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Wings Over Scotland

The enemy amid us

Posted on November 21, 2015 by


Order “Welcome To Cairnstoon”, Chris’ compilation of Wings cartoons and more, here.

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Of course deciding who is an extremist would be down to Tory government or right wing press. Refugees and nationalists – bad. EDL and SDL – good, no doubt.

john king

Reflects my thoughts exactly, I would like to know just WHO those people are and what side of the independence debate they’re on when they as (sure as night follows day) caught.

[…] The enemy amid us […]


As I’ve just posted elsewhere, we never seem to learn.

Just what does mindless hatred ever serve, other than to breed yet more hatred.


Thanks, Chris, but you’ve forgotten his can of cheap foreign lager.


Brilliant Chris.

Aye, all those non-brits are a real threat to our “civilisation”. 🙂

By the way, they don’t like the home-grown “extremists” either (that’s us)!


A tiny minority are racist. There are more good people than bad. The tiny minority are the psychopathic world leaders who should get voted out. Damn them everyone. Greedy,murdering psychopaths are ruling the world. Vote them out. Change the system.



Did you model that cartoon on the skinhead holding the Union Jack along with that blond woman holding the refugees not welcome sign, who were in the papers after being photographed last Saturday demonstrating in Monkton, near Ayr?



UK is full of dangerous extemists.

The Tory ba$tardS are dangerous and extreme. All unionist parties in Scotland support the Tory party.

We should at least get dangerous extremists out of power if not our country.

We are sovereign we just need the numbers.

Socrates MacSporran

I thought, when these guys wore a white shirt, it had the three creeping leopards on it. Although, I’d have been sorely tempted to have put the skinhead in a shirt of a certain royal blue hue!!

Grouse Beater

Excellent, Chris. I like the bald head and the paunch.

‘Dangerous extremists’ – some sobering thoughts on world order:
link to



The cartoon reminds me of a certain bald headed character who now resides in Troon, who thugs everywhere emulated by wearing England shirts and shaving their heads. I wonder if you can guess who I’m talking about?


ronnie anderson



Anybody going to the Celtic game today, there are FOODBANKS collecting Food, if you,s dont want to carry a bag, Stick a couple of Tins/Packets of foodstuffs in your POCKETS.


Talking about dangerous extremists Brian Wilson and Hootsman letter writers still milking Alex Bell for all their worth.

Thought Brian Wilson would have something important to say about his football team refusing to sign up for the Living Wage whilst paying players tens of thousands of pounds a week.


Awe. He was in George Square last September 18, attacking Scots youngsters who voted YES and then went after anyone in the city center he didn’t like the look of.

Or how the ever repellent BBC reported/used it all

link to


thank you Chris Cairns


I saw something on Faceache which linked to the Record’s piece on this. Paisley seemed particularly replete with knuckle dragging red necks (and Andrew Neil doesn’t even live there any more 😉 )

It was interesting/alarming but I prefer the Daily Mash take

link to


Brilliant cartoon. Every country has its loonies. And, Scotland does have some crackers!

‘Defending’ Scotland is the absolute last thing on the minds of those characters.

A criticism! That nine word sentence from the knuckle dragged just isn’t authentic – there should be at least three f***ings and a b****ards, or a even c**t, for linguistic accuracy. 🙂

call me dave

A point well made in today’s cartoon.

Thankfully many will realise that offering a new place to live to refugees is not a bad thing to do.

‘Sitting next to Jenny’ isn’t always the way to learn and get good advice. I’m sure Sturgeon will do what’s required.

link to


Reminds me of an idiot, I used to work besides…..did he model for you?


Sadly still reflects the deep rooted views of far too many Brit idiots living in Scotland


You’ve captured the unique charm of the no-neck Briterrati very well.

john king

Any budding stars out there fancy an hour long advert for your talents?

Well knock yourselves out,
it would seem the British Beneficent Charity
is keen to give budding (or in this case ) failed stars a free relaunch to their careers as in the case of Adele last night, had the fawning attentions of Graham Norton for a whole 65 minutes focussed solely on getting her public attention for her new album,

So cumon all you budding stars get in there…oh wait a minute I just looked at the qualifying criteria, you have to come from within the m25 and speak with a London accent and be called Adele

Bob Mack

Still laughing. The very essence of the characters I have met who bombast about racial purity and British culture


john king says:
21 November, 2015 at 10:22am

….now, now John – you’re better than that. That type of attack adds nothing to the debate.

Chic McGregor

Great drawing. Love the ape’s arms and the wee rabbit.

john king

Well I don’t know about you Clootie but I find it a bit rich of the BBC to give a free punt to a failed star when they can’t even give elected members of parliament an even break in terms of balanced reporting!


The Herald wannabes will print any rubbish for click bait. The readership is plummeting. The articles get even worse. Thank goodness for the National for a bit of news.

Nicola/SNP 56 MP’s out of 59. It would have been 59 if the 16/17 years had been allowed to vote.

Increased funding for the SNHS. Junior doctors are not going on strike. Building new hospitals which are the best in Europe with plans for an extension. Building, bridges, roads and railways i.e. essential infrastructure on budget and on time. Growing the Scottish economy. Prescriptions, bus passes, social care, supporting education and students.Increasing student nos and apprenticeships. Increased nursery places. More women in work. Boozing is falling and people are healthier and more confident.

Retaining and retraining of jobs and employment, In difficult circumstances. The Oil tax regime from Westminster is losing thousands of jobs in Scotland. Scotland is thriving like ever before in difficult economic circumstances.The population is growing. SNP/Independence support is rising. What’s not to like. Westminster in the run and therenare more tax raising powers soon. To stimulate more growth and make a freer, more equal and just society. C’mon.


Sums it up really well this weeks cartoon. Sorry state of affairs. It has really made me embarrassed to be Scottish this week hearing some of the numbskulls comments on the radio in the morning about refugees. These people are truly heartless and retarded.

Chris Cairns


No, I’ll be honest – he’s modelled on ‘Thing’ from the Fantastic Four!

Chic McGregor

@Chris Cairns

“No, I’ll be honest – he’s modelled on ‘Thing’ from the Fantastic Four!”

The wee toy rabbit seems reminiscent of E H Shepherd’s style.

The wee boy has a look of Michael Moore about him but I’m sure that must be coincidental.


Very timely, as I’ve been so ashamed of what is happening, and yes, it’s a minority, but reports are as many incidents in the last week, as reported last year.

That says to me that the knuckle draggers walk among us, and wait for their thinly veiled excuse to attack.



i am sure i met him last year in Ibiza shouting garcon at the waiters being very rude,drinking to much singing England before puking himself inside out and collapsing in a pile of his own vomit.

Every nice beach resort spoiled by yobs on the piss now im off to moan at the wifie in the post office bah.

great cartoon Chris and it just goes to show that not all nationalisms are good but then they arnt all bad either its knowing the difference thats important.

Robert Peffers

@Bob Mack says: 21 November, 2015 at 10:23 am:

“Still laughing. The very essence of the characters I have met who bombast about racial purity and British culture.”

Amazingly Chris has drawn a cartoon character that every single one of us recognises as someone we have personally met sometime I our lives. Now that’s real genius.


What’s funny is that the many of these knuckledraggers were ranting on about narrow nationalists and strength in numbers during the referendum. Yet when it comes to Europe, it’s Rule Britannia and pull up the drawbridge time.


Brilliant Chris. This cartoon and the picture of the wee lass with the Saltire, standing besides the numpties with their union flags, helps to remind us what we are up against and the courage it takes to face it down.


Divide and Rule (Brittania)!

Westminster democracy in action?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi dramfineday (and galamcennalath).

See the various versions here:-

link to

arthur thomson

If there is any supporter of independence who would subscribe to the xenophobic views of the Britnats then ….. join the Britnats.

Time and again I hear about Scotland not being immune from racism. Of course it isn’t. The Britnats are the racists in Scotland just as their forebears no doubt thought that slavery, clearing the highlands and sending people to Van Diemen’s land was ukok.


Very fine. Love the belly on him, just so.


As usual Chris another classic.
Unfortunately I have to deal with a person of Scottish nationality, who basically could be/is the bigot in the cartoon.
It is not an excuse, but confrontations with this “bellend” is the reason I sometimes go off on one on Wings.
He hates anything to do with the SNP,YES campaign/supporters, anyone who doesn’t read the mail, yes the mail.
I have tried many times to try and steer him in the right direction, he is a lost cause, but mouths off to anyone he thinks will listen to his very opinionated views.


Hi Galamcennalath and BrianDH

thanks for the links. I can recall when I first saw the picture of the wee lass, I had a lump in my throat the size of Alisa Craig.

That’s the Scotland I want, courageous, prepared to challenge and be free from the bigotry of the past and the present. And I want it for me, my family and in particular my two grand-children both recently classified on twitter by that unspeakable oik, Nic Griffin, as “half caste”.

Keep the union? Not for me, or mine.

kind regards


Iain More

Sad to say I have met people just like that knuckle dragging bruiser and his wife was even worse. It typifies a lot of the Naw bags. It also makes me question Darwin’s Theory.


When you take a step back, and put yourself in the mind of a young Chinese person, or someone similar from the Middle East, things that we take for granted, like geography lessons at school, must surely cause them some disquiet.
The Americas, North and South both invaded and dominated by European culture, Australia the same, complete with the irradiation of Tasmania’s indigenous population, large parts of Africa colonised by European imperialism, and countless other countries “westernised” whether they like it or not.
So much of the world speaks English already, and Western forces remain armed to the teeth and camped on “non-westernised” borders, if not already interfering militarily in the affairs of other countries.
Is it peace and stability these empires deliver? No, not really, it’s a culture built upon warfare and military might, with one war after another from time to time on a global scale.
If I was a student of Chinese geography, or an Arab who still had a school in one piece to go to, I don’t think it would take a Muslim extremist to persuade me of peril my culture and history remains in.
I rather suspect my life would be forever blighted by a deep mistrust of European “assistance”.

Perhaps Allah might be the only thing I can have any faith in, since international justice is owned by the self appointed global police in the West.

O wad some power the giftie gie us, tae see oorselves as ithers see us.


Slight typo last comment… For irradiation, read eradication. Darn spell checker…

On second thoughts, maybe I will let irradiation ride…

Andrew McLean

I blame the press, we have scum like the propagandist writers and hate preachers in the corporate media who by drip drip poison the minds of the gullible. Feel pity for them,As for the SDL if they can’t feel hate they feel nothing at all. Who would be them, nasty empty dunderheads, sucking at the niple of the whore press, poison dripping from their every action and utterance. SDL, oh the irony, they are actual ("Quizmaster" - Ed)s, real live embodiment of those who would prostitute and debase themselves for the sneering disrespect of their lords and masters. The SDL slither on the ground like slugs stinking slime rotting behind the as they travel, who would be them, despised by their own countrymen hatted by their English Masters!

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