Wit Sarah!
Damm it .I’ve been sitting here for over 3 fecking oors waitin’.
See them bloody southerners ,changed the terms again.
Lol. A ken Sarah,jist huvin wee jest. Not gonna get into it yet ha ha.
]]>Last time I talked to Chris, he told me he had bought another ‘Green Goddess’, which would be ‘converted’.
Haven’t talked to him for a wee whiley…
]]>@ CBB: Lallands article was in the Sunday National of 15.12.19. Perhaps you can find it online and do a link so everyone else can read it? Sorry that I’m not techy enough to do it!
]]>IanB @12.05pm – agree with your post completely, esp your reflections on why this place descended after the FM’s big announcement of nothingness on 31/1.
I didn’t believe her IndyRef2020 proclamation at the time – pure electioneering for the GE19, pulling out the “I” word for the first time in years cos she was feart that the indy movement would have no reason to vote for her party, simply – and I think there will be a concerted effort to focus on HR21 when we ‘get back to normal’ cos that’s the SNP election winning machine’s comfortable territory.
My thoughts remain the same on a pro-indy list party: they need to be a credible outfit that has endorsements from trusted ‘names’, they need to have a fully policy platform to differentiate from any other party and to be appealing to the average voter, they need to have a super sleek strategy and clear message on their reason for existing.
All these factors combined would give me confidence that they would stand a decent chance of winning seats, and then I would back them with every once of my energy.
There is no party currently that fulfils these criteria for me.
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