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Wings Over Scotland

Telling the truth by mistake

Posted on November 22, 2024 by

The Scottish Government has finally, and reluctantly, published its submission for next week’s crucial Supreme Court hearing on the definition of the word “woman”.

Many expert observers have already noted that the document flatly contradicts the Scottish Government’s previous repeated and strenuous assertions that a Gender Recognition Certificate confers “no new rights” on trans people, and have published extremely detailed assessments which are frankly all but impenetrable to non-lawyers but basically conclude that the Scottish Government’s position is a mess.

Our favourite line, however, is this one.

So if you’re obliged to have a 50/50 sex balance in your boardroom, you can do it by hiring a man with a GRC saying he’s legally female, or by hiring a woman.

We believe that the young folk nowadays call that a “self-own”.

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Indeed the S35 order determined that such is not within ScotGov’s competence. It treads on Reserved matters as they well ken.

Doctor John

The argument here will be that the Scottish Parliament is not amending the Equality Act and that the guidance follows what is provided for in the Gender Recognition Act 2004: “the person’s gender becomes for all purposes the acquired gender (so that, if the acquired gender is the male gender, the person’s sex becomes that of a man and, if it is the female gender, the person’s sex becomes that of a woman).”

link to


Nah that’s just what they call a mobile phone these days.


I didn’t get it until your response! 🙂


For just a wee ‘bit of admin’ this sure has created an awful lot of words. And whilst some of those may be the right words they are almost all in the wrong order.
If they’d set out to look incompetent they’ve certainly managed that.


So a man with a self id’d £5 bit of paper is a “woman”, according to them. And a woman with a “Man” GRC cos she’s a very good cricket player, and the male team pays better, would find she wasn’t eligible for maternity leave or pay. What a mess! Repeal the GRA!

Nae Need!

Indeed. The GRA needs repealed. The Equality act 2010 can always be tweaked afterwards, IF necessary.


Well, I’m really glad they cleared that up for us.

Campbell Clansman

The SNP’s “submission” is 40 pages long.
In what alternate reality does it take 40 pages to “define” what a “woman” is?


So an adult human female is really just a woman without a GRC? Well that makes life simple!

Nae Need!

I picked up on that too. Fucking lunatics the lot of them.


Email from For Women Scotland:

“We still have a way to go to meet our fundraising target to cover the legal fees for bringing this case and we would really appreciate any help you can give. Please keep donating and sharing this link:”

link to


Donation done. Thanks for the nudge.

Robert Matthews

Virtue signalled.


I’ve also had an email about the case from Sex Matters:

“You can watch the case online on the Supreme Court’s YouTube channel (you don’t need to log in or watch in real time).

The hearing is in Court 1 of the Supreme Court in London. … Both days start at 10:30am.

  • Tuesday 26th is FWS and Sex Matters
  • Wednesday 27th is the Scottish Government and the EHRC

Tribunal Tweets will be live tweeting.

The judgement is expected in spring 2025.”

Seems a long time to wait for the decision, but that might just be normal procedure.

Mark Beggan

Is this a translation from the council of Macon.


Do you mean the third Synod of Macon when the learned divines denied women had souls?

Mind you, they had no GRCs in those days.

Mark Beggan

Are you sure about the GRC’s? Nothings new!

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Of course, some people don’t think men have souls either…

Mark Beggan

Some people don’t think at all.


Some have nae heart. Others no sense. I like the latter.

By the way, can I self ID as a Scot. I mean, I do not identify as English or British. So why do I have to ID as British.

Answer that Swinney!

Hatey McHateface

I’ve got a hole in mine, but I only noticed when it started snowing.

Defo wasn’t there last winter.

And if you’re reading and still interested, it’s the right one.

Frank Gillougley

With apologies to Tom Leonard (for borrowing his spelling) and to Keats. The point I’d like to make is that if we apply the following very simple measure to any hypothesis (and lawyers of all people really ought to consider this) to discern what is demonstrably true or false, then one really can not do much better than to apply the following reasoning:

Beauty is trooth and trooth is beauty. That is all ye know and all ye need to know.

Now one thing for certain that follows is that, a person who “has been issued with a full gender recognition certificate in the acquired gender of female” does self-evidently not meet the criteria set out as shown above as there is palpably neither trooth or any beauty in this endless horse shit that masquerades before us as enlightened progress.

[…] 22 November 2024, Wings Over Scotland: Telling the truth by mistake […]

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

MSP slams pro-trans group’s primary school scheme
« LGBT Youth Scotland should not be allowed to push its trans agenda in primary schools, a member of the Scottish Parliament has insisted.

« Pam Gosal MBE, who represents West Scotland, criticised East Dunbartonshire Council for selecting two local primary schools “to be part of a pilot” to work alongside the controversial activist group.

« LGBT Youth Scotland recently came under fire after Andrew Easton, a co-author of one of its guides for gender-confused children, was convicted of child sex offences.

« In a letter to Council CEO Ann Davie, the MSP said she did not believe it was “appropriate” for an organisation known for promoting “trans ideology” to teens and young adults to be working with children of primary school age.

« She pointed out: “The Cass review has found that this ideology not only harms gender-questioning children but also children who are asked to accept that a classmate is able to change sex.”

« Highlighting Easton’s conviction, and that of its former Chief Executive James Rennie for child sex offences in 2009, Gosal said it was no surprise “that many parents are concerned about LGBT Youth Scotland’s inclusion in schools”.

« Posting a copy of her letter on X, Gosal said she was “deeply disturbed” to learn of the proposed scheme. She added: “Children should be left to be children and should not be confused by trans ideology.”

Children in Need
« Writer and broadcaster Rosie Millard resigned as chairwoman of BBC’s Children in Need this week over its £466,000 funding of LGBT Youth Scotland and its failure to take seriously concerns she raised about the group.

« Commenting on Millard’s resignation, The Times questioned why Children in Need had funnelled donations “towards an organisation in which key individuals have caused active harm”.

« It observed that the activist group still “heavily promotes disputed gender ideology” and campaigns “for the prescription of puberty-blocking drugs”.

« Reflecting on why Children in Need only suspended donations to LGBT Youth Scotland in May, the newspaper said: “It is possible that, like many organisations, the BBC was fearful of offending a powerful lobby of LGBT activists.” »



« Reflecting on why Children in Need only suspended donations to LGBT Youth Scotland in May, the newspaper said: “It is possible that, like many organisations, the BBC was fearful of offending a powerful lobby of LGBT activists.” »

For once The Thunderer Is bang on the money

James Gardner

Obviously the BBC is not fearful of offending a powerful lobby of YES activists……..perhaps more and regular visits to Pacific Quay would remind them they are pissing on half of the Scottish Public…..


This is exactly why we need to vote these b*stards out of office – they’ve f*cked-up the country up big-time, with their intentionally anti-social policies where a man gets a certificate – and all of a sudden he’s a woman.

The degenerate Greens are the exact same – they must go as well – however we MUST NEVER vote for any Fifth Column parties such as BLiS the Tories or the Lib/Dems – and Reform they are branch offices of their London HQs and answer directly to them.

We can vote for the ISP or Alba where you find them – also I think Peter A Bell has launched an indy party.

Nae Need!

I’m so glad I grew up/was schooled in the 70s/80s. Just imagine being a wean the now . . . being continually force fed, and forced to learn about, these incredibly damaging IDEAS which are stated as facts by adults, in authority, that you trust (cos you’re a wean), the utterly insane mind bending bollocks of it all. And the ongoing horror show/fall out from all this insanity being inflicted on parents/grand parents/carers. . families in turmoil and ruins.
I know I’m stating the obvious but I’ll state it again: this perverted, sadistic ideology needs destroyed.

I remember about 12/13 years ago having an online convo about all this madness. It was on a forum that I was part of then, which sadly no longer exists. There was this guy who started a thread on the risks/dangers this ideology posed, primarily, to women and children . . . he explained a few things and half jokingly, and not fully understanding the implications. I replied with: does that mean a straight guy can pretend to be a lesbian? At the time I thought this was a product of my vivid imagination and a gallows sense of humour. How fucking wrong was I.

Last edited 1 month ago by Nae Need!
Campbell Clansman

Real world: in the 4 council by-elections yesterday, 118 people voted Alba–out of 10,204.
The usual 1% for Alba, “the only true Independence Party” (according to some commenters here). And 3 of these seats were in Glasgow, the “Indy” heartland, which makes the 1% look even more microbial.

Nae Need!

Do you support Scotland becoming a country again?

Campbell Clansman

Do you think Alba–which was stuck at 1% while Alex Salmond was still alive–will ever amount to anything, especially since he’s deceased?

Nae Need!

Answer my question, please?

Nae Need!

Do you support Scotland becoming a country again? Binary response suffices, canny understand why a simple yes or no should be avoided for so long.

Michael Laing

Bellend is a yoon troll.


Course not – Tory clansman.


Alba stood in one ward and got 4.2% of the vote. We’re not quite where we need to be but we are steadily pulling away from the 1% on which the SNP were stuck for decades. You know – the SNP that currently forms the Scottish Government and the only party, under Alex Salmond, to win a majority of seats at Holyrood.

Nae Need!

I’ll keep asking you this very simple question until you reply in DIRECT response to the question, with a YES or NO. As you know, we are posting on a website that supports Scottish Independence.

Hatey McHateface

The site host supports Scottish Indy.

Many of the posters do too.

Some of the posters hijack this forum to push other agenda. They adopt some half-hearted pro-Indy attitudes for protective colouration only.

That is obvious from any inspection of just about any thread. Just about always, somewhere between 30 and 50 comments, somebody will start posting about their own particular hobby horse and the “debate” shoots off at a tangent.

CC makes some true factual points about the electoral performance of Alba. These facts don’t become untrue just because you want to believe you are sniffing out the heresy of a denier of the faith.

Neither do these facts become untrue because somebody posts some primary school name calling.


Alba, ISP and whatever Peter Bell calls his party are between them going nowhere unless they unite under a pro Indy umbrella ’Scotlands Dream’ or something like that. None of them have any electoral traction
Keep it simple -independence now
No policies just that
Everything else is egotistical BS

Dumbarton Rock

…….. News of an Indy summit coming up! Look out for it…….

Last edited 1 month ago by Dumbarton Rock

And NHS Fife is spending £200,000 in legal fees to defend a trans woman’s desire to change in front of female staff. They could hire 6 new nurses for a year for the cost of the bill.

Nae Need!

And I meant to say, thank you Stu, Chris and whoever else is involved . . . your highly specific and very focused efforts at revealing the truth, holding our false prophets to account, are much appreciated by me.


The BBC are starting a new charidee (for the kids) called “Children in Need (of COCK)”

– and will feature a lot of archive funtimes from uncle jimmy, smashey and nicey, fluff freeman, huw edwards and all the nice boys  

if they know how many holes to fill the albert hall – how many bbc nonces does it take to fill all these holes

any truth to the rumours about the galapagos turtles and inappropriate behaviour by attenborough?

“down the throat of a stoat … “


I must be old fashioned.

I always thought if you had a dick, you were a man. If you had a fanny, you were a woman. The latter not to be confused with, if you ARE a fanny you are a James.

If any individual wants to deny biology and get a bit of paper stating he/her is NOT as nature intended-fine by me but, do it quietly and don’t expect me to treat you as something you are not.

Mental disease has many forms.

Nae Need!

NOT fine by me. But, on many other issues we may agree.Such is life.

Robert Matthews

James can be both a dick and a fanny, just read his posts.


Look in a mirror.


Mental disease has many forms.”

Indeed. You have my sympathies.

meg merrilees

But does this mean that if you are a woman who has transitioned to a man and holds a GRC then you cannot be hired because they are only allowing “a woman without a GRC of any type or someone who has acquired the gender of female”?

Only men can play at this game….

Nae Need!

Only some delusional men ARE playing this game, the rest of us, men, women and children have the pitch queered against us. Excuse the pun.

Nae Need!

Sorry, I forgot to mention all the clapping seals . . .of both sexes . . . who appear to think this ideology is about being kind. Dangerous idiots.


clapping seals . . .of both sexes . . . who appear to think this ideology is about being kind. “
Worse: they think it is about being, “progressive.”

The claps advertise their own membership of the Great Consensus of Progressive Persons.


Truly the king has no clothes

Willie Fleming





The utter lack of respect for ordinary Scots is clear from the way they continually lie to us with no concern for being called out. It used to be just the media that loathed us so, but now a generation of politics students have found there’s nae money in newsprint, but a bottomless pit in Holyrood.

We need to get rid of them and their cohort of grifters and freaks. The SPADs need to go.

Young Lochinvar

Deviancy and perversion isn’t progressive; it’s the corrosion of society.
We live in crazy times where the predators lurk in plain sight.


Post-GRA definition of woman: adult human female who doesn’t have a GRC – yet.



“An adult female human being:

She’s a really nice woman.”:

link to



Elon Musk:

“Respect for the truth comes close to being the basis of all morality.” – Dune

link to


Are comments to Wings disappearing into the ether again.

What is going on. Who is blocking ?


Filthy NWO Butt-Plugs have penetrated everything…

World Economic Forum: Organizations:

Amnesty International:
link to

Robert Hughes

Yes , and no surprise the two rabid war-hounds slavering for more blood to be spilt ( not their own , obv ) Macaroon & Starker are both malformed progeny of Uncle Klaus Swab ( sic ) . The 1st a direct product of the WEF grooming process , the 2nd an arse-kissing wannabe who is on record as stating he places more importance on ” DAVOS ” than W.M . The fact that he openly stated this tells us what his real priority is and whose agenda he is following .


re. “The fact that he openly stated this tells us what his real priority is and whose agenda he is following”

Yeah, brazen WEF (NWO) stupidity knows no bounds


Pathetic UK Ministry of Defence ("Tractor" - Ed) has lost the plot (re. UK isn’t a continent)…


“We stand unified and ready to protect our continent from aggressors”:

link to


Hey powerless @DefenceHQ sissy,

Come here and defend your integrity (I’m gonna forever-rip it to pieces:)…



If only sudden unexpected Glacial collapse would happen above Davos


Elon Musk:

“There is widespread gender ideology poison being spread by many non-profits at the urging of some of their funders”:

link to


Klaus Schwab would be the kind of pervert who would claim in a court of law that whilst he had sex with an unconscious woman (who could not even acknowledge his presence let alone consent) it was mot rape because she was the wife of someone he only met online and cos he paid the husband.


NWO perv, Klaus Schwab = sacked



Every variety of men except WOmen

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