I’ve said, nothing would induce me to contribute to the White Helmets.

I also got a rather tacky begging e-mail from one of the other beneficiaries, Hope not Hate, ensuring I was aware and giving me the link.

Mr Cox has also helpfully tweeted out the fundraising link.

It’s all incredibly organised.


Re; Still positive @12.54

Ah great, I thought he had some useful, straight forward things to say, with a kind of insider take on things. Facebook can be useful, sometimes.

heedtracker, yep, need a flicker account, might set one up just for that. Will let you know.

Well, into a new week, will it be SEPERATION from the EU, or not. Not planning anything for Friday, it could be a difficult day, again.


Or even, SEPARATION, dang!

Robert J. Sutherland

mr thms @ 21:38 19th June,

You do realise that an abstention is effectively a vote for the winning side, whichever it happens to be?

But maybe you’re indifferent to being “controlled” by BoJo and Farage with the support of the fringe circus of the EDL, “Britain First”, etc..?

Grouse Beater

Another weirdly wonderful night in the cinema: link to


Bojo, Gove, Farage, Keetch. So we’re in a mixed up Go Far, vet Bojo, keech age. Forsooth. Ah well, that’s mince. Edward Lear would be so proud.


I see the Colonial News (BBC Scotland) are leading online today with a warning from the BMA about a crisis due to a lack of Doctors and we’re leading over the weekend a crisis due to a lack of Nurses.

No doubt Bad News Bradford will be typing it up on Radio shortbread throughout the days and weeks to come.

Utterly desperate.

Another Union Dividend


Interesting article on Lothian regional / constituency election expenses and calls for a probe into Lib Dem Cole Hamilton who manipulated the figures between Regional and Constituency

link to

link to

Good comment from Ian Grant “Since the major theme of all Cole-Hamilton’s never ending leaflets over the election period was a vitriolic attack on the Edinburgh West constituency MP Michelle Thomson ( not fighting the election, and not in the SNP) , it is extremely hard to see how they could be attributed to the regional rather than constituency costs. It was a disgraceful campaign, and he should not get away with any possible pauchling of his expenses.”

Brian McHugh

Since this is the week of the EU Ref, I would like to remind everyone to check their ballot on Thursday for the unique barcode and serial number.

I don’t think this can be repeated enough.


Brian McHugh says:
20 June, 2016 at 9:15 am
Since this is the week of the EU Ref, I would like to remind everyone to check their ballot on Thursday for the unique barcode and serial number.

I have a postal vote, Remain, and checked the back of the ballot paper which had the bar code etc. But I didnt think to check against anything. What’s the advice for cross checking?

Chatting to Dutch and Poles at weekend, who moved to Scotland but have no ref vote but its interesting how Electoral Commission has been able to exclude so many so quickly and so accurately from the electoral roll this one time. Its even weirder as they all vote in the Scottish ref.

Is this ref self excluding with foreign nationals told they cant ref vote, so don’t?

Or is it the EC in each constituency going through their data base and excluding?

Some of this weekend’s chat was with Europeans that moved here to Scotland and were full on anti Scottish independence 2014 for all kinds of reasons, some handed to them by BBC Scotland and Project Fear. Others were just dead against any changes that might block free movement of people, skills and capital across Europe. And here we are, 3 days from it all going to rat shit. Some particularly enjoyed the full on BBC led Alex Salmond monstering 2014 but they are not laughing now.

Grouse Beater

My 200th essay … on a good film but managed to squeeze in a reference to Scotland! Time for a break soon.

link to

Joe of the Coutts

What a pleasure. Cathy MacDonald presenting the Kaye Adams programme.


After this weekend past, I’m not sure who I hold in more contempt, the media or the politicians?

*Coin toss*

Dorothy Devine

Macart , there is no contest, they are both equally contemptible.

John H.

If Brexit succeeds and following on from that Scotland does become independent, we may end up with an immigrant crisis of our own, as refugees from the extreme right wing government policies of what’s left of the UK flood across the border into Scotland.

We need immigrants, but we’re likely to have so many in such a short period of time that it could create problems. Just wondering, it will probably never happen…I hope.

Liz Rannoch

Some English guy (from Perth!) on Wright Stuff talking about ‘Was Farage’s poster racist?’ as stated by Nicola Sturgeon.
I kinda agreed with what he said, until he said (about immigrants) that they should come to Scotland cos a large swathe of the north has about 1 million empty homes!!!

Just about set my neck getting my computer up out of it’s corner to send off a quick email to the show.
Quick check online – 230,000 empty. Also reminded them that north Scotland is mostly mountains.
Be prepared for a vast influx of English never mind immigrants.
This is one of those times I wish I was on FB or twitter!

Al Dossary

@John H – 11:10am

John, we already have a huge number of immigrant workers in Scotland from the other parts of the UK. In all areas, but primarily in and around our seats of Academia, power and ultimately in and around the North East (in particular Aberdeen and offshore).

I am talking of rigs offshore were as much as 50% of the workers ar from the NE of England. I am talking of offices in Aberdeen where a similar % of Engineers are likewise.

What pisses me off is that despite spending 50% or more of their life in “Scotland”, whether offshore or in Aberdeen – these guys are either self employed, so all of their corporation tax goes south or their address is listed as south of the border, so they pay no Scottish tax either.

Contrast that to the dual taxation treaties of the UK with the rest of the world, where you pay tax in the country of your employ, and the UK take that into account on your UK tax returns.

Peter McCulloch

Those politicians and media who have stirred up racial hatred in the UK know no shame.

They don’t consider they have done anything wrong and attempt to make it acceptable by using the excuse they were only highlighting the issues that are important to the people.

Meanwhile I see Farage is attempting to play the victim card by claiming the establishment are out to get him.

call me dave

@Joe of the Coutts

Ach.. just when I decided a couple of weeks ago to give up up on ‘your call’ and ‘news drive’ you’ve tempted me to listen in tomorrow. 🙁

Geez!… Chinese steel and giant American Saltires now what next have we not got? Oh the ‘not Scots Oil’ I keep forgetting.

Not long until Thursday and then we can examine the entrails for clues.


Quick check online – 230,000 empty. Also reminded them that north Scotland is mostly mountains.
Be prepared for a vast influx of English never mind immigrants.
This is one of those times I wish I was on FB or twitter!

Most of them are in Aberdeen, or rather the once Bonny green belt of Aberdeen currently being destroyed by Stewartt Milnesque noddy box chicken coop estates. Big bucks though. Near where I’m from, currently on offer are excectutive villas starting at 700 grand. Look like crap too.

All these awfull new estates being thrown up around Aberdeeb aren’t just over priced hideous, they are supposed to have some affordable housing but there is none. Yoon ACC don’t bother with enforcement and ofcourse neither do the developers. It’s how local democracy works in SLab heart lands of their Scotland region.


Liz, first..its your own fault for watching such bad telly in the first place.
Second, I agree, there will be a lot of shoes on the wrong feet, trying to resist swathes of unionists emigrating into the north east


Robert Peffers et all
The Gulf Stream could never drive a turbine as the current is only about one knot or less around Scottish coasts.. As it passes Florida it is about six knots at times, but it fans out into the Atlantic and slows right down. However it still keeps us unusually warm at our latitudes.
It is really only the rapid tidal currents in narrow places like the Pentland Firth which are suitable for turbines.
I write as an former navigating officer who used the North Atlantic drift many times to save time and fuel on our crossings.


David Torrance has written his article again.

This time he is saying Better Together were not that bad and Yes were really bad but not as bad as Brexit – although really they were and anyone who thinks otherwise is not as insightful as Loki.

Or something…


I’m not an expert on the Gulf Stream but I’ve seen Finding Nemo and those turtles were belting it round the American part.


Ian Brotherhood

@ScottishPsyche –

Have you ever seen David Torrance and Matt Damon in the same room?

Better watch it – if he finds people dissing his articles he takes apart their mobile phones and then karates the living daylights out of them.


Fireproofjim, & everyone else –
Some years ago there was talk that global warming/climate change might alter the course of the Gulf Stream, so that it would not be there to keep Scotland relatively warm in winter.

I have not seen this theory mentioned recently, so do you know if it has been disproved, or is this still a possible threat for the near future?

P.S. Now I’ve mentioned it, half expect to see it in newspaper as a EURef threat:

“Vote Leave or suffer from new Ice Age”



Ha! He would love that comparison. I can see him in his grubby ‘student’ room, surrounded by Maggie and Nicola memorabilia, re-enacting scenes.

I think what he sees himself as and what the rest of us see him as is very different.

Dr Jim


David Torrance, a man of great depth, wisdom and foresight
I’m sure his Mummy tells him all the time

And now that he’s developed his Capstan full strength beard he’s a big grown up little man

Googywoogy boogy diddums


Billions of tons of water are lifted INTO sea lochs by the tide/gravity, twice every day, forever.
Harnessing that potential, and other such renewables is a no-brainer.
The apparent costs of development are TINY compared to, say, WAR.

Our representatives should argue that we must divert military R&D spending to subsidise an industry that benefits EVERYONE.
Why fine-tune our killing machines indefinitely?
Who has ‘justified’ such vast military spending? And when? Some treaty, signed by mediocre establishment figures with Victorian views on the rights of nations and peoples.

We should be inventing solutions for future survival issues… not subsidising new ways to kill future enemies, that our (government backed) capitalist elite intend to create.


Artyhetty @12.47. That video clip was interesting. He explains lots of things about the relationship between all the EU countries really well. Learned a lot about how it works in 25 mins. His summing up at the end was more or less what I have been thinking. Looks like a Leave vote really will be costly and complicated.

Rev, I noticed on Twitter you are still undecided. Maybe worth taking a look at this. Your indecision here in England does make me wonder what to do myself though. I feel remain is better for the UK as a whole but a leave vote in England could be better for Scotland if they, hopefully vote remain.

What to do?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi David.

This quote is from the link below, dated 13th May 2016:-

“Often called the Atlantic conveyor belt, the currents include the Gulf Stream, which brings shallow, warm waters north, nourishing fisheries and warming northwest Europe.

The warm waters give up their heat in the bitterly cold regions monitored by OSNAP, become denser, and sink, forming ocean-bottom currents that return southward, hugging the perimeter of the ocean basins. Models suggest that climate change should weaken the AMOC [Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation] as warmer Arctic temperatures, combined with buoyant freshwater from Greenland’s melting ice cap, impede the formation of deep currents. But so far, limited ocean measurements show the AMOC to be far more capricious than the models have been able to capture.”

link to

You may also find this site of interest:-

link to

Tinto Chiel

David: I think the theory was that melting ice from the arctic circle might cause the Labrador Current to grow stronger and colder, blocking the warm waters of the Gulf Stream and so subject us to much colder winters.

I have not heard if it’s been disproved but I remember that in the 70’s they were quite worried about a new ice age affecting northern climes. Quite a preoccupation of Tomorrow’s World, as I recall. Funny how quickly theories change.

I’d love to see Farage on an ice-flow with a family of ravening polar bears, mind you.

Sorry, does that make me an evil cybernat?


Ken h

That little montage of hate the Rev published is depressing,bit essential to our understanding. Deserves a post all of its own.


Brian @ 12.52. It is thought Greenlands melting ice is more important than the artic now.

Not very good at links but if you search YouTube for ‘first the Artic, now Greenlands ice is melting’ hopefully you can find an interesting talk on it.


@ John H. @ 11:10am ….

John you highlight a side to this situation that’s rarely mentioned on here. In part, maybe, because many people are concerned about being labelled as being racist.

We’re all, sadly, aware of the propaganda, scaremongering, that’s been used by politicians and the media to whip up anti-immigrant feelings however there are millions of people living in England who are not racist at all rather just extremely concerned by the ever increasing ‘number’ of people entering the UK and the repercussions of such. Concerned for example about the fact that individuals can buy a cheap airline ticket, throw a rucksack on their back, and arrive here with no accommodation or job lined up. The situation is crazy, imo, and whoever came up with the idea of open borders should have their head looked at.

I’ll vote to Remain in the EU, more than anything because I hope it leads to Indyref2, and then would like to see an IScotland hold its own Referendum on the EU informed by full facts from both sides …. free of exaggeration and lies. When we get our Independence and have control of our own economy we might find ourselves in a better position to hold onto the 50,000 plus Scots who immigrate every year: Many of whom are highly educated. At the end of the day I’m in favour of a points system not an uncontrolled, uncontrollable free for all system.


Cheers Brian DTT, Tinto and Meindevon. Judging by its title, the article in Science would be interesting, pity it is hidden behind a paywall as I’m only a poor cybernat. (Vile but poor LOL)

Ah yes, fond memories of watching ‘Tomorrow’s World’, in the good old days when I believed the BBC was always fair, honest & truthful.

But still no authoritative answer to the warming/cooling question: will we be growing bananas in tropical indy Scotland, or fighting polar bears for fish at holes in the ice? 😉


@ Brian McHugh @ 9.44

Voter eligibility varies depending on the election/referendum.

EU nationals are eligible to vote in council and Scottish Parliament elections (and the 2014 referendum) but not in Westminster elections.

Councils will already have this information, since it is required regularly, so it is a simple matter to exclude them from this referendum. (They will also know whether someone is an Irish, Cypriot, or Maltese citizen – they are going to be allowed to vote, I think.)

For elections to the European Parliament, EU nationals have a choice about whether to vote where they are living, or in their country of origin.


@ Petra

Do you really think an iScotland would hold a referendum about EU membership? I don’t.

All the parties – except Solidarity, which isn’t going to win an election even if it still exists – favour EU membership, it was taken as read during the Indy ref that it was desirable (otherwise the threat of expulsion would not have worked/been made), and a Remain majority in Scotland this week will be taken as confirmation of that, even though it’s not the same question being asked.

Free Scotland

When a publication (wrong to call it a newspaper) has to drop its price to 10p in order to scrape a few sales together, you know its end is nigh.

Liz Rannoch

@ louis.b.argyll 11:44 am

“Liz, first..its your own fault for watching such bad telly in the first place”

I know, I know … (excuse alert) my other half had turned it on and I heard ‘Nicola Sturgeon’ so stopped to watch.
He’s the one that walks the dog and comes back with loads of moans about ‘mair bloody English folk here’.


Here’s me looking for a house in Scotland right now & all I read is about incomers from England. Am I making a big mistake here?

I’m beginning to wonder if I’m doing the right thing.


@ crazycat says at 2:21 pm …. ”Petra …. Do you really think an iScotland would hold a referendum about EU membership? I don’t.”

I don’t know Crazycat. We’ll just have to wait and see how this all pans out. On the other hand there’s also the issue of a number of EU countries wanting to do away with open borders now.

@ Lollysmum says at 4:10 pm …. ”Here’s me looking for a house in Scotland right now & all I read is about incomers from England. Am I making a big mistake here? I’m beginning to wonder if I’m doing the right thing.”

Good luck with the househunting Lollysmum and I’m sure you’ll be made very welcome in Scotland.

Liz Rannoch

@ Lollysmum 4.10

Oh, Lollysmum, so sorry if I offended. I welcome all comers, but hubby is a bit ‘old school’ (cos he’s old!). I keep telling him that not all non-Scottish are the same, I’ve told him about English Votes for Yes, and how the Polish couple round the corner voted Yes, however he remains a codger.
Please keep looking, hope you get settled soon.

Brian McHugh

Heedtracker, if they rig it, it will be focussed on high ‘Vote Leave’ areas in England, who will show low turnout. If your ballot has a number, then they are not targetting your area.

I doubt they will target anywhere in Scotland… The Midlands and north-east cities would be my bet.

Brian Doonthetoon

Apologies David and Meindevon.

I accessed that page,

link to

from work (Uni) this morning and got straight on to it. Obviously, my Uni has a deal… I tried to access it from home just now and couldn’t get anything so I connected via my Uni’s VPN and, once again, was able to access the page.

I’ve uploaded it as PDF if you want to have a look at it. I haven’t tried this before. You may have to zoom into it – or it will be too small to read. I don’t know – but you can let me know if it’s legible.

link to


The tide has gone out on the Kenneth Roys some time ago, I thought he was in a home!

@heedtracker, Wade bult his roads in the early 1730’s in time for the Jacobites doubtless grateful use of them in the ’45. 🙂

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    • Mark Beggan on A crisis of democracy: “So she was a Necrophiliac as well.Jan 16, 02:43
    • Cynicus on A crisis of democracy: “Crisis? What Crisis? So long as we have freedom of speech and an electorate with power to remove its political…Jan 16, 02:13
    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “Ha! I thank you for the sentiment, but the pouty look has been crushed by my weight of years and…Jan 16, 01:51
    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “How so? Wrong on this one..Jan 16, 01:37
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    • gregor on A crisis of democracy: “Because I posted it – Scotland’s miserable wretches cannot handle reality and are terrified of freedom. I commend Young Lochinvar…Jan 16, 00:29
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    • Young Lochinvar on A crisis of democracy: “Powerful.Jan 16, 00:00
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