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Wings Over Scotland


Posted on August 02, 2013 by

As alert readers will be aware, we’re having an inexplicably hard time getting hold of “Better Together” campaign chief Blair McDougall at the moment. Although the No camp constantly claims to want “debate” and we’ve already got the Yes side’s agreement, for some reason Mr McDougall still hasn’t accepted our invitation to have BT’s official spokesman, Alistair Darling, go up against his Yes counterpart Dennis Canavan in a public head-to-head at a mutually convenient time and location.


Despite our trying to get in touch with Mr McDougall every day for the last week, he always seems to be out or “in meetings”, even if we call 60 seconds after he’s just posted a tweet. And when we leave messages with BT staff, he never gets back to us.

Obviously we’re pretty busy and can’t just sit here redialling every two minutes, so if any of you get a spare moment to call the BT office today, can you ask them – very politely, please – if he’s in, and if so whether he’s got an answer for us yet? Ta.

That number again: 0141 225 6288.

28 to “Dial-a-debate”

  1. ianbrotherhood says:

    It’ll just be one of those recorded messages, in between 20-second blasts of ‘Jerusalem’:
    ‘All of our lines are busy right now. If you want to speak to Blair McDougal press One. If you want to ask us where Johann Lamont is, press Two. If you want to make a donation press Three. One of our advisers will be with you eventually’

  2. martyn says:

    not in the office at the moment, i said i would call back later

  3. Luigi says:

    Oh, you cold caller, you!

  4. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    Rang a minute ago. Apparently he’s not in, but they’re expecting him to be “in and out” throughout the day, so we left a message again.

  5. john king says:

    “Rang a minute ago. Apparently he’s not in, but they’re expecting him to be “in and out” throughout the day, so we left a message again.”

    He’ll be gaun fur the pies, jist hing aboot ootside Greggs and ye’ll get him 
    a gofur is aboot a he’s guid fur onywiy

  6. Marcia says:

    In the present day of mobile phone technology, does he have to be ‘in and out’?
    If he has the runs – fine he has an excuse. I don’t think he has an excuse to not say either aye or naw. Perhaps if he would accept the kind invitation he would then have the runs.

  7. CameronB says:

    I think you’ll have a very long wait, as I reckon Blair McDougal will be waiting for the momentum to swing towards BT. Snigger.

  8. So, how long until we get tweets about ‘Vile Cybernats encouraging the harrassment of BT volunteers’, followed by articles in the Scotsman and Daily Record, a segment on Reporting Scotland and then a ‘discussion’ on Call Kaye, do we think?

  9. Vronsky says:

    I suggest you place a counter at the top of your site showing the days, hours, minutes and seconds that Blair McDougall has declined to debate. Would also suggest that you use it as a fundraiser, asking readers to bet on what the reading on the counter will be when he finally responds, except I think we all know the answer to that.

  10. Macart says:

    The Rev could probably retire on the proceeds of that. 😀

  11. DMyers says:

    Something makes me suspect that McDougall, like his pal, La-mont, likes to use the word ‘debate’ without understanding its meaning.  It’s been heard in context, so they use it in a similar context without realising its implications.

  12. BALEFIRE says:

    Tell him you’re a rich Tory businessman with a wish to donate £500,000 to the BT campaign…that should get his attention. 🙂

  13. Max says:

    Just say you are from BBC Scotland, Daily Record, Downing Street, Tory HQ, etc; they will call back.

  14. Bobby Mckail says:

    Will give it a try and if they say he’s not in, I’ll ask for his mobile number. 🙂

  15. Max says:

    I see Labour and the Tories did spectacularly badly in Wales in the Anglesey by election.
    link to
     Plaid Cymru romped home with a  14% swing to them from Labour. 

    Vaughan Roderick, BBC Welsh Affairs Editor

    “It’s a stunning result for Plaid Cymru. The best in the party’s history. Interestingly the techniques and tactics used here have been relentless positivity. This was a retro campaign and it got the results they were used to 40 or 50 years ago.”

    Relentless Positivity seems to work in Wales.

  16. Doug Daniel says:

    It’s not even like he can pretend he’s busy making up scare stories, because they’re just recycling old ones now.

  17. Max says:

    The next Better Together event is in Baxter Park in Dundee, Saturday, Aug 3rd, 12-4pm.
    Perhaps Blair MacDougall will turn up.  If he does perhaps some Yes campaigners can put him on the spot. 

  18. martyn says:

    tried again, he is away from his desk and will call me back…..

  19. Tris says:

    I can’t believe he is giving you such ammunition.
    Clearly a man in his position has a smart phone and, on a reported salary of £100,000, you’d think he’s be able to use it. 
    So why will he not, on his way to the pie shop, or the toilet, or whatever, give you a quick call, text you, or send an email.
    Goodness, he seems to find time to tweet, so he could just tweet you saying ‘yes’, or ‘no’, or ‘maybe’, or ‘would you like a pie, I’m on my way to Greggs and it’d be no problem…’
    Maybe of course he is waiting for a reply from Alistair, and Alistair has taken himself off to the  Johann bunker, never to be seen again.
    I expect our Blair is watching this with interest, and not a little amusement.
    Good point there, Doug. He’s maybe out putting up border posts as we speak.

  20. Tris says:

    I live opposite Baxter Park. I will pop over and ask if he’s there. It cuts out all this new technology, like phones and stuff…

  21. Jeannie says:

    Well Done, Plaid Cymru!

  22. The Man in the Jar says:

    @Horace Says Yes
    at 10; 24am
    Let’s hope so. Lets hope that this is reported by those that you mention in your post. It will just serve to illustrate the sheer hypocrisy of BTs calls for a debate.
    If anyone from BT or one of their supporters reads this, one question.
    Well? What are you waiting for? If McDougal dose not reply he is a coward a snivelling lickspittle and a miserable liar.

  23. Vincent McDee says:

    OMG!   Even the BBC is dooming BT in the long term:
    “Evolution punishes mean people”
    link to

  24. Lewis Benzie says:

    A pleasant young gentlemen answered the phone.  I enquired why Mr McDougall was not willing to allow political debate.

    I was told Mr McDougall is not a public servant, I then enquired why Mr McDougall represented a political body if he was not of the body politic?

    I received a waffley answer which reaked of avoidance.  Interrupted I asked for clarity in a ‘he does doesn’t’ format.

    I was then told he was not there to answer questions or debate this (the receptionist)  we had left Mr McDougall far behind by now. 

    Was then told to have a nice day as I asked why no public debate?

  25. Steve Shepherd says:

    Does he still exist or has he decided to defect and throw up his career prospects, tell the real truth, join Edward Snowdon and seek asylum in Russia. It’s becoming comic book. There will be no debate because they have nothing of value to say. 

  26. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    I think the definition of Better Together’s “debate,” is in their own wee heids they will think about it and not bother. That is a handsome debate for them.

  27. Beastie says:

    You could try phoning up and saying you’re someone from a suitable unionist publication; I think you’d be amazed at where you can reach if you just say you’re a journalist with a suitable newspaper or magazine.

    Of course, he’d hang up when he found out you weren’t looking to print propaganda in ‘your’ paper, but actually talking to him could probably be considered a step in the right direction. 🙂

  28. Patrick Roden says:

    Every day that BT don’t respond to this request is more evidence that BT do not want a debate and their only tactic is smear and fear.


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