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He is the eggman

Posted on November 01, 2014 by

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156 to “He is the eggman”

  1. Ken500 says:

    Hello is anyone at home.

    Just an empty room and a vacant chair. Vacant coupon. Vacuum.

    Home Rule immediately.

  2. gordoz says:

    I hear a movie is already planned of Jims ascention to the BLabour north throne.

    Christopher Plummer is in talks with producers.

  3. tiderium says:

    The telling comment about the whole murphy/sarwar thing was on reporting scotland last night. The reporter said sarwar was stepping down because people wouldn’t want 2 london politicians running scottish labour.or something very similar. So does that mean the other 2 candidates are just completely forgotten and big jim is guarenteed the job? Also where was the other 2 candidates BBC interviews? Sidelined to give jim every chance.

  4. Brian S says:

    Great pen work Chris.

    Cunning is not the word I would use to describe him (although the first 3 letters are correct , just missing a T)!

  5. manandboy says:

    The plan actually began with Egg-gate.
    The case of the egg thrower,
    who has since disappeared,
    needs to be solved.
    Undo the first stitch
    and the rest might just unravel.

  6. Davy says:

    Their is a good chance that Jim Murphy will read this sometime through the day or one of his staff, well Jim guess what it appears your own party doesn’t like you both north and south of the border, and of course theres us.

    May you live in interesting times.

  7. Capella says:

    Well chosen title. Just crying out for a youtube memorial video with Beatle sound track.
    “Expert texpert don’t you know the joker laughs at you? Hee hee hee ha ha ha.”

  8. Stephen McLarty says:

    Jim Murphy = Uriah Heep

  9. Famous16 says:

    I always ask my wife what she thinks of people because she is a good judge of character and has good intuition perhaps with one notable exception. She views Murphy with suspicion and is quite convinced that he expected the egg incident. She thinks he contrived to be the victim in at least three incidents shown on TV.

    She thought Alex Salmond was trustworthy and clever but too much of a show off for his own good.She thinks Nicola is the bees knees and thought her talk and question and answer session at the Corn Market was perfect.

  10. heedtracker says:

    Our imperial masters select the man to deal with their irritating Scotland region, blue Tories/BBC very happy with the choice. Jim’ll fix it.

  11. yerkitbreeks says:

    The plan is : apologise, then revert to type.

  12. Clootie says:

    tiderium says:
    1 November, 2014 at 7:32 am

    The above post covered my thoughts. The BBC are backing the London Labour plan.

  13. Morag says:

    I don’t know why people keep going on about the “mystery egg thrower” when we know exactly who he is, the reports of his arrest and conviction are online, and no doubt court records are available. Someone even indicated that his address was on Good grief, CameronB recognised him and named him even before he was apprehended.

    What exactly is so mysterious? What more needs to be found out and why?

  14. Charles Edward says:

    If Murfo is the egg man does that make Kezia the walrus?
    Ed and Jim – Wallace and grommit ? (If the dog was a demented yap not the clever Aardman creation)
    Sorry, heard some silliness about Murfo being regarded as some sort of sex symbol.
    Are these women on crack?
    Perhaps it’s not women who have started this?
    Just had a disturbing image of the big Murfs gyrating Alan Partridge style in peaked leather cap tearing that white shirt off to electronic beats.
    I’m stuck remembering his vacant stare on the TV on Sept 18. Like he’d been up for days, not making any sense, witnessing the delay in his synapses like an amphetamine casualty.

  15. M4rkyboy says:

    ‘I am he as, you are he as, you are me and we are all together’
    Could easily be a excerpt from a Ed Milliband speech.

  16. AuldA says:

    Maybe meringues?
    Or mousse au chocolat?

  17. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Morag, the question really is not who he is but why he did it.

    Which side did he do it for?

    Was Mr “Stu” paid or set up to do it and if so, by whom or what?

    Occam’s Razor is not quite sharpened enough, yet.

  18. ronnie anderson says:

    GMS Catherine MacLoud saying the the SNP voted for the Iraq war.on a disscussion about Murphy, Glenn Campbell as per allows lies without challenging her,Bbc inepetude,naw british britbats that dont hear when they want to.

  19. heedtracker says:

    Huge vote No and shut up boost from rancid old red Tory Graun this morn, but no mention anywhere of how hard and dirty Labour in Scotland BBC region fought for their blue Tory partners. Very strange omission from an old UKOK shill like Libby Carrell to not give credit to likes of future imperial consul Jim Murphy there.

    “Under leader Ruth Davidson, the Scottish party’s polling and electoral results have remained solid at about 17%. Its anti-independence campaign, Conservative Friends of the Union, attracted support and donations from 80,000 people, most of whom were not party members”

  20. galamcennalath says:

    I’d be intreged to know what plan Murphy might have, if he manages to get elected.

    Murphy has form on the suppression of democracy in Scotland. Wikileaks discloses that he was given the job of ensuring no referendum would take place during the first SNP minority government.

  21. AuldA says:

    The egg thrower is a former South-African!

    How I know that?

    He uses Ostrich eggs 😉

  22. ronnie anderson says:

    And the Eggman cometh Frik co shaid, ah fek it ah canny spell the word, just read as Scrambled.

  23. Marie clark says:

    coo cookachoo

  24. Joemcg says:

    Is Morag a Brit Nat? Writing off any possible vote rigging (800,000 postal votes AYE RIGHT) and now dismissing any suspicion over the egg thrower.

  25. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Bugger (the Panda) at 8.40

    Exactly. Morag doesn’t do conspiracies. Everybody else in politics does

  26. Capella says:

    @ ronnie
    That’s outrageous. When Ivan McKee mistakenly said, on one of the radio Big Debates, that the Scottish Govt had voted against the war, Gordon Brewer immediately pounced on him and corrected him. Of course, Ivan had meant the SNP, but Labour were in power at the time in Scotland and voted for the war. So they do set the record straight when it suits them.

  27. ronnie anderson says:

    I hope that anybody intending to demonstrate at Murphs speech in Edinburgh today Turn Their Backs on him in Silence, deny him the Publicity.

  28. Golfnut says:

    I don’t know about the rest of you, but to my mind, these big beasts they keep sending up here, broon, darling and murphy ( l’oeuf ) see what I did there, appear to be seriously unhinged. How did these people get elected.
    ( maybe ‘ faire l’oeuf ‘ would be more appropriate. Appologies to our French friends, no actual french speakers were harmed writing this.

  29. JBS says:

    Okay then…

    ‘See how they smile like pigs in a sty
    See how they snide
    I’m crying’

  30. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Cappela, ah set a record stait wance, it wiz a LP left it fur 6 mths,there,s a wee tip for Murph, dont expose your record. (wiki leaks).

  31. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:

    To be honest it looks more and more like it was wee Ed Miliband with the cunning plan for once. Which was..

    Don’t tell the Eggman about the catastrophic ‘scottish’ Labour polling and get him in the ‘race’ before it’s released to the public.

    Job done. Murphy’s trapped. Miliband get’s rid of a Blairite agitator against him (he was feeding information straight to Dan Hodges from inside the Labour shadow cabinet when Miliband demoted him) which boots one of Miliband’s leadership rivals into an impossible job nobody else wants to do.

    Still won’t save Miliband though since he’s not only less popular that the tory Cameron in scotland he’s now less popular than the irrelevant and despised yellow tory Clegg.

  32. Tackety Beets says:

    Maybe I’m getting picky ?
    RS news at 9 , ” Jim Murphy is now be challenged by Sarah Boyack and Neil Finlay ”

    JM being last to throw his hat into the ring would be the challenger ?

    As per BBC charter they should be reporting evenly on all 3 .

    Good luck to NF & SB they deserve a decent shout .

  33. Sinky says:

    As Bob Thompson has just said Jim Murphy is the problem not the solution for Labour

  34. STARLAW says:

    I was a shop steward in the AUEW. Elections were regularly held for branch officers in Falkirk. We were given three candidates and told which one we were voting for.Scottish Labour leadership party election looks very familiar.

  35. punklin says:

    Genuinely misread this at first – thought caption was “I’ve got a cunning flan.”

  36. ronnie anderson says:

    @ joemcg NO DR MORAG isent a but she is a Well RESPECTED WINGER,keeps her eyes on the ball at all times,so dont disrespect Morag.

  37. I;m calling from BBC Press Office.

  38. I;m calling from BBC Press Office.

  39. Macart says:

    All things going according to that cunning plan and Murphy becomes the local branch leader, he’s not here to facilitate reconciliation and the offering of olive branches. Murphy’s views and political history are well known. He’s a shark in a suit.

    Along with the partnership of Ms Dugdale and Mr McTernan you’d be looking at WMs cunning plan to finish the job they started during the referendum campaign. Till now they’ve left it mainly to the local branch to handle the SNP and the civic desire for further autonomy. They’ve just had the fright of their lives, they’ve seen the SNP alone become the third biggest party in the UK by membership and civic Scotland engaged in politics as never before.

    The game plan will be to hamstring the Scottish parliament and break the independence movement. Motivation? ‘One Nation’ Labour needs the seats and I’m sure on completion of a job well done Mr Murphy will be welcomed back into his natural WM environment.

    No, what we’re looking at here is British Labour’s attempt to install a Governor general for north Britain and restore what they consider the natural order. Messrs Murphy and McTernan’s history will give you the methodology.

    They need to be shown the door in May.

  40. The Man in the Jar says:

    Someone managed to get a short video clip of Murphy gazing out of his hotel room window on Thursday night. (Or maybe not!) 😉

  41. Capella says:

    Well somebody’s got to post it
    link to

  42. Geoff Huijer says:

    Does that say ‘I have a currant flan’?

  43. The Man in the Jar says:

    Bugger second attempt!

    link to

  44. John Young says:

    Newsnet Scotland ?@NewsnetScotland
    Excellent submission to Smith Commission from Scottish Police Federation.
    link to … #YESAlliance

  45. ronnie anderson says:

    Slin Jim slid into town on Irn Bru crates with no wheels,wan things for certain he,ll no be dain any Reels,step the gaily on we go,where he lands naebody knows.

  46. Ken500 says:

    In their quest for impartiality, they give a false report. The tell lies.

  47. Devorgilla says:

    Scottish Police Federation is not the same thing as Police Scotland… they are a kind of trade union for the police.

  48. ronnie anderson says:

    Chris that egg box could have been his desk nameplate

    Jim Murphy FARM MANAGER.

  49. Marie clark says:

    Excellent. Well said the polis.

  50. Capella says:

    At the end of “I am the Walrus” you can hear a snippet from King Lear, read by Sir Laurence Olivier I think. Very apt. Usual confusion between British (meaning English) which started a long time ago. James VI had just become king not long before King Lear was written. Shakespeare obviously being diplomatic. Robert Peffers will know the history!

    (falling) Slave, thou hast slain me. Villain, take my purse.
    If ever thou wilt thrive, bury my body.
    And give the letters which thou find’st about me
    To Edmund, Earl of Gloucester. Seek him out
    Upon the British party. O untimely death! (dies)

    I know thee well—a serviceable villain…

  51. Kalmar says:

    I ain’t workin down on Murphy’s farm no more

  52. Tamson says:

    Jomcg, if you think Morag is a BritNat, you’re either a troll or have several screws loose. Go look at her posting history, she’s an impeccable campaigner for independence and justice.

  53. No no no...Yes says:

    Jim is the egg man and the Yolk is on Scottish Labour Party Electoral college. No democracy here, move along folks…

    O/T Nicola is on the front foot again regarding polls and TV debates:

    link to

    Off to the Perth SNP recruitment drive today.

  54. SquareHaggis says:

    Anyone for skeleton?

    link to

  55. Bob Sinclair says:


    Morag is definitely no BritNat. Not too sure about you though.

  56. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Devorgilla, S P Federation are representative of all Scotlands Police Officers,they dont have differant factions as down south, black,white,gay/lesbian associations & the Met,its sad they havent got a wee ginger dug, to represent the Dog branch, & the Horse branch as well.

  57. Bill McLean says:

    Jocmg – leave Morag alone please. If you do not agree with her point of view fine and put your case. I don’t always agree with her but Morag is undoubtedly one of the best posters on this site and her dedication to the welfare and independence of Scotland is beyond question. Thank you.

  58. The Man in the Jar says:

    @No no no…Yes
    at 9:56am.

    Reading that link to the SNP statement it looks like Nicola Sturgeon could be taking a more aggressive stance towards the media and the TV stations in particular. Fingers crossed.

  59. David says:

    Just in from GCHQ…transcript of the conversation

    JM …tis ok nothing to worry about I have a Cunning Stunt Ed

    EM …..did you just call me a Stunning Cunt Jim?

    JM…… not me Ed your the expurt in back stabbing.

    EM…….you Scotch Cunt CLIK!!!!

  60. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Bob Sinclair, I,ll go where the money goes, sorry thats Murphy & Co,s line.Will you be at the Demo tommorow G/Square,so I know whether to take the Wings banner or not,
    caz_m,cactus,ian B, post up lads lasses,spend a couple of hours with our Catalonian Friends,keeping both Indy causes in the public eye.

  61. Colin Macaulay says:

    I wonder which SNP candidate will be selected to stand for the Renfrewshire East constituency in the 2015 GE?

  62. tombee says:

    It’s not only the eggs in his box that are ‘cracked’. The entire Scottish Labour Branch Office are ‘out of their box’.

    The lights are on, but there is nobody home. To opt for somebody like Murphy, knowing his back ground, sums up Scottish Labour in particular, and Westminster Labour in general, and their lack of moral compass.

  63. ronnie anderson says:

    @ David FFs apply the Wings health & saftey rules 1st,am drinking ma coffee HOT.

  64. Croompenstein says:

    How do you like your eggs in the mornin ?
    I like mine with a (Judas) kiss…

    Plenty of Judas kisses being exchanged in the North Britain branch.

    The Beatles they will never make it guitar bands are on the way out #McTernanpredicts

  65. Joemcg says:

    I campaigned 4 days a week for yes and I’m an avid reader of wings.I’m just observing many comments that Morag has made have been to rubbish any suspect Nae Bawz goings on.

  66. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Croompenstein whats Mc Ternans predictions on Wings, no this Wings the ither Wings.

  67. Mealer says:

    Jim “Rule Britania” Murphy.He’s the man to rally the people to the Union Jack.

  68. Bill McLean says:

    Joemcg – No one is questioning your dedication to the cause – unfortunately you are questioning Morag’s!We are all suspicious of the unionists and their friends in the media – you try to prove wrongdoing! Morag’s line, and I don’t always agree with her, appears to be why waste energy on this when we will never be allowed or able to prove our suspicions. My wife and I leafletted at the Glenrothes by-election and we have never been happy about the result – but clearly the actions taken have made sure we will never be able to prove their dirty tricks. Don’t waste you energy on something you can do nothing about and let’s not fall out amongst ourselves – that’s what the unionists want!

  69. donald anderson says:

    After over a century Labour is now promising to abolish their House of Horrors. Desperate times indeed.

    What will al those Tame Union barons do now, eh? Occupy the House? Lead a Revolution?

  70. Famous15 says:

    I am glad the BBC and Daily Record are bigging up Mr Murphy as I think Sarah Boyack is by far the best candidate . It is just a pity she still has hopes of justice for Scotland from the Westminster machine.

  71. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    The complete absence of any political cover in the Daily Record today speaks volumes. Some folk in there are aware that Murphy leading Scottish Labour is a death wish.
    London doesn’t understand.

    Can I state it again. I do not believe that result.
    A significant majority wanting another referendum strengthens my suspicion.
    I have talked to a former high ranking trade union official who refers to “North Korean” turnout figures on the postal ballot (nearly 97% in Argyll and Bute for instance!)which he insists are almost physically impossible to achieve. He is asking questions of the electoral authority and is getting no answers.

  72. Annette says:

    “Scottish Police Federation is not the same thing as Police Scotland… they are a kind of trade union for the police.”

    That doesn’t matter. What matters is that here is a clear demand for devo max from people who can hardly be dismissed as deluded extremists.

  73. Kenny says:

    “At tonight’s event in Dumfries – the second date of her booked out tour of Scotland – Ms Sturgeon will also announce that if she becomes First Minister, the Scottish Cabinet will meet in Dumfries in the early of next year. This will be the first meeting there since 2008.”

    Well done, Nicola, much work still to be done in the border regions, glad to see she also sees this.

    Also like the correct modesty of “if”… shame such numpties as the much unloved and unmissed Lamont do not have such proprietry, what was it JoLa said, something like: I’ll be first minister for years when that Alik Sammon is a distant memory?!?

  74. Lollysmum says:

    @ Square Haggis at 10.03

    Ballad of the American Skeletons-perhaps we need a Scottish version. The tune is certainly catchy enough to get into your head.

  75. Kenny says:

    Famous 15 – I agree, I wrote on another thread that Sarah Boyack is a decent person, a good parliamentarian and would be a wonderful asset for an independent Scotland, whether in the ruling or opposition party.

    Of course I want indy and the Red Tories electing Jim Murphy will take us closer to that goal by continuing to break SLAB from within, leaving it to the indy parties to mop up the centre and left. But I also want to see the best for Scotland and that would mean more politicians like Sarah Boyack playing a more prominent role.

    Boyack is a decent woman. Why she is not in the Green Party and is in the Red Tory Party is beyond me!

  76. @Joemcg
    If Morag was not Kosher Rev. Stuart Campbell would have had Morag barred a long time ago.
    Morag just sees things differently from a lot of other posters and feels a need to critique in a very brusque way,which can rub people up the wrong way and cause animosity.
    Morag has many followers on this site that are true nationalists so if They accept her polemic I feel confident that Morag is a true nationalist.

  77. crazycat says:

    @ Kenny

    “Why she is not in the Green Party and is in the Red Tory Party is beyond me!”

    Her Wikipedia entry contains what may be a clue:
    “Boyack’s father was an important figure in the Labour Party and the campaign for Scottish devolution.”

    I came across her 20 years ago when she was in SERA (which now describes itself as “Labour’s Environment Campaign”, although it used to quite happily admit to being the Socialist Environment and Resources Association), and I wondered even then what she was doing in the LP. SERA is now putting the boot into the Green Party on its website, in a typically tribal-Labour way.

  78. Grouse Beater says:

    I don’t know why people keep going on about the “mystery egg thrower”

    Here we go again, the morally contrary view.

    Because after a few throws, and then one well-placed egg patted onto his shoulder – recorded on film – placed there not chucked, the ‘thrower’ ambled away at a snail’s pace, like John Wayne at the end of a cowboy movie.

    Egg throwers are people expressing anger; they either stay to see the results of their work, protesting furiously, or disappear fast to avoid arrest. And they are usually seen shouting protest.

    The mystery is how he arrived with a pack of eggs and not just one; why he took his time until forced to go right up to Murphy to ensure the egg made contact, Murphy for some unknown reason not moving from the first two that missed his back; why he did not aim at Murphy’s head; why he did not face Murphy and throw an egg at his face, the usual stance in such situations; and why he didn’t shout abuse at Murphy after the event, not even wave a clenched fist.

    And then there’s the question over his allegience, ‘I’m a ‘Yes’ voter, stated in court, the only person in the whole of Scotland to throw anything, other than Lamont and Sarwar throwing in the towel.

    The mystery is NOT who he is, but why he staged the event, camera rolling, why he arrived in an overcoat, suit and tie, and why he made no verbal protest?

    The other mystery is why the courageous wee trooper, Jim Murphy, man of steel, made such a song and dance about it, blaming ‘nazinats.’

  79. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    @ JoMcG

    Morag is defo Nat.

    A very special one maybe but, our special one.

  80. Colin Mccartney says:

    If I were a Labour MSP ( not a list one as they are nae use to Eggman), Id be hiring some serious bodyguards as flying eggs can kill you know.
    And why would any of them vote for him, because IF he wins the branch managers job, he is coming after their jobs next.

  81. caz-m says:

    Murphy is nothing more than a Westminster Establishment plant.

    He is getting sent north to stem the flow of NO voters who are now coming to the conclusion that Independence isn’t that frightening an outcome after all.

    Murphy is a Tory in all but name. His East Renfrewshire seat that he holds tells you all you need to know about him, it was always a Tory seat. Can anyone name one policy that he has that a Scottish Labour supporter would find attractive.

    He supports Trident renewal, tuition fees, Illegal wars, Tory welfare reforms, hospital privatisation, continued austerity. The list goes on and on.

    He is part of the Better Together campaign and that is a tag he will NEVER shake off.

  82. G. Campbell says:

    Shereen, Radio Scotland, 01/11/2014

    Perpetual Lib Dem PPC Christine Jardine backs Jim Murphy and wants a strong Scottish Labour Party.

    Paul McNamee of the Big Issue says “it makes sense that they’re looking to Jim Murphy as leader”.

    The Herald’s Alison Rowat let the side down with comments that were verging on the negative. She won’t be invited back.

  83. Stoker says:

    Dave McEwan Hill says:
    1 November, 2014 at 10:38 am
    The complete absence of any political cover in the Daily Record today speaks volumes. Some folk in there are aware that Murphy leading Scottish Labour is a death wish. London doesn’t understand. Can I state it again. I do not believe that result.
    A significant majority wanting another referendum strengthens my suspicion.I have talked to a former high ranking trade union official who refers to “North Korean” turnout figures on the postal ballot (nearly 97% in Argyll and Bute for instance!)which he insists are almost physically impossible to achieve. He is asking questions of the electoral authority and is getting no answers.

    I read on here yesterday about the DR holding its own poll and asking its readers if they thought Skeletor was the right person to lead the Slabber branch – sixty odd percent said No with twenty odd saying he was – maybe that’s got something to do with?

    That and rapidly falling sales OR do they know something we don’t and are trying to disassociate themselves from the Jimbo circus, for fear of not wanting to incur another ‘Vow’ type backlash due to being seen as leading the public on another merry dance?

    Has your friend tried a Freedom of Information request.
    They are currently in the process of changing all of Scotland’s registers and the way Scot’s register to vote. I received my notification letter from them yesterday.

    Here is something else that makes for some very interesting reading and that you may not be aware of.
    link to

  84. ClanDonald says:

    Morag a Britnat? LOL. Are you new here? It’s like accusing Rev Stu himself of being a Britnat.

  85. fred blogger says:

    policy; never believe a lair in important matters, and who has claimed to have reformed.
    they must 1st prove themselves, unprompted, to be reliable in other matters.

  86. caz-m says:

    Dave McEwan Hill
    “The complete absence of any political cover in the Daily Record today speaks volumes. Some folk in there are aware that Murphy leading Scottish Labour is a death wish.”

    Dave, we all know that, but for some unknown reason, people like John McTernan and Magnus Gardham think that we are shaking in our boots at the thought of Murphy becoming leader of Labour’s Scottish branch.

    Why are they so blind to the bleeding obvious? Check out the latest polls Magnus, the clue is in the numbers.

  87. Marcia says:

    Morag is no Britnat. She may disagree with what you are thinking but her dedication to Independence is 101% She did a power of work with the Rev and others to get the ‘Wee Blue Book’ out to all and sundry. Even I don’t agree with her at times.

  88. heedtracker says:

    Egg throwing conviction is one thing, but I bet the eggster has previous convictions, petty stuff, so what difference would another make? Its such a blatant set up, only a Westminster MP desperate for indy attack publicity etc…

    Worked though, rule Britannia. There was loads of bizarre unionist creepiness going on. Reading progressive liberal hypocrite Guardian’s lovingly cuddly reportage of that last Orange Order march through Edinburgh was deeply creepy, if you ever watched the OO in action at Ibrox or any football season Saturday. Even our progressive liberal imperial masters are more than happy to show their Scotland region that first in their velvet union jack glove.

  89. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Bill McLean 10.35, Thanks Bill could,nt have put it better myself. Morag is a very deep thinker people can disagree But respect Morags contabutions on here & the time & effort she has put in pre Referendum thats dedication as to all who have worked hard & continue to do so,nobody,s going to get any thanks for it,nor would expect thanks,that comes as a Result in our own satisfaction whatever sphere we choose to operate.

  90. Gallowglass says:

    Joemcg says:

    Is Morag a Brit Nat? Writing off any possible vote rigging (800,000 postal votes AYE RIGHT) and now dismissing any suspicion over the egg thrower.


    I am a third generation Scottish nationalist, there was no widescale voting fraud worth talking about and who cares if someone egged an MP for this reason or the other.

    There really are FAR MORE IMPORTANT things to be bothered yourself with than that sort of drivel.

    Conspiracy theories that are going to change nothing except for the perception of nationalists or those on pro-independence websites are bad losers are a complete waste of breath, time and effort.

    Are you going to prove it even if it were the case?


    If you did prove it, would anybody listen and would anything happen?


    I voted Yes, before anyone starts. Morag isn’t the only one fed up with this CT crap.

  91. G. Campbell says:

    “Jim has shown he can reach out to voters. In his 100 days, 100 streets tour of Scotland, where [b]HE SPOKE TO HUGE CROWDS [/b] in the face of hostility from a noisy minority, he showed he has what it takes to engage with people, the courage to take Labour’s case to every community in Scotland”

    link to

  92. caz-m says:

    Labour led, Glasgow City Council know that the steps at the top end of Buchanan St will be a focal point for the YES Alliance in the run-up to the General election next year. It is a natural arena with great acoustics.

    So what did they decide to do to take away the attraction of the place, well they have decided to tear the place down. They are going to rip up all the steps and replace them with a glass shopping centre entrance hall.

    link to

    There is also a petition running to save the steps.

  93. Barontorc says:

    It’s of absolutely no consequence what we Yes-ers think about Murphy and he most certainly will not give a sh** either, but just how many current Labour people actually loathe the guy. Recall his ’round Jockland’ travels when he had the seriously imbalanced gumption to set up his stall and spout forth to the literal ‘two men and a dug’ and the dug was more interested in licking it’s bahookie.

    Murphy is without doubt the worst thing that could have been planned for by an increasingly derelict Labour party. He’s a political animal and his cohort McTernan is just marginally more despicable, which has to set the bar at an all time low for decent Labour folk.

    Major faux pas!

  94. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Grouse Beater at 11.19
    Exactly. Smelled of a set-up from the word go..

    Didn’t work the way it was planned however (and it was planned- otherwise why were all the press there and prepared?). It made Murphy and his reaction an even bigger figure of derision than he was before. Those who don’t like Murphy – and they are legion – found the whole thing highly entertaining and the guy dressed as a chicken attending subsequent Murphy performances was a master stroke.
    The people of Glasgow have a very effective way with words. Murphy is not even a tube however. He is a big tit.

  95. Paula Rose says:

    Someone accusing Morag of being a Britnat!!! Sorry dears I’m going to go and have a lie down.

  96. Fred says:

    A Fifer chuckin away eggs is certainly eggceptional!

    I misread the Skeletor blurb as “I’ve got a cunning flaw”,
    Loads of them, one suspects.

  97. Grouse Beater says:

    Heedtracker: Egg throwing conviction is one thing, but I bet the eggster has previous convictions, petty stuff, so what difference would another make? Its such a blatant set up, only a Westminster MP desparate for indy attack publicity etc…

    I’m happy to endorse that interpretation. The entire scene was so theatrical, timing awkward, thrower at odds with the throwing.

    If our dear secret police are able to concoct ‘letter bombs’ in past political events to sway a vote, what’s so difficult about sending in an egg thrower to dominate tomorrow’s headlines?

    The only other violence witnessed? George Square by those waving Union Jacks.

  98. Democracy Reborn says:

    First post-referendum poll on independence by YouGov:-

    (Excluding Don’t Knows)
    Yes 52%
    No 48%

    Re. Murphy, the Guardian today has a fawning piece about the man himself. Jim thinks that Labour should stop apologising about the mistakes of the last Labour govt. We should celebrate a “progressive sense of patriotism” (whether that’s if the Scottish or ‘One Nation’ British variety isn’t clear).

    Curiously though, the headline piece on BBC Scotland online is “Murphy apologises to Scots voters”. The piece is actually fairly balanced by BBC standards. Quotes Bob Thomson (former Labour office-holder, supported Yes) and states some Jim’s colleagues have concerns about his support for Tony Blair, nuclear weapons & the Iraq War. You’re not kidding, comrades…

  99. crazycat says:

    @ G Campbell

    ” In his 100 days, 100 streets tour of Scotland” – ah, it’s 100 streets now, rather than towns.

    No wonder he managed to get through them so quickly, if all he had to do was shift his Irn Bru crates round the corner.

  100. CameronB says:

    Re. Morag being a Britnat. Please pay more attention folk, or you’ll end up embarrassing yourselves. Morag fights for us.

    P.S. Is it legal for political parties to use House of Commons postage paid stationery to campaign? My folk just got sent labour campaing material, printed on HoC stationary

  101. Stoker says:

    I want to throw this idea out there to see what people think.
    To try and learn the pro’s and con’s about it.
    So far, i think it’s a good idea.

    I think it would be a good idea for the SNP to adopt the following as a permanent policy – as part of their Independence stance/policy:

    To promise to hold a Yes/No referendum every time they are elected into government at Scottish elections.

    Now, i know what Nicola Sturgeon has already said but this idea would enhance and support her very words.

    I think it would also put her own stamp on the party as well as
    putting her former gaffers ‘once in a generation’ off-the-cuff remark to bed.

    Best of all, it would keep the Britshit establishment well and truly on their toes.

    As i said, just an idea i’ve been mulling over for some time but would like other peoples thoughts/opinions on it, to try and learn more about that approach etc. Good or bad.

  102. Grouse Beater says:

    Joemcg: Is Morag a Brit Nat? Writing off any possible vote rigging (800,000 postal votes AYE RIGHT) and now dismissing any suspicion over the egg thrower.

    I recall Stuart posting his opinion that vote fiddling was certain to have happened in various ways, but unlikely on an industrial basis. (My term) I would think that that’s a fair view of events.

    I was involved in the Glenrothes by-election in large measure – supposedly a sure fire SNP winner by every analyst and head counter – loss of power is a very strong motivation for skulduggery, the coincidental loss of the electoral register to prove it.

    The thing to do in such arguments is to add evidence to opinion and not just shout down the opposing opinion or repeat the same denial over and over again.

    Then again, some people won’t accept hard evidence if it disagrees with their prejudices. If you lined up all the terrorist attacks in the modern world you’d discover the USA was the greatest terrorist state on the planet. Try telling that to a Right-wing American. Even if that fact was acknowledged he’d say USA terrorism is justified.

  103. Lollysmum says:

    Aw come on Rev you’ve deprived your Facebook fans of some much needed hilarity by not posting this on your timeline. Surely they should have the same opportunity as other WoSsers 😉

  104. ronnie anderson says:

    @ G Campbell 11.45 Ah like that piece ( A power house parliament a debate on prosperity & poverty ) aye we can debate Murphs Prosperity & our poverty, did you happen to notice G the bottom of the page, I take it was written by one James Kelly ha ha I see he,s got the write script writers,Mc Ternan/Kelly noo wie that pair on your team its a sure recipe for failure ,notwithstanding Jims own contrabutions.

  105. Grouse Beater says:

    Dave McEwan Hill: Grouse Beater – Exactly. Smelled of a set-up from the word go.

    Pleased to have your agreement. All my experience tells me there was nothing ‘natural’ about the act, no anger behind it.

    When you hurl a tomato or even a stone at someone you try to get in their line of vision to do it to scream abuse, you verbalise you anger, you want the target to know he is despised and to see his opponent’s fury, you don’t stick the tomato in his back pocket and then stroll off to the pub for a pint as if you’ve flicked away a fly.

  106. @Grouse Beater
    Actually it was Richard Mawrey QC a deputy High Court judge and election commissioner that said .
    ‘In the past when you had personal voting, that is to say voting at polling stations, there was fraud but, frankly, it was minuscule. Postal voting on demand has enabled fraud to be carried out on what, in one case, I described as an industrial scale `
    He also said,
    `in one case last year he had come across 14 different ways that postal ballots could be manipulated.`

  107. ronnie anderson says:

    @ caz_m could you put the petition link up.

  108. Charles Edward says:

    It’s very important to recognise and proclaim Jim Murphy as the self-serving fool he is.
    This site speaks out to more than just the indy folk and in recent months we have all been made aware how we need a spotlight in the truth.

    The Murfster might not think it’s important to take these views seriously because that’s how they discredit any info that doesn’t suit them.
    And BTW

  109. mogabee says:

    EGGcellent ‘toon there Chris. You have the absolute measure of the creep.

    Have to add my support for Morag too. Anyone who undertook to deliver to every house in a rural location has my admiration(I also live in a rural area and appreciate how difficult her job must have been)

  110. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Cameron B 12.05, A most deffinaitly NAW ,hold on to it,its against parliamentary rules,send them to the Rev or challenge that yourself.Wee John’s big on parliamentary procedure lol.

  111. Charles Edward says:

    Forget Roswell, Scotland had its own Alien Act, check the history books.
    And people decrying C.theories on here need to wake up.
    It’s part of life.
    I don’t remember ‘freemasons for yes’ shouting out.
    I was chatting to one yesterday, before you know it your will is not your own. Fact.

  112. Grouse Beater says:

    Scot Finlayson: Richard Mawrey, QC, said, in one case last year he had come across 14 different ways that postal ballots could be manipulated.

    There you go, Scot. On the basis of that remark we have to keep an open mind.

    The evidence I’ve come across relates to those who told me they were about to vote Yes but voted NO on the day, for one reason or another. They had a plausable – to them – reason, but weak to me. Listening to them gave me the impression an element of fear lay behind their volte face.

    Personally, I’m comforted by analysts post-vote reckoning that a large percentage believed the more powers promise, and, if none or few are forthcoming, are just as motivated to reverse their vote on a second ballot.

  113. handclapping says:

    There’s a lot of work went into that, Chris. I’ve just been viewing a lot of the Rowlandson’s that he did for my printselling ancestor. Even though you dont have to chisel copper, its still a lot of work.

    I was looking for the turnip til I realised you’d made the turnip say it.

  114. YESGUY says:

    A superb pic Chris. Again .

    A big thank sir. Saturdays are CCC’days (Chris Cairns Cartoons).

    Morag ignore the moans. We know you well enough and as the comments say your ok with us.


    Morags reaction pretty much said it all . We have been through this a while back.We should be looking forward not back. It get boring repeating things.

    Anyway that’s old news.. Now w e can hope Skeletor wins the battle for leader of the Zombies and we have all our Xmas’s in one.

    Even die hard Labour punters hate the guy.

    This is so good i have ran out of popcorn.

    We lost the battle for the referendum but have slaughtered our enemy’s best. We are regrouping for a counter attack while they are in disaray.

    WE should be the ones falling apart. But know we go from strength to strength .The YOUGOV (spit) poll says we would win a referendum if the vote was now.

    Take heart. We are winning , it’s just typical of us Scots to do it the hard way.

  115. Cag-does-thinking says:

    I know Morag’s heart is in the right place though sometimes I disagree profoundly with her interpretations. Egg-gate became unimportant after the Referendum but was a very odd incident altogether. If Jim is to take the helm in Scotland one can be sure we are going to see it again and again so it does raise the legitimate question of whether it was a set up. If it was that would be hugely damaging for Labour, although to be honest the most hugely damaging thing is likely to be electing Murphy as their Scottish Branch leader. Things take on a relevance given the exposure in the media and Murphy was very quick to paint all of us “cybernats” as mad extremists so scary he suspended talking at crowds of 18 for several days. We can expect that Labour members and the political caucus will be completely ignored by the BBC who seem briefed that Jim is the only game in town in an attempt to steamroller all debate to be about him without ever questioning whether Jim is indeed likely to bring about a revival in fortunes for Labour. Like it or not the egg incident is going to shown ad-nauseam as to how his opponents are all out to silence him.

  116. Grouse Beater says:

    Yes Guy: it’s typical of us Scots to do it the hard way.

    The latest poll shows a vote 52% for independence were a plebiscite held tomorrow.

    I don’t know who to poke in the eye, those who voted No on the day, or No-but-Yes voters now.

  117. Calgacus says:

    I would just like to say, as one whose opinion has come under the scrutiny of Morags analytical mind, that any notion that she is a Britnat is laughable.

    Morag is a realist and a very valuable contributor to this site, the SNP and the cause of Scottish independence.

  118. Grouse Beater says:

    Morag a … Britnat is laughable.

    Perceptions are everything. Poor handling of debate the cause. Joemcg isn’t the first to voice misgivings. Hence, it might not be his fault he has the wrong impression.

    Cag: Like it or not the egg incident is going to be shown ad-nauseam … how his opponents are all out to silence him.

    I agree. I didn’t mention it in my blog essay ‘Jim Murphy MP’ because It has all the hallmarks of being contrived.

    What was definitely not contrived was Murphy’s abusive verbal attack on an SNP MP at Westminster, en passant. (See my essay.) How many commentators present Murphy with the unpalatable truth of his inability to be rational?

  119. Chris Cairns says:

    For the avoidance of doubt, my ‘toon in no way endorses the egg chucking conspiracy. It merely suggests Jim boy knows how valuable it was to his cause and wouldn’t be averse to a reprise if it came to it.
    Chris Cairns, FOM (Friend of Morag).

  120. AuldA says:

    Pfff… If Morag is a Brit, then I’m French.

    Oops… 😉 😉

  121. fred blogger says:

    he apologies for not seeing, hearing, and speaking out to change things, what an insult!

  122. handclapping says:


    Now where’s my knife and a tree trunk?

  123. wingman 2020 says:

    Listening to the discussions over the weeks regarding the possibility and feasibility of vote rigging I have not been convinced yet by either side.

    1. The Conspiracy Theorists who say it happened

    2. The Pragmatists who say that it didn’t. And lets move on.

    The two questions that keep going through my head are these:

    If Westminster could have weighted the voting in their favour without being caught… Would they have?

    Or would it be outside the values and principles of honesty and integrity for our ‘mother of democracy’ to do something so dishonest and fraudulent?

    So, while I don’t have the answer to whether the Pragmatists or the CT’s are correct… I think I can answer the two questions above.

    That would be a YES and a NO. If they could have done something, they would have.

    I don’t trust Westminster, the Establishment or the monarchy for that matter. I believe that they will do almost anything to maintain the power in their hands. They have previous for lying and deceiving. They have previous for using government departments to manipulate politics. They have previous for using MI5 and MI6 / GCHQ for influencing outcomes, home and abroad.

    With regards the Monarchy. The Queen let Scotland down with her comments and purring to David Cameron. It was clear that she was on the side of the Union and supported the hegemonic browbeating that Westminster was delivering to Scotland.

    The barrage of propaganda was obvious to everyone. The lies were clear. The attach on things that directly affected peoples livelihoods was shameful and will go down in history as a great shame of Westminster.

    Mortgage rates
    Food prices
    Energy Prices

    The day that Cameron had the major supermarkets into No10 to coordinate a food price increase scare, was the day I had my answers to the questions above.

    So, CT’s you have my sympathies, something doesn’t sit right (just the same as Egg-Gate)

    And Pragmatists, I appreciate your approach. Anything else is probably futile in the face of zero evidence.

  124. Craig B says:

    He really is something else, is Murphy. Back when he was president of the NUS his activities gave rise to this early Day motion in the House of Commons. link to

  125. Capella says:

    If it is possible and if it is crucial, then we should be on the lookout. I’m thinking more of the future than the past. I would argue that any constituency where Jim Murphy will standing in the next couple of years needs to be closely watched, in view of the clear British Labour and MSM effort to parachute him into Holyrood affairs.
    Craig Murray, in his blog, has posted more than once about how the Labour Party manipulate voting in places like Blackburn.
    link to

  126. Morag says:

    Thanks Chris.

    What a carry-on. I only queried the repeated posts talking as if the identity of the egg thrower was a mystery. Obviously it’s not. For pity’s sake, CameronB shared a flat with him 20 years ago.

    Do I think he was paid by Murphy’s team? Of course I do. It’s a bloody no-brainer, for reasons other people have pointed out. But why keep going on about it? It’s only worth while if it could be proved, and then if it could be publicised in a way that would damage Murphy.

    A private detective could probably get the evidence, but personally I wouldn’t know where to start. But even if we put a private dick on the job and got the evidence, would revealing it really be picked up by the media as a scandal? Sadly I suspect not.

    So fine, Murphy staged the egg incident. I take that as a given. Is there anything useful we can do with that? Probably not. I just didn’t understand all the posts about “the mysterious disappearing egg thrower”.

  127. Gallowglass says:

    An egg did not throw the referendum.

    Blatant lies and deceit did.

  128. Gallowglass says:

    wingman 2000.

    I don’t trust them either, but even if the conspiracies are correct good luck achieving anything with it.

    The media was the key, it wasn’t black ops.

  129. Fred says:

    Anent the conspiracy theories, only two things guaranteed tae “Come Oot”, wan’s the moon & the other is the truth. Let time do its work.
    I’m reading Richard Cottrell’s “Gladio, Nato’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe” at present and shocking stuff it is too. The real or imagined Scottish Referendum fix is small potatoes compared to what goes on and the lengths the establishment have gone to in protecting their interests, no deed has been too dirty, the Lord Robertson’s buddies are capable of anything.
    Alex Salmond, for example, could do worse than stay at Holyrood.

  130. Gallowglass says:

    Conspiracy theories sometimes prove to be true, although I think with the referendum if there was any insidious state behaviour other than what we know then it will, if at all, come out a long time in the future.

    We can’t even get the truth over devolution in the last century, everything is hidden or denied.

    You simply have to break out, last time we surged, but they pulled back and we only managed to crack the glass.

    But look what’s happening since. Have faith in the future, and their ineptitude and failures, before you find solstice in something negative. We won’t prove jack shit.

  131. Grouse Beater says:

    Ditherers and Switherers – grousebeater.wordpress

    Enjoy …

    Stuart is ‘off to the park,’ and I’m off to see Mr Turner, all two-and-half hours of it.

  132. bjsalba says:

    wingman 2020 said at 2:11 pm
    The day that Cameron had the major supermarkets into No10 to coordinate a food price increase scare, was the day I had my answers to the questions above.

    Today I did my shopping and bought everything locally. I did ot spend more than if I had gone to one of the supermarkets. Actions speak louder than words.

  133. Ken500 says:

    A lot of folk have spent time discussing whether someone is a Britnat. Personalities rather than on topic. Off topic is available. Quarantine.

    Sarah Boyark could have joined the Labour rather than the Greens because of more chance of opportunity for political power/influence. A family tradition. Her father supported Independence but all the Unionists Parties have done for years is to thwart any attempt to give Scotland full Independence. Despite ample evidence the majority of people in Scotland want full fiscal power. It’s anti-democratic. Why do Unionist Party members want power when it’s to thwart Democracy. It’s not worth it.

    Tories often joined the LibDems to have more access/influence to political power and the advantages it could give them.

    Is McLeish getting a funded post from the Scottish Gov for a football scheme. He could hsve been making noises or pretending to endorse YES, for personal gain,

  134. Ken500 says:

    Aye, some of the cinema extended timings are hard on the bum, especially if they are a bit boring. Some good films doing the rounds not the runs.

  135. Morag says:

    Funny thing. If I mention the conspiracy theory I’m actually vaguely suspecting might have happened, everybody has a go at me all over again.

  136. thomaspotter2014 says:

    Information on the Infamous(?) Egg thrower’s identity:::::::

    Came across this on Tarff Advertiser(on Munguin’s Republic site);

    ‘after all it was an Ex-Labour Constituency Manager who egged Murphy in Kirkcaldy’

    Hope this helps to clarify things ,I didn’t know he was ex -labour????
    Very interesting and should be better examined for future reference.


    • donald anderson says:

      So that was why he was such a rotten (egg) shot?

  137. Grouse Beater says:

    Thomas Potter: Came across this on Tarff Advertiser (on Munguin’s Republic site); ‘after all it was an Ex-Labour Constituency Manager who egged Murphy in Kirkcaldy.’

    Much obliged, Thomas.

  138. Fred says:

    Skeletor apparently donated a bag of messages for the poor to the demonstrators outside the Labour beanfeast at the Central. You can bet your last tin of beans that these will be going on expenses.

  139. thomaspotter2014 says:

    The question about Skeletor’s bag of messages??? Was there a box with 5 eggs in it???

  140. thomaspotter2014 says:

    You’re welcome Grousebeater
    By the way what do you think of my proposed name for the new Yes election block?
    or YMCA for short….
    Altogether now…It’s fun to stay at the ….

  141. thomaspotter2014 says:

    Fred says:
    Did the bag have 5 eggs in a box in it?? had to ask.

  142. Shuggy says:

    @Grouse Beater:
    1 November, 2014 at 11:19 am

    “The mystery is NOT who he is, but why he staged the event, camera rolling…”

    I agree with your reading of the egg-throwing incident.

    I also noted at the time that the “chucker” was calm enough to risk taking several shots into the crowd, some of whom were hit by the mess. I wondered at the time if that was his Plan A – a deliberate attempt to antagonise the opposition into some sort of retaliation (on camera of course). And when that failed, Plan B was to target Murphy which he did by simply walking up to him to break an egg on his shoulder before striding away. A win-win strategy – splattering some ‘Nats’ AND getting Murphy some much needed publicity.

    1 November, 2014 at 8:27 am

    “I don’t know why people keep going on about the “mystery egg thrower”

    Because they can, Morag.

    Perhaps there are some undecided voters reading these comments and beginning to question the authenticity of what they saw or read or heard previously.

    More generally, I think those who feel there’s something dodgy should continue to investigate as far as possible – not just this incident but any other. Those who feel it’s best left alone should do so. But for what it’s worth, I find the “Move along here, nothing to see” comments troubling. I much prefer “Forewarned is forearmed”.

  143. Shuggy says:

    1 November, 2014 at 12:05 pm

    “P.S. Is it legal for political parties to use House of Commons postage paid stationery to campaign? My folk just got sent labour campaing material, printed on HoC stationary”.

    You might be very interested in the link below regarding House of Commons stationery and postage paid envelope costs per Member and what they can and cannot do with it.

    link to

    You might want to check the Electoral Commissions Guidance page – oh, hang on – Page Not Found…

  144. Morag says:

    Shuggy, you’re still not getting it. People maybe need to start talking about Stuart what’s his name and exactly what he did and why, and asking whether he was a real Yes supporter or whether he was paid to do it by Murphy’s team. That’s a sensible discussion and I think we all know what we think about it.

    Repeated posts claiming that his identity is a secret or that he has disappeared are only muddying the water, because they’re not true. That’s what I was objecting to.

    • donald anderson says:

      Jim Murphy is a founder member of this right wing anti socialist think tank.I think we should all do a little more research on this.

      link to

  145. Shuggy says:

    Morag says:
    2 November, 2014 at 9:40 am

    “Shuggy, you’re still not getting it.”

    No, Morag, you’re not getting it. You seem to have introduced a rule that people must ensure they have read every single previous post on any given subject (e.g. the identity of the egg-thrower) before posting otherwise they risk being dismissed and disparaged by the ‘better informed’. What an encouraging welcome for newcomers to the site.

    People are sharing their thoughts, not submitting essays for your approval.

    Either mark them out of ten or undo the knot in your knickers.

  146. Morag says:

    Shuggy, there have been loads of posts giving details of the identity of the egg thrower. Several of these in reply to people continuing to witter on about him being a “mystery” and having “disappeared”.

    Yes, I get irritated when people continually post wrong information. Sometimes I try to correct it. You seem only to be irritated by the attempts at correction, not by the wrong information.

    What is annoying me at the moment is the repeated allegations that I don’t believe Stuart wots-is-name was a paid plant by Murphy’s team. I’d put good money on him being exactly that. But misinformed wittering about his identity being unknown or his having disappeared aren’t going to advance this any.

  147. Suzanne says:

    Well, having “egg-chucker” on my activist CV (though to be fair, it was many years ago) what you don’t do is sidle up, splat eggs and then disappear into the mist. You heckle. You catch their eye and shout things loudly. You throw from the front.

    Additionally, when you are the egg-chuckee, you see eggs flying and you look to find the culprit. You don’t stand gawping under a hail of eggs coming from behind (how can you ignore people in front of you being splattered by brown free-range, large? You just can’t)and stand facing forward without the slightest bit of interest in seeing where they’re coming from unless you know who it is.

    That’s the mistake l’Oeuf le Smurf made. He didn’t look behind him. Busted.

  148. Morag says:

    Absolutely. The whole thing looked like a complete set-up. And not even a very convincing set-up at that. It was as if it didn’t really matter whether it looked believable or not, it only needed to happen so that the right stories could then be written.

    The real story of Murphy’s 100-alley tour would be a fun read. These repeated days shouting at no more than a handful of his own convinced supporters holding No Thanks placards. The occasional pranking by Yes supporters getting in shot with Yes saltires and things like that. The utter and complete absence of any crowds of undecided voters hanging on his every word.

    Motherwell was interesting, in that what seemed to happen was that a bunch of local people, almost certainly former Labour supporters, showed up with the intent to heckle and heckle bad. These people were wearing Yes insignia and no doubt genuine Yes activists, but the demographic was interesting. It was also interesting that no pro-Jim faction emerged to counter these people, who weren’t actually all that numerous.

    I think he was hoping for serious trouble to be started by Yes people. He seemed to be courting it, more than once. He shouted at Yes people who asked questions, and insulted them, and almost begged to be attacked. Apart from the (non-violent) shouting of “red tories out!” in Motherwell, it didn’t happen.

    So he engineered it. He got this Stuart character to shove an egg at him, unconvincingly, and then used that as a pretext to deliver all the prepared material to the media about the orchestrated campaign by Yes Scotland to silence him.

    Any journalist could have exploded the entire thing. A bit of research into Stuart’s background, whether he really had been involved with any Yes group, and possibly a bit of snooping into possible links with Labour or Murphy’s campaign would have been interesting.

    Maybe they didn’t think it was a big enough story. I’d have thought proof that Murphy’s team engineered the egg incident would have been big enough! Maybe they thought they couldn’t prove it well enough to be able to print it. Maybe they’re all just hog-tied by the unionist media line.

    I don’t see any serious possibility of getting this angle on the story into the public domain or generally accepted. We’re up against too slick and professional an organisation. But I do think that’s what happened.

  149. Shuggy says:

    @Morag: 2 November, 2014 at 4:48 pm

    (sigh) I rest my case.

  150. Suzanne says:

    Given the tendency for any reporter to label anyone who didn’t kiss Murphy’s hem as being a raging Nat intent on bringing western democracy to its knees, I’m not surprised they called Stuart a Yes supporter. Anything to link Yes with chaos and violence for anyone daft enough to believe it.

    What it does do, though, is show up Murphy for the drama queen that he is, making himself the centre of attention for a good three days. Compare that pathetic nonsense with the far more serious threats of violence towards Alex Salmond and the actual physical attacks on Yes supporters and the scant coverage that all got in the meeja.

  151. Morag says:

    Yes, I know. It’s fine to post a load of complete drivel, repeatedly, even after people have pointed out the errors. If anyone dares try to put the real position forward, they get drummed out of Wings on the accusation of being a BritNat.

    Lovely people around here.

  152. Morag says:

    Sorry, that last was for Shuggy, obviously.

    Suzanne, Stuart apparently told his solicitor he was a Yes supporter, and the solicitor passed this on to the media. To which the only reasonable reply is, “he would say that, wouldn’t he.” Absolutely no evidence of him being associated with any Yes group so far as I know, although even if there were that still wouldn’t prove a lot given that there was bound to have been some infiltration for precisely that purpose.

    I’m only surprised there was so little.

  153. Shuggy says:

    2 November, 2014 at 6:20 pm and 6:24 pm

    “Yes, I know. It’s fine to post a load of complete drivel, repeatedly, even after people have pointed out the errors. If anyone dares try to put the real position forward, they get drummed out of Wings on the accusation of being a BritNat.

    Lovely people around here.

    Sorry, that last was for Shuggy, obviously.”

    Morag, I’ll be blunt. Your continued disparaging remarks and misplaced allegations have put off three new readers already, two of whom have only recently become pro-indy. Still, no great loss, eh? They’re probably full of ‘complete drivel’.
    Best they go elsewhere. Well done.

  154. Morag says:

    You can be as blunt as you like. You know, I don’t really post much on Wings, and certainly not much compared to others who seem never to be off their keyboards. But when I do, anonymous people like you come out of the woodwork and start badmouthing me.

    I’m starting to wonder why that might be, given the abundance of targets elsewhere you don’t bother shooting at.


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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “Sorry Dan, I didn’t bother reading your ill-tempered, abusive and no doubt factually illiterate rant. Your belief that wind energy…Mar 6, 21:42
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Fuck off John Hatey Main the ever-present bot twat. We’ve been over this matter for years and I’ve provided plenty…Mar 6, 21:14
    • Muscleguy on Green Eggs And Bams: “And woodburners pollute the house they are in so badly it has been compared to having a diesel exhaust piped…Mar 6, 20:42
    • Derek on Green Eggs And Bams: “Of course, the 2021 figures were significantly inflated by the double whammy of the pandemic and Sturgeon’s one and only…Mar 6, 20:37
    • Michael Laing on Green Eggs And Bams: “If only the cycle lanes were empty! Here in Edinburgh, these lanes are an absolute menace to pedestrians, with cyclists…Mar 6, 20:14
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Thanks Sarah. No idea what kind of turnout to expect but the capacity of the function room is 100. 🙂Mar 6, 20:13
    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““a geographic area having an abundance of clean renewable energy generation yet it being too expensive for many to access,…Mar 6, 20:00
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “You are right, Breeks. We have been, and continue to be, betrayed by nearly every SNP MSP and MP. How…Mar 6, 19:59
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “The Scottish Government signed off on guidance last month which said “trans staff should choose to use the facilities they…Mar 6, 19:55
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “It sounds perfect, Ian. I know there will be a great atmosphere and old comrades remembered – Cearc, Smallaxe among…Mar 6, 19:54
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
    • JockMcT on Green Eggs And Bams: “The definition of insanity; Voting SNP 1 & 2 and hoping for a referendum from WM.Mar 6, 19:27
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Or “enjoy” the illegal level of noise generated by dodgy shite totally inappropriate air sourced heatpump installs in what were…Mar 6, 19:10
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “The next ‘Friends of Wings’ gathering will be in The Eagle Inn, Coatbridge, on Friday April 4th. The function room.…Mar 6, 18:58
    • MsDidi on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you BreeksMar 6, 18:55
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “10 October 2017 The Scottish government is to set up a publicly-owned, not-for-profit energy company, Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. The…Mar 6, 18:40
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““The Russtis are not our enemies” Phew, thank feck for that. So when one of their senior politicians calls for…Mar 6, 18:33
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “It really is black and white though, twathater. An invading army from one country is 40% into its neighbouring country.…Mar 6, 18:30
    • Alex stewart on Green Eggs And Bams: “I doubt this, the snp are way too far gone now to “grow up”. This blog post pretty much sums…Mar 6, 18:09
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “Where is all the misinformation peddled by the kremlin and the honest and verifiable facts issued by the EU, the…Mar 6, 17:45
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Illogical hatred – indeed it is Helen.Mar 6, 17:37
    • 100%Yes on Green Eggs And Bams: “The SNP hasn’t changed, its the traitors running us and the SNP leadership which has. Its was all about riding…Mar 6, 16:32
    • David Rodgers on Green Eggs And Bams: ““So easy to delude people, so hard to get them to recognise that they’ve been deluded.” – This also applies…Mar 6, 16:09
  • A tall tale

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