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Wings Over Scotland

Stag night

Posted on July 22, 2013 by

Our hardworking and still-undiscovered mole at “Better Together” HQ reveals the extent to which the No campaign is becoming demoralised and irritable over the Scottish media’s increasing weariness – and sometimes outright mockery – of “Project Fear”.


(Five bonus points if you spot what’s extra-special about this one.)

75 to “Stag night”

  1. Atypical_Scot says:


  2. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    Heh. No.

  3. Atypical_Scot says:

    You were right.

  4. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    There’s an extra clue in the headline.

  5. john king says:

    duggy the dug, seasy 

  6. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    See comments 1 and 2.

  7. Atypical_Scot says:

    Broken Britain T shirt?

  8. Shinty says:

    It’s these two guys again – can’t remember their names.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      It’s the Union Jocks, but they’re not the special thing.

  9. Doug says:

    Use of ‘independence’ rather than separation? The lovely Cairns FUD cartoon?

  10. Tony Little says:

    it’s men only?

  11. Iain says:

    ‘We’re running out of’ scares Tories?

  12. cynicalHighlander says:

    They last line to me anyway reads ‘pro indy’ 

  13. Murray McCallum says:

    Is it to do with game theory and working together?

  14. Shinty says: let’s not try make anything Better Together?

  15. scotty says:

    is it that the guy standing up is standing in a puddle of pish??

  16. The_Duke says:

    The guy on the couch used to have a glass in his right hand?

  17. Murray McCallum says:

    It’s actually a real bitter together poster.  It ticks all the boxes and pretty much sums up their case.

  18. The_Duke says:

    Ignore this…just saw the old one and it isn’t there either

  19. Ray says:

    Something to do with Tennents, obvs. Right…?

  20. Sunshine on Crieff says:

    “There’s an extra clue in the headline.”
    Stag Night?

  21. Jamie Arriere says:

    Mason boy is pregnant?

  22. AlexMcI says:

    Is this one you done Rev, or was it Chris?

  23. Jiggsbro says:

    The two Union Jocks have married each other?

  24. Vronsky says:

    The picture on the wall is adapted from the logo of Black & White whisky. It used to be known as House of Commons, but is no longer available in the UK. So, er,…

  25. Jamie Arriere says:

    Says ‘independence’ instead of ‘separation’?

  26. Atypical_Scot says:

    Duggy’s white duggy mate?

  27. Doug Daniel says:

    You got hold of someone with the proper BT font?

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “You got hold of someone with the proper BT font?”

      Give that man a prize 😀

      (Well, I tracked it down myself, with a little help in identifying it.)

  28. mato21 says:

    I’m sure you’re all pleased that’s another mouth to feed
    Rejoice rejoice I hear you shout
    A baby boy has just popped out
    A silver spoon as is his right
    Made popping out a wee bit tight
    His mother gave out one last yell
    As on to satin sheets he fell
    The sycophants will bend their knee
    Lets hope wee wullie  needs a pee
    Or even just a dose o’  skoot
    Fae out that  royal bum might  shoot
    And hit  thae toadies  bent at knee
    Square in their mooth or in their ee
     Charlie and Wullie noo wee Wullie too
    All waiting their turn to rule over you
    Don’t ever forget it us who will pay  
    To keep  the howling wolves at bay
    This royal child of the great and good 
    Will never sleep without having  food
    Oh no, his needs will all be met
    Even though we’re drowning in the debt
    Like parasites they suck us dry
    They do not care that we may cry
    We have no more we cannot give
    To keep you in the style you live
    You may be on your uppers you may be down and out
    Your belly may be empty, but we will be told  no doubt
    That the union flag will flutter and we should raise our voice
    We really should be grateful, so show it now,  rejoice
    All Scottish babies born today we hold your future dear
    You are OUR royal babies so let us make it clear
    We’ll fight for you to live your life in a land that is more fair
    As you grow up, we hope you’ll know, that we did really care

  29. Gav Bain says:

    Stag night? Are ‘big’ Jock McCluggerty and Sir Findlay-Urquart-Duncan finally getting hitched?

  30. Vronsky says:

    OK, I’ll ask. What has that got to do with stag nights?

  31. Jamie Arriere says:

    Was he a deer friend of yours, Rev?

  32. Jamie Arriere says:

    The name of the font is STAG! Gotcha!!

  33. Chic McGregor says:

    I thought it was the old House of Commons whisky logo as well as Vronsky.
    Was going to say ‘bet Lord Foulkes knows the answer’.
    Is the font called stag night? 

  34. annie says:

    Mato 21 – thanks you just put my thoughts into words.

  35. Chic McGregor says:

    STAG eh? as in Scaremonger Till All Give in?

  36. CameronB says:

    “You got hold of someone with the proper BT font?”
    And convincing re-touch. 😉

  37. Dcanmore says:

    Ah, Mason Boyne and Alasdair Farquharson, a great double act.

  38. Chic McGregor says:

    I think BT should seize the moment and come up with their own version of the UK national anthem.  Something like this:

    God Save Our Cringe

    God save our gracious Cringe.   
    Long live our noble Cringe.
    God save our Cringe!
    Send your most odorous,
    Toxins and nuclear dust,
    Long to rain over us.
    God save our cringe!

    O Lord a Cringer has,
    No need for enemas,
    With friends like you.
    Define our politics,
    Teach us enslavement tricks,
    We’re too wee, poor and thick,
    God save our cringe!

    Our choicest gifts we send,   
    To you our London friends,
    Every last one.
    May you define our laws,
    To stamp out the rebel cause,
    We’re proud we have nae baws.
    God save our Cringe!

    In front of foreign foe,
    All our young lads can go,   
    Just cause or not.
    Your army they’ll extend,
    Great London’s greed defend,
    No great mischief should their lives end.
    God save our Cringe!

    Lord grant we marshal aid,
    To ensure your lies are played.
    Thus victory bring.
    May we sedition hush,
    And with a lavvy brush,
    Independence truths we’ll flush.
    God save our cringe!

  39. Doug Daniel says:

    Excellent. For my prize, I would like to have full control over one of the poll questions, please.
    “Do you agree that Limmy should be president of Scotland,  or are you a loser?”

  40. ianbrotherhood says:

    For Doug –
    link to

  41. CameronB says:

    @ Doug Daniel
    Are you trying to start something. 😉

    I just caught your image out the corner of my eye, and I thought you had found JL.

  42. Chic McGregor says:

    More like the love child of Jackie Bird and Brian Taylor.

  43. ianbrotherhood says:

    Are you talking about the coconut, or my gravatar?
    Johann Lamont definitely isn’t on the floor, between my knees.
    (I just double-checked there, to be sure.)

  44. scottish_skier says:

    “Do you agree that Limmy should be president of Scotland, or are you a loser?”
    I had that one as a key demographic indicator for proposed weighting methods.

  45. Robert Bryce says:

    “Let’s not try to make anything better together”
    Says it all really 🙂

  46. mato21 says:

    Annie  Don’t you just love them (boak)
    Chick  that might be taken up as it encapsulates all BTs sentiments I’m sure they’ll love it

  47. CameronB says:

    ianbrotherhood says
    Are you talking about the coconut, or my gravatar?
    I’m not sure if there is enough publicly available information to be able to make an informed decision on that. Can we have a debate about it? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease.

  48. Steve Duncan says:

    O/T – I am sorry, seen this earlier today.

    From the Daily Record (22 July 2013)
    THE Better Together campaign have launched their own online chatroom.
    Blether Together will allow activists to speak with voters from the comfort of their own living room. The software matches activists with voters with similar interests on social networking sites.
    It was developed by the online strategists who helped Barack Obama’s tw campaigns for presidency.
    To sign up :
    link to

    Intro Video:


  49. Doug says:

    “Stag started as a small family of slab serifs commissioned for headlines by the US edition of Esquire magazine ”
    link to

  50. Vronsky says:

    I used to do a party piece, which was the national anthem with the naughty words beeped out. I had one of those big rubber bulb hooters to do the censoring. It goes like this:
    God beep our beep beep Queen
    beep beep our beep beep Queen
    God beep the Queen
    Send her beep Tory beep
    beep beep and beep beep us
    Long to beep over us
    God beep the Queen

  51. Chic McGregor says:

    Worth a triple check Ian, she’s good at disappearing.

  52. CameronB says:

    And of course that means……….to be sure, to be sure, to be sure. Apologies to all Irish readers. No, to all readers. :0

  53. Chic McGregor says:

    Put on Sky News about half an hour ago, first time the telly had been on today.
    Kay Burley, rather rudely, cut off a colleague to go and interview the crowd, she interviewd one woman then put the mike to a youngish chap who said something like “Wouldn’t it be funny if the baby was black?”.  Bet her colleague had a right old giggle to himself.

  54. Chic McGregor says:

    Ah! I like the ‘Vronsky Bleep’

  55. ianbrotherhood says:

    @Chic McGregor-
    ‘Worth a triple check Ian, she’s good at disappearing.’
    Oh FFS Chic, that’s just freaked me right out mister.
    I’ll end up scouring about for her, taking the dogs into the garden etc, end-up tearing the place apart like Gene Hackman in that old movie, forget the name, where he ended up playing the saxophone and his pad was in tatters.
    The phone goes…the muffled voice carries a note of sadistic glee-
    …Johann Lamont’s in yer hoose pal…and now? she knows you know.

  56. Max Solanis says:

    and there was me thinking it was the can of tennents he was holding! 

  57. Davy says:

    STAGNIGHT = STAGNANT, just like the better together campaign.

  58. Iain More says:

    What no story yet about AS kidnapping Royal Baby? Quality headline in the P & J today! Wind Turbines threat to Pilots lives according to Air Chiefs. But then I always thought low flying was a threat to thier lives or indeed flying at all was a threat to thier lives. Buy hey fit div I ken! There goes that kamikazi seagull!

  59. Tony Little says:

    OT, Rev  did you see this report produced by academics in Iceland?  Web address here 
    ‘Scotland as an Independent Small State: Where would it seek shelter?’
    Seems to suggest the USA would “push” ever so gently the EU to accept Scotland quickly, and bring NATO into the equation, with or without the Bomb.  No doubt it will  be shot down in flames by JohnOBE, MM, and Jezza 😉

  60. Lianachan says:

    I found the positive case for Goany Naw.
    link to
    Three things only, none of them positive.

  61. CameronB says:

    Re. the positive case for the Goany Naw. There be unicorns. BTW, did they not consider the negative connotations I would imagine most have for ‘being +ve’. Is that in bad taste?

  62. seoc says:

    A scare story for the desperate BT folk:
    What are you going to do when the majority of English people choose Sharia Law as their way?
    England is heavily in debt which is likely to be bought up thus giving control to the creditor. Not much wiggle room afterwards.

  63. Doug says:

    It is sad that their positive case is 3 paragraphs and their scary tales run to reams, that almost all their words turn to dust with even slight analysis. It is unsurprising that they then turn to pure lies and venom to try to blind us.
    I subscribe to Kevin McKenna’s analysis from Sunday. If that truth gets out to the wider country, then BT has nothing.

  64. Chic McGregor says:

    ‘Here’s Johannie!’

  65. Xander says:

    It’s Alistair Darling as Donald Pleasence that scares me:
    “The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep.
    And miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.
    Remember, Scotland. Miles to go before you sleep.”

  66. Bill C says:

    o/t – Labour in trouble, now only 3 points ahead of Tories.

  67. Patrick Roden says:

    OT, but disgusting
    Labour/Tory, hang your head in shame!
    link to

  68. Dee says:

    Got the flags flying from my villa in Turkey and spreading the word out here regarding independence. Also listening to GMS and heard the news AS will be speaking about the oil and gas industry and true to form the BBC Scotland news reader ends the piece with the words “oil and gas resources in decline”. PROECT FEAR comes to mind.

  69. Famous15 says:

    AS sent a letter to the Royal bairn and I bet he will not reply!

  70. Desimond says:

    Blether Together launched just as Cameron starts ranting against Online Filth.
    Coincidence,…i think not

  71. Xander says:

    I like this passage from one of my favourite book series:
    The Litany against Fear (by Frank Herbert – Dune series)
    “I must not fear.
    Fear is the mind-killer.
    Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
    I will face my fear.
    I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
    And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
    Where the fear has gone there will be nothing……Only I will remain.”

  72. seoc says:

    How much oil & gas is waiting ‘to decline’?
    Please show your workings.
    Thank you.

  73. Stuart Black says:

    @Xander: Fear is the mind-killer.
    Yes, that has stuck in my mind for years.


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