Surveying desire
Right then, we need to start sorting this out.
And it needs doing in an orderly way.
Since a couple of weeks ago we’ve been inundated – like, inundated to pieces – with enquiries about printed editions of The Wee Black Book. So it’s time to get organised, and what that initially means is getting some sort of rough idea of the demand so that we can figure out the best way to proceed.
What we’d like you to do, then, is drop us a line and let us know – whether you’re an individual or a campaign group or whatever – how many copies of the Book you REALISTICALLY think you could usefully distribute.
(How you go about that is entirely your affair – hand them out at random, shove them through letterboxes, just keep a couple in your bag or jacket pocket for friends and neighbours, whatever.)
What you need to do is use our Contact form (or direct email address if you already have it) to send us a message.
In the SUBJECT LINE of the message put “Wee Black Book – XXX copies”, where XXX is a multiple of 10 between 10 and 1000.
(The minimum is 10 because, frankly, in postage terms we may as well send out 10 as one. We’re sure pretty much everybody can find nine other people to give one to.)
In the body of your message put your name and address. Your message is NOT any sort of binding commitment – at this point we’re just after a decent ballpark figure, and the only reason we want contact info is to weed out any malicious responses.
Don’t put anything else in the body of the message – it probably won’t be read and certainly not for a while. We’re expecting a lot of emails.
Once we’ve got an idea of numbers we’ll come up with a plan, including whether there’ll be any charge for copies. (If there is it’ll only be to cover the costs in full or part, not to raise funds.) And when we’ve worked all that out we’ll let you know.
Sell the through amazon or another bookshop and get in the charts.
Hmmm. The cost, if any, is an important factor. I’m reasonably sure we could distribute 1000, but I’m not so sure we’d be up for paying for 1000 depending on what the price might be.
Don’t worry about cost right now. ONE THING AT A TIME.
Might be worth pointing out the Wee Blue Book had 240 or so in a “box” as provided by the printers. This book is quite a bit thinner so could be 400 in a box.
Would be worth finding out so as people could request a box and save splitting them and repackaging. Just stick a label on and post.
Another factor is when they might be available. They need to be SOON if we’re to take advantage of the election leafleting runs. Going out yet again just with the WBB is a lot less attractive.
Also, the chapter on EU membership will be out of date on the morning of 24th June. To me, this means they have to be distributed well before then, to avoid looking dated.
Living in a Yes town, I wonder what the best target is for a WBB?
I would like to target switherers, and soft No people.
I just think many like me are already very aware of the broken promises, and double speak, so the WBB would be a bit wasted.
Good point from Thepnr. But if we don’t know how many will be in a box yet, I suppose Stu just wants ball-park numbers and these can be refined into “one box”, “two boxes” or whatever once they’re ready to go.
Don’t worry about cost right now. ONE THING AT A TIME.
But one depends on the other. I don’t want to say “1000” copies please” and then find they’re £1 each or something and we can’t get authorisation to spend that much.
“Might be worth pointing out the Wee Blue Book had 240 or so in a “box” as provided by the printers. This book is quite a bit thinner so could be 400 in a box.”
This book is exactly the same size – 72 pages.
“Living in a Yes town, I wonder what the best target is for a WBB?
I would like to target switherers, and soft No people.”
Yes, of course. The best people to get copies out to initially are activists, who hopefully have access to canvass data and can target people effectively.
I like to leave them in libraries, park benches (hot hooses) and sneak them aboot the streets at bus stops, bank atm’s etc, starting with a 100, then more as required, cost will define quantities…looking forward to this!
“But one depends on the other. I don’t want to say “1000” copies please” and then find they’re £1 each or something and we can’t get authorisation to spend that much.”
One. Thing. At. A. Time.
I’m with thepnr at 3.03pm because i’d require 300 but if you could forward me a box of, say 350/400, i’d soon find very good homes for them no problem.
You could do a Unionist version with the butchers apron on the cover to trick them into reading it. They could read it in public without feeling they had betrayed Betty. Their guilty little pleasure. 🙂
Would it be possible to distribute them in Schools, Youth Centres, Hospitals and Libraries?
Posted agreement to thepnr’ post before your response appeared Rev, so i will have to decide whether to take one box or two before i can submit my request. I’ll need to work things out.
I want a special edition of the Wee Black Book, engraved on plates of Chinese steel. 😉
Sorry Rev the mind can play tricks!
I’d guess it’s because this one being so easy to read because all the pictures made it much quicker to read it just seemed much “thinner”.
When will they be ready for distribution? It is much easier to distribute them while we are in campaign mode. 🙂
Can I offer it on my Amazon bookstore? Rev!
This wasn’t a joke, folks:
In the SUBJECT LINE of the message put “Wee Black Book – XXX copies”, where XXX is a multiple of 10 between 10 and 1000.“
If you’ve sent us a message without a number in the subject line, or with “XXX” there, your message is now in the bin. Also, burly agents are on their way to your house with hammers, because we have your address.
“Can I offer it on my Amazon bookstore? Rev!”
Absolutely 🙂
I will take this off line Rev 🙂
Also, agents are on their way to your house with hammers, because we have your address.
Fuckin’ knew it! He’s the Stasi commander that’s masterminded how to get the addresses of aw the vile cybernats oan tae a database fur the SNPEEE tae send us oor named person through the post! Clever bastards!
READERS! 15 is not a multiple of 10!
Wings of Desire. Great movie.
Yep.There needs to be a bit of coordination so we don’t end up with several copies going through some doors and none through others.
Why not make life easy and go with print on demand? If you really wanted an easy life, you could publish through, then let your punters order it through their website. They get a cut, you get the rest, life is simple.
Math lessons available on request in Off-topic.
Morag…. 3;08pm
If there is any extra cost involved i’m sure a wee crowdfunder can be organised so we can all chip in & spread the cost…
I’ll have them in a prominent location in my cafe with a wee label: “Scotland voted NO in the 2014 Referendum. The WEE BLACK BOOK is London’s response. Please take one, read and pass on.”
(Or something along those lines).
rev, i need to consult with my local yes group and my local snp branch.
can you pin this post to the top for the next few days?
a normal run for leaflets is the entire constituency. 50,000
Ok I want 100 so in my subject line I put x10. Is this correct or am I a dumbass?
I await your answer with trepidation.
If I want 100 I put 100.
I think XXX just defined the number as a multiple of 10 between 10 and 1000.
I put ‘wee black book- 100’. Cause I want 100 copies.
I’m presuming it just means if ye want 10 ye put 10 if ye want 300 ye put 300, if ye want 100 ye put whit ah put?
If it’s 4000 copies, would ye put 4×1000, I don’t think so, I think ye just put ‘wee black book – 4000.
Now please feel free to correct me if I’ve not understood this?
If Jackie “Five Bellies” Baillie was in charge of printing & distribution, you could then claim to have shipped millions of copies & delivered them all in one day. Even if it was on a Sunday.
BBC Shortbread would then be obliged to report that accurately & fairly.
And repeat that claim, every fucking 20 minutes on their news channel.
whit yeh want and whit yeh git is alwies the same thing LOL
I’m genuinely uncertain about two things. One is the timing. It’s going to be a lot easier to get them out if we piggy-back on the election (and referendum) leafleting runs. But will they just be binned or ignored as “more election leaflets”? I kind of think not, because they look dramatically different from any of the election leaflets, but it’s hard to say. Of course some will be binned anyway, we can’t help that, but will a significant number be read?
If we don’t piggy-back on the election/referendum leafleting the things aren’t going to go out before the summer, and by then they’ll appear dated because we’ll know the outcome of the referendum by then. Maybe that doesn’t matter? But my sense is that the referendum is going to change politics in Scotland again whatever happens, and we might want something new to reflect that.
The second thing is wasted books/effort. Is treating them like leaflets and putting one in every door actually a good use of resources? My sense is that here in Mundell country the strike rate might be good enough to be worth it, but I could be delusional. I don’t mind the effort but I’d hate to waste a couple of thousand WBBs in a futile effort.
This may be a bonkers idea, and a bit late in the day, but I wonder if it is worth producing a few translations of the WBB (e.g. Polish, Chinese)? We are not talking about huge numbers (a few hundred) and of course not really necessary because most recent arrivals in the country already have a better understanding of English than the natives! However, in terms of PR, it sends a powerful message that we value everyone living in Scotland. I’m sure there are a few wingers out there that could assist and/or know where to get them quickly translated.
…I’ll get ma coat. 🙂
If I want ten copies, do I just put 10 ?
Personally, my opinion is don’t do it and save your resources until the next referendum.
The Labour Party is doing a great job of getting the SNP elected at the moment and it is a bit late in the day to get these rushed out with the added time of getting them distributed, best keep your powder dry. .
Just an idea – if the demand is large might it be an idea to have several print runs each in a different part of the country.
“…but will a significant number be read?”
That is why, Morag, it might be helpful if each of us can identify as many ‘pull’ site locations as we can where we can put the Black Beauty. Shoving thse through folks’ letterboxes is a ‘push’ scenario and, as such, many will probably just get binned. The ‘pull’ scenario is much better because then folks will take a book only because they want to; they’re interseted in reading it and, as such, fewer will be thrown away.
If you know friends, relatives with shops/offices or whatever where the Black Beauty could be displayed, I think that’s probably the better option. And it’ll prevent duplication. Folks are hardly likely to take one if they already have one (unless, of course, they take another for someone else).
Just my 2p worth.
Stalls? Hand out in High streets? Pretty unlimited in options for dispersal.
Morag is absolutely right in regard to timing . I tend to favour post Eu referendum, especially if as we are hearing the Westminster lot are hinting at extra powers post referendum.
It would be a clear reminder of how they have betrayed their own word in the past.
If you want 100 copies, put “Wee Black Book – 100 copies”
For 500 copies, it’s “Wee Black Book – 500 copies”
If you want 25 copies, 25 IS NOT A MULTIPLE OF 10. AGENTS WITH HAMMERS.
I can only think the timing is deliberate, creates a sense of urgency if you like.
Their main impact would surely be felt before the election, if there not available at least a week before then what would we do with them?
Don’t waste time Rev, please gauge opinion as to demand and get them out there. Boxes at a time I would suggest and smaller orders can be collected. I’d guess you know how that works 🙂
Caveat, ain’t no longer the distribution hubs that were the Yes shops and boots on the ground now making things tougher. Guess you know that too.
What measures will you take to prevent groups of Yoon sabs ordering 1,000s just to deplete our resources ?
@ Alexicon
Personally, my opinion is don’t do it and save your resources until the next referendum.
Education is the key to winning soft-NOs and thus to winning IndyRef#2. And that education MUST start NOW. And it must be an ongoing process. It will take years for what we know and understand to percolate into the minds of our target audience, the soft-NOs. We can’t wait for them to come to us. We must be pro-active in this. The education starts NOW.
Educate. Agitate. #@*& the British State.
Morag says:
5 April, 2016 at 4:47 pm
I’m genuinely uncertain about two things.
Its right to counsel caution but look at the massive pressure building to make Scotland vote anyone but SNP.
If the current BBC led full on monstering of Scottish democracy actually works in May, and lets face it they clearly think they can pull it off, that really will be the end of Scotland’s progress to independence.
I tend to favour post Eu referendum, especially if as we are hearing the Westminster lot are hinting at extra powers post referendum
I’m generally uncomfortable with distributing this after the EU referendum, because its chapter on the EU issue was clearly written before the referendum. Come 28th June there may be a completely new playing field and we don’t know what it will look like. Even if England votes to stay in, that’s still a new situation.
C’mon Morag-get them & let’s get it done 🙂
Hmm. I suspect smoke may be coming out Rev’s ears by now. The instructions are clear, surely. Avoid the hammers.
C’mon Morag-get them & let’s get it done 🙂
Don’t know what sort of delivery lag time we’re looking at though. Not much use if we get them the day before you leave.
Can we send a few to Pacific Quay & ScotLab HQ?
For educational purposes obvs.
Kezea might want a signed copy purely for reference and educational porpoises.
Timing. I would favour between election and EURef. It’s a six week period within which we should put Scotland at the centre of things in people’s minds.
As heedtracker says above, first, the election is critical. No SNP majority, no independence in most of our lifetimes perhaps. Sobering thought.
The whole EURef farce is intertwined with past lies, future betrayal, and opportunities for IndyRef2. Highlighting what happened to Scotland after our last referendum must be circulated before the EU one.
Then I’ll come back up. Have to-I’m househunting
Proud Cybernat says:
5 April, 2016 at 5:10 pm
Education is the key to winning soft-NOs and thus to winning IndyRef#2. And that education MUST start NOW. And it must be an ongoing process. It will take years for what we know and understand to percolate into the minds of our target audience, the soft-NOs. We can’t wait for them to come to us. We must be pro-active in this. The education starts NOW.
Well said. As the Rev has mentioned before, Indyref 2 could be on us sooner than expected. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain by getting the WBBs out there ASAP. As you said, it’s a gradual process and we need to keep chipping away at the soft NO vote, for however long it takes. Our FM is fully aware of this and has played a blinder thus far. We need to do our bit and keep the pressure on. No mercy for the yoons.
Our Yes2 group will decide on numbers. Regards timing, that is for you to decide Rev.
The big lies lie with Westminster so targeting the EU referendum to remind voters seems to make tactical sense to me. The Holyrood election looks like a done deal, and the Unionist branch offices are guilty of just wee lies.
I went through a “packaging” exercise earlier this year and have a range of boxes that fit the Royal Mail small parcel limit of 160mm high. Also note it’s the same price 2nd class up to 2 kg for 1 kg as 2 Kg.
For more than 2 Kg I use an online courier for £6.69 + VAT up to 30Kg, and £9.97 + VAT Highlands and Islands. They do also have a small package service for I think up to 1.5Kg for a couple of pounds, though I’ve never used it. I can give you a code which gives you £25 credit to join up. No, that’s not my business. It uses Parcelforce (excellent these days).
If this is useful just reply and I’ll try to get your attention with an email or contact with more info! To be honest I’m not going to post it here as it could give too much free info to lurking competitors 🙂
“Personally, my opinion is don’t do it and save your resources until the next referendum.
The Labour Party is doing a great job of getting the SNP elected at the moment and it is a bit late in the day to get these rushed out with the added time of getting them distributed, best keep your powder dry.”
I won’t deny that I was of the the same frame of mind, however, the word has literally been written, the books just needing printing and delivered. Printing is easy given the required cash, delivery less so.
It’s no where near the same as the distribution for an Indy ref campaign but helps keep the pressure on, I say get them out NOW immediately and get them into peoples hands before 5th May.
There is time, just sufficient time to do this, those not distributed will still prove invaluable for the EU referendum. In fact they would generally prove to be valuable at any time though it is surely much likely to get those who are generally ignorant of politics for most of the time to read something when an election is going on.
Another point!
The media and the Yoons are going to hate you forever for doing this. All the more reason to do it I believe. If you an in reach of their tail and can tug on it then it must be tugged.
Your role (and ours) is to inform, tugging as many Yoon tails as we can in the process. Don’t delay, you will have a good idea by this time tomorrow how many books you can get out. I’m sure you already have the printer lined up to go.
Just do it. Please.
Followed your instructions to the letter
Just confirm that I am to be spared that infamous hammer of yours, don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night breaking out in a cold sweat thinking ” I did follow the instructions correctly”
Guys you are thinking too hard the WBB is the prelude to our next indy campaign as we go through the elections into the summer we must use it for everything ,it has to be at our rallies,on our street stalls at our parties and at the SNP relaunch of their indy campaign if they dont play ball we will gatecrash the party with it so come on you SNP guys i want to see Nicola waving it at Scotland in the summer.
But first of all we need to blanket as much of the no voters as we can with it during this election yes many will end up in the trash if we need more later or and edited version for after the EU referendum then i am sure the Rev could put that together and do a second edition and if the old war chest needs refilled we could crowdfund it.
@Proud Cybernat
But this is not the soft No’s we’re talking about, it’s for people voting for the SNP at Holyrood, unless I’ve missed something.
The next election is for the Holyrood elections.
Yes I agree that the electorate/soft no’s need educating in the sense of what the unionists don’t tell you, but we are concentrating on the Holyrood elections here and not the next referendum.
One vote at a time as most electorates are concentrating on the next election no matter what it is for.
Keep the war chest full and the powder dry for the main event.
No, indyref2 will not be sooner than we expect, because there’s no way in hell that the SNP are going to call one until a yes vote is all but inevitable. To even get Westminster to agree again, public support would have to be strong enough to make it politically unfeasible to deny it.
We’ll know it’s coming, and we won’t be the ones panicking about getting every vote out.
I bought some blue books on ebay in 2014 from someone selling online; so if someone would like to sell wee black books online this time round that would be fabulous.
happy to pay a wee bit more for the service.
Mcternans ex schoolmate Thepnr predicts:
There will be a clamour for The Wee Black Book especially if numbers are limited.
The elusive Wee Black Book, very few may have seen one but all would have heard of them. This is worth it’s weight in Gold.
BUM and Unionist spin doctor propaganda shaking in their little booties.
Shhhhh…ugar. I meant to point out that units of 10 might well not be the most postage efficient once you know unit weight and dimensions, perhaps make it clear that if ordering 20, people might get 18 or something to get under weight.
Oh, it’s possible I might be able over the next 4 or 5 months, to shift say up to 100Kg or 200Kg bulk at times to suitable distribution points around Scotland (not cities) while on my travels, say 1/10th or max 1/5th cubic metres worth of suitable outers. I’d need to fit it in to variable schedule, so flexibility needed, and would be short of time to take part in organising it.
Wee Wilkie Rennie complaining Norway sovereignty wealth fund didn’t give a China company a good report? Why no comment from the Scottish wealth funds? I demand they comment?
What do you mean we haven’t got one? Oh for fuck sake why not!
If a WBB lands on a unionist doormat it might irritate or it might educate.Eithers good.
If a WBB lands on a pro Indy doormat it might inspire that person to spread the word.
If it lands on an undecideds doormat…Bullseye!
It’s all good.Crack on.
What could be an idea is an off topic type thread on WOS say “Distribution”, where regional co-ordinators post a requirement to shift say 1,000 or 10,000 books from A to B, anyone help? Approx date, nearby but not exact (privacy) postcode, to, from.
Then we read it and take our pick: “I can do it”.
I suspect from reading previous posts my usual pick-up point might be Stevenston or even Largs, though I might be able to say pick-up Oban and drop in Portree depending on my often random schedule. Destination Universe! Other Wingers might be the same.
The thing about yoons is that they generally want to leave the EU but continue Scotland subsidizing the uk. That’s no longer an option for most of the people of Scotland. So sadly England will have to make it’s way in the world. I only hope England is not too wee, too poor, and unimportant to have any success. Though they must be thanking their lucky stars that they have been blessed with having virtually no oil, apart from the stolen Scottish oil fields.
Willie Rennie was at a debt advisors centre in Glasgow today advising people not to live beyond their means? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Now Ruth’s moaning about the Scottish Government signing a pre agreement with China. WTF? Hypocritical Cunt.
I’m totally absolutely completely all for this by the way. Yes, it’s not Indy Ref 2 yet, but this is a thought-piece, a minding. Hearts and minds, hearts and minds. That should never stop until Indy is achieved.
WBB! Good.
Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.
Rennie, what’s he like eh! A greasy spot in the history book soon.
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Anent Ruth’s insatiable appetite for throbbing horse-power between her legs, the inevitable Tory defeat & her subsequent resignation. A future career on Top Gear offers possibilities.
@ Alexicon
“Keep the war chest full and the powder dry for the main event.”
The war-chest can be replenished as and when needed. There are plenty of us here willing to do that. One of the issues I (and some others here on Wings) had with the Wee BLUE Book in IndyRef#1 (no criticism of the Rev btw) is that we could have benefitted from having had it out much sooner–at least a year or so before we did. Yes, it had a great impact and I genuinely believe it made a big difference to the YES percentage. But I just feel that if people had know the facts sooner and considered them a bit more with a bit more time then we might just have squeezed over the line last time.
There is no right or wrong answer here. But if people are voting in ignorance then they will–generally speaking–vote for what they know, for the status quo. But if peole are voting from enlightenment then they are much more likely to reject the status quo for they will have seen a better way.
That education of folks has to start somewhere and the Wee Black Book is as good a time as any to start that education process. But it won’t (and shouldn’t) be a flash-in-the-pan thing. There should be a Wee White Book, a Wee Green Book and, heaven forbid, a Wee Orange Book. This educating the Scottish electorate should be our priority and it should be ongoing and unrelenting. Perhaps every six months or year Wings brings out a Wee Book (a State of the Union Address, if you like).
It doesn’t matter what the occasion is or what election is maybe coming up. It is simply about political education to show how the Union and Unionist parties are holding Scotland back. GE, SE, EU Ref, Council elections. It really doesn’t matter. It is simply about EDUCATION. Full stop. If we win the education battle then we will, unquestionably, win IndyRef#2.
Education. Education Education. Do it well. Do it now. And keep on doing it until we win.
I’m totally absolutely completely all for this by the way. Yes, it’s not Indy Ref 2 yet, but this is a thought-piece, a minding. Hearts and minds, hearts and minds. That should never stop until Indy is achieved.
Agreed, but not in the mist of the Holyrood elections.
Saw someone reading a Herald today, paper version, and the headline about the SG leading the way in inward investment from China was just so blatant it was not real.
They made it seem as though there was back handers involved with the SG.
Disgusting piece of so called journalism.
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Another thing that needs to be out there is this.
From today’s news. Youngsters in their twenties to lose £19000 in new changes to pensions.
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If you put in a conservative estimate of what you think you might need, will you be able to order more later? Suppose that will depend on the print run, the purpose of this initial exercise?
By the way, if you fill in everything correctly do you get a complimentary copy of ” Senior Administrative Nurses “? ( For those familiar with Black Books.)
Oh dear, Just seen SLAB roll out that god-awful political broadcast where Kezia gets asked a few questions from 5 year olds in a school.
First question from a very young girl to Kezia
‘What do you do in your job all day?’
Good question!
Second Question from a very young boy
‘Why is there a Labour Party?’
A most excellent question!
Young lad…
‘Is your job really hard?’
Wow! This is actually a difficult one to answer. Is Kezia’s job actually that difficult or is it just a bugger because your hands are tied behind your back by London Labour? Good question though!
Another young lass…
‘What job do you think I might do when I’m older?’
(Everyone guessing the same thing – do anything! But do your damndest and avoid being the leader of the Scottish Labour Party)
I had to stop listening as I was to busy rolling around the floor hee-hawing.
Seriously …I didn’t realise that our youngest had also become politically enlightened.
Yep! Way to go Kezia and Scottish Labour. Great election broadcast.
@Proud Cybernat
Yes, the longer people have to thing, the more they can make their own mind up, rather than have it made up by last-minute scare-mongering or promises made of mumbles.
I talked to a lot of NO intending people, without trying to persuade them to vote YES. I found them more open that way. What I found was that to start with more than half of them liked the idea of Indy in principle, but were concerned about the reality, things like economy, things indeed like we’re too small to go out on our own, we’re not ready, it’s too risky.
But the longer they have to think about it the better, and keeping it constantly or at least, occasionally, in mind, helps them to address their concerns and see if there’s any foundation for them. I found a year or two after that some, not enough, had moved over to YES. Some in fact even claimed they were always YES.
As a suggestion, if small groups of campaigners go out together, they should contain at least one “warmer” whose job is just to have a blether, ask questions, find out the problems and concerns. Then a bit later, send in the “closer”.
Willie Rennie should know about debt management he couldnae pay all the money he owed to the Polis and they had to “Absorb” the loss, which means WE paid the Liberal Democrats Polis bill
Lib Dems paid £15.000 of £80.000
They couldnae even get a Wonga loan
Surely the mindless obscenities and mindless paranoia displayed by a lot of the WOS bloggers will only encourage the NO voters to redouble their efforts and try their hardest to keep the SNP and their allies below 50% at the May election.
I can’t wait till a WWB comes thru my mailbox!!
No Jimmy,
Sorry no was built on sand and the SNP tide is fast rolling in. You see you are paying Danegeld, and every day and in every way we keep asking for more and more.
Do you know Jimmy how the game ends?
Dr Jim,
You were 90% out. Unless I’m very wrong, wasn’t the figure the Scottish Liberal Democrats owed to Scottish Police actually about £800 000?
I count 3 f***s and one c***. Surely that is not over the top for anyone on a Tuesday?
With regards to the WWB- I am intrigued: something new from the rev perhaps?
Dr Jim & others,
Do you all want a good laugh?
link to
What a mouthful of an address.
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Dr Jim,
You were 90% out. Unless I’m very wrong, wasn’t the figure the Scottish Liberal Democrats owed to Scottish Police actually about £800 000?
They don’t owe anything according to them.
Note: When have they ever won an argument?
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The angle of attack on the National LibDem policing bill is wrong. It’s not about them paying their bill, they don’t have a bill to pay in the first place.
For national Conferences apparently the Home Office pay up to 85% of the policing bill in England and Wales, the local police authority takes the rest of the hit. Now on the surface this is fair, as long as Scotland gets Barnett Consequentials for the Home Office payment to the England and Wales force. As far as I know nobody has checked this detail out.
The equivalent in Scotland would be for the Scottish Government to pay up to 85% of the policing bill, and Police Scotland to take the other 15% out of its existing budget.
But the only way that is fair is if Scotland only hosts 8.4% of the national conferences of the UK political parties. As far as I know, nobody has checked this out.
There is however no £800,000 bill for the LibDems, it’s the policing bill. National conferences organise and pay for their own security.
Bet you to it. By 1 minute. lol.
Aye her blue one’s more powerful accelerating past Kezie’s red one to finish first. All on the BBC website!
All to play for Scottish footie fans in about 5mins.
Pick your match.
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Jimmy says:
5 April, 2016 at 7:22 pm
Surely the mindless obscenities and mindless paranoia displayed by a lot of the WOS bloggers will only encourage the NO voters to redouble their efforts and try their hardest to keep the SNP and their allies below 50% at the May election.
I can’t wait till a WWB comes thru my mailbox!!
What I dont get Jim, is why SLab and toryboy world hasn’t done another BetterTogether thing for May elections and just merge into one all new party of yoonery?
You cant expect the BBC led media in Scotland to take down the SNP. Or maybe they can but its still not showing in the polls.
By campaigning BetterTogether hand in hand, did SLab pay the price for red tory campaigning Darling, Broon, mad old Murphy style and if Dugdale is just another way point on SLab’s road to the end of empire, merging red and blue tories again may be all that’s left now in your Scotland region.
My view on this is that if anyone is part of a local SNP or Yes group, and if they have their own Facebook page, then it might be a good opportunity to discuss numbers of copies there.
I can certainly see a few folk from our Group taking an interest. West Lothian now has a stall out every weekend, so it’s a great opportunity to push them onto the general public there. The SNP possibly may not advocate it, but I can see them turning a blind eye to it at the same time.
I would say discuss it with your local SNP or Yes forum group and then try to come up with a rough figure for how many books each local constituency may need.
Wee bit OT
I was in Dumfries today as part of a large group at a meeting listening to SNP speakers.
The lady standing next to me says ‘Who’s that speaking now, I told her that’s Joan McAlpine.’
‘Who’s she’ – I say ‘She’s standing as an MSP, doing very well, I think she’ll get elected.’
Moments later she asks’Who’s that speaking now?’. I said ‘That’s Mhairi’.
‘Mhairi who?’ she asks.
I turned and looked at her, a smartly dressed lady in her 50’s.
‘That’s Mhairi Black I said she’s an MP’
‘Never, her, she’s far too young, your joking, where’s she from’
I explained but it made me realise there are so many folk in Scotland who still read the Daily Mail and believe the BBC.
That is why the Wee Black Book needs delivered through every letterbox in Scotland.
We still have so much work to do but Joan and Mhairi were both very impressive and passionate speakers today and hopefully this part of the bottom of Scotland will not be Tory.
So I suppose I’d better get on and finish the cover for the print edition, yeah? 🙂
During the ref, there were Yes pop up shops – is there any chance of doing this again or was this funded by the SNP coffers?
I would love to help out with any pop up shops or cafes/provide baking and refreshments to those helping out. Least I could do.
Stephen – unfortunately, hospitals/GP surgeries are no-go regarding political or religious material for the public to read. Shame – ideal reading time whilst waiting!
Yes, but the actual response from Police Scotland is here, I remember now it’s where I got my info from, hence my posting.
link to
By the way, just like everyone else I thought there was actually an unpaid £800,000 bill until I read this recently. I’m kind of surprised Unionists never challenged it – or would be if I didn’t know already they’re not very good at research.
@ Rev as time is short we dont need the books bound, staples are far quicker. We had hubs for distrabution last time, we can do the same Im ready to act as a hub & transport them.
I’ll bet the Yoons can’t wait to rip the pish if “only” 100,000 or so were printed, they would shout loudly FAILURE!
I’m laughing out loud here as I hope they do shout out, in this case all publicity is good publicity, believe me they only wish that they too had such a weapon in their armory.
After that first 100,000 we just print another 100,000 and then another and another until needs have been satisfied. Let’s just call this the first print run, we update as necessary.
I think we’re nearly done, a Wee Blue Book for the positives and a Wee Black Book for the failures of Unionist promises. All that is needed is to keep them up to date with a second, third or fourth edition. Whatever it takes.
We are not going back into any box.
Just watched Burd and Campbell on RS, presenting the Chinese “agreement” story. It must be one of the most blatantly biased stories ever to come out of PQ.
All that was needed was Eleanor SNP Baad Bradford to make a guest appearance.
Sent Macquarrie an e-mail, not that it will do much good , he has his eye on a Peerage for services to the British Political Establishment.
@ RogueCoder 7.48 Noo who ur you tryin tae kid ,done an dusted an the Inks dry lol.
According to Libdemvoice the Scottish Government owe the police nearly £680 000, but the SNP should pay ALL of their Police Bill.
Effing hypocrites or what?
Remember this one from the Liberals?
“Return to your constituencies and prepare for Government”.
I’ve pissed my pants.
According to them the SNP are just populist because….wait for it…”drum roll”…they deliver what they promise on purpose, so that they can get re elected.
“The Scottish Liberal Democrats….entering a Parallel Universe, near you”.
Yes, I understand that now, the Scottish Government should pay their 85%. But they contradict themselves asking if the SNP was billed the full cost as they were, and if so, the Scottish Government should pay 0% and the SNP the full cost at 100%.
yesindyref2 says:
5 April, 2016 at 6:34 pm
What could be an idea is an off topic type thread on WOS say “Distribution”, where regional co-ordinators post a requirement to shift say 1,000 or 10,000 books from A to B, anyone help? Approx date, nearby but not exact (privacy) postcode, to, from.
Then we read it and take our pick: “I can do it”.
I suspect from reading previous posts my usual pick-up point might be Stevenston or even Largs, though I might be able to say pick-up Oban and drop in Portree depending on my often random schedule. Destination Universe! Other Wingers might be the same.
Have a white van, willing to do bulk drops in Fife. Could pick up from Edinburgh or Stirling etc.
Well, there’s no obligation for the SG to pay Police Scotalnd, it’s up to the two to work it out. I’d expect that one way or another it was covered though.
The truth is Theresa May, the Home Office, any UK department can pay whatever it wants to whover it wants. It could completely pay for, free admission and all, the Glastonbury Festival it if wants, out of UK taxpayers money. It could send a framed and signed photograph of David Cameron to every masochistic victim in England and Wales, for nothing.
Just as long as Scotland gets our resulting Barnett Consequentials.
Bugsbunny @ 6:34pm.
I don’t think the last word in your post, applies to the “tank commander ” !.
Remember we are fighting for people that will die 13 years before I claim my old age pension. People need hope of betterment in their lives, something lacking in the previous 90 years of Labour misrule. We can and must do better than the troughers who misruled Scotland for 90 years. We must stop subsidizing our neighbor, common sense must prevail.
Snp,Snp and remain in the EU
The Lib Dems are already history, let’s focus on rewriting history grassroots style with a Wee Black Book.
Help to make the Scottish Tories both Red and Blue history too, expose their promises that turned out to be lies. You and I know this, let’s tell others, we are governed by liars, read the Wee Black Book. See for yourself the broken promises.
Our problem is simple, not enough hear our messsage. It’s true WoS is a bubble but it has a voice a strong voice when all ours are added together. The WBB2 is representative of our voice in words. I want it to be heard more widely.
Let’s not pause in our efforts, sure, it may be a long time before the next referendum, then again it may be sooner than anyone could have guessed. We should not rest though, our foes the BUM and government won’t.
This is exactly what pisses them off the most, ordinary punters taking the initiative and I’m all for pissing them off 🙂
It’s unheard of and that works in our favour, they don’t know how to stop this relentless march of the Scots towards a democratic vote for Independence. Project Fear has became their worse nightmare and back fired to such an extent that it is the ruling establishment that are quaking.
I’m perfectly serious about this, the absolute collapse of the Labour vote has shocked all and sundry, they are scrabbling for what to do next. Well I couldn’t give a fuck what they try to do next it will likely backfire again. That’s why we should just carry on and keep them under pressure and on the back foot.
When I talked at the beginning of this post about “rewriting” history. I should have pointed out history as we see to be true using the Unionist press against themselves.
For as long as they write the “official” history then we shall rewrite it until such time as it reflects the truth.
As a lifelong SNP member I can look at Kezias PPB and say, “awe, that’s cute”. If, however I was a Scottish Labour member who seriously wanted as many seats as possible, I would have tears in my eyes as I cradled my head in my hands with a Red Face. Or as Paw Broon would sometimes say to Ma…”Jings, I’m Black Affronted”.
Almost as bad as the SNP’s 1980’s PPB’s when we were in the political wilderness. I remember as a young boy, watching an older boy about 15, diving into a Loch in revealing “Budgie Smugglers” making a suspicious right armed salute as he freezed framed upon surfacing. WTF was that about? We’ve progressed since then. And so has our PPB’s. Thank God.
@ rev you must put a charge on the books even if its not to much as someone at my work says they are going to ask for 100 and put them in the bin
He also said they did not mind giving his address
he is a staunch tory
could be just mouthing thoughbut that we do not know
Also is there not a way we can do it to get into the book charts
@ everybody
I could get Jackie Baillies job I meant to write £800.000 not what I did (Arse me)just as well numbers isn’t my job
Come to think about it though I reckon I could do just as bad a job as Jackie Baillie for a MSPs salary
Do you have to be actually IN the Labour party for an application, I quite fancy a wee joab doon the coast
Dr Jim,
Do what Kezia did. Walk straight in and ask to join, and before you know it, you’re on their committee and signed up to stand for election for them.
Kezias PPB is asking for a voiceover just like some Anti-Racist guy did 2 years ago, lampooning the BNP’s Euro Election PPB. The one they all lost to UKIP.
A BNP PPB Paradody that totally rips the pish out of them.
link to
Could I have 9 copies please?
Kezia Dugdale
13 Slab Street
Read around the web says a lot why WWB is sorely needed.
Kevin Hague Retweeted
Packick ?@kanNates Apr 4
@kevverage @saorsa22 @PaulaHoneyRose @de_generated @johnmcternan I don’t get this mocking of graphs. It is the equal of making fun of books!
Ultra unionists grip UKOK Kevrage tight but graphs don’t say why. WWB can. I mean toryboy’s like Kevrage rage at Scotland for worst deficit in west but he never says why or who pays the price for the maniac UK gov borrowing. None of them say why. Its what happens your neighbour runs your country.
Try again. I forgot the 2nd underscore in the address.
link to
Jimmy says:
See Jimmy, red and blue toryboys, bettertogether, at last and forever. They’re also English but that’s hardly important.
Kevin Hague ?@kevverage 14m14 minutes ago Gifford, Scotland
Kevin Hague Retweeted The National
so bored of this witless nonsenseKevin Hague added,
The National @ScotNational
The @weegingerdug explains why radical policies to help ease Scotland’s problems can only happen after independence
7 retweets 24 likes
Reply Retweet 7
Duncan Hothersall ?@dhothersall 16m16 minutes ago
Duncan Hothersall Retweeted The National
“With indy we could scrap Council Tax!”
“We’ve had powers to do that since 1999. And Labour plan to…”
Duncan Hothersall Retweeted
John Ruddy ?@jruddy99 25m25 minutes ago
@dhothersall They dont want people to know that you can make a difference without being independent. Destroys their argument.
What IS the WWB???
Let’s flood our Nation with the WBB. We should leave them in pubs, clubs, subways, courts, job centres, and even hospital wards. We are at war with these lying, conniving, propagandists who hate their own country.
We can leave them on planes, trains, busses and taxis. Give them to anyone who comes to your door like the postie, Mormons, the pizza guy, and even the TV goon when he comes looking for his pedo tax.
Then there’s the museums, libraries, sport centers, and bingo halls. While we’re at it, we should send the WBB to a bunch of European journalists explaining what we’re up against with this anti Scottish press and media.
Top of the thread RH side picture Wee Black Book. Click!
Oh TJenny
Obviously failing to pay attention in class. Report to Ms Rose immediately.
Call me dave – but shurely that’s WBB, not WWB,no?
‘looking for his pedo tax’
That’s top drawer.
The fairytale rise of Scotland’s newest football club continues as The Rangers gain promotion to the Premiership… 😀
Have a nice May Jimmy 🙂
T Jenny,
Nice one lol. Is that a Sean Connery way of saying surely? (shurley).
As Sean might say, “Kezia, you’re a shite for shore eyes”. lol.
Or as Leslie Neilson said on Airplane the Movie…
link to
Was off to the footie there 0-0 Dundee Celtic
But Barcelona game good! Anyhoo!
WWB is what you said but I thought you had made a mistake.
WBB is what I thought you were looking for …sorry if I goofed!
They wouldn’t hold being a SNP member against me eh
As long as I don’t have the Woad over my whole face I might get away with it
Ahm no taking mah badges off though
TJenny wis ‘ribbing’ wee Jimmy guys, as wis Tam, he (Jimmy) referred to it as the ‘WWB’…ergo…ergo 😉
Did you hear that the BBC want to use the licence fee to train weans as young as 4 to play the violin? When asked about this new approach to the Arts, the chairman of the BBC Rona Fairhead replied, “It’s not new”. “The BBC has always the promoted, encouraged, nurtured and protected the needs of “Kiddie Fiddlers””.
Hi call me dave.
Caught the Dundee v Celtic game from the 53rd minute, thanks to your link.
Must say the stream from Celtic TV via was brilliant. No freezing; no buffering. The best I’ve had from neolive.
A few thoughts:
1) The current campaign is not about indyref, and trying to make the WBB part of it probably is not the best use.
2) It’s an ideal ‘slow burn’ publication. Don’t want it to get lost in the flood of election material.
3) The EU chapter concentrates on the Threat posed by the referendum, not on the consequences
So I don’t think there’s a rush to get it out (unlike the WBlueB). We should use it as and when it is useful, and we should take our time with it.
Can we now politely tell our Unionist ‘pals’ from here on in to ‘Have a nice May’ as a closing ‘salutation’ , especially on Twitshpere in the lead up to the election? Jist a thought. (subversive obvs, but they will LOVE IT) 🙂
Dr Jim,
They wouldn’t tell you to “Take the High Woad?”
I’ve already got ma coat on. lol.
K1 – thank heavens for an ‘Alert Reader’. 🙂
Meanwhile for Thepnr and Call me dave – please hand in your Alert Reader badges and report to Cybernat HQ for upgrading.
bugsbunny – Yesh. {-)
I missed the irony in your question.
It all started here I guess at 7.22pm
Jimmy says:
5 April, 2016 at 7:22 pm
Surely the mindless obscenities and mindless paranoia displayed by a lot of the WOS bloggers will only encourage the NO voters to redouble their efforts and try their hardest to keep the SNP and their allies below 50% at the May election.
I can’t wait till a WWB comes thru my mailbox!!
CU Jimmy! in all the senses.
The crazy optimist + two others in the photo who are useful.
link to
The Wee Black Book will be published in it’s entirety as part of the May issue of iScot Magazine.
This is a very special edition running to 100 pages with 20 pages dedicated to WBB2 including the back cover. If you like reading from the back pages then turn it upside down and start there.
An interesting story about iScot and the guy that started it is that he is one of us a Wings reader that got caught up in the frenzy of the referendum. The Rev might hate me for repeating this but kenmacaroonbar was the first man to get the Wee Blue Book on the streets out of his own pocket without crowdfunding.
We here are all dedicated but I can think of few more dedicated. If you want to be certain to be one of the first to have a copy of the Wee Black Book in print look then look no futher than iScot magazine.
A pure grassroots publication that started here on Wings before the referendum and is still going, help make sure it’s here until the job is done. If you can, please subscribe.
link to
Next year we can truly say to them on the date of the Scottish Local Election, “May the Fourth be with you”.
I’ve heard that before but 2007 was the 3rd and 2011 the 5th of May.
Bottom well and truly spanked, I asked for that you know 🙂
The Rev has kindly allowed iScot Magazine to include in its May edition (out 01st May) the Wee Black Book in its entirety.
This will be a double front cover edition and is available to pre order now on our website. There will be discounts for volume purchases – but orders need to be made before the 20th of April to guarantee delivery.
questions please to ken(at)ascot(dot)scot
kininvie says:
5 April, 2016 at 9:53 pm
A few thoughts:
1) The current campaign is not about indyref, and trying to make the WBB part of it probably is not the best use.
Is it about being gay Scotland then? Second massive Graun unionist boost of the day, from a gay tory too.
link to
On the one yoon hand, Dugdale is clear her private life was off limits.
on the other
Dugdale’s news now means four out of Scotland’s six party leaders (the Conservatives’ Ruth Davidson, Ukip’s David Coburn and the Greens’ Patrick Harvie) are lesbian, gay or bisexual, making Holyrood, as she put it in a recent newspaper column, “the gayest parliament in the world”.
UKIP’s apparently a Scotland party now, says Mr T although tory Torrance really likes Fluffie Mundell,
“But even the Scottish Conservative party is now unrecognisable from those days: earlier this year, David Mundell, the secretary of state for Scotland and the only Tory MP north of the border, became the first serving Conservative cabinet minister to come out.”
Is this what’s going on, hard core red/blue tory yoonery desperately using gay politics to make themselves look electable in May? Yes
Get the WBB out there.
Stand aside TJenny I shall administer the strokes.
Paula Rose,
Paula Rose – and I was just about to call you to don the stilettos and set the whips to half malky. You are a wonder woman. 😉
For those struggling to understand the Revs simple guidelines i offer this alternative simple guide to putting forward a request:
(1): Click on the ‘Contact’ facility at at top of the WOS page.
(2): You are now confronted with 4 required *fields* to complete.
(3): Put your full name in the ‘Name*’ field.
(4): Put your email in the ‘Email*’ field.
(5): Put the quantity (multiples of 10 only) of books you require in the ‘Subject*’ field. For talk sake, say you require 50-books then you must type; Wee Black Book 50 copies
(Any orders less than 10 or not in multiples of 10 will be binned)
(6): Put your full postal address in the ‘Message*’ field.
Do not put anything else in this ‘Message*’ field or you can expect Winged messengers paying you a not so subtle visit.
(7): Now simply click on ‘Submit’ to send your request.
Job done, for now, simples!
I get my iScot delivered to my local newsagents.
I’d definitely recommend it.
Superb magazine!
This is a war–a ‘cold war’, if you like. And it is against the might of the BritNat Establishment. Here in Sotland the pricipal cheerleader and mouthpiece for that Establishment is the auntie you never ever want to kiss–BBCSLAB; the auntie we all, by law, have to pay the ‘pedo tax’ – (c) Bevrijdingsdag – to.
Right now BBCSLAB are in full frontal assault on the Scottish Government and are doing so to try and undermine its popularity; the SNP’s popularity. Make ni mistake here folks – this is serious. This is an all out assault by the BritNat State to try and ensure that the SNP does not get a Holyrood majority because they know – as we do – that without that majority, IndyRef#2 will be shelved for at least another 5 yers. This is why we are all witnessing on our screens right now the total monstering of the Scottish Government and the SNP. They are doing it to try and protect the corrupt structures of the British Elite, the British State.
Folks – we CANNOT let BBCSLAB win this ‘war’. We simply CAN’T. They have to be beaten. They have to be brought, kicking and screaming if need be, to realise that they are on the wrong side of the argument and the wrong side of history. They have to be told by the Scottish electorate in May’s Scottish Election that we are DONE listening to them; that they can pump out their batshit, BritNat, Eleanor BADford pish all year long – SCOTLAND IS NOT FOR TURNING.
This May, BBCSLAB must get the message. It is OVER. It foesn’t matter how much of your pro-union, BritNat propaganda you pump out – IT AIN’T WORKING and it will NEVER work. It’s OVER. The drugs don’t work anymore.
BBCSLAB is who we are really up against, folks BBCSLAB is the REAL opposition in this country that we have to beat. And we do that by beating hands down their unionist puppets.
Come on Scotland. Tell BBCSLAB we are listening to them NO MORE. Tell them to shove their BritNat, anti-Scottish propaganda where the sun don’t shine. Let’s have them scratching their fucking heads and asking themselves the question: “Dfuq do we do now?”
In May LET US BEAT BBCSLAB (and their unionist puppets in the BritNAt press and the BritNat parties).
And there is ONLY one absolutely sure fire way of doing that –
SNP x 2
Proudly cyber
What he said! 🙂
OT – football
In the vein of someone who’s excessed themselves on curry and gets in a vertical elevator:
Congrats to Rangers on getting back to the Premier League after 4 years in the wilderness.
It’s been a shameful period for the SFA and all the clubs that ganged up on Rangers to force them out, and jeered on their financial woes. A club is not the assholes that own it, it’s the supporters, the players, and the silverware it won with honour.
Proud Cybernat 10:34
I feel you have been holding back a bit there.
However I suspect you wont be sending Jackie Bird an invite to your next New Years bash then?
They broke the rules and suffered the consequences.Hopefuly they have learned their lesson.Fine change for everyone.
yesindyref2 says:
5 April, 2016 at 10:48 pm
OT – football
In the vein of someone who’s excessed themselves on curry and gets in a vertical elevator:
Rangers should compete in England now. But what’s it like being a YESer and a Rangers fan, is it not barking mad that these two wildly different issues matter so much and “honour?”
yesindyref2 says:
5 April, 2016 at 10:48 pm
OT – football
In the vein of someone who’s excessed themselves on curry and gets in a vertical elevator:
Congrats to Rangers on getting back to the Premier League after 4 years in the wilderness.
It’s been a shameful period for the SFA and all the clubs that ganged up on Rangers to force them out, and jeered on their financial woes. A club is not the assholes that own it, it’s the supporters, the players, and the silverware it won with honour.
I don’t like to see Football chat on Wings, but as a former Gers Fan, I do need to reply to the comments above.
The owner and former directors drove the club to ruination
by bad business decisions. They spent money they never had and avoided normal tax channels, cheating us all.
Some of the silverware won was with dubious finances and therefore without honour!
Their Players got off their mark for better contracts the moment they could, as they had no loyalty to anyone.
The SFA applied the rules for bankruptcy and nothing more.
The other premier clubs looked after themselves and had no obligation to do anything for Rangers.
Crooked directors joined their board in sequence for several years and a so called legend took massive, unjustified wages for little leadership and zero trophies
The club has supporter elements that are proud of links with Northern Irish Terrorists, the Orange Order, and with Bigots happy to sing sectarian songs.
Without doubt Some of the above were organised to attack peaceful independence supporters in George Square.
I will have nothing to do with them again and while this element survives within their support, I cannot even wish them well.
For the sake of us civilised wingers can we stay off the subject of men in their underwear kicking balls?
Please keep the rangers celtic stuff congrats stuff on another website and blaming others when they mess up!
This is how we can do the best for our country.
Regarding the numbers I am sure most snp branches, yes2 shops and other groups could all have 1 book each. Over 100000 needed. How to distribute and when is best decided locally to suit local needs. The people should decide. Nae harm to our hopeful MSP’s etc but maybe they should have helped the Rev.
ps to the rangers and celtic fitba fans above. Must have missed you at the Scotland game last week as only 18000 folk were there. Fly the saltire first and always.
PQ tonight: Hill market. Nothing changed.
Only thing that took my attention was Murdo Fraser’s statement that the reduction of ADP was a tax break for the airlines.Idiot!!!
I was watching Scotland 2016 debate, I hope I’m seeing things, please tell me that wasn’t Braden Davy in the audience again.. the guy that was in the question time audience. It’s late at night, maybe I’m seeing things.
Crowd funding maybe not the best way forward, for SLab. Kezia’s hair grows really fast though. Britnat news ed’s always pick nice photos of britnat politicos but Herald crew clearly prefer Kez with her hair long.
link to
The Daily Mail reported that one candidate has failed to raise any funds through crowd-funding, while three other campaigns have received less than £100. But torygirl Ruth gets £6k. What the hell is going on out there?
OT – @Heed
I’m not a fan of any club, Junior League (local team) is about my mark if I have time. I think the premier league players are all a load of Oscar-chasing overpaid prima donnas who cry if the referee ignores their undamaged ankle and dramatic fosberry flop.
But I don’t like injustice, and I don’t like self-interested bullying ganging-up, like this from 2012:
“Twenty five out of 30 clubs voted to force Rangers into the third division after 29 agreed to their request for entry into the SFL.”
and the incredibly hate-filled biased witch-hunt by all the media ever since.
Now I escape before being pricked by Paula’s stilletoes, lest I bleed.
I need an intervention, somebody help me, I’m on the edge of suicide, I can take no more, death take me for God sake
The state broadcaster at it’s absolute nightmarish worst with Shelly Jofre only short of clown feet and a squirty flower, closely followed up with a selected audience from The town of Highwater..just past Hell!!
The whole thing took about a day and a half to stop and thank the Gods it did,
Laugh! I thought I’d never start, Oh the anguish, and they’re going to do it all over again next week
They mustn’t, they just must not, I’m fearing for my health and sanity, we can’t live like this, even the state broadcaster surely must have noticed, the cameraman at least, somebody
Help!! Help!!
From canvassing, I get the impression that the people we have to target to move to YES are those we are still unsure or don’t know.
I think many of them will have erred on the side of caution and voted NO. So it is very important to be civilised and not descend to the level of the unionists.
I find that Labour and Lib Dems are virtually non-existent. Tories still remain and most are probably a lost cause — although I do get the odd Tory who votes SNP for Holyrood, so that could be a starting point.
But overall I think the work is to be done on the “don’t know” and “unsure” categories. Which is why it is absolutely vital to be positive, to get all things like currency issues ironed out — and to continue the SNP “softly, softly” approach (much as I adore Tommy Sheridan’s Hope Over Fear rallies and the likes).
Calm down Dr Jim we pay the Rev to watch such things so we don’t have to and can get on with knitting and crocheting.
@Proud Cybernat, great post.
I cannot for the life of me, begin tae understand, why or how the
BBC are allowed to continue with their orchestrated and systematic denigration of my country.
After the general election when we just about wiped out all their Unionists fae the political map, despite their constant lies and smears, the SNP should have demanded a complete overhaul
of broadcasting that reflected and respected the desires of our
How much more of this are we meant tae put up with? Every single
effin day a small army of our proudscotbuts who control just about all the airwaves, newspapers, and phoney debates shaft our country for a living.
The SNP must demand a daily LIVE press conference to be aired at 7 pm including weekends tae.nip this crap in the bud!
It’s also high time Stuart Campbell got some recognition from the
Scottish Goverment for all his hard work.
SNP x 2
But I don’t like injustice, and I don’t like self-interested bullying ganging-up, like this from 2012:
I doubt you can bully Rangers. Anyway they have got to go to England now. Its the best place for them. Why wont they do a Cardiff or Swansea? Its ok, everyone knows why. Also. why is Rangers probably the most politicised sports club in the world today? Its ok, everyone knows why and so on:D
Got to love the Icelandic people. They know how to get things done! Their prime minister refused to resign over his Panamanian account, the people came out in their droves to protest, he’s on his bike.
Cameron on the other hand has “done nothing wrong” and pleads poverty, “all I have is some savings, a house which I let out, I make no money from pappa’s Panamanian account”. Sounds like a nice honest chap so that’s ok then.
SNP x 2
Do not read this if you are trying to sleep. Possibly the worst ever piece of SNP bad “journalism” I have ever read.
link to
I’ve read Pandora’s box, lot’s wife, what killed the cat, shouldn’t a ought’n done that. 🙁
How about Wings air-drops
Hire a plane and hey presto
link to
For older radio listeners and posters:
“I’m rather worried about Jim”! 🙂
link to
Or for £49.99 buy one of these and do remote delivery up to 500 metres away legally.
link to
Alex Rowley (who?) seems to need a lend of that checkaliser 5000 !
link to
link to
WBB – get it out, and in to every single home and address in the country.
Multiple copies being stealth dropped into waiting rooms, surgeries, old folks home, buses, trains, pubs, cafes – hell even Witherspoons.
More than happy to throw some cash to support this action – the oil crash does not seem to gave (majorly) affected the Saudi’s yet despite what the press would have you believe.
I do however believe that it needs to be at cost – to represent printing and delivery costs. If the WBB were free I can see an organised but token attempt to receive them for free to destroy them by some of our opponents.
@ Dr Jim
I recommend a wee trip to lovely free Cork Dr Jim get away from the yoon madness for a few days it makes you feel like a new man and restores your sanity 😉
Then come into cybernat HQ and we will get your chip fixed lol
My view is that WBB should not be distributed until AFTER MAY 5th as it will detract from the Scottish election campaign.
It would however greatly assist the SNPs proposed summer campaign of raising awareness of the issues surrounding independence.
I worked hard for a company ove 17 years, as did over 150 other good skilled and professional men and women, due to forces out with our control, one day the bank refused to continue and called in our loans, HMRC and others petitioned the court and receivers closed the company down, this happened within a week, all lost their livelihood, all lost wages and salaries. The company name was bought much later and still exists somewhere, someonelse owns the property, one main unit still remains empty. Small businesses throughout the uk lost 10s of thousands, and were themselves put in jeopardy, one I am aware of in Wales closed later, one in Fife who’s MD I spoke with last week told of the stress to his business that 6 years later suffered.
This post is not about football. This post is about life.
This post is about football – sort of
In 1967, a crook and charlatan bought Third Lanark AC, a Scottish football club which had been formed in 1872. His mis-management of the club forced it to close down.
Third Lanark was allowed to die, non-league Ferranti Thistle changed their name to Meadowbank Thistle (now Livingston FC) and was elected to the Scottish League to replace Thirds.
In 2012 a crook and charlatan bought Rangers FC, a Scottish football club which had been formed in 1872. His subsequent mis-management of the club forced it to close down.
But, whereas Third Lanark only had a small number of dedicated fans, Rangers FC was big business. The Scottish football authorities colluded to keep Rangers going, although, the new owners had to start their stewardship of the club in the lowest division, to which it was admitted in breach of Scottish football’s rules.
This proves, in 21st century Scotland – bigotry rules. Bigotry makes money and will be encouraged in this.
This is Scotland’s not so secret shame.
O/T links
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Kez asked the snp for a job
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Cameron is a lying bully. So far has cost Scotland £20Billion in Oil revenues x £6Billion a year (Trident/illegal wars + £1Billion tax on ‘loss leading’ drink + £4Billion a year repayment on money Scotland doesn’t borrow or spend) which could be better spent – £30Billion = £50Billion.
Vote SNP. Vote for Independence.
The Tories have not supported the NHS or reduced the debt.
Sometimes in my sadder moments, I listen to Radio 4 news headlines and radio Scotland at the same time. (Easy to do with one playing out loud and the other on headphones.) Even the choice of running order is often revealing of their various agendas.
This morning
Radio 4 – US presidential elections
Radio Scotland – Cameron and the Panama papers
Whilst I am sure what Cameron said yesterday was true about having no off-shore trusts, I cannot believe that his father will not have passed on the benefits of his (possibly ill-gotten) gains to his family, probably through some sort of other trust, perhaps to benefit the Cameron children.
Incidentally, R4 started to cover the Scottish election campaign at about 7.45 then suddenly stopped and gave us 10 minutes on the topic of English bluebells and why they were being threatened by foreign Spanish ones!
+ £3Billion? a year in tax evasion – £15Billion HMRC not fit for purpose. = £65Billion.
The Unionists want to put up taxes in Scotland to pay for Westminster corruption.
Vote SNP Vote for Independence
O/T links
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HMRC offices registered in a tax haven
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Maybe the SNP should get ready to back-up The WBB and other published FACTS..
…what with the lies of the Unionists now being an issue in itself.
Blairmore was transferred to IR in 2010 whenCameron became PM
Cameron’s father left £2,4Million divided between 4. Cameron got £300,000.
Tony Benn left £5Million divided between 4.
How much is Cameron’s associates making off the taxpayers. Royal Mail pension grab, banks sell off. Privatisation of education/academies. HS2 and Hinkley Point. Osbourne’s best man + brother-in- law – Bankers made £Millions with the Royal Mail/ Banks sell off. His father-in-law is a consultant on HS2. Cameron’s mates are now in high positions in the BBC. Etc. The Unionist Parties are funded by tax evaders and Unions for privilege and influence. MSM is mainly owned by tax evading Non Doms. Cameron controls the BBC/media.
I think we need to think hard about how we reach the soft NOs and SNP NO voters, our obvious targets for the WBB. Do we do this like before, on a random, ad hoc basis and let copies seep through communities as nature takes its course, or do we do something far more systematic and ruthless, organising into local groups of wingers responsible for distribution in local “patches”? I don’t know TBH. There are advantages to both approaches, but it is worth taking a wee while to consider before we go full hog on this. Some wastage is unavoidable, but we need to identify and target as many soft NO’s as possible. Think about the people you know personally who voted “soft NO” and how you can reach them with a WBB.
Anent Paula’s Stiletto heals, beware…….
“‘What is sticking in your foot is a Mitzy “Pretty Lucretia” four-inch heel, the most dangerous footwear in the world. Considered as pounds per square inch, it’s like being trodden on by a very pointy elephant. Now, I know what you’re thinking: you’re thinking, “Could she press it all the way through to the floor?” And, you know, I’m not sure about that myself. The sole of your boot might give me a bit of trouble, but nothing else will.”
Socrates: “Scottish football authorities colluded to keep Rangers going, although, the new owners had to start their stewardship of the club in the lowest division, to which it was admitted in breach of Scottish football’s rules.”
Not true, even if your heart is in the right place. Rangers were liquidated and liquidation means death. Liquidation for a business always meant death and it was never, ever considered a complicated or controversial thing. Try putting your pet hamster through a liquidator and telling me it’s alive afterwards.
No amount of corruption can thwart death.
Luigi says:
“I think we need to think hard about how we reach the soft NOs and SNP NO voters, our obvious targets for the WBB”
… and we mustn’t forget the soft Yes voters! Polls show typically 8% NOs have shifted to Yes, BUT 4% YESs have gone No.
Everyone who voted YES needs to be shown they made the right choice, and that it’s still the right one, with the hard WBB evidence.
Put my first snp poster up in window in 1974.
Film on Michael Greenwell’s blog brings back memories.
Glasgow 1974.
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They’re heading for homophobic AND anti Semite smear but Huff Post cant quite get the angle. They will.
BBC r4 news just there with retired Jim Naughty at Holyrood sticking the UKOK boot in really hard, signs off one long Jim Naughty says SNP bad thing with, “tune in tomorrow for my one party state Scotland region coverage, what has implications for the rest of my yew kay.”
Very heavy on the SNP bad from Naughty, apparently only 18 months ago swaggering SNP said Scotland rich but broke due to Westminster, then oil $130 a barrel, now? $30, not so swaggering now are you SNP bad.
So much for BBC retirement of their UKOK henchman.
Be careful with those high heels , according to the Herald Scotland has the second highest number of broken bones in the UK.
Since I no longer subscribe to the rag could someone find out who has the MOST. Thanks!
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Reply to Loki
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Blairmore holdings
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WBB. Priority, make sure every MP (rUK included) and every MSP candidate gets a copy.
Get folk talking about it to create demand. Few hundred copies delivered publicly to Pathetic Quey wouldn’t go amis either.
Make it essential reading, if you are talking politics in Scotland then you are talking WBB!
Even the NOs, no such thing as bad publicity.
@Andrew Mclean says:
6 April, 2016 at 7:40 am
I worked hard for a company ove 17 years, as did over 150 other.
I very nearly had the same experience but was lucky as I worked for and American company. They were sued and lost a case to a competitor. The amount was extortionate, a record at the time. They applied for chapter 11 bankruptcy (protection). This allows a company in financial trouble to stay in business and reorganize, under supervision, with the purpose of settling all debts first and foremost. It doesn’t always work but it gives the employees and small debtors a fighting chance.
The company survived, all debts were paid and it was out of chapter 11 and trading normally within 3 years. 25 years later it is still an extremely successful company.
In this country it would have ceased to exist. Thousands of employees would have been laid off. It would have been asset stripped by the vultures that hang around troubled companies looking for an opportunity to pounce.
We need a similar law in our country. It saves jobs and the smaller suppliers who are usually the ones to suffer.
SNP x 2
frogesque says:
“WBB. Priority, make sure every MP (rUK included) and every MSP candidate gets a copy.”
Superb. Signed copies for a few, like Cameron and Osborne. Then there are Brown, Darling etc.. And JKR. Then key people in the media.
I would certainly pay into a fundraiser to have copies of the WBB sent by secure courier to say 100 top individuals who were instrumental in the better together scam.
The publicity would be enormous.
I’m with “Sinky”, 7:38 on this WBB-2 position.
The WBB-1 came out at the right time before the Indy-REF and brilliantly helped to get YES up to 50%+.
The WBlackB is designed (IMO) as a follow-up from the Indyref about what was promised etc and what really happened up to the present moment.
It’s great to have them on the SE16 campaign trail and would be very well used but it’s not the blockbuster aimed at getting the SNP over the line. Kez/Rufie are doing that work better than anyone could possibly imagine. 😉
The SNP start their summer Indyref softening up shortly and the the WBB-2 would slot in perfectly because of the emphasis with the Indyref-1. Why diminish the hitting power of the WBB-2 now when it could be better used in the summer?
I read the WBB and think it is great – but I have been an indy supporter for 50 years.
Have we done any market research into how effective it will be in converting soft Nos to Yes (its main purpose I guess)? People can react badly when shown they are wrong.
Just a thought before we publish.
O/T links
Tried to post these earlier
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Jamie Szymkowiak replies to Loki
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Blairmore holdings
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Nana, the Jamie Szymkowiak reply to Loki is a great link and great read. Thanks.
RISE might be further to the left than the SNP on paper, but in reality they don’t have a hope in hell of making a positive difference.
Taking votes from the SNP might make a huge negative difference though, allowing the grand alliance of Unionist scumbags to veto or even shape policy which, as said in the article, could lead to all sorts of hell like the end of free prescriptions and more.
Let the surge begin. SNP X 2
Vote SNP Twice in May, with two votes for the SNP. It matters that the SNP get two votes and not just one.
Everybody get it?
If this carry on with the Yoon media trying to deceive the public about Rangers status as being the same club is not reason enough for Scotland being Independent, I don’t know what is.
snp policy is to deliver to everyone in each constituency
by and large, this is done, certainly in my constituency.
we also have a Yes group in this constituency, including all groups, green, snp, ssp etc.
questions asked and some replies, this isnt definitive, just reflects the consensus so far.
the wblackb is for the yes group to coordinate, even though the majority of people who leaflet and canvas for yes2 are snp, in this case, it would be neccessary for them to remove all snp badges etc and don the yes 2 livery.
no snp mps,msps or councillors, perhaps even office bearers, should be seen delivering the wbb. even if they want to. yes2 cannot be seen to be an snp invention, nor should it endorse the wbb.
we should wait until the holyrood election is over before mass distribution, although, we realise some groups may wish to distribute the wbb at the same time as “other” leaflets before holyrood election. to this end wbb distribution needs to start. now.
as i said before, this yes group will aim to mass distribute after the HE. we believe and intend to do the whole constituency
Almannysbunnet Re Chapter 11. Sounds like an American company I worked for a long long time. Oil services and it was all about an ‘O’ ring in a drilling bit?
Lenny Hartley says:
Sii 😉
I said this is not about football.
Well what do you do, company folded don’t know what the future holds, entire industry in turmoil, well kent faces disappeared from Scottish industry.
Well one thought let’s start up one of the old companies as a phoenix company, there were about 5 of us, we started knocking on doors the length and breadth of the UK, I spent weeks, then months then years on the road, living in hotel rooms, initially doors were literally slammed in my face, others opened, but in sympathy only, but persevere we did, gradually and over years we built it back up, eventualy employing over 45 skilled and professional men and women some who hadn’t worked since the last company folded, making high quality steel products that are used the length and breadth of the UK.
My point is, yes you can look at September 2014 as a lost cause, OR you can see it was a tide mark, and we have not yet seen high tide.
I posted here days later and said this day is not the war lost, just another battle, and wars are not lost solely on the result of one, and how right I was, how right we were. If it weren’t for the perseverance, the hard work and dedication of others we would not have continued or god given right to self determination.
We held the ground we won, strategically we did not lose in September 2014.
The battles fought have weakened our enemy, one battalion labour is in terminal decline, a sad shadow of the past flipping and flopping like a freshly caught fish, the other the liars are well in need of a heart, like the scarecrow in the wizard of OZ.
Yesterday on the ministry of truth, big brother reported that a recent poll showed that Scotland could be divided in three, one third passionately British as Mary Berries pâte brisée Normandy tart, another third passionate believers in a better Scotland, and a third!
The third, that is the new battlefield, the union offers you impoverishment, lies and corruption, dodgy offshore accounts used by billionaires and common old garden millionaires abroad, whilst at home they denigrate our country our hopes our dreams.
I said this is not about football, it’s about life, my life your life and our children’s life’s, and there is nothing more important than that.
some good ideas concerning publicity stunts etc
it strikes me that having a few hundred that can be given to the activist greens, snp, ric etc, is probably a good idea
the wbb1 became a very sought after item, not just amongst the yes activists but also the general public, it gave people the ammunition to argue in their own groups, family, local pub etc.
as i said before, we, in this yes2 proup would like to leaflet the whole area, but perhaps we should do this in 2 halves?
1. order 1000, this is for a random distribution, at stalls, activist meetings, to those who ask us in the street etc.
it would also generate an interest in the general public, a demand if you will, and it will get the ball rolling
2. order 50,000, this is for a full doorstep drop of the entire constituency after the holyrood election
can this be done rev? does this approach increase costs etc?
That’s a great response to Loki. What a bright, articulate young man!
The story about Kez pestering SNP when a student, for a job, is quite funny. The timing is good too, given her lack of clarity on independence.
Almannysbunnet What division did you work for and I’ll try and guess who u are!!
My view is that WBB should not be distributed until AFTER MAY 5th as it will detract from the Scottish election campaign.
It would however greatly assist the SNPs proposed summer campaign of raising awareness of the issues surrounding independence.
I can see some logic to that, but there are counter-arguments. First, in a rural constituency like this one it is an enormous effort to get round all the doors. That effort will peak on 5th May and then momentum will dissipate. EU referendum leafleting is unlikely to be comprehensive as some of the leafleting team are for Leave and won’t do it, and the others will probably be too tired to make up the slack.
So really, piggy-backing on the election leafleting runs is probably the only realistic way of covering everywhere.
Second, I’m very uncomfortable about distributing a book with a chapter about the EU issue which doesn’t take account of the result of the EU referendum, after that result is known. That really puts a limit of mid-June to get round with it. (It’s all very well having copies on stalls and handing them to people personally after that, but when something comes through your letter-box unsolicited you at least expect it to be up to date.)
I thought Stu might have held off a bit, updated that chapter in late June, and then given us the summer to get it out. But he’s not doing that, so it’s all hands to the pumps as soon as we get the thing I think.
louis.b.argyll says:
Maybe the SNP should get ready to back-up The WBB and other published FACTS..
…what with the lies of the Unionists now being an issue in itself.
the information in both wbb’s is universal. a fact is a fact is a fact.
all indy supporters can use them, repeat them whenever and to who ever they like. they are all cross referenced, as all the revs work is.
they dont need to reference WOS, if they have reasons not to do so, this doesnt make the facts highlighted in the wbb2 anyless true or useful, regardless which political party you belong too.
btw, having spoken to some of the members of my local yes group
we have selected one person (lanarkist) to email and discuss and request numbers of wbbs with the rev.
i suggest that you all do the same
Call Sevco on Radio Jockland – the programme that makes Julia Hartley-Brewer on talkRADIO worth listening to.
Fill in the contact form.Give the Rev a rough idea of how many volunteers he has and how many books they can distribute.
Most of us know people who are solid Yes but just don’t want to get involved in formal campaigning.WBB is a great opportunity to let such people do their bit.Give them a few copies to pas on.Some might not actually do it,but most will and will be greatly empowered and invigorated by that simple act of defiance.
We’re everywhere.Headmasters and Kirk ministers will read the Wee Black Book.And pass it on.
Surely the Wee Black Book can be distributed together with the SNP’s ‘Wee BlEU Book’ (if it’s still on the cards)?
Morag says:
My view is that WBB should not be distributed until AFTER MAY 5th as it will detract from the Scottish election campaign.
some sympathy with this, i also live in a rural constituency, but others are even more remote, eg needing a ferry to get to an island. if they think the only way to get them out is to double drop, then that is their choice. one hat may not fit all
with regards a full constituency drop, 50,000 in this constituency, we think after the he is a better time
but having a 1000 or so, to distribute amongst members, activists and the general public on a more random basis, eg at street stalls, is probabley the way to go
@Lenny Hartley says:
Almannysbunnet What division did you work for and I’ll try and guess who u are!!
Datadril workshop manager. There’s a clue on almanny’s facebook page 😉
I don’t think the distribution will detract from the election in May. If anything it will be a vivid reminder to any waverers of how anti Scottish the Unionist parties were and still are. Those that can still vote for any of the unionist parties after reading the Black book are a lost cause.
The message is still the same, who do you trust to run Scotland for the benefit of its people.
I just got an email from The Labour Party,105 Victoria St,London asking me to buy some tat from them in order to help fight the SNP.Any suggestions as to how I should respond?
Wee Black Book,
dimensions of the book please?
Hark the Herald latest poll on the list votes.
link to
Ignore Sillars, lets clear the jungle first and then put in the pavements and street lights later.
SNP x 2
Save your resources for the next Indyref Stu. The Wee Black Book is basically “we told you so” and people will just go on the defensive and not read it because…. no one likes being told “told you so.”
It can be summarised in bullet points in the introduction pages to the Wee New Blue Book once the time comes to print that.
some sympathy with this, i also live in a rural constituency, but others are even more remote, eg needing a ferry to get to an island. if they think the only way to get them out is to double drop, then that is their choice. one hat may not fit all.
That’s EXACTLY what I said. The text you attibuted to me was in italics in my post, signifying a quote of someone else. In this case a statement I was disagreeing with.
call me dave says:
“Hark the Herald latest poll on the list votes”
Yoon propaganda from the Herald. The poll looks much like any others recently. SNP holding up well. Yes, stuff Sillars and make it SNPx2
Constituency vote
SNP 56%
Labour 19%
Conservatives 15%
Liberal Democrats 6%
Regional vote
SNP 47%
Labour 21%
Conservatives 15%
Greens 8%
Lib Democrats 6%
The SNP start their summer Indyref softening up shortly and the the WBB-2 would slot in perfectly because of the emphasis with the Indyref-1. Why diminish the hitting power of the WBB-2 now when it could be better used in the summer?
Because it has a chapter about the EU issue written before the EU referendum. I personally would feel embarrassed putting a book through people’s letterboxes in the summer that was so out of date on such a big issue.
@ Heedtracker 9:02pm
I can’t help but wonder if K***n H***e is making a slightly more sinister reference in his tweet there.
dimensions of the book please?
As far as I remember the WBB was A6 and I think this is the same.
@ mealer
Ask them if they have any moral scruples left and if not do they want some and put a link to the WBB lol
heedtracker said at 9:08am:-
“……….BBC r4 news just there with retired Jim Naughty at Holyrood sticking the UKOK boot in really hard, signs off one long Jim Naughty says SNP bad thing with, “tune in tomorrow for my one party state Scotland region coverage, what has implications for the rest of my yew kay.”…………..”
BBC’s Jim Naughtie gets short quotes from the Scottish Party Leaders at Holyrood on tax,and for good measure puts in a bit of his own unbiased journalistic impartiality in script form and tone of voice. 🙁
Tax this morning,and the Grand Attraction tomorrow ladies and gentlemen is,wait for it [drum roll],——
“One party dominance”.
Middle England will love that one. 🙁
Today’s UKOK Naughtie on BBC iPlayer begining at 02:44:00
It lasts for 7 minutes.
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mealer says:
6 April, 2016 at 11:18 am
“I just got an email from The Labour Party,105 Victoria St,London asking me to buy some tat from them in order to help fight the SNP.Any suggestions as to how I should respond “?
Yes mealer , tell them re their offer you have decided to ABSTAIN .
Sectarian bigoted maniacs pretending their argument is about whether a football clubs status is being represented in the way they want, to prove a point that only THEY care about
This is what you want Scotland to be?
Both of our biggest football clubs are littered with nutters in equal measure and always will be as long as this behaviour is kept up and the idiots who fall for it don’t even get that it was designed this way to create the very division we should be getting rid of
We’re managing it politically, for whatever faith you have in mankind Scotland should make the same effort to change this lunacy as well
We see people in other countries making the same mistake, one kind of Muslim killing the other kind and we think they’re bonkers, this is the exact same
Whatever side of the divide you happen to be on, be assured of this, Your God doesn’t give shit about who wins or who loses, Your God couldn’t care less whether you worship a brick wall or a barking dog, Religion was designed by man in order to control and enforce the Laws of other men
Whether Rangers or Celtic football clubs play on the moon or not is of little concern to me but I am concerned about our country descending once again into the total stupidity of Tit for Tat “I’m more right than you” bitterness, when you’re ALL wrong
Don’t allow this to take hold, turn your back on it
Nothing wrong in anybody enjoying and supporting their team
There’s everything wrong in engaging in the madness
latest tns poll
con% list%
snp 56 47
lab 21 19
tory 15 15
lib 6 8
SG – 6
(2%) (5%)
from my post 3 days
link to
TORY 15%
SLAB 20%
SNP 55%
@Dr Jim
“Don’t allow this to take hold, turn your back on it”
Well said.
The fact that EBC Shortbread seem to be stoking the fire shows intentionally fostering divisions and conflict within Scottish society is probably state policy.
Resist it!
Those poll rating while looking good are not as good as they could be. Looks like 9% of SNP voters are giving their 2nd vote to Labour and Greens.
FFS people! This is EXACTLY what the Yoons will be really happy to see. This could result in the SNP NOT having a majority in SE2016. We have to hammer the message home. If you want good governance for ALL the people of Scotland then it has to be SNP x 2.
We simply cannot give away our 2nd vote as it puts an SNP overall majority at serious risk. It’s just DUMB.
And don’t forget — the GREENS, along with the Red & Blue Topries, voted AGAINST the Scotland Bill in WM. Those are the kind of people you are giving your 2nd vote to. They DO NOT have Scotland’s best interests at heart. If they did they would have supported the SNP Scotland BIll amendments. They didn’t. They should be punished at SE2016 along with the rest of them. Give no quarter.
SNP x 2
The National has published yet another “action girl” photo of the front end of the panto horse taking on Knockhill – I’m assuming in a car as opposed to the far superior motor cycles.
And they have the hind end of said horse used in the McKenna piece .
@ Morag
“Because it has a chapter about the EU issue written before the EU referendum. I personally would feel embarrassed putting a book through people’s letterboxes in the summer that was so out of date on such a big issue.”
The chapter is only relevant for now (beginning of April)and I think it would be clear for everyone that before any book being used later on in the summer is popped into people’s letterboxes it will of course need to be updated to take account of the EU result.
The chapter is only relevant for now (beginning of April)and I think it would be clear for everyone that before any book being used later on in the summer is popped into people’s letterboxes it will of course need to be updated to take account of the EU result.
Stu hasn’t mentioned this, and as far as I know the printing he’s canvassing demand for will be of the current version. So really, that printing needs to go out before the middle of June. In my opinion.
@ Dr Jim
Well said.
Going OT thinking about those polls.
We are forever hearing that the SG and SNP need to be ‘bold’. Generally it’s lefties wanting radical wealth redistribution through income tax, but at the same time having absolutely no plans to foster economic activity, build real industry, create jobs and grow a strong economy.
The polls show the SNP’s approach is mainstream with the loony right of WM style Tories and the taxing left marginalised on the two fringes.
SNPx2 and have the majority of us moving forward together.
Just had the lib dem blurb pushed through my door. It confirms that the Libs/Con/Labour are now one party.
“The last thing we need is to split the pro union vote and allow the SNP to win this seat again on a minority of votes.”
So the lib dems definition of a majority is that it is actually a minority unless the total is more than all the other candidates votes combined. If we had used that rule for the general election I wonder how it would have turned out.
They also state the SNP “now intend to launch another campaign for the break up of United Kingdom this summer.
It’s us against them folks.
SNP x 2
@ Morag
That is of course up to the Rev to do what he thinks is necessary Morag. a one fit for all now or doing a regular update. Printing can be adjusted fairly easily.
For me, the SE16 and the SNP summer warm-up are two different battlefields. While they interact with each other they both need different strategic routes.
I think Indy is the bigger and more important target.
@ “The fact that EBC Shortbread seem to be stoking the fire shows intentionally fostering divisions and conflict within Scottish society is probably state policy.”
Exactly galamcennalath is their policy and has been their “Scottish” policy for the last 400 years. Divide, rob and rule! Aye better the GITHER. Why change a winning hand?
I think Indy is the bigger and more important target.
Agreed, wholeheartedly. That’s why I posted above musing about strategy. But strategy has to take account of practicalities, and at the moment the practicalities are saying, get this out by mid-June.
Just did the link to analysis thingy.
I’m …
SNP 53
Green 44
Lab 14
LibDem 6
Tory -22
UKIP -36
… didn’t appreciate I was so Green!
Still be SNPx2
Everybody comes out Green on these things. I’m surprised anyone is actually showing SNP ahead of Green on this one.
overheard green msp candidate and supporters discussing elkection leaflets from Rise, they remarked how difficult it was to decern any real differnce between rise and the sg.
Just did that scotvote16 survey. Weird. I know I definitely agreed or disagreed with sertain statements and yet the survey result came back stating I had done the opposite. I absolutely know I didn’t. One question I might have messed up the answer (maybe clicked the wrong box) but absolutely not five or six answers.
Really weird.
I’ve just done that survey and despite having voted YES , voted SNP in the last GE and said I am going to vote SNPx2 in the Scottish elections , I appear to be Green.
Bollocks !
Cheers, that was a laugh
Choosing the opposite on every question I got the result where the Tories out UKIPped UKIP 57-52
Go the tankette!
‘sertain’? ‘certain’ – naturally.
@galamcennalath and Dorothy
Ditto, strong SNP/Green.
Who knew? 🙂
UKIP wins if you prefer not to say and disagree with everything!
Also, Greens get wiped out in this scenario.
LibDems get top if you prefer not to say and agree/disagree alternately.
Can’t find a way to get Slab to top spot despite trying several combinations.
Off topic
I am patiently waiting for the ambulance to arrive to take me to A&E. I think any unbroken ribs I had left have now broken. I just heard that the Kez applied for and failed to get a placement with the SNP 10 years ago. It explains a lot!
I cant stop laughing, my ribs really do hurt!
link to
another lovely photo, one of thousands and thousands of lovely photos, but Dugdale, the private lesbian, tried to join the SNP first
link to
Should be interesting coverage from good old lying hypocrites of teamGB media.
It should come as no surprise that many are strongly Green on the scotvote16 survey. Many in the SNP like me are natural Green supporters, but we know that the only way to achieve that is by being a normal self-governing country.
I cant stop laughing, my ribs really do hurt!
I don’t get the timing of Dugdale outing herself one bit. Rancid THe Graun says “My private life is my private life, that’s the thing I just have that nobody else gets to touch.”
All true, no one can argue with her but if polls hold, her career is over in May. If she’d not come out now, who be any the wiser or bothered either way?
There’s tons of good jobs in quangos or Brussels for someone like Dugdale, gay or not.
galamcennalath you Tory lover on -22
I am
SNP 64
Green 54
LibDem 10
Lab 9
Tory -33
UKIP -45
Actually more libdem than Labour?
It should come as no surprise that many are strongly Green on the scotvote16 survey.
Its probably the green questions though, should wind energy be subsidised, should their be fracking?
Two lousy questions that mean little. All energy is massively government subsidised and fracking works in some areas. You have to tread carefully with the bullshit around energy. UK steel supposedly cant compete because of green taxation in the UK but its barely 1% of UK steel costs.
Well no me Macart!
Though I have green sympathies for the life of me I can’t reconcile my answers with the “Green” answer to the survey.
Too many SNP votes to be mistaken for Green.
I did that survey and when I checked the result (last tab) it’s a complete lie about the answers I gave. It’s got more than half of them wrong, with the last two saying I didn’t answered. It’s obviously mismatched my answers to the questions, hence the two missing answers at the end.
Any results Curtice and Co claim on this are therefore wrong.
Using up to date Firefox.
Well that’ll completely mess them up. Did it again, same thing, mismatched my answers, but this time I was a Conservative 10 on the 10 scale of right, NO voting British only, and as green as far as I can remember their policies. It was a little difficult clicking the “right” answer though.
Dishonest survey.
Sorry to join the debate so late. Re WBB. I would imagine a considerable amount of coordination will be required. I would be more than happy to deliver 1000 if required, but would hate to think I’d stuck them through the same letterboxes as someone else.
Perhaps if wingers reveal their locale (I live in Kirkcaldy), we could organise distribution among ourselves.
As for timing, there’s none like the present. Many of the same old faces are still spouting the same pish. This could be a wake up call for many who are being worn down by the constant negativity and SNP bad rhetoric from the usual suspects. It’s our turn to put doubt in the minds of the soft no voters and some of the less enlightened members of the electorate. As was mentioned earlier, this is a cold war.
No majority, no indyref 2 in the course of the next parliament.
My score:
SNP 55
Greens 47
Labour 16
Liberals 8
UKIP -31
Conservative -39
I’m surprised by the last two, as one is a right wing xenophobic fascist [arty and the other is ukip.
Stephen Roney.
I’m going to target the sheltered accommodation and pensioners in my area. With any luck, some of them will read it.
In the poll, I managed to skew it to:-
Tories 54
LibDems -6
Slab -15
SNP -38
Green -44
Felt quite pleased!!!