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The highlights reel 160

Posted on March 21, 2017 by

Today the Scottish Parliament spent several hours heatedly debating a motion to call for a second Section 30 order to enable a new independence referendum (several more will follow tomorrow before the vote). We watched all of it so you didn’t have to, and are delighted to present you with a few clips that probably won’t make the news.

On such a momentous topic, this was the intervention that Scottish Labour list MSP Monica Lennon felt was the most pressing issue to raise, for example:

We’re very touched, obviously, and will add it to our file of other mentions in the chamber and elsewhere. But there were probably more important things to discuss.

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The quickfire lies round 134

Posted on July 14, 2014 by

The tweet on the left is one of the rare appearances of Scottish Labour’s fabled “2014 Truth Team”, while over on the right is a snippet from Scottish Labour MSP Kezia Dugdale’s column in this morning’s Daily Record.


This shouldn’t take long.

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Zombies walk the Earth 190

Posted on June 06, 2014 by

Launched amid much fanfare over a year ago, Scottish Labour’s ironically-named “2014 Truth Team” has been a source of great merriment to Yes supporters for many months. Having apparently run out of “truth” after just a few weeks of snarky tweets, the account had been silent since last summer, so imagine our surprise when it suddenly burst back into life today.


We say “back”, but in fact the Twitter account had been wiped clean as if it had never existed. All the old followers were still there, but now there were just four tweets, all of them advertising an exciting new feature on the Scottish Labour website entitled “The Top 20 Nationalist Assertions” and promising to “set out the facts” about them – the implication being, of course, that the assertions were untrue.

Fact-checking, eh? Well, that’s the sort of thing we just can’t resist.

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Untied with Labour 106

Posted on April 23, 2014 by

We’ve just endured Gordon Brown’s 45-minute “old man shouting out a series of random unconnected facts from Wikipedia” speech at Glasgow University. (You should be able to find it later on the iPlayer under the programme title “Briefings”, if you really want to.) It doesn’t bear a lot of analysis, being just the same old cobblers you’ve heard a thousand times before, but delivered in a more rambling manner.


There was one vaguely interesting thing about the event, though.

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The Tumbleweed Files 528

Posted on March 27, 2014 by

Readers probably won’t be astonished to learn that we’ve still heard nothing from anyone in Scottish Labour in response to our six simple questions about their “Devo Nano” proposals. We’ve waited three full days now and haven’t had so much as an acknowledgement of receipt or a reply to any of our tweets, so it seems safe to say we’re not going to get one.


So now it’s up to you.

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The honesty patrol 584

Posted on January 30, 2014 by

Earlier this week we had a little fun at the expense of the anaemic “grassroots” No campaign, revealing that almost all of its planned activity between now and the referendum was a single day’s leafleting of some railway stations. Yesterday we found out the reason – they’ve got a new leaflet, all about yesterday’s unspectacular comments on currency by Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank Of England.


We have to assume that the leaflet was printed before the speech, and that any assertions it might make about Mr Carney’s view might not necessarily be entirely true. So let’s see if we can make sure everything stays on the straight and narrow.

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Interrogare quaerentium 80

Posted on June 18, 2013 by

That’s what Google Translate renders in Latin from the phrase “who questions the questioners?”, which is good enough for us. After weeks of silence, Labour’s irony-free “2014 Truth Team” Twitter account sprang back into life yesterday. As part of its mission to “find out the facts and expose the myths”, it made this dramatic assertion:


The link points to a Herald piece in which, sure enough, the Scottish Government does indeed refuse to guarantee something. But it’s not the “UK pension rate”.

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Health and safety bulletin 76

Posted on May 04, 2013 by

Alert readers may recall the anti-independence “Better Together” campaign’s rather, shall we say, enthusiastic approach to statistics. Earlier today we noticed them excitedly tweeting “Head count just done! About 600 at the launch of #bettertogether Edinburgh!”, and wondered if they might have once again been so kind as to provide a picture for purposes of verification. And bless them, they had.


If you’re looking at that shot and thinking that it’s certainly full but doesn’t look much like “about 600” people, you’re not alone. So we did a quick bit of investigating.

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Physician, heal thyself 72

Posted on April 22, 2013 by

We have a fun task for Scottish Labour’s exciting new “Truth Team”, which made its debut last week. Clearly it would be rather unseemly to go around proclaiming yourself an arbiter of truth if there was a great big lie at the heart of your very existence, so hopefully someone on the Team will be able to explain the curious and seemingly untrue assertion that still heads up Scottish Labour’s own Twitter account.


We highlighted it yesterday for fun, but it’s worth serious examination too.

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    • sarah on The Great Hollowing: “But they didn’t have the UK civil service running the show.Jan 20, 14:34
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “AnotherJan 20, 14:27
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “AnotherJan 20, 14:26
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Will dump a couple more retro picsJan 20, 14:25
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Yay! Found this lost pic on an old memory stick. Maybe more pics and less words will work…Jan 20, 14:17
    • Dave Llewellyn on The Great Hollowing: “Belgium not only survived for a year and a half without a government they actually thriced during that timeJan 20, 14:12
    • ScottieDog on The Great Hollowing: “Well, neoliberalism can’t surely persist into a 6th decade. Can it?Jan 20, 14:01
    • Athanasius on The Great Hollowing: “Bit hard on Trump, don’t you think?Jan 20, 13:56
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    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Why don’t you help us all out and give a few options for what U.K. could refer to, since it’s…Jan 20, 13:51
    • Young Lochinvar on The Great Hollowing: “Politics has become the cult of personality. I think Swinneys tactic is to move away from this and the controversy…Jan 20, 13:51
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    • Owen Mullions on The Great Hollowing: “Kelly’s site is an unreadable mess of self-pity and self-righteousness. His obsession with Stu, who he laughingly calls HIS stalker,…Jan 20, 13:24
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