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Wings Over Scotland

Bernie, the Bolt

Posted on August 02, 2014 by
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donald anderson

I have not had sex with Yohann Lamont.


Na man. I is ayrie.

Gordon Hay

BBC Scotland News were trying to stir things up again this evening, asking the people queuing to get in about their views on his alleged disparaging comments. They found three who seemingly believed it, including one woman who thought Bolt was “a bit up himself”. They really do not have any shame or conscience.


When its all over we should have “Most taken out of context, misquoted, shameless, barefaced BetterTogether liar awards.”

My top 10,000 starts with that BBC in Scotland dude that lied about the EU membership, via the Irish Foriegn Secretary who then had to write and tell that she’s been “taken out of context, misquoted and shamelessly lied about” by the BBC.

Findlay Farquaharson

Pretty sure the sneering smearing better together would not ask the bolt for permission. Good stuff.


Trouble is, ‘Better Together’ don’t seem to wonder if anybody minds being misrepresented, abused or exploited. They just go ahead and do it.

Grouse Beater

More like:

“Hi Usain, your sponsor here. We pay you a ton of OUR money to show our logo that’s stamped on your forehead at ALL public gatherings. Get your ass up to Glasgow and start working the stadium! Capice?”


They started with the norovirus, union smoke and national anthems, warnings to English athletes they would be booed, hijacking by the EBC to turn it in to home nations games, failed drug tests, Ebola virus and big Usain misquoted.

They haven’t derailed OUR games.

Good toon Chris I thought you were away today


When people have to watch Games they have contributed to with the sound down, because of BBC total bias, it just shows the total disgrace of the BBC. They should never be allowed the contract again. The BBC talking itself out of a job.


Did anyone see big Usains interview last night where he had a go at EBC and in particular Gabby Logan..mega big man 🙂

john king



Good one again Chris.

@Ken500, my wife has stopped watching the games altogether as she was so upset by one race where we had chapter and verse about the English runner and a 10sec cutaway to the Scot who was winning the race before returning to concentrate on the English runner again.


The EBC news at 5:20 reporting on the games said ‘Scotland’s Charlie Flynn won gold in the boxing and Scotland won another gold’ Disgraceful, disgusting they never even mentioned Josh Taylor’s name.

pete the camera

What a cracker the bbc just made a total arise of it saying this London roar from the crowd


The English commomwealth games in Glasgow have been a disaster for the Bitter Together mob.


One of the BBC commentators said about a Scottish athlete, ‘she sounds more Scottish than normal’.

They have tripped other athletes up, elbowed others, and never a comment has been made.

They have never interview a winning athlete from any other country, except Bolt.


Shame on them using a neutral sportsman who’s not part of the debate.

BT/BBC/etc stoop ever lower. I hadn’t realised the gutter were so deep. They behave as if there was no tomorrow. Have they not considered that their words and deeds won’t go away? They will have to live with the consequences forever. One way or another, there will be a day for reckoning for all the liars and deceivers.

Nana Smith

The para cycle gold was won by Scotland, the perverted London BBC commentator stated “but would they have won if it was not on home ground.

These low life bastards who infest the BBC NEED A KICK IN THE GOOLIES.


@Nana – I would be checking Murray’s bank account for thirty pieces of silver. The guy has so obviously been nobbled, they must have something on him.. you know who I mean by ‘they’

Nana Smith


Something sure stinks about this.


If EBC have to bring these foreigners up here to do a job that obviously the local armatures can’t be trusted to handle then why the hell should we be stuck with the also rans running “EBC SCOTLAND” branch office for the rest of the time. EBC might be a sub standard biased propaganda outfit employing gash biased reporters presenters, but let me assure these self opinionated “stars” the people of Scotland are not second class and certainly don’t deserve to be treated as such. It’s long past the day this lot should be shown the door, from the top down. Nothing but a complete gut out and decontamination of the building will suffice.

Yes Scotland get rid of these chancers and give some young untainted people a chance.


@Nana – Someone said on an earlier thread, sorry can’t remember who, to watch out for the black op story on Sunday that can be used by Flipper on Tuesday it’s looking like this is it. Hopefully most people will smell the bullshit for what it is

Nana Smith


Well I’m up here in the north and I can smell it from here.

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Well done to the Scottish team winning 52 medals (so far) with 19 gold medals almost doubling the total number won before. Quite an acheviement from a nation of just over 5 million. The Ebc anglo home nation hijacking of the games have been a disgrace and it seems for all the world theyre trying to make a political statement to Scots. I think its backfiring big time judging by their faces and actions. They look rattled. Hopefully its the last hurrah of the Ebc in Scotland. And good riddance.

The crowd not booing Usain Bolt must have hurt the Unionists. How sad to try and ruin our games. Superb cartoon Chris.

Richard Bruce



Love it, almost spilled my pint!!


They started with the norovirus, union smoke and national anthems, warnings to English athletes they would be booed, hijacking by the EBC to turn it in to home nations games, failed drug tests, Ebola virus and big Usain misquoted.

They haven’t derailed OUR games.

Unfortunately for BT-No Thanks, the people of Scotland were not interested in the relentless negativity against the games spun by the BBC.

The people were only interested in Scottish heroes and great stories of personal achievement, against the odds. They have not been disappointed.


Gotcha, Daily Heil style, but will there be same BritnatBBC style hysterical fury over the Saltire at Wimbledon tragedy/outrage/debacle/cringers weeping, from anyone anywhere across Scotland? No.

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Nana Smith & Croompenstein.

It’s obviously a set up for Tuesday, it’ll hit the BBBC pages tomorrow, probably.

How easy is it to do ? Peasy easy. Infect their PC with ‘inappropriate’ images, add a credit card payment to a dodgy site, tell them, & they’re putty in your hands.

It could be he’s a long ‘sleeper’, it could be lots of things.
Ecks comeback ? All the defectors from Labour, Grey ect.


Telegraph have a great photo of Scotland’s FM. Somethings not right.

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Helen Cameron

Also the so-called “national” news mentioning England’, position in the medals table, but never Scotland,s. We,ve got a third of their medals with a tenth of the population.Multiply ours by ten would be 500! We have done so well, so proud of our team,but you,d never know it from the EBC.

[…] « Bernie, the Bolt […]

Harry McAye

With the poll stinger due on Tuesday from a very No friendly pollster, I was hoping the Sunday Herlad might have got in first with one tomorrow but no sign of one so far. Considering the last one was 48-52, a 50-50 poll would have put the No’s gas at a peep before Tuesday.


When boxer Josh Taylor was giving Flower of Scotland big licks and pumping his fists at “and be a nation again” the BBC quickly shifted its focus from the podium.

Scotland must be only Commonwealth Games host nation to allow its TV coverage to be determined by a foreign competing nation’s agenda.

Just like the referendum coverage BBC London TV doesn’t trust indigenous Scots to speak for Scotland.

And on BBC Radio Scotland there are more English voices than Scottish voices.


Defo, do you really believe that Murray is being balckmailed as per your fantastical plot? Do you also think that any old Labour dude who is pro Yes is also being balckmailed in a similar manner?



Daily Mail non ‘story’

Paid plants waves flag in swimming stadium. While non sporting attempts are made to prohibit flags in support of sportspeople being waved at institutions in the south.


Olympics Scotland 10% of population won 25% of the medals. Never mentioned. Able Scottish athletes are prevented from competing in the Olympics because of bias or because they will not leave their home to move south. People have complained about it.

Marco McGinty

Just watching the run up to the Men’s 4×100 Metres Relay, with Usain Bolt “hating” every second of these games.

Marco McGinty

And he’s now obviously “hating” the fact that he’s just won a Commonwealth Games gold medal – in a games record!


England have it..England have it…oh here comes Bolt 😀

Marco McGinty

And he must really be hating the lap of honour – signing autographs, shaking hands and getting photos taken with adoring fans – he must be in hell at the moment!


Oh look, Bolt’s got a saltire – quick, cut to English team, no more Bolt thanks very much…


Biased BBC commentator, the only one in the Stadium disappointed Bolt & Co won.


Can “proud Scots” explain how Scotland is the only country to host the Commonwealth Games to allow a foreign competing nation to control the TV output?

To do as well as Team Scotland, England would have won 500 medals

Marco McGinty

And almost 15 minutes since the race ended, they were still on their lap of honour. It appeared that Usain Bolt had acquired a Saltire, and had it draped around his neck, but the BBC quickly move away from this shot, to one of the England team!

Nana Smith

I see the Abiesalba character is saying the SNP are deranged dictators. He has put up a long list of examples which are totally false and seems to be the usual froth from this person.
He calls others deranged….haha

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Just saw Usain Bolt conducting the crowd, dancing, winning and now getting mobbed for selfies in his lap of honour, another Downfall moment in BT HQ indeed, bring on Tuesday night!!


Ah well, thats the English Commonwealth games over.


Bolt and Co must be so happy with £millions of sponsorship.


Gfaetheblock. Whatevs gadgie.


Still go Anglophile Lulu and Kylie to go. Mathieson will be pleased. Glasgow’s typical night out. Auto fun and games.

Bob Sinclair


Gutters are shallow, sewers are deep. I’m struggling with which category the BBC fits into as they are shallow but also a running sewer of c**p.


Re Murray.

Alicsamin offered Cameron a third question on the ballot which he ( DC) laughingly refused.

Why did Alex Murray not speak up then, and why blame Salmond who offered it and was brushed off by Cameron.

HMG is throwing it’s money around like a drunken sailor, billions in London, railway to Manchester, new atomic subs, and a wee job (ermine boiler suite) for a wee jobby. I the rats are going over the side boys time to launch the lifeboats.

Now the only question that needs answered is: was he threatened, or made a promise, or has he worked for a wee government department as a sleeper/mole on a zero hours contract for a long time.

Where are the billions coming from in a bankrupt country? I asked earlier, does Cameron, HMG, or any arm of government know how much oil is west of Shetland on the North Atlantic shelf? I BET THEY DO. and they ain’t going to tell us, till it’s too late.

Watch your back Alex Salmond this bunch of gangsters are capable of anything, and I do mean anything. The shit is now being prepared. MI5 are now running this unionist party. Good luck one and all and don’t run, unless it’s forward.

donald anderson


“MI5 are now running this unionist party. Good luck one and all and don’t run, unless it’s forward.”

Whit dae ye mean “now”?


Abiesalba is a deranged dictator. Completely nuts. Or a Guardian ‘journalist’. One and the same.

wee folding bike

I’m 47 and understand the title of this piece. The memsahib is younger and didn’t which involved me in a bit of explanation about ’70s game shows.


I dare Flipper to mention this Murray shit or the JK Rowling shit during the debate with the FM as the FM must then ask about Flippers flipping and resignation from the Faculty of Advocates and Ian Smarts tweeting.

BT are digging a hole and hopefully they dig it so deep they bury themsleves.


@wee folding bike
I was just thinking some younger readers might not get the reference. Ah, The Golden Shot on Sunday afternoon – Bob Monkhouse, Anne Aston and Wei Wei Wong. Tea, while watching it, would probably consist of some awful convenience food ‘on our knees’, probably involving a packet of Smash. But we were happy.

(No we weren’t; it was hell.)

No no no...yes

Nana Smith @9.37pm

Did you see the Wings alert reader badge in the Guardian photo. Free advert, Hurray!

Peter Mirtitsch

It might seem petty, but I have avoided watching any more of the games as the BBC coverage was pitiful.


Entirely and utterly O/T

Can any of you bright people provide the answer to one of these bizarre family arguments that starts from nowhere?

The question is: If a tidal array is taking energy from the tide to generate electricity, what is the balancing effect? Does it:
a) Slow down the moon’s rotation round the Earth?
b) Do no such thing, but just reduces the height of the tide

Extrapolating: Will the moon eventually drop out of orbit and crash into the Earth, or will we reach a state where there are no tides, since the energy extracted will eventually balance the tidal surge?


@kininvie – I know that WoS reaches the parts most blogs cant reach and answers most of the questions but I don’t think I have seen Isaac Newton posting on here so my answer is..

Is thon the moon I see in the sky
it’s awfu wee and curly
See there’s a coo and a calf oot by
and a lassie pullin a hurly

donald anderson

Chic Murray was stopped by a wumman in Maryhill Road and was asked, “Is that a full moon I see in up there in the sky?” “I don’t know” he replied. “I’m a stranger here myself”.


New Survation poll. Yes 40% No 46% U/D 14%


I always smile when I hear flipper on about “better Together ” when he cheated on his wife for a Labour supporting journalist.

It was the UK regulatory authorities headed by Chancellor of Exchequer Alistair Darling that had the powers to investigate the RBS / AMRO take over but ignored fact that no due diligence was done by RBS on a deal worth £49 billion before they gave its approval for the world’s biggest bank take over deal that brought about the collapse of the Royal Bank.

Incredibly, the FSA overlooked the rules on capital by allowing Goodwin and RBS to dip below 4%, below the minimum regulatory requirement on capital, to do the ABN Amro deal.
So much for relying on the UK regulatory body.

At the time Fred Goodwin was an adviser to Alistair Darling as Chancellor, and was still a member of a key Treasury body advising Labour months after the banking crisis and quitting RBS.
Darling learnt no lessons from the collapse of Northern Rock in September 2007, and his March 2008 Budget speech just six months after the first UK bank collapse makes embarrassing reading today: “…we have maintained confidence and stability in the banking system … We have turned welfare into work and borrowing into wealth creation.”

In a BBC Today Programme Lecture on 2nd May 2012, the Governor of the Bank of England, Sir Mervyn King criticised the lack of action by Alistair Darling and the last Labour government in the earliest days of the banking crisis when the first UK Bank, sorry English bank, Northern Rock, failed, which King said could have cost up to one million people their jobs. Decisive action would have at least mitigated the problems encountered by other Banks including HBOS and RBS a year later.

Harry McAye

Games not finished yet. Bothwell’s Kirsty Gilmour goes for our 20th gold medal tomorrow in the badminton final.

Nana Smith

@No no no…yes

I did spot the wings badge, I think someone at the guardian slipped up or is a yes supporter…haha


For billions of years, since it formed, the moon has been slowly moving away from the earth, and as a result, the tidal effect is slowly reducing. The tides billions of years ago were hundreds of feet high and in a billion years or so they will be negligible.
The tiny amount of energy removed from the tides, by tidal energy systems, has no measurable effect on the moon or it’s orbit. Hope that helps. VOTE YES.

Nana Smith

Really good article by Jonathan Shafi

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@Nana – nice one Nana it’s getting near SH front page time where is Marcia? and where is Lesley-Anne?

Nana Smith

@Ronnie Anderson

You are my hero for that comment on the guardian article.

Puerile pish is indeed what the albiesalba one spouts.

Findlay Farquaharson

@kininvie, the moon will crash into the earth, just north of dundee only if the scotch get off their knees and vote for independence. A no vote will of course keep the moon in its regular orbit. Hope that helps.


BBCScotland News readers are not journalists these days. BBC News is entertainment/showbiz news these days, opium of the masses. Keeping viewers in the dark and feed them cr@p. All the BBC robot reporters are asking same cr@p question, must be co-ordinated by BBC HQ. They’ll be getting daily scripts fae BBC London Millbank Tower’s bunker.


I’m pretty sure Usain Bolt will be on Scotland’s side and not the unions side, after all it was a Scotsman who designed the Jamaican national flag, the man in question was Rev, William McGhie.

He designed it with the Saltire in the middle, for Jamaica’s independence in 1962.


kininvie. The energy in the tide would dissipate eventually anyhoo. Array or not. And, to make any sort of difference to the ‘gravitational’ energy bound up in the tide, it would have to be some size !
The moon is drifting away from Earth, and in thousand’s of years will be ‘too small’ for a total eclipse to occur. The tidal effect will be proportionately reduced, with increasing distance.

Can you tell I’m bored witless ?

Grouse Beater

A Fart in the Wind – grousebeater,wordpress.

I’m bleary eyed. If there’s typos I’ll correct them in the morning. Meanhile, Guardian’s art critic can go boil his head.

Liquid Lenny


My understanding is that Venus has as much influence on the tides as the Moon.


@donald anderson says: 9:55pm

I am sorry Donald I’m getting a bit wound up tonight. I just mean they are taking more control up front instead of from the back seat. Things are hotting up.


O/T Just thinking about that gigantic oilfield they didn’t find near Shetland,if we vote no, the profits from the oilfield they didn’t find will build London a new everything, HS2, sewers refurbished a third terminal, a Westminster refit, and many other goodies, whilst up here in Scotland our block grant will be slashed, so bloody vote yes.


The usual gang of racists on Cif going into apoplexy that somebody made a political comment related to the Commonwealth games. the same posters, some of them still with the same names, were relentless in telling us how the glorious empirefest of englishness in 2012 had destroyed the evil SNP and any hopes of a Yes.

Time a new word was invented to describe them. Hypocrite just doesn’t cut it anymore.


A boy I work with was a def no and I have steered him to yes mainly through wings and the McCrone report. His mum in law is now the defo no mainly worrying about currency but my friend is working on her thanks to wings. Stu you deserve a f*ckin medal

Ian Brotherhood

@kininvie –

I didn’t even understand the question, but what gets me is this:

How come, when there is a total eclipse, the orbs are, from our POV, precisely the same ‘diameter’. What are the chances of that? It’s some kind of cosmic ‘avin-a-laffery, that’s what it is…

Liquid Lenny


Hear Hear, not one for Gongs but when we win this the Rev needs to get some recognition.

Nick Heller

For those who might miss the Commonwealth Games this might help;
link to

Nick Heller

Apologies for the two uses of “might” in that last post. Perhaps the gods of better writing will intervene.


Good old BBC TV coverage just introduced three Gold medal winning boxers from England but ignoring the two Northern Ireland and the two Scottish gold medal winners


Since the World’s largest annual event has just started. Maybe some of the massive BBBC army will shift 50 miles along the road and provide some proper coverage?

Or maybe not.

Paula Rose

The only place for life in the Universe is our planet and the only country that will deliver a tide of unexpected proportions is ours.


Just Scotland’s shame..

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Paula Rose

Good ole BBC showing the woman who learnt all she knows from moi! Dolly!


I think you must have missed the earlier interview when they were all interviewed at some length.


The BBC Scotland “hate fest” for the Games started when the company selling the tickets made a bit of a balls up, and then every news bulletin for a week ran with the “ticket fiasco” story.

And the rest is history, as they say.

Black Douglas


You would think when they love the Union Flag so much they might just be able to fly the thing the right way up 😀

Zombie top left has it upside down.


BBCScotland News Readers are not Journalists these days. BBC News is Entertainment/Showbiz News, opium of the masses. Keeping viewers in the dark and feed them cr@p. All the BBC robot reporters are asking same cr@p question, must be co-ordinate by BBC HQ. They’ll be getting daily scripts fae BBC London’s Millbank Tower bunker.

wee folding bike

@Ian Brotherhood

Yes, we just happen to be here at the right time when the size and distance of both the Moon and Sun allow solar eclipses to happen. The time scale for this to not happen anymore is a bit long for any of us to worry about. The moon is moving away at around 4cm per year because we are swinging around at a slightly increasing rate.

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The Sun’s distance from Earth is about 400 times the Moon’s distance, and the Sun’s diameter is about 400 times the Moon’s diameter. Because these ratios are approximately the same, the Sun and the Moon as seen from Earth appear to be approximately the same size: about 0.5 degree of arc in angular measure.[6]


@BlackDouglas – they cannae even hold themselves up the right way never mind the apron, a lost cause for us I’m afraid but we will have to support these neanderthals in our new Scotland

Dave McEwan Hill

I think ex provost Murray’s remarks offer opportunities. First of all somebody should take the silly old man aside and fill him in on the actual facts on the issues that appear to have confused him. He might then usefully tell the press he has been reassured (or not, I suspect many people will find it slightly distasteful that he is being used)
but then this should give us opportunity to yet again explain the currency and the EU distortions that have been fed to the dim witted

Robert Peffers

@horseboy says: 2 August, 2014 at 10:33 pm
“They’ll be getting daily scripts fae BBC London Millbank Tower’s bunker”.

I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again.
Modern journalists have their computers set on a wire service home page – say Reuters.

The news comes in and they cut and paste it to the compositers who set up the layout of the paper.

That’s why the stories in the different papers are almost word for word.

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The first human being to walk on the Moon, Neil Armstrong. was Scottish.

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“He visited in 1972 with his wife to accept the honour. Men, women and children lined the streets to cheer and wave in welcome. At the ceremony address he told the audience, “The most difficult place to be recognised is in one’s own home town, I consider this, now, my home town.”

There’s also a Lunar Tartan. And conmen like Crash and the Flipper tell us Scotland cant run Scotland.


@heeds – We’ve made a pure cnut of running the Commonwealth Games :O


@Paula Rose – Good ole BBC showing the woman who learnt all she knows from moi! Dolly!

Nice one PR Dolly is fantastic, she transcends nationalities


A wrap around Sunday Herald front cover;

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Sunday Herald front page, which is a ‘warp around’
showing Usain Bolt complete with tartan gear and saltire, which the BBC seemed reluctant to show

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Snap 😉

By the way the Mail on Sunday is also showing various pics of Usain Bolt wearing a Saltire Flag as well as the Jamaican Flag, working the crowds


A wee o/t

Handing out leaflets, badges, car stickers and window posters today, And a guy shouted back at me,

“I have all them, and they are all going up after the Commonwealth Games have finished”.

I don’t think he is alone in thinking like that. I think we will start to see more and more stickers, posters and badges appearing once the Games and the “debate” are out of the way.


OT re Flipper
Anagrams of his name are “Stalingrad liar” . Well he was a bit of a Marxist at one time.
Or, if you like, (as I do) ” Anal gas dirt liar”.
I will get my coat.

Early Ball


When Charlie Flynn was belting out Flower of Scotland on the podium the camera switched to a cute kid in the audience at the “Be a Nation again” line. I am sure it was a co-incidence!


Brilliant SH front page Marcia. 11.45pm

That’s an impressive medal haul.

Tam Jardine


late to the party tonight…. just catching up. So if we made such a braw job of hosting the commie games – how does that square with bring so completely, uniquely unable to run our own affairs? I is confused.

Little lightbulbs have been pinging on all over this land – if we do this thing we CAN do it. We are NOT inferior. And all that psychological disorder or cringe can be consigned to history.

They tried to spin this as the UK games, the home country games hosted in Scotland but the people, and the Scottish athletes have risen above all that and proved to the world that we are a country and we have something unique to offer the world.

I have witnessed a pride in our country these last 10 days – something tangible that we needed to carry us over the line. In this race, first place is the Gold and second the wooden spoon.

There is a reservoir of goodwill across the world, a deep well and although there have been dammed few voices of support from the big hitters of the international community, once we take this decision all that will change.

Steady as she goes team – the games have given us a boost and no mistake. We can do this.

Paula Rose

As an English rose – in an Independent Scotland – can I still be thorny?


@Fireproofjim – I’ve thought of an anagram for him

..A Lying Bastard..

oh! I’ll need to check the letters!


I hope the Scottish Government have city tours planned for our heroic athletes. They could parade them in every major city in Scotland.


He was deceived by a lie.We all were.
It appears the Chancellor was behind everything,including the war.
I have brought peace to the Rebublic.I am stronger than the Chancellor,I can overthrow him.

I do not believe what I am hearing. Obi Wan was right. Darling is a lying toad and deserves to die but we will protect him to remind the younglings why voting No will destroy them.

A nakin you are breaking my heart. The Jedi…

I WILL vote YES and the Force will be with me!

Robert Peffers

I wonder if Alistair might make a Usain Bolt for the door when confronted by the First Minister’s questioning?

I’ll get my dressing Gown.
‘Night all.



Maybe parades in all the gold medal winners towns.

Ian Brotherhood

@Croompenstein –

re this:

link to

Saw that earlier via WOS Twitter. Does anyone know where and when this image was captured?


@Tam – I am being sarcy I am not slagging us off please don’t think that I am belittling our efforts, we have pulled this off on our own despite of the EBC and Westminster..Go Team Scotland 🙂


@Ian – It was on the wings twitter feed I would assume that it was taken today at Pride Park in the friendly match between Derby County and Scotland’s shame which Derby won 2-0

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

You can be thorny, horny, tickly and prickly, at any time, in whatever order you choose.

And that’s official.


Paula Rose says:

“As an English rose – in an Independent Scotland – can I still be thorny?”

Yes – and you will still blossom 😉

Ian Brotherhood

@Croompenstein –


It would be good if someone could confirm the origin of that image.

Tam Jardine


I was simply developing your sarcy theme, not challenging you! All good – nothing but love tonight


Latest Survation poll from Scot Goes Pop website.

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“Maybe parades in all the gold medal winners towns”

Exactly, the Scottish people deserve at least that Marcia.

The whole of Scotland should be visited by our heroes.

Nana Smith
Dal Riata

The Home Nations Games [sic BBC]…

Presumably the memo went out before the start of the Games to the multitude of English presenters and commentators that “home nations” must be emphasised at every opportunity. You know that when you end up repeatedly shouting at the TV, “Stop going on about the ‘home nations’ for fuck sake!” that it’s better to watch with the sound down or just switch it off.

And BBC Scotland, eh. What the hell’s the point of having ‘Scotland’ in their title? “BBC Englandshire calls the shots, and you’ll do as you’re told.”? How do these people from Scotland who work for that discredited organisation, especially those involved with sport, feel about how their paymasters assess their ability and standing when they have to shove them aside and bring up the ‘more professional’ crew from England to do their jobs for them? How embarrassing. How pathetic.

And yet they still do their master’s bidding by being the propaganda mouthpiece for Better Together No Thanks UKOK…?

Well, to hell with them. If this ‘Home Nations’ Games [sic BBC] helps the population of Scotland to get an even more clearer picture of how poorly they are served by the “national broadcaster” then it will, in a way, have been worth it. The BBC does not serve the people of Scotland from whom they receive a sizeable amount of their ‘income’ (by threat of court order for non-payment). A Scottish Broadcasting Service (SBS) or Corporation (SBC) is badly needed in and for Scotland. Another huge positive of a Yes in September.


@Ian @Tam – I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me with the shot of Scotland’s shame and one of the shame in a pink top but hey ho..

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Ian, can’t trace that flag mate, but found this.
I don’t entertain facebook, but go the link and scroll down to “William Poole link”. A taster…WOS even gets a mention.

“-You will be lied to. OK, many of you will say that’s nothing new, but you should take absolutely everything with a pinch of salt, and double check any assertion made by any nationalist.
-Do not assume that “cybernats” are an out of control minority of extremists that the SNP have zero connection to. While the most offensive of the apparently full time agitators are a small number, a surprising number of SNP MSPs and councillors have little or no decorum online (including John Mason and John Menzies), and the party itself does little to distance itself from agitators such as Wings over Scotland’s Stuart Campbell, or Chris Darroch.”

link to

Pride in what ?


” The CBI’s registration was nullified on 1 May and we will be making no further statement on this matter.”

That’s the written equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears, singing la-la-la. and hoping it will all just go away.

Tam Jardine


Must remember to bring a Palestinian flag along when Queens stick them next season.

Loving the pink strip – somebody at Ibrox has a sense of humour.

1 thing they’ll learn about the 1st division – there is nae the charitable works the Gers have been used to in the SPL and the lower leagues. They will have to work to get through this one.

Canny wait – will be the best league this country has seem for an age.


@Tam – I work wae a wee Ranger the typical GTSQ british bulldog tattoo boy and I have told him the jambos and the hibees will fight it out for top 2 in the championship. It winds him up no end but secretly he knows Scotland’s shame are f*cked 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

Serious appeal to genuine Rangers fans – can you please explain why some of your peers are hoisting the Israeli flag?

Why are they doing it?


@Ian – The same reason why some of them wear England shirts. It’s the ‘no-one likes us we don’t care’ mentality. A kind of siege mentality but they are not sure who the enemy is. I would say they are more to be pitied but these dobbers are voting against my children’s future so fuck them.

Ian Brotherhood

@Croompenstein –


I would just like ONE of these people (anonymous or otherwise, doesn’t matter) come here and explain, in the most basic terms possible, why they behave like this.

scullys gusset sooker

All that I can say is that our athletes and Glasgow and Scotland have done us proud. Now, let the games begin.

Leo Foyle

@ Croompenstein & Ian B, re Israeli flags:

I’m afraid it’s more sinister than ‘no-one likes us’. Since Irish Republicans express solidarity with Palestinians (occupied territory etc), Irish Loyalists automatically adopt the Israeli flag just to provoke. It becomes yet another sectarian icon.

The flags thing has been a particularly sad thing to see this summer. In the last few years I had seen increasing numbers of Saltires in Belfast (celebrating Ulster Scots heritage), but last year these suddenly became outnumbered by score upon score of flags of British Army regiments (I kid you not).

Of course, there are hundreds of Butcher’s Aprons flying from lamp-posts – same old story.

This week, I have counted maybe six Saltires, but depressingly many more Israeli flags.

donald anderson

Rangers fans fly Israeli flags simply because Celtic fans fly Palestinian flags. I would not confuse all Celtic fans with real Irish Republicans any more than I would believe that all Celtic fans are racially pure Irish. Most of the OF haven’t a clue about Palestine or Israel, any more then they have about the real Ireland.

It was Labour, under (Viscount Earl)Atlee who presided over the division of Palestine into the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Zionist State of Israel. King Hussein of Jordan (and Sandhurst) was paid to have a British base in Aqaba, the Red Sea, and a few in Amman, the Capital of Jordan, till 1958-9.

It was Labour in 1969, under (Lord) Harold Wilson who sent the Troops IN to the occupied Six Counties of (Nine County Ulster and introduced all the Draconian Laws therein.

Most of the Celtic Board are right wing Labour Unionists and “Forces of the Crown”. Desmond Dermott is a registered Tory Donor. Lord Reid was a Secretary of Sate for Northern Ireland. Previously, he used to sing IRA songs on his guitar. One his other portfolios was Minster of War, where he said British Troops could enter Afghanistan without hardly firing a shot.

Lord Haughey financed Lord Reid’s full page Bitter Together advert in the back page of the Catholic Herald. Haughey made his fortune with contracts to Local ad National Government bodies. His Refrigeration plant received over £33m from the Scottish Government to move few yards to his own property during the Rutherglen bypass development. He donated (another) million to the Royal Labour Party.

Desmond White also made his fortune in contracts to Labour controlled bodies, by being given the contract to demolish Robroyston Hospital. He cleaned up in scrap and by selling the land to developers. He also bought Tory Blair’s useless London Millennium Dome. He has now declared himself bankrupt after transferring his (ex Council) lands in Coatbridge to his bother.

Brian (Scotland is British) Wilson made his fortune from the Nuclear Board and from Windmill Farms and from buying shares in Harris Tweed for a song. He also took over the (ex)radical “West Highland Free Press” from Brian Burnett, a real Scottish Republican Socialist.

If the Blue Brigade and the Green Order chorus boys want to see the real “Forces of the Crown” they need look no further than the Royal Box of Directors at Parkheid.


@Tam Jardine
On Scotland’s Shame etc

The reason for the Israeli flag is not born out of conviction but from just being reactionary. Celtic fans (usually the ‘ultra’ types) wave Palestinian flags, being in sympathy with any country who they perceive as being oppressed by a strong neighbouring country (the Basque struggle is another case, no accident that there is a dollop of green in both flags). The analogy for Celtic fans is always Ireland’s struggle, never Scotland’s (many are still suspicious of ‘protestant’ Scotland and the imbalanced demographic therein).

What you have then is a very complex historical cleavage where each side (usually through a process of socialisation: home/school/church/team) constructs an identity from this very polarised set of beliefs.

Crudely, you have one large demographic that identifies with Britain and as being British, and another as being Republican Irish. Such a situation remains advantageous to London! Divide and conquer.

joe kane

MP Jim Murphy on his ginger crate somewhere in darkest Ayrshire.

Jim Murphy visits Ayr to say his piece.
Jim Murphy MP Ayr #100streets100days 2/8/14

link to

Part 2 Jim Murphy says his piece
Jim Murphy MP Ayr #100streets100days 2/8/14

link to


Rev Stuart Campbell – Urgent

Someone posted info that, because his daughter works offshore, he was COPYING A POSTAL BALLOT to ensure she gets a YES vote in Sept.?

WRONG – WRONG – WRONG – that is another. “YES” vote lost to our side.

On every ballot paper ther are “Perforations”, ultra-violet registration marks and water marks that cannot possibly be photo-copied.

Anyone who has been paying attention recently KNOWS they must nominate a substitute, in this instance – her father – because a Postal Vote is also a lost vote.

If anyone or BT can merely copy ballot slips then we are lost before Sept.

Come on guys waken-up to Reality – before Sept.

john king

Richard Bruce says
“Love it, almost spilled my pint!!”

A true Scotsman “almost”
Aye, no bad! 🙂

Sinky says
“Can “proud Scots” explain how Scotland is the only country to host the Commonwealth Games to allow a foreign competing nation to control the TV output?”

Thats the one,
Get that on billboards across Scotland!

Paula Rose says
“As an English rose – in an Independent Scotland – can I still be thorny?”

We wouldnt have it any other way Paula. 🙂

@Joe Kane
If the clown Murphy had been an ordinary Joe he would have been taken away in a black Maria for breaching the peace,
someone needs to complain to the police about his stirring up hatred in the streets, and night in a cell will cool his ardour.

Grouse Beater

Sunday rags luxuriating in the latest poll that shows no real advance in the Yes vote. Let’s prove oppressors wrong!

Excellent article penned by the Sunday Herald’s Ian Bell on affrontery of Games organisers and police confiscating Saltires and Yes badges – Union Jacks allowed.


Joe Kane 3.26am

Those Jim Murphy videos, standing on his empty crate, from Ayr are a must watch.

He reminded me of Ian Paisley going round the towns of Northern Ireland in the 80s, screaming about keeping the Union together.

I kept waiting on cries of “No Surrender” being shouted.

And I also think someone at Parkhead/Celtic Park will be having a word with Jim about those Union Jack brollies that were on show yesterday.

I bet you he is sorry he came up with this dingbat idea of a grand tour of Scotland.

I heard there are a team standing by with a straight jacket and valium injections, because he is so close to losing it altogether.

Grouse Beater

Those Jim Murphy videos, standing on his empty crate, from Ayr are a must watch.

I wonder if No voters resist listening to their country belittled, made to hear it is small and ineffectual, better governed by another nation?

They have made up their mind the time isn’t right for full democracy, (logically any time is right) but still feel disinclined to be lectured negatively.


And the lady in the Jim Murphy video who ask him about the latest Gordon Brown NHS scare, is still waiting on an answer.


I have a prediction.

I predict that by the 18th September, the majority of Scottish Labour voters will vote YES for Independence.

Why would they vote for an even worse deal than they are getting right now.

Explain that one to them Jim.

joe kane

Thanks caz-m.

Imagine the mayhem if MP Jim Murphy actually told anyone what his tour date and venue schedule was instead of him just appearing out of the blue to bawl and shout at bemused passers-by through a speaker-amplifier?

The wifie in the blue anorak with the wee Saltire flags is just the best.


Paula Rose says:

“As an English rose – in an Independent Scotland – can I still be thorny?”

Ach, Paula, you’re as Scottish as anyone else on this site, in spite of having been born a ‘furriner’. You’re as thorny as a thistle and I hope it stays that way.

john king

I read Pauls “The rain in Carntyne”
and after reading it (through tears) I felt a strong sense of guilt and not a little shame,
looking in on the personal grief of a man who is losing the love of his life piece by piece left me feeling a deep need to make amends,Lets start with Simon Chadwick who (unwittingly) I made fun of last night, I can assure you Simon it was not intentional but simply a thoughtless comment on my part for which I am deeply ashamed,I couldnt have created a poster for BC, and also to Morag who I hold in highest regard I am sorry for baiting you, it was childish,
Forgive me!


John King

Don’t you start greetin’, you’ll set us aw aff.

Chin up John. Not long to go until the day of destiny.

And it will be a glorious YES victory.

Fergus Green

Is this really the best Darling can offer?

link to

john king

Re Murphys soap box,
surely its not too difficult to goad this clown into an abusive rant just when the cops somehow turn up and get him arrested for breach of the peace,
jus sayin s’all.

Fergus Green

@ John King 10.15
A YES Saltire and a Palistinian flag should do the trick 🙂

Fergus Green

Spent yesterday afternoon in Dundee and noticed the growing abundance of YES car and window stickers plus a few imaginative garden displays. It reminded me of the end of November when people start to put up their festive lights and trees then every time you go out you see a couple more.

joe kane

It’s funny you should say that john king as Labour Friends of Israel Jim Murphy is on twitter complaining about the anti-social behaviour of independence supporters at his Ciceronian orations to the nation stunt.

Reference –
link to

Fergus Green

@ John King 10.15
Get Pete Wishart to ask him a polite question?

link to

No no no...Yes

@Fergus Green. 10.38am

Likewise, I was in Cowdenbeath yesterday and there are two huge YES saltires on the balconies of two flats of the same block in the main thoroughfare of Broad Street.
Awesome sight(or should that be AYEsome sight- I’ll get my coat!)


John, I wasn’t aware of being baited. Where would we be without a bit of friendly banter for goodness sake?

Nana Smith

Hopefully another stick to beat Darling with on Tuesday.

link to

Juan P

Re Murphy and those videos.

All joking aside the man is becoming more aggressive by the day and comes across as slightly deranged.

He’s screaming at a protester ‘No violence, no violence’ when the man is simply arguing with him.

Later on he starts to berate someone (helpfully out of camera) for ‘pushing a child’.

I can’t help but think he is desperately hoping for a punch in the puss so he can get media coverage that his sad little stunt has so far failed to garner.

The other day when Wales’ Gerogia Davies won gold in the swimming you could clearly see the Welsh flag above the podium as Clare Balding was filling air time.

Then just as the medals were about to be handed out they cut to the athletics track in order to show an English silver and the Jamaican anthem.

I listened to the Welsh anthem on the radio. How come a silver is more important than a gold? This games was their last chance of being unbiased and they don’t even care enough to try.


Murphy and all the other high-heid SLab troughers are bound to be fully aware their traditional Labour grassroots are just not with them on this.

They are left isolated in their own back yard. That must be very scary for them.

VoteNoBorders was the definitive astro turf organisation, but SLab have gone the same way, certainly as far as the Referendum is concerned.


Has anybody managed to get some credible evidence of shady practice surrounding the DC Shetland visit?

Brian Powell

I watched the Scottish boxer who won Gold, talking thanking all the people who had helped him; the live interview of course showed the whole thing, including how his Mum and Dad did so much to support him, and that he was working part time to fund his training.

Later in the evening, when there was a round up of the events, he was shown but just as he said, “without my Mum and Dad, I wouldn’t be here”, they cut him exactly there and Garry Lineker, said in a sneery, dismissive way, “well that’s a fact for sure”.

In the 4X100 relay, they spent a lot of time following the English four, and interviewed them, they won the Bronze.

The clear message from is London ‘owns’ the BBC, the panels were loaded with London commentators, and the Games just happened to be in Glasgow.

it was all about England and the also rans, the ‘home nations’. Expect to see, how many mesas England/hoe nations won, lumped together and compared to the rest of the other Commonwealth real nations.

It’s more of the top down agenda, and quite honestly makes them look pathetic.

I suppose after bombing out of the World Cup so early, but still having to cover the success of the other World nations, they did a bit of bruised ego massaging by puffing up in Glasgow, against the ‘home nations’.




Welsh not British (@welshnotbritish) says:
How come a silver is more important than a gold?

Simple logic.

British > Welsh
British > Scotish

English = British
British = English


English > Welsh
English > Scotish

No no no...Yes

@Welsh not British 10.5am

Totally agree. Their treatment of Eilidh Child, the poster girl for Scotland, was equally discgraceful. I phoned the BBC and complained and I encourage others to do likewise.

JIM MURPHY- watched these videos and the man has lost it completely. His assertion that the YES campaign is telling lies about the NHS privatisation in England really shows that he is living in another world. He does not look a well man and his blood pressure must be dangerously high. Jim, get a grip, son.

Nana Smith

Terrific article…..

link to

Les Wilson

joe kane says:

Jeeze, Murphy is getting sooo desperate to keep his job.
He is of course lying through his teeth on many of the things he said. Also,he could cause trouble with his venomous rants.

He is another desperate self seeking labour creep, unfortunately that applies to very many of the labour party, North and South.


@ Nana Smith, it’s shocking to see just how much of a Conservative Darling is and I saw that Dobson hatchet job too

“In a recent interview, the former Labour Health Secretary was asked if NHS privatisation started under New Labour. He responded: “Oh certainly, yes! And that’s the embarrassment in the chamber: because they [the Tories] shout back ‘You started it.”

At the very least, Labour in Scotland voters have no right to complain if BetterTogether does win.

See Darling advisor Prof Curtice says just bore Scotland on Tuesday night Alistair and you’ll win, which is just so sad.

TeamGB establishment enjoys incredible power and wealth but their grip on Scotland is slipping. So boring the Scotland region in to allowing them to reign over us? Prof Cutrice is a very nasty old man.

john king

Anyone heard from 2014 recently, I cant remember seeing him (online) since the 1st CH gathering?


Murphy’s comments about Yes people driving around in their cars (with yes stickers on them is I presume what he’s getting at) because one thing is for sure No supporters are certainly not driving around in their cars showing anything like the level of support we see from our side. Bit of a an unintentional giveaway there from Murphy, he is acknowledging how much more visible our side is than his.

Bill McLean

I’ve got over my anger at the Anglicization/Londonization/BBCization of the Glasgow games. I’ve come to the conclusion that England needs to “big itself up” as it is a seriously failing country, even in its Britain alter ego. Reminds me starkly of the collapse of the Byzantine Empire and the activities of the “Blues” and “Greens” (how odd) in the city of Byzantium as it fell apart. Of course it would be too easy to describe the activities of the UK Government and their Unionist acolytes as “byzantine”!

Robert Peffers

@Paula Rose says: 2 August, 2014 at 11:58 pm:

“As an English rose – in an Independent Scotland – can I still be thorny?”

Sure you can. My first wife was an English Rose. Well loved till the day she died and just as thorny then as the day we married. No one pushed her around and that last battle was the only one she ever lost.

gerry parker

@ Marcia.
I know a civic reception is being planned for the Coatbridge Judo girls Kimberly and Louise. It will be a great opportunity to get the Yes flags out!

Will keep everybody posted re the date.

donald anderson

Can’t see the McMahon “Ethic” Unionist Labour, father and daughter, MSPs waving Saltires for the victors of Coatbridge

Bill McLean

Robert – I know you are not looking for sympathy but you have my utmost respect in your description of your first wife. My wife is an “English Rose” and the nicest person I have ever met. She has been abused because of her support for Scottish Independence but has never wavered!


Was on a road trip with my daughter up north and saw a fair few large Yes signs by the A9 especially near Perth. Well done those peeps.

Encountered my very first Better Together canvassers in Kirkwall (amazing that it has taken this long). However, the chap I spoke was very sweet, reminded me of Private Godfrey from Dad’s Army. I explained I was a Yes voter and he said “Oh dear, well never mind, let’s just keep it quiet”. I think Johann, Murphy, Smart et al could take a few lessons from that chap on how to engage with people…but they won’t.

Robert Peffers

@Ian Brotherhood says: 3 August, 2014 at 12:03 am:

“Saw that earlier via WOS Twitter. Does anyone know where and when this image was captured?”.

Dunno where the picture was taken but there’s a large number of Union flags about and a great many blue shirts. Also looks like the pic is watermarked, so probably a commercial phote library of stock pictures.


The DC/Shetland/Clair/Nothing to see here story.
Ive had 4 different sources ask me what Ive heard and its all over FB from different angles.
But Nothing concrete yet.

gerry parker

@ Donald, That might be so, but they won’t be able to stop the rest of us doing it, will they.



link to

A roast pig for BBC Commomwealth games triumph celebrations, covering not Scotland’s Games with giant England flags, England, BBC, England, England. BBC, England…

Poor pig.


If you’re a Yes voter in Aberdeen, you probably feel a lot like that BBC party pig in the Daily Heil, with Press and Journal absolutely detesting everything about the Glasgow Games.

Friday P&J take on Bolt headline is “Games dubbed fantastic after etc” with lonely pic of a Scots sports fan all aschew and a little wee Saltire, big photo of cyclist surrounded by 4 awful headlines “officials say event not suffered in any way” and “Appeal after toilet set aliight at Games” and “Oz weightlifter admits head but on Welsh althlete at Games” and “Police complaints over long shifts at Games” and all with lots of detail on just how shit the 2014 Commonwealth Games really are, for Press and Journal BetterTogether team. Or maybe these UKOK liggers in particular just don’t like athletics or Glasgow.

It must be unique to Scotland that Scottish media like Press and Journal openly hates what’s actually going on in the country they’re trying to sell stuff to. Even P&J photo of Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex watching bowls at kelvingrove looks awfull.

Robert Peffers

@Ian Brotherhood says: 3 August, 2014 at 1:33 am:
“I would just like ONE of these people (anonymous or otherwise, doesn’t matter) come here and explain, in the most basic terms possible, why they behave like this.”

You may rest assured, Ian, that if, “One of those people”, (Wee arra people) were to come here to reply it most certainly would be in the very most basic terms.

When I was a wee boy I thought they were a tribe of dwarf North American Nations tribes-people,(Wee arra people). It followed that I then translated that wrong fact as the other lot were wee green coated Leprechauns.

Helena Brown

Paula, transplanted many a thorny English Rose into Scottish soil, and they have all thrived. Seems you are just the same, thriving.
Seems we can all love together, the wee white Rose of Scotland and the Roses of England, mind I like mine old fashioned and somehow Paula I think you are a modern rose.

Helena Brown

Meant to say live together but in many cases love together is more accurate.


Maybe someone has already posted this footage of Usain Bolt dancing to Proclaimers 500 mls and wearing a tartan toorie! Fans love it.


Maybe someone has already posted this footage of Usain Bolt dancing to Proclaimers 500 mls and wearing a tartan toorie! Fans love it.
link to


@Robert Peffers

Can I thank you for your most enlighting and elequent postings. Specifically when clarifying the United Kingdom, Act of Union etc.

Most informative and very noteworthy in clarifying exactly where we stand as a nation in this Union.



I lifted this link from another indy sites poster comments showing the rig in question (can’t remember which one).

link to

It shows that it costs $440,000 a day to hire the semi-submersible – currently on hire to BP – and that the crew have been sent home on full pay until further notice. We can all guess as to the reasons why – this is very unusual due to the high hiring costs involved.

Another link this same oil worker posted was –

link to

So not sure if this is any help, but I intend to regularly check these sites for further updates regarding this new ‘find’.

Hope this does help.

Robert Peffers

@caz-m says: 3 August, 2014 at 8:53 am:

“He reminded me of Ian Paisley going round the towns of Northern Ireland in the 80s, screaming about keeping the Union together.”

You would have thought that, by this time in his career, someone with a little more savvy would have taken the lugubrious Mr Murphy aside and explained the real purpose of that thing in his hand he keeps waving around like a Union Flag while he shouts his lungs out. Real orators have had no need to shout so loud since a fellow Scot, Alexander Graham Bell, invented it for use in the telephone?



God I’m glad I don’t live in Aberdeen and have to put up with the P&J, although I don’t buy newspaper’s these days myself.

Keep up the reporting from up there as I know it’s a hard area to overcome.


Well as the celebrity EBC experts pack their samsonite cases and move back to civilisation in the Home Counties, after decontamination of course.

good old EBC Sotland branch office brings out its load of utility highly paid muppets. Yes folk the muppet show is back. EBC SCOTLAND’S FINEST.

Specialising in untruths, fear, slab propaganda, unionist crap, we hate Alicsamin, snp and anything else to do with the lowly natives. The friends of slab are back in residence at PQ now the big nobs are away home to count their loot.

There is no oil under the North Atlantic shelf, at least not until after the 18 of September when it will become the property of the London establishment so you jocks can feck off and for gods sake realise you are to wee, too poor (well you are now), too STUPID, well London just stole all your oil and money, YOU CANT GET MUCH STUPIDER THAN THAT, JOCK. he he he.

Remember thickos you are better having HMG to look after you. Aye better together, it’s give and take you know we take whether you give or not.

A big thank you jocks, better together.

Vote yes and tell these nasty money grabbing b******* to feck off.


Posted this the other night but have a bit more info.

A driver at the games has been approaching sporting celebs and commonwealth team members to ask for their pin badges. This is entirely against protocol for staff working at the games and he has apparently been quite persistent. The interesting thing is he has been offering ‘vote no’ badges as a swap. The guy is originally from Glasgow but now lives in London. His games name badge shows a different first name from his Facebook page.
A colleague reported his activities and was told the matter will be looked into though I suspect due to the games closing today it will be brushed aside.

Worth Stu making a call? I have his name (both of them) if needed

Robert Peffers

@Bill McLean says:3 August, 2014 at 11:31 am:

“Robert – I know you are not looking for sympathy

Och! Bill. When you get to my age such things are all just part of the rich wide panoply of life. No point in dwelling upon the loss of loved ones. In the first place they would not wish us to do so and in the second there really is only one certainty at the instant we are born. It is that we are going to die. The quicker we accept that fact the quicker we get over the loss and look back at the love that we had and which will never die till we do.

Bugger (the Panda)


A propos Paula, a second hand rose?

donald anderson

Have just heard that there is a huge oil find off Shetlands and Cameron and his pygmy allies her have slapped a pre Referendum ban on the news.

Robert Peffers

@TheItalianJob says:3 August, 2014 at 12:57 pm:

, “Can I thank you for your most enlighting and elequent postings. Specifically when clarifying the United Kingdom, Act of Union etc. Most informative and very noteworthy in clarifying exactly where we stand as a nation in this Union.”.

Thank you,TheItalianJob, The posts really have two motives. Besides showing the actual history of the union they highlight that the Propaganda, changed history and Fifth Column lies and spying were going on even before the Union.

Did you know that Daniel Defoe the author of, “Robinson Crouso”, was a proven undercover spy in Scotland during the
Treaty of Union? He was also a friend of William Patterson.

link to

The London Based Scot, William Patterson, started the Bank Of England and is the same William Paterson who started the disastrous Darien Expedition? The Expedition that was the reason Scotland’s landed gentry, who signed away Scotland’s crown & parliament, were made bankrupted? That the Darien Expedition was because of the English Navigational Acts?

link to

The underhand work, spying, lying, cheating and propaganda are nothing new but you will find it hard to find out the real facts as they are even better hidden than the McCrone Report was.

donald anderson

For more details on the so called Treaty of Union and the leading spy Daniel Defoe try here.

link to

Robert Peffers

@Paradox says: 3 August, 2014 at 1:20 pm:

“Good old EBC Sotland branch office brings out its load of utility highly paid muppets. Yes folk the muppet show is back. EBC SCOTLAND’S FINEST.

Indeed The, “Muppet Show”, is back along with, “Not The Glasgow Commonwealth Games News”.

Harry McAye

Time for a final day of insults from the EBC. They did a run-through earlier of the day’s higlights so far and included all the badminton medals, even an Indian male winning gold, but made no mention of the women’s final which saw Scotland’s Kirsty Gilmour win a bronze. Biased to the end.

Harry McAye

Win a silver!

Bill McLean

Robert Peffers at 2.03 PM – wisdom as ever Robert. Thanks for your response. A fellow Fifer (not born but live Newmills now).

gerry parker

Got the wife a Sunday Express today (just my sense of humour).

Noticed a story inside.

David Coutts taking a review of the Willie Mc Rae case to Parliament through the public petitions route.

Iain (orri) McCord

The easiest clue to the Usain Bolt thing being crap was that Virgin were sponsoring the games and he’s their poster boy. It’s not in his financial interest to put them down.

OTOH the weather was pretty abysmal at the end.

Free Scotland

What the Times really wanted was that those massive crowds of Scots would boo Usain Bolt. Can you imagine the headlines if we had fallen for their vile machinations? Independence supporters boo the world’s greatest athlete.

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    • Mia on Eyes Full Of Beams: “That was most informative and fascinating, Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh, thank you very much for posting that. It is definitely food for…Jan 11, 10:44
    • Andy Ellis on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Errrm….that’d be a hard pass from me I’m afraid. 🙂 There are no short cuts or silver bullets which will…Jan 11, 10:43
    • Andy Ellis on Eyes Full Of Beams: “I’m afraid the “Scotland as colony” schtick has negligible popular support Alf, no matter how hard the small band who…Jan 11, 10:41
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Eyes Full Of Beams: “The Church of Scotland (unlike the Church of England) is not bound by oath to support the presiding monarch. Thanks…Jan 11, 09:44
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Nothing stops Alf and his invincible reality-Scotland claymore – It crushes the miserable overlords, while he strives onwards – towering…Jan 11, 03:56
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “ Change the story, change the future: “Politics tells us stories a certain way round, but these stories are designed…Jan 11, 03:09
    • Willie on Eyes Full Of Beams: “How many older people or infirm people will die tonight in an sub artic energy rich Scotland due to cold…Jan 11, 02:00
    • twathater on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “If politicians were really interested every one of these scumbags who commit these heinous crimes would immediately be deported after…Jan 11, 01:56
    • Aidan on Eyes Full Of Beams: “You’re not going down the Salvo/convention of the estates/independence fairy route now are you?Jan 11, 01:45
    • Aidan on Eyes Full Of Beams: “I’m about 15 minutes away from the United Nations secretariat in New York. Would you like me to call in…Jan 11, 01:44
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Trump Sings “You’re Welcome” From Moana (AI Cover:) “Huuha, ok ok I see what’s happening, yeah You’re face to face…Jan 11, 01:30
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “June Slater @juneslater17: “I was contacted yesterday by someone from BBC Verify, asking where I got the information from for…Jan 11, 00:44
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Thank you Mia. The Scotland Act 1998 reads: « Subsection (4) requires the First Minister and the other Scottish Ministers…Jan 11, 00:09
  • A tall tale

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