The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Game Of The Forever

Posted on October 03, 2012 by

…is Hell Yeah! – Wrath Of The Dead Rabbit, which is out today on Xbox 360, PS3 and Steam for PC at the bargaintastic price of around £9.99. It's a heady, super-sexy crush of Sonic The Hedgehog, Super Metroid, Bangai-O, Wario Ware, Pokemon and FIFA 13*, made by the people who brought you the splendid Pix'n Love Rush plus me. Essentially, if you don't buy it you're a complete dick and I hope you die.

Extremely selective review quotes follow.

"Exquisite graphics, entertaining gameplay, fun music and nonstop humor"
– Planet Xbox 360

"Absurd, hilarious, and completely unrestrained" – Inside Gaming Daily

"Sharp 2D visuals, a surprisngly varied approach to Metroidvania-styled play, and bitingly funny writing" – G4 TV

"Hell Yeah! is a complex creature that can only be understood once you play it. Thankfully, once you do it is nigh impossible to stop." – ZT Game Domain

"Constant chuckles from the dialog to the death sequences, leveraging running jokes, amazing animation and mini-game driven finishing moves that will threaten to unhinge your eyeballs at every monster mashing in the vein of a cracked-out Ren and Stimpy episoode" – EGM

"Enthusiastic, gleeful silliness" – Joystiq

"An irreverent, colorful, and cartoon-y realm full of nonsensical characters and scenery – and tons of animated blood and gore" – Official Xbox Magazine

"This is not a game of complex morals. Or indeed any concept of morality."
– Eurogamer

"Nun viel Spaß mit dem genialen Trailer von „Hell Yeah! Der Zorn des Karnickels“"
– Gaming XP

"Wah wah it's childish and too hard and I'm a big whiny baby" – some pompous, awful cockdrip on Gamespot


*FIFA 13 elements may not be present in finished version.

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congrats, which version do you recommend.. any cahnce of an ios version?

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“which version do you recommend.. any cahnce of an ios version?”

I’ve only played the PC one so far – the PS3 one should be finished downloading from Sony’s excellent and capable servers sometime next Tuesday. Given the controls, I would estimate the chances of an iOS version at zero or lower.


I saw that it's free on PSN plus at the moment. How does that work, exactly? Is there a rebait for the devs on every download or something? Or a flat fee? I'm guessing you probably can't say, but I do wonder how they make it worth your while.


"Free" on PSN means it's forever yours as long as you're a member of the PSN Plus scheme (which, why wouldn't you be? You also get Bulletstorm and Resi 5 for nowt this month too)

Irish Al

Either 360 or PC for me – I presume it doesn't require a Crysis 3-running hoor of a graphics card on PC?

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“I presume it doesn’t require a Crysis 3-running hoor of a graphics card on PC?”

It runs beautifully fullscreen on mine, which has a very modest graphics card. Windowed was rather clunky on the last build I saw, don’t know about the finished version.

League Against Internet Mentalists

No version for the WiiU online shop a possibility?


This is so cool.  I'll buy a copy.

Rev. Stuart Campbell

"No version for the WiiU online shop a possibility?"

You'd have to ask Sega. But I'd be pretty surprised.


Oh, I didn’t know (think I knew but forgot) you were involved with this! I saw it on Totalbiscuit’s WTF Is, where it charmed his pants off and mine too. Well done.


(does this mean we're rich now?)

Rev. Stuart Campbell

Less than you might hope, dear.


In that case, your dinner is in the dog. 

Rev. Stuart Campbell

That's okay. I'll just eat the dog.


Just tried the demo on XBLAH. It was lots of fun, and absolutely gorgeous. The Wario Ware-style minigames for finishing off larger enemies are fantastic, heh. I'll be buying this tomorrow, methinks. 🙂


Congrats. I don't own any of the 3 formats though.

Rev. Stuart Campbell

Your sort DISGUST me.


BTW, if anyone still isn't sold on this, it has a robotic Moai enemy called "Roosevelt Gradius".


Looks good. Might try it if it's ever available on Mac, Android or iOS. 


its ace, like an old Amiga game. Me and my two year old took turns and had a blast.


Bought. Enjoyed so far.
Is the Floppy Disk saving icon ironic or something?


For PC people: It's currently $15 at GamersGate, which is $5 cheaper than buying it direct on Steam.
This is buying from Australia, I have no idea if it's a world-wide thing.

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