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Wings Over Scotland

Bring it on

Posted on July 13, 2013 by
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I was going to say the MoD could secure Faslane using, jets from their aircraft carriers, but they neither have carriers nor suitable jets to proceed in that direction, I wonder if the supposed deal to use French Carriers is still valid.
Either way we have the Waverley steam ship..a formidable, leviathan.


Was he off on a recruiting drive  Just in case

Stuart Black

Sorry Rev. I know you like us to wait till after 5 or so posts before going off topic, but your readers need to visit Tris’s site and read the article by Foxy, magnificent stuff, and should be compulsory reading for everyone, not least the MPs themselves.
link to


I think the lion has the right idea. Beat them to the punch and annex MOD HQ. 🙂

Stuart Black

So, apologies, and back on topic, lovely cartoon again Chris, gaun yersel’ Hamish, I’ll get yer back… 😉


Dinna be sniping at oor Hamish wih yer big guns at thon top table wih the big boys, eh!
Oh oh… here come the bendy Wendy cavalry.

Archie [not Erchie]

@ Stuart Black – Great link and definitely worth a read. I am sure Rev Stu will forgive you.

Angus McLellan

Hamish might be at the wrong address, The MoD could sell off that building before he gets there according to this Torygraph story.

And in an unrelated find, it’s deja vu all over again in this piece from the Spectator’s archives: link to

Jamie Arriere

The time might have come to remobilise the Glesca Eskimo Regiment!


Another link to a piece by Robbie Dinwoddie in today’s ‘Herald’ which will generate ‘recall’ for the oldies and certainly should be prescribed reading for the younger generation
link to

Jim Mitchell

ianbeag, I would like to know exactly what kind of pressure was brought on the BBC.  BTW anybody who is to young to remember the name of Helen Liddell  should look it up, she was a real peace of work.
(John Smith, as Privy Council minister, was in overdrive, co-opting Helen Liddell as secretary of the Scottish Labour to use her influence as a recent BBC staffer), says it all really.

Robert Kerr

Helen Liddell… what nightmares are made of.
Hail Alba


Robert Kerr
…but enjoyed seeing her walk into the Gents’ toilet after her then boss, Robert Maxwell.


It’s Helen Lidl, actually.
Not to be confused with her sister, Ellen Aldi.


‘…but enjoyed seeing her walk into the Gents’ toilet after her then boss, Robert Maxwell.’ 
Aye. We are all eternally grateful that she wasn’t following him when he was on that yacht.


I served Helen Lidl once, at a massive New Labour fundraiser in a prestigious Glasgow hotel in the late winter of 96/7. (With baby potatos, french beans, and deep-fried asparagus tips. She went down a treat.)
If only…at least then her existence would’ve generated some pleasure.

Dave McEwan Hill

Helen Lidl
She got herself a big hoose in Tighnabruaich when she was in her prime . The locals called it Maxwell House


Ah, the lady transported to Oz -‘For Services Rendered’, I’d bet Julia Gillard is absolutely delighted that she took her advice and brought John McTernan to Oz! Nasty is, as nasty does!

David MacGille-Mhuire

Lamont = Liddell reincarnated sans wallies.


La Liddell was also known as ‘Stalin’s Granny’


O/T came across this,
link to
This’ll definitely put the wind up bitter together.  


Great Hamish ‘toon. I’m still wondering what kind of mascot the No campaign will come up with to compete with Wings’ Hamish, NNS’ Duggy Dug and Yes Scotland’s Yessie.

Bugger (the Panda)

If that Hellen Liddel was at Strathclyde, she spent most of her time in the Lounge, just beyond the beer bar necking at tonguing her “beau”.
She was also very skelly.

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