Idiot Country
Posted on
June 17, 2013 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Sorry, folks – dealing with a major unforeseen disaster today. Nothing to do with the site, and nobody’s dead or dying or anything, but it’s probably going to take all day to clean up the mess. See you tomorrow.
It may be just me, but has Andrew Kerr done something different with his hair?
He’s having a “Lamont” moment!
Who fancies running a book on what’s happened to the Rev?
Idiot Country, major unforseen disaster, sounds like someone trolling the Better Together boards
More dirty tricks from the BetterTogether campaign, I expect. Probably broken into the Rev’s flat and disabled all his household appliances.
Rev – hope nothing serious. Take care
Hope its nothing too bad, Rev.
And since there isn’t a topic go off of this early, I think its okay to post this.
I read this on the BBC over the weekend, which is an ‘Election Countdown’ article with 99 weeks to go until the 2015 Westminster elections.
link to
Can anyone think of a topic that might have a teensy, tiny effect on the election, but which doesn’t merit a single mention in the article?
Al says:
17 June, 2013 at 1:47 pm
He’s having a “Lamont” moment!

Who fancies running a book on what’s happened to the Rev?
MI5 are turning the screw
When the cat’s away…
but it’s probably going to take all day to clean up the mess
Fully understand Rev had a few curries like that myself
If it’s a west country issue and idiots are involved then it’s definately something to do with the Wurzels.
Can anyone think of a topic that might have a teensy, tiny effect on the election, but which doesn’t merit a single mention in the article?
Is that the one about BBC Scotland packing their bags or all the P45’s being dished out in Westminster?
Can anyone think of a topic that might have a teensy, tiny effect on the election, but which doesn’t merit a single mention in the article?
I guessing oil/McCrone, and that’s without looking.
So, does this mean the quiz is back on?
Not O/T coz we don’t have a topic
Anybody else notice that Cameron’s face is morphing into a halloween cake?
Can we start a book on how long before we can’t tell them apart?
“If it’s a west country issue and idiots are involved then it’s definately something to do with the Wurzels.”

or westheadbanger?
Keep on keeping on, Rev Stu. Hope all is… manageable.

I`m making a Caribbean curry fur tea today
*rubs hands*
SNP accused of feeding the Rev dodgy curries
Today BBC Bath and Wells carries the story of how the Rev, name withheld to spare his blushes, filled his bath to the top so when he got in it flooded. The downstairs ceiling fell in and the water also affected the automatic toaster which produced at high velocity all 27 slices of a Scotch plain loaf as charcoal briquettes. Feeding dogs charcoal biscuits stops them farting reported our local vet and good solid dog poo is always wanted by the tanneries.
So what if the story has nothing to do with the headline. You’ve got to believe it, I’m a journalist and this is the Hootsmon.
I’ll give 6/4 the Rev’s been overran by squirrels
CameronB says:
17 June, 2013 at 2:20 pm
Can anyone think of a topic that might have a teensy, tiny effect on the election, but which doesn’t merit a single mention in the article?
I guessing oil/McCrone, and that’s without looking.
Its not even that specific – not a single mention of the referendum anywhere in the article!
I thought you might find both these of interest.
link to
Sandbags Rev, get some sandbags for next time! Hope all OK and you’ll be back soon…
Hope all is well Rev.
Has anyone else experienced problems accessing National-Collective? I just get a blank screen these days – that’s about two weeks – and I now rely on their mailed updates to read what I cannot bring up from their web address.
Any ideas?
David McCann, thanks for the FT link.
John Auther is a clown, and his data, and his conclusions, bear little relation to reality.
Scottish GDP was 17% higher than UK GDP in 2011-12.
(WITHOUT oil Scottish GDP is 99% of UK GDP. So if you pretend Oil doesnt exist then he might have a point…)
Given the differential Balance of Payments (UK negative £36bn and Scotlands Oil contributes a positive £40bn, so without Scotland rUK’s negative BofP is doubled), our significantly better deficit position (Scotland deficit is 5% of GDP vs UK 7.9%), the significantly higher tax base in Scotland (£10,700 tax generated per head vs £9,000 UK average) and the fact that social protection (welfare) costs as a % of GDP are lower in Scotland than in rUK.
Plus the fact of £1.5tr of remaining oil reserves then it is most likely that an independent Scottish Krone (SCK) would be valued significantly higher than Sterling.
(This is one of the reasons why Scotland staying in the Sterling zone makes sense as a strong SCK would make Scottish manufacturing uncompetitive).
The Balance of Payments differentials also mean that rUK would bend over backwards to keep Scotland within the Sterling zone.
For more background on all this stuff have a look at
Well look a bit further at that BBC article. Look at the parties listed – Con, Lab, Lib, UKIP.
Only one conclusion – they are talking about the English general election. I think that a “yes” vote next year would have very little impact on the progress and results of an English general election.
I read the assumption that Scotland would vote No and so its business as usual. If Scotland says Yes then I think the shit hits the fan in England and all bets are off so the Beeb wont go there. You dont want to frighten the horses that are trying to pull the Imperial Carriage out of the rut weve driven them into.