“Gangsters are much like the Bullingdon tory boys or the repulsive Linton because they too will do whatever it takes to succeed.”
It’s just stunning how so many people vote for them and buy into this worldview, they live on the same island, raised within the same cultural references and just can’t seem to see where the true perpetrators of corruption stem from…it’s top down. They believe the ranting crap in newspapers that are owned by these self same pedlars of ‘greed is good’, and emulate their batshit crazy behaviour: Look down their noses to those who don’t conform to their brainwashed narrative, and look up to those who they have been hypnotised into believing ‘have their best interests at heart”, they don’t.
They don’t have anyone’s interests at heart, they have their own ‘entitled’ unquestioning authority and those that ‘fit in’ are those who have matriculated through the same cogworks, it’s such a culture of ‘mini me’. Those who support these ‘gangsters’ by continually voting them in, haven’t actually matured beyond external appearances as indicators of ‘worth’. They just regurgitate the spiel that has been fed them through the lens of media manipulation their whole lives, and totally conform.
They seem to need an ‘authority’ out there to confirm their place in the world as ‘valued’. But refuse to see the real harm that is being done by the policies that are rendered into law…that are actually killing people who don’t ‘conform’ to their greed driven madness: austerity for the lower orders…the upper orders: as you were. we’re making a killing, tally-ho.
It’s quite sad really, and torturous relating…as we have witnessed many times on these threads. Sigh…
Och well…I’m away for a cuppa tea…take it easy.
]]>“Lawyers for Yes”
Have they pledged to provide their services free to pursue the case against Carmichael?
What is the going rate charged by “Human Rights” lawyers per minute?
Can you make any connection between child poverty and deprivation in society and those misusing their skills to make a killing?
The legal profession exists to protect the establishment from the plebs.
Millions of pounds are wasted in cases that “collapse”.
The innocent are jailed while the guilty remain free.
]]>Equally, it was extraordinary how same creeps immediately buried it all May 8. Cameron’s one nation united under tory boy niceness, caring, sharing speeches blasted at Scotland by BBC etc was all to cover up their shite.
But most of all, they know that Scotland is more and more willing to vote YES next referendum and there’s not much left for red and blue tory unionists now but ProjectFear 2. Its really going have to be very terrifying to scare Scotland into staying under their rule again.
]]>“Lowest of the the low”…. what, lower than say paedophiles and rapists?”
Who defend and lie on behalf of paedophiles and rapists and get them acquited?
Who protected paedophiles?
Politicians and the police.
The whole establishment, from the purring queen downwards is rotten to the core.
Has the Law Society condemned Carmichael?
Has the Electoral Commission condemned Carmichael?
The vast majority of lawyers, including and especially judges, are the lowest of the low.
The small minority who use their skills for bettering society instead of bettering themselves include the names you have mentioned.
]]>It played into ‘their’ fears and ‘did the job’. Else why even construct this poster. This is the Tories we are talking about, they will sink to any level to retain their ‘god given’ right to rule. The means justify the ends is their mantra. Beyond vile.
“All’s fair in war and elections, you might say, but hang on a minute, this poster is not being broadcast to viewers in Scotland, the targets are Londoners. For whom the SNP is much the same thing as the Scottish. And correct me if I’m wrong, but I have this vague notion that there is a slight shortage of SNP candidates standing for election in London.”
]]>Yes and they disappeared the day after the election and ofcourse there were none in Scotland.
They knew what they were doing and they cleared it all away asap. They were obviously working with maybe decades of UKOK monstering Salmond but imagine Salmond replaced with a Muslim or anyone of colour, from another country or continent or indeed anyone that is not anglo white British.
Salmond must be the most insulted human being in the western world but British nationalists are like that, as Dave showed us today. Salmond also saw their cunning plans and used it against them perfectly. Milliband and his merry band of zealots hadn’t a clue.
Wonder if Linton will ever say what he thought of how SNP and Labour reacted to his slandering of Scotland. Probably not. He’ll grab his cash, head back home, get old, fat and play golf and work on his first coronary.
Gangsters are much like the Bullingdon tory boys or the repulsive Linton because they too will do whatever it takes to succeed.
When Bill Clinton lost to Bush, I can mind him telling liberal America that it would all be fine.
]]>Yeah, I think we all knew what that was about…which you elucidate fully in above posts. Nasty stuff from the Nasty party always draws out the Nasty party’s chief proponents…sealed the deal. Then it’s all ‘one nation’ afterwards..you’d have to be ‘thick as shit in the neck of a bottle’ as ma old mentor was won’t tae say: to not get what ‘that’ speech from Cameron was all about….’calling off the dogs’ is how I read it.
]]>I cant’t help you any more heedtracker.
Oh I dont know Dave. You’re a useful idiot and its been fun. And you reached rock bottom too with your nazi insults.
Dave, Scotland running Scotland doesn’t make Scotland nazi. If you take it personally and think it does make Scotland nazi, seek medical help.
]]>I cant’t help you any more heedtracker.
You seem incapable of understanding the difference between what politicians do and say and what the man in the street think and do.
You you’ve rolled up all your (understandable) frustration at losing the referendum and not getting Independence at shoot from the hip at every non-SNP target. That sunshine, is bigotry at best – racism at worst.
You rant at me as the personification of everything you hate – but you fail to see the real barrier to Independence – the 55%.
Well before the election, I said that the SNP were in a win/win situation. If Labour had been able to have form a government then the SNP would be in a position to have significant influence on that governement. If the Tories won the election then that would make winning another referendum easier to win for the SNP.
However, you and the blood and soil nationalists seem dead set on destroying any chance of a future yes vote by putting the fear of God into your NO vote country folk with your insane ramblings and prejudice.