link to
The Review package has insights, commitments, promises and numbers e.g. it shows current liabilities exceed current assets on page 20 ; it says it will take a ‘very strict approach’ to expenditure from the Referendum Appeal on page 12, and elsewhere says –
page 17 – it has the ‘…having a heightened risk of fraud….’ sentence
page 10 – As at 31 May 2022, the annual salary of our Chief Executive is £79,750……….
page 11 – Events since March 2020 have thrown into stark relief just how critical regular giving income is
for the Party, the fact that it can provide an essential fundraising cushion and give time and space to review, adjust and react in a crisis.
Moving forward, the Party is giving renewed focus on this area to ensure regular giving is nurtured and protected.
page 12 – Referendum Appeal
By 31 December 2021, a total of £740,822 had been raised through the independence related appeals.
These donations are also included in – and have been reconciled with – the total amount for donations included in Party accounts from 2017 to 2021.
Up until 31 December 2021 a total of £253,335 of expenditure had been applied against this income. The balance remains
“earmarked” for independence related campaigning.
Of course, the SNP is the party of independence and, as such, every action we take – directly or indirectly – is in support of winning independence. However, we continue to take a very strict approach to ensuring that this income supports expenditure directly related to the campaign
for independence. We will ensure that an amount equivalent to the sums raised from these appeals will go directly to our work to secure a referendum and win independence.
page 12 – Continuing Expenditure
The SNP remains resilient through avoiding undue risk, combined with sound financial planning and management.
We also remain dedicated to ongoing prudence and cash control, striving to use funds in the most effective and efficient ways possible…
…..On behalf of the Party Officers
Colin Beattie
National Treasurer
30 / 06 / 2022
page 20 – Going concern – it can be deduced from the way the SNP Accounts are presented that the SNP had net current liabilities of £ 245,583 at 31/12/2021.
The National Treasurer offers an explanation given at page 22 thus –
Going concern
The Party has reported net current liabilities at 31 December 2021, principally due to the level of accrued branch dividends at that date(£760,628). As illustrated by the movement in this balance disclosed at note 25(b), the level of cash outflow in this respect in a year is typically
modest in comparison to the scale of the balance, and while under the Party’s constitution, these amounts are on demand liabilities, in practice branches will not draw on this accrual to any extent that may be to the detriment of the Party’ s ability to meet its obligations as they
fall due.
The National Treasurer has reviewed the expenditure budgets and cash flow projections for the Party for the period to 30 June 2023 and is satisfied that the Party will have sufficient funds for it to meet its financial obligations. On this basis, the National Treasurer is satisfied
that it is appropriate to prepare the accounts on the going concern basis………
Alternatively, people conclude that Holyrood (and Stormont) has been a failure, Westminster reluctantly takes back control and…
10. Scottish people flock into the streets and rejoice that they have been freed from tyranny.
(Sorry, I could not resist.)
Why aren’t people flocking to Alba?
]]>1. If the SNP go bankrupt then it can no longer be the governing party at HR.
2. But the SNP have to conceal where the bodies are buried and thus maintain power.
3 So a new party is formed within the next 2-3 weeks with the dregs of the SNP as senior figures.
4. The new party would form a pact with the Greens.
5. BUT…the strategy would rely on all curent SNP members remaining ‘loyal to the cause (of the SNP, not independence, obviously – they are mutually exclusive).
6. Forbes et al see an opportunity and establish a separate entity.
7. HR is split.
8. Labour, Tory, and the party of the child, then have to consider how to vote but agree that they will stonewall and demand an election.
9. Forbes + Labour + Lib Dems form an alliance based on a loose alliance around the need first for good governance and an enquiry into the Sturgeon years.
10.Scottish people flock into the streets and rejoice that they have been freed from tyranny
11. Forbes becomes Scotland’s Joan of Arc
I am not anti European. The intellectual impact of Europe was beneficial in cracking, to a certain extent, the hard baked Islam that came to dominate the second millenium, although, paradoxically, the British fostered for their own strategic reasons Wahhabism in the Arabian peninsula: alas poor Hejaz.
European influence protected minorities who generally were required to conform in order to survive. Sadly, colonialism and an «eroticised exoticism» came along in the baggage and the requirement to conform has if anything become worse than in the rather lazy days of relatively «amorphous» Ottoman governance.
With modernity came nationalism which, like the concept of the nation state, came without a book of instructions to a world which barely understood the concept of borders.
Tangled knots are easily made, less easily unmade.
What is there left to save and why on earth should we bother?
The “SNP” wasted 8.5 effing years of our precious time and anti-union MP majorities and what for? to become a copycat of pro-devolution Labour.
As far as I am concerned the lot of them can rot in hell. They allowed a political fraud to destroy the party as a vehicle for independence and to morph it into a bulldozer of women’s rights and apologist for perverts. They did nothing to stop it.
I never voted SNP so they could destroy the rights of women for the sake of a bunch of freaks, nor so they could put perverts in womens’ safe spaces, nor for them to send drag queens to primary schools, nor for them to destroy the barriers protecting children from creeps and paedophiles, nor to mitigate the excesses from England’s tories’ toxic policies nor to “save” devolution. To hell with devolution, to hell with mitigation of England’s political parties’ policies and to hell with the perverts. I voted SNP because I expected them to deliver INDEPENDENCE. They have had plenty of opportunities to do so, therefore anhything less of independence is no longer acceptable. They can stick their beloved devolution and their mitigation where the sun does not shine.
The SNP died on 14 November 2014. What is left is just labour operating under a false rosette propped up by an overbloated gravy train full of troughers.
The sooner they lose the seats and get out of the way, the quicker we can resume our quest for Scotland’s restoration of statehood, something this brigade of troughers, cowards and covert unionists deliberately failed to do.