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    Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)

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    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on Two Spaces: “After three years?Oct 10, 21:21
    • robertkknight on Two Spaces: “Crime doesn’t pay, except in Scotland, where Crime Obviously Pays For Some.Oct 10, 20:37
    • Young Lochinvar on Two Spaces: “This year is the 750th anniversary of the birth of Robert the Bruce, 600th anniversary of the death of Hussite…Oct 10, 20:33
    • Mia on Two Spaces: ““apparently she’s recused herself” I wonder if she also “recused herself” from her big fat salary, or she only recused…Oct 10, 20:28
    • Martin on Two Spaces: “It’s will all just fizzle outOct 10, 20:26
    • Ian on Two Spaces: “From what has been seen in public so far since 2014, the level of redactions, refusal to provide documents and…Oct 10, 20:25
    • handclapping on Two Spaces: “It used to be that the law had a year and a day to bring a case to court. We…Oct 10, 20:11
    • Callum on Two Spaces: “You can be subject to false allegations that lead you to being charged and prosecutedThat you are considered to be…Oct 10, 20:10
    • Republicofscotland on Two Spaces: “Dozens of hurricanes around the globe every year – and the UK media is obsessed with reporting on the American…Oct 10, 20:08
    • Robert Hughes on Two Spaces: “But it didn’t happen in an independent Scotland : it happened in a Scotland subject to continuous * interference *…Oct 10, 20:08
    • Mia on Two Spaces: “What are you trying so desperately to deflect attention from? The fact the figure of “crown agent” is dodgy? The…Oct 10, 19:55
    • Hatey McHateface on Two Spaces: “For as long as those sitting in Holyrood insist in swear allegiance to a foreign crown and insist in continue…Oct 10, 19:47
    • Ian McCubbin on Two Spaces: “Well it’s been a while since Murrells were changed and Lord Advocate saying nothing. The people of Scotland deserve some…Oct 10, 19:38
    • Hatey McHateface on Two Spaces: “No mince for me, thanks. I’ve already had ma tea. Seriously though, have you really been peddling this pish since…Oct 10, 19:35
    • Young Lochinvar on Two Spaces: “That’s news to me! So the sleekit Breathy One has recused herself.. Suppose she can now add “coward” to her…Oct 10, 19:26
    • Mark Beggan on Two Spaces: “This is Grand Corruption. Whatever scraps they throw us now will not be enough and won’t make any difference.Oct 10, 19:12
    • Michael Laing on Two Spaces: “He could even try proof-reading them himself. I don’t know why any writer who wants to be taken seriously would…Oct 10, 19:12
    • DougMcGregor on Two Spaces: “Part of what Holyrood was set up to do as Westminster had to legislate Scotland separately and there was never…Oct 10, 19:11
    • James Jones on Two Spaces: “England must surely be to blame for this somehow, eh? None of this would have happened in an independent Scotland.…Oct 10, 19:07
    • Mia on Two Spaces: ““how can a country (Scotland) have a separate (“national”) legal system… yet not have a *sovereign* (= independent) parliament in…Oct 10, 18:50
    • Republicofscotland on Two Spaces: “The Sturgeon appointed LA keeping stum – apparently she’s recused herself. “Scotland’s top law officer has blanked questions on why the…Oct 10, 18:46
    • Republicofscotland on Two Spaces: “The South African’s did it – to kill Brent Carlsson – Carlsson was Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and UN Commissioner…Oct 10, 18:34
    • George Ferguson on Two Spaces: “@Dan O/T I did reply to you but… Think of BESS as embedded generation. Similar to pumping Stations with thyristor…Oct 10, 18:33
    • Mia on Two Spaces: “Is it known which figure within the crown office is stalling this prosecution? Is it that dodgy figure of “crown…Oct 10, 18:20
    • panda paws on Two Spaces: “Scots law’s independence was guaranteed in the Treaty of Union and Acts, as indeed was the Church of Scotland. They…Oct 10, 18:05
    • Hatey McHateface on Two Spaces: “They even contrived to get the wrong man for the Lockerbie bombing. With hindsight, the rot started there, so nothing…Oct 10, 17:53
    • Dan on Two Spaces: “Aye George, It’s basically yet another protracted grift the taxpayer pays for. If it were possible it would save a…Oct 10, 17:44
    • ross on Two Spaces: “Why shouldnt a case be dropped if the arrested individual doesn’t have evidence against them? Why would it need to…Oct 10, 17:04
    • Anthem on Two Spaces: “Let’s be honest, her language could be seen as incitement to Salmond supporters. She knew exactly what she was doing.…Oct 10, 17:02
    • I. Despair on Two Spaces: “I enjoy Robin McAlpine’s blog but my god he needs someone to proofread his stuff before publication. Even people, like…Oct 10, 17:02
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