A country turning from the neoliberal path towards greater equality and social justice (however limited and partial the turn may be) is never taken lightly by these types. And that’s before we even mention the nukes, and the likely weakening of the UK’s “force projection” capability.
There has been only one year since WW2 when the UK was not engaged in warfare somewhere in the world, that being 1968, and I doubt the US will give up such a reliable and well-trained attack dog without some interference.
]]>A Marxist friend raved about The Master and Margarita and gave me a copy. Like you, I could make nothing of it.
As a curiosity, there was a famous Scottish separatist of the 18th century, James Boswell. His cause, however, was Corsican Independence and he wrote a book about it with a view to rousing British support for the Corsican cause. He was unsuccessful: “his English readers had but the haziest ideas about Corsica gleaned from but snatches of news in the papers.” About the same as their present knowledge of Scotland, then.
]]> For if the children at their play
were told the truth, we’d rue the day;
they’d over soon be old;
they’d know the ugliness of war
by some loquacious veteran told.
So let them laugh and gambol gay
and revel in the tales they’ve heard
While I look on
as best I may
William Richard Torvaney
19 April 1918