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Wings Over Scotland

International espionage

Posted on January 14, 2014 by

Our undercover mole in the No campaign got in touch last night to apologise for the fact that he hadn’t sent us much recently. It turned out he’d been hastily despatched to foreign lands to supervise the setting up of “Better Together Moscow”. But he managed to smuggle its first piece of work out to us inside a diplomatic bag.


We’re staying away from men with umbrellas.

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Tony Little

Shouldn’t that have been an illustration of Cameron?

Very good.


Cameron needs all the help he can get. After all, he’s too posh to putsch.


When the story first broke, I must admit I did think about men and umbrellas and the safety of our first minister. Not a good day to give up my tin foil hat!


At Putins urging I understand that the Leningrad Cowboys (supported by the Red Army Choir) have re-formed to showcase a Sanwar Better Together Rally, leading with that old favorite – Those were the days, my friend, I thought the would never end……


alistair darling, iain davidson and all our other proudscots must be raging at this betrayal by cameron.

Les Wilson

You just have to say that Cameron is a cowardly,sneaky, shitbag!


Ooops – looks like the new comment box does not do youtube resizing.

OK Rev – I’ll get my coat.


mr carmichael as sec of state will be giving cameron a piece of his mind as we speak and demanding answers for the scottish people.


Leningrad Cowboys go Edinburgh. Reminds me of their Happy Together album. Forget the umbrellas, it is the pointy shoes we have to watch out for.


David Cameron – lower than a worm under a snake’s belly

Alasdair Reid

Not making this up, but I met a Russian, who’d just flown in from Moscow, on the train this evening in Belgium who said “yes, I heard you Scots are going to vote to ‘separate’ ” – I quickly corrected his language usage “to be independent” – it seems Bitter Together have been brainwashing the Russian people – pravda, indeed…

john king

“Cameron needs all the help he can get. After all, he’s too posh to putsch.”

But ye cannie putch yer grannie affa bus,

ok whars ma cyanide pill?


The Punt For Red September.

How ready are you to crush the neo-liberal army?


I’ve not seen any reference to this in any newspaper or TV programme yet, I’d have thought it would be front page news!

Arbroath 1320

Now we know all about Cameron and his wee “secret” trips over to Moscow to prostrate himself before Vladimir Putin tears pouring down his cheeks pleading for his, Putin’s, assistance to defeat those nasty Scots who want independence I wonder how Cameron feels.

If you do something in secret then it is understood that you want it to remain secret, Thankfully anything carried out in secret by Cameron does not quite fit this criteria. 🙂

I think all this covert meeting stuff between Cameron and Putin does explain one thing, in my view, the recent ‘visits’ by the Russian navy to the Moray Firth.

Now we all know that the MSM/BBC/SKY etc will stop at nothing to twist the facts to meet a certain unionist criteria and this is, in my view, a case in point. We were all told that the two Russian naval visits, December 2012 and December 2013, were as a result of severe storms in the North Sea. Unfortunately for Cameron the truth is out now for all to see. The Russian navy were actually over in the Moray Firth checking it out for its suitability to be used as a forward Russian naval base. 🙂


Abroath1320 –

Lucky for us they where scared shitless as 36 hrs later HMS SteamboatPuffer made its way around the UK coastline to engage with them, but unfortunately they were by then down in Portsmouth agreeing deals on warship tenders

Arbroath 1320

Sorry I’m O/T so early on Stu but I’ve just been alerted to this over on Twitter.

link to

Jamie Arriere

“mr carmichael as sec of state will be giving cameron a piece of his mind as we speak and demanding answers for the scottish people.”

Has he got any pieces left?

When we see Migs over Moray, we’ll know then that the baw’s borscht!

Arbroath 1320


I’m not so sure it was the ‘threat’ of HMS steamboatPuffer that worried the Russian navy I think it was our guerilla navy, a.k.a. the Scottish fishermen. 🙂


Does anyone know if there will be coverage of Alex Salmond speaking to James Naughtie tomorrow night?

Arbroath 1320

Who’s up for the lies and misrepresentations that appear with this paper?

link to

Hague and Alexander together in Glasgow. 🙂

One is a numpty the other is a nobody.

The Man in the Jar

It is not just the Russians that the Tories are conspiring with. Ruth Davidson and Downing St. reps visiting the Pardito Popular in Madrid for meetings. Wonder what they discussed?

link to

The Man in the Jar

We need a “Fany Riot”


Man in the Jar – you cannae spell : )


I suppose the best way to deal with this is through sarcasm, but look behind the intent and purpose of it all and it gets quite seriously serious. That is ‘if it happened’ at all?

Ian Mor

The story is good for a laugh. But as I mentioned in the original post : I have trawled all international news agencies feeds and archives, including Itar-Tass and the story, as reported, exists in no form anywhere. The only link, even internationally, is back to the Herald article.

Should anyone find it, I will eat humble pie. Until then, although it’s not beyond the bounds of plausability, given current verifiable accounts of similar European meetings, I consider this a fabrication.

Just applying due diligence as I would to other reams of nonsense spouted daily by the MSM.


Watch out for a jiffy bag from e-bay filled with Polonium


Ah more late night clarity, Cameron goes to Big Moscow (cos he hits above his weight) Anas and Gordon go to Little Moscow

link to

john king

Sorry A2

little Moscow is a mile along the road in Lumphinnans that’s little Moscow , they even have a street called Yuri Gagarin way.


According to my wife (Russian speaking) in Putin’s new year message he mentioned Scotland’s Independence and it was a very positive message, she didn’t get the exact words.

My Russian neighbours, Husband is over here studying at Stirling university, have a YES sticker proudly displayed on their car window.
Supplied by me of course 😉


No follow up stories on BBC Scotland GMS of the George Osborne Europe speech., where he will tell them they are getting it all wrong, unlike the UK. Link below.

link to

Also no mention of the British Armed Forces being reported today to the International Criminal Court for war crimes. Has the potential to be very explosive news (excuse the pun). It could drag in ex ministers and top brass. Link below.

link to

Typical BBC Scotland, keep negative Establishment stories away from those illiterate, ignorant Scottish bastards.
And that’s a statement from Glen Campbell.

Robert Kerr

O/T, I found my Russian/saltire flags lapel badge when tidying.

Good karma for Russo-Scottish entente. This Herald stuff could well be a false flag operation.

Brian Powell

On the subject of double talk and everything not what it seems, I listened to a Labour spokesman on Radio Four Today prog at around 8am, talking about RBS and bonuses. (I missed what his name is.)

It was a diatribe against George Osborne and would he stop the large bonuses paid (twice annual salary) that may be paid to staff at RBS.

This was part of the Ed Milliband’s, we will control the big five banks if we get elected in 2015, ploy.

The simple question put to the spokesman was, that as RBS is mainly owned by the taxpayer, would a Labour Government, if in power now, treat RBS differently from all the other banks, that will be giving the bonuses, and block the double salary bonuses in this bank.

Then it appeared all was not as it seems, for after all the criticism, and 5-10 minutes of waffle the spokesman would not say they would block, in fact he didn’t say anything of relevance at all. (Seemed like 10mins to me.)

There is a new directive from the EU that bonuses shouldn’t be more than 100% of salary or 200%, if approved by the shareholders. That would have seemed to have made answering the question even easier about blocking bonuses.

He also skipped answering, when asked, they had been in Government and could have done something, but didn’t.

Elliot Bulmer

I have several friends and acquaintances who have come from the Baltic states to Scotland to live, work and study. They seem to be largely in favour of independence. Funny, that.

But I’m sure the USSR-OK campaign will remind them of the many ‘unanswered questions’:

(1) “Without Ruble, what do Separate Latvians for currency?”

(2) “Without mighty war machine of Glorious All-Russian Empire, how do Separate Lithuanians defend from bears?”

(3) “How travel people of Separate Estonia to other countries?”

(4) “How these countries govern themselves, without Great Wise Tsar in Kremlin to keep in order?”

(5) “Where do they get potato, if not Mother Russia give subsidy?” (Grow own potato from clever working hard? Ha! Is not possible for them!)

(6) “Why not Autonomous Oblast? Is best of both worlds!”

Stuart Black

“Forget the umbrellas, it is the pointy shoes we have to watch out for.”

Ah, Rosa Kleb, I knew Johann reminded me of someone…



What’s Russian for: “U KOK”?


Radio 5 live discussing privatisation of the NHS and are not informing folk that ours is, and always has been, independent, so most of their discussion does not apply to us! Trying to contact the numpties.

Robert Kerr

Double apologies Rev. (O/T and link to Herald).

Superb letter re Thatcher’s destruction of BNOC (British National Oil Corporation).

Perhaps a contribution to WoS from the writer could be requested!

link to


Gideon giving his speech on the EU,double standards and hypocracy seems to be the order of the day. He is lecturing the rest of the EU on welfare and workers rights, so austerity for all and hammer the working classes wherever they may be.


O/T I’m afraid but quite interesting.

link to


Oh dear, oh dear, they just can’t help themselves can they? So that’s what more powers for the nations of the UK actually means; ENGLAND gets to control defence, foreign policy, trade relations, monetary policy and financial regulation. So what is the UK government going to be for and why are we better together? Remind me…anyone…anyone?

Dave McEwan Hill

Luigi at 9.45

No matter what I do “UKOK” reads to me as “You cock”. Maybe it’s just me.

Alan Mackintosh


I did a google search of Putins new years speeches, and my russian being a bit poor ie, none! looked at the translation but couldnt see anything. That said, he does seem to have given several speeches and the Scotland reference may have been in an international one rather than the home speech. If this could be tracked down it could be a useful counterpoint to the BT mantra.


It’s still spelled wrong – the ? in ????????? should be a ?.


Hah, did that come out as a load of ?????? for everyone else?

OK, the 6th letter in the second word is wrong.


No matter what I do “UKOK” reads to me as “You cock”. Maybe it’s just me.

It’s not just you. It’s me too. And when I saw a couple of balloons walking around with the badge on at Peebles Show last year I asked another activist if it was just me. She sniggered and said, no it’s not. And she’s not even a cybernat.

Dave McEwan Hill

“You cock” it is then.
If we wait for a bit and then go on about it they’ll have to destroy all the stuff that carries it.

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