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Wings Over Scotland

The right kind of people

Posted on January 09, 2015 by

Scottish Labour’s new chief of staff this afternoon:


Hmm, wonder who “the right people” are?



Ah, he means Express, Telegraph and Daily Mail columnists. Righto.

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85 to “The right kind of people”

  1. Alex Clark says:

    Scotland’s cleverest man?

    Fuck we’re all doomed. When are you moving back from Bath?

  2. Kenny says:

    “Scotland’s cleverest man”? Seriously? He’s pretty clearly not even Scotland’s cleverest politicial operator or the even lower bar of cleverest Labour Party apparatchik…

  3. Doug Daniel says:

    Deerin’s got to be taking the piss, surely? Even though they’re essentially two peas in a pod.

  4. blackhack says:

    I must be a usual suspect then….He’s a gobshyte.

  5. Graeme Doig says:

    More clever than you maybe Mr Deerin but i doubt that’s saying much.

    These establishment stooges really get on ma goat. We need to obliterate them in May.

  6. Thepnr says:

    @Doug Daniel

    Deerin’s got to be taking the piss, surely?

    You would think so but then he did work for the Daily Record.

  7. gillie says:

    Even these numpties can’t gloss over the fact that John McTernan is the unacceptable face of Labour.

    I would imagine more Labour activists have torn up their memberships in disgust. This is no way to run a political party.

  8. Wee Jonny says:

    i am Keyser Soze

  9. One_Scot says:

    His Mum and Dad.

  10. frankie goes to holyrood says:

    Another memeber of the “right people”?

    John McTernan retweeted
    CCHQ Press Office @CCHQPress · 8h 8 hours ago

    Congratulations to @johnmcternan , who thanks to our #LongTermEconomicPlan, is now one of the 168,000 people back in work in Scotland

    (1) Note about CCHQ Press Office @CCHQPress
    = Official Conservative Party Press Office twitter feed providing snippets of news and commentary from CCHQ.

  11. Alex Clark says:

    Chris Deerin:

    “We Scots have a clear moral duty this year – to stay British

    Our union embodies values that are unmatched anywhere, standing as a beacon to those struggling towards modernity”

    Two peas from the same pod right enough.

    link to

  12. Morag says:

    I thought a couple of Deerin’s tweets had to be tongue-in-cheek, surely. But all indications are that he’s serious. Seriously delusional, that is.

  13. Valerie says:

    How insulting if this is Scotland’s cleverest man, more anti jock slagging.

    What a benchmark, urrrgghh.

  14. Jimbo says:

    There you have it: McTernan, the darling of the right wing press.

  15. scav says:

    I think the problem he faces is that his appointment hasn’t been “condemned” by anyone; it has been met with hand-rubbing glee.

    He possibly lacks the self-awareness to see why that is

  16. Author_al says:

    More like, ‘…praised by the FAR right people…’

  17. Grouse Beater says:

    I find it very difficult to engage anything but loathing to brush aside these smug, arrogant, racist Scotland haters.

    We – the people of Scotland – have a serious problem on our hands that we predicted if too many voted No.

    Fundamentalist cavalry funded by London’s power elite are sent to eliminate all possible dissent from Scotland … and by any means.

  18. Clootie says:

    Cleverest – No!
    Devious – Yes!

    What a cesspit Dim Jim is wallowing in.

  19. Stoker says:

    “Scotland’s cleverest man”

    There’s hee-haw Scottish about him.

    The slimey wee toad is from London.

    Red Tory Traitors – kick them out – Vote SNP.

  20. Meindevon says:

    Aaw Rev, I thought you were Scotland’s cleverest man!

  21. A (reluctant) Labour Member says:

    Does the branch office have a staff to be chief of?

  22. galamcennalath says:

    OK, looks like Murphy is getting his reserve team together first. When will the top team be announced?

    I jest. He probably knows exactly what he’s doing. His team won’t be chosen for their integrity, trustworthiness and honesty.

  23. Certainly Scotland`s greatest clown of a man.
    The man is a repulsive sociopath.

  24. Lesley-Anne says:

    Hang on a sec. I thought that Murph the Smurph was Scotland’s cleverest man. Now we are being informed that McTernan is Scotland’s cleverest man. 😉

    Will someone, cleverer than me, please tell me who is Scotland’s cleverest man please. Personally I always believed that Murph the Smurph was Scotland’s cleverest man, after all he did spend NINE years at Glasgow University so obviously that makes HIM Scotland’s cleverest man doesn’t it? 😀

    Methinks someone, somewhere, is trying to confuse the electorate by claiming TWO people are each individually Scotland’s cleverest man.

    Come on Labour Branch Office get your act together, you have Scotland’s TWO most cleverest men in your midst which one is THE cleverest, the people of Scotland demand to know the answer! 😛

  25. Cactus says:

    Scotland’s Cleverest Man, aye right.

    Scotland’s Cleverest Men can be found on Independence Square in Glasgow, 365 days a year.

    Sur topic: Anybuddy fancy a portion of salsa cheese n chilli nachos, hot-dog and large soda to go with your popcorn!

  26. Author_al says:

    @Scot Finlayson

    According to ICD-10 criteria, presence of 3 or more of the following qualifies for the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder (~sociopathy):

    Callous unconcern for the feelings of others.
    Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, and obligations.
    Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them.
    Very low tolerance to frustration, a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence.
    Incapacity to experience guilt or to profit from experience, particularly punishment.
    Markedly prone to blame others or to offer plausible rationalization for the behaviour that has brought the person into conflict with society.

    Sociopath Bingo anyone?

  27. Rigmac7 says:

    To coin a Chewing the Fat phrase;

    (for the benefit of the new kid in the class, points at the following); Murphy, McTernan, MacDougall – “Wank, wank and wank”…….nae good guys there

  28. Chris buncall says:

    All the pieces seem to be fitting in quite nicely for the do they not.
    Ready for a Tory/labour coalition.

    If Scotland can be dictated to by one Tory I don’t see why
    It can’t be dictated to by Murphy.

    I see trouble ahead.

    I’ll give it another four years. Once labour voters in England realise
    That all along they’ve been voting for the other side of the same coin.

    Problem is by that time there’ll be nothing left.

  29. Albaman says:

    A very, very nastie man, vindictive to the core, a Blairite so it’s no wonder Murphy has teamed up with him again, hopefully the two of them will be taken down, (politically ), together.

  30. Gary45% says:

    The right kind of people??
    I take it he means the “no vision”, “no sense”, “no idea”, “blinkered”, “we will vote for a turd in a red t-shirt, because we can’t think for ourselves, because our masters tell us what to do” voters.
    The labour party should start to call their voters “mushrooms”, because if they believe what they are fed they must be (i.e. kept in the dark and fed on sh*t).
    I heard a bit of “Call The Witch” on the LBC (labour broadcasting corporation) this morning. Will they EVER correct some arsehole from the westmonster parties about the “£1200 per person the Scots subsidy junkies receive” and explain to the electorate that we send £1700 and only get back £1200 – so we lose £500 for each person in Scotland.
    As for Brian Wilson – wasn’t he in Bliar’s Cabinet ??
    ‘Nuff said.

  31. Roger Hyam says:

    He means praised by the the people *on the right* not simply the right (as in correct) people. It is twitter speak. Gosh get with the message boys. We are moving into newspeak here.

  32. MolliBlum says:

    “scotland’s cleverest man”???? Please define your term: “clever”

    Merriam-Webster defines it as: “adroit, cunning… having or showing practical wit or skill in contriving…” / “a skillful use of expedients to achieve one’s purpose…” / “great skill in constructing or creating…”

    Yeah, sounds just about right.

    Interestingly, the list of the synonyms (artful, creative, imaginative etc.) does not include the word “intelligent”.

  33. Patrician says:

    The use of Cleverest here being a new definition of the word cleverest. he obviously believes that cleverest really meaning sociopathic.

  34. Jimbo says:

    If McTernan is Scotland’s cleverest man, shouldn’t Murphy be working for him – and shouldn’t the cleverest man be found a safe seat so that he can run Slab?

    Maybe everyone was too dim to notice the smart move by Scotland’s cleverest man in appointing Murphy as his employer? 😉

  35. Lesley-anne says:


    It would appear that NOT all the *ahem* usual suspects are those of us who regularly appear on sites like Wings. 😛

    link to

  36. Lesley-anne says:

    Damn it that link went wrong … DOH! 😛

    Here is what it was supposed to be:

    “John McTernan masterminded Australian Labour P.M.’s campaign into oblivion after many failures in the UK. He has the opposite of a Midas touch.”

    That was a tweet from Paul Flynn who just so happens to be … erm … a LABOUR M.P. 😀

  37. john king says:

    “So far my appointment to work for Jim Murphy has been praised by the right people and condemned by the usual suspects”

    Why do I get the feeling he was up at five o clock this morning looking at WoS like a kid impatiently waiting for Santa Claus to come. 🙂

  38. Alex Clark says:

    @john king

    Because he was. Hello Mr McT ya dick.

  39. Lesley-Anne says:

    I think there is something extremely sinister about the appointment of John McTernan happening on the same day I have to take a series of laxitives prior to a medical operation taking place tomorrow. 🙂

    Why did no one inform the hospital about the imminent appointment of McTernan, it would have saved them having to send out a couple of laxative drink mixes to me. 😛

  40. Thepnr says:


    Wish all goes well for tomorrow.


  41. Lesley-Anne says:

    Alex Clark says:

    @john king

    Because he was. Hello Mr McT ya dick.

    Excuse me for being a wee bit pedantic here Alex but I think you are confusing items that are useful and items that are useless here. One of the above is useful, apparently, and the other is John McTernan. 😀

  42. Ken500 says:

    Who are these people?

  43. Cuilean says:

    “My name is Kobayashi. I work for Keyser Soze”.

  44. Gavin Barrie (Jammach) says:

    If you are not fully up to speed on what a lovely piece of work this charming man is; have a looky at these two articles.

    link to

    link to

  45. Lesley-Anne says:

    Thanks for that Alex nothing serious … yet but it does involve a film crew and their camera. I think I’ll leave it at that. 😀

  46. yesindyref2 says:

    Apparently, having been an avid reader of Racing Post, Murphy’s trainer gave him a pair of blinkers to keep him focussed on the way ahead. Unfortunately Murphy bridled at the idea and put both on the left side.

    Labour in Scotland’s slogan will now be “A vote for the Tories is a wasted vote and will keep Salmond as PM of the UK”.

  47. Croompenstein says:

    The cats eyes in the road are not made from real cats #ScotlandsCleverestMan

    The moon is NOT made of cheese #ScotlandsCleverestMan

  48. john king says:

    Thepnr says

    Wish all goes well for tomorrow.”

    what Alex says!
    we’ll be waiting for you to give us a joke.

  49. De Valera says:

    You can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep.

  50. Patrick Roden says:

    A new name? ‘The Blairite Babes’?

    Or how about a catch-fraze ‘Right-wing, wrong Party’

  51. Paula Rose says:

    Quick skim dolls – Scotland’s cleverest man?

    No question –

    ronnie anderson

  52. Croompenstein says:

    Four cracking posts today Stu have you been at the Red Bull?

  53. HandandShrimp says:

    It is hardly a surprise that Murphy would reach out for a right wing Blairite Spad. It does clearly indicate where his political instincts lay though. The notion that these two could reach out to the 45% that voted Yes is beyond laughable. These two hate the Yes voters with a passion. It will show.

    I think Deerin is taking the piss though, he is a Tory isn’t he?

  54. Gary says:

    Linton Crosby’s evil twin…

  55. Croompenstein says:

    @Paula Rose – Agreed, ronnie can do things with hairy string that us mere mortals can only aspire to.. 😀

  56. Cleverest Scot? Think Prof Tom Devine’s face will be crinkling up more than usual. Then again, McTernan probably is a Verbal Kunt.

  57. TJenny says:

    Paula Rose + Croompenstein – and let’s not forget that Ronnie Anderson is wholly responsible for ‘Hairy String Theory’. 😉

  58. Macart says:

    Just WOW! 😮

  59. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:

    Being laughed at is hardly the same as “condemned”. 😉

    The westminster bubble media love praising their own right wing columnists but the facts from the Australian election debacle speak for themselves. McTernan was responsible for on of the most calamitous elections for the party he worked for in something like 100 years with Gillard geting booted out by her own party and the resulting chaos and infighting wrecking the Australian Labor party.

    Not exactly a ringing endorsement, proof of McTernan’s imaginary cleverness or a remotely good omen for the ultra-Blairite Eggman Murphy. This would be the Murphy who was deeply involved in the Falkirk scandal and used to actively brief against Ed Miliband. He is the very last person to promote ‘unity’ in a Labour party staring disaster in the face and almost certainly eyeing up possible scapegoats should Miliband and the Londond office branch do badly. So McTernan is the ideal spindoctor to fix all that is he? LOL. Hardly.

  60. HandandShrimp says:

    Forget Higg’s Bosun giving mass to all matter, the McTernan Bosun gives mass to the Labour Party…no mean feat to a body without substance.

  61. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Friday Night Teaser!

    Who said this, and when?

    ‘…those postal votes are running very strongly, eh, towards No.’

    Any idea?

    Answer is here:

    link to

  62. Lesley-Anne says:

    Thanks for your best wishes John.

    To be honest I have had a quick squint at the script for tomorrow’s filming and it does not, not wishing to spoil things too much, end well for the film crew. 😛

  63. Ron says:

    What an arrogant prick.

  64. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Here’s another belter culled from YT, and thanks, as ever, to the wonderful Peter Curran for catching these precious moments!

    This one features McTernan, summer of last year, right in there with the big guns on the Politics Show, giving it big-licks on what should happen to the Middle East generally, and sounding more like Blair than Rory Bremner will ever manage.

    The whole piece is worth a listen, but for those who are ‘time-challenged’, Oor Johnny’s main contributions can be located at:

    4.49 – 6.34
    100 – 12.46
    15.06 – 16.13
    18.55 – 20.28

    link to

  65. Lesley-anne says:

    That link is the exact link I was referring to on a previous thread Ian that gives, for me at least, the first indication that the NO camp were counting postal votes, an illegal act, something that wee Ruthie Davidson has been *ahem* interviewed twice already by Police Scotland. I am just surprised that Mr McTernan has not yet, as far as I am aware, been interviewed by Police Scotland for the same reasons.

  66. Effijy says:

    The Cleverest man in Scottish politics is David Cameron!
    He has 1 Tory MP out of 73 and yet he rules the country.
    He can’t walk the streets here or hold a meeting with the general public.
    He persuades his arch enemy, Labour to do his dirty work in the referendum.
    He can break the Purdah rule, probably illegally have the treasury leak information to the BBC before advising the stock market about the banks brass plaque relocation.
    Blabs to his EEC pals about the Queen purring at him, and he still looks like being re=elected in England.

    I don’t really means this Alex, he couldn’t lace your boots!

  67. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Lesley Anne –

    Thanks for the heads-up. I knew I’d been made aware of it via WOS, but no way I could’ve pinpointed who mentioned it, and I didn’t see the original broadcast.

    In any event, we’ve nailed that particular episode, and it’s sure to be just one item on a very long list that prospective SNP candidates (and pro-indy campaigners generally) should familiarise themselves with – there’s nothing quite like hearing it straight from the cuddy’s gub, and when the cuddy has a gub like McT’s? it’s all the more memorable.

    Let’s be sure of one thing – McTernan, Murphy, McDougall and all the other ‘McSpreaders’ (copyright, Paula Rose) will be reading these threads.

    Aye. All these big fish have ended-up back in the wee pool from which they emerged. And what do big fish do when they get back to the source?

  68. Ian Brotherhood says:

    McT having a cosy fireside chat with fellow Braveheart Gavin Esler, November 6th 2014.

    Final three seconds is revealing:

    ‘The substance is there, the leader is there. Just get the marketing right.’

    Who was he talking about?

    link to

  69. Jimbo says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood:

    Aye. All these big fish have ended-up back in the wee pool from which they emerged. And what do big fish do when they get back to the source?


  70. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Jimbo –

    You’re clearly a ‘glass half-full’ type, and more power to ye.

    With heavy heart I was implying the cynical interpretation – they’re coming home to die.

  71. Ian Brotherhood says:

    McTernan here, @6.00 mins –

    ‘You don’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. You don’t actually win in politics without breaking legs.’

    Trips off the tongue, just like that…and he knows he’s on national news.

    link to

  72. geeo says:

    Jum’s team look more like the ‘trainspotting’ cast every week…

    Murphy being ‘spud’ obviously..

    Dugdales face being slightly less attractive than the toilet scene when renton goes fishing for his enema pill

  73. geeo says:

    Sorry about that last post, forgot the new recruit, john ‘begbie’ mcternan, “right, nae **** leaves tae ah find oot whaes mair cleverer than ah um…”

  74. KennyG says:

    “So far, my appointment to work for Jim Murphy has been praised by those whose job it is to do so, and condemned by those who have heard my comments regarding the people of Scotland.”

  75. KennyG says:

    Oh wait I just realised. If he says condemned by the usual suspects then I’m taking it he means wings. No way man McTernan visits wings. Haw McTernan, gon take a fuck tae yersel ya big bag a monkey shite!

  76. desimond says:

    Is this where the fundraising money for “Campaign Activists” went?

  77. stas zoro says:

    Scotland’s cleverest man?

    Hopefully he will do as well as Scotland’s smartest woman, anyone remember Wendy?

  78. BrianW says:

    I was just thinking there (I don’t do it often, and yes it does hurt).

    Do you think Johnny McT’s on the case and got his minions trolling the web, data mining anything they can find on the vile cybernats that roam the networks?

    Be interesting to see how that pans out over the coming weeks I think.

  79. Surprise, surprise! Narcissistic psychopath hires narcissistic psychopath. Perhaps escape chutes should be installed at SLAB HQ.

  80. Chiterinlicht says:

    I would be interested to know what grass root Scottish labour supporters think of these appointments?

    I also hear Scotland’s cleverest man has a job in heaven when he dies deciding who the right people are to get in. Move over St Peter.

  81. farrochie says:

    McTernan was an adviser to Harriet Harman 1997-1998.

  82. Dubai_Scot says:

    Mischevious thought….any of the monies for the “10” going to fund his salary? Wonder who is sponsoring his expenses?? LOL!

  83. Paula Rose says:

    What do big fish do when they get back to sauce?

    Pool and share the HP.

  84. bugsbunny says:

    Leslie Ann,

    My Colonoscopy is on the 16th, postponed from the 12th of December because the vehicles couldn’t get through or out, due to the thundersnow that day. I had taken the two mixes, at 7 to 9pm on 11th, and 7 to 9 am on 12th. You’re in for a treat. I’ve got to do this again, starting Thursday night. God help me. Senecot, these mixes aint.


  85. bugsbunny says:


    So McTernan used to work for Harriet Harman? Maybe they both like the taste of P.I.E. If that was a SNP MP advocating legalising kiddie fiddling the media, (rightly) would have have cruxified him. How the fuck did she get away with it for years?



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